A V Mill I l I I M I ( I ii it f "PAflE . EIGHT, MEDPORI) MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, . OR KG ON'. TIIt'RSlUV. EE BR U A J? V P. - 11)23 DAJJ.' i i BUILDING PERMITS ' i ISSUED, 2 1 LADY LEGISLATOR TAKES FALL OUT HELD FOR ACTION, HELD FOR MURDERi OFFISH MEMBERS LITTLE PHIL' BACK, !S News Summary of Last Night ' A number of building permits hrve been Kranted by tho city coun cil, which body hag also held up two application until a further Investiga tion tun be mndo by the council com rr.Jlteo on bulldlnKH. The permits! W-iucd Include the following:- To It. Schuior. for a framo gurugo 8k23 feet In illmenxlun on cast Hide Ht H. Riverside, between 9th and 12th streets, to cohI IGOO; to Snider iwlry iVd Iruduco ronipuny, permission to raise tho corrugated iron roof of Its buildlfitf on cast Ride of North llert-l JU rtreel fit a cost of $".0; to Hcn Itmln Webb, to erect a frame nddl fion, H by 10 feel on north side of Kurt Jackson Htreet, to cost 1100; to ftjasoa Motor company, to mako tfb?ht nheratlons in the parage build liiH on North Holly between WfHt fluln and West 0th Btrcels. at on ei- cr.ee of $30. The application held up for more complete Investigation were one by ieorgu Adams for the construction . (If a frame poultry house of two' rooms on north side of Klghth fit li (li-rct, wert of Peoch street, to cost 5P4nd another by. Itay. Toft for a frame ono story addition to a build in;?, about 14 by 80 feet nnd of twoj rxniB on tho north sldo of West 10th street between Laurel and Kins btructs. HOV8TON. Texas, Feb. "Lit tle Phil" Algiu wanted In Los Anne les to answer to a charge of murder. Is In Jail today. at Angclton, Texas, after ho was lunded from tho Freo port Kulphur company's tanker No. 0 at Froeport. Aluuin, who had boon in clialns since yesterday, was taken off the boat shortly before nlno o'clock, lie soemed In good spirits and told reporters how be was ar retted and deported to tho United Stales from Mexico. TEXAS AND MEXICO FRIENDLY AGAIN AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 8. The Into bouse of representatives with out a record rots today adc pted a resolution requesting tho federal government to take steps looking to terngnltlon by tho Uiiitod States or f!i Mexican government. The reso hit'on voiced friendship of Texas for Oib Republic of Mexico and express ed confidence In President Obregoii. Quick Results Please j People of Medford V Kvcrynno Is pleased with tho quick rVeults of r.lmpel camphor, hydrastls, I wttrhhazel. etc.. as mixed In Lavop ftk eye wash. , After using less than Qns bottle, e lady reports her eyes. JrMch were Inflamed and watery, are ttTiw bright and clear. Ono man trb'd everything, but Ijivoptlk was only thing that kvc relief. One small t"ttle usually helps ANY CASK weak, 'rained or Inflamed eyes. Alumi num' eyo cup FKEB. B. Husklns, CrtiKBlst. ' . Adv. RIALTO Now Playing Peter B. Kyne's tmmortul story of tlio Orcut Northwtt "Kindred of the Dust" .1 drama of tnun's un(llna faith In the woman he loves, An epic f llui irrcul iiotihwcM, fired crrcy moment with the thrill nnd drama of the famous story. ; Miriam Cooper ' as Nan of Hie Sou dust Pile and Ralph Graves head tho ctit. SUNDAY FRANK MAYO In "THE FIRST DEGREE' HOUSTON. Texas. Feb. 8. Tho Kreeport Sulphur company's boat No. 0 from Mexico, docked at Freeport, Texas at 8 o'clock this morning bring ing Phil Alguln, wanted in Los Ange les to answer to a murder charge. "Llttlu Phil" was in chainK. lie was accompanied by Immigration of ficers. A largo delegation of Texas officers Whs waiting at Freeport to put him formally under arrest. The latest plan Is to turn Auguln over to Pollco Chief Ooodson of Houston, who Is at Freeport and who will bring tbo prisoner hero to await the arrlvul of Los Angeles Chief Oukes. who Is duo here today. "Little Phil" also told reporters thnr hn Alii nnt 1.111 IWallvn tt..r- geont Fitzgerald at Los Angeles with Tl'hnui aluvlni. ha la ahnrmul "T ml away und someone had to take tho blame." ho declared. "'That ono was mo." He said he had been traveling In this country with a circus as a clown before going to Mexico. DAYLIGHT ENTRY OF HOME-REPORTED Tho rosldenco of Mrs. Nona Dun lap. Sixth and Bartlett Btrots was broken into Wednesday morning, be tween nine o'clock and noon, and the home given a thorough rummag ing, but as far as known nothing of vulun was taken. Entrance was gained by breaking- down a aide door. Mrs. Dunhtp was in justice court at Jacksonville when tho entranco was effected, aud discovered the crime, when Bhe returnod for lunch. She reported tbo matter to the pollco, she said. , SALEM, Ore., Feb. 8. Tho senate today referred back to the fisheries committee for re-conslderiitlon con current resolution No. 10 which em bodies the recommendations of the Joint committee for Oregon and Washington legislatures that met in Seattle last Saturday relatlvo to fishing In tho Columbia river. Senator Mrs. W. H. Kinney of As toria objected to the resolution de claring that Astoria and tho lower Columbia river were not represented on the Fpeclal committee, but re marked "Jtnpresentatlve Hurd, who knows more about the habits of clams In a seaside chowder than ho knows ubout fish, and somo of the senators who know more about the habits of cows in the cow counties than they know about salmon, were named on tho committee." . Bonutor It. S. Farrell of Portland doclared that If the resolution were not adopted it would show bad fulth with the Washington legislature. "Why should we bo afraid of bad faith with the Washington legisla ture?" asked Mrs. Kinney. "The Wuohlngton legislature never has kept an ogreement with us." UL"EHSELlJORFFrir.ih :iut!vii ties announced tho death ' penalty would be inflicted on Hermans caught tampering with railroad equipment or slgnul boxes or. fur other acts of sa botage endangering tho lives of travelers. MTZ The strike of coal miners In tho Saaro valley was spreading loto Lorraine. ' urroy In Asia Minor. The cotnmlB 1 Blotters replied that the warships would remain where they are. To this, LeMatlu continues, the Turkish authorities announced that they would cotnpol the craft to depart unless they j went of their own free wilL ) .Tho Dritlsh and French command , ers Uien received orders to reply im ' mediately to any attack. If such an ' Incident arises, the newspaper as serts, no power, however anxious to preserve peace, would be able to limit Its effect. W.m.tN.ITON. Feb. 8. - The It vu P". NEW TOP.K Mrs. Frnn.-ea Noel Stevens Hull, widow of the Itcv. Edward Wheeler Hall, who was mur dered last September at New Bruns wick. N. J., with Mrs. Eleanor It. Mills, sailed for Italy. NEW YOItK Monslgnor Ernesto Fllippl, apostollo delegate to Mexico, recontly expelled from that country, was a "victim of a. conspiracy," ac cording to a rejiort forwarded to P.omo by churchmen today. E Evangelist Bradford Well Received at Christian Church NEW YORK Tho engagement of Richard F. Cleveland, son of (Jrover Cleveland, twice president of - tho United States, to Miss Ellen Douglas Oallor, daughter of the Right Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, 'presiding bishop of the Episcopal church in America, was announced. A twelvo day's series of meetings which opened at the Christian church lost sight was well ,nttendedi and highly enjoyed. . Geo. K. Uradford, tho evangelist, proved beyond uny doubt that ho Is a big man mentally as well aa physic ally and is. a thorough student of the blblo. His Buhject last night was "Tho niblo" and bo showed that It is tho only book that has withstood the attacks of Infidels, athtest and all others and is more popular today than ever boforo. lie aald wherever tho book has gonu thoro has been onllghtment, progress and prosperity; that It Is tho only book to whom all can appeal and find consolation and comfort and that It should be the guide to every homo and every Individual. Mooting this ovonlng al 7:30 and every evening for 10 days. Good iuurIc, splendid sermons by a man who preaches tho blblo. WEDDING BELLS TUh-lKh HuKhoft of Mcdford. On- and ! Hunch ?unnola of CVntrnl I'olnt, On., wvro united In holy wed lock In thu honm of thu brido'a par ontH. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnnford H. Hun ncls nt 2 o'clock p. m., February C. 1123. llov. J. L. neatly, pout or of tin t'ulon church, offli'iutlng. Tho rlnt ceremony wfin uwhI. RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER Uit p NuaUxl I'rle Add IH-iwslts An' ItbtaolvcaJ and tho Khcutunllo Pni. rii Stuns to lA'nvo tlio System Within Twenty-four Hours. Every Druggist in this county is authorised to wy to every rheumatic sufferer that If a full pint boltlu of Alleurhu. the tnjre conqueror of rheumatism, does not show the way to Mop tlio agony, reduce swollen Joints und do away with even the nllghtest twinge vf rheumatic puin. he will gladly return your money with out comment. Ailenrhu has been tried and tested for years, and really marvelous re sults have been accomplished In the most severe coses where the suffer ing and agony was Intense and piteous and where htc putelnt wah he'plcss. Mr. James 11. Allen of Rochester. N. V.. tho dlhcovorcr of Allendru, who for many years suffered the tor ments of acute rheumatism, desires all sufferer to know that he does not want n cent of anyone's monej unit- Ailenrhu declnively conquers this wnrM of all dises.ti, and he has InMructrd dr'JMtists to guarantee It ss above in every instance. All di iiMm can .appl) J ou. 9 Ad J WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The farmers more than any other group Interested in tho country would bene fit by the Immediate passage of the shipping bill now pending in con gress, Senator Jones of Washington who has charge of the bill in the senate, declared in an address read today before the convention of the National Merchant Marine aasocia Mou. Beuator Joues was unable to ap pear and hlB prepared address was read by Winthrop L. Marvin, New York, vice president of the American Steamship Owners' association. Senator Jonos declared that tho shipping bill by "equalizing tho dif ference in cost," of American and foreign ship operation would mean for Iho farmer American transporta tion Instead of foreign transportation. "The high shipping rates which' wie peupia naa to pay ooiore Ameri can shlpa were built," Senator Jones stated,, "went larRoly to alien ships owned or controlled by great trusts over which we had no control. If we had built a merchant marine our tanners and business men would have been saved hundreds of mil lions of dollars that went iuto the coffers ot these foreign ship owners aud would have saved hundreds of millions, of lax burden. "Wo want a merchant marine. The farmer, the businessman and the la borer agree In this, aud the measure wo urgo is a concrete proposal to es tablish what we all want." Representatives of shipping Inter ests and of mnro than ISO commer cial organizations throughout tho country wore horo today for the con votnlon. Attention of tho mooting will bo directed to the situation re garding American shipping which the shipping bill pending In congress la designed to meet. DEMPSEY'S FATHER SERIOUSLY ILL CHICAGO, Feb. a.Wock Dcmpsey on his arrival here today en route to Salt Lake City, where his C! year old father Is .reported, seriously 111 with stomach trouble, said that If his father's condition permitted moving him,-ho would-take-hlm-to Roches ter, Minn., to consult specialists. Of tho New York, boxing situation. Dempecy said he anticipated adjust ment and believed his manager. Jack Kc-arns, will be. Able to arrange at least two bouts for .him. . The cham pion boxer expressed the belief that Jess Willard. from whose brow Dempsey snatched the crown in Tol ledo, should be able to beat Floyd Johnson, Iowa heavyweight, when they meet next May in New York. PARIS. Feb. 8. (By the Associated Press.) -The Turkish order that the allied warships must leave Smyrna was discussed at a meeting of the French cabinet today. The French government la exchang ing views 'with London and Rome re garding the procedure to be followed In the effortB to reach a Btate of peace. Until further developments. It Is un derstood In French official circles, the Lausanne conference will be consid ered still In being and will be regarded as finally terminated only when the general secretary gives notification. It Is supposed that all the allied ships are remaining at Smyrna. These Include the French cruiser Ernest Renan, the French destroyer Somali, the British cruiser Cambrian and the Italian cruiser Venetla, besides the Dutch warsl-'p Admiral Tromp and four American destroyers. is today by naval officers here as having no application to tnc rtnu-Tu-iu. -stroyer Edsall, the only American craft In that port. government and also tnat 11 could not be regarded as on allied wurcraft to which the Turkish action pre sumably applied particularly SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablota you aro not got tone the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two rears and proved safo by millions for oolds. headache, tootliache, earache, neu ralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, neuritis, and for pain in general. Accept only' "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tab-1 lets cost few cunts. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of lisyer Manufacture of MomoacoticacidesteT of Salicylicacid. L E MANILA, Feb. (By-tho Asso ciated I'ress.) Governor General Wood today presented to tho Philip Pine legislature a petition by Admiral Stark and bis officers for permission en engage In inter-Island trade the eleven Russlon ships In which they brought refugees 'Trom Vladivostok recently. Tho potiflou asks that this privilege be granted temporarily un til the final status of the Russian refugees Is determined by tho govern ment at Washington. ' The legisla ture Is expected to-, dispose of the re quest soon. SOFIA, Feb. 7. Advices from Iho frontier declare tho activity of Irreg ular bunds In Thruco is ou tho in crease and that several Greek mili tary posts along tho Marltza and In tho Interior were attacked. The Greeks, undertaking Be vera J meas ures in roprlsol, are said to have occupied Beveral points along tho Maiita and near the Adrlanoplo sta tion of Karagatsch. The Turkish and Bulgarian popu lation of Thrace is reported moving toward the Bulgarian frontier. Tho concent rut inn of tho Greek troops in western Thrace Is reported completed- Tho Greek military au thorities aro reported to have pun ished 200 Greek officers for laxness In discipline Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c and mall It to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave, Chicago, m., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package con taining Foley'B Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In Bides and bock: rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con stipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere, NEAR EAST 8ITUATION BRIGHTER (Continued from page one) tlon by saying that British warships could land troops at Smyrna with a view to taking In the rear the Turkish Indian Suicide Was Crazy rilOF.NIX. Ariz., Feb. 7. Chief Gabriel Whltehorse, full blooded In dian and war veteran who killed him self In Now York yesterday for lovo ot a white woman, was Gabriel Hat tins, escaped inmate of the Arizona state insane asylum, according to Dr. A. J. Wheeler, superintendent of the Phoenix sanitarium here. B'bte TTwughtySr Tbdau WHY WILL YK MKV.U I live, sith I he Lord God, I have pleas ure In the de III tif the wicked. . . Turn yv. Hint ye from your evil wsysi for why will ye dip. o house of Israel J - Kellel V 11. THIS LITTLE BABY GIRL Wu Benefited hj At Good Her Mother Got from Lydia L Pink htm'i Vegetable Compound Pittsburgh. Pa. "I ok Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable Compound before my tune girl was born, and the effect it had was wonder ful. This will bo tho first child I have nursed, as I had to bring my two boys op on the bottle. I was very nervous and worried, tired all the time, and after I read about the Vegetable Com- tvmnd f tried it snrt kept on with it. I atill continue its use and recommend it to my friends. You mav Publish these sets i a testimonial for your medicine. "Mrs. Wu. K li.nge, 169 Plymouth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. It is remarkable how many cases have been reported similar to this one. Many mothers are left in a weakened and run-down condition after the birth of the child, and for such mothers the care of the baby is well-nigh impossible. Not tmlv is it hard for the mother, but tho child Itself will indirectly suffer. Lydta E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and does not contain any harmfuMrugn. It can be taken in safety by the nursing mother. I I I SOMETHING NEW We have just received iour first shipment of Ladies' Dresses in Taffeta, Crepe and Three-piece Dresses direct from the eastern market. We invite you to call and look our Dresses over, try them on, examine them in every way and you will be convinced we have Quality, Style and Price that will appeal to the most fastidious. THE NEW SPRING HAT TO MATCH We are showing a few Patterns of New Spring Hats re ceived direct from the New York Market, the very latest creations and, as usual our prices are a delightful surprise to all. 222 W. Main SHIELDS Medford ii:iiiijili;l;;;iiii;,iiiilp;!l'il'lii!iii MANY YEARS AGO homes were built without thought of plan or design. The re sults of those unscientific make-shift methods of building were homes void of attractiveness and conveniences. They were not objects of pride to their owners nor to the commu nity. TODAY you can build from architecturally correct plans and know exactly how your home will appear before it is built. Build Architecturally Correct ;i It Costs No More V' Come to the office to find out about this remarkable service and look over our collection of modern designs. Big Pines Lumber Company ff , ; ' - ,:..g