Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford I
The Weather
Prediction Fair
Maximum yesterday 53
Minimum today : 22
Weather Year .Ago
Maximum ....52
Minimum ...33
Precipitation 18
Dally Seventeenth Ivht
oUy Fitty-Becond Year.
NO. 272
None of Measures Vital
Portland Official Uses Sen
ator Carkin's Bill for Paid
Highway Board Out of Com
mittee Insanity Grounds
for Divorce Bill Killed.
' SALEM, Ore., Feb. 8. Orcgou'B
legislative grist mill was working
rapidly today grinding out bills. Iu
tlio senate a number of measures re
ceived the stamp of approval.
The house, however, started opera
tions by Indefinitely postponing the
bill introduced by Representative J.
H. Overturf of Bend, to amond the
Workman's compensation act to per
mit employers to provide self Insur
ance for their employes. The com
mittee on labor and Industry had re
ported unfavorably on the bill.
Among the measures which passed
tho senate this morning were:
The bill of Senator Ous C. Moser
of Portland, providing recount of
election ballots In any precinct upon
petition of Ion per cent of tho voters
of the precinct.
. The bill by Senator B. L. Eddy of
Itoscburg, providing for county oil
and gas inspectors and recommenda
tion of drilling for oil (Senator
Kddy said tho measure was based on
the possibility that oil may be struck
In Oregon.)
Senator W. H. Strayer's bill au
thorizing county courts and the
highway commission to mako rulus
and . regulations respecting public
highways and proylding for fixing a
limit as to weight and speed of ve
hicles. A till by Senator Charlos Hall in
troduced at the request-of the bci
rotary of state's office, requiring the
registration of automoblios owned by
Senator J. C. Smith's bill exempt
ing from payment of license fees
pharmacists who havo paid licenses
for twenty years.
Senator Mocer's bill requiring li
censed chrlropractors to pay an In
nual fee of $2 a year to the board
of chiropractic examlncsr.
The bill of Senator 11. J. Taylor
of Pendleton making two years the
term of office of county aud city
health officers instead of an Indefi
nite period and giving county com
missioners a voice In the appointment
was passed.
Senator M. R. Klepper opposed the
hilt, declaring that snnio official In
Portland, afraid he Is golug to bo
dismissed, wns using tho eastern
Oregon senator us a gont to keep him
Iu office.
Tho house has poBsed tho bill by.
Representative II. Hurlburt of Port
land requiring appointlvo and elec
tive offices to be American citizens.
, Tbo house committee oil roads ond
highways decided to report without i
reconiiiieudatlon tho bill Introduced
by Representative J. 11. Cnrkln of
Medford, providing for a paid high
way commission.
The bouse lato yesterday killed
tho Deals bill to mako Insanity
ground for divorce and the' senato
killed a bill permitting garages and
other places to sel denatured alco
hol. Under tho present law drug
srcs bnly may Bell this product.
Senate Nominal Ions.
WASHINGTON', Fob. 8. The fol
lowing were nominated today by
President Harding to be registers of
land offices:
Frank P. Light at Lakevlew. Ore.,
end Elsie K. Fitts at Watervlllc.
Milium' Trains Collide.
, f IV 1.-..I, U A Tlltl'KHclllol'f
dispatch to the Deutsche AllKcmoine
'.eltnng says thnt two French military
t...,lu lll,1rl TnntitiK- On Ihn DlH'P-
f.ddorf-Kettwig line and Hint the
bodies of 2S soldiers have been re
moved from the wreckage. The re
port lncks confirmation.
DETROIT, Mich.. Feb. S.-i-Joseph
l.eszynskl, 31, will behave for the
next year If spankings and the con
tinual presence In his home of a pro
bation officer have the proper effect.
Mrs. Olayds LcszynBkl, hlB wife,
proved to Judge Thomas M. Cotter
yesterday that she wis capablo of
spanking him had been doing It for
a long time and was Instructed by
the court to administer the punish
Escaped "Tiger Lady"
In Mexican Jail, Is
Word of Fugitive
HOUSTON, Texas, Feb. 8 In
Jit it at Angleton today, "Littlo
Phil," Alguin, told reporters tliat
Clara Phillips Is in Jail at Chihua-
hua City. Ho said lie did uot see
her, but that he is positive she Is
Iu jail there.
Occupation of Textile Towns
in Wupper Valley No Balm
Drastic Orders to Prevent
Sabotage Coal Output
Decreases in Saare Valley.
Dl'ESSELDORF, Fob. 8. (By the
Associated Press.) Reports from
tho Wupper valley, where the French
have occupied several textile towns,
indicate that the temper of tho civil
ian population is uncertain. At Kl
bcrfeld which is' surrounded by a
troop cordon, tho people are highly
excited although tho city Itself is
not occupied. Agents of the "com
mittee for defense and reprisals in
the Ruhr'' are said to be operating
among the citizens.'
That the French are prepared to drastic measures to prevent sa
botage is evident from tho order no
tifying the Ruhr Hermans that all
persons found damaging railroad
property will be sentenced to deuth.
Soldiers guarding tho Unos'havo been
Instructed to kill wlionpver trespass
era fail to halt upon being callenged.
Tho extension of the Saaro valley
miners' strike into Lorraine is re
ported In advices from .Metz where
coal production throughout tho Ruhr
is said to be only 10 per cent of nor
CHICACiO, Feb. S. Bakers for Iho
Plggly Wlggly stores, Incorporated,
worked overtime last "night to satisfy
Chicago's demand for free bread that
resulted from a price war hetweeu
tho Plggly Wlggly stores anil the At
lantic and Pacific chain stores.
Tho demand was so insistent yes
terday, C. S. Wyatt, district manager
of tho Plggly Wlggly stores, said,
that 1,10, 000 loaves of bread were
handed out at the S8 stores in Chl
cogo. Bread sold at two loaves for
five cents to those who did not make
a fifty cent purchase.
At the Atlantic and Pacific stores
bread was quoted at 3V4 cents a loaf.
LONDON. Feb. 8. Jty the Asso
ciated I'rw) Klnt? nml Queen Mary
were Ki'nnd parents today. A son was
born last evening to Princess Mary,
the wife of Viscount baHcellcs.
The kiiiK mid queen nre being
showered with congratulations upon
tho nrrivnl of their fli'Ht grandchild
and as much excitement is beiiiK
shown a a wns caused by Prim-ess
MnryV marriage a little less than a
year ago.
Prhvess Mary's child will not he
called "royal highness," for that title
hy decree of tho king, is now con
fined to the children of n sovereign
or a sovereign's sons.
ment whenever she believed It neces
sary. She then was made a special
probation officer for one year to see
that her husband came home at a
reasouable hour, avoided bad com
pany and conducted himself as a dut
iful husband should.
"He'll gel n spanking, if you say
bo, I'll spank him every day," .Mis.
Leszynskl flushed with her new au
thority, told til" Judge.
Reason for Reduction of In
terest On British War Debt
Reach Limit of Kindness
Committee Says Action
of Plan Expected Today.
American ,dobt commission does not
desire to mako more favorable terms
w'ith the dobtor nations than are em
bodied In the settlement agreement
reached with tho British govern
ment, the house ways and means
committee was told today by Repre
sentative liurton, republican, Ohio,
a member ot the commission.
Questioned by Democratic mem
bers Representative Burton wont Into
details, but his statements were
given the utmost confidence and
were nut madu a part of tho official
record o,tho proceedings. Mr. Bur
ton argued that tho commission had
not exceed Its authority under the
law in proceeding with the drafting
of a tentativo agremont with tho
British government. Ho said it had
a right to consult with the British
and to make a' recommendation to
congress. Asked why tho commission
assented to an interest rate below
that fixed iu the bill, he said that
tho good will of tho remainder of
the world naturally prevented the
United States from taking tho posi
tion of "a pawnbroker or a Shylock
in concluding the debt funding settle
ments." Ho referred to the great burden of
taxation in Great Britain and said
that tho United States and that coun
try were allies in tho war anjl that
In the struggle "Great Britain bore
an Infinitely greutcr burden than we,
however .groat our own burden."
Membors of the comniltteo esti
mated roughly that tho total of In
terest that Great Britain would pay
If the refunding extends over Un
permitted period of 02 years would
be ten billions of dollars whereas
the total of Interest under tho orig
inal congressional stiuplation of 4 !4
per cent and 2!i years would have
been $1,037,000,000.
Representative Burton said that
the British government would be per
mitted under tho terms of tho settle
ment to liquidate the debt at any time
within 90 days' notice and that It
was possible that in a little moro
than tcu yoars tho entire debt would
bo paid off.
After hearing Representative Bur
ton tho committee postponed action
ou the postponed action until late In
the day. Chairman Fordney Bald It
still was his plan to report tho meas
ure out before night to obtain house
consideration of It tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Authori
zation to open the grave of James
Jones, American seaman, buried In
a Brooklyn cemetery, whoso caBkct
Is reported to contain somo of the
prnwn iou-ola nt llllusfn VBq tele
graphed by the war department to
day to tho quartermaster general at
New York.
BVEP.UTT. Wush., Feb. 8. The
body of Mrs. K, M. Olson, aged 60
years, was .found hanging from a
rafter yesterday in the Olson chicken
coon at Alderwood Manor, n tew
miles south of Kverett. The dis
covery was made by n. nelghlKir. Mrs.
Olson hud been In ftl health fur some
time. Her husband works on a.dcm
un.slrntiou farm ut Alderwood.
SALEM, Ore.. Feb. 8. After In
dulging In half an hour's persiflage
the house yesterday voted down and
killed Hiirlburt's bill which would
compel newspapers to print retrac
tions for alleged fulse statements.
Only a few Scattering votes were cast
for the measure.
Wife of Defeated Senator Who
Raised Tempest in Washington
Mrs. Miles Poindexter, wife of the defeated United States senator from
Washington, has catised a Boclcty furor iu Washington by her public rev
elations of official secrets. One of those very much wrought up is Mrs.
James J. Davis, wife of the secretary of labor, whoso use of a govern
ment automobile for a shopping expedition lias caused acrid comment by
Mrs. Poindcxtor. Mrs. Davis is here shown with her son, and Insert shows
Mrs. Poindexter.
Woodward Bill Tabled Indefi
nitely Upon Report of Com
mittee Governor to Spend
Afternoon Studying. New
New Consolidation Bill. .
SALKM, Ore, Feb. 8. The lioimc
of reprcHentallvca of the Oregon
Ivglslaturo today decided nKninst free
text books In elementary Kehools by
vnttriff to neoept tho majority report
of the eommlttee. on education and
Indefinitely postponed Iloprenentative
W. F. "Woodward 'h freo text book bill.
The Hennte recommitted to tbo print
hiff committee tin? bill n trod need by
Senator F. .1. Toozo of OreKon City to
do away wlh electon pamphlet, and
Hubstituto new.spaper adverliisInK In
their placo with inntructlonH to amend
the measure to ellmiuatu candidates'
pamphlets hut preserve pamphlets
expounding initiative und referendum
Announcement wns mudo at the
office of Governor W. M. Pierce to
day that he was to study this ufter
noon the synopsis of a new stato Gov
ernment consolidation hill prepared
by Senator 8. M. Garland of Lebanon.
Garland, a democrat, has prepared
(ho plan following a sorles of con
ferences which Included a number of
republican senators.
Frazer, leader or tho bandit gang
w Illch robbed the Yokohoma specie
hank hero of $23,177 In a spectacu
lar holdup . lurch 19, 11(18, tins
broken IiIh purole and being hunt
ed throughout tho United Status and
Canada, it wan announced toduy by
Kdward II. Whyte, atato parole offi
cer. Kroxcr disappeared with his
wife and two children from a ranch
In the northern part of tho state,
Whylo said.
POHTI.ANI1, Ore., Feb. 8. At a
meeting of the state highway com
mission hero yesterday a contract was
let subject to the approval of the
federal bureau of public roads for
surfacing 9.9:1 miles of llayden
Creok-Jackson county Hue, Ashlund
Klamath Falls highway; Harness
and Colbv $i2,S75.
' . " ;' ' a." , . ' i .
' WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. A pass, bis pronrnw foi-tho )llli aub-
coL has been signed by the United
States niul Cosiu. lilra,
uimcitltii'K dutlng bark ninny yearH
and affecting the possible future du -
velopniciita ot the Nicarnguuil inter
occanle canal route.
The text of tho protocol, signed as
an Incident to the Central American
conference which closed ycHterduy,
will nut be mndu public until it has
been transmitted to tho senate as a
matter of information. It conforms
very closely to the protocol sinned
with Costa Itlca by John Hny while
secretary of slate and does not re
quire senate ratification. .
Presumably the result of tho dis
cussions with Costa Pica, in the
event of a deflnlto project to build
a new canal being taken up, would
be the granting by Iho I'nited States
of payments to tbo C'ustu Kcnn gov
ernment In return fur canal route
concessions similar to tho $3,000,0011
payment to Nicaragua provided for
in the treaty negotiated by former
Secretary Bryan, grunting cnnnl con
cessions by that government to the
United States.
YKUKA, Cal., Feb. 8. Tho gov
ernment . prohibition agents froni
Klamath Fulls, Ore., cooporatlng
with tho sheriff or Siskiyou county,
raided tho residence of II. N. Wilson
In Shastlua, tlilH county, yesterday,
and seized over 400 gallons of Illicit
liquor and a still capable of turning
out 100 gallons a day!
Tho plant was said by tho sheriff
to he one of Iho most complete out
fits of Its kind yet found in north
ern California, even Including falsi)
labels for tho bottles. Wilson was
brought to tho county Jail here.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Feb. 8. Inly
four members remained today of
Minnesota's fumous "last minute
club," whose president, Adam Marty,
of St. Paul, died yesterday. They arc
tho lust ot 34 members of II com
pany, first Minnosotp. Infantry ot
Civil war days, who met ut Stillwater.
Minn., on July 21, 1SS.), organized
the club and were given a bottle of
wine which it was agreed the last
member of tho organization should
drink as a toast to those who had
died. , I
Pardon Moonshiner So
Purebred Horse Can
Get Out of Stall
MADISON, Wis., Feb. 8. To
enable him to go homo to take
care of a purebred I'ercheion
stallion that has not been but of
the barn since September 19,
Governor J. J. Blalno today par-
doued Kdward hlimuu, Peplu
county farmer, serving one year
In Jail for manufacturing moon-
shlno liquor.
Wild Man of Mississippi Says
Harding Does Unseemly
Thing for Boost of Ship
ping Bill Cites Distress of
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. Criticiz
ing President Harding for coupling
tho ship subsidy issue with tho Brit
ish debt funding report in his address
to congress yesterday. Senator Har
rison, democrat, .Mississippi, told the
senato today that the president "has
descended from his high pedestal lind
Insulted the senate." j
President Harding "did an un
seemly thing," Mr. Harrison asserted,
"In suggesting that tho senate had
shown 'marks of tmpoloncy,' by de
laying a roto on tho Bhip bill.
"The president coiueB to tho Amer
ican congress," he said, "and offers
an Insult to the senate, because for
a fow days nono of us havo seen fit
j T(ly bill.'
- 1116 Bmn 111,1 Hseir, oenuior nar-
t:,V 'U ,', 7" . T,i '
He churged that tho president had
fullen "minor the Influonco" of Chair-J
man Laskcr of the shipping board.
"When Laskcr pulls tho string.":
ho said, "the president jumps."
Senator Harrison said tho repub-l
lican leadership could have a vote
tomorrow on tho shipping bill If it I
would ugreo that "lnmo duck" sena
tors should not voto. Ho suggested
that the president also could call an t
extra bosbIoii of congress March 4,j
If ho wanted a real show down on i
public opinion.
"Tho shipping trust 1b not In bad
shape," ho continued, "I hoy made
big profltB during the war. Tbo
class which has been In distross for i
three years and more Is the Amorlcauj
farmer. Thero la distress today In
every agricultural community."
LOS ANOBLKS, Fob. S. Wheth
er Paulino Fredoriek, actress, gave
Cloorgo Edwin Joseph, New York at
torney, $10,1)00 for tho legul ser
vices or for Investment was tho prin
cipal point argued during the morn
ing session of Joseph's suit agulnst
Miss Frederick for $:i 15,000 und her
counter suit for $40,047. .
Joseph, who was under cross-examination
suld he received a check
for $10,000 from the actress with the
understanding thut It could be ap
plied on his fee, but (but if thero
was any balance hu was to Invest It.
His accounts showed ho had charged
tho entlro sum as a fee. Miss Fred
erick asserted tho whole amount wus
given for Investment purposes.
CHICAGO, Feb. 8. M. Cone, smil
ing little French chemist and expo
nent and "capnsse" curu for psychic
Ills, li ft Chicago last night for Buf
falo with shouts of pralso and cries
of unbelievers ringing In his purs.
In his two days visit M. t.'ouo de
livered four lectures, gavo 54 treat
ments, visited the stockyards ond was
disturbed continual)- ut his hotel by
persons soeklng euros.
Four thousand heard him yester
day as ho told them of his thoory for
curing psychic Ills by auto-suggestion.
Allies Call Turk Bluff and
Send More Warships to
Smyrna Lone U. S. De
stroyer Not Affected By
Order War Now Unlikely
Paris Press Aroused.- . .
governor of Smyrna Ih reported to t
have informed the French consul thorn
that ho han extended by 24 hours tho
time within which tho allied warships
must leave Smyrna harbor.
The governor is bald to have decided
uion the K)RtHnement In order that
ho may receive instructions from tho
Angora government.
A Constantinople dispatch to tho
Associated Press filed late Wednes
day, stated that tho destroyer Edsall
constituted the American naval repre
sentation at Smyrna. It was reported,
added the message that the Turks had
defined her as outside thai prohibited
class both iu tonnage and as a neu
tral and that It was exacted she
would remain there.
LONDON, Fob. 8. (lly the Associ
ated Press.) The situation at Smyrna
was considerably cased today, accord
ing to British official quarters, where
it was thought It was extremely un
llkoly that any fighting would occur.
It Is believed the "ultimatum" is
suod by the Turkish chief of staff who
is on a tour of inspection in Anatolia
Will be withdrawn ns soon as the An
gora authorities understand tho allies
aro firm In resisting the demands that
tho allied warships quit Smyrna har
bor ,V '" " 1 ' .''f:
Pleosuro was expressed In British
official circles thnt tho American rep
resentatives in Smyrna joined In tho
protest to tho Angora government. '
LONDON, Fob. 8. Orders to tho
French and British war craft at Smyr
na to dofond themselves If attacked
by the Turks Is the answer of tho
Paris and London governments to thu
Turkish ultimatum demanding the
withdrawal of the vessels. . i
Press dispatches from Constanti
nople assert the British have gone a
step further, ordering the diversion to
Smyrna of othor Bblps of the Mediter
ranean fleet
Reutor's Constantinople correspond
ent reported this morning that all was
quiot iu Smyrna, tho Turks having
made no attempt to force tho nlllod
warships to loavo tho harbor.
Hoar Admiral Nicholson, aboard the
light cruiser Curacao, Btandlng off
Mytileno, has been ordered to outer
Smyrna harbor today to Bupport, If
necessary, the cruiser Calypso.
PAUIS, Fob. 8. (By the Assoslated'
Press.) Tho French press attaches
the greatest importance to the Smyrna'
situation, regarding It to be so dolicutO'
as to render the declaration of wui''
inevitable unless the Turks rocede
from their position in demanding the
withdrawal of allied warships. , :
It Is pointed out that thero are prob
ably ton largo naval units iij. Smyrna.
Those lncludo the - French Cruiser .
Krnost Holnan, ut least two British
craft ond ono represonUtlvo each of
tho Italian, Dutch and Amorlcnn
navies. " ' ' ' "
Iu addition thero Is i flotilla of light
LeMutln remarks that to expol war
ships anchored In. a port before tho
signature of peace constitutes mi un
friendly act. ' '
Tho Turkish government the news
paper says, In informing tho high com
missioners nt Constantinople of lis
determination to domand the depar
ture of tbo ships, justified Its pos.l-
' (Continued on page eight)
Lust night's lenturo was delivered
In quiet, compared to the storm thut
greeted the little chemist yostorduy
M. roue, nailing testimonials, was
constantly Interrupted by tbo hun
dreds of sick, rrlppled or disgruntled
persons who either sought cure for
themselves or relatives or loudly de
nounced him as a failure. Cripples
rusliad forward, brandishing canes
and crutches, nil shouting "take ie
first, tako mo first." Police Inter
fered and formed a cordon uround
M. Coue.