4 BRINGING WELL- IT'S ) . -" .-liS I THE i fT"? I 1 MUT HANEN WILLOW SPRINGS Tho state veterinarians aro at work In this section testing cattle for tuberculosis. This Is a good thins,, but should include all tho cat' tie In tho district, hot just those whose owners wish to take this means of safo guarding tho health of the community. ,r Russell Harris writes from Moro, Ore., oil tho deep snow and the cold weather In that locality. .Mr. Harris bpldB a good position with tho Pa cific Tolopbono and Telegraph Co. of Portland and they aro working near Moro. i, Mrs. K. K. Nichols vu taken se riously ill last Friday and as yet has shown only a slight improvement. Mrs. Nichols has been in failing Health for some timo and her family and friends reel much anxiety over this last attack. ' (M: FY Young and W. R. Harris are among those serving on tho jury from this district, this week. Tho many friends of Mrs. Hugh Porter will bo pleased to know that sho is making a very satisfactory re covery. She is still at tho Medford hospital -where she underwent a se rious operation last week. Mrs. Clyde Richmond and Mrs. W. B. Harris are on tho sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doardman moved to Medford a- woek ago and expect to make their homo" there for tho present. Mr. Boardman still holds his position at the Salade ranch. Hugh Porter and Frank Hammond hnvo been gathering up and hauling away tho old unused poles of tele- phono lino 30. It will make quite an improvement in tho looks along the Pacific Highway. Tho following itoms wore not re ported last week: On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. V. E1-' tlen and sons, Miss Itoso Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Birkholz and Holand wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hnnna of Jacksonville. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson entertained the Card club. ' Every one reports a delightful lime. As usual they played progres sive GOO and Miss Rose Jones won tho first prize. ' Mr. F. M. Palmer was a business visitor, to Medford. Mrs. Palmer is much Improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Clarko return ed Wednesday evening from a week's stay In -Portland, called thero by the serious sickness of Mr. Clarke's father. Mrs. Sam Anderson and Miss Roso Jones attended tho meeting of tho Ladies' Aid society in Central Point Wednesday afternoon. ' With Medfora trade Is Medford made. HELP WANTED FEMALK WANTED Middle aged lady for gen eral housowork. Mrs. T. Simpson, 931 S. Central. 277 WANTED Woman for general house, work. Mrs. II. A. Thierolf. 828 Minn. Ave., Phone 813. 2fitf HELP WANTED Male una Femnlo EARN $20 weekly spare tliuo at home, addressing mailing music circulars. Send 10c for music information, etc. American Music Co., 105S Hroud way, N. Y. 271 FOR BENT FUBX1SHKD ROOMS FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Riverside, Phono 701-J. tf FOR RENT Sleeping moms, bath, men only. 215 N. Grape. 270 FOR RENT Modern sleeping room. Phono S08. 271 FOR RENT Room wllh board, I'lG a month. 223 N. Central. 274 'OR RENT Sleeping rooms. 201 N. Ivy. 273 TOR RENT furnished sleeping rooms, modern garagn in connec tion. 124 King SL Cor. of 10th Ft. 23(!tf PERL FUNERAL UO.V1 At. Your Service Dny or Night Inforninlloit Cordially (iiven Cor. mh and Onkilale tiiibulnmo Scrvlco . Phono 47 UP FATHER c O-tfWsL. i-! .... .. I jav cSL r r -rw it ii til IK xrr ,rwi n i ; : ::i CAi a j 1 i r WAXTEl- MISCELLANF-OFS J WANTED To hear from owner hav ing farm for sale. Cljvo particulars and lowest price. John J. Bind;, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. 271 WANTED To trade for modern Bungalow in a good locality, a now six cylinder touring car. Star Motor Co., Apt. G. Hollund Apartments. ' 273tr WANTED Attorney desires to pur chase desk, typewriter and other equipment for law office. Enquire Box 29 care this office. 27t! WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board in private home. Phone 9:15-R. . . tn WANTED Wo want to spray your roses, shrubbery, fruit trees. Now is the time. Phone 10H, Clreen & Dixon. i!"!! W ANTED 1 GOD feet f second-hand 1 A and lj inch pipe. Cull ut Rogue River Valley Canal Co., Phono 129. 270" WANTED To louse (i or 7 room house with largo living room; best of care guaranteed. Mrs. David Rosenburg. Call 400-L. 273 WANTED Cood work mule. V. hundred lbs. Phono 639-K. to IS WANTED Used Dodge car, must be cheap. Phono 955-R. 2". WANTED Beets, carrots and man gels by ton. Rogue River Poultry Farm, Phone 201-W, Jacksonville Road. 271' WANTED By experienced man and wifo without children stock ranch on shares, prefer beef stock and hogs where you can raiso hay and corn, want everything furnished. Unless you hnvo a proposition that both sides can make money don't answer. Address M. D. 11.,, Hill East 6th St., Long Beach, Calif. 27-1 WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. . tf WANTED Honae -woviue and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. Snaps in Used Cars i : 1921 Buick Six $850.00 1919 Velie Six $350.00 1919 Oakland Six ' $25000 MEDFORD AUTO CO. BUICK . DEALERS Cor. Main and Holly REAL Bargains t OVERLANDS CHEVROLETS FORDS Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MEDFORD -MATT; "TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, 0 1 K i ON". " F! t JAMES - COME WANTED SITUATION'S ACCOUNTING Experienced book keeper is open for engagement, whole or part timo, familiar with corporation requirements and all branches of accounting. Address Harry L. Andrews, lllti W. 9th street. 275 WANTED Work by 'day or hour, spading or trimming and fixing gar dens. Phono 952. 271 FOR RENT HorSEKEFPIXGI ROOMS FOR RENT Single furnished house keeping room. 232 E. Main St., over Palmer's Music House. Bath and hot water. 271 'OR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, fill S. Central. FOR KENT HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East. 9lh St., easy tonus. Inquire Jackson CO. Bldg. ft'Loau Assn. tl' FOR RENT7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Cold Ray Rejilty So., No. 15 N. - Grape St., Phone 46G-J. tf" FOR IUiNT ti room house. Main, Phono 9KJ-J. 1004 B. 274 TOR RENT Modem T room house, close in. Phono 570-L. 27G FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOR RENT S room house. Phone R.13-R. 277' FOR REXT -APARTMENTS FOR RENT Very desirablo furnished apartment, adults only, reference re quired. Berbcn Apartments, No. 10 Quince St., Phono 350. 273 FOR RENT Furnished bachelor I apartments. 2J!) Talent Court rear 235 South Central. 273 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. Doors and Windows Door Frames Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Window Glass . Largest Stock in Medford. AX OPPORTUNITY Beautiful S-room Rustic Bungalow, absolutely modern, large living room with fireplace, full basement, all concrete walls and .in best stato of repairs, flowers, shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes and half acre of ground, in good residential part of town, with cow, chickens, etc. Prlco $0000. Same party also owns good business in town that is worth investigating. Business Is worth $2000. W will J l ade this residence nnd business on good fmin with good improvements, reasonably closo to town. Will pay or .assume differ once. SEE I S TODAY. FOI R-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building, Medford, Ore. Renl Estate Business Opportunities Exchanges IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND Wc hnvo a very choice tract ot land suttnblo for growing alfalfa, potatoes, tomatoes, melons and all kind's of high vnluo crops. All deep free soil and irrigated: on good roud near paving nnd ono mllo from town nnd six miles from Medford. Part now In alfalfa.' No buildings. This 35 acres is priced .to sell J175.00 per ncra, with reasonable terms. Examine this property If you wish to produce largo crops. 10 aero, fine homo place, only 10 minutes from business center of Medford. Under irrigation; six acres alfalfa, cuts 35 tons; 3 ncrea full bearing pears; good 7-room house wU.h modern conveniences and barn.' Just the place for small dairy und poultry. Tho prlco $5,000.00 Is made to sell. 20 acres very cholco land, 1,0 minutes from hiiBlnosg district on, paved hlfihway. fi acres bearing orchard, under Irrigation: modern 6-room bungalow; largo well and tank house; burn.. This will interest you. Priced to soil for $9,000.00. ... - , ' ' . Party owns 22 (icret very cholco alfalfa and vegetable land located 20 minutes from Medford on tho paving. No buildings. He Is no farmer, never lived on a farm, knows a plow but does not know bow to use It. Ho says sell tho whole tract for $150.00 per ucro and give a buyer good terms. Will you look at it? Another party owns a Tory attractive diversified farm of fair size, clear of any .lncumbrnnco, but being a woman sho Is not physically able to rAofcrly operate the property, so Instructed us to soil and give the best bargain offered in the valley. Conservatively, this property will produce $10,000 this year. Will you examine this nt $250 per acre. It will only take 15 minutes to drivo out to tho property. Yes, it Is Irrigated. ' Yours for scrvlco, J. W. DRESSLER CO. l'bonn 285. Yes, wo vrrlto TELEPHONE TO D'NTY HERE MOOI?E. THE QHCr V f If 1923 y INT'L Featurc Service, Inc. "J-? FOR RENT snsci:i,i..ix)is FOR RENT On shares two of the best commercial orchards: 20 acres u ai res full bearing Nelis, balance Newtown apples, 2 miles from .Med ford; 47 acres mile from Talent, 17 acres full bearing Newtown apples, balance fine alfalfa, water for Irrigation. ' Seo L. D. Harris. Cold Range Orchard, Phono S-.1-2 27S FOR RENT Storo rooms. Brown & White Agency,, 112 East Main St. FOR RENT SO acres of land nnder water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirablo offices in the Medford Bulldlug, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam bent, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room. 411 Medford Hldg. or Phono 542. ' 250tt FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tt MONEY TO IjOAX. MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, C per cent Interest O. C. Bogga, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. FOB SAT.ft HOMES TOR SALfc: Six room modern house, four large lots with all kinds of fruit, nuts and berries. Phono eve ninss 820-R. 2S5 TOR SALE 5 room modern bunga low, close In, furnished or unfur- , nished, immediate possession, a good buy, terms. See F. P. Farrell. Jackson Countq Bank Bldg. 275 TOR SALE Modern two-story house, sleeping porch, garngo, shado trees, largo lot, closo In on pavement, as sessments paid; Terms. Fred Mears, 401 South Newtown. 26711' FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butv terfield, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. J 211 Kant Main Ht. Plro Insnrnnre. f I XY. FKIilfUARV !). ifr: AT NOON TO Bt?MGr OVc-R POI? LUNCH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUN 1TIES 405-1. tf at No. 1G X. Grape Si., I'honu MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSI.ER Squnro Deal llalch- ery for chicks, eggs and hatchings, Tancred Loghonis and Reds. Phono 951-L. 2S4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FO RSALH At one-half price, 5 acres in bearing pours, adjoining city limits, good house, other out-build-lugs. Only one block from paved street, offered at $215u. Terms on part. This place is woi-th double this amount. J. W. Wakefield. 273 FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT 100 acres land. Call 037 Pine St. or Phono 722-It. . 278 FOR SALIC Cood half section stock ranch In good stock country to trade for small fruit and grain and liny ranch near Medford or Jacksonville, Oregon. Write Martha Koi'gey, Sno homish, Wnsh.i Route 4. .274 FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, oi-ebards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co.. No. 15 N. Grapo St, Phone 405-J. . - . tf OF. SALIv POULTRY AND 1X.OS FOR SALE Pure bred white leghorn chickens. Call 910-11 evenings, 1 1 19 W. 4th. 273 FOR SALE O. A. C. barred rock roosters also partridge Wyandottes. Phone 685-R-5. 275 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs for hatching, O. A. C. strain. Phono 201-J. 298 FOR SALE R. I. Red untchlng eggs. Phono ,573. . 2S)0 FOR SALE Young Mammoth Bronze Turkey Hens, also yenr old torn. P. O. Box 800 or end West Jackson St., Med Cord. 274 FOR SALE Day old chicks. Phone 277 437-R. FOR SALE Legs tor natchlng from high class Barred Roncks, $1.00 and $2.00 per sotting, $8.00 per 100. Mrs. C. Lunimey, Central Point, R. 2. 274 FOR SALE Turkeys. Central Point. J. C. Herring, 275 FOR SALE Dork nnrrod rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. V. Cook.R. .1, Box 48. l'hono 909-R. 289 FOR SALE Thebttiilt R. I. Rods, win ners of Southern Oregon, sotting ngpc and baby ehlx; hatch oggs for 0 cents each, Tol. 909-R. R 3. 27U FOR SALE Booking orders now for baby chicks and hatching eggs from prize winning Rhode Island Reds ' nnd from Whito Leghorns Tancred Roynl. Red Wing Poultry Yard, Phono 805-Y. -281 FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Good team light mules. Coll . at. Modoc orchard, Central Point. .277 FOR SALE 4 good young work horses wolgllt nbout 1400 lbs.; 2 good sets butt chains, harness, 2-3 i wagons, 1 single plow, also 1 gentle saddlo pony. J. Terp, 104 8. Fir street, Telephono 751 after G p. m. . - 273 FOR SALE Two fresh milk cows, C. M. Parker. Phono 189-W. 270 FOR SALE 4 til-art mures. C. ' C. Hoover, Phono USS R 0. 273 FOR SALE PTesn cows, exception ally good. ,M. Wtilsh. I mile NE of Medford on Crater Luke mid 279 Every Day - ' ' in :''' Every Way valvoline'oil '-" sales abe getting; better and better Crank Cases and Transmis sions drained free. Keaton' 10,000-mile Cord JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station By George JAMES -PONT TO CALL UR THE V7 vv v HOTEA. AND MAKE SURc Mt?9. Jl&6r THE-iet I vi FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Full SALE Good brood sow. First place west Maryipacli Oivhanl. 271 l-'OK SALE Goo! inilkieows: would trade tor gixd mule. I'honu i;:;:i-lt. 27:1 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 1500 gal. storage tank. $.'iii; Sno gals, smudge oil at Gc gal : 700 5 qt. oil pots. 5c each. G. G. Goold. Phone 25-R-2. 27S FOR SALE--Range, sanitary couch and cot; rliono Mi,-. Ji4 FOR SALE--Haymaker Everbearing Strawberry plaul'i. $2.00 a bundled, $15.00 a thousand: lletlieil, Ciith boi t and Low b n Raspberry planu. 5c each. 311 Vancouver Ave., Phone 2SU or 119-11.' 271 . T- FOR SALE Full Accountancy course In International Conesinnuleuce Schools for one-half cost. P. O. Box 659. , 270 FOR SALE- -Apple wood places. Phone 7-F-l l. for lire- FOR SALE- Very Uno old violin, rea sonable. Phono 1021. 273 FOR SALE One used Victrola, first class condition. Root music Co. 273 FOR SALE Select nursery stock from Washington Nursery Co., To, penish. Wash. E. ('. Welch, local agent, 0S W. 4th St., Medford; ol fico with Central Lumber Co., Cen tral point. Ore. 277 FOR SALE Several thousand fiv.- qunrt capacity smudge pots, pr.ee 10c each. Call D. R. Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards at meal hours. Terms cash. 2S4 TOR SALl'-rAuto Knitter, cook st'ivi! Edison Atnberola nnd records. 3; East I2tli St. 27.1 FOR SALE Now 4 in, centrifugal pump with 20 ft.' hose, also engine if wanted. E. II. Morse, ond of West '2nd, Phono 308-W. 273 FOR SALE Cheap, dandy work horse, harness and wagon. Phono 691-R-l. . 279" FOR SALE llnrdy spray butfli In good COIIIIILIon, 1V3 II. p. eilbllie "Mil three cylinder pump. Am buying largor outfit. Cull 403-R-3, ,W. V. Baruunj. . 273 FOR SALE Cory TJiornless Blnck- hrrrv ri-tntal tina ! Till IWr fhi7... $12.00 iier too. ' T. J. Noonon, Cen tral Point, Oregon. ' '291 FQR SALE 200 tons alfalfa hay, bar gain, mil 8 iv-1, Tiunueu urns., uumi Creek.- 276 FOR SALE Throe crops alfalfa hay, $15.01 pet' ton. Alice Hnnley Riincn. Phono 41 J J -3. 270 Mill SALE A Radio Sot to bo sold Sat. night, Feb. loth, on sealed bid. ll.il.d in yours at Virgin's Radio Service. ' , 2M FOR SALIC Bronzo turkeys: alfalfa buy $15. W. J. Hartzoll, 4C8-J-1. ' . . 257tf IH'SIXESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEt P. CODEMAN Chlro- nrnctlc nnd Electro-Therapy. 427- 28 Medford Bldg. Phono 905. tf DR. A. it. HE DC ISS Noo-Eclcctlc Physician. DR. LOUISR E. .. 1IEDGKS Naturopathic Chlro- praetor. Mechano-Thornpy, Spon dvlnlhernny. Food Sciences, Chlro- practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-3. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Phvslelan. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-U 1-Ui-Uii, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Ilea 1027. - - Baby Overland LIKE NEW $365 1 Studebaker Six $200 1 Overland ,.',.t. $35 t Chevrolet Tourings $225 to $265 Ford Cars, All Prices 'Always the Best at C. E. Gates Auto Co. mJ II II: ; V PAGE NINE McManus KoiaT ! EACH C, I IS -ST1UL. J 11USIXESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. &. GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and f. No. 32 North Central Ave., up stairs. Jackson County ' ABSTRACT CO.. Tho only complete Ti tle System in Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. WATSON . KELLOGG Rellabl" Jackson county abstractors of V ties, Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. C. i'.OGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estute nnd Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A E. HEAMES Lawyer, offlc In Llberty Building. : Building Materials ; MEIH-'Oltll CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Speclullza In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 K Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store. Medford, Oregon. Phone 669: Res. 1 002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m. C p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. ' Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll Bon. C. P. A. Attention given to anything, In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R Money to Loan J. It. ANDREWS Buys and sell mort gages and loans money on good security, 31 N. Grape SU Phono 53-M. ' S48, Ktonumenta - : THE O R JcGOn"' "qRANITB" CO.-X Monuments. 'E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. , M. Kershaw, saint manager, 103 E. "Sixth St., Med ford. tt Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians i 16-4 IX Liberty Bldg. .Phon 904-J-.1. Residence 20 gouUi Laurel St. ' - I'livsji-ian. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 800 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians nnd Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT- physician and Surgeon. Offices , Medford Bldg. Phone 105. Residence 118 Gcneseo St. Phone 166-J-2. ' DR. A. DimSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 tn 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 30 N. Central. ' Special attention to splno. Phone 29. . I Mn no Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, 'Arranging. Studio 318 , LlbertX Bldg. Phono 72. . Printers and Publishers , MEDFORD PRINTING CO., bas th best equipped printing office in Southern' Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc., Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St, ling Wcuvlug MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ WORKS make fluff ruga from old and worn carpets und ruga, Phona B10-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer GADS TRANSFER & STORAQK CO. . --Office 4 2 North Front St. Phone ' 315, Prices right. Service guar anteed. ..... 0AVI8 TRANSFER AND ST 0 RAG 1 J CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or residence, 64-7-R or 206. tf ' Vpholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer. ot overstuffed furniture. Full Una ot materials. Draperies made to order.. We do all kinds of uphol stering. Wo deliver and will call and show samples. (Phona SOS, laelmnnvlllA Or SYSTmAERVICEiO; 0 lisurjucc 0 ItwastmtAts M. P. (KTOtlTT 9ml Floor MedfoM lUdg. ,;'