BRINGING . y .. .. . Market News ' Livestock. PORTLAND, Oro., Feb. C Cattle stwidy; calves 25c higher; other cat- lie quotations revised. Receipts G7. Choice steers $7.60()8; medium to! food $S.767.50; fair to medium 5C ; HjiC.70; common to fair $4. GO'S 6; choico heifers $G.756: choice cows' and heifers $5.255.75; medium to good $1.50(0.26; fair to medium U 4.50: common cows 34: cannera J1.60W3: bulb) $34.50; choico feed ers, J5D.50; fair to good JlSiO; choice, heavy J5&6.G0. Hobs steady; receipts 522. Prime light J9. 2509. 60; smooth heavy 200 to 300 lbs., $8i9; smooth heavy, 300 lbs. and up $7.50(8; rornrh heavy n7.60; fat pigs $S.758.25; stasto 5G. Sheep nominnlly steady; no re ceipts. East of mountain lambs $11.26 013.60; choico valley 11.25 13.50; others unchanged. v Butter. . PORTLAND, " Ore., Fob. G. Butter steady; 'extra cubes 42?443c; ordi nary grades 40041c; cartons 49c; prints 48c. . Uutterfat steady, No. 1 churning cream 49c fob., Portland; undergrades 4Gc. Portland Wheat. ' PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 8. Wheat hard white, bluestom baart, $1.30: soft white, western white $1.27; hard winter, northern spring $1.22; west ern rod $1.21. Today's car receipts: ' Wheat 17: flour 5; corn 1; oats 1; hay 13. ' Sail Francisco Mnrket. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. C (U. S. Bureau ot Agricultural Economics) Eggs, extras 31 We; extra pullots 2lc; undersized 25c. J- SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 6. (State Division of Markets) Poultry un changed.. . BAN FnANCISCO, Feb. 0 Uutter fat 68c per pound fob San Francisco. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) Marriage Licenses Jacob D. Yokum and Bertha K. Ford. W. 13. Davidson and Katherlno Brown. Probata Court W. L. Farlow, estate, and appraisement. Inventory .. - Circuit Court. Cora Kent Welch va. E. A. Welch. Motion. Demand. F. S. Miller vs. Medford National bank et al. Decision. Decree. Norval Ashbaugh vs. Edith J. Ash baugh. Affidavit. Summons. Stato vs. Charles Randies. Order. Lester Wolss ot al vs. C. B. Long. Chattel leln. Tillamook County Bank vs. D. Bur ford ot ux. Ordor. G. S. Uutlor vs. II. C. Messenger ct ol. Stipulation. II. L. Smith et nl (guardian) va il. C. Shestofferson ct al. Proof of mailing. H. C. Smith et al (guardian) vs. Southern Orogon Farm Land Dov. Co. Proof of mailing. C. J. Haas va. Wm. Scott ct al. Amehdod answer. E. D. Collins vs. Jackson County. For monoy. Nina Grnce Dusenbury vs. Calvin L. Dusonberry. Divorce. Lucy M, Hultt vs. Francis M. Huit. Divorce. J. W. Carter & Co. vs. I. G. Schmidt. For money. .1. F. Pratt vs. Mrs. C. A. Calhoun. For money. Linda Simmons vs. James Sim mons. Divorce. Charles Painter vs. F. L. Tou Voile, ot ux. Stipulation. Stato vs. Dewey Miller. Trauscrlpt ot Judgment. State vs. Nora Dunlap. Belling liquor unlawfully. ir Service Pay or Night - At Yof prtRL FUSEBAL HOSIl. Infot nation Cordially uiveu UP FATHER N'orvul Aahbaugh vs. Edith J. Ash baugh. Divorce. Tortured Many Years by Kidneys "I have had kidney trouble for twelve years." writes II. r. Pinkncy, West Jackson, Miss. "Pains in back, joints, catches in the hips, run down and getting up too much during the night. But siuco taking Foley Kidney I'Uls, my Buttering is over, and I fool like a new man." Backache, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder trouble quickly relieved with Foley Kidney Pills. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold every where. WANTED SITUATION'S WANTED Heading and plain sewinK. 327 West 2nd. 271 WANTED Position by experienced lady cook in camp, furra or small hotel. Call at Kenilworth Hotel or Phone &S8. 272 WANTED Work by day with com pany. Call phone 93. 270 HELP WANTED MALI? WANTED Steady business-like man of good habits, hustle and integrity. Experience unnecessary. Oppor tunity to. make good monoy. Per manent year around. Cash weekly. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wn. 271 WANTED Ranch hand, must be a good milker and thoroughly under- stand tho handling of livestock. Good wages. Permanent place. Give age, experience and reference. Address Box 1021, City. 270 WANTED Man with car to sell guar anteed cord tires. Will arrange sal ary and expense with right man. Cord-O-Vnn Rubber Company, Kili ' West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 203 HELP WANTED Male and Female. EARN $20 weekly sparo time at home, addressing mailing music circulars. Send 10c for music information, etc. American Music Co., 1058 Broad ' way, N. Y. 274 Snaps in Used Cars 1921 Euick Six $850.00 1919 Velie Six $350.00 1919 Oakland Six $25000 MEDFORD AUTO CO. BUICK DEALERS -Oor. Main and Holly REAL Bargains OVERLANDS CHEVROLETS FORDS Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MfehPOtll) MAIYi 'J'TJTPiTTXE. MKDFORD, ORKCiOX. MTKSIUY. FF-llRFAU'V (1. COMPUiNTC, u.lTT! ( WHV EONT YOU CjO M 'VCiDWRx ? -I POUT j i cr.ucvE Tand Voo HOTVT KNOW ) UOiMCr-TWATii j INTO THE HARDWARE NON AN yTv-WNC,- r1 L VOO - r-J A- At . ' I ANV'UNS AGOUT THE. z : 1923. BY INT'U FEATURE SlRVICC. INC." , ' 26 WANTEll UM.'KLLAXEOl.S HELP WATK FF.MALK FOR lil'AT APARTMENTS FOR HAI.M MISn'LLAXF.OVS lttTSTXFPIlUSOTORY WANTED Shat'tiiig. pulleys, lathe. Ford wrock. Ed. Foss, Talent, 272 WANTED Light car, must bo cheap. Call 107 N. Fir Btrect. 270 WANTED To hear from some one who hifs a Chevrolet roadster body for sale or trade for touring body. Wondt Bros., Phone 301, Jackson ville. 270 WANTED Used Dodgo car, must be cheap. Phono 905-R. 273 WANTED Beets, carrots and man- gels by ton. Rogue River Poultry Farm, Phono 201-W, Jacksonville Road. 274' WANTED To buy socondhaiul Ford cor. L. S. York, Jacksonville. 270 WANTED By experienced man and wife without children stock ranch on shares, prefer beef stock and hogs where you can raise hay and corn, want everything furnished. Unless you have a proposition that both sides can make money don't answer. Address M. D. II.. 1911 East Cth St., Long Beach, Calif. 274 WANTED 4 inch and 1 inch galvnn ized pipe. Phono R-13-R. 270 WANTED Good 3 and ono-quarter Inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Heavy work team and harness. Phone 7-F-i. 272 WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board in private home. Phone 930-R. 2G8 WANTED Wo want to spray your roses, Bhrubbery, fruit trees. Now is tho time. Phono 100, Green & Dixon. 270 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, "wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co.. 241 N Fir St. Phone 97 tf WANTED House "novrug and repair ing Phone 488-M or 488-X. MONKY XO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 8 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County Doors and Windows Door Frames Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Window Glass ' . " 1 Largest Stock in Medford. AOAIN FOK SALIC OK WANTED juiO KXCIIANGU Wo Iinvn Kiiaxnin Apartment House nicely fiirnixliod and Roml income, and will cxclinngn on Mcdl'ord business property and take or pay difference This Is good. For Salo or Trade 3 acres close to city, 2 acres Bartlott pears, balance mixed fruit all Irrlgutcd, 4 room now bungalow, good well, modern chicken house, barn, etc., will take' purt 1 trado. Prico only $2750.00. - KICK VS TODAY. ZZZ r FOtfljTK SALES AGENCY V Heal Estato Business Opportunities Exchange Medford Ilullding, Medford, Ore. IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND We have a very choice tract ot land Bultuble for growing nlfnlfo, potatoes, tomatoes, melons lind ull kinds of high value crops. All deep free soil and irrigated; on good rood near paving nnd one mile from town and six miles from Medford. Part now ia alfulfa. No buildings. Thi3 33 'acros is priced to sell $17". 00 per acre, with reasonable terms. '. Examine this property it you wish to produce large crops. ' 10 aero, fine home place, only 10 minutes from business center ot Medford.' Under Irrigation; six acres alfalfa, cuts 35 tons; 3 acres full bearing pears; good 7-room house with modern conveniences aud barn. Just the place (or small' dairy and poultry. The price $5,000.00 Is made to sell. 20 acres very choico fund, 10 minutes from business district on paved highway. ' 16 acres bearing orchard, under Irrigation; modern (-room bungalow; largo woll and tank house; barn.. This will interest you. Priced to sell for $9,D00.00; Tarty owns 22 acres vory choico alfalfa and vegetable land located 20 minutes from Medford on tho paving. No buildings. He Is no farmer, never lived on a farm, knows a lilow but docs not know how to nse It. Ho says soil the whole tract for $150.00 per acre and giro a buyer good terms. Will you look at it? ' Another party owns a very attractive diversified farm of fair slzo, clear of any Incumbrance, but being a woman sho is not physically able to properly operato the property, bo Instructed us to Boll and give the best bargain offered In tho valley. Cotscrvatlvoly, this property will produce $10,000 this year. Will you examine this at $250 per acre. It will only take 16 minutes to drive out to the property. Yea, It Is Irrigated. ' - ' Yours for service, J. W; DRESSLER CO. Phone 88. I'm, we write WANTED Woman for gnneral house work. Mrs. II A. Thierolf. S2S .Minn. Ave.. Phone 813. iitftlti" Foil KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Well ilghtcd front sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Rivoniido, Phono 701-J. tf FOR RENT Modorn sleeping room. Phono 808. 274 FOR RENT Room with board, $35 a month. '223 N. Central. ' 274- FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 N. Ivy. . 273 FOR KENT Furnished rooms, good furnaeo boat nnd hot water. Call 322. 264tf FOR RENT FurnlBhod sleopiug rooms, modern garage In connec-; tlou. 124 Kins St. Cor. of 10th St. 2D0tf FOK KENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6 room house. Main, Phono 916-J. 1004 E. 274 FOR RENT Furnished 4 room mod ern house $20; unfurnished 4 room house, rear, $10. Key next door 1110 Niantic SL Wish house call 1117 W. 9th. 271 FOR RfcNT Modern 7 room house. close in. Phono 570-L. 276 FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOK RENT S room Iioubo. Phone R.13-R. 277" FOK KENT MTSCIiLLANEOUS FOR RENT 80 acres of land under water, 2 miles of Mcdford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. ' tf FOR KENT Very desirable offices in tho Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam heat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phone 012. 250tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82 , tf 123 East Main St. Fire Insurance. FOR UICNT Furnished bachelor apartments. 219 Talent Court rour I 1135 Bout li Con: nil. FOU RENT Apartment, 124 King St.. ! corner of Tenth; also car aud truck storage. FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING KOO.MS FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. TOR RENT FurnlKheOr Housekeeping room. 325 E. Jackson, Phono 211. 270" I.OST LOST Largo black leather Handbag on Main St., mirror inside. Please notify Dr. Kit'hso, Phone 30 . Re ward. 272 LOST Fountain pen barrel, black Return to Mall Tribune office. 27J LOST In front of Page Theater Sat urday afternoon, black driving glove. Return to Mail Tribune, re ward. 270 LOST Six month old fox terrier dog, black nnd l.rown markings on head. Call 735-L cvenlnps. 271 MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSLER Square Deal Hatch cry for chicks, eggs nnd hatchings, Tancred Leghorns and Reds. Phono 961-L. 284 VOll SALPi HOMKS FOR SALE Modern two-story house, sleeping porch, garage, shade trees, largo lot, closo In on pavoment, as sessments paid. , Toons. Fred Moars, 401 South Nowtown. 2G7tf" FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnishod or unfurnished; aho acreage. Insurance. C. S. But tortield, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. FOR SALIC POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE March barred roch chicks; Progressive cvorboaring strawberry plants. Commercial hatching now. Mrs. Dressier, Phono 961-L. 272" FOR SALE Tancred pullots, $1 each. Phono 951-L. 272 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from niK" class mu ruu iioacKn, 91. uu anu $2.00 ior setting, $R.OO por 100. Mrs. C. Luinmoy, Central Point, U. 2. 271 FOR SALE Turkeys. Central 1'oinL J. C. Horrifis, 276 OH SALIC Black team; wolght 2700. Oeo. L. Myors, Phono 232-X-2, Cen tral Point. 270 FOR BALE Dark tarred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phone 969-R. 289 FOR SALE Thebault R. 1. RedB, win ncrs of Southern Oregon, setting egg? and bnby cblx; hatch eggs for 5 cents each. Tel. 989-11. R 3. 27ii FOR BALE Booking orders now for baby chicks and hatching eggs from prize winning Rhode Island Reds and from White Leghorns Tnncrod Royal. Red Wing Poultry Yard, Phono 8C5-Y. 281 FOR HALF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fox terrier pups. G64. Tel. 271 FOR BALK 30 head Jersey dairy cows, $00 per head. Iuborculur tested. O. V. King, Montague, Calif. 7(1 FOR SALE I'Tcsti rows, exception ally good. M. Walsh, 1 iiiUc -Nii ui Medford on Orator Lake road. 279 Every Day . 1 '.) ' i ' in Every Way VALVOLINE OIL SALES ARE GETTING BETTEE AND BETTER Crank Cases and Transmis sions drained free. Keaton 10,000-mile Cord. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 102.1 By George McManus FOR SALE- Thirty t n s:io an .1 en siln.Ko cutter: also nia.uuro eairijr out fit. Ed Frss, Talent. 27.' FOR SALE Timber 8vr.'x,)5. Sx12a2I, Central Point. 272 i FOR SALE Piano, n'.urst now. Phon.-' 211. 272- FOK SALE ChiM's wbitt iron and niaur. rs. Phono 70S-J. bel 270 FOR SALE At. Knitt-r. cook stove, ICdls'jn Aipberjla and records. 'Ml East U'lh St. 273 FOR SALE ''pw 4 In. centrifugal pump with 20 ft. hone, also en'ilue if wan'Ml. E. 11. M irso, nnd of. West : 2nd, Phono 308-W. 273 FOR SALE Wicker bany carriage, llko new. 312 South Grape. 27( FOll SALE Cheap, dandy work horse. Inrness nnd wagon. Phono 691-H-l. 279 FOR SALE Hardy spray outfit In good condition, 4V4 h. p. engine and thrco cvlinder pump. Am buying larger outfit. Call 403-R3, W. V. llarnum. 273 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay $15 por tm at barn. V.. L. Walz. 270 FOR SALE 12 and Hi Inch manzaJilta wood. J. D. Slia'.'i'er, Phono 25-H-4. 271 FOR SALIC Nearly new ll.-.hy Over land Sedan, guarantee couiiiti'n, will sell cheap or will tako.llglit car as part payment. Phono 90o. 2GJ FOR SALE Cory Thornless l!la;k- borry rooted tips: $1.60 po;' lyz . $12.00 per too. T. ,1. Noptun, Cen tral Point, Orogon. 2'JJ FOR SALE 200 tons alfalfa hay, bar irnln. Cah 8-F-7. Zuudcll Hros.. Liikfl Creek. 275 1 FOR SALE Throe crops alfalfa hay, $15.00 por ton. Alice Ilnuloy Ranch, Phone 411-J-3. 276 FOR SALE A Radio Set to be sold. Sat. night, Feb. 10th, on sealed bid. ' " Hand In yours at Virgin B K.nlDi Sorvice. 274' FOR SALE Bronze turkeys; alfalfa hay $16. W. J. Hartzell, 46S-J-1. 2D7tf 1JVSIXESS OPlOUTCNITIES 10 II SALE-r-Confectlnnory storo and lunch nx:n. Al Musty, ContriU Point, or Phone 105, 272 I'-'tTKAYEI) STRAY ill.) Unlirandod sorrel horse, about 1000 His., at Trail, Ore. Irwin Howe. 272 IJFKINKSH IiniKCTORY Abstrnctors Ml' I! HAY DUOS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title Rooms S and 3, No. 22 North Central Avo., up-claln-.. JarV.son County AtVSTitACT CX). Tho only complete Tl llo System lu Jackson County. Abstract of Title nnd Title Insui'iincv. WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable Jackson county abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon. ICxpert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil Bon, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In como Tax requirements Look Into . our simplitlud accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-11. Baby Overland LIKE NEW $365 1 Studebaker Six $200 1 Overland $35 Chevrolet Tourings $225 to $265 Ford Cars, All Prices Always the Best at C. E. Gates Auto Co. PACE FTVfl ' Attorneys O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Speciallwsa in Henl Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, offlca In Liberty Building. rrt - 1 ra: i Iliillillng Materials j MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. I Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Clilropract Ic Physician DH. HAHVia P. COLEMAN Chiro prai'tlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 2S 'Medford Bldg. Phone 966. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-EclectlC' Phvalclan. . DR. LOUISE . E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Offico: Stewart Bldg.. 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; lies. 170-.1-2. . DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprao tic Physician. Offico hours i ti 12. 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib erty 111,1s. Office Phone 680, Res. 1027. Dentists DH. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E.' Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Orogon. Phone .669; Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.--6 p. m. Evenings aud Sunday by appointment. Farm Loans, .MONEY WANTED Can place your money on first mortgage, farm or city property at 7 to & net to you. Html Land & Investment Co., .40 i Medford Bldg., Tel. 42. Money to Loan ;y . ' I II. ANDREWS Buys and soils mortgages and loans monoy 00 good security, 31 N. Grape St.. Phone B3-M. 246 Konnments I TEE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. ' P. M. Kershaw, sale mnnager, 103 13. Sixth St., Med. loTd. U Osteopaths DR. F O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAULOW Osteopathic Physicians 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phonl H04-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel St' " DIirwrVr.Tl"OWAltD OBteopatliTo Physician. . Special attention given to eye, ear. nose and throat. 300 Llbertv Building. Phone 498V .Ibyslclnii.s nnd Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician end Surgeon. Oftlcos Medford Bldg. Phoiio lCo. , Resldonce 118 Genesee St. Phono 1C5-J-2. DR. A. IU1RSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. ' Entrance 36 N. Central. Special ' nttentiou to spine. Phone 29. , t I'inno Instruction FRED ALTON 1IAIGHT Teacher of Piano mid Harmony, .Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Irintrrs nnd Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the bent equipped printing offico In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Tvirtlnnd prices, 27 N. Fir St Hug Weaving MEDFORD FLl'FF RUO WORKS ' makes fluff rugs from Old and ' worn carpets and rugs. Phone MO-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front BU Phone 315. Prices right. Sorvice guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day of night. Service guaranteed. 29 8. 1 Grape. Phone: Office 644, or residence, 6 4 7-R or 2 06. tf Upholstering , WEIS Upholstory, Manufacturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call nnd show samples . .Phone $03. TnpVnnvlll Ofp Auditing ?y Accounting 5 iTEriXERVlCElft F irvejurjce liwe3trNiifs M. P. 8CHM1TT Bad Floor Mndfnrd Wdg. ,r. 8th and Ookclnie c4 "'"'limn Sr-fYh'P rnnn"t