Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 13, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
MJ Personal
On oxhililllon In the Johnson Jew
olry Htiire window is Hie line silver
trophy which "Jim" Allen, the .Med
lord hind school yoiuiK man whose
Sunday school surname In Alhort ('..
has just received from tho I'leld and
Stream magazine for catching tho lar
gest rainbow trout raptured during
11)22. Engraved on the trophy Ih Hip
following: "Al I'oss cup for the
largest rainbow trout, western dlvi
Hlon, caught In the Field and Stream
contest for 1922. Size 84 inches;
weight 15 poundH and eight ounces.
Presented to Albert C. Allen, Jr."
"Hell 'O Oear" 10c. Ciet it where
they Boll enndy. 2S0
Seven room house for rent. See
C. A. DcVoe. 27li
MIsb Mabel Hartley, a senior at
Hnrknley, Calif., has boon elected a
member of Pi Sigma, the hntin honor
'You'll Just Keen On Smiling" nt
Central Point Friday, Fob. lfi. 2TS
Dance nt Central Point Friday, Feb.
16. Tickets D5c. Peerless "4." 27S
The Chamber of Commerce Is anx
ious to learn if anyone In the valley
lias apples on hand for sale.
Airs. Margaret It. Hubbard has a
picture of her father, Capt. N. A. Hiley
of Urunna, III., who has visited here
and has many friends. Ho is a promi
nent G. A. II. veteran, is 80 years of
ago and Is nu auto enthusiast.
Hemstitching nt Deuel's. 289
'Hell 'O Dear" inc. (let it where
they sell candy. 280
The Woodmen hall was packed Sat
urday night with people unending the
Days of '49 celebration and carnival
staged by the Knights of Pythlns. The
lodge clonrcd enough on the two
nights to pay their quotn on tho Pyth
ian home, which iufcoon to be erected
nt Vancouver, Wash., for the aged
members of the order and their depen
dents In Oregon anil Washington.
Kverythldg Imaginable In the way of
gambling devices were on hand and
the dance hall was packed all evening.
Many Medford people, were down.
Grants Pass Courier.
Clean cotton rugs are wanted at
Mall Tribune office. tf
Elks dance, Frl., Feb. ICtli. Tickets
. $1.10. Launspach orchestra. 279
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph lloutelle loave
tomorrow for San Diego, Calif., where
they will spend the next two months
enjoying a vacation.
Event of tho season! Mnrdi-Ciras
ball tonight! Orlentnl Hallroom! 27ii
Bettor to have It and not noed it,
than to need It nnd not have It? In
surance with H. A. Holmes, the Insur
ance Man. ' tf
Tho Bnowfall was so heavy In the
Cow Creek canyon that it was Impos
slble for machines to get through Sun
day, according to word rocelvod here.
Names of seven Ashlimd residents,
five of whom are women, are on the
petit Jury list for the term of circuit
court beginning Febiuury 20. These
nro ordered to report nt 9:30 o'clock
on the morning of that (Into.
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phoue 108, 711
B. Main. '
Tonight! Mnrdl finis! Orlentnl Hall
room! 27(1
'William Ilannn, manager of the
local branch of the Associated Oil
company left Inst night for Portland
whore ho will rocelvo export medical
ndvico. The length of tlmo ho will
stay In tho state metropolis Is In
definite. "Hell 'O Doar" 10c." Got It whore
they" sell nnndy. 280
Elks attention! Illg dnnco Friday,
Feb. lfith. Illg night, don't miss it
. 279
.Lieutenant Colonel Wm. S. Gilbert
of Astoria, who was the main speaker
at 'tho Lincoln club hiinUet last night,
delivered a much npproclatod address
beforo the high school student body
yeBterday afternoon, shortly after his
arrival in tho city.
Itomonibcr her with flowers on
Valentine's day. Mnddox and llnnney
Flower Shop at tho Shasta. Phono K4it
Green IIousos, phono 374. 275
Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden
Valley Nursory, Phono 680-J-2. tf
Miss llesslo Noble, was a business
visitor In tho city yestordny from
Grants Pass.
Lady Elks Valentino dance, Elks
Temple, Friday, Feb. Ulth. You'll be
surprised. 279'
(Mean cotton rags are wanted nt
Mall Tribune office. tf
,Tho Inii't'l.-ir works while you
'sleep. Willi his modem
inetliiiils it is liut'd to npprc
lieihl him mill lis u rule liurtr
liiries present iilisnlnte losses.
A Kimill premium nl'forils .vim
protcel inn imninst the man
win) is nut In rnl you.
Insurance Agency
Tel. 12,1
Medford National Itnnk Illilff.
Mivlforil, Oregon
Vnder the caption "New Suiierln
tendent to See Lake" the Portland
Journal of Monday published a three
column cut picture of ('has. (joss
Thomson and .Mrs. Thomson and Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Sparrow, who leave
' Portland today for Medl'ord. with the
! following description over the picture
I and a column writenp beneath: "The
new superintendent of Crater Lake
National park (left), Charles Golf
Thomson, with Mrs. Thomson, faced
the camera man this morning with tho
out-going superintendent, Alex Spar
row and Mrs. Sparrow, who will take
up their residence on their slock
ranch near Medford. Thomson Is a
world traveler and novelist and made
a record during tho war period in
France. Ho has never seen Crater
Lake, however, and Is looking forward
with enthusiasm to his work in this
scenic wondorland."
Kcgulur communication and social
evening of Keames chapter Wednes
day evening, Feb. 1 1th nt 7:30. Special
election will bo held for the election
of worthy patron to fill the vacancy
made by llro. Goorgo Codding.
Chiropody. Phone G63-.I. 27C
M. H. Chase of the Table Hock dis
trict returned yesterday morning from
an extended visit in the east and mid
dle west. During his stay in the mid
dle west he spent some tlmp in Chi
cago where he formerly resided.
Dunce at Orth hall, Jacksonville,
Friday night, Feb. lth. 27S
Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 296
The Orogon department of the
Legion closed Its books for 1922 with
a little over 10,000 members enrolled
In the 1T2 posts of the American
Legion in the stnto. There are some
3000 members of tho 80-odd women's
auxiliary units in Oregon. The Amer
ican Legion flnishod the yenr 1922,
according to an announcement made
by the national ndjutant, with a mem
bership of 745,203 ex-service men and
women enrolled In 11,607 posts.
Dig time tonight! Oriental ilnllroom
This office Is prepared to print
lodger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
us and we will call. tf
J. U. Pylo of this city was a visitor
In Ashland on Sunday night and yes
terday. Masks! Mirth! Dancing! Mardi
Gras ball tonight! Oriental Ballroom!
Just a line to remind you that I will
gladly duplicate any bonafide order
hooked by a transient agent for tho
same or less money nnd give you bet
tor service. N. S. Bonnott, prop. Edon
Valley Nursery. Phono 680-.I-2. tf
Fair and continued cold weather Is
predicted for Wednesday and snow or
rain for tonight. Only a trace of Bnow
fell yesterday consisting mostly of
light snow at times.
Mardi-Gras tonight! Oriental nail
room! No advanco In prices! 276
Lucky day nt Deuel's Jnn. 24th. 286
Dr. II. It. Elliott arrived homo from
Dallas, Ore., this forenoon, having
been called thoro by tho death of his
oldest brotlior who died from the
effects of an oporutlon.
A large party of Medford peoplo are
planning on attending tho Hard Timo
dance at Jackson, Feb. I I. 270
When better automobiles are built.
Quick will build them. tf
Next Friday will bo observed thru
out the country us a World's Day of
Prayer for women.
rthuhnrh nnd asparagus roots. Eden
Vnlley Nursory, Phone 680-J-2. th"
Harmony Four orchestra, Orth hall
Jacksonville. Tickets 7!c. Friday.
Fell. 16th, 278
Tho weather has been too cold for
tho past wook for fishing. Novortho-
loss quite u number of piscatorial
optimists try their luck nt atoelhead
fishing nt the river nlmost evory day.
Mardl-Gras ball tonight! 276
Lucky day nt Deuol's Jan. 21th. 286
Oregonliuis havo burled themselves
In tho sweetnosB of their own atmo
sphere until they can be classed as
selfish, bocauso thoy fail to tell tho
peoplo of tho cast und middle weBt of
tho attractions to bo found in the
northwest, said George If. Bryant, per
sonal representative of Henry Ford,
in un address delivered at tho mem
bers' ' forum of tho chamber of com-
moreo at Portland yesterday. "There
aro 11,000,000 owners of automobiles
ready to movo nomo place to see
beauty and If you can over got this
body moving to Oregon a largo percen
tage will stay, Just as n large percen
tage of thoHO who visited here in the
past have stayed," said Bryant.
Big Jamboree tonight! Mnrdl Gras
In Oriental Ballroom! 276
For Diamond eonl bnunuots, phono
Valley Fuol Co. Phone 76. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. E. Ponoynr left
yestordny afternoon for a visit nt
Oakland, Calif.
Phoenix school has two Hoyal type
writers used for olght years with
$5.00 expense on the two. Since pur
chasing the Hoyals they have traded
out another make twice. "Compare
tho Work." Medl'ord Book Storo. 276
Expert Uuttory nnd Autoniohllo Elec
trical ranalrlug. Hadio nnttery &
Electric Shop, 27 North Grape St, 277
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Norton arrived
this morning from Portland. Mr.
Norton is hero on business and Mrs
Norton Is visiting her mother, Mrs. B.
N. Butler.
Mnrdl Gras! Oriental Ballroom!
Tonight! Masks on sulo at door. 276
Auto Insurance, Brown & Whlto.
W. J. Virgin received this mornlnK
a card from 11. C. Nyslrom of Hapld
Clly. S. 1 saying that he got K. F. A.
V. local broadcasting station lust Mon
day evening on a detector tube only.
K. F. A. Y stales Mr. Nystroui, comes
In very clear nnd qulto loud In South
Dakota. "Greetings to Medford from
tho Black Hills of South Ihil.otn,"
says Nystrom. "Your programs nre
O. K." Tho Imperial orchestra, fur
nlshed the concert from K. F. A. Y.
Inst Monday night.
Tnke your kodnk films to rainier'
stnitlo. First class work and prompt
service tf
Miss Leila Debley, who was operat
ed upon a week ago Monday for ap
pendicitis Is convalescing rapidly at
the Sacred Heart hospital according
to reiiorts from friends.
Mah-Jongg sets. Medford. Boo!:
Store. 276"
Hot tamales and chill con carne nt
De Voe's. tf
The Lady Elks Valentine dance,
which will bo held at the Elks Temple
on Friday night, promises to be one
of tho biggest dances of the season.
The grand march will stnrt promptly
at nine o'clock. JV large out of town
attendance Is expected.
Flowering shruDS ana evergreens.
Ellen Vnllnv Kurrffarv Phone 6S0-.I-2 f
Genuine Bosch .Magneto parts and
repairs Electric Shop, 8th and Bart
lett. . tf
I Approximately 33,000 acres of land
! has been leased In the Umpqun valley
by tho Northwestern .Drilling & Leas
ing Syndicate, which plans to operate
Beven drills in this county within 90
days. Three wells are already under
way In Douglas county. Three sub
sidiary companies, the Looking Glass
Oil & Gas company and the Melrose
Oil & Oas compuny are Incorporated,
and similar organizations are under
way at Gren, Oakland, Sutherlln, and
Yoncalla. When the organizations are
complete about 61,000 acres will be
under lease. ,
Wanted housowives to know tho
representative of the Percolating
Clothes Washer used inside of ordi
nary wash boiler, runs self by heat,
Will call soon. Made by Medford
Sheet Metal Works. 277
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
hor. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main.
Former Mayor C. E. Gates returned
last night by auto from Portland
where ho has been for the past week
in attendance at tho automobile show
Ho reports that due to Icy pavement
and fog cars aro In the ditch here and
there all along tho highway from Port
land to Medford.
Growers Lime sulphur right at
plant, $8.00 cash, $2 added deposit for
bbl. 1'hono 8-IM. 278'
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wnllace Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
According to jiersons who wero in
Gold Hill yesterday the Gold Hill bank
had a Bign on its door stating that it
was closed for the day because of
. Washington's birthday. Cold Hill is
a fast town but it has never been he;
lloved before that It Is more than a
month ahead of itsolf,
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tt
For Sale 98 per cent pure beard
loss barloy and recloaned seed oats.
Watkins Foed Store. , 278
Fred L. Colvlg and George G. Hew
itt nro In tho U. S. marshal's offlco
ih the Federal building pursuing thoir
dutieB us Internal revenue collectors
and will ho there all week until next
Monday night, nsslsting people to
make out Income tax reports. They
make out tho reports swiftly and urgo
overyone to como early and avoid tho
rush which will bo. Inevitable at the
ond ot their stay hore.
Oriental Ballroom 'tonight! Costume
dance! 276
You can get It at DoVoe'g. tf
Mrs. L. M. Stephons nnd son arrived
from Portland Monday to visit Mrs.
8tophcns' parents, Mr. and Mrs. V). J.
Ring cherry trees. ' Eden Valley
Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf
Closing out all our farm machinery,
several good nuys. Patton &Robtn
son. Inc. tf
Tho Church' night program tomor
row evonlng nt tho First Methodist
church will begin with supper at 6:15
with tho East Side circle in charge.
Evangelism will be the subjoct of the
forum discussion. Thoro will be study
hour for tho children, young people's
missionary class, Epworth League
cabinet mooting and the church fam
ily altar sorvlce.
Big Jamborco tonight! Mardl-Orns
ball! Oriental Ballroom! 276
Aftor the fire it Is too late to In
sure. See Redden & Canaday now.
H. L. Gilkey, former Medford resi
dent nnd merchant, later engaged In
the banking business in Grants Pass
aud now rotlred and residing at Oak
land, Calif., was in Medford last Satur
day night for a short tlmo visiting
A. S. Billon and other old time
Grafted Franquctto walnut trees.
Eden Valley Nursory, Phone 680-J-2 tf
Wo havo good values in used carB.
Patton & Robinson, Ino. tf
Substitution of expert hunters for
tho present, bounty B.vstom In ridding
tho stnto ot coyotes, Jack rabbits and
other animal pests Is proposod by Sen
ator Strayor In a bill Introduced in
the legislature yesterday. Tho bill
provides that county courts mny em
ploy such hunters as nro ncccssar"
or tloslruhlo in carrying on tho war
against these animal pests, fixing the
salary to bo paid to these hunters nt
u maximum of $150 a. month.
There's a busy business College In
your home town. GWN.-
Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nurs
ery. Phono 68M-2. tf
With Uoxy Ann nnd parts of the
foothills around tho valley liberally
covered with snow Medford l enjoy
ing wintry looking surroundings.
Tonight! Oriental Ballroom Mnrdl
Gras ball! Costume prixos! . 276
Don't forget tho Thrift Shop Is for
All Thrifty people, Sparta Bldg. 277
Mrs. Weldon Middle leaves for Los
Angeles on Tuesday night where she
will meet her husband who Is return
ing from Hie bedslilc of his father,
whose condition Is reiorteil ns much
Improved. Mrs. Blddle will also visit
her father. Dr. .1. B. Iliddell, who Is
located at Santa Barbara, before they
return home.
For sand, gravel, sediment nnd team
work. See Saml. Bateman, 302 Maple
St.. Phono 912-J.
Bert Orr and Fred Weeks nrrlved
homo Sunday from having attended
Buyers Week in San Francisco all
last week.
Rev. William S. Gilbert, pastor of
tlia Presbyterian church at Astoria
who was the guest of honor at the
Lincoln banquet Inst night, left this
morning for his home.
For Sale 98 per cent pure beard-
, less barley and recleaned seed oats.
Watkins Feed Store. 278
Ralph Coleman, O. A. C. faculty
member, who rel'ereed the basketball
game at Rogue River lust night,' left
later last night Tor Corvnllls.
New storage batteries. We build
them. Call and get our prices. Radio
Battery & Electric Shop, 27 North
Grape St. , 277
John Johnson ran his car in the
ditch accidentally last night while
enroute home from the .basketbnll
gamo at Rogue River but the occu
pants and the car escaped unharmed
and the car was extricated from its
position with the help of some of the
other Medford rooters. The accldont
occurred as the result of a high school
girl in a Ford roadster with three
other girls giving a signal to turn.
Johnson applied his brakes and the
cur skidded into the ditch.
Thornloss blackberry plants. Eden
falley Nursory, Phone 680-J-2. tf
The regular monthly meeting of the
Copco Forum will be hold on Wednes
day evening at 7:30 p. ni. in tho con
ference room, Copco building. Mr.
Knox of the high school faculty will
give an address on "Outlines of Busi
ness Success." Bishop Sumner of the
Episcopal diocese of Oregon will also
talk on a subject of great Interest to
the members.
Mardl-Gras ball tonight! 276
Solid Winesnp apples; also few
packed Newtowns. Best grade apples
for sale at Independent Fruit Co. 278
Rt. Rev. Walter T. Sumner D. D.,
the bishop of Oregon, who on Sun
day last visited St. Mark's church In
tills city, will be present at St. Murks
and will preach the sermon at the
7:30 p. m. service on Ash Wednes
day evening. Tho bishop was much
in demand during his visit to the
Rogue River valley. On Monday he
addressed tho Chamber of Commerce
and also tho high school at Grants
Pass, and todny ho Bpoko to tho high
school students In our own city.
On Wednesday he will address the
forum at noon, and after tho evening
service at, tho church ho will address
the C. O. P. C. O. forum which meets
on that evening. .
Tho hlsuop alweys has a message
of constructlveuess and hopo for
every community or whurch Where
ho Bpeaks.
Free Lectures
On Dressmaking
Monday, Feb. 19
I'nder tho auspices of tho Federal
and State Boards of Vocational Edu
cation and with the co-operation of
tho local school hoard and superin
tendent of city schools, Mr. Edmund
Gurney, vocational trade Instructor
in ladles' tailoring and dressmaking
will give frco lectures on making
and titling ladles' garmonts, es
pecially the one-pleeo dress.
Theso lectures will bo given Mon
day, February 19 at 2 p. m., and 7 p
m.. In tho public library. Everyone
Interested In such work is Invited to
attend. All questions regarding fit
ting problems will bo answered and
if sufficient interest is shown, classes
In vocational trade courses will be
Notice Members of De Molay
Lvery member is urged to
a. be present at Masonic hall
Thursday evening nt 7:30 to
practice Do Moluy degree and
Initintory degree. 2'
Reduce Those Danger
ous Swollen Veins
rhyKichinn aro prescribing nnd
hospitals tu uslntc n now nnd harm
less, yet very powerful Rermicido thnt
not only onuses enlarged or varices
veins ami bunches to boo o mi normal,
but nlso reduces goitre, enlarged
glnndn und wens.
Ask any f Irst-rlnsa dmggtst for nn
original two-minrn bottle of Moono'H
Kmerald Oil (full strength) 'nnd re
fuse to accept anything In Us place.
It Is such n highly concentrated prep
aration thnt two omici'H lasts n long
time ami furthermore if this wonder
ful discovery does not. produce the ro
an Its anticipated, you can have the
prlro rufunded.
It is not wiso for anyone to allow
rwoIIvm veins to keep on enlarging.
Often they burst nnd cause weeks of
pain, miner i nt: nnd loss or employ
ment. Stnrt the KniomM Oil trent
ment as directions advise nnd Im
provement will beiiin nt once. Your
druggist can mipply you.
Heaths Orug Htnni. West Side
Phrmnrtov. ,. ,1 v .
l-DIt SAI.K Purebred Jersey bull.
. cheap. J. A. Manke, II. 1, Med font
HOK SAI.K Mammoth Hrome turkey
nens; also year old torn. 1. O. Ilox
SOil or end W est Jackson St., Med
ford. LOST North, of Central IViInt on
nisnwiiy, wood chain tor Korrt truck.
Central l'olnt Store, 277
FOR 8 Al.K llnnso dog, real beauty.
Market News
, Livestock
I'OHTLAN'D. Ore.. Ken,'' 13. Cat
tle: Blow after quarter decline lale
.Monday; receipts 90.' Choice steers
$7.2."iifiS.OO; medium to good $ii.S0
fi 7.25 ; fair to medium $5.7oI.G.!iO;
common to fair $ 4 .." 5.7 5 ; choke
heifers $r.7"frf!.00; choice cows
and heifers fi.2aft5.7r; medium to
good t4.ruf)5.7.i; fair to medium
t.OOlS'4.50; common cows 3.00(fc
4.00; camicrs 1. Sufi 3.00; bulls
$3.ufti4.50; cholco foeilers '.00J.
5.S0; fair to good l.OOifj'.I.OO;
choice dairy calves 10.001510.50;
prime light lo.00 10..MI ; medium
light $11. i0& 10.00'; heavy fi.OOifi
0.C0. .
Hogs steady; receipts 1 ." 0 7 (1455
direct). Prime light 9.5010.75;
smooth heavy 230 to .".00 lbs. S.7."f(
9.25; do. 300 lbs and up 7.75i 8.75;
rough heavy ;.005'7.50; fut pigs
9.25HJ 9.50; feeders r 9.00iff 9.35:
stags subject to dockage, 5.00fff
0.00. ' ''.':",:
Sheep nominally steady; '' no re
ceipts. Kast of mountain Inmbs
13.50ifll4.00; choice valley $13.50
(TH1.00; medium $1 2.507 1 3.50;
common $10. 50fj 12.50; culls S.50fi
10.50; light yearlings $10.0010.1 1.00;
heavy 9.50& 10.00; light wethers
$9.00(fi9.5i); heavy $7.00i5'9.00;
ewes 2.00(fI7.00.
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 13. But
ter steady. Kxtra cubes 4H4fP
43'4c; undorgrudes 40&;41c; cartons
42c; prints 48c. Butterfat steady;
No. 1 churning cream 49c f. o. b.
Portland; undergrados 48c.
San IVanclsco Markets
SAN KHANCISCO, Keb. 13. Kggs,
extras 30c; extra pullets 27 Vic; un
dersized 23c. ,
S. Bureau of Agriculture Econom
ics.) Eggs, unchunged.
terfat. pound, 52 '4e f. o. b. San
Chicago Wheat
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. Wheat: No. 2
hard 1.25 1.25U. Corn, No. 2 mixed !
"4,V475c; -No. 2 yellow 74'
74:540. Oats, No. 2 white 4?T4Sc; No.
3 white 43 45V4c. Rye, No. 2 SS
S9c. Barley G2(?fC9v. Timothy seed
fHU6.H0. Clover seed $13.5020.50.
Pork nominal. Lard $11.15. Ribs
$10.25 11.25.
Tortured Many Years by Kidneys
"I have had kidney trouble for
twelve years," writes H. P. Pinltncy,
West Jackson, Miss. "Pains in back,
joints, catches in the hips, run down
and getting up too much during the
night. But since taking Foley Kidney
Pills, my suffering is over, and 1 feel
liko a new man." Backache, rheumatic
pains, kidney and bladder trouble
quickly relieved with Foley Kidney
Pills. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon
Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold every
where. Labor Thug Deported
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Vinzenzo
Cosmano, convicted of complicity with
"Dig Tim" Murphy in tho Dearborn
station mail robbery at Chicago, was
detained at tho Ellis Island immigra
tion station today. Ho was taken off
tho steamship Glullo Cesare, which
arrived from Genoa Sunday night.
I Havo Permanently Cured
Cases of 40 Years Standing
CAN anything be more con
clusive of my non-surgical,
painless treatmcntfor Piles
and other rectal diseases than that?
Those who havo undergone so-called
"home-treatments' and success
ive operations for years have come
to ana nave Dcen
, permanently cured.
T iiniof all dovbt 1
guarnt to cur tout
Pilot no maltar bow
var or cbronic th
Writs todiy for this FREE
ooklat wtilca uplaloi
mj tof atmints.
Handicraft Shop.
80 per yard.
Buttons covered.
Objects that are liliiniil,
Indistinct, nro sharply
donned. !) our (liissci.
13 1
I iTlipTilTi3 I
1:1,. i 92:1
GIUdSBY Kdward ' Urigsby
died at Klamath Kalis, Ore., Febru
ary 11, rrom pneumonia at the age
of 33 years, - 11 months. He was
born at Portland, Ore., March 11,
18K9. and leaves his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. George (irigsby of Portland, and
four brothers and two sisters, who
are: l.eon, Vernon and George
Grlgshy or Portlnnd, Mrs. Kay Hip
pey of Portland, and -Miss Iwrbthy
Grlgsby of Modford. Ktineral ser
vices will be held at tho Perl Ktiner
al home, Wednesday, nt 2 p. m. In-j
torment in Central Point cemetery.
H::tO Cl
4 y g 1 1 i 7 AK J $ I v
, 1 ? , , SKATS, NOW SKIJ.IXG . -1'
Floor, $2.20; Balcony, 1st -I (row $1.05: Next 7 rows, $1.10"; last
it rows, ,Vc. Includes War Tax.
i xl pi
Have Your
Old Spring Hat Remodeled
to the
1923 Styles
for $l.oo
lins appointed the following s their nntlioi l,cil ngcnl wilh head,
numlcis In Mrdford:
HIT. Knst .Main St., Mclford, l'lione 1 31.
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j "Cascarets" 10c
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Begins ty
PETER B. KYNE'S great story of
a man's thrilling fight for love
and honor on the boundless, ro
mantic West; Directed by the
man who made "Humoresque."
Marjorie Daw and Forest Stan
ley head the all-star cast.
Parts !
uiumt'S AUU