Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Wocal and
JLJ Personal
It Is highly probable that the next
Ki'iinil Jury will consider uiiisgiuK u
new indictment agulntit .Martin It. Sic
I ktlalil. alias .Met 'a lie. who In nn at
tempted Jallbreal: hit Jailer Collins
over the head with a window weight
Inst Thursday evening. Jullbreukliif;.
In any form is a serious ol'l'uuso in this
state. .McDonald Is held on a foiKory
churKQ here, and is nlso wanted for
the same offense at Vale, Oro.
MardKlras! . Oriental Uullrooni!
Tues., l'b. 13! Costume prizes! 27-
Dance! Wed. nlKht! Oriental HuII
rooin! 271
The first meeting of the city council
for this month will bo held tonight,
at which much routine business will
be transuded and Important nnitter.i
may come up for consideration.
Crescent orchestra dance, Enid
Iolnt, Sat. nito, Feb. 10th. 2u
Vor Sale Do-nnt inachlno almost
new cheap. Will H. Wilson. 271
Miss Dorothy Newman, who Is edi
tor in chlei' of the Medford Mi Times,
.Miss Kuthcrine Limlley, who Is editor
of the Crater publication of the IiIkIi
school, the official year book, were
expected to arrive home this after
noon from Eugene, where the latter
port of last week thny attended the
annual convntlon of the Htuto high
school press association and student
body executives at the (.'Diversity or
Furniture repaired and made to
order, work called for and delivered.
Win. Bradley, l'liouo 11I9-I.. 271
Oriental Ilallroom! Wed. night
dance! AdiiilsslonlOc. 271
It will take a constitutional amend
ment to enable our neighbors on tho
Oregon side to step over the lino Into
Siskiyou county, catch a mess of trout
and take them homo to eat, hut Sena
tor Walter McDonald of San Fran
cisco, is willing to Introduce such an
amendment in the interests of true
sport, says the Siskiyou News. Mc
Donald stated that he was considering
the measure after having the plight of
Oregon fishermen explained to him.
The California state constitution pro
vides that no fish or game taken by
sportsmen may bo moved out of tho
state. Yrcka News.
"Oh, I'm so glad," you'll say when
you look over the suits and overcoats
I offer. Klein the Tailor, 128 E.
Main. 275
Crescent orchestra dunce. Eagle
Point, Sat. nlto, Feb. 10th. 273
Eggs are now ono of tho cheapest
foods locally. Prices vary, ono or two
places selling at 22 cents a dozen,
others at 25 cents and still othors Bell
ing the very choicest at 30 cents.
Three ubciI pianos, one Emerson,
going nt (185. Palmer Piano House.
Special meeting Ladles Auxiliary
Amorlcan Legion, Thursday, February
8th. 1 7)30 , p. ru. rlmportant amend
ments to bo considered. Mrs. J. W.
Mitchell, president. 272'
Mrs. Ilortha 10. Adams, who under
went a serious operation at the Sacred
ilonrt hospital Inst Tuesday Is Im
proving, and will ho able to see visi
tors on Wodnesday.
For Sale I o mit machine almost
now, cheap. Will 11. Wilson. 271
Hotter hurry $l!i.00 buys most any
suit in stock. Kloln the Tailor, 12S
12. Main. 275
The weather has been grnduully
warmlng up for tho past two days al
though this forenoon, with the mini
mum tempornto of tho morning at 24
degrees above, still felt quite chilly,
dospite the Bunshino. Oonerally fair
weather Is predicted for Wednesday.
Mrs. Hay Thompson, former Itoso
burg girl known hero as Miss Agnes
Crow arrived on tho morning train
from Medford, whero sho has been
vlBltiug with friends. Mrs. -Thompson's
homo Is In Under, Wash. She
will remain here a few days visiting
with friends and relatives und con
tinue north stopping at various places.
Roseburg Nows-Kovlow.
Dance! Wed. night! Oriental Hall
room! 271
lic.nulnn Ikiscli Magneto parts nud
repairs Electric Shop, Mb and Hurt
lot U tf
James lloffler of Yrcka. Calif., Is
Hpoiidlng a few days, In tho city at
tending to business matters.
Milk and creum at OuYoo's. tf
Social dance tontlo Oregon Dancing
Academy, Central Point. Floor prim.
IIhvi' 'vim a fire insurance
jiolicy in force ! Have you
none lliive yon allowed it
to lapse mid liecmno of im
effort.' Call niul consult im
IoiIhv 11ml leiirii of tlio ninny
iiclviintiiL'i's of one jiolicy.
Insurance Agency
Tel. ISil
Medford National Ilnnk llldtf.
Medford, Orourin
1 Jack Carey who has been danger
j ously ill for the last month, Is now on
' the road to recovery, and was able to
take an auto ride Sunday and Monday.
Midweek Dance! Oriental Hall-
room! Wed. night! 271
i Flowering shrubs and evergreens.
Kden Valley Nursery, Phono C80 J-2 tf
j The Salem papers 111 their accounts
, of tho Mcdford-Saleni game lust Frl
! day night, praise the team work of the
j locals. Tho Statesman says: "in the
; dash of their uttack, and dazzling
passing, the Medford team outshone
tho home boys, who had hard luck
with many of their throws for
baskets." Ilaughman Is listed as 't he
stellar center of the visitors," and
Chustaln und Williams receive credit
for their "close and ferocious guard
ing, which held back tho Salem for
wards." The Ashland high school
plays Salem nt Salem tonight.
Metal weather strip Is easily ap
plied around windows and doors and
keeps out cold and wind. Sold by
Dig Pino Lumber Company. 2tiGtf
Auto Insurance, llrown & White.
V. J. Kinerlck, Frank Amy and Col
onel J. F. Mundy left for EdKewood
this morning lor a business visit at
that California town.
Hotter to hnvo it and not need it,
than to need It and not hnvo it? In
surance with It. A. IiolmeB, tho Ins.u
nneo Man. tf
Metal weather strip Is easily up
plied around windows und doors and
keeps out cold and wind. Sold by
lllg Pine Lumber Company. 2(itf
The Wllliunotto University Girl's
Cileo club will give a concort In tho
Methodist church nt Crants Puss to
night, and will appear In concert to
morrow night at tho Methodist church
at Ashland.
For Diamond coal brlcquets, phono
Valley Fuel Co. Phono 70.
Take your kodak films to. Palnior'B
studio. First class work and prompt
service. tf
Henry .Meyers living in the Central
Point district, wits tho victim of n
peculiar accident on tho Pacific high
way hiBt Thursday evening. He was
driving a band of cattle to tho Cen
tral Point stockyards, and near tho
edge of the pavement, when an auto
Ist sped past. The fender struck
Meyers on the leg, inflicting a bad
cut, and cutting the heavy chaps he
was wearing. The motorist sped on,
not stopping, and it was too dark to
get the number of his car.
Marlncllo Shop Is specializing on
Inecto Rapid hnlr tinting. Marcelling
at half price until March 1st. Hair
goods In tho latest styles. 272
lliing your Interior decoration prob
lems to Douel's Art Dept. 209
Miss tieraldine Hansen, until re
cently oinployod in the offices of the
California Oregon Power company,
loft tills morning for her homo In Port
land. Lucky day ut Deuel's Jnn. 2lth. 28G
Murdl-llras! Oriental Ilallroom!
I'ues., Feb. 13! CoBtumo prizes! 272"
Tho civil action of the Pago Drosslor
real estate company against Hirum
Mcndor is being heard In tho circuit
court this week, the suit Involving the
sale of tho Riverside Apartments in
this city.
For Salo Do-nut machine almost
now, cheap. Will II. Wilson. 271
Danco Do Popularity! Odd Fellows
Hall! Central Point! Thursday, Fob.
8! Peorless "I"! Tickets 55c! 273
Mrs. It. A. Lindsoy, of Wildorvlllo,
loft tills afternoon for Medford, where
sho will be with her daughter, Mrs.
L. B. Dnrncillo. Donald Dnrnollle, the
small son of Mrs. Darnoillo Is seri
ously ill, und an operation Is expected
to bo necossary beforo his recovery
can ho effected. Grants PasB Courier.
Mardl-Cirus! Oriental ilallroom!
Tues., Fob. 13! Costumo prizes! 272'
Lucky day nt Deuel's Jan. '24th. 2S
There was no session of tho circuit
court Saturday morning, but, us ubuhI,
many Medt'oril lawyers lnado tho trip
to Jacksonville.
When hotter automobiles aro built,
llulck will build them. tf
All kinds of rough und dressed lum
ber. Wnllnco Woods, phono 108. 711
10. Main.
Mike tl. Womack and his brother
Ace, who with thu hitter's family have
been living for the last six months
near Sacramento, Calif., are In tho
city for a Tew days visiting old friends.
They are on their wny to Washington
by auto, and Mlko reporta that ho lias
an option on 30.000 acres of oil land In
California. They are on mining busi
ness. Social dnnco tonlto Oregon Dancing
Academy, Central Point. Floor price.
Place your order now for I, Imo Sul
phur Solution nt tho Hear Crook Lime
Sulphur Plnnt. Prlco at plant $8.50
per hnrrel cash. Phono S-R-1. 2t!5tf
Hurl Clrlch of the Union Creek dis
trict Is niwiiding a few days In the city
attending (o business mutters.
Nursery stock guaranteed, nccllmat
!'d, full line. Write today, Grants Pass
Nursory, Grants Pass. Oregon. 270
All kinds of rough and drossed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
Mrs. II. I), lteed of Gold Hill was
among the out of town visitors In tho
city Monday afternoon.
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phono U80-J 2. th
Fruit, nut und Hhade trees. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phono 080-J-3. tl'
The special feature of "Church
Night" ut the Methodist church
tomorrow will be an address b Rev.
F. M. Jasper of Portland. Supper will
be served promptly ut 6. 15. Mrs. F. F.
llurku In charge.
Next dance Eaglo Point, Feb.
10th. 275
Dressmaking, 435 S. Fir. 270
Fresh smelt from the Columbia river
aro one of tho fish delicacies 111 tho
local market ut the present time and
soiling at a moderate price.
This office Is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
bookkeeping machines. Dont give
your orders to traveling men und have
them printed out of Medfoiil. Phone
11? and, we wl rnl, tf
H. L, Potter of Montague, 'Calif.,
spent tho day In the city and Jack
sonville on business.
Homstltching nt Deuel's. 2S9
Mr. nud .Mrs. A. W. Walker of Me l
ford were ut the Oregon yesterday.
Mr. Walker is mi automobile dealer
and they nre here to attend the auto
mobile show. Portland Oregonlan.
Oriental Unllrooni! Wed. night
dance! AdmlsslonlOc. 271
"The Worry Widow" company which
greatly pleased a large audience at
tho Pago Theatre last night left 011
1 tho early morning north-bound train
today lor Eugene where the nttrac
1 tlon pluys tonight. The company ar
I rived in this city by spoclal train of
engine, two Pullmans and two baggage
and scenery cars at 5:35 p. in. Mon-
day from Redding, Calif,
j A few hundred dollars and my serv
1 Ices to Invest In some remunerative
1 business. D. D. this office. 271
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Klocker were tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton
at Grants Pass last Sunday.
Auto insurance. Brown & White.
Virgin's Radio Sorvlce, operating
K. F. A. Y., announces the discontinu
mice of tho Wednesday night broad
casting programs as tho result of In
ubllity to get music. The regular Mon
day and Friday night concerts will
continue however. Alford's Imperial
orchestra furnished the program last
night and Ashland musicians will pre
Bent Friday night's program.
Piano lessons given at 327 West
2nd. . 271
Merle Gray, district agent for the
Oregon Journal, has recovered from a
ten day's illness with tonsllltls and
Is again out und about. During his
confinement to his home he has
raised a mustache of great ferocity.
Have your cylinders rebored on a
high grade, accurate boring mill. The
Storm upright boring mill is the
heaviest and most expensive mill
made for rebore work. All work guar
anteed and prices right. Riverside
Garage. 2C2tf
"A largo number of Medford people
are planning to come up for the Days
of '49 celebration and carnival, given
by the Knights of Pythias next Friday
and Saturday night." says the Grants
Pass Courier. "Several cars of Doklos
attended the meeting in Medford last
night and took 100 tickets to sell.
These were disposed of in record time,
after tho object of the celebration was
explained. Interest Is being displayed
by local people In the coming event,
which Is to bo open to the public.
Dances will bo held on both nights."
Thornlesa blackberry plants. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phone 680 J-2. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fnbrick re
turned this morning from a ten days'
visit in Portland and other cities in
Oregon and Washington.
Midweek Dance! Oriental Ball
room! Wed. plght! ' 271
A flue fire which was quickly ex
tinguished by the fire department, oc
curred yostordny afternoon at 608
West Jackson street. No alarm was
After tho fire it 1b too late to In
sure. 8eo Reddon & Canaday now.
C. P. Silllmun and E. C. Sillimun and
families returned lust night by auto
from Seattlo whero they have been
for tho past ton days. They made the
trip to bo present at the weddng of
their sister, Miss Florence Sllllman, a
former Medford resident and student
In the local high school, to Kenneth
Otis on Jan. 30th. Mr. Otis is a grad
uate of the University of Washington
and is manager of and buyer for the
frutornlty co-operative association at
that university. On tho way buck' the
car sklddo don Icy pavement near
Aurora and overturned In tho ditch.
Mr. Silllmun reports that although tho
car was damaged, not ono of the seven
pasBengors were injured.
drafted Franquotto walnut trees.
Edou Valley Nursory, Phone BS0-J-2 tf
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoy
den, Saturday, Fob. 3, nt tho Sacred
Heart hospital, a daughter.
Closing out nil our farm uiaohinory.
sovoral good tmys. Patton Robin
soii, Inc. tf
Tho Collego Chili 'will have it's
luncheon at tho Hotel Medfordjusteud
of tho Hotel Holland as announced on
the cards which were sent out.
Croscont orchestra danco, Eagle
Point, Snt. nito. Fob. 10th. 273'
Frank L. Clark, local automobile
dealer, loft lost night for a few .days
business visit in Portland and ho ex
pects to return the end of the week
with a now Hupniobllo sport model.
All kinds of rough nnd dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phono 108, 711
E. Main.
Mr. and Mrs. McCuiston left last
Sunday night for a brief visit In Port
land. Plug cherry trees. Eden Vulley
Nursery, Phono CS0-J-2. tf
About 1800 feet of casing for the
Trlgonin oil well arrived this morning
nnd the work began ut onco of hauling
tho casing to the well. Col. J. F.
Mundy states that all of the casing
will be ut the well this nftornoon and
that the drilling will continue from
now 011 until oil Is struck. Col. Mundy
states that a change In tho map of
Southern Oregon is due to take place.
Hot families and chill con carne at
Do Voe's. tf
Hamilton Patton returned this morn
ing form a several days' visit to Port
land on business.
You e:m get U at DeVoe's. tf
ill. 111,.
-JU . "." to ,.r . i"n
II Hi.
.'n t,
!!" iiv
'"n.i.v MmiK.
1 U011..1. . 'ir i .. ' " ntu
"TV , " "run ti(i"' H.
Porter. J. Neff returned this morn
ing from a few days business trip
which took him to Idaho points and to
We have good values in used cars.
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf
News dispatches from Washington,
D. C, state that the bill to reimburse
Clarence L. Reames for extra expenses
Incurred during war time while serv
ing ns special assistant attorney gen
eral in Sun Francisco and Seattle, Is
expected to eniergo soon from the
house claims committee and take Its
place on the calendar. It has already
passed the senate. It allows ubom
2000 for suniB Reaiues paid out while
engaged In prosecution of war tinm
offenders on trips which took him
away from Portland.
nenton Poolo of the Applegate was
a business vilstor in tho city Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenberg and
son returned this morning from a visit
In Soattlo and Portland. While In the
former city they visited Mr. Roson-
berg's mother.
Frank Miukler of the city street
maintenance department, left last
night for Salem whore ho will join
Charles Davis, city street and water
superintendent, who has ueeh In the
capital for tho past several days. The
two will return with two new trucks
to be used by the city street depart
mont. Chiropody. Phono 503-J. 276
Fred Hutterl'iold, who has' been min
ing for some time past in the Klamath
River country, loft Medford last night
for Portland where he will visit for
a Tew days with friends and relatives.
Grafting wax. Eden' Valley Nurs
ory. Phone GS0-J-2. tf
Home economics has reached high
schools in nearly every county in the
state through Oregon Agricultural col
lege graduates. Nearly every high
school of tiny importance has added a
domestic science or art course. Mult
nomah nnd Jackson counties lead with'
seven each. Portland Journal.
Children's clothes made to order at
Deuel's Art Dept. 269
Only 4 more days to purchase Star
stock. See C. W. Barrett, Valley
Garage Bldg., Phone 306 or Telephone
915. 270
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown re
turned Sunday from Oakland, Calif.,
In a new Star touring car. Mr. Brown
is delighted with the performance of
the light car which is being introduced
to Medford motorists by the Mason
Motor Co., 30 N. Holly street. While
in Oakland Mr. Brown arranged for
the shipment to tho Mason Motor com
pany of two carloads of Star cars and
one carload of Durant cars. The Stars
left the Oakland factory Saturday and
the Durant s left the factory today en
route to Medford.
Thoro's a busy business College In
your homo town. GWN.
Tlckots can bo Becured for the Wil
lamette Glee Club concert at Palmer'3
Piano House. 271
Attention, Odd Fellows.
S. F. liowmau, grand master of the
state of Oregon, will pay Medford
lodge No. 83. I. O. O. F. an official
visit Tuesday evening, Feb. 6. All Odd
Fellows, be present.
270 L. 1. PALEN, N. G.
Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size
paper holder, from whlto print paper,
at this office at prices much below the
regular wrapping paper price. Call at
once or phone 75. ' tf
1 Mellow mm Tmoontijtht r
' ant) aa flltluic for
memorable ore ant on.
WHEN you put
the question
of choice in chocolates,
Vegan's Tan Jar never
fails to bring enthusi
astic praise.
Jl..0 th atd
imi rnittij.
I'OR SALE It. 1. Red hatching eggs.
Phono 573. 2!ii
FOR SALE No. 1 Holstein-Jersey cow
3 years old, due to freshen tho 9th
this mo.; also 12 white Minorca
pullets, all laying, bnrbain. W. H.
Nutter, 2 miles north of city on
Hear Creek. 271
FOR SALE Young Mammoth Bronze
Turkey Hens, also year old torn.
P. O. Pox MH or end West Jackson
St.. Medtord. 274
FOR SALE 4 draft mares. C. C
Hoover, Phone C85 R-6. 273'
FOUND Man's bluck driving glove.
Call at this office. 271
WANTED A high school girl lo work
tor Hoard In small family. Call at
325 8. Holly or Phone 390-L. tl
Handicraft Shop.
80 per yard
Buttons covered.
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
A. C. Joy. president of the Farm
Hiircau, was tho principal speaker at
tho meeting of the Jackson County
Luslness .Men's association at the
Medford Hotel last night and was
given a hearty reception by the asso
ciation. Mr. Jov complimented the business
..r !..ilf,.H.l i,l tho nnnnll' fill-!
the splendid cooperation given the
Farm Hureau in the past, said the
mutual feeling prevailing between
them Is having much to do towards
bringing them closer together for the
common good for all and Is helping
to solvo tho farmers' problems. Ho
said this spirit of co-operation,
which originated in this county, is
tho marvel of all the other sections
of the state and is being taken up
by the other bureaus.
Ho asked for, tho cooperation ot
the business men in collection with
their membership campaign to be
put on soon and was pledged hearty
Tho unsocial ii 'li endorsed tho ad
vertising program to be put. out by
tho fair association for tho Juno race
meet and to join tho Farm Hureau
and Fair association in some other
It was announced that Fred P.
Mann, of Devils Lake, S. D., would i
speak here some time soon on busi
ness methods und advertising. Mr.
Mann conducts a general line of busi
ness Is a town of 1500 and by meth
ods he advocates has built up a half
million dollar business.
Tho merchants' quartette, Messrs.
Meeker. Cnnnduy, McDonald and Vro-
A Guarantee of Complete and
Permanent Cure
"T HAD been asufferer from Piles
JL 25 years, but today feel like a
different woman." This is one ex
pression out of hundreds of sim
ilar letters received from gratified pa
tients whom I have completely and
permanently cured of Piles.
If you arc interested in knowing the
facts about YO U R case, send for my
FREE illustrated book. It tells WHY I
use no knife, clamp, ligatures, stitches,
burning or other disagreeable and dan
gerous methods. -
Remember my guarantee
means a positive and per-
7SL V I. nu. f s,Brn 4, ,ii r -act
$mv m be.
: : ,
Directed by Sidney I'liinklln, ulm dirceted "Siniliii' TIuoukIi."
Eight Reels of Everything Entertaining
man, xaug two splendid selections.
The feed was exceptionally good and
th. meetings will be held at the
Medford hereafter.
Saturday, Feb. 3, 11)23. at l-':00
a. in. Mr. William E. Davison or Talent
and Mrs. Catherine llrown of Jack
I ted ill marriage at
tho Presbyterian parsonage by Rev. K.
P. Lawrence, the ring ceremony ueuib
Mrs. Davison Is the daughter or
Daniel Flater or Jacksonville and the
groom a well known and esteomed
rancher near Talent. where the couple
will reside. After the ceremony a
bountious wedding dinner was Borved
at the honie of Mrs. Anna Jackson on
.Mistletoe street. The many friends of
. 11 ' '
Leaving for Portland
Want agreeable party for company.
Traveling man preferred. Comfortable
L. E.
PAGE Tuesday N
Aihlross Icttois, chrcUs, postofflco money oitlrrs to PnRO Thcntrc.
liicluilo soir-ndilivssrd .stamped envelope to help insure safe return.
ritlCKS, IXCI.l llIXti WAR TAX:
Lower I'loor, ISuIeony, l-'lrst 1 Itmvs, $1.(15; XeNt 7 Kows,
$1.10; Lust :J Iluivn, .".1e.
TiciiKT oi l in; saw-: ock.ns hatuhday, feu. iotii, xoox
e is.tsri v&:&.
fliil.lirn iV 'i' 1 -JV St'sWV. i
Mr. and .Mrs. Davison extend IM,)
congratulations and good wliihca t
tho newlyweds.
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
. , , lllllll"11""1-'"""""""""!!!!!,,,
The immieni- you vav a xai.iet of
Pane's Diupcpsiu" your indigestion j,
gone. No inoro distress from a sour
acid, upset stomach. No ilittulence)
heartburn, palpitation, or miserymaku).!
gates. Correct your digestion lor a few
cents. Each packago guaranteed l,v
druggist to overcome stomach trouble,
" ' ""' iU
ight Feb. 13th
1 . VumTT..-
1 gyw?pj