DAIRYING MEANS RETURNED TROOPS PROSPERITY FOR FROM RHINE TAKE ' ROGUE R. VALLEYi UP LIFE IN FORT ciyuo r-. iMios.. manager of the JilverbankS; I-urm near Grants Pass, was the principal speaker at the Chamber or Commerce Jorum lunch- eon at the Hotel Medford this noon Mr. Nilea uddressod the members of the forum on the value of the dairy cow as a wealth producer and v consorwir or sou rortlllty and quot-.they represented the L'nltud suites nt e& ailtlioratatlve statistics showing ' C'oblenz as the army nf occupation, tho prosperity of dairy regions com-;"1'1 "ut tulluy for' Charleston. K. c, pared wlttwreKion3 engaged In other ; tlbonri1 th" transport, where npproxi types of agriculture. ."""''J' ,300 .80,u,1' r o be un- ii .. i a . loaded lute todny. Hank deposits are from two to The Oerman. French nnd ncbrlan three times larger In dairy centers j wlvc who returned with the enlisted occoraiug 10 sit. .Mies than they are' in gram growing ceutor:.. In towns Burrounded by dairy districts thcro uro r2 jay days a year instead of two as In tho towns whero crpp3 are harvested once or twice a year. According to Mr. ,lles the Kogue Hiver valley is particularly well adapted to dairying. "We have ! three of the essential elements of success In the valley," said Mr. NUes, "unexcelled climate, responsive soil and plenty of. water for Irrigation. The fourth element: is tho high class dairy cow.".. "Blue grass is not necessary to uood dairying,' said the speaker. "One acre of land in corn silage and aifalfa will ralso three times tho amount of dlsestlble nutriment that ono acre in blue grass will. This Etatement is based on six years of research work done at the University of Illinois n-i.- . . '- ! 'l ,mwo. , 116 lUUBl ll-gtVU IB LUli the best dairy land in the country. ; The Piogue River valley laud is three times as good as the coast crass ! land "Dairymen hern do not have to build the expensive type of building for housing their cows as they do In the middle west as the climate here Is mild. The Kogue River valley is one of the mo3t ideal spots In the country for the development of the dairy industry. "Gentlemen," said the speaker, "I believe that opportunity is knocking ut our door; opportunity In the form of the high class dairy cow. Knock ing that she may he permitted to en ter and Improve our soil, knocking that she may bo permitted to Increase our bank deposits; knocking that she may enter and bring with her the greatest prosperity, for it is a true Btamement that wherever tho h'gh class dalrry cow has entered prosper ity has followod." - ., A number of farmers were present' ht the meeting of the forum which enjoyed a good attendance and B. V. Paul played the piano in place of Herb Launspach, official accompa nist for the booster songs, who was not present. Contracts were to havo been sign ed today by representatives of the Gold Ridge Mining company and P. X. Johnson, representing eastern capital, closing a transaction, which it Is said, will turn tho possession of the Gold Ridgo company's property to eastern Interests for a considera tion of $ 1 r.o.ooo. The Gold Ridge is one of the best "lines in the county according to min ting men and they claim if operated properly on a largo enough scale should be a big producer. It Is understood that the new own ers will install $25,000 worth of new machinery nt once and- wilt put a largo crew of men at work within the next thirty days. Y. M.C. A Notes REPORT GOLD MINE SOLD FOR $15010 Team standings to date: p, v. rc. South Methodist 2 2 f'hristlnn 3 2 'i0 North Methodist 2 1 (io0 linptist 3 1 -3:l3 Presbyterian 2 0 .000 The games Monday night were rlose nnd hnrd fought.- Fast playing nnd low scores characterized both contests. In tho first the South M. H.'s took one from tho North M H.'s hy n score of 18 to 14. The line-up was as follows; 4?Wh M. K. 18 North M. E. 14 fVentrv f ltawllngs Caldwell f , . . Olnsscock I.. Vimont' ... Glasscock H. .lnrkson K Hurl Perry K llnertlc Hhafer Evans , Steele Second gnnie: Christians IS ' Pnptlsts Olson t N". F- .lennlngs f ,'rff' Newlnnd c Smith White g Homer Mnddnx K "'". A- Referee Wnldron. A good crowd wns out to witness the contests and the best of good feeling prevailed. Next games Mon day night. Presbyterian vs. North M. K.: South M. K. vs. Christian. Ad tnfpnn for both times Inc nnd 1 0 tu - ' COUGHS Apply over throat and chest swallow mail piece of , views I V Vapo Rub I Oi 17 Million Jan Vxi Yecrly I SAVANNAH, On., Feb. S.-dly the Associated inwi-Sumo -100 soldiers who returned 10 America aboard the ,mn"l"'rt M- Mlhloi from the ichine t,,u famlll if -m i,f tin- men ' ",7" ri'""n' ,0,1'' nt I'""" K.-reven ! lalX Their fellow soldiers with whom men, were expected to experience dlf riculiy todny In arrnBin their households at tho fort. Borne of them have little household goods and most have none. Tho vessel beimr too crowded, much of the possesions of the soldiers was left ut Coblcnz or Antwerp. The wives today were also belnR acquainted with tho poignant truth miu a dollar Is Just a dollar, and that a soldier In the ranks is paid but thirty of them each month. Piquant Player Reveals Depths Of Superb Art Tho center of picture Intcrost this week Is at tho Pago Theater, where the points of tho compass nssert a contradiction "East In Wont " it in " ' cntance Talmadge's biggest picture. " wtpncioira Constance in a. role ot adorable feminity and with all the characteristic charm that is Constance's; but it also reveals the deeper nature and the finer art 6f which she is possessed; its emotional fervor is superb and tho beholder is carried from cllmsj to climax until the pinnacle of a great dramatic plot has been reached. Constance appears as a daughter of tho Orient Ming Toy who escapes from dread captivity in Shanghai and makes her way to America, the land of the free. Though, at the peril of her life, she had escaped hateful slav ery In China, she found In the China town of San Francisco that the white man's laws do not govern, and is threatened with bondage scarcely less hideous than that from which she had escaped. She seems doomed to "wife slavery" in the city by the Golden Gate. . ; .. . The "one-ncss" of human impulses and tho similarities between the hopes and aspirations of girls from Shang hai and girls from Boston aro dis closed in this remarkable picture and tho clash of wills and forces as they aro wielded by Oriental and Occi dental hearts and minds. "A great picture and a greater Con stance" Is the verdict of Page patrons Tho supporting cast includes Ed ward Hums, E. A. Warren, Warner Oland, Frank Lanning, Nick Do Ruiz, Nigel Harrle, Winter Hall, Lillian Lawronco, Jim Wang and many otl.ers. The brilliant musical interpretations which seems to accent every scene with additional feeling, adds much to this much-talked of photoplay, skill fully rendered as it is by the Page's organist "Betty" Brown. "Kindred of the Dust," Rlalto. "Kindred of the Dust" startod a four day run at the Rlalto Theatre yes terday, i . , The leading roles are taken by Miriam Cooper and Ralph 'Graves. Never has a picture reached the screen which contained so many dram atic and romantic elements as "Kind red of the Dust." Thrills galoro, a touch of humor and a dash of adven ture, with pure romance winding its way through the mazes cf the plot, makes this picture one of the events of the season. Patrons of UioRlnlto Theatre are to be congratulated on their oppor tunity to see such films as "Kindred of the Dust." Cow Kill Threatens 'Hot Stuff for Idle Bureau SALEM, Feb. 8. A few sensational verbal bombs are going to be thrown kerplunk Into the camp of the house Irrigations committee unless they get into action forthwith. Such wns the threat made in the lower house Monday by Rep. Cowglll, himself a member of tho committee, who chnrged that one meeting has been held thus far during the session, nltho numerous mighty Important Irri gation measures are up for considera tion. "We have been hiring a chief clerk for this committeo thruout the ses sion hut he has bad nothing to do," he asserted. "It 1s an outrage." Just what charges of a sensational character he Is ready to make, Cow glll would not reveal, but ho Indicated they would be of high Interest. The other members ot the committee promised him that another meeting will be held at once. Since this verbal explosion four bills Introduced by Representative Cowglll have been brought out of committee. Onnke In Chile. orAYAQUL, Kriiador. Feb. 8. Dispatches from Quito report than ail earthquake was felt yesterday In thai eitv and Its environs. Five persons jam said to havo been killed. Slides occurred in many places covering the ' railroad tracks. MEDFORD MAIL TRTRtTNTC. SPEARING IN TONGUES: MODERN HEALING MOVEMENTS: ARE IFiy Dr. A. C. Oaobeleln, Noted Bible t Student: Delivered at Moody Bible j Institute Biblo Conference.) Wo nro especially concerned at this i time with certuln teachings which of . recent years have come Into promln-1 once. We have reference to the Pen- i tecostal movements, claiming a rovlvul ' of tho gift of tongues, as well as the gift of healing. These movements havo become world-wido In a very short time, and have led to serious ' schisms in the body of Christ' and ! have brought to light cortaln features , and evidences, which show that the power which Is at work. Is not. ub It Is claimed, tho power of (jod nnd of His Spirit. These Pentecostal-healing-glft I of tongues cults claim that they are l manifestations of the supernatural, j similar to those which hitppoued In the beginning of the age. We shall show that while there are unquestion ably supernatural manifestations, that these manifestations cannot bo of God. And now for a description ot the movement, or movements, for there are several. We shall call It simply Penteoostalism. It started about twenty years ago in a meetlug place among colored people. This place is located on Azusa Street, Los Angeles. Calif. , 15 very body knows how exclt nblo and emotional colored pooplo uro. They claimed there had boon a won derful outpouring of tho Holy Spirit. Wild scenes were enacted with shout ings and other outward domonstni-1 tions, Including talking in strange sounds, which was branded as tho restoration of the gift of tongues. In ; a very Bhort time the tiling spread in every direction and the same phen-, omena of talking in a strange or un known tongue appeared, almost slm-1 ultaneously, in dlfforent parts of the I country and in foreign lands, like Eng- j land, Germany, Sweden, Norway, China and India. In this respect it reminds one of tho movement of Spiritism of somo eighty years ago, when the spiritistic phenomena ulso ' spread like wild fire. j . From the very start of the move- j nient it was claimed that another Pen-1 tecost had taken place. Tho prophecy I of Joel was at once used as now hav ing been fulfilled in these happenings; sons and daughters were prophesy ing, dreams and visions also were ulai'netl Others called it 't he latter rnln." The messages were and are still, that Jesus Is soon coming. j As far as tho teaching is concerned it clusters not around the Person and Glory of our adorable Lord, tho Son, of God, but magnifies the Holy Spirit i and His work in the believer. The Goneral Council of tho movement has issued two statements. Doctrines of the Pentecostal People dl All believers are entitled to and' :.'.:: 'f.d ardently expect and earnestly sccK the promise of the Father, the , baptism in tne iioiy unost ana lire. (2) The full consummation of the baptism of believers Is indicated by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Bpirit of God gives utterance. This is based on the second chapter of Acts, nnd they say "this wonderful experience is dis tinct frqm the new birth. ' Heme the teaching is that only those can claim the Holy Spirit's pos session in a real baptism who have the evidence ot tho intlal physical sign, that is, talking in an unknown tongue. They selected the very low est of the gifts of the Spirit as an evi dence of the presence of the Spirit. It has to be sought earnestly; what is connected with this seoking nnd what takes place when the individual Pen tecost has been reached, we shall men later. Nor do we now touch upon other matters connected with this bap tism in the Spirit Furthermore, from the very start bodily healings became somewhat as- ariMatnrl with PinwviHfn I lam ltefiiflnn holy laughter, holy dancing and heav- j only choirs, which consisted in scores of men and women humming tunes of familiar hymns. During the last few years miraculous healings have almost over-shadowed the gift of tongues in this movement. Healers have nnscu overywhero, claiming to perform mir acles; miracle men and miracle women attract large" crowdB; thousands are anointed with oil; handkerchiefs are blessed by these liealors, who thus link themselves with tho apostle and all kinds of astonishing results are claimed. I repeat, these healers aro Identified with Peuteeostttllsni. In the January number of the Moody Monthly a Pon tecoslallst states that Mrs. McPher son. the miroclo woman. Is In vital affiliation with the General Council ot I the Pentecostal cult and In absolute harmony with its teachings. We have therefore In Pentecostallsm tho claim of two manifestations of tho super natural; the physical sign of apeak Ing In unknown, or strange tongue, and miraculous healings. What the Bible Teaches It would he quite impossible to entor in one lecture into a closer ex amination of tho teachings of Scrip ture concerning the gilts of the Spirit and especially the "gift of tongues"; nor can 1 trace fully the phenomena as they are troubllug the church now In a historical way, I mean by show ing that all we witness today is noth ing new, but ha8 appeared in differ ent periods of the church, and always discovered In tho end to be a fanatlcul delusion. But 1 shall venture a fow remarks which will prepare the way for the charge that Pentecostallsm Is unscrip tural, unsound, unsafe, fanatical, delu sive and therefore not of Mod. As to Pentecost. No Christian ques tions that thero was Buch a day, the day on which the promise of the Futher, the coming ot the Holy Spirit to earth, took place. Pentecost Never Repeated It is a unique, day, just as unique as the day when the Son of God was cradled In Bethlehem; Just as unique when thirty-three years later Ho bowed His blessed head, nnd just as unique when on the third day He arose from among tho dead. The Savior's birth can never bo repeated; nor His atoning death; nor His physl- a n I uiirnu.lnn Thia ! nnilfillv true of Pentecost. There Is but ono day of Pentecost and a socoud, or an Individ ual Pentecost, for each believer. Is unscriptiirul and a delusion. I Nor can the outward signs con ! nected with the coming of the third ; nnrson of the Trinity to be on earth I In connection with the church, ever be repeated. Tho fact is, in spite of all the claims made by Pentecostnllsm, w hat happened on tho day of Rente-, cost hns never happened ngaln. but : they say, "yes It has happened: When MEDFOTm OK'KCOW wo received our Pentecost an l llnp-1 Usui we talked in strange tongues.'' , Lot us see. There was on Putitocost j a rushing mighty wind. Has this, is I this being repeated? Then Otere ap peared uuto them cloven tongues like of lira. Has this been repeated? Then they begun to speak with other I tongues. The assembled Jews sulci: "How hear we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born? Nor did they only hoar n sound but they heard thorn speak a real language about th owomlMiful works of God. : (Acts 2:11-11.) Has all tliis ever b?en j repeated? Certululy not. It was not repealed In tho liuiiseliold of Corne- ' Has. At that tinm we read nothing of a mighty rushing wind, nothing of j cloven tongues of fin-, not of differ- J ent languages which were understood, j It does not Bay that tho converted Gentiles siKko with Vi'ther tonguus." 1 but wo road "they he;ird thorn speak j with tongues and mighty God." It was not another Pentecost, not n repe-1 tllion of Pentecost, not another Bap-1 tlsm of the Spirit, and let mo add, no-' body knows what the simply apeaking-j with tongues was. I havo no right to , say that they nooke In different lan-1 guages, for it does not say that. It; may mean only an cnthusiustle, emo-; tlona! outburst. Nor was thero another Pentecost In ; Kpliesus. when Paul found the dis ciples of John tho Baptist. Nothing is : said that thoy sjioko In other tongues, i nor wns there tho mighty rushing . wind nml the cloven rfongiies of fire, j Another Pentncost, an Individual Pen-1 tocost is therefore an unscrlpturnl iu-! ventlon and tho miarahl theory that every Individual, believer must experi ence the same, what took place on Pentecost, nnd speak In other tongues, j InckB all scriptural support. j Wo cannot read 1 Cor. 14 without I being impressed with the fact that all ! amounts to a warning, becauso this gift Is peculiarly open to spurious Imi tation. Satan, who Is the arch-coiiu-terfeltor, cannot Imitate the work of Christ, but being a spirit with im menso spiritistic resources imitates mostly, if not exclusively tho manifes tations of the Holy Spirit. And of nil tho gifts the gift of tongues is the easiest to imitate. If Interpretation Is lacking no one knows whether the i speaking is really of God; it may bo, vile, blasphemous or anything else, i And now we are ready to snow that in view of tho Holy Scriptures and sound doctrine as to tho work and ac tivity of God tho Holy Spirit, tho mod ern day Pentecostallsm is unscrip tural, unsound, unsafe, spurious, de lusive not of God, hence a dangorous movement which must work disaster in the church of God, because it is an 'imitation. As to the utter unscripturalness we stato once more that tho use of the word "Pontecost in the sense .or a repetition of that day when the Holy Spirit came to earth, or an Individual PontecoBt, hns no foundation whatever in the Word of God. Where ie there in the New Testament an exhortation to believers to make individually a Pentecostal experience? There is not even a command totesoek ,thu Holy Spirit for tho slmplo reason that the believer is the new Dirui, Dorn or (.ne : Spirit, is also sealed hy that Spirit of promise. The Holy Spirit is as much j the gift of Grace as eternal Hie and in fact accomnnnies tho gift of eter-, nal life. Every child of God has tho Spirit indwelling and to demand that a believer must seek his or her Indi vidual pentecostal experience strikes at the very fundamentals of the Gospel of grace. Baptized by the Spirit It is equally so with the term "Bap tism in the Holy Spirit." The bap tism of the Spirit is an entirely dif ferent thing from that which is bo er roneously taught in PentecoBtalism. Nowhere is there a command Tor a child ot God to Beek the baptism In or with the KnirlL What the baptism by tho Spirit really means is stated in 1 Corinthians 12:13. "For by ono Spirit are we al lbaptlzed into one body, whether wo be Jews or Gentiles. whother bond or free; nnd have been nil made to drink Into ono Spirit." ; Now the ona Snlrlt IB the Holy Spirit I who came on Pentecost On that day j tho church, tho body of Christ was brought Into existence by the coming of the Spirit. The assembled believers were baptized into that body by the Spirit and over since when a sinner trustB on Christ the same Spirit adds that one as a member to that body, thus every believer is baptized by the nnn Solrlt Into the ono body. That is the only baptism with the Spirit of which the New Testament speakB. The Holy Spirit Not to Be Sought Furthermore the teaching of this system that speaking with tongues Is the Bole evidence of having received the Spirit Is unscrlptural. An intelli gent Btudy ot tho doctrine of tho Holy Spirit, nnd especially 1 CorinthlaiiB 14 ahows that this is false teaching. Tarrying Meetings The seoking of this gift is unscrlp tural. The so-called miracle woman Mrs. McPherson as well as the other Pen tecoBtal teachers and preachers, ap point so-called "tarrying meetings." TheBO meetings are patterned after that unique prayer meeting In the first chapter of Acts, as if that meeting, whero the disciples waited for the promise of the Father, could ovor be repeated. As wo have seen from tllo Corinthian epistle that gift being the inferior one, is not to be coveted and Bought after. Yet here aro these peo ple, faBtlng. praying, waiting and cry ing like the priests of Baal for the firo to come down from heaven. And in this unscrlptural seeking of tho least of the glftB of tho Spirit they give up theniBelvcs, there is a re nunciation ot all control over their bodily movements. Homo of tlieso seekers through self-hypnotlBm have becomo physical and mental wrecks. Scenes In a Pentecostal Meeting And now let lis look and see whnt Ib taking plnco In these "tarrying meetings" and what happens when people get "their Pontecost" when they receive this uiiBcripturul baptism with the Holy Spirit. What take place Is the opposite from what tho Apostle demands, order and decency. Evervthing is disorder. Here are Borne which have a wild look in their eyes, they stare fixedly nt an object, mumbling something nbout "Josus" or something else. Others lay on their i.nrka holilltiK mi their hands. Women Iny on the floor Indecently uncovered. I Some nro In a rigor wnne otners an troubled with shakings which am un controllable, some kind of a paralysis ugltnns. Again otliors foam ut the TlHMfSJUY. FKISUTAK V mouth and havo convulsive fits. Then ( there are those who about at the top of their voices, some muku sounds like a cat, or some other beasts. Others I shrlol: In terrifying manner and here I aro sorno who say "Du-Da-Mania-' maiim-papa-papa." This Is called the "Ruby Talk.'' As It was In San Jose , Inst fall when a Pentecostal womau ! approached a Billy preacher who came I to seek this gift chucking him under the chin she said "Now JiHt limieine j that you are a baby amf begin to I bubble." So great became the con- . fusion and the outrageous behaviour , in one of theso moetlngs that tho woman leader warned tho people not to go too far or they would "go to hell In an asylum." All this Is not of God. Nowhero do wo road In tho Won! of God that the Holy Spirit gives a man or a woman convulsions or vio lent, uncontrollable shuklngs. But wo know that there is unothor spirit which throws people down, makes them at tho mouth, and you know the name 01 that power. Tho emblem of the Spirit of God is a Dove, meek nnd lowly. According to those Pentecostal meetings the embleui of tho Spirit ought to be a hideous scriech owl. or a loud it mlh parrot which talks with out lino itig what it Hays. Only n spiritual imbecile can thluk or im agine that this Is ot God. It is the work of demons pure and simple. Tho fact that demon power Is at work In tho Pentoeostal cult, is, wo aro told acknowledged by somo of their lend ers We have tho testimony of a number of people who came under tho spell. We quote one: "Again I was knocked from my knees to tho floor on my bnck and my head was beaten on the floor many 1 lines, nnd my wholo body was shnken hy that strange power. I then spoke In tongues. They told mo I had the gift of the Greek language. A short whllo after this I could speak In dif ferent tongues. Ono of thorn sounded more liko the cries ot a wild animal in distress than llko a language. I then had no iiower over my body. I hnd giveD it up to be controlled by that Iiower. After this 1 had diri'orent manifestations. 1 will only tell olio. There would be a shock llko that of electricity through my liody and shake It from head to foot Then tills power or personality would ba so real that It would talk to me saying I was going to, be mlghtly used of God. Having the gift of healing. It would tell me that I was able to prophesy and do wonderful miracles. When under the control of this power my thoughts were constantly evil. With thess thoughts evil lusts prevailed. "Many to my knowledge shortly after receiving this experience have fallen Into Bin." With others wo prayed and using the name of the Lord Jesus Christ de liverance came. Each case we have observed was a clear case of posses sion nnd each claimed to lie troubled with vile, unclean suggestions. Pentecostal Visions And now concerning visions, dreams and prophecies. Many of these Inter pretations claim to bo prophesies about the "coming of Jesus." Others claim to have visions and then they prophesy. Ono of tho oarllest canes was that of a woman who had a vlsiou in Colorado Springs, whllo under the power. Sho set a date when tho Ant lers Hotel would bo swallowed up by an earthquake nnd sink out of exist ence. It got into tho pRpers. She even appeared before the ministerial association and gave in an Impressive manner her vision. It was a vision, Hiiro enough, but it wns a lylug vision. The Antlers Hotel Is still standing. Year ago when 1 boro witness against these hallucinations nnd lying prophesies, as well as against the en tiro movement that It Is not of God, some peoplo Bent mo haters that the Lord had revealed It unto tbem that I would bo stricken dead In n short tituo for having blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Ever since that time I have enjoyed better health than over be fore, and tho more I warn agalqst this delusion, tho more tho Lord blcssos my tostlmony. Last year I lost some 200 subscribers to my magazine be causo I bore witness agalnt these Blrango things, but counting up a few days ago. we discovered that we had gained 2,000 new subscribers. Causing Divisions In the Church Here Is another faot which shows that this Pentecostallsm Is not of God. Once more let me call your attention to tho Eplstlo to the Corinthians. Tho Spirit of God makes this Btntcmont, "That there should be no division in the body." On tho Day of Pentecost tho Holy Spirit united tho believers into one body. Thus the Spirit of God produced a unity. Soon that unity was marred and tho work of the flesh, sects and parties, became evident And let us remember this started in Corinth, whore they created sects I am of Appollos, I am of Paul, I am of Cephas, I am of Christ. Now when ever the Holy Spirit manifested H1b energy among God's peoplo It always resulted In uniting tqoni. But here is a movement which hns produced from the very start the opposite; It hns created new divisions. The move ment Itself hns now different sects and parties and it is playing havo: among n certain class of bolievers Qntl itrnduppR Hitch an nrrnirniit nrlde ami uplf-nvnHalinn that it floes not! tnko much discernment to see It Is not another Pentecost but a delusion. Besides this work of the flesh "di visions" worse things have apiearod, somo of which are unnnmable In this audience, the worts things of the flesh have been practlsod under the guise of a restoration of apostolic gifts. The Work of Demons Ono more fact Solomon, wrote, "Thero is nothing new under the Bun." This Is likewise true of Pentecoslnl Inni. Tho same thing appears peri odically In church history. Tho Flnge lant movement hnd it; -then there were the Camlsards and other deluslnnists and fanatlcB. The last time It np. peared was about one hundred years ago. Europe was then JiiBt emerging out of the horrors of- wnr and the Napoleonic upheavals. Christians spoke then of tho coming of the Lord. Then under the leadership of Edward Irving tho same thing broke out with tlm same manifestations and oar marks nB tho Pentecostal movement I havo In my possession an orlglnnl copy of the work of Robert Baxter, who gives a vnluahlo sketch of the wholo Irvlngnlto movement Women were talking In tongueB. Mr. Baxter himself had received tho power which made him bellow like a bull, bo that when the power came over lilm ho. quickly stuffed a handkerchief In his . THEY SCRIPTURAL?' mouth so ns not to awaken tho peoplo at night. Men and women propluiBled nnd announced tho soon coming of tho Lord with other startling prophecies. All theso prophecies were lies, Just us the visions and prophecies of 1'ento eostullsm are lies and falsehoods. The wholo movement wna found out to oiniinato from demons; It ended with the demons emitting their venom against our blessed Ixml and teaching that Ho was man with a nature of sin an dthe flesh. Tho spirit of delusion Irnl been ncooptod for the Spirit of God. And let me say iu the Irvlngnlto movement the word "Pentecost" and "Pentecostal" wns as prominent as it is today In this modern gift of tongues delusion. Let me add that leaders In Oonnany, Great Britain nnd our own land had their oyeB opened and bear now witness that the controlling power is evil mimicking tho true power of God. Whnt Pontecostallsm Is yet to prc duco remuina to lie seen. In my esti mation It will remain preparing the way for stronger delusions, trying to dowlvo tile very elect Over against all this, well moaning persons ralso questions. Does not this movement bear witness to tho Daily of Christ? Do they not speak of the blood? Aro not peoplo being saved In their montlngs? Do you think this could emanate from de mons? Tlieso and other questions ure constantly put up to mo. Of courso a large number of true believers have become ensnared In this cult, think ing it Is of God; thoy bear witness to the truth even then, and God always honors His Word. But on tho othor linnd let us also rememlier that It wus a demon who first confeasod thut our Lord Is tho Son of God, when a demon possessed man witnessed thus. Also remember that the demon possessed damsel In Phlllppl Bpoko the truth and witnessed to tho fact that Paul and Silas wore tho servants of the Most High nnd that thoy taught God's way of salvation. As Sir Robert An derson has shown, demons are uot all vile, but Satan transforms himself Into an angel of light and makes his ministers tho mlplBtcrs of righteous- ness. Unscrlptural Healing An to miraculous healings. As stated in the beglnnlug faith healing is closely coupled with tllo gift of: tongues delusion. A closer examlna-1 tion of this phase Is not possiblo at ' this time. I ubull confine myself to a very few remarks. i There is made a most astonishing claim that the miracles of the Apoa-. tolic Days are being performed once more. Healings and miracles wore al ways claimed in spurious movements of the past But now the "healing movements" have taken on tremendous propor tions. Healings nro claimed by many cults, if not by all cults which are pro pagated by demon powers. Years ago I stood before a veritable mountain of crutches, surgical appliances and bandages, in a monastery in Central Russia. Pilgrims from all over Russia had come to the Lawra, In ."holy" Kleff, to get hoallng by touching the bones of saints of long ago. They were healed. 1 have been to St Anne via Benu-Pre, In Quebec, nnd saw the same thing there as well as in the Louvre of Franco. Then thero Is Mor moiilsm, that vilest of all religions, worse than the snuke worship ot the Hopl Indians; they claimed to have miraculous cures. . Christian Science Is a cult of de mons, and here too are the claims of miracles of healing. Spiritism has connected with It healings and other signs. So has New Thought, and the evor multiplying physical cults for which new numes are constantly coined. Dowlelsm, that running mix ture of truth and error, founded by one who claimed to be some great one, claims miracles of healing, lint above all, tho different Pontecostal sects claim to have wondorful healings, veri table miracles. So do others, like tho Bosworth Brothers. Thoy seeni to utilize a cor taln Labor organ tor advertising pur uses. Let uio road to you what ap lcared In head linos in a single issue, tho claims which aro made by these men. And let me add that In Toronto, Detroit, and other places numerous cases have been Investigated and it wus found thut not one was genuine; these men and others have been chal lenged to bring forth evidences that what is reported Is true. 1 havo in vestigated the BUpiHjsed miracles of Mrs. McPherson and other liealors with the same results. But lot me read the eusattonul claims printed In tho "Lalior Tribune." All appeared In ono issue: "Wholly deaf healed." "Nervous twitching cured." "Special ists said incurable hoaled." "Sick 20 years; operated on 14 times; prayed for and healed." "Was deaf but now hears." "Had nervous prostration; had 28 doctors In 21 months; Instantly healed." "Ear drum gono; 17 doctors failed; now Instuntly healed." "Had paralysis; healed by reading the 'Labor Tribune' " Cessation of Certain Gifts Lot me state a few facts in conclu sion. Cortaln gifts in tho body ot Christ havo disapiicared. Miracles and signs were porminent in the beginning of thla dispensation for they wore needed then. The beginning of tho age was Jewish and tho Jew "asks for a sign." He wants to' see nnd then be lieve. As long as the New Testament revelation was not completo these sign gifts, on account of their evidontlul character, were prevalent oven among tllo Gent.llo belluvers, as It was tho case In Corinth. But when God had completed His Word and given all He had to reveal to man, then the true character of the age becaino evident. It became as It Is still, the age ot Faith, and not tho age of sight. Tho heavens became silent. No more rev elation, no more visions, no more prophetic, no more nngelio manifesta tions, no more miracles. Man Is to beliovo, to trust, to walk by faith. Furthermore these sign gifts, like the gift of miracles, the gift of tongues and tho Interpretation of tongues are not needed for tho completion ot the body ot Christ, nor for the perfecting of tho saints. Please compare here I Corinthians 12:28 with Ephoslnns 4: 1 MS. Why are the sign gilts mon tloucd in the former passage and why are they omitted in the epistle in which the full revelation concerning the church, the body of Christ, Is glvon? For the simple reason that. these gifts are useless for the real edification of the body of Christ. But may we not expert a revival of apostolic power nnd gifts, a revival of PAGE FIVE signs and miracles, before the Lord comes? Pentecostallsm claims tills, out wnai saun tne scriptures.' lue age ends not in a restoration of mir acles, but it ends in apostasy. Yes, signs and miracles and wonders will appear In tho very close of this age, but theso will be the miracles and wonders of Satnn's masterpiece, tho coming man of sin. (2 Thess. 2.) I wonder If thone present day claims and delusions, these most subtle man tfutatlous of demon powers are not tho wuy prepnrers of greater delu sions? Surely Satan stalks about lu the garb of un angel ot light . God help His true church to resist him and hold close to the Truth of OoO.-r- ; Moody Blblo institute Monthly. Pd. by layman. : Kidnev and Bladder Trnnhlpc Pnnnuprpd or Money Back For 40 years, said Dr. Carey, I havo prescribing my Prescription No. 777 (knowu for years as Marshroot) for kidney and bladder sickness and now that J huve retired from active practice I have made arrangements with leading druggists to dispense this wondorful prescription at a mod erate price, on the money bock If dissatisfied plan. liowaro of kidney disease thoua- nml. ,lln I nuAN i..... a,hn ih to be enjoying the blessings of Ufa and health. Watch the symptoms. If you have npecks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moLtft palms, backacho or Kideacho. you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's famous Prescription No. 777 right away. 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