MEDF0RT1 MATT, TRTF.UNE. MEPFQRP. OR KGOX, FIUDAY. FKUKL'ARV 9, 192.1 PAGE THREE 20th Century Grocery Of course, we gain friends and customers by "offering bargains." Unfriendly com petition calls them "baits." Well, let them call them what they like, as. long as they are a benefit to the buyer. What's the odds about the name? Saturday and Monday We Offer SOUPS. Van Camps Soups Concent rated, per can 7 1-2?; (i cans 45; 12 cans 88. 20th CENTURY COFFEE flunrniitced to keep your husband, at homo. 1 lb. 33; 3 lbs. 95 ( COCOA, Pure Bulk per 11), 3 lbs. 25. CANNED BEANS, Cut StrinKless-Per Can 121-2; do.. $1.45. COFFEE, Golden Gate 5 lb. can $1.69. CORN, from Maryland, My Maryland Per can, 10. . . OLIVE OIL, Pure Virgin Oil Imported Per gallon $3.19. MOPSTICKS, like Mother used to use each 15 WALNUTS, Soft Shell, Oregon Budded Fran quettc, per lb. 35S ROYAL BAKING POWDER Largo cans, 40 . 2'o lbs. $1.19; 5 lbs. $2.29. SUGAR Pure cane, 12' lbs. $1.00. HONEY Unadulterated, Pint .Tars 29. TOMATOES Solid Pack Del Monte, No.' 2 Cans 15; No. 2i cans 17 1 2. HEAD RICE Blue Rose variety, lb 71-2; 10 lbs. 69. CHEESE Full Cream, per lb., 32. Really no use looking for a better place, and so conveniently situated French Guard Railroads and Patrol Rivers in Ruhr Invasion Phone 475-L When Ordering Meats for Your Sunday Dinner Laurel St Market Give tis ft trial. Wehave it. We'll get it or its not in the city. j , y Free Delivery ' -AY -SHOES At Your: Own Price The Bargain Store 33 L fe Hawffw'; '-'r LOUIE'S Money Savers Rutter, fresh from the Creamery each day 48 Fresh Ranch Eggs, doz 20 Rolled Oats, best quality, No. 9 sack 50 Rolled Oats, bulk, lb . .G Eastern Oyster Shell, per 100 lbs $1.65 Mt. Shasta guaranteed hard wheat Flour, sk....$2.00 Xut Margarine, lb 25 Coffee, bulk, good grade, lb 25j Why Pay More When You Can Get It for Less at LOUIE'S Free Delivery Phone 271 i upper pimio; Fi'onch ironps on gu ard in iho omruuco 10 ibe ranrnntl si. utiun nud Rrds at Durtmon.l. (lower plioto) Ono of the converted French gunboats, of the fleet now p atrolllng the Rhine, nt Duessoldorf. Dl'ESSELDOItF, Feb. 9. (Dytho yir. is unobtainable , here. The Holland was cloared from Frleder- Associated Press.) French soldiers aided by tanks broke up a demon stration at IteckllnRhaiiBen yester- i day. Not a shot was fired. Gener ally speaking the Ruhr situation re mains unchanged, German resist ance is even more stunch than ever. T'-Te are reports that agents from 1-i rlin are canvassing the Ruhr vil lages and towns, urging tho workers to resist and strike. The military authorities have decided to arrest and put in jail all members of the pro tection police who refuse to salute French officers. Food is becoming scarcer and su- French plan to lift the duties for. iscnsioiu. The French threaten an embargo such foodstuffs as are now taxable.! on and ,ron manllfactur8 a8 Except for a military train, thewi,n Tht,v threaten to stop the im- Khincland, Ruhr, Treves, tyayence,' portatlon of Iron oro except from Coblenz and l.udwigshaver divisions. Lorraine also. are at ft completo standstill. lun-l The German industrialists assert dreds of tons of coal are in the' that their plants will be forced to yards outside Duisberg waiting trans- shut down within a weok if imports portatlon to Frftnce- Three trains of iron ore are cut off. left yesterday. 1 The miners are now receiving 1 1-; Tho forces of occupation now main-; 500 to 15,000 marks a day,xwlth a; tain a flet of 21 tugs on the Rhine. 'bonus of 520 marks tor a wife audi The French have permitted three each child. Tho steel workers' wage , train loads of coal consigned to Swlt- scale os 1200 marks an hour went i zerland to pass tho Ruhr frontier at Into effect yesterday, retroactive on Bracken. Another train destined for February 1. 115 MINERS ENTOMBED IN DAWSON HORROR X . . ' Carries V Full Line of CHOICE MEATS . ' GRO'CBRIES , FRUITS VEGETABLES PRICES RIGHT QUALITY THE BEST (Continued from page one) the explosion, but there has no disorder. One hundred and forty-one miners entered tho mino yesterday, but 19 of them had checked out, before the explosion, so thnt 122 men wcro in the mine when tho accident occurred. The fire bosses who examined the mine on the night preceding the ex- loslnn, did not report any unusual conditions in the property. Tho cause of tho explosion has not been determined. Tho ventilating fan' was so located Successor to Medford Shoe, Hospital 103 North Central Aye. Across from Economy Grocetefia R MEAT MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS xSeef Pot Roast : - 12 1-2 to 15c per lb Beef Stew 12 l-2o per lb Fresh Side Pork 20c per lb Pork Shoulder Roast 20c per lb Good Bacon 25c per lb- We Deliver Medford Center Sanitary Market 100 Your husbnnd will compliment you upon yonr'ability lis a good coolr whim ho Kits down to one of our juicy steaks. And well mny lie, for the meal will be an appetiz ing one. All our meats is of the very highest quality, possessing flavor and nutriment. " BARGAIN DAY SATURDAY ONLY loOO lbs" Eastern Hams, Half or Whole 29? 1000 lbs. Eastern Bacon, Half or Whole 29 Eastern I'icnifl Hams 19? Eastern Haeon Hacks 29? Liberty Stenk 20? lb; 2 for 35? Pot Roust of Heef 15? Veal Roasts 15?, 18? and 25? Veal Stew, lb ......12? Pure Country Pork Sausage. Hound Steak ground while. 'you wait. Come early and avoid tlin rush. If you can'ti come yourself Phone ub. Phone 255 nnd Installed that It was not damaged by tho explosion and continued in operation. The ninln force of the exploHlon passed tjiroujfh the Intako air way, which IS the main haulago been rond and on reaching the aurface de molished Iho concreto portal. Suh aequently the haulage way caved In nt that point. The mine, which was one of the smaller of the eiuht mines "operated bore by the Phelps-Dodge corpora tion, hnd a capacity of about 600 tons a day. A Btalement by the riiclpH-Podnc corporation hero to tho Associated Press at four o'clock this morning. aald : Owing to the fumes which perme ated the mine following tho explo sion, very little hope is entertained that any of tho men who wero In the mino will he found alive." Tho explosion wnn of such force that It toppled cement walls which formed tho exterior of tho entrnncc and hurled large timbers 00 to feet. Tho explosion wns heard all over Dawson nnd the .thud brought group of anxious Vivos, motherannd other relatives to tho pit head. The women, some hat less, despite th( winter breezes; others tlghtfy wrap- nod In shawls, some tiglit-llppod and dry-eyed while others were sobbing hvstorkal, waiting for some sign to indicate whether their men fo;k would be brought from tho mine. The news nulckly spread that tho minors had small chance to escnpo alive. Early this morning tho body or A. J. English wns found almost com plctoly burled in the debris. Further on tho searcher expected to find his son, Albert Knglish, Jr., foreman of the mining shift. With tho arrival of tho mine rescue car sent by tho Colorndo Kuel and Iron company from Trlnldnd, Colo., early today, rescue work was pushed with redoubled energy. Many members of the rescue crow have been working from 10 to 12 hours without rest. W. D. Hrennan. eoncral manager of the mine, was ono of the most energetic workers in tho rescue party from tho time of tho explosion until threo o'clock this morning when exhaustion forced mm to sock rest. Tho work of entering the mino nnd excavating througli- tho caved-ln tunnel Is a task which presents no little rick to the rescue party. The fumes In the mine are dnso, do spite the use of tho large mino fan. During last night and early to day, four members of the rescue crews have been overcome by the fumes and have had to be carried out of the mine by their comrndes. All Were revived, however. Many of the rosruers hnvo beet) struck by falling rock. . The walls nnd celling of Iho tun neis ore Bhnky nnd workors fro. fluently are forced to retrace their steps to clear tho tunnel of debris thnt has fallen behind thtim. The advance guard of the rescue workers is equipped with oxygon hoi mots. was filled with relatives of tho en tombed men, eager to identify the dead. A number of tho bodies were badly amngled and, according to the company, no complete Identifications have been mndo and no list "of dead is ready for announcement. There was a delay of an hour ! the reeue work this morning while improvements on the fan to increase the ventilation were made. Officials ;uihl this betterment of the fan would make sufficient ventilation for rescue flews to explore all parts of the mine without clanger lot being overcome, "DAWSON'. Feb. 0. Hllortly after S n. m., today a temporary morgue was opened In an office building near the scene of tho disaster. It soon Cont iiiunuts Shows Tomorrow and .Sunday 12:30 to 11:00 V. M. RIALTO NOW PLAYING Peter B. Kyne's great story of nor 'western love, starring Miriam Cooper. A First National Attraction i!Li!!l,'!P3nr a sin Sunday FRANK MAYO ' PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How to Open doused Nostrils and Kiul Hend-t'olds. You feel fine In a few moments. Your cold In head or catarrh will bo gone. Your dogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache: no hawking, snuffling, mucous dis charges nr dryness; no struggling for breath at night. , Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Kly's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, nntiacptic cream In your nostrils, lot It peno trate through every air passage of the head; soothe anil heal the swollen luflnmed mucous membrane, and re lief comes Instantly. It is Just what every cold nnd ca tarrh sufferer needs. pon't stay stuffeil-iip nnd miserable. Adv. PEERLESS BAKERY Butter-Nut BREAD Prom the standpoint of food vnlue, Butter Nut Bread is unexcelled. Only the most nutritious ingre dients arc used in its man ufacture. From the stand point of taste, Butter Nut Bread is superior. The best flour obtainable in sures a delicious taste. Ask Your Grocer for BUTTER-NUT BREAD MiM mill M!iiiimi!iii;iiiimii!;ii!i!!ifhii;i!r!g WE WANT TO EMPHASIZE Our New Bulk Coffee QUALITY ROAST, 40c PER LB. Just as good as the best grade of canned coffee. Prompt Service H. E. Marsh Personal Attention Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 We Redeem the Mazola Oil Coupons 3fl Phone 273