MJ'T'FORD MAIL" TRIBUNE. MEDFORP. OREC50N. SATURDAY, FEIJRlTAI'V PETIT LIS! FOR I OF COURT CALLED; HIGHLY PRAISED BANQUE Clanlaws Explains Himself Tho petit Jury list for tho trm of tho circuit court boKlnnliiK February 20th, niul. called to report nt ft:30 u. in., on that ditto Ik sih followm Kvu vjlO, Andrr.son, Mudford, Ore, liouHcki'ju'r. ; Bella Tex, Central Point, Ore., housekeeper.' . , A. M. Heaver, Ashland, Ore, 916 Iowa, Iteulty Uealer. ! Ada Klmker, Medford, Kiirnum Apts., lioutji'keepcr. .Inez 11. WiJIUts. I'roHpert. Ore, lU'UKikeepep. 'Kniina Heeler, Ashland, 842 Illvd., HoUHckeepr. .JnmeH MayH, Talent, Ore., farmer. Olen X. Haley, Oold Hill, Ore., farmer. Harry Scoufnill, Medford, 145 N. Ivy, clerk. f K. J. Lowd, ItoBuo Itlvcr, Ore., farmer. Kric Wold, Medford, Ore., retired. ' John N KddlnKton, Oold Illll. H. F. D., Htoekman. John T. HiiKhes, Hutto Falls, Ore, merchant. Anna Carter,' Ashland, G14 Iilvd., houwekeeper. .Mitchell M. Tutlier, Ashland, Ore,, fanner. j Joseph W. Webster, J'hornlx, On'., farmer. Kato AdaniH, Medford, ail N. Cen tral, hotmekeeper. Uiwrence Crawford, , Talent, Ore, farmer. , Fern Hutchison. Medford, 1S0C W. Main, housekeeper. . j Josephine Wallace, Ashland, Oro., i 06 Ml. Ave., housekeeper. j Carol JtertelHon, lleaKlo, Oro.J miner. .Hessie K. Stoveim, Ashlund, CC2 Granite housekeeper. Albert I'ankey. Ciold .Hill, Ore. farmer. ttraco D. Hrown, Medford, 301 S. Central, housekeeper. Maud Huck, Jacksonville, farmer. o. V. Meyern,. Medford, Ore., auto salesman. V John T. Kads, Medford, Ore, mer chant. Mary Jano Meadows, Medford, 310 Portland, housekeeper. JoHephlno Oeppart, Hutto Falls, Ore., housekeeper. Jennie C. Charley, Lake Creek, Ore, farmer. . , , Ina DodT( Ashland, Ore, 550 blvd .housekoeper. ; i.-.i,V FORM I AW FIRM p . ...... Tho banquet next Monday night lit tho Medford ilutel Is tlm ninth annual banquet of thn Jackson County Linnoln slul) which is tlio oldest club in tlm state onlehrutlng tlm birthday of tlio Immortal Lincoln. The proKrnm for Monday will be an excellent one and all republicans, men and women, whoposslbiy am shouM purchase tickets at once and attend. The decorations for the recent meet ing of the game club will remain for this occasion and there will be flans and pictures of noted men In addition. Here is whai two leading men of Oregon say about the Jackson Coun ty Lincoln club 1 mil quota: Senator Charles I.. McNnry: "If I were lu Oregon, I would permit nothing to iniorfero with tho accept ance of your Invitation, but although I must of necessity no absent, my good wishes go out to tho personnel ot tho club, while my heart responds to the greatness and genius of him whom you honor. I recall very pleas antly some years ago when I spoke to the members of the club on a simi lar occasion, and 1 live In the hope that I may have an opportunity to sit with them at some future time." Wullaee McCannaut of Portland: "I remembor with the utmost pleas ure the banquet which I wbb privil eged to attend In lit 19. I can olily wish for' Lieut. Col, Ollbert that ho may have as much pleasure in ac cepting your hospilnlily as I had at that time. In my opinion you are rendering n great public service by holding this banquet from year to year. Thero Is great ethical value in hero worship. No ono can spend nn ovonlng in contemplation of the lifoj and work of Abrahum Lincoln with out being benef II ted " thereby. In these days when destructive propa- ganda Is so rife we cannot bo better; employed than in perpetuating the , memory ot the groat men who havo given us and preserved fpr use our free Institutions." C. K. Ingalls, editor of the Corvnl-i lis flazette und secretnry of tho state republican committee: "Have ac coptod previous Invitation to a s'mi-j Inr function in Portland which I very! much regret. Lincoln's birthday hnS been copyrighted by Jackson county for many years." 1 ' Mr. and .Mrs. R. A. Booth, District Attorney Geo. Neuner, U. S. Marshal llotchklss and other prominent men wrlto they will attend. in. PEACE FOR IRISH DELICATE, ORDER HANGINGS HALTED PTGE THREE PENRIIYX STANLAWS, the Paramount picture producer, has to do n lot of explaining of his ideas of a butterfly ballet to ' Ida young dancers bforo they begin work. In this instance! he is shown preparing for a scene in his new effort, "Singed Wings," in which Bebe Daniels is featured, on one of the outdoor'stnges of he Lasky Studio at Hollywood. . Starts at Pago tomorrow. 8t. Mark's Episcopal Corner North Oakdalo and Gth St. K a. in. Holy communion. 10 a. in. Sunday School. 11 a. in. Confirmation by Hishop Sumner. WM. . HAMILTON, Vicar. Catholic Church South Oakdalo Avenue First mass Sunday at 8 a. m. f-ncond mass at 10:30 a. m. l.cnedlctlon after second maBS. Rev. John Powers, Pastor. Announcement was made today of the association of It. V. Lindas and Frank leSouzii, local attorneys, who will engago in tho practice of law in Medford, under tho firm numo of Lindas & DcSouzn. Thoy will oc cupy suite 217 on tlio second floor ot the Liberty building. Mr. Lindas Is well known locally, having' practiced hero with success for the past two years, and previous to that in Washington, D. V. He has taken a prominent part in locnl pub lic affairs, nnd Is recoglll'ed as n lawyer and orator of ability. Hoforo coming to Medford re cently. Mn DcSouza practiced for several years In Phoenix, Arizona, In which placo he occupied several po sitions of public trust, llo comes highly recommended by tho bench and bar of his former home. Clients of Mr. Lindas will find him nt his new location In tho Liberty bulking. EVANS VALLEY I ' Mrs. Huih and the pupils if the ..W'lnicr school nie prcpni'liig a very T'iilcroHlliig program to be rendered al the (Ininge Hull Friday night. I'Vb-ru.-iry !'. the program will lie followed by a box niippei- nnd ;if:ci-:ird d-ino-Ing. Mr. (llhn'y of Ciiui,-- I nss, s ilcji- innn for tin- .M Ne'n lo ivpimv. was calling on his cuMomi'i-H in iliis lo cality Inst Tuesday and Wednesda . Mrs. Carter vIhIiiiI relatives ill Orants l'ass Tuesday and Wednes day. Frnnk Wonlrldge moved his horses to the Applegnle valley lust week to be fed the balance of tile winter. .Mr. and Mrs. Kimono fails return ed home from Portland last Mon ilay morning after spending a few days In that oily. ,Mr. Austin of tingle Point spent several days In this locality this week giving lessons In tanning and taxidermy. H. C. Itii'bmnn was a Itoguo liiver visitor Friday. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Ie returned hero from Washington last week, where they have been visiting Mrs. Lee's parents. . Mr. Lee has rented the A. II. tivnns ranch near Itoguo Itlver. l'lenry Jtaker was n Cold Illll visitor last Thursday. Mr. mid Mrs. Ulllle Carter of (liuiits Pass are visiting Mr. Carter's jinrents, Mr. and Mrs. It. Curler, this week. 'has. Magerle. nrnd supervisor In this district, was looking over the Kvnns Creek road Thursday. Slain Whlk Itobbliig. ANdKLIIM. Feb. 10. Thonins Si years old. was shot and iioliceiiinn W. K. Conley of Rock City, n suburb of Los nn-lu InilNV llfllr llOWfl Hllllt nt tho policeman who dlsi overed hlin In the iot flr rooning n nieai unop in Englo Hock City. LEAD WAR DEBT BILL IN SENATE WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Al though tho sennto flnnnco commlt too was meeting today to consider loglslutlon by which tho house ap proved the IlritlBh bebt settlement agreement. Tho time of senate action on It was problematical. - Tho shipping bill has taken a posi tion ahead of tho funding legislation In tho souate, Chalrmau. Jones of the commorco committee having called up tho former measure yesterduy Im mediately after passage of tho army appropriations bill. He announced Hint tho ship bill will not bo laid aside except by a vote of the senate and lis consideration : ahead of tin debt agreements was bald by oilier aonato leaders to Mlivo the approval of President Harding, with whom Senator Jones conferred early In the week. Allliough a iiiovem nl was under way today among som i members of tlm senate farm bloc to-got the ship ping bill laid aside, supporters of the lilN wove ii'iil'ideiit the move would be friislrated. Tin' limiiii voiod approval o ft lie Hrllhh debt funding agreement by an amendment to the existing funding limine which not only would spec If rally upprovo tho terms of that iiKreeinent but also would authorize the American dl'bt commission to mako settlements "similar, hut none moro favorable In terms," with the other debtor nations. Evang.-Luth.-Zlons Church Fourth Street and Onkdale Avenue Rev. Dr. W. 11. Moreuz-Ooser, Pastor Res: 018 West 4th St. Estomlhi Sunday School 10 n. m. Divine Service 11a. in. You are yours are cordjally Invited- Church of the Naiarene Cor. Central and Jackson Sunday Bchool 9:45 n. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer mooting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. You are cordially Invited. C. M. KING( Pastor. one of tho greatosht evangelists of America as the preacher. Presbyterian Church Corner aln and Holly Rev. E. I'. Lawrence, Minister 25 S. Orange 9:45 Hible School. Organized de partments, efficient teachors. Study tho lllble with us. Carl J. Brommer, superintendent. 11a. in. Sermon, "The Needed Vision," by Rev. Gordon Hart of the Presbyterian Church ot Grants Pass. The male quartet will sing two special numbers "Praise Ye The Father" by Gounod, "I'm But a Stranger Here." 7:30 p. m. Tho pastor will speak on subpect "Life Abundant and Overflow ing " Music by the mixed sextett. 6:30 p. m. Intermediate Endeavor. Topic "Tho Testimony Psalm," Ps. 145., LONDON. Feb. io. (Hy the As sociated Press) Tho concensus of! opinion nmong English corresnon-1 ! dents In Dublin is that time will re veal the effect of Liam Devesy's ap peal to the republican leaders. Ituconidderation by the republican leaders is not regarded as hopeless. In some qunrters it is predicted that i.iam Lynon H reply am not oar ine door to all negotiations. According to a Dublin dispatch to the Tlmeji, tho fact that the govern ment has suspended all executions is a hopeful sign. Tho correspondent says that a number of prominent re- luuimuiH uru unuer sentence oi j death and that their safety may welch' j with their friends, whose powerful l influences will be brought to bear on i both sides to end the quarrel, because It is generally recognized that if this opportunity for peace is allowed to slip away, another chance may not present Itself soon. The Dublin cor respondent of tho Westminster Ga zette reports that Devesy who issued the appeal Is "nn Insignificant fol lower whoso authority to appeal to DoVulora nnd Lynch Is subject to very serious discount." Much attention nnd speculation nre given to President engraves visit to London, where be and lib colleagues are being guarded by the police with extraordinary care. One story is that the visitors are trying to obtain Oreat Ilrltuin's eon sent to nn Increase of tile floe state nritiy, which Is said to have reached already 'I ho limit prescribed by the treaty. Another n-port connects Mr. r'r..-...-,.v..'d viu won out-stions of fi- n.f..u nii..uin,. tli,.i tho free state Is desperately In need of money, having been unub'.a even to pay tho Dublin police force for the punt fortnight. ( Some newspapers say Lord Carson at-1 funded one fo yesterday's confer-j ences at tho colonial office. The reason for his reported pre.'.cm.e unknown. SHIPPING BILL UP IN SENATE FOR DE! ACTION OREGON APPLE VEEKi I rm ooTfiMAnp-UQ PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 0. Ore gon's applo week has been set for reoruiiiy .a id .liiuui o .niu o - - t ..itl.i, . I ..AmmlOnn ftf Pnrtl.'inil Clllim- ' ber of commerce haB adopted as a slogan for the week "Health's Best Way Eat An Apple Every Day." WASHINGTON, Feb. lO.-TUe ad ministration shipping bill was called up In the senate again by Chairman Jones of the commorco committee with tho announcement that It would not be laid aside excopt by a vote of the Bennte. ! Taking the floor after the senate had passed the army appropriation bill, Senator Johnson asserted - that "we are now ready to proceed with tho shipping bill and we will paBa It or we will reject it as the majority of the sonato shall dotornilno." Sonator Jonos indicatod that except by. vote of tho senate tho bill would not bo laid aside to permit approval of the debt funding agreement with Grat Britain and mis proceuuro " aniA i,u ..iliac nennto leaders to have the approval of President Harding, with whom Senator jones iwuion early In tho week. " t T t T f Spend Your Money After You Have J Earned It Never Before I Systematic saving accumulates many a comfortable fortune which otherwise would he entirely lacking. Do not spend money until after it is earned, and then, save as much of it as possible. We pay 7 or 8 interest semi-annually on all savings accounts. t t t t T y y f Jackson County Building and Loan Association V' O. M. KIDIt, President. O. O. BOGUS, Kecmar? News Summary of Last Night I.OH Dowd. WASHINGTON The house passed the administration bill providing for the consolidation of tho diplomatic and consular sen Ires. KANSAS CITY Miners and oper ators from Arkansas. Kansas, Mis souri ami Oklahoma, have signed u year's contract. killed by Kaglo Angeles. Cut Thlt Out It li Worth Money Cut nut this slip, enclose with tic and mall It to Foley A Co., 2S35 Shef field Ave., Chicago, III., writing your natno nnd address clearly. You will recelvo in return a trial packngo con taining Foley's Honey and Tnr Com pound for coughs, colds nnd croup; l-'oley Kidney Pills for pains in Bldos anil hack; rheumatism, backache, kid ney nnd bladder nilments: and Kolcy Cathartic Tablets., a wholes-mie nnd thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con stipation, biliousness, headaches, nnd sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Methodist Episcopal Church Gold Hill, Oregon A Union of all Denominations ' Dr. M. M. Held, Pastor lllblo School Sunday morning nt 10:00. A. E. Kellogg, Supt. Devo tional and Workers' service at 11:00. Evening sermon by tho Pastor nt 7:30. lllblo Study and prayer mooting Monday evening at 7:30 at the par sonage and led by the Pastor. Midweek locturo Tuesday evening at 7:30 by the Pastor. Subject "Spir itual Man." r Main St. M. E. Church, South Coy It. Slma, Pastor , lllblo School 0:45 a. in., Dr. Frank Roberts, Supt. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Dr. H. S. Shangle, president of Columbia Col logo, Milton, Oregon, will preach the sermon. Kpworth Lenguo (!:30 p. m. Evening servlco 7:30 p. m. There will ho special music nt both morning nnd evening services. The public Is cordially Invited to at tend all cf these services. I h-st SI. K. Chunfh. Feb. 11, 1923. .Morning Anthem, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, Lord" Scott Teuor Solo Mr. Mocker Kvoniug Anthem, "Send Out Thy Light".... Woolor Kvening Soloist, Mr. Mucllonough. Quartette, "Sweet Is Tin- Mercy" Ilarnby-Ncvin Messrs. Meeker, MncDonough, Dlehl Vromnn. Miss Mnttle. Vromnn, pianist. Mr. Hernnrd Hohcrts, organist. Mrs. May Jordnn-MacDonoiigh, dl rector. .First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Dartlett J. Randolph Siisuett. Pastor Offlco 210 First Natl. Hunk Uldg. Phono G8 lllblo School 9:45. Prof. N, 11. Franklin, Supt. A Graded School of Hellglotis Instruction. Morning Worship 11:00. Sermon, "The Man of the Ages." Music. Epworth Lengues: Junior, 5:30; Senior, 6:15. Join this happy band of young people. Evening Service 7:30 Sermon, "The New Illrth." Church Night, Wednesdny. Simper at 0:15. Heeiilnr features to follow. Centenary Rally. Sunday niornlnn. Feb. IS. Dr. A. L. Hownrth of Port land will be the speaker. Our Revlvnl begins Feb. 15, with Rev, Will Huff of Sioux City, Iowa, l''lrst Church of Christ, - Scientist. Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday al 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North Onkdale, Subject for Sunday, Feb ruary 11,-"Spirit.". Sunday school at 9; 45. Applicants under the age of twenty may be admitted.- Wednesday evening moetings, which Include testimonies of Chris tian Scionco healings, at 7:45. ' Tho Heading Hooln, which is in tho Medford building, is open daily from 1 to 5, eScept Sundays and holi days. All authorized Christian Science literature may bo read, bor rowed or purchased. The public is cordially Invited to nttond the services and visit the read ing room. First Christian Church Cor. 9th nud Oakdale Dell Ely Millard, Minister. Diblo School 9:4D a. nl. Frank Pat terson, Supt. ' Preaching servlco 11 a, m. Sermon by Geo. F. Bradford of Seattle on "Tho World's Greatest Xlcmorlal." There will be special music and every mem ber of the congregation Is urged to be present. 6:30 p. iu. Christian Endeavor serv lco. 7:30 p. m. Evening Evangelistic sen-ices. Geo. F. Bradford, Evange list. Sermon topic. "Building A Homo.'.' There will be special vocal numbers and the largo Orchestra will play several selections. Thero will be Evangelistic services every night during tho week and clos ing on Sunday evening tho lSth. Everybody welcome. No offerings and seats free. First Baptist Church "The Friendly Church" X. Central and 5th St. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. Avard Whitman, Supt. Attendance fs good, make It better. 11 a. m. "The Full Reward." Violin solo, "Poem," Flbsch, Prof. Janes. An them, ' Recessional,'' Dekover. 6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermediate B. Y. P. 1'. 7:30 p. m. "A Great Gospel for Great Sinners." Anthem, "God that Mndest Sarth nnd Heaven," Fisher. Instrumental trio (a) "Valso Lente," Klsher; (b) "Andante Rellgloso," Rlsher; Sir. Janes, Sir. Root and Sir. Scott. Tuesday 2; 30 p. m. Woman's Aux iliary meets with Sirs. Harvey Field, 24 Crater Lake avenue, assisted by Mndums Slerrlman, Piatt, formally. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet ing. Thursday 7:30 p. ni. Choir re hearsal. "Are you a spongo? Soaking up the benefits of our Chrlstlnn rlvilitation i without giving anything back!" Siwnd ; two hours In God's house Sunday nnJ I help tho churches. .March 111 to Easter. April 1st will take place a great revival. ... Fruit Trees Planted for Profit What About Trees to Make the Home Attractive? There has been In thepast, and is at the prosont time, much said about the planting of fruit trees for profit, but what about beautifying tho homo where you live and your children are growing up In addition to fruit trees we also offer a complete line of high class Ornamental Shade Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Borries, Etc. Do not put off orderding. We can give you botiar service and bother trees, at no additional expense, If you will place your order now. Catalogue Mailed Free On Request ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc. 407-409 First National Bank Building Albany, Oregon A Sprayer Many Growers Have Long Wanted This new Beau outfit meets the demand for a light-weight rig with plenty of power, high pressure, and big capacity. It delivers 12 gallons of liquid per minute at 300 pounds pressure. If that capacity is about right for you, then the sprayer you ought to have is a ' rtLotifl GIANT TRIPLEX It has Bean porcelain-lined cylinders, the most satisfactory cylinders ever "; developed for a sprayer pump; threadlcss ball valves, which cannot cor rode or stick tight and which can be opened up entirely in less than two minutes; Bean patented pressure regulator, which holds the pressure to the exact point desired, and saves much wear and tear on engine and pump; long-wearing eccentrics instead of cranks; and -nany other advan tages, including the absence of stuffing boxes and stuffing box troubles. Sign and send the coupon, which describes entire Bean line for 1922. Hubbard Bros. Corner Main and Pacific Highway w The Bean Giant Triplex is equipped vith the new 6 H.P. Mean i nline, hit h cm easily an J quk-hly be mad.-available I I'cr. ill kind of power jib. Aik about it. IE 1 fn rCTd?mTfTrr-- '