Tribune Weather Year Ago 1 The Weather Prediction Rain, (now, cold Maximum yesterday 43. S Minimum today 22 Maximum tmllv Seventeenth Yeer. Weekly Fifty-Suouiid Year. MEDFORD, OREOOX, ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 Medford M Minimum I t precipitation 13 ij NO. 274 : J ! COMPRISE DIM IIDflM UILL UIUI1 : nnNRhi'Tinw I UUIIUUL I IUI1 Jeeth Taken Out of Eight Hour Law Governor in Favor Horizontal Cut in Taxes Bill to Clip Salary of Militia Head License Nursery Men. . SALEM. Ore. Feb. 10. Seuato leaders and Governor Plorco had reached an agreement today after flvo weeks of wrestling with the problem of consolidation of Btnto of fices, and a compromlso bill was pre pared for lntroductlou with signn turcs of uinru than sixteen senators attached. Willi a few exceptions, the measure embodies principles of Sen ator 11. L. Corbutt's bill and the chief features of Senator W. G. Hare's pro-j gram. I In rospooso to Iho appeal of the' governor yesterday for action on bis, recommendations resolutions havo been Introduced calling for n confer ence of governors of Washington,. Idaho, Montana, California and Ore gon for imposition of taxes on natur al resources and for the appointment of n commission of five members to, ' Investigate Irrigation problems. j ', HepreBonlatlvo W. F, Woodward's revised eight hour day bill for the lumber Industry passed the house with an amendment providing that penalties for violations shall not bo effcclivo until similar laws havo been enacted by Washington and Idaho. ' -Governor I'lerco In a statement ' publlshod today, announced his np ' provul of tho pending bill, by.Soiiutor Ilruco Dennis of. La Grande: for a tun per cent horizontal cut In tax lov Iob. as amended (o provide that in case of dlro necessity a tax levying body may ask permission of tho gov ernor to exceed nlno pervcent nf the 11122 levy for 'the years 1 U2 3 and ' 1 024.- i ' : The housa has passed amendments to Iho state soldier bonus act extend ing until December 31, 1 923. the time for cash payments and until Decem ber 31, 1927, for loons. Permission also Is given ex-sorvlco men who took cosh to return the cash with lirtcrest and accept loans, provided they can convince tho commlsslou that they ac nepted tho cash while laboring under tho misapprehension that loans could be used only for buying or building homes. Tl... Inl..l ........... ten has made further cuts of $-t,- ,S29 In recommondutlons of Iho bud get commlsslou. SALF.M. Ore., Feb. 10. The sen ate yesterdny puased a house bill pro viding for licensing nurserymen and another authorizing tho state board of horticulture to fix standards for horticultural, vltucultiiral and veg etable products und contaluors there of. Senators W, I. Hiiro of Hlllxhoro (Uid C. J. Kdwards of Tillamook In troduced a bill that would glvo to nubile utilities the right of Indeter minate franchlso in municipal cor porations, nt the samo tlmo giving to tho municipality tho right to pur chaso tho property of the utility, whenever It might desire. Senntor Peter Zimmerman of Yam hill today Introduced u bill that (C-ontlnueri nn Kara ntv..' E5PEE WINS RIGHT TO CONTROL Of CEEPEE, AND KEEP OFF ITS TRACKS WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Con trol of the Central Puclflc Hallway company by tho Southern Pacific company under lease nnd Btock own ership and under terms of a traffic agreement protecting tho use of the northern transcontinental route, was approved today by tho Intor-stiile commerco commission. Tho Central and Southern Pacific systems which havo been operated as a unit for muny yenrs were ordered separated by a decision of the su premo court hut tho commerce com mission today ruled that broad pow ers given It under tho transportation act would allow Issuance of an order permitting tho present consolidation to continue. All members of the commission with Iho exception of Commissioner MeChord held that the commission's power to grant the desired authority to Iho Soul hem Pacific to maintain Us tlnltv with the Central Pacific was unquestioned. Commissioner .Me Negro Confessor of 5 Brutal Murders Still Among. Living WACO. Texas, Feb. 10. Al- though there was no demonstru- tion Inst night Indicating possl- bin mob uetlon ngulnst Hoy Mitchell, negro, who county an- Ihoritlos say has signed a writ- ton confession to flvo murders In this county during the past year, tho county Jail continued under guard toduy. Texas rutsg- era ordered horo by Governor Neff will not come, according to Sheriff LeBllo Stegall, who said fr ho had countermanded his re- quest for state officers owing to the continued quiet situation. riiilT TRAPPER JAILED KLAMATH FALLS. Fib. 10. Fred flamble, former partner of E. W. Ilamam. aged trnppcr who had both feet nmputnted as a. result of their being frozen while lie was nt Duck Lake with (iamblo is in Jnll here, charged with having igrosaly injured tho person of another. Gamble was taken Into rustody by Sheriff Low, after he hud trucked the 'man from Kcno to Iluek, a distance of 13 miles, on FundH to puy Itni hum's hospital and ruilroud expenses homo after he leaves the hospital hero woro raised by popular sub-! iicrlptlon. I llurham is a resident of this citv, where hla family now resides. LEAPS TO DEATH NEW YOltK, Feb. 10. Mis. Louise Hart Hborne Leeds, sister-in-law of Trim-cHS Anastasla of Clrecce committed suicide today by leaping from a window of lur fifth- floor, apartment in cast Cfjth street. j Mrs. Leeds was tho wife of Warnor M. Leeds, prominent clubman who wiih a brother of the late William II. Leeds, "tin plate king," nnd Hirst 1 husband of the Princess Anastasia. Nbe bad been 111 fur somo time and only recently returned to her home from a snnlturlum where she had sprnt several months. Mr. Leeds was in the houso when bis wife li'iiped to nr death, but did nut wlntcss the tragedy. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. While Tour de tectives guarded Harold F. McCoruiicU toduy from interviewers, it was an nounced by tho manager of tho Rus sian grand opera company, whoso members arrived hero Wednesday thut Miuo. C.auna Waiska, Mr. McC'ormlck's socond wife, probably would malto sev eral appearances with tho company here. It was said thut Mine. Wulskn, who remained nt New York to com plete details for her American concert tour, probably would appear ns Phlllua In "Mlgnon," nnd In tho title rolo In "The Snow Maiden." Chord, however, held that the Cen tral Pacific legully could not bo con tinned In combination with the Southern Pacific. Commissioner Campbell, although concurring with the general view of bis associates, likewise, questioned the lecnltty of the auiberled cv'iitrol wtiiu. ('bail-man Meyer and t'ommls slomT Aitchison BUKKistcd that tin Central Pacific should be required to build the Natron cutoff line In Ore Ken bvfui-o bclnif allowed to proceed wlih the., conttnuetl consolidation lty reason of n truffle amendment satisfactory to shippers of the middle west to the Pacific roast which will allow the use of the Central Paclfli line, M i Ojjilcn nnd ihe I'ulon Pa clfic for the rendering of a trans' continental service lti transportation competitive to thai rendered by the Southern Pacific's own southern route ihe majority opinion of the commis sion declared ail principal obji-etlons In the public Interest to the unifica tion or the Central and Southern Pa cific systems has been removed. VERBOTEN FOR GERMAN HEADS IN RUHR ZONE Visits of Chancellor Cuno Pro voke Citizens Claim of French and Belgians in Note Sent to Berlin Unity of Action Aim of Allies. PARIS, Fob. 10. (lly the Associated Press) Gorman cabinet ministers hereafter will bo burred from tho Ruhr by tho Franco-Ilolglan forces, Premier Polncure of Franco nnd Foreign Min ister Jiispar of bolglum at a confer ence horo today soul n brief uoto to this effect which was Immediately de livered to tho German embassies in Paris and Drussols. Tho nolo reads: "Tho IJolgian nnd French govern ments have established that tho visit of Chancellor Cuno in the Ruhr region and tho uetlon ho took there had for its solo object and really resulted in tho provoking of a dangerous state of oxcitomout, particularly among tho big industrial leaders, chief function aries and government employes. "I'nder these conditions the French nnd Belgian governments, anxious to avoid, especially in tho interest of the population, disorders that might be come sanguinary, find it necessary to inform tho reicb. and tho governors of the states that the officials will no longer bo allowed to enter the Ruhr." The conforenco between tho French premier and the liolglan, foreign min ister nrrnngod for yostorday in rirus sols after consultations between the Helglnn cabinet ministers and M. Le- Trocquer, French minister of public, works, resulted In tho reaching of i complote unity ns to methods of ac tion in tho Ruhr. General DeGoutto. who the Belgians fool is sympathetic toward them, W..II rcir.r.ln' In command j as heretofore and no Inter allied high commissioner .will be. appointed ns has I Iwtnn ornillMiwl In nnmn ntini-tnrs 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Kefusnl of tlm French government to accept diplomatic, notes from tho German government protesting against or criticizing demands or. tho repara tions commission has been mot with n flat statement by tho Merlin for eign office that it not let Itself "lie prevented" from raising objec tions "against French measures, which by right nnd morality must be raised against them." DrilLIN, Feb. 10. A brisk ex change of shots occurred in Dublin last night when the city hall guard was uttacked. Machine guns dis persed the assailants. loiter a lorry load of iroopa was fired on. Tho body of a man riddled with bullets wiih found fin tho rsid be tween Uulltngnrry und Mullinahone yesterday. A card attached to the body boro the words: "The first of fifty spies." ItKI.FAST, Feb. 10. (Ily tho As Hociulcd Press) Four nrreHts made here last evening are regarded by the petlc.e- ns important. On two of the prisoners plans for tho destruction of the" lielfast Jail nnd other public buildings are said to Imvi been found. TILLERS UNITE SAN n-WNCISCO, Feb. 10 The California Statu Federation of Lahor and Iho runruHontutlvos of tho "HIr Four'"' railroad hrolherhoods In Cal ifornia havo nffnoiod tho formation of a now political purty known as tho "Farmor-I-abor 'Non-PnrliBiin Po litical AlllHiico,'' It wan" announced toduy hy Paul Schnrrnuhorg, secre tary of tho federation. IN EGG SHELLS l.OS ANilKI.KS, Feb. 10. "The very bent tirade" of Canadian en Ih (ino;i-d here at $ii a doren. Prohibi tion indents bought a nine and learn ed why the price was m hlkh. Kaeh Hit hud been blown nnd r-fllled with "throe fhiKurs" of the bent Kent i-h whiskey. WIFE FEARS RICH BUYER SLAIN BY ORIENTALS i mm MM Mnrtini.if t imtni'.ii I,in-,i- nml irun. eral manager for n Pittsburg depart- ; mont store, who disappeared from his rooms nt the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, with cash estimated at $75,000.00 Mrs. Lautnian, on her ar rival In New York from her home, Baid I sho feared her husband had been spirited away by a band of orientals and slain, after being robbed of his money. UP TOjENATE Funding Measure '.. Reported Out of - Committee Early Vote Is Sought Govern ment Selling pf, Wheat Crop Act Introduced; - WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Tho British debt funding bill passed yes terday hy the house was ordered re ported favorably with minor amend ments today by tho senate finance committee by a vote of 8 to 3. I Tho senators opposing It were La Folletlo. republican, Wisconsin; Ger- ' ry. democrat. Hhodo Island, and. Wasl, democrat, Massachusetts. j One democrat, Senator Williams of Mississippi, voted for tho settle ment. Tho republicans supporting wore Chairman MeCuinbor and Scna-j tors Smoot of Utah, a member of tho American debt commlsslou: Watson, I Indiana;. Curtis. KansiiB; Dillingham, Vorniout; Calder, Now York, and Frellnghuysen, New Jersey. When tho bill will bo brought be-1 fore the senuto was not determined because of the desiro of the adminis tration to press the shipping; bill to an early Vote If possible. Senator Walsh moved that tho min utes of the Amoricnn commission ho called for but this motion was voted down, as was one by Seualor La Fol letlo that Klict Wadsworth. secretary of the commltteo be examined. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Tho bill of Senator (IochIIiir. republican, Idaho, to create a government whent stablll7ntlon corporation with $300. 000,000 capital to buy and sell wliont j was reported favorably today hy uu nnimous vote of tho sonato agricul tural committee. A luisli withered price of $1.75 per bUHhel foe number one northern wheat would be provided by the bill and would apply to the crop of the next, three yenrs. Thin corporation on July 1 each yenr, under a com mittee amendment would determine whether tho $l.?3 basic price should be chansed. 9L MIES DELAYED WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Western trans-conlinentul railroad. -were to day ordered by the Inter-Ntate com merce commission to suspend until June 10 Increases In frelKbt ratea on wool ami mohair tnovinu from the Pacific const to the eastern half of the I'nlted States, The new sched ule were to have beeomo effective today.' Preliminary hearlnus on them will begin March 20 at Portlund, Ore. I'nder the schedules proposed, freight rates on sacked wool from Pacific ports to Chlenito nnd Host on would be $2.70 per hundred pounds, ns SKalnst present rate of JI.S5. There would be slliiht relictions on wool from Pocky Mountain terri tory to the east. From Kcno to fhl cano the present rate If $;.7S per hundred pounds while the new sched ule would make It t! 70. From Ileno to Iloston the rate If IS. 7 and the new rate would be $2.70. DEBT LENIENCY TO BRITISH PLAN TURK ORDERS TO LEAVE SMYRNA Rumor Status Quo .to Be Unchanged Till Treaty Is Signed Yankee Naval Of ficer Had Orders to Remain, and So Stated to Turks. LONDON, Feb. 10 (By tho Asso ciated I'ress.) The latest informa tion from Constantinople as well as from diplomatic quarters hero Indi cates that nothing important has de veloped in tho Hltuatlon at Smyrna where the foreign warships aro said to remain, in dofinaco of tho order from Angora. There Ig no confirma tion of tho report that the Turkish officials at Smyrna have reached an agreement with tho allied naval com manders, whereby the status quo will lie maintained pending diplomatic ne gotiations. The Constantinople correspondent f the Telegraph tells how the com mander of tho American destroyer Litchfield mot tho Turkish order to leave Smyrna. Tho dispatch' says that the vessel's commander admit ted to the governor of Smyrna that the Litchfield registered slightly more than 1.000 tons, tho limit set by the Turks, but explained that de stroyers nowadays were necessarily fairly large ships and that ho would llko to stay. The commander supported his an swer by adding that if permission was refused he had orders to remain anyway and pointed out that it would bo much more pleasant not to have any trouble. Tho govornor there upon gavo his consent, the corres pondent adds. ' Nevertheless a few minutes before tho expiration of .the time limit tho Litchfield took a turn outside the harbor nnd then re-entered tho for biddon waters. 3 DL SALEM, Feb. 10. Tho Salem high school basketball team dofeated Cor vallls last night 31 to 14, the players Indulging la a Tight in the second half, so bitterly contested was tho battle. Corvallis was figured as a strong con tender for the state championship, and her victory over Salem last year rob bed that team of the title. EUGENE, Fch. 10. Tho Eugeno high school last night dofeated tho Roaoburg high school 18 to 15, in a closely contosted gamo, that required an extra five minutes play to tlocido. At tho end of tho socond half tho score waa tied at 13 to 13. The ltose burg (,eutu showed a closo defense. Tho Mcdford high school lost a woek ago to Salem 31 to 24, and plays Kosoburg at Hoseburg Feb. 16. The Noted Dead I..OK ANOF.LKS. Feb. 9. Masonic funeral services will be held next Sunday afternoon for Captain Henry Zeenas Osliorn, eonffressman from the tenth California district, who died at IiIh homo here yesterday after a lingering illness. . ATLANTIC CITY, Feb. 10. Thomas 11. Conncry, veteran New York Jnurnnllst and diplomat, died today in Ills 85th year. J'or K years Mr. Conncry was managing- editor of the New York Herald and later editor of "Once a Week," afterward Collier's Weekly. He was minister to Mexico In the Cleveland administration. BERLIN, Feb. 10. (Uy the Associ ated Press. Professor William Con rad Roentgen, discoverer of tho Roent gen rays, popularly known as X-rays; is dead at Munich. Wage Increase' IIEM.INGIIAM. Wash., Feb. 10. A wage increase of five cents an hour was voted here yesterday by the dis trict of Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, olt'octivo February 15. Tho wugo base now la $3. SO a day. The Weather WASHINGTON. Fob. 10 Weather outlook for the week beginning Mon day: Paclflo states Occasional rains with temperature near normal. NEW YORK, Feb. 10. Morgan E William A., Reno M., and Montago La Montagnen. wealthy distillers and. Im porters, today entered amended pleai of guilty to charges of Illegal sale or SO.OvO galkins of liquor for which they were Indicted recently after a federal grand jury Investigation of the fash ionable Racquet and Tennis club. STILL IGNORED Veteran Student at Columbia to Quit, Angry at Papers NEW YORK, Feb. 10. Wll- Ham Cullon Bryant Komp, who first entered Columbia unlver- Blty in 1872 and has attended off und on ever since, has not v euroueu lor me spring lurin. v suid he quit largely becauso or mo unpleasant iioioi-icij given me by the newspapers." -Mr. Kemp, who holds numcr- oub degreos and last year stud- led paleolographic develop- ments of North America, huv- exhausted most all ordinary subjects as a freshman, was a classmate of Dr. Nichols Murray Hutler, now president of tho university. .4 BE LAW TO GOVERN "WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Crc.i tion 'of a Hpclal prt'nidi-uUnl com- mistiioQ to study chnrgta of a cur shortage and a poasibkr other trans portation questions during tho com ing rwttis of conjfn8s is being con sidered by President HardinK who is expected to send concrete recom mendations on Iho subject to tho sen ate and Iho houso intr-state com merce committees with tho next week. The commission would be com posed under present plans, of mem bers of congress and representatives of shippers and prodrcers, the rail roads, railway labor dnions and rail way secsrity associations. It would make recommendations, to congress next December. ' Tho president recently discussed tho matter at a conference at thej White House to which'; ho invited Senator; Capper. Gooding-,, Idaho: Cousjens Michigan; Norbock,, Bouth Dukotu; Urookhart, Iowa'and I-ndd, North Dakota, all republicans. Those at tho conference said there was ncn- oral agreement that tho agricultural industry required drastic relief to af ford more freight cars and ' that freight rates on agricultural products were too high. Among other things which the proposed commission, it was said, might stjidy, methods 'to bring down rate reductions. TO CIRGLEGLOBE PARIS, Feb. 10. Five French air planes flying under tho potronago of tho government, will Jenve early in .March for a trip around the world. Tho aviators plan to divldo their Journey into a series of short flights, participating in exhibitions and com petitions along tho way. Their courso will tako them through Italy, Algeria, Kgypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, India,, 4jido-Cbina, China, Kurcij, Japan and tho United States. They will then fly south across Central and South America, crossing back to Africa und returning to France' by tho way of Spain. LOS ANGELES, Feb. in. Harold Lloyd., film comedian und Mildred Duvls. his leading lady, obtained a marrlagu license lure today. Diiw lu Flumes. DEI.LIMiHAM, Wash., Feb. 10 The body of an unidentified man was taken from the ruins of one of six frame buildings which were destroyed by a fire on Elk street early today. Firemen were searching for another man who was reported to have been In the building. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 0. The re- tail cost of food in 10 of 19 reor... I sentatlve cities of the United State, ! decreased between December 15 and i January lu. the department of labor announced today. The decline In Denver was four per cent: Salt Luke and Seattle, two per cent, . Omaha STATISTICS SHOW FOOD SOARING ABOV one nor cent. For the year period which ended I DEATH LIST ! IN 2 MINES MOUNTING! Snow Falls at Dawson, N. M., As Rescue Proceeds 122 Thought Lost Little Hope Entertained! 34 Dead at Cumberland, B. C Inquest February 16... DAWSON, N. M.i Feb. 10. A. rag ing bllziard which began shortly af ter eight o'clock this morning drove from thoir vigil, tho unxlous watch ers nt the mouth of the hlast-shattor-od mlno No. 1, of the Phelps-Dodge corporation, in which 122 men woro entombed by an explosion lust Thurs day. Only tho crews of rescue workers and repairers were at tho tuuuol en trance. Snow is swirling in a blind ing cloud ubout the check cabin, tun nel mouth und tool sheds on the hill side. The New Mexico sun hlazea overhead and the temperature la hovering around 28 ' degrees above zero, while tho work of recovering tho victims of the disaster continues. W. 1). llrcnnan, manager of- the mine, entered tho workings Bhortly after nlno o'clock this morning to explore a series of cross cuts not yot reached by the rescuers. Ills trip Is expected lo reveal definitely the fato of the miners who are still unac counted for. If Wednesday's check is correct, showing that 123 mon wet;o In tho mlno when tho expsion . oc curred, 80 men are still entombed, either dond or alive. Only forty bod ies had boon recovered this morning according to revised official figures by tho Phelps-Dodge representatives. Two men escaped uninjured. -J, DAWSON, N. M., Feb. 10 C lly tho Associated Press) As the sun ' roSo over grief-strlckcn Dawson today, thu stretcher-borne cargo of burned and mutilated victims of Thursday 'after. noon's explosion still trickled from Dawson mine No. 1 of the Phelps Dodge corporation. Steadily throughout the night, tho list of known dead in tho second great mine catastrophe to visit till little village In tho hills of the Cimar ron plateau In tho last docude, had mounted. At daybreak 30 bodies bad been removed from the mass of debris cluttering the Interior of thu workings from the mouth of the shaft ns far back as the rescuing crews have penetrated. Two men walked out of the mine unharmed yesterday and S4 are believed to be still In tho mine. A little cluster of toil worn women, grim vfsnged men, ami anxious eyed and fearful children, who havo con gregated about the tunnel entraneo since Thursday afternoon, began to grow larger ns the first streaks of dnwn appeared over the mountuins. Hope has not completely died in the breasts of those whuso loved onea were In thu mine at tlie time of tho explosion. As each hour brings forth new evidence of the leirlfle devasta tion und ruin wrought within, how ever, despair grows in Iho breasts of the watchers. The arrival of two 1,'nited States bureau of mines rescue ears today is eagerly awaited hy the work-weary forces who have been coinbiug tho underground network of passage ways. ... Volunteers from three adjoining mines of tin- Phelps-Dodge corpora tion, scores of Dawson townspeople, and a corps of four doctors and ten nurses, augmented by tho crew of tho Colorado Fuel and Iron company's mine rescue car. have been working stenillly since shortly nfter tho ex plosion, recovering tho bodies of the Head, caring for th,. few who were Injured and nursing the exhausted.. I'ndertakcrs at one temporary morgue anil I lie city morgan havo worked incessantly preparing the bodies thus far recovered for burial and aiding n Identification of them. Investigation following tim terrific detonation which rent tho Interior of the vast workings of the ndno liko tissue pnper. lias revealed that tho '''"ler of the blast apparently was (Continued on Page Six) COSTS STILL E PRE-WAR PRICES l,,niii.,-- i- . , . -". ' 'V . '' ', . 'K' r, ,l,rt "' r ..." ,.. .'. "t,"" Increases , , . ' . ,l "vo-tentns or i;.,,,, ut Cleveland " , n ...... .. i ,l,c "v''rul'e " foo,, ,,,; , '."'l"c 'X'"" C?'1 " . . ' ' '""sen iroin s )t R ' " J