MKDFOIID MAIL TRIBUNF. MEDFORD. OKKfiOV. WKDXKSDAY. FF.BIt'l'AU'V 7. V-W PAGE TWO " mi mil m Wocal and ILj Personal Tho sutipcr to lie Riven at (lie I. O. I S O. F. hall Friday ovenliiK for tho chil-jl dren or Odd Fellows and llebeuaiis will be served at G:30 o'clock. xucli clillilron in may ucsiro 10 no j from school direct to the hall. ar- runKcments hnvo boon made to tuko ' care of: thorn until the supper hour. ! . Parent are assured that every atten- ' tiotl has been provided to look alter i thd (welfare mid comfort of all the j ' IllllO Kuesis. v proKniiii ui uinusc-j , moot nnd Fames -will follow the feast. and' the uarty will close not lator than I 9 o'clock. ' ' The best values In Suits or Over coats are right here. Come in and make me prove It. $55 values nt 4!i, others as low as (32.50. Klein the Tailor. 128 E. Main, upBtairs. 275' . Harry Scougall received word last night of the sudden death of his mother in Portland and left this morn int,' to attend the funeral. Mardl-Gras! Oriental Ballroom! ' Tues., Feb. 13! CoBtume prizes! 272 Superintendent of Schools Aubrey Smith is Btill searching for a suitable room to lease permanently in the down town district not too far away from tho high school, to relieve tho . overflow congestion at the high school j building, caused by the many 8th grade pupils recently graduating into ! the high school course, and which ne i cessitated forty ' high school students , to attend classes temporarily in the ilaptlst church building. He is Inves tigating possible quarters In tho .Med , lord building. Quarters have been ( .offered in the Sparta building but are not favored because of certain llmlta- tions. Another Big Hard Times party, Jackson Hot Springs, Feb. 14th. 274 '. O. C. Lemmon arrived home this morning from Hood River, to which oily he and Mrs. Lemmon were called some time ago by the sudden death of the latter's father. Mr. Lemmon says that It has been quite cold at Hood - River and that last week a tempera ture there of 6 degrees above was reached. Mrs.' Lemmon will not re turn home for two -weeks. Dance! Wed. night! Oriental Ball-; room! ' ' ; . 271 , ; Colonel Sargent Camp, United Span-j tsh War Veterans will mcqt at the public library at 7:30 o'clock this eve-, . ning.. Comrades wishing to Join are requested to bring their discharge papers. '-,.; . - ... '.'Lunch cloth end napkins, DO cents. Handicraft Shop, Friday and Satur day. . .. 273 ; Jackson county teachers will bo 'given ah opportunity to hear Super intendent Hi II. Wilson, of Berkeley, , Calif., at the high school on Satur day morning, February 17, at 10 'o'clock, when ho brings a message or .Vital Interest to thoao of the profes . sion. according to an announcement ' made today by 8iieriiitendent George A. Briscoe, Tf tho Ashland publla . schools. Owing to the national repu tation of tho Bpcaker, Superintendent , UrlBCoo Is Issuing an Invitation to all i tho' teachers of the county to bo pres ent at that time ' Superintendent Wil- son Is one. of the best Informed men In . tilH'lIno west of the Mississippi and is In great demand aa a spoaker boforo state and national gatherings of the ' teaching , profession. Ashland Tld- j ' : Crescent orchestra dnnco, Kagln Point. Sat. nlto. Fob. 10th. 273 .A. C. Richards of Ashland, Nebras ka, arrived In the city this morning for his annual winter vUlt with Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Wortman. Ho is a .brother of Mrs. Wortman. , i Every' member of liis Christian church nnd tholr friends are urged to attend the first meeting tonight at 7:30, conducted by Evangelist Brad ford. There will be splendid music and a good wholesoino talk that will be different. v " . - ' For Sale rDo-nut machine almost new. cheap.' i'WUI H. Wilson. 271 ; Mr. Etie, representing C. S. Moss i n,lvcrtlsluK, ts propurlng n pago fea t lure which will appear In Mall Tribune , In a fow days entitled "Who's Who and Why In Medford."' This advertis ing la being solicited entirely Inde-. pendent of regular Trlbuno advertis-; iog.and the Mall Trlbuno Is not In any j way responsible for It. Accqrding to Mr.; Etla this feature has met with marked success In other states and ho Is soliciting It solely on Its merits.-' '. Ribbons for the new package gowns nnd combinations. Handicraft Shop, j Midweek Dance! Oriental Ball-1 room! Wed. night! 271 j According to the weather bureau at Portland the cold weather wave In Oregon will contlnuo for several days yet, or ut least there was no break In sfght yesterday. Tho coldest weather ; of Oils morning was 23 dogrees. The ' prediction la for fair weather Thurs-, day- V. R. Crosby of Talcut was ' amonu the many out of town shoppers " Ir Jledtbrd today and was a caller al j J tylrf office.' r Fiber thread for embroidery, 5 cenls j iwr'skoin. Handicraft Shop. 273, .vAmong the Jackson county visitors . ' i'pondlng yesterday In Grants Pass ' oro Mr. O. II. Laws and Mrs. Will j ' itltjilor of Gold Hill, and Mrs. Edna I 5 ooro aud Mrs- Will Wilt and mother j of Rogue River. ' St. MarkB Guild will entertain at ' rards Friday evening. February th. ' i o'clock at the Holland Hotel. All are cordially Invited. 27r." i WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 The iini-inlHDionei- of internal revenue today announced n exIenslMi until June 13 of the final date '' Ming t;ix re rurtis -of dumrstlc eorporotionn lor thr rnb ndiir vwr 192- Ilandlcraft Shop. Hemstltchlnf PleoUng ' it per yard. Bottom corertd, Tt r ; '4 'CsV o, ' ill. . vat .jmrn wHrn il' ' PATHS NEWS "BETTY" BROWN M0$Mm j iplir weekly fl$m$i t wr I 1'f illM- 561 WSS 'r1 WEEK END PARTY iWj in a splendid MUSICAL f,g -f 2 ' PLAVINQ 'XH.L SATURDAY NIGHT-ADULTS 60c; CHILDREN 25c NEW SHOW TODAY 'o; ' Adapted by Frances Marion from the play of Samuel Shipman and John B. Hymes, produced by William Har- , lis, Jr. Remember Its Thrall on the Stage? Great! But Now See It on the Screen the new piquancy of little Ming Toy, who "don't think China don't feel China don't know why for Hell God ever put her in China' Yesterday, offered as a slave on the Love Boat at Shanghai. Today, sought as wife-slave in San Francisco's Chinatown caught in the whirlpool of color-conflict when white man and yellow love her. Delightful, poignant, winking, wooing, smiling, sobbing little Ming Toy sometimes you'll cry over her, sometimes laugh. Eight Reels Eight Banner Reels Just as "Smilin' Through" was Norma Talmadge's First Great Triumph So "East Is West" Is Constance's 21 -Jq Usr IrLSf Sunday BEBE DANIELS in "SINGED WINGS" BUSTER KEATON "THE BLACKSMITH ' Mszm Ilia a i