TO HIGH OFFICERS WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Salaries mining Into five and six figures are aid by the leading oil companies of lie country to their chief officials, ; was disclosed today through publl atlon In part or tl-a proceedings of lie sub-committee which has been nvestigating the oil Industry. All of the companies under ex mlnatlon' by the sub-committee were equired to present a detailed list of 11 officials and employes paid more ban $5,000 a . year, the committee oldlng over tho protest of some of bo companies that if such Informa ion be given It is part of the cx enso of the business that tho public as to pay. In tho proceedings niado publlo oday containing salaries of five com anles, tho Standard Oil company of lew Jersey Is shown to lead among he companies with respect to sala ios having six officials who receive 100,000 or more a year and fivo thers who get between $50,000 and 100,000. Market News ' San Krancisoo Markets SAN FItANCISCO, Feb. 1. (U. S. lureau of Agricultural Economics) Hutter extras 4 He; prime firsts nnd hfils nominal. ICKgf. extras 30c; xlrii pullets 2" Vic; undersized pul ets 2.1c. Cheese. .California flat fancy 23 ic: irsts nominal; California Young ancy 24 30. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2. Bllt erfat pound 52(R.'52',ic fob San 'Yancisco. SAN ' FRANCISCO, Fob. 12. oullxy. Kanin. fruil. vegetable and IvcsLock markets closed, holiday. PITMAN. N. J., Feb. 12. A family f six was asphyxiated here and a lozen other persons wore overcome arly today by gas escaping from a roken main. Tho dead are IX'. Puccl, a shoo naker with a shop and residence on Jroadway nenr Arbutus street; his vlfo nnd four children, ranging in .tre from 4 to 20 years. ' Notice n tha County Court of tho State of Oregon in and for Jackson County, n the matter of tho Estate of Mary F. Kirkpatrick, deceased. ! Notice is hereby given that O. C. toggs. Administrator of the above en itled estate, has filed his final ac ount therein and petitioned for dis iharge, and that Saturday, March 10, 023, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. n the court room of tho County Court, Jacksonville, Oregon, has been fixed is the time and place to bear said Kstltloner. All persons Interested are iC'Jfled to appear and then and there V to cause. If any they have, why said Kffount Bhould not be approved and laid Administrator discharged. Dated this 20th day of January, 1923. O. C. HOGGS, Administrator. WANTED SITUATIONS VCCOUNTING Experienced book keeper 1s open for engagement, wholo or part time, familiar with corporation requirements and all branches of nccountlng. Address Harry L. Andrews, 1110 W. !th street 275 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Have opportunity for young woman nestnng nusiness Course to earn tuition and home ns-1 slsting with housework. Medford Business College. GWN 270 IV ANTED Middle aged lady for gen-; oral housowork. - Mrs. T. Simpson, 031 S. Central. ' 277 PERL FUNERAL ROM! .ts i sTfr -t itr i..-.BT ' I"' 1-' K 1 'r i 1 r At Your Service IXiy or Night Information lorainliy Kivrn Cor. Illli nnil Onkilnln liiibulanco ScrTioo I'hono 47 BRINGING UP FATHER Ten Years Ago ' 'MF I I IK WWW. - III-. fi ) Tl II EUTT L'u3oER( DAKHTEft' AMDMASWSVW , JUST THINK t- WHtRESTHE . uwiitt rlUSTCAKVEIHE I WAS SIXTEEN BIRD: .-1 I )-LjJ . N -y- -f TURKEY AS W .YEARS OLO BEFORE I ' ( r IHtS L-TT C HAVE COMPANY .". KNEW "IHEKE WAS IS AN A WHAT V I FOR PIMNtH! , - AMVOTWRPARTOF I f INWll. THAT? V- AtvUKEY BESIDES j ( WHEKtS V- I- ) 1 . THE HEIR5 V , ' ' , U, THE. NECK! ' VOUI? r1 V J . ' L-J- i COAT? rff . ' WANTE1. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Furnished apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer- . onees exchanged, Phono 148-Y. WANTED Two thousand gallon gal vanized water or oil tnnk. Court Hull. . 27.'. WANTED To trade for modern Bungalow in a good locality, a new six cylinder touring car. Star Motor Co., Apt. ti. llollund Apartmont-s. 273tf WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board in private home. Phono SI35-R. tf WANTED Wo want to spray your roses, shrubbery, fruit trees. Now is tho time. Phone 100, Green & Dixon. 27(i' WANTED 1500 feet of second-hand 1 VI and IVb inch pipe. Call at Roguo River Valley Canal Co., Phono 129. 270 WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. ' Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phono 97. tf WANTED House Tionug and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. FOU RENT nOUSES TOR RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms nnd garage. Not for sale. C. A. DeVoe. tf" FOR RENT 5 room modern bunga low, sleeping porch, garage, wood shed. P. E. Wynkoop. 0 FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house. East 9th St., easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf TOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grapo St., Phone 4G5-J. tf FOR RENT Mortem T room house, close in. Phono 670-L. 270 FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOR RENT 8 room house. Phone R.13-R. 277 Snaps in Used Gars 1 . 1921 Buick Six $850.00 1919 Velie Six $350.00 1919 Oakland Six $25000 MEDFORD AUTO CO. BUICK DEALERS Cor. Main and Holly REAL Bargains OVERLANDS CHEVROLETS Buick 4 Touring Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the . Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MEDFORD ' TVrATTj "' TRTUUNR. 'MEPFiYRBY ' OREii ANY MOTAY. "FEP.firATiY"' 12. - liri.P WANTED Male Fciiinlo WANTED Man or woman to prepare in six weeks' course for ixisition op erating Hut-roughs' Iloukkeeping ma chine. Medford lluslness ColleKc. OWN. 27; HEM' WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced well digger to contract job. Med lord Ice and Storage Co. . 270 WANTED Good man for manage ment spray rig Und mixing nnd ap plications of sprays for peaches, apples and pears. Rox 2-1 Merlin, Ore., or phone ;iiO-F-i;t, Grants Pass, evenings. 2?t'i-' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 61 1 S. Central. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Fifty acres, alfalfa and fruit plenty of water, good house all modern. North of Medford.' Hox 40, Mail 'Tribune. - 2S0 FOR RENT On shares two of tho best commercial orchards; 20 ncres S acres full bearing Nelis, balance Newtown apples, 2 miles from Med ford; 47 acres 'i milo from Talent, 17 acres full bearing Newtown npples, balance fine alfalfa, water for irrigation. See L. D. Harris. Gold Range Orchard, Phono 8-J-ii 27S FOR RENT Store rooms. Drown & White Agency, 112 East Main St. 270 FOR RENT 80 acres of land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices in the Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam heat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phone 542. ' 250tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf AX OPPORTUNITY Beautiful 8-room Rustic, Bungalow, absolutely modern, largo living room with fireplace, full basement, all concrete walls and in best Blate of repairs, flowers, shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes and half acre of ground, in good residential part of town, with cow, chickens, etc. Price $0000. Snme purty also owns good business In town that is worth Investigating. Business Is worth $2000. Wo will trndo tills residence nnd business on good farm with good Improvements, reasonably close to town. Will (my or ussuino differ ence. 1 ' : SEE US TODAY. . ' FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building, Medford, Ore. 1 Real Estnto Business Opportunities Exchange IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND We havo a very choice tract of land suitablo for growing alfalfa, potatoes, tomatoes, melons nnd all kinds of high value crops. All deep free soli and irrigated; on good road near paving and ono milo from town nnd six miles from Medford. Part now In alfalfa. No buildings. This 35 acres is priced to soil $176.00 per acre, with reasonable terms. Examine this property If you wish to produce large crops. 10 acre, fine home place, only 10 minutes from business center of Medford. , Under Irrigation; six acres alfalfa, cuts 35 tons; 3 acres full bearing pears; good 7 -room house with modern convenlenoes and barn. Just the place for small dairy and poultry. Tho price $5,000.00 Is made -to sell. . .. 20 acres very choice land, 10 minutes from business district on' paved highway. 10 acres hearing orchard, under Irrigation; modern 5-room bungalow; large well and tank house; barn. This will Interest you. Priced to sell for $9,500.00. 'Party owns 22 acres very choice alfalfa and vegetable land located 20 minutes from Medford on the paving. No buildings. Ho 1b no farmer, never lived on a form, knows a plow but does not know tyw to use It. He says sell the wholo tract for $150.00 per acre and give a buyer good terms. Will you look at It? - . ". ' .' . Another party owns a very attractive diversified farm of fair size, clear of any incumbrance, but being a woman she is not physically able to properly operate the property, so Instructed us to sell and give the best bargain offered In tho valley. Conservatively, this property will produce $10,000 this year. Will you examine this at $250 per acre. It will only take 15 minutes to drive out to the property. Yes, it Is Irrigated. ,, Tours for tor-vice, . ' J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phone 285, Yes, xo write Doors and Windows Door Frames Window.Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish . . TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Window Glass Largest Stock in Medford, l'Olt JtHXT APARTMENTS l'()lt RENT Newly furnished 2 room apt. Also single room and garage, (ilii N. Central, Phone 91-M. FOn RENT Apartment, 124 King St. corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. .. FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping " rooms: 116 Holly; 277' FOR RENT Room with board, $35 a month. 223 ..'Central. . . ' 281 FOR BENT Well lighted front Bleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Riverside, Phono 701-J. tf "OR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath, men only. 245 N. Grape. 27t FOR RENT Piirulslied sleeping rooms,- modern garage In connec tion. a24 King St. Cor. of 10th St. 250tf FOUND FOUND Pair of glasses. Owner can havo same by calling at the office nnd paying charges. FOR S.VLR noMES FOR SALE Six-room modern plaster ed cottage and three lots. Inquire nt 003 S. Riverside. 280 FOR SALK! Six room modern house, four large lots with all kinds of fruit nuts and berries. Phono eve nings S20-R. ' 285 FOR SALE 5 room modem bunga low, close in, furnished or unfnr ' nlshed, immedlnto possession, a good buy, terms. See F. P. Furrell. Jackson Countqi Bank Bldg. 275 FOR SALE Modern two-story house, sleeping porch, garago, shade trees, large lot, close In on pavement, as sessments paid. Terms. Fred Menrs, 401 South Newtown, 207tf FOR SALfr: Houses and bungalows, furnished or 'unfurnished: nloo acreage. Insurance. C. S. Bul terfield. Medford National Bank. Phone 3SIL " 123 Bant Main 8t Fire Insurance. TAKEN IP TAKEN I leri'liinl cow, 110 mark or visible brand. Frank Handler. Juvksonville. 27'J MONEY TO IMS MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 8 per cent Interest O. C. Hoggs, Attorney for tnte Land Bonrd, Jackson County. HUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "GOO d" 11USINES Sb P P 0RT UnIT I E S at No. 15 N. tlrapo St., Phone cif-.l. tf" MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSL.ER Squuro Deal Hatch ery for chicks, eggs and hatchings, Tnncred Loghorns nnd Reds. Phono 901-L. 2S4 FOR SALF HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7'ioniii modern bungalow 3 bedi-ooms. good sized kitchen, biiiltin features, sleeping H)rch. $15110 will handle, balance on easy terms. 7 room story and half house, 4 bodrcoms. good sized kitchen, $S00 will handle, balance- on easy terms. The above properties on . iiaved street and In best residential sec tion. Also one largo lot on So. Oakdale, 75 foot front. Ono lot on W. Main, cor. Colum bia, Kenwood Addition. Owners leaving town; must bo sold. Phone 1028. 19 Cnrgill Court, tf FOR SALE Homstcad relinquish ment, fino black oak timber, some sugar pine, $100, if rakon soon. Phone 517-L or 105. 281 FOR SALE 1 1-1 ncres good free soil in good location. Prico $1 15, in cluding this year's irrigation tax paid. ' Clarence Pierce. Phono 517 L. " . " ' ' ": '"' 270 ,FOR SALE, TRADE OiX KENT 100 ncres innit. liiii uai i-ino ai. or Phone 722-R. 27S FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf nlfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city proporty. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Crape St., I'hono 4115-J. . . tf FOli SALE POUIA'RY AND EGGS FOR SALE Hatching eggs $0.00 bun- urea, iroin single cuino wnua ues-, horns. All breeders selected by use of the trapnest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Wlnnns, Phone 341-M. 200 FOR SALE Thrco White Leghorn cockerels. Tancred Royal. Inquire Bert Stancllff, Phoenix, Ore. 278 TOR SALE O. A. C. bnrrod rock roosters also partridgo Wyandottes. I'hono 085-R-5. 275 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs for hatching, O. A. C. strain, l'hojio 201-J. , ; 9K FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs. Phono 673. . 28. FOR SALE Day old chicks. Phone 437-R. 277 FOR SALE Turkeys. J. C. Herring. Central Point . 275 FOR SALE Dark narred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phone 009-R. 289 FOR SALE Thebault R. 1. Rolls, win ners of Southern Oregon, setting egge nnd baby chlx; hatch eggs for C cents-each. Tel. 969-R. R 3.. 276 FOR SALE Booking orders now for baby chicks and hutching jRggs from prize winning Rhode Island Reds nnd from White Leghorns Tancred Royal. Red, Wing Poultry . Yard, Phone 805-Y. 281 To better accommo date our fast grow ing Valvoline Oil trade we have, con structed another new rack and will continue to "drain Crank Cases and Transmissions free. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 1f)2:l By Georg'e vHATSTHE ; MATTER - DSNT They Like rather uao I CORN BE EH AND 19:3 v int l Feature FOR SAM-: A I TOMOV.II.KS , FOR SALE Maxwell touring car. starter, almost new battery, newly painted. A snap nt -'J.'. S m'.e terms, if wanted. (Tarenee 1'lerce. I phono 517-L. 27i'. FOR 8 ALU LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Uu-pound shoals anil young Diiroe brood sow. 0. C Stanwood, it. 4, .Medford. 277 FOR SALE Hogs and ono good hnnd sow and also 4 turkeys, lo.ns for breeding purposes. J. Nary, Phone 1321.. 277 FOR SALE -Jersey cow. PhoneOll-J-l. Foot I lllls Orchard. 279 FOR SALE--GojiI lenm light mules. Call nt Modoc orchard, Central Point. - 277 FOR SALIC Two fresh milk cows, C. M. Parker, Phone 1.S9-W. 270 FOR SALE r-rMti cows, exception ally good. M. Walsh. 1 milo NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. 279 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Large cabinot Victrola. 80 records, a real bargain.- Party leaving town. Phone 527-X. . FOR SALE I stands or bees. 210 S. Riverside. 270 FOR SALE Loos grain hay. Phone 500-R-2. , - 270 FOR SALE Beardless seed barley. bald bnrlev, seed rye. James Camp bell. Phone 17-F-21. 277 FOR SALE Hurt, gal. storage tank, $50; 800 gals, smudge oil ul 5c gal : 700 5 nt. oil pots. 5c each. (i. (I. Goold, Phono 26-R-2. 27S FOR SALE Full Accountancy coiirso in International Correspoiidmico Schools for one-half cost. P. O. Ilox 609: , . 270 FOR SALE Apple wood for fire j IMIHH. I IH'IIU IT-11. . II...... n 1 LI 1 -1" I FOR SALE Select nursery stock from Washington Nursery Co., To i- penish, wash. rJ. I . oicn, local 1 dirnnt Clll'. W J I It fit Atnlliiril' fll' fipe with Central Lumber Co., Cen tral Point, Ore. 277 FOR BALE Several thousnnd five quart capacity smudge pots, price 10c ench. Cull D. R. Wood, city or Modoo and Klamath orchards 11 1 meal hours. . Torms cash. 2S1 FOR SALE Cheap, dandy work horse, harness and wagon. Phone 09 1-11-1 279 FOR SALE Cory Tbornloss Bluck - bc-ry riioted tips- $1.60 per doz., $12.00 per too. T. J. Noonou, Cen tral Point, Oregon. . , 291 FOR SALE 200 tnnB alfalfa hay, bar gain. Call S-F-7, Zundell Bros., Lake Creek.. . 275 FOR SALIC Three crops alfalfa hay, $15.00 per ton. Allco llnnlcy Ranch, Phone 41I-J-3. 2Y1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cturnprnctle rhyslclun DR. HARVEH P. COLEMAN Chlnv prnrtlc nnd Electro-Therapy. 427 2.8 Medford Bldg. Phone 905. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclpctlc-I'hyBlclan. DR. LOUISli E. HEDfi'CH Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechaiio-Tliorapy, Spon dylothernpy. Food Sciences, Chlro practice.- Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. 'Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2., DR. E. W. ' HOFFMAN Chlroprnc tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Hullo 2O8-O4-O5-O0, Llh erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Rei 1027. ' BabyOverland LIKE NEW $365 : 1 Studebaker Six $200 1 Overland .,..,.. .$35 Chevrolet Tourings $225 to $265 Ford Cars, All Prices "Always the Best at C. E. Gates Auto Co. FiiOB ' FIVE McManus 1 '- mj Mows StnvicE. Inc. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., av stairs. .Inrkson County ABSTRACT OO. Tho only complete Ti tle System in Jackson County. Abstracts of Tltlo and Title Insurance. WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable Jackson county abstractors of t' ties. Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Lav. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAM ICS Lawyer, office lit Liberty Building. Building Materials MEIiFORD CEMENT BRICK 4 BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., ovor M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregen. Phone 669; Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m. 0 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. .Wil son. C. l A. Attention given to nnvthlng in accounting and In--come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty. Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. . . - '.'- . Money to Loan J. rCANDREVVS Buys and " Belli mortgages and loans money on good security, 81 N. Grape St. Phone 68-M. 246 ' Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, salel manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med fOTd. - - 1 - Osteopaths " ' DR. F O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARI.OW Osteopathic Physician 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phonl 9QI-J-3. Residence 26 South Lnnrel St ' - tinr v7VniOWAftb:eBtedpatEla Physician, special attention given to eve, ear, noso and throat. 300 Ljbe rt yB 11 1 1 d I ng. Phone -496. v Physicians and Surgeons.' , '" DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 105. Residence 118 Genesee St. ' Phone 165-J-3. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 212 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 30 N. Central. Special attention to Bplno. Phone 29. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON IIA1GHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony, Composing, Arranging. Studio - 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Printers anil Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hat tne best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, oto. Portland prlcos, 87 N. Fir St Hug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG , WORKS make fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Pbont 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right Service guar anteed. DA V IS TRANSFER AND STORAGH CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Gripe. Phone: "Office 644, or residence. 647-R or 206, tf Upholstering , WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to ordor. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 103. WkxnnvlllA 0 Auditing. Cy Accourdlna (ft aYSTCMERVICE inaurajveetjs IrwaahMAiaf M. P. RCIEMITX Medford Bid. 2nd Floor rUP'.!!