Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    Medford mail tkibunb
. Miafh with Jai-li
--- The Mudford Kumlny Morning Hun In
furnUthtuJ mibncrllMim desiring a Buvon
day dully nuwupuin-T.
Office Mull Tribune Building, 25-27-2!)
North Fir mr-t. i'hona "5.
A . consolidation ct the Democratio
TlmfH. thr lord Mall, tho Modfurd
Tribune, tho Houthurn Orcgonlun, The
Afthland Tribune.
ItOHKUT W. Itl'HL, IMItor.
S. SI.'Ml'TKH SMITH, Munager.
Central Point, I'hounUc,
Tulnt nnd on lllchwnvs:
pally, with Sunday Sun, month..., ,7C
Pally, without .Sunday Hun, month .6.1
Pally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.6U
' Pally, with Sunday Sun, onn ywir 8.60
All terms by carrier, cnah In Advance.
Offlolnl paper of the City of Medford.
Official impir of Jncknon County.
Tho only paper between Kuttene. Ore..
And Sacramento, Cnllf., a dlatancn of
over ton mlleH, having leased wire Asso
ciated Press Service.
flworn dully avornce circulation for
(tlx months xndlnK April 1, 1922, 3528.
more than double the circulation of any
other paper published or circulated in
Jackson County.
TURKEY'S sudden switch mid agreement to sign tlia peuee treaty
is apparently n firi'iit victory for French diplomat,-)'.
Turkey is no longer tiie,nick mini of Kuropp. Turkey is decidedly
l obust. Turkey is feeling licr outs. She luis a well-trained nnd well
e'liiipped army ready to fight ut tlie drop of the hat, she is fired with
it new spirit of nationalism, she has roseate visions of conquest and
To scorn the treaty one day and sign jt tho next therefore means
that some very powerful pressure was brought to bear, nnd France is
tho only country that could have' exerted it.
What sort of a bargain has been made, of course, no one out
i.ide of the inner circles can even conjecture, but that it was one which
decreases the pres
tige of (ircat liritain, is apparent to anyone
Tho situation me,rely emphasizes the fact that France today is
the undisputed leader of Europe. Tho big result of the Lausanne
conference has been a complete though perhaps temporary disruption
of tho tit's between Turkey and Russia, a closer affiliation between
France nnd Turkey and the further isolation of Great liritaiu.
BY MAIL, In Advance:
fially, with Rumlay Sun, yonr J7.C0
ally, with Sunday Sun, month 7!i
Pally, without Sunday Kun, year.. 6.60
Pally, without Sunday Sun, month .Oft
Weekly Jiaii Tribune, one year z.yu :,,,, rV,.,.Ji i.uImi. mwl infliw.ii,., ,.,..1
day sun, one year 'i'v"v'i . ....w.
iTAMiiiuu m Aicuroru, Asnianu,
NEW YORK, Feb. 6. Early west
ern book ii. including rare volurncH of
.MormoniHm. California acquisition
and tales of banditti wero in domain!
ywiti'i-day when tho first Bale of "far
woHt nnd ftutowny" lltfinturr wuh lidd
at tho Anderson KnlhrKH. A total ut'
704 volutnt'H brouKlit $ti,ri,1i.2G.
Tho top priro $50. wuh paid for
"The EmiKrant'H Guidn to Orison,
nnd California. Cincinnati, ISifi," by
ijinKford HustiiiKH. Tho volume Was
based on HastliiKH' oxporloncoH in thf
EUGENE, Ore.. Feb. C Tho Oro-
Kon ti'CHlimen outcliismd tho Mudford
hlcli school batik ot ball flvo lust night Sweat In 1S42.
In n Rami' played in tho inon'H gym- .1. 11. '.. IIoMuc'h nnrrntlvo of IiIm
namum. 47 to 27. The fronhmen led' trip to Oregon In 184U was ""Id for
from llio Blurt nnd thuuxli the high U'-'O, and tho conolurtiiiK. volume of
school tosnor fnuRht doH,erntoly they a continuation of his journey brought
Kntcred ftfl second clnsft matter nt
MIfurd, Orvijon, under act of March 8,
: Thfl ABHOciat(d Vumn 1b nxoluslvelj'
tntlUtHl to th una for republication of
all now a dispatcher! oredllod to It or not
OthorwiH crodlted In thin paper, and
alw to tho local neWH piiII!h1ih1 herein,
MX rlghtH of republication of rtpocial
dlwpnteliiH herein nro iiIho rnwprved.
Ye Smudge Pot
v Arthur Parry
; Tha chief trouble; with Herbert
Hoover for president In 1324, Is his
fltnotts for tho place, which Is con
trary to the fundumontni laws of hy
P HE SPF.CTAC'LK of Semrtor Cliarles USfl in tho role of martyr
1 somehow is not, partieulnrly convineing. He proteHts that lie in
heinfj punished for his support of the compulsory sehool bill and with
a fjrent show of magnanimity withdraws Ins name from the Tierce
consolidation program.
This i( a transparent effort, of course, to make political capital
out of u perfectly commonplace situation, to make a virtue of ne
cessity. The school bill has nothing to do with the opposition to the
Hall consolidation measure. There were obvious defects in the con
solidation plan, and Governor Pierce's willingness to accept a com-m-omise,
is the only reason for a change in the program.
Senator. Hall has political ambitions. Ah a majority of the people
of Oregon voted for the school bill, to pose as a martyr to that cause,
promises future political dividends. That is all there is to the latest
gallery play by the Marshi'ield senator. .Such u maneuver is all a
legitimate part of the game, of course, but there is no reason for any
one to be fooled by it.
Hero lion the rouiulns
, Of our friend, Joo Trapp,
Who drove his machine,
; With a girl In his lap.
Tbore ought to be at least tbreo
more organizations In America func
tioning as judge and Jury, and nobly
endeavoring to make a napkin out of
the Constitution. Things should be
run by mobs and sobs.
. WELL, 8AM80N?
. ; (Albany Democrat)
, , CD.' Osborne dragged the
gravel road over tho Munkers hill
this week.
At last somebody has cracked a
safe while an Espoo freight train was
Quill Points
wore never ublo to endanger tho yonr
UltKS' leau.
Hlngler Blurred for tho Medford
flvo nnd dosser, freshman center, was
tho lilKh rutin of tho gamo with 14
field goals.
WALLA WALLA. Wnsh., Fob. C
nilly Wright of Seattle won tho de
cision over Leo Stokes of Spokane. In
a six-round bout hero hist night. K.
O. Lnnkey of Valla Wulla nnd
Humes of Spokane fought a six
round draw. Joo Dunn of Portland
won tho decision over Soldier Woods.
Sacramento. Emlo Farrun of Ta-
comn was knock mi out by Johnny
Carlson of Spokane, former southern
Oregon lightweight.
Influenza From Neglected Colds
Stop your coughs nnd colds before
they become serious. If neglectod
they lgad to Influenza, la. grippe,
asthma and bronchitis. Three genera
tions of users have testified to the
quick relief given hy Foley's Honey
ami Tar from coughs, colds, croup,
throat, chest nnd bronchial trouble.
Largest selling cough medicine In the
World. Mrs. S. L. Hunt, Cincinnati,
Ohio, writes: "Foley's Honey anil Tar
cured mo of a hacking cough, whecz
'ng and pains in chest." Heluso sub
stitutes. Sold everywhere.
How times change,
.she was ashamed.
When Eve discovered that she was naked,
Some women always have something to talk about, and some never
have any aches or pains.
Let's sec; what color of note paper is the league supposed to use
in case of an invasion.
The robber barons of old merely took it; they didn't put folks
to the trouble of filling out tax blanks.
V. Champlln, tho bon vlvnnt from
Foots Crick, went away up in front
at tho show last night, and on his
right hand sat Davo Wood.
Some good people patiently deny themselves here in the hope that
they will have a high old time in Heaven.
The thing tha't keeps an old bachelor singlo is the conviction that
I all women arc like those he knows.
NEW YORK. Foil. (I. An
Perrulmio, a pugilist known as
Thomas who collapsed last night dur
lug a bout with Johnny Clinton, In
Urooklyn, died today In a hospital
from concussion of tho brain.
No action was taken against. Clinton.
have fought u good light. I hnve fin
ished my course, I have kept 'the
faith. Henceforth there is laid up for
nie n crown of righteousness.- II Tim.
4 :7.
it HOI
as a porridge
For a quick, hot breakfast that's all
nourishment do this:
Put two Shredded Wheat Biscuits in a
small saucepan; add salt and enough water
to cover the bottom of the pan; stir and boil .
until thick. Then serve with milk or cream.
Or, to preserve the crisp golden shreds or
the biscuits merely serve with hot milk.
You'll never know the real delights or a'
hot cereal until you've made a whole-wheat
cereal from Shredded Wheat.
Shredded Wheat is 100 whole wheat,
ready-cooked and ready-to-eot.' A per
feet, delicious food for any meal ot the
day. Serve it simply with nulk or cream,
or topped witli berries or fruits. Con
tains all the bran you need to stimulate
Ibowel movement. It is salt-free and un
sweetened you season it to your taste. .
Trhcuit is the Shredded Wheat Cracker
a real whole-wheat toast. Try it with
butter, soft cheese or marmalades.
The pclfect food f
I in Biscuit jorm i: . -
rrlf You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you over stopped to reason
why it is that so many products that
LOS ANGELES, Fob. C. Johnny ' extensively aovcniseu, nn nt once
Meyers of Chicago, claimant to the "'" ol" " nu ." oun
world's middleweight whestling title
and Sam Sandow of Long licneh,
wrestled two hours to a draw here
last night, each winning ono full. Ad
Snntel threw George Nelson in one
hour nnd forty minutes.
Taxes, vigorously I curse,
Because, day by day,
In every way,
They're worse and worse.
(Marshriold Times)
Roy Wut son cut tho fleshy
part ot his thumb on tho loft hand
while splitting kindling wood for
' bis wife.
Well, said Dock rickol, last ovenlng,
I've lived 20 years In tills house, and
Us boglnnlnR to seem a little bit like
homo, .
It. will Boon bo warm enough for ties
cigar store Indians, to do Bontry duty
outside, whore they can keop a moro
watchful oyo on the moral and spirit
ual welfaro of tho community.
You can't hope for much in the way of prison reform until we
tet to sonding a 'better class of folks there.
Our admiration for "Strongheart," tho movie dopr, grows and
grows as day follows day without n scandal about him.
Tho trouble seems to be that too many people think tho law
f honld be enforced, and not enough think it should be observed.
Correct this sentence: "Mother," pleaded little Bobby, "won't
on please let me off this time without another piece of pie?'
Whllo making sausoKn Charley IJp
dejrrave cut off his rlKht Index finKor.
(Eugene IloKlster.) It tasted fine.
Lef nnothor world war come if it
must. Thousands stand ready to jump
into silk Bhlrts at $U por day.
(Eugeno Guard)
Now for the health nurse: If tho
farmers had tho thousands of dol
lars paid for unnecessary offi
cers, they could keep it hired man
tho year around nnd his wlfo '
would not have to tuko a placo in
tho field of a man, and tho chil
dren .would not he worked to
death before they ramo Into tho
world. ,
Local Shlekiloiu nioumod today .the
departure of tho mnln cause of their
being that way.
O. Domerguo la back from ftoUiam.
"New York is overgrown," said ilr.
I)., "nnd I would rather he tip nn alley
in tho Itoguo Hlvcr valley 'than to
spend otwmty on Ray and wicked
Uroadway." ,
And, when J am with the men, I cut
and slash public expenses, and when
I am with tho women, I fight boul
Inggurs, and "tho kept prosn" still
maintains I am a politician.
Mica Womack of Snernnivnln, late
of tho valley, ssed through Moll,
hot on tho trial of tho rain how hn hna
boon chasing for 40 years, llo re
coutly sold Jnkion co. lor a mess or
FOlt BALK . flood Inetthntor.
Hutched tivrry rftg twice. flR. Tall
at 30!) Oran avenue. MClatnnlh Hills
Herald.) It's a good one.
. M t .. u W .M.
Walt Meson
THERE is a dead man on the floor, Rome party slew him with
nn nx; official' sleuths, some three or four, are getting
down to carpet tacks, i Alas, their methods are no good, they wero
cut out for other trailes, and they're composed of solid wood
above their stalwart shoultlerbladcs. A subtle .crime like this
demands the highest type of brains in men; official Ilawkshaw
helpless stands, nnd sighs, "I'm baffled once again," 'Tis true
that Ilawkshaw docs 'itt times some little trifling triumph sec;
he wades around among the crimes and blunders to a victory.
But this is purely. accident, 'tis not by skill the triumph's won
if we believe the gifted gent who writes sleuth fiction by the ton.
Official llawkshaws wildly chase themselves around, as in a ring;
theyre baffled every time they face the simplest puzzle life can
spring. Hut now Uie shining Sherlock comes upon his brow nn
amble wreath;, he glances al the deed man's thumbs, ami takes
a close-up of his teeth. I'pon his famous knees he drops, bis
tapeline and his glass appear; he gazes at the baffled cops, and
says, "there Is no problem here." It's all so simple to the sleuth
whose intellect is v'ule and deep; he reaches out. anil grabs the
truth, while baffled cops sit down anil weep. Year after year
we read the tide of Sherloeks keen and llawkshaws blind; and
still the criminals in jail were put there by the Ilawkshaw kind.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. fi. Eddie
McKenn.-i of New York knocked out
Hill Kennedy of New Orlenns in the
elshth round of a scheduled ten
round bout here last night.
' Ttasketlinll.
At Walla Walla Whitman college'
III; rnlvei-Kity" of Montana 1".
At Spokane Gonznga university
20; rn'irife university "3.
At Iterkele.M. University of Kouth-
, ern California 24; University ut Call-
lomlu 1:1.
At Eugene Washington Klnte col
lego 21; University of Oregon l.".
NEWARK. X. J. Hurry Orel) of
gotten? The reason is plain the
article did not fulfil the promises of
the manufacturer. This applies more
particularly to a medicine. A medi
cinal preparation that has real cura
tive value almost sells itself, as like
nn endless chain system the remedy
is recommended hy those who have
heen hencfitted, to those who are in
need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take
for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
IUont, a preparation I havo sold for
many years and never hesitate to
recommend, for In almost every case
it shows excellent results, as many of
niycuslomers testify. No other kid
ney remedy has so large a sale."
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who
have used the preparation, the sue- j
cei-'s of Dr. Kilmers Kwamp-Koot Ik
due to the fact, so many peopl
.claim, that it fulfils almost ever
wish in overcoming Icidney, liver and
hlndder ailments, corrects urinary
Picture Framing
Swem's Studio
For Quick Servtrn Fhonn itU
SPRAY ma RrcPATRTtttti
Williams Implement Service
28 S. nnrtlott Phone 205
Through, an Krror Our Office
Telephone Number was omitted In
I ho new Directory.
IT 13 77
nil. H. E. MURPHY.
Dentistry and X-Ilny
Stnil Moor Medford HldR.
I'lttshurg. American light-heavy- troubles and neutralizes tho uric ncld
wqight champion, outpointed l'aul whlch causes rheiininthuii.
lioed ot llnston in a twelve-round you nlnv receive a sample bottle of
Downs contest. Sivamp-ltoot hy Parcels Post. Ad
'dress Dr. Kilmer ,t Co., lUnghamton
NEW YORK Floyd Johnson of N. Y.. and enclose ten cents; also
Iowa knocked out Mlko Nestor In the mention this paper, lirge and me
fourth round of a twelve-round dium size bottles for sale at nil drug
match and advanced a step nenrer a stores. Adv
Mrs. Eva Ferraer
Try a Cup, 5c
Oregon Is Famous for'
Its Beautiful Woir.en
Snlom, Orop. ".aHt yonr I boramo
in nn oxtromrly run-down condition
my npnetito failed mo nnd I became
very nervous. A friend udvincrt
to try T)r. l'foivc's (loldcn Medical
HiHcoverv as a tonic and I was very
thankful to her fr her Rood adviee.
One bottle of it made me feel lik
new person : it st reiiKt hened and
built me tin into n perfect Htate of
health, my appetite returned and all
nervouKiiewM disappeared. I have no
hoHltancy In puytnir that Dr. I'ierce'fl
Onlden .Medical Dixeovcry in the very
bent tonic 1 have ever ta.ken anil I am
ulad to have my testimonial published
H" it will be of benefit to other who
h:ivo become run-down and weak."
Mrs. Kvn lYrnier. -141 Water St.
Obtain the Piscovery in tablet. m
liquid from your ilniKKtet or send ln
!'r trial pkir., to Hi. Pierce' Invalids'
lotel, rtiiffaln. N. Y. Adv.
ni ill
':l III
Wo ivpnir or replace
llio lenses exncl ly.
I 'ye-l roubles cofi'cctil
Willi perfect irlnsns.
That have not been misused
IViccil right
Crater Lake Automotive Co,
rinco Yonr Ordor Now for
Quirk Delivery
Hansen Coal Co.
(Successors to End?)
B4 R. Mr Ut. rhtino 230-J
Blue Front Fixit Shop
' 111 S. Holly St.
Phono 4.1-1
Haror Illudo Sharpenlns
Successor to Wn ki-ConRer Cv.
Motlford. tr!.
...Adequate, modern
equipment &A real
skill make our Dry
Cleaning perfect.
Quickly dissolves nil obstructions in
cloyged drnln nntl sewer pipes
For Sale By
A. I,. VKOMAX. Hit s. Front St.
Used Car
One 1923 Dodge Brothers Tour
ing; in good condition, reason
able price, 1923 license.
One 1917 Light Chalmers, a good
serviceable car.
One 1919 Ford Roadster with de
livery box. Low price.
Geo. L. Treichler
Motor Co.
16-18 S. Fir fchone 304 '
.Now If the time (o him; jour Auto
We cheerfully solicit your patron
uko ami early booking. Prices
right. Plus quality service and
We arc permanently located at
221 Xo. Fir Street.
Geo. Watson Co.
Phone 777 Medford, Oro.
Good srrd is tho fountln
llon for n Rood crop.
192i cntiilnc now ready.
New crop seed. All varieties.
l''urm nnd Garden
Try our now Sweet Corn,
Now Table Peu,
Xew Table lleiui,
Xew "Xorton Tonmto."
1 largo packet each I
varieties (postpaid) (lllr.
iwan store IIS Market
Of- h
Broadway at Stark
Portland, Ore.
You Are Ascured a Personal
Hospitality and Individual
tliroush lite combined efforts of a stuff, who
Biter yenrs of truininir, lmtlerslnml the needs
of .the traveling ptililie.
. A A
Arthur H. Meyers manager