Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 12, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Wocal and
lLd Personal
While this in Lincoln' llnhtt;iy ami
a lepal holiday it is m.l observed by
th? postuflu (lci;irlinent u a nation
nl holiday, henco llie iKsioffH-e ;m
open loday uh ukuuI, but the banUft
and oily and county oiflces wen:
clowyl. ' ToniKht the ninth annual
banquet of the Lincoln club of Jack'
hon county will be held ul the ! I C 1
Medford with tho usual large ntten
dance from ail parts of the county.
Thff banquet begins at 8 p. m.
Seven room house f;r rent. See
C. A. UeVoo. 2T'
lleler & Krank Co.. tho larKOft de
partment Btoro in the northweM are
UfllOK over 100 Royal typewriters
They purchased their first machines
10 years aeo and have never traded
any out. "Compare the Work. -Med
ford Hook Store. -7"
Mrs. L. M. Howell of the Medford
Cafeteria has left for Denver, Colo..
Iiuvlne been callel Uicro by the death
of her father, L. if. Hasxhor, who died
from an operation. .Mrs. Howell will
be away about two weeks, and during
her absence the .Me'lford Cafeteria
will continue business ns usual.
"You'll Just Keen On Smiling" at
Pttnlml Pninl Prirtflv. Keb. lti. 27k
fiance at Central Point Friday, Feb.
1G. Tickets 55c. Peerless "4." 2TS
. Tomorrow ni(!ht! -Mardl Gras ball!
The lady. Elks will hold a dance at
the Klks temple next Friday niKht. A
fine orchestra will furnish the music
and the ladies have a surprise in store
for the many who attend the dance.
Hemstitching at Deuel's. 2R9
Elks dance, Fri., Feb. lth. Tickets
$1.10. Ijtunspach orchestra. 279
Mrs. Myrl Gamett and baby left
Saturday for Oakland. Calif, for a
visit In that city with her father.
Musks for the Mardl Gras. Medford
Book Store. 276
Better to have it and not need it,
than to need It and not have It? In
surance with R. A. Holmes, the Insur
ance Man. tf
Wm. Johnson.' the former cashier of
the Jacksonville bank, who is now
serving a long term in the suto peni
tentiary at Salem, arrived in the city
on Sunday morning train from the
north for a visit presumably at Jack
sonville and will start on the return
trip to the penitentiary on this even
ing's train. Mr. Johnson who Is mak
ing the trip without a guard, as far
as can be noticed, is looking well.
Mardl Gras hall tomorrow niKht!
, All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711
i?. Main.
Giih Newbury leaves this evening
on a business trip lo the state capital.
Among those who will attend the
Lincoln day banquet, to be given by
the Jackson County Lincoln club, at
'Medford, is Major Clarence K. Hotch
kiss, United States marshul for this
district. Major Hotchklss has many
friends in Jackson county, and never
falls to renew his acquaintances when
tho federal court meets in southern
Oregon. Portland Journal.
Klks attention! HlR dance Friday,
Feb. ICth. Dig night, don't miss It.
Fruit, nut and shado trees. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tC
In January tho Federal land hank
or Spokane closed 576 farm loans for
2.01C,400,. a record month. During
the month 60S applications for louns
were received from farmers In Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon,
aggregating $1,986,084. A total of Oil"
loans for n total of $l,0,uoO was
approved. There were 348 cancella
tions In the aggregate sum of $1,195,
800. Tho Unslness and Professional
Women's club Invite all the business
girls to Join them in their Valentine
party, which is to be held at tho home
of the president, Miss l-aura Trclch
ler, 922 South Oakdale avenue, Thurs
day evening.
Chiropody. Phone 563-J. 276
, Horn in Mr. and Mrs. Delbert J.
("Ilud") LawrenU. Friday, Feb. 9, an
eight pound daughter. Hoth mother
and daughter are doing well, accord
ing to report.
Oriental Ballroom Mardl Gras Hull
tomorrow night! Costume!
... . 2Tfi
Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 8. Fir. 296
Lieutenant Russell C. Manghan
passed through Medford yesterday
morning on the Shasta nt 3:45 a. m.
bound for Crissey Field, Presidio, San
Francisco. Ray Carpenter of this city
went to F.ugene and assisted in sal
vaging undamaged parts of tho l)e
llavlllnnd 4 which Maughan was pilot
ing last week when he fell In the
Willamette river and reimrts that
nrter undamaged Instruments and
valuable pnrts of the piano hail been
removed that tho remainder wns
burned. . Ho returned Saturday after
having assisted Maughan with tho
Lady F.lka Valentino dance, Klks
Temple. Friday, Feb. 16th. You'll he
surprised. . 279
This office Is prepared to print
lodger shoots, bills, etc., usod on the
bookkeeping mnchlnea. Don't glv
your orders to traveling men and have
thorn printed out or Medford. Phone
us and we will cull. tf
The Original Food-Drink for All Arm
QulckLuncht HomcOfflce-sFountamt.
RichMilk. Mai ted Drain Extract In Pow.
derfcTabletfonro. Nootlitiint-NocooWng.
rsr Avoid Imitations tai Subititntt
Bishop Sumner of Portland, head
of the Oregon diocese of the Protes
tant Kpiscopal church, who officiated
m til. Mark's church yesterday, and
at the Ashland church of that denom
ination last evening, is accompanied
by Mrs. Sumner and they will make
their headquarters hero until Thurs
day at the Hotel Holland. Tho bishop
addressed the chamber of commerce
forum at Grants Pass this noon and
officiates at the Kpiscopal church ser
vices in that city this evening.
Jnsi a line to remind you that I will
gladly duplicate any bonafide order
booked by a transient agent for the
same or less money and give you bet
ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone C&4-J-2. tf
Lucky day at Deuel's Jan. 24th. 2SU
Tho usual large delegation from
Ashland, numbering about fifty men
and women, will attend the Lincoln
Club banquet here tonight.
When better automobiles are built
Buick wilt build tbem. tf
Tomorrow night! Murdi Gras Ball!
A statewide conference on boys
prolerns opened In Portland on Satur
day with rppresentllvp of the princi
pal Young Men's Christian associa
tions of Oivgon in attendance, one of
whom is Cash Wood, head of the
Jackson county Young Men's Chris
tian association.
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. ' th
Event of the season! Mardl Gras
Ball! Tomorrow night! Tuesday! 275
Phillip Komlodl of Is Angeles ar
rived In Medford yesterday for a sev
eral days business visit.
Lucky day at Deuel's Jan. 24tn.-28C
Lent commences with Ash Wednes
day of this week; tomorrow Is Mardi
Gras dedicated in foreign countries to
a Jamboree, dancing and gayest festiv
ities the last burst of Joy before the
sober season of Lent. With this idea
in view tho Oriental Ballroom is stay
ing a big Mardl Gras Ball tomorrow
night at which the carnival spirit will
prevail; the dancers will be grotesque
ly costumed and masked, balloons and
serpentine will fill the air and mirth
will reign supreme.
Messrs. Albert and Cornell, repre
sentatives of the Alexander Hamilton
Institute are in Medford for a few
days on business.
Big Hard Time Dance, Jackson's.
Wed., Feb. 14. Lefa go. 275
For Diamond coal briquets, phono
Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76.
Frank Branch Riley delivered an ad
dress on Abraham Lincoln at the
members' fonim of the chamber of
commerce at Portland this noon.
Mardi Gras hall tomorrow night!
Oriental Ballroom! Admission 10c.
Auto Insurance, Brown & White.
Ralph Coloman, of the men's physi
cal education Btaff at O. A. C, ar
rived this morning from CorvalllB on
train No. 13 which was an hour and a
half late. He will referee the basket
ball game at Rogue River this evening
scandal," the inventor declared. "We
will leave for CorvalllB on train No.
16 which passcB through Rogue River
at 8:30. Duo to his early departure
tho game will start at 7:00 o'clock
prompt and all Medford fans who ex
pect to attond are warned to leave
Medford at Bix o'clock In order to be
there on tlmo.
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
service. tf
Mardl Gras Ball! Big jamboree!
Oriental Ballroom! Tuesday night!
Frank P. Farrell and C. Y. Tens
wuld, past and present commanders
of tho local post of the American
Legion left today at noon for Grants
Pass to meet Rev. William GUbort of
Astoria and bring him by auto over
the highway to Medford. Lieutenant
Colonel Gilbert will be tho speaker of
tho evening nt tonight's Jackson
County Lincoln Club banquot.
Hot tamales and chili con carno at
Do Voo's. tf
BIS time! Gay time! Mardl Gras
ball tomorrow night! Costume prises!
Tho Oregon Retail Hardware and
Implement Dealers association will
convene at the Multnomah hotel,
Portland, on Wednesday morning for
their annual three days session.
Mnrdl Gras Ball! IwiIIoodb! Serpen
tine! Big Jamboree! Let's go! 275
Flowering shrubs and evergreens.
Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2 tf
T. L. Stewart of Bremerton, Wn.,
writes Virgin's Radio Service that he
enjoys the programs from K. F. A. Y.
and that ho Is Interested In Medford
and vlclnjty becauso of having been
employed as an engineer during the
last year of tho construction or the
city water system here. He states
that K. F. A. Y. comes In clearer and
louder at Bremerton thnn do tho Port
land broadcasting stations.
Mardl Gras Hall tomorrow night!
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts und
repairs Kloctrlo Shop, 8th and Burt
Ictt. , tf
Joo Waller, local boxer, left this
morning for Klamath Falls where lie
will do battlo In the ring with one
Jnck I! anion next Friday night. Joe
is going to spend a couple of days In
Klamath Falls prior lo the fight In
order to nccllmato himself.
Better hurry $45.00 buys most nny
suit In stock. Klein the Tailor, 12S
K. Main. 275
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
K. Main, '
Mrs. Frederick Pago and daughter
leavo this evening for their future
homo In dlendale. Calif., whore Dr.
Page has established himself in the
real estate business. Their, many
friends, mado during their long resi
dence hero regret deeply their depar
ture. Growers Llmo sulphur right at
plant, $8.50 cash, $3 added deposit for
bbl. Phono 8-R-l. 278
All kinds of rough nnd dressed lum
ber. Wallaco Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
Commander II. E. Cetz of Klamath
post, American Ieglon has been asked
by Mrs. Julia Graham of No. 1348
Leavenworth street. San Francisco, to
locate her son, Edgar Schroder, who
wqs last heard from at Grass Valley.
Schrader was a dispatch rider in the
war and received the distinguished
service cross, she says, information
as to whereabouts of Schrader will be
appreciated by the legion state depart
ment and Commander Cetz of Klam
ath Falls.
Oriental Bnllroom! Mardl Gras!
Milk and cream at DoVoe's. tf
Mr. and Mrs. f J. Seamon and
daughter Marjorie returned Saturday j
from a month's stay in California dur
ing which time they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Seamon who are now
making their home in Oakland, Calif. 1
They mado the trip by auto. I
For Sale 98 per cent Dure beard-
Hess barley and recleaned seed oats.
Watkins Feed Store. 278
You can get It at DeVoe'B. tf
Today had quite a wintry appear
ance with a half Inch of snow on the
ground. Fair weather and continued
cold is the prediction for Tuesday,
preceded by still more snow this
iifternoon and tonight. It began to
rain and snow alternately late last
night, and this morning's precipita
tion amounted to .30 of an inch. The
minimum temperature of this morning
was 29.5 degrees, following Sunday's
maximum of 39 degrees.
Ding cherry trees, tden Valley
Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf
Closing out all our farm machinery.
several good buys. Patton &Robin
son, Inc. tf
It is with much regret that word
has been received In the city from
R. A. Booth at Eugene that he finds
It Impossible to be able to attend the
Lincoln banquet here tonight as he
had planned. Mr. Booth was on the
program for an address.
Among the splendid features on the
program of the Jackson County Lin
coln Club banquet at the Medford
hotel will be the excellent music and
some of Dick Posey's new verse. He
will have "I Had My Fingers Crossed"
down to date.
After the fire it is too late to In
sure. See Redden & Canaday now.
Judge W. 8. Gllmore of Rogue River
writes that he regrets his Inability to
attend the Lincoln banquet tonight,
but hopes It will be as successful as
on former occasions. Mrs. Gilmore
died recently, which accounts for the
Judge's non-attendance.
Orafted Franquette walnut trees.
Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2 tf
We have good values in used cars.
Patton & Robinson. Inc. ' tf
Miss Towne, milliner at the Colo
nial Shop, left today for a week's stay
In San Francisco, to attend the spring
opening and for the puriiose of buying
pattern hats.
Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 2i4
There's a busy business College In
your home town. GWN.
Schools of tho city continued In
sosBion today despite Lincoln's birth
day and tho morning periods were
taken up with school work bb usual.
Short programs concerning the Great
Emancipator were given during tho
afternoon at the various buildings.
Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nurs
ery, Phone 680-J-2. tf
Don't forget the Thrift Shop is for
All Thrifty people. Sparta Bldg. 277
An Ashland store was held up last
Saturday nlgbt by two masked high
waymen and the robbers escaped with
tho money taken from the till. The
holdup was staged Bhortly before cIoh
Ing tlmo ond the Ashland officers
telephoned Chief of rolice Adams of
Medford to be on the lookout for the
culprits. So far no trace has been
found of them.
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work. See Saml. Bateman, 302 Maple
St, Phone 912J.
V'nltod States Marshal Clarence
Hotchklss of Portlnnd arrived in Med
ford this morning and is among the
out of town people who will be pres
ent at the banquot of the Jackson
County Lincoln club nt the Hotel
Medford tonight
For Sale 98 per cent pure beard
loss barley nnd Tecleaned seed oats.
Watkins Feed Store. 278
The best values In Suits or Over
coats are right here. Come In and
make mo prove It $55 values at $45,
others as low as $32.50. Klein the
Tailor. 128 K. Main, upstairs. 275
Robert Follette and wifo of lort
land stopped over in Medford yester
day for a vinlt with Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
Y. Tengwnld. Folletto was tho first
Btato commander of tho American
lxglon In Oregon. He and Mrs. Fol
letto are enrouto to Florida for the
remainder of the winter.
Now storage batteries. We build
them. Call and get our prices. Radio
Battery & Electric Shop, 27 North
Grape St 277
Lleutonnnt W. C. Ooldsborough is
expected through from Yoncalla, Ore.,
by airplane ns soon ns the weather
clears sufficiently to mako flying
safe. Ho landed at Yoncalla last
wock and broke a landing gear shortly
after Lieutenant Maughan who was
accompanying Goldsborough, landed
in the Wlllamotte river near Eugene.
Goldshorougli turned around and came
back landing at Youcalla.
According to the Ilellinghnm, Wn.,
Herald the radio fans of that city will
stage a public danro in tho near
future with music from out of town
radio stations. A Medford orchestra
has volunteered to furnish the music
and W. J. Virgin, operating K. F. A. Y.
has written the president of the Bel Radio club offering to broad
cast Iho music. The Hellingham fans
will arrange the dale and nsk permis
sion for K. F. A. Y. to operate after
ten o'clock.
Thornless blackberry plants. Eden j
alloy Nursery. Phono 6S0J-3. tf J
Tho reader stating Hint May Robson ;
would be at the Page tonight Is a mis- j
take. It Is tomorrow evening, Tues
day, Feb. 13.
J. O. Grey, a former member of the
city school board wishes it stated that
he is no longer a member of that body
as waa erroneously stated in an
article in the Sunday Sun. During the
Inspection of the high school building
Saturday afternoon he and other
public spirited citizens made a tour of
the building with the architect who
built it, in unofficial capacities, and
listened attentively to his statements
that the product of his own labors was
perfectly safe and O. K. except for a
few minor improvements.
Expert Batten' and Automobile Elec
trical rnairlng. Radio Battery &
Electric Shop, 27 North Grape St. 277
Wonderful Sermons.
Excellent Music
Christian Church
Two large- audiences attended the
Sunday special services at the Chris
tian church and were delighted with
the excellent music nnd the gospel
sermons by Geo. F. Bradford. The
music consisted of soiob, anthems,
quartets, congregational singing and
music by the church orchestra. The
latter is a bjg feature of the services
every Sunday evening und their music
is highly appreciated and heartily
enchored by the people.
The morning sermon was "The
World's Greatest Memorial,", and
Evangelist Bradford showed that with
all due respect to the memorials in
honor of Washington, Lincoln and
others the one outstanding and over
shadowing all Is the memorial of the
Lord's supper and hat the Christian
church follows the example set by. the
apostles and spoken of by Christ on
the first day of every week.
In the evening he spoke on "Build
ing the Home." He said the American
home Is the training school, or
should be for all children, and thru
the influenced this training depends
the life of the state and nation. That
no home Is really what it should be
unless -it is a Christian home. That
there are too many boarding houses
or stopping places In this country and
too few homes. That the home is the
central radio station that reaches all
over the world and if the children re
ceive the proper training and treat
ment in the home they will never lose
connection with and honor for the
central station no matter where they
Tonight the evangelist will speak
on "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" Good
music and profitable evening.
HANSON Carl R Hanson, a resi
dent of Jackson county for 13 years,
passed away at his homo in eaut Med
ford at 4:00 o'clock Hnnday morning.
Deceased was borri;1n Denmark in
tho yenr 1854. He wns united In
marriage, in 18S7, to which union was
born one child who died in infancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson came to the
United States in 1892 and settled in
Minneapolis whero they resided until
1910, "when they moved to Medford.
Mr. Hanson was a member of the
A. O. U. V.
Remains are at tho Conner Funeral
parlors, and nrninKments wil bo an
nounccd upon word from relatives in
tho east.
Mrs. Frank Cameron, her daughter
Virginia and Miss Lottie Montgomery
were Friday evening guests nt the
home of Mrs. L. J. Combest.
Mrs. Paul Anderson entertained last
Saturday evening at whist, those pres
ent wore Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Klein
hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrenlus Com
best, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zeidler.
Light refreshments were served by
the hostess at a late hour.
Mrs. A. O. Hall. Miss Edna Hall and
Ralph Hall were pleasant callers at
tho homo of Mrs. Oscnr Johnson last
Sunday evening.
Leuls Jennings is spending a few
days visiting his grandparents Mr.
ami Mrs. Gibson at Sterling.
Oscar Johnson, who has lived for a
number of years on the Little Applo
gate, recently sold his farm, and is
moving his family to a small farm
near Ashland.
Mr. Moss, Jackson county club lead
er, visited tho V'niontown school last
Break it with
tlx family CMfih syrup
Handicraft Shop.
Pico ting
Sc per yard.
Buttons covered.
Saemaor to Wfckj-Congor Co.
MmUonL Ore.
Picture. Framing
Swem's Studio
Wednesday in the interests of club
Percy Paul has been attending
school very irregularly for the past
three weeks on account or a bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. A. '8. Kleinhammer
were business visitors in Medford last
Capacity House for
Lincoln Banquet, s
Medford, Tonight
The Jackson County Lincoi:- Club
banquet at the Medford notel will be
gin promptly at 8 p. m. tonight.
The ticket committee reports a
capacity sale and with tho excellent,
snappy program the banquet promises
to be one of the best and largest of
the nine years successive occasions.
There will be delegations here from
every part of the county, including. 10
from Ashland.
Good Report On
New Vein Ore 1
War Eagle Mine
Dr. II. IL Elliott, F..L. Heath and A.
L. Hill report after a recent visit, au-i
inspection of the new vein of ore
now being worked on the War Eaglo
Mining property, values averaging,
including quicksilver. gold and
arsenic, $110 to the ton. This new-
vein is now developed 60 feet and the
FOR SALE Good horse 1100 pounds,
or will trade for cow. Phone 591-R-l. I
2S7 !
WILL TRADE rifle for radio set. 311
N. Central, after 6. 273
FOR RENT Six room house. Phone
292-Y. 277
Medford, Ore. 277
have you? Work, saddle, horses,
reg. Hereford hull, auto, trailer,
land. Phone 2S2Y. 277
cows for weaned pigs or low iron
wheeled wagon. Geo. H. Johnson,
Gold Hill, Oregon, Fern Wald Farm.
LOST Saturday night, near Paul's I
Electric Store, man's gold watch, j
Suitable reward. Phone August :
Lange 731-L after six p. m. 2
FOR RENT Six rom furnished mod
ern house, improvements. Phone
831-R. 277
LOST Hot ween Rialto theatre and
Willard Electric Shop, gold wrist
watch, Swiss movement. Reward if
brought to Willard Electric Shop.
WANTED To r"ent ranch of about HO
acres, cash or shares. Call 902 S.
Central, Medford. Ore. 277
FOR SALE Hy owner at sacrifice on
account of sickness, property that
nets Sij. per cent. Uox 541 Medford,
or call 891-L. 2SU
WANTED Ford windshield. Inquire
107 N. Fir. 27rt
Powell St. dtO'Fdrrell.
and Shopping District.
ntwly beftutifird Hitrl A 4 fit
ftrin ittC milr to Sti Fran-
eiacel New ffarflrthmrt of unutu)
charm and comfort, a lobby dr-f nrd
to provide the atmosphere of
kiTWtioul ham r mtti a new Dinmf
Rooea. colerel one c4 the rhm!
in America al! rontntnte
r4fret h the only hotel
with nmning ice X'teT in er rcon
- J' and 'I
(pldsIrolmQuicldy' j buster' keaton in "the blacksmith"
BsnansjKaA'&tmngam j rounds out two horns of the merriest kind of entertainment!
8 llPllPPillll WEDNESDAY
1Kdiswr.MblJwcathfr.1wnv. Tiavb I jJFA 81 (flM "THE PRIDE
1 Hill's handy. Stops Coldt in j noun I E tj7ESS lVyU IfegS ...
lagrippeinJdays. Standard remedy 0 PULXj3rl:i OF PALOMAR"
eftects. Safeanddependable. Demand fl
signature. D
At All DmiiittB30 Crnta '. -
W- H urn. cqwilKt f A.-1Q4) nanot "T H
PRE8T-O.LITE BATTEKY , iJWTt ? ? f 1,ff
For Qrrlck 8orrrce Phone 119 , J,, VJ
QklS!! FORGET i UtMS Ik I '
Babbitting and Welding WVf l iwM
Crater Lake Automotive Co! lM M 1 1 J
iVltl X 1 IVAl IY LTI I r'""r
rm in
lis I
,. h.i. . t i .hn . hunter
, .
irttuj iur mw lumaie niui u nm
be in operation.
The officials of the War Eaale mine
are being congratulated for develop-
in!? this mine . The War Kasle mine
is owned an 1 controlled by .Medford j
citizen. ;
News Summary
of Last Night
MONTIVIDEO Two persons were
killed when one of the three ears.
driven in an automobile race in which
the drivers were "blindfolded, were
driven Into a crowd of siwctaiors.
LONDON' President Cosgrave of
the Uail Eireann, in a statement in
the Daily Mail, declared he was ready
to agree that Eanionn DeValera
ehould advise his followers to surren
der their arms on the condition that
Bird Supplies
Trv a ia-kae of our Mixed Bird Seed. The birds
like this seed and do well on it. Only fresh crop seeds
used in this mixture.
Monarch Seed Company
317 E Main
The Farmers'
I ,n.
BEBE as a beautiful underworld dancer, who be.
comes society's favorite. Tempted by false love,
risking all for the man she adores." A romance
bristling with dramatic moments, lavish in set
tings and gowns. One of the season's super-features.
1 TS ou
!.art; IUIiiudv IM X rows
.1 nms, ."",V.
Im nppointo.l hc fnllmvins as ilicip niillioiizcd m-cm with hoart
iiuarter in Mcilfool:
Knxt Main SI., Molfor.1, 1'linnc 1.11.
."IT South Newtown, Mcdfonl. Thonc lOO-H
They will e'ailly ivo nny Information or help on anything
pci-tnininir to insurance.
1 .h ,,,. lion of a republic or the free '
i the question i
,,ould be left to inn eiecium.
It's toasted. Thl
one extra process
rives a delightful
quality that can
net be duplicated
Phone 260
Service Station
MCI.I.ivit; iy ''.';!
SMlTi: ,.'t ;i.u i ik.
Incluilrs ur Tax. ' '
' Strike))