Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 05, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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MEDFORD NATIONAL j "Merry Widow," Page Tonight
-jn' niiiks of Co. A. Xtitioimi (Juard
, .Miilf'"1' lii'vo li'ii flHtni; with
n..v ii'truitK. without a roul uvtlvc
citiiiliiilKiii but imiiu rwi'uiiH arte
wanifil now l lirlntf lln romjiauy up
tn nlm't.v uu'lt, tin iiuuilM'r m'c-.s.sai-y
now f' pfart' Kln-iiKlli iimi:iny
uikIW lit" pii sMit ii KUl.'ttiiinM.
lireKon now rliimlH at thu lirml of
(h( western Htuti'H Uv the National
(iuuiul wmk iuhI itioi'?, ruooiiiiltlou is
Ix'inK gi'wn to tlu men in the Na
tional juui-U Korvico catrli year. Tile
rn-ruitH for "Wi'bl i'oint aro now s?
icfteil from tli army and tlio Na
liotiat fiuard anti Metlford lias a Na
tional tiuurilKinan, Corporal Joss,-lu-t'ssl1!'-
appointed for ono of the
two iiilii from nn'Boti for West Point
in July-
The ('durational department m
state of UreROil lnroumi nuiiernuen
dent of Public Instruction Churchill,
imn now arraiiRPd lor an youni; men
of the IiIkIi nohool who are mouthers
.f the National tiuai-il. to receive
ortuin eroditn towardn irraduntion.
for drill with hip national tiiiaru. a
nuinber of the yountt men ot Modford
the hlsli sellout win now receive
those credilH, and inoso wno
l.een members for time past will he
given ereuil tor im? unio me- e
TVPd in . me National iiuaro, jh-o-
vitlini; they are cimtmuiiiR Hie txr-
Tho new armoiy win he tinea up
when coinpletetl with gymnasium
equipment a bowline alley is to be In
stalled, shootine gallery, shower
baths and everything to he found in
first class Kym. Cnptain t anailay
has secured a drawing of the new
uniory as it will look when com
pleted and as soon as the pictures
have been finished the people ot Med-
tortl and .laekson county will Jiave
the opportunity lo see what the new
imildinir will look like.
The company has just orfiamzcit a
tmsketball team and hav secured
their new jerseys, of maroon color.
with wide band of whito upon which
it placed a law infantry design 01
.. ,,iriia otil ttw. ftirnres ISO. ren-
lesentitiK the regiment to which ineiwom. mm imiuiioii us im-i.mica.iii-.
.Medford unit is a part, logciher with ; How richly its orchestration pours
tin. company letter beneath the cross out. Host of all, as presented; tills sen-
rifles. ' . 1 - - ' ;son, the work is really snug.
UF-'i. - t . .
, hi
hi ii rev.r, , ; f' ;
' I
V fill1''
; , ilt 1 3 ' V
U It
is suiierJj la the role. Others who!
isoip materially to make a success f
"Tha Ilondboy" are: Mnry Thunnan,
Charles Hill Mnllea. Lawrence IVOr-1
say, Mary Allien ntul Irginin Maiioe.
Although cataclysms have swc)t
across the world since she first made
her charming appearance in 1 BOO.
"The Merry Widow" which conies to
tho Page Theater tonight is as charm
ing as ever.
Frank l.char's operetta is a perfect
AKIH.AN'i), l-Vb. :,. !ii-vran' of
'yiizen'." This. lm, v r. will be used
in a legitimate matti-c. :uui ilan'Otie
addicts need liot fi-ar the wlnuesnie
:i)plication of it as noted in this con
nection. Uophein are to be the vic
tims of the fiery potion, anil a wide
extent of Valleyview leirilory will be
the scene oi hrojuirasting tin same
over an cMent of land which will in-
lude several tlnmsiittd acres. Ihis
work is to be done systematically
under auspices of the Slate Agilctll-1
tural college, as directed by a repre
sentative of its biological department.
The specific territory on which the
exterminative warfare will he cum-,
meneed comprises ihe land s-ituated
t-tween the il l igaliou ditch and
Hear ,-reek north and south, and west!
of llutlcr creel ritlmately further j
sections will be Incorporated within
the poison zone. Hits depending upon
arrangements which may later be
entered into with property owners in
adjacent districts. The land pro-j
prietur will administer the dope. Hie;
cidlege -being an accessory iseiore Ihe '
fact, inasmuch as the stale Institution
will supply the agent of elimination, i
The exact nature of the poison Is not
stated, though Its base Is supposed to.
he strychnine in heroic doses, wti-j
dercd palatable throuph the introduc- j
tin of a comparatively harmless
agehcy as a chaser. Property owners
either non-resident or who do not '
care to personally do this work, can .
have it done by applying to a repre
sentative of the Farm Bureau unit
within such territory as is covered
by the gopher eradication project, it
would be useless to eliminate the pest
from one ranch, leaving adjacent ones
infested, consequently the Intent is to
wage the war of extermination
... "...... .1... .nnon of teili-
1 lliruutiliuill ,o3 ii.....
chestral delights of "Vllva" and thel tory being benefitted by the lug lrn
Maraovian dances never fail to stir Ration project- As to expense of the
the puises, whiie the heatHy ot H;o
stage picture holds the eye. The j landowners and the Agiicuitu-
nnr l.o ,lHolllTnr Ivrie' - ..
.u,.,v.....r, i-oiiege auinoriiics. 101 ,ow
At the Page Tuesday
"The Woman He Married, of
the most successful jihiys oa the le
gitimate stago, lias heen transformed
Into it motion picture, which will b?
shown at the Pago Tlieatrn again to
' morrow. Anita Stewirt la tho star of
this Kirst National attractinn and Fred
j Niblo, tlte creator S "The Three
5 Mtisket!s," directed it.
j I jury Semon lias it new nnd subtle
I vein of comedy In "Tho ltnkory,"
i which Is the other feature offering on
; tho same hill that elicits smiles rather
4 titan Rttffaws. 1-urry uses several of
! his famous stuimuis anil tatnidaees
! them in aew stunts such as the coior
i chnnglng cat, tho bread mouse, the
sttiek-u monkey.
Qean Your Bowels' Stop Skk Headache, Dizziness,
Colds, Sour Stomach, Gases, Bad Breath
Clfan your bowels then fed fine!
Knjoy tho nicest, gentlest bowel
CfCansln.? yon ever experienced hy tak
ing ne er two eanliike Oascftreta
tonight. They physic your bswel fully.
All the eanstifsatei! wste stl sour hll
will move out of the boweln without
be no bowel poison to cause coldi, atelc
heailaclie, dirincss, biliousness or gour
sttimaHt hen ym -wske in the
tsnmiiiii. More rnpn, -women and eh!!
dren take Cascarets for the ller asci
howels tia ell ether laxative-cathartics
conihini'd. 10 cent boxes, also 25
griping or stirrinor you up. There will I and 60 cent sizes. Any dmgstore.
about women, anil the other gems,
oomn one by one lit quick succession
to bo greeted by the audience with
thunders of
The three modern stage settings are
Mr. i filled with a glamor that makes the
vpnt of irrigation, the elimination or
gopher ravages is not merely one of
expediency, but necessity. All prop
erty owners will doubtless willingly
sign up on this proposition "for the
i duration of the war." iiowccr, ii
some demur in tho face ot moral sa-
Tlve last quarters' pay was brought , s.lvH(,e gathered together l'or the old ones seem commonplace. The sec-j1on ,o join ,he extermination move-
last Saturday oy wm-.,,, . .... " nresent tour a cast rich ill singing
White upon his visit to lcdford nun
next Ve.lnes.lay night will be pay . vol and . h-a.nn " "b" l-V- nf
night for Company A, and also at m ' ,;1
., hi i,., iiutriiioted the new cans course. Hut tins is only one gem ra a
,n he worn bv- all cnltsleil men. in-
slenU of ttie service hat that has been
worn for the past several years.
gleaming diudenl. The vocal and or-
ond act is especially beautiful with its :
glowing night sky, and tho superb last
a:' -hows the interior of Maxim's with
tho Madeleine towering in the background.
bum. MMLO Dull
ninRfiiKSHncs--'. ,
ment, recourse may be had to com
pulsory methods. Jlettcr enlist vol
untarily than be drafted into service
later on. Tile advantages of an early
advance alonff all linos in the Valley
view imsin will be apparent in the
good old summer time, when nature,
riven encouragement, is at Its best,
and when tho pestiferous gopher,
given free range, Is at Its worst
iH yv, (!y ihii j The possibilities ot dairying
. ... (i iriciu loo-n 111- lor loe laisuo; oi ehiwe-.i v...,,
.Associated i , , , i, ,,.:n lie
ground' are one'f th e "unsolved the "sul.joc," . ..
I cms of ,r. mining in Illinois. . " J"'" "
ii unit i , f fmiimprrn nn Wc!nes-
" !.... .'-lllUCtl i flflV.
trouble Southern lins mines. '- l ,c ?
mincr'US. - . ,..,.. 1 i , l lu I., nnnifliln in
m. l.wUhnru m IIP nt tOlllll- I U-i.u diiiMb.m ...
mi; AJKim f". - ,,,i..r., i ..!....- ,i,.i. i r tii-'.tittl infnr-
vine, tne .vo.... ........ .. ...,... ., which he has
ami several mines near Hinni;uem
have been compelled recently to seal
up portions of their workings to pre
vent spread of these smouldering fur
,,.... which burn without stopping
in Ihe hidden chambers underground.
line mino was ortiereu cioseu. ...
1'irely. . . . .,
The fires start in the refuse.
is left after the coal is hub
caused by a process similar i s...
umeous combustion, according to All
Medill. The miners call them Ron
lireH." from the word applied by coal
?gers to the debris in in
'Thev do not flare up m .".".
burn slowly, smouldering away
.....n ,l,o.. e:it ineilis,-i,
C'lianibcrs where nose ...
mass of live rcit ..,..
.tiled UP to lil'''l' llU'
of fuel.
siart heconie a
,-uui must be si
consented to do on ' Wednesday.
To sav that Clyde Niles is Interest
cd In the success of the Jackson
county fair Is placing it very mildly
for he exhibited last year one dozen
registered f.uernseys and 'JTi regis
tered Berkshire hogs. These catttle
nnd hogs drew down in premiums h
very neat sum of money and ribbons
which substantiates the contention
that It pays to raise nothing but the
very best.
The farmers Inerestcd in registered
cattle and hogs are extended the
privilege of this forum anil their at
tendance is sollcitea.
Snlendaf Show at Rialto
Itichartl Hartholmcss scores again in
his latest contribution to the screen,
rtcv. A. J. Ware
Hound table discussion.
00 Noon Intermission
- Afternoon Session. '
l-.Sft-Song service.
1:45 "Our -Objective"
.-.Miss Oeorgia Parker
2:15 "Teaching tho Word,"
ltev, 13. 1'. Lawrence
MS XATi Kectlnnal meetings:
Children's division . Miss Georgln Par
Children's dlvsoin "Means of Reach
ing One Objective,"
Miss fleorgia. Parker
Young people's division "Keeping
tho Sand in Place" ..ltev. Jasper
AIIUll division I lie .Migoiu. v-evno ,,,,.. .. r.,.. I.O. "Tl.n lliooll.ov
at oi k" Kev. A. J. Ware; UKcaieuiy u, iui . .. -
s -.1.-,. "Teacher Training" which opened for three days at the
S. 1J. Taylor Rialto Theatre yesterday, is without
4:15 "Primary Work" j question one rf the finest motion j)le-
Miss Mary Spencer j tures im!dUCed jn many moons. There j
r.rmK .-MV.S10H. j nrR tou.j,es of tleen pathos, cxiiertiv
1 acted scenes that tug nt the heart
strings and just enough ot a let up In I
bits ot comedy to relieve the tenso-1
ness of tho excellent story.
Richard Harthclmess has never done
finer acting than in tho scenes show
ing him awaiting execution nnd with
his mother otter his escape. Here Is
playing ot the moat capable sort, a
credit to tho screen and a distinct tri
umph tor this young star. "Our Dick"
7:00 Song and devotional service.
7:30 "Tho Adult and Law Knlorce-
. menf Rev. A. J. Ware
S:10 Special musi".
$:"! "Perfect Fellowship With the
liver-Present Father"
ISev. V. M. .Jasper
With the advent of spring comes the forethoughts of gardening,
flowers and the rejuvenating of the home grounds."
Plannnig and outlining your work brings to mind seeds, tools, fer
tilizers, shrubs and the like needed to carry out your plans.
You will want seeds you can depend upon, seeds that will grow
and produce true to type. Care must therefore be exercised in
Great care in selecting HIGH-BRED SEED STOCKS-rCOupled
with mcdern efficient methods of testing and handling seeds, as
sures you the best results if you planiour
Get a Copy of Our 1923 Seed Catalog Free, ;
Monarch Seed & Feed Co.
Phone 260
Seeds Our Specialty.
air from them. ,
The trouble Is, caused when a rue
eats its way through a wall mid
threatens to break through into t
mine workings. Sometimes the
mol,le,-ln coal Cats lip the Slippoit-
Itig coal pillars resulting
eninc tho support for
'tIic'so fires cannot be extinguish
bv water. Mr. Medill staioa
only makes them worse.
chemlenllziitlim reuniting1
In wcak-
the ground
It is the
from the
...ii.. f.n.l tne reiuw "'
in, oi .,!.. The
;iusus me oi .
nlyewny to stop the fires is to re
.e. ,1,.. hnrnlllK collls flOIll tltl
ml.... ' Mn,r o.inll CireS HlH)
on slack lilies on the
seetlnn of the state.
Hooded with water and
Mr. iledlll stated.
surface in i"
These can he
iY OVER $7,000,000
JACKSOX, 51 Iss.. Feb. B. Total
fines of JS. 000,000 assessed against
1-42 fire insurance companies vhlch
formerly operated in Mississippi and
which are being prosecuted for al
leged violation of the stata anti-mist
law, were reduced to an aggregate of
less than Jl. 000. 000 today through a
decision of 'tho state supreme court.
kci GAR zlT$dr
It's toa&tod. Thl
one extra process
Gives a delightful
quality that can
not bo duplicated
The Jackson county Sunday School
Institute will hold all day sessions nt
each of the following places: Hold
Hill. Tuesday, February . m r
churrh: .Med ford. Wednesday, Feb
ruary 7, at church; Eaglel
I'oin't, Thursday. February s, at:
fnion church, Ashland, Friday, Feb- j
ruary 9, at ISautist church. Kveryonc
in tho county should be so Interested
in these instructive meetings as to
attend nt least one day nt one ot
these points. There will be speakers
at each session who come highly
ec.mincndcd from different fields of
active service, ltev. V. M. Jasper
religious educational director for the
M 11. thurches of the Oregon con
ference. Kev. A. J. Ware Is the HaP
.1., ,issionarv for Clackamas county.
also president of Clackamas County
Sunday School council.
Those having met Miss neorgin
r-irker or heard her talk, know Hh
what glowing enthusiasm she speaks,
her psenalitv Is Inspiring. This in -MliH.le
hns been carefully planned by
leeplv Inleri'sted parties nnd Hie of
fleers' hope hat those especially con
,.eted with the Sunday school wi.l
take advantage of this in-dllutc. The
following program will be presented.
Medford, Wednesday. Kel.rn.iry
Morula .m-sxliill.
,n.r.nnovoiloniil . .....Ixenl Pastor
10-Ki "Value of Vocation- Sell
"i, tablets jtfSBT
10:1." "Our
ltev. IV M
r-,t ttnatiRn
. . .County
Fresi.h id
The first and original Cold nnd Crip
Tablet, the merit of which is recog
nized by all civilized nations.
Be sure you get
The genuine bean this signature
Plncc Your Order Now for
Quirk Delivery
; Hansen Coal Co.
Xiicresor to f.itdi)
81 8. ilr HU ihne -J
No "cure" but helps to re.
duce paroxysms of coughing.
V V A fo Ru a
Ova 17 Milllm Jan Vstd K
Fruit Trees Planted for Profit
What About Trees to Make the Home Attractive?
There has heen lu tho past, and la at tho present tints, macS said about ibo planting oi tmlt
trees for profit, but what about hoatitifylng tho homo whore you live nnd your children aro
crowing up In addition to fruit trees we also ofrcr a complete lino of high class Ornamental J
Shade Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Hoses, Vines, Berries, Etc.
Do not put off ordordiug. We can give you better service and hette trees,, at no eddlUss!
expense, if you wlil place your order now. -."'";
Catalogue Mailed Free On Request
407-409 First National Bank Building
Albany, Oregon
Representative Medford Business Firms
Mason, Ehrman & Co.
Tobacco, Cig'ars, Cigarettes, Etc,
Medford, Kiamatn Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston
We Guarantee our'
work at all time ;
Experts in Cleaning
and Dyeing
Sale Stable
111 N, Fir St. Phone 551
Automobile Springs
Merriman's Blacksmith Shop
20 South Riverside
Phone 279-J
Phone 315
for First-Class
Vilmo and Harmony Flour
Atk jour dealer for one of these brandi.
When purchasing any kind of products or havink any kind of
work done, always insist oa having home product or mbtg horn
iahor. -
11:00 'Organize'