Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 05, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
lLd Personal
Governor Walter I'leree who w
the cliet guest ut the Sportsmen's
banquet on Saturday niulit !e:t fur
home Sunilay morning delighted wit'i
the cordial reception accorded him by
the Mcdford people mid muuy vieitom
during his sjiort, stay ,lu thf city, and
was attain oh the Job at the state ruy!
tal this morning.
llardi-Gras! Oriental llallrooni!
Tacs., Feb.' 13!'! Costume prizes; 111'
For Sale Do nut machine almost
new. cheap. Will 11. 'Wilguii.
The retail merchants nre fj have
their regular dinner meeting at the
Medioid Hotel at ,0:30 tonight and as
u numher of extra dinner tlcketB have
been sold tho meeting will bo one 01
the largest In number held for a Ion?
The Jackson County ltuildlng
Loan Assn. has $SO0O to luan on city
property. 209 '
Attention Bill of I) P. O. E. on Feb
Htli, WTi, a dance by the Lady Kll
you know. Hemember tho date and
be sure to go. 2ii'J
The wholesale sugar market, of the
country is on the upgrade, and sines
last Thursday the wholesale price per
hundred pounds has Jumped forty
cents, the last raise of twenty cents
being announced last Saturday to go
into effect thin morning, making the
wholesalo price $8.25 per hundred.
Local grocers who are low on sugar
have advanced retail prices accord
ingly, but others who have big stocks
on hand continue to sell at the old
Furniture repaired and made to
order, work called for and delivered.
Wm. Bradley, Phono 199-L. 274
;0h, I'm so glad," you'll say when
you look over the suits and overcoats
! offer. Klein tho Tailor, 128 E.
Main. 275"
E-suays on the picture "Never
Alone" may be handed in to the at
tendant in charge of the exhibit ut
the Medford Center Store up to nine
o'clock tonight. Tho picture may be
viewed free of charge tomorrow dur
ing tho store hours.
Three used pianos, one Emerson,
going at $1S5. Palmer .Piano House.
For Sale Do-uut machine almost
new. cheap. Will H. Wilson. 271"
The Mcdford post or tho American
Legion has sent in an acceptance to
the Invitation of tho local post to he
present at the meeting here next Wed
nesday. The local legion niombcrs arc
planning on a feed to entertain the 15
or 20 guests who are expected. The
Medford men are asked to bring down
all their Ideas on tho building or a
community house and a general dis
cussion will bo held. Grants Pas?
The , Jackson County llulldlng 4i
Loan Assn. has $8000 to loan on city
property. 209
Ilottor hurry $-10.00 buys most any
suit In stock. Klein tho Tailor, 12S
K. Main. 27ti
Dr.' R. J. Conroy will arrive home
this evening from A two weeks' va
cation (tpent In Southern California.
Genuine llosch Magneto parts and
repairs Electric Shop, Sth and Dart
lett. " . tf
l.ucky day ut Deuel's Jan. 21th. 2S6
Tho Woman's Missionary society of
the First Christian Church will meet
In the pnrlor of the church, Tuesday
afternoon, Feb. 6th, at 2:30. Mrs. D.
W. Drlskol will be the program leader.
A full attendance or all tho lndlos of
Jie church Is deBlred.
Mordl-Cras! Oriental Dnllroom!
Tues., Feb. 13! Costume! 272
The Jackson County llulldlng &
I.iHin Assn. has $SO0O to loan on city
uroperty. , ' 209
A printed slip from Thos. W. Hoss.
M. D., chnlrmnn or the Salmon Pro
tective lenguo or Oregon and Washing
ton, onjolulng tho receiver to urge
tho - passage of 'IIouho Hill 1.13 by
'Jronping ponny postcards to four
nicuiuore of tho Legislature and to
Hifrfisentatlvo Hollle Watson who In
troduced the bill, wero received by 'i
number of Mcdford residents this
morning. The slip nlso urges re
celvora to send Wio communications
to four friends. "IX) not break the
chain or ill luck will follow" ends the
message and It Is supposed that this
terminating injunction Is calculated to
play uiKn the superstition of the
roader and prompt him to act. Tho
ulll abolishes tho "niurdoinus fish
wheels" nmPopcns tho entire Coluni
bin to angling the wholo year accord
ing to the card.
Kor Sale Do-nut machine almost
new, cheap. Will II. Wilson. 271
Dance Do Popularity! Odd Fellows
Hall! Central Point! Thursday, Fob
S! Peerless "4"! Tickets (hir! 273
Mrs.' George Hoblnson of Ashland
has returned homo from her visit at
Central Point whore she was the guet
of Mrs, luois Ferguson.
Manll-Gnis! . Oriental llullrooui
Tue8.,'Fol. 13! Costume prizes! 272
Lucky day at Deuel's Jan. 21th. 2Sti
"I'apc's Cold Compound"
. , Acts Quick, Costs Little,
' Never Sickens!
Kverv diiiRglot here guarantor ujuIi
package of 'Tape' Cold Compound" to
break up any win anu euu grippe
in a few hours or nviuey returned.
HiiflinrM, pain, hiadiuhe, fercrWinM
Inflamed or congeiltd noe and he.ia
relieved with first dose. Tlieve- wife,
pleasant tablet coit only few 'nt
and million now take Ihcui .iimttiul el
t ekeninjr miinlne, '
F. Howiuan of Pendleton, who Is
grand master of the Odd Fellows for
tli.p state of Oregon, arrived In the city
today and will pay Metlfoid lodge, I.
O. O. F. an official visit Tuesday eve
ning. V.'beu better autumoblles are built.
I'.uick will build them. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone IMS. 711
E. Main.
George H. Llndley returned Sunday
evening from Klamath Falls for a few
days' visit in .Medford with his family
at the Llndley home on Siskiyou
Place your order now for Lime Sul
phur Solution at the Hear Creek Lime
Sulphur Plant. Prlco at Plant $S..".0
per barrel cash. Phone S IM. 20511
Nursery stock guaranteed, uccllmat
od, full line. Writo today. GrantB Pass
Nursery, Grants Pass, Oregon. 270'
A bill introduced by Senntor Hall In
tho state legislature provides for the
registration of the motor vehicle.! o!
all non-rcBldcnts who enter the state
The registration would bo without
chargo and tho non-resident motorist
would be permitted to remain in the
statu for a period of not to exceed
three months, after which. If tho mot
orist remains in the state, he would be
required to take out an Oregon license.
All kinds or rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
Hhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phono (IS0-J-2. th
Among the Hogue Itivor peoplo in
Grants Pass last Saturday were Mrs.
I). J, Marquis, Miss Dorothy Sundry,
Miss Arleno Earhart, Mrs. A. K. Ear
hart and Miss Elizabeth Pennington.
Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phono 6S0-J-2. tf
Noxt dance Eagle Point, Feb.
10th. 275
The Sunday editions of the society
sections or the Oregonlan and the
Journal or Portlnnd yesterday pub
lished a lKirtralt of Mrs. Floyd Cook,
daughter of Judge W. M. Colvlg on
the first page. Mr. and Mrs. Cook
have been visiting friends In Portland
recently, but are now at home in Med
ford. Dressmaking, 435 S. Fir. 270
Flowering shrubs and evergreens.
Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 6SO-J-2 tf
Mrs. E. B. French and son Mead,
former Mcdford residents, arrived this
morning from Bremerton, Wn., and
Astoria where they have been for the
past few years. They are on route to
Los Angeles where they-lntend to re
sldo permanently and will leave lor
tho south Wednesday.
Metal weather strip is easily ap
plied around windows and doors and
keepB out cold and wind. Sold by
Big Pino Lumber Company. 2tiGtf
Auto Insurance, llrown & White.
Tho instrumental music for the
sportsmen's banquet last Saturday
night, which was a miich appreciated
feature of the big occasion, wus fur
nished by Mrs.' Jay's Symphony Or
chestra. Metal weather strip is easily ap
plied around windows and doors and
keeps out cold and wind. Sold by
Dig Pino Lumber Company. 16611"
For Diamond coal bricqucts, phono
Valley Fuel Co. Phono 70.
Tho members of tho farm bureau in
the Valloy Vlow district aro planning
a big ch'ivo on tho gopher on a tract
of 2000 ncres between Hear creek and
the now irrigation ditch.
Tnko your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
service. tt"
Hrlng your Interior decoration prob
lems to Douol'8 Art Dept. 2(!9
Tho Portland district three day con
foronco of tho Southern Methodist
church will open In Hoseburg, Wed
nesday. Hlshop II. M. Duboso of Chur
lottesvlllo, Vn., will bo tho presiding
officer, with Hcv. J. C. Jones presid
ing elder. About 50 delegates aro ex
pected. This ol'flco Is prepared to print
lodger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
booltliooplng machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men umf have
them printed out of Modford. Phone
us and wu will call. tf
Hemstitching nt Deuel's. 2S9
J. M, Haykln and family leave Tues
day for Santa Ana, Calif., where they
expect to mako their homo in tho fu
ture. They havo sold their resldonco
on Wost Ninth Btroot.
Auto Insurance llrown & White.
llnvo your cylindors rcbored on u
high grade, acctirato boring mill. The
Storm upright boring mill Is the
heaviest nnd most c.xiwnslvo mill
mndo for reboro work. AH work guar
anteed nnd prices light. Klvorslde
Oarngo. ' 2C2tf
The Hoseburg trapNhuotors defented
tho Medford nnd Ashland trap exports
at tho Lamport place on tho Pacific
highway yesterday. A large merchan
dise shoot was held and tho Medford
crack shots wero not "on" cither with
riries or shotguns being bested in
nearly every instanco nnd railing rar
below tholr usual performance.
After the tiro It Is too late to In
sure. Seo ltedden & Canaday now.
Grafted Franquette walnut trees.
Eden Valley Nursery, Phone ( tf
.1. J. McMiihon. deputy state traffic
officer, was In tho city yesterday af
ternoon. He stated that ho would lie-
gin to enforce the law regarding ma
chines bearing the 1922 license plates
as soon, as he hail received Inntrur
tluns from Salem stating Unit the dc
partmeut In rharge of Issuing the tags
had cuught up with their wink. Me-
Malum nl.o advised that the war on
(hone railing to dim their lights at
night would have to be renewed, and
that the traffic officers are asking lor
Jail sentences for those who duly tho
law Ashland Tidings.
Closing out all our farm machinery.
several good buys. Cattou Hobln
son. Inc. if
A. E. Kcainex returned Sunday from
Portlaud where ho had been for the
past few da attending to business
Thornless blackberry plants. Eden
Vflllcv Nursery, Phone MKI ',, C
Patrolman Joe Cave of the night
force of i-olice has been at home suf
fering with an attack of the la grippe
since last Saturday and which will
oonfine him for at least several more
days. A substitute Is taking his night
trick of duty.
AH kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
Colonel Sargent Camp, United Span
ish War Veterans, will meet at the
public library at 7:30 p. in. Wednes
day, February 7th. Veterans wishing
to join nre requested to bring their
discharge paiiers.
Hing cherry trees. Eden Valley
Nursery, Phone Cl-O-J-2. tf
Among the out of town people who
will attend the "Merry Widow" per
formance at the Page Theatre tonight
aro: Charles Logan or Yreka, Dr.
liulirman ol Yreka, II. T. Mathewson
or Montague anil C. D. Watson cf
.Montague. All are accompanied by
Hot tamales and chili con came at
De Voe's. tf
The American Legion local post No.
15 will journey to Grants Pass Wed
nesday night to attend tho meeting of
tlie Legion post in, that city. All mem
bers are asked to be present especi
ally those who belong to the "40-8 ".
A large Initiation ceremony of the box
car organization will be held In the
near futuro nnd a number of candi
dates will he signed up at Granta Pass
Wednesday night for membership in
the local voiture.
Wo have good values in used cars.
I'atton & Robinson, Inc. tf
Mrs. Win. P: Holt and daughters
Helen and Barbara returned yesterday
morning from Oakland, Calif., where
they have been visiting Mrs. Holt's
mother since the holidays.
You can get It at DeVoe'e. tf
Mr. and Mrs. R. Van Dor Bosch and
two sons left Sunday for their home in
Falls City, Ore., after a two months'
stay In Medford. They were so favor
ably Impressed by Medford and the
surrounding country that they Intend
to return and make their home here
next fall.
Denton Poole of the Applegato was
a business vlistor in the city Friday.
Ralph Bragg returned yesterday
from a trip to Roseburg by auto. He
left Friday nnd witnessed the 28-7 de
feat of the Ashland basketball team at
tho hands of the Roseburg five.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve came
down from Prospect on Sunday, and
leave here tomorrow morning by auto
for an indefinite sojourn In Los
Angeles and other Southern Califor
nia points. This Is the first trip they
have made for years without their son
lleston accompanying them, but this
time he remains home to continue his
studies at tlie Prospect district high
school. They expect to be gone a
month or two.
Chiropody. Phone 51S3-J. 276 !
The.-Ashland troupo of musicians
which was to have furnished the radio
program from K. F. A. Y. at the fair
grounds Inst Friday night did not ap
pear and the program was furnished
by Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Scpugall and
Paul Godward. Wm. Virgin, or Vir
gin's Radio Service states that the
Ashland musicians will put on the pro
gram noxt Friday night howover. The
Imperial orchestra will furnish to
night's program from K. F. A. Y.
Noel L. Ersklne gives piano lessons
at pupil's homes. Phone 729-W. 2C9
"Mr. and Mrs. Wultor Bowno re
turned this morning from n several
weeks visit In La Jolla, Calif., Santa
Barbara, San Diego, Los Angeles and
San Francisco. They made tho trip
by motor.
Grafting wnx. Eden Valley Nurs
ery, Phono 6S0-J-2. tf
Rigid fruit Inspection will be started
immediately in Josephine county nnd
a chock will be mndo on negligent
orchard owners, states tho county fruit
inspector. Tho law will bo enroreed
to tho letter this year, ho says, and
thosfi who do not comply with tho law
will bo dealt with as hard as possible.
Friday Henry Litke appeared In jus
tleo court and was assessed $25 for
failure Ui destroy Infected trues.
Grants Pass Courier.
Children's clothes made to order at
Deuel's Art Dept. 209
Tho duto of tho Elks' dance hns
been changed Train Wednesday, Fob.
1 1th to Friday, Feb. lflth. duo to re
hearsal oi the cast or the Elks' .Min
strel show.
There's a busy business College In
your homo town. OWN.
A meeting will bo called Wednes
day at 1:30 or all the trapshooting en
thusiasts In tho valley and a gun club
will bo formed. The mooting will be
at tho Modford Harness company's
place of business. The need of a gun
club was shown yesterday when the
local' trapshooters were defeated by
the Roseburg crack shotB. Tho local
men say It was partially due to a lack
of practice and cooperation.
Tickets can he secured for the WU-.
lamotte Glee Club concert at Palmer's
Pluuo House. 271
Attention, Odd Fellows.
S. F. Bowman, grand master of the
state r Oregon, will pay Medford
lodge No. S3. I. O! O. F. an official
visit Tuesday evening, Feb. 6. All Odd
Fellows, be present.
279 L. I. PA LEX. N. G.
Three Killed Wichita I'liv.
WICHITA, Kns.. Feb. r.. Three
unidentified persons uro known to
have Inst their lives and "3 are un
accounted for as the result of a fire
which early today destroyed the five
storv Gettn apartment bulldiiiK here.
,i re-clieek shewed lale today.
KlU Itk'NT ti room house. 10'M K.
Main. Phone MM. 274 i
VANTi:i Man with car to sell Riinr
nnteed rord liren. Will arrange sal
ary and expense with right man.
CordOVan liuhtwr fomnanv. lfifi
Weft JiH-knon Ulvd.. Chlcao. 111.
At the banquet of I he Jarkann
County . (htmu 1'i'otiH-iivi a.oriutiun
last .Saturday n.Kht, which was the
larKt-st and most uce:s.fful In the
history of that body, the follow ins
officers for tlie ensufim year were
unanimously elected hy the 300
3pnruuiien present.
J'reHidenl, Harry Hosier of Ash
land; secretary and treasurer, K. W.
Could of Medford and tlie following
list of eleven vice-presidents: Alex
Sparrow, of Medford; I.ouia iodi;e ol
Ashland: .1. Johnson of Cold Hill:
Frank Ktliott of Uoue Itiver: James
CrUve of Prospect; (ieorne Harker
of liutte Falls; James O. i-ove of Cen
tral I'olnt ; lioyal llrown of KukIc
Point; P. (.. Keimer of Talent; Ches
ter Pitch of Phoenix nnd IJHnn Cole
man of Jacksonville.
It was midnight bo fore the banquet
was ended. Anions the la'.e speakeru
were Kay Steel, L'nited States Banie
warden for the states of Oregon and
Washington and Floyd Crocker of
Koseburfc. who brought KreotinRS
from the Douglas county sportsmen.
Stanley Jewctt, l'nited States preda
tory animal inspector for Orcfion, was
down for a speech and was in the
city to attend tho banquet, but had
to leave fur Portland shortly before
tho festivities beun, in response to
an urgent telegram.
State Water Commissioner I'pdyke
of Grants Pass was tin hpokesman
Josephine county sportsmen, in place
of Wilford Allen, .who was present.
Lieutenant It. C Mauhau and Sgt.
Klutz arrived yesterday from Cris
sey Field. Presidio. San FrancicD.
and left about three o'clock for Eu
gene. Encountering a fog bank be
fore reaching Eugene, they returned
to Medford about 5 o'clock and upon
landing at Barber field er-ieked a trill
skid. Lt. MaUKhan is flying a gov
ernment De Havilland 1. and is
making a map of suit.ilI landing
sites and rivers and harbors for the
government. I.t. W. C Goldsbor
ough, former commandant of the
forest patrol detachment, stationed
here during tlie summer of 1320 will
arrive today or tomorrow from Cis
aey field to assist in tho mapping
operations and will bring with him
an extra tall skid for. Lt.: Maughan's
machine. v ,
1 L.t.. Maughan is the pilot who broke
the world's speed recclrds at Selft idgc
Field. Mt. Clemens, Mich., last fall
and captured tho Pujltzcr tropliy at
the races held nt Kdlfrldge field at
that time, lie Is attached (to the Dlst
Visiting the I'alific Const to get
first band information on Lumber
londltions in the West, a delegation
of 100 lumber dealers, members ol
the Ohio Ketail Lumber Dealers as
sociation, who arrived In Portlnnd in
a special train Sunday morning,
passed through "Medford on their
special train this forenoon, en route
The lumbermen left Clevelalul, O..
January -Uth in their own special
train. Stops were made at Seattle,
Spokane, and Tacoma to visit the va
rious lumber mills and districts in
After conferring ! with Portland
lumber dealers, the special party left
Portland nt TH.'t p. in., Sunday over
the Southern Pacific, making stops
at the principal lumber districts in
Ori-Kon nnd California before their
return to the east.
This visit of the Ohio lumber
dealers is construed by local lum
ber men as concrete evidence of the
importance with which Oregon and
Pacific coast lumber districts are held
by lumber dealers throughout the
Central snd Middle Wet states.
r Infant:
Invalids &
The Original Food-Drink for All Ages.
QuiclLunch.tHome, Office Fountain.
RichMilk. Malted GrainExtractln Pow
derkTabletforms. NouriihinrNocookini.
KB" Avoid Imititioni and Substitutes
Picture Framing
Swem's Studio
Handicraft Stop.
Se per yard
Bnrtoni coTrii1.
Robbitintr, Welding, Repairing
and Lathe Work
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
J?:1 South r'ront St,
V jflSESRSfc Safe
Hurry Shioldh. arrested Saturday
by Prohibition enforcement offieers
for potsefslon of what Special Offi
cer Sarulefer describes as the neatest
and best e.qu'pped nioenshlulng out
fit, he has found, so far In Jackson
J county, was sentenced to six month
in Jail, and to pay a fine of $j00, by
County Judgo Gardner this morning,
upon h's plea of guilty to a charge
of possessing liquor.
Shields, a recent arrival from Wyo
ming, was operating on the place on
Griffin creek, owned by J. H. Gus-
tii.o (Uus the Taller.) It was erron
eously stated In the Sunday Issue.
that the land belonged to Gus oam
uels. former city treasurer.
The prohibition forcca believo that
Shields was making ready for a
wholesale campaign In this county,
and that ho has several co-workers
w ho canio rrom Wyoming with him,
but have not been definitely locat
ed. This was one reason for the stiff
sentence handed out to him.
The arrest'iig officers report that
the still was made entirely of copper
and that everything connected with
tho plant was scrupulously clean.
Tho product is also alleged to have
been fit to drink.
The cases of M. M. Heflin and Mrs.
Nora Dunlap, arrested last week for
alleged violations of the prohibition
law, were postponed today until to
morrow, by County Judgo Gardner,
after hearing the arguments for a
dismissal, by tho defense, which was
This Week Only
Silver Beam
The Auto
Spuply Co.
Phone 62
Doc Wright
For Quick KervJcs Fhone 119
Qose loTheafres
end Shopping Dsfrct
Anewty fc:uttfied Htti Atar.x
waits th visitor lo San Fran
ciacot New fumithinca cf unusual
charm and comfort, a loHty drwcnrd
to provide the almoin hrrr of a
ttnuriout Home and a new Dining
Rtom, conudered one of the moM
interest; rc in America" all contribute
lo ycur wrcUnrel It h the only hotel
with running ke Water in every rmm
rut'- - :
pO rates R OT
Crown Demonstration
Continued AH This Week
Come in and sample the
products put up by
this company
Personal Attention
Phone 252
'Gopher Demonstration :
j At Captain Tuttle s
The county agent's office, cooper-
nii,.ir uiiii Mr. Albert Swam ot inu,
biological Survey, will conduct go
pher and molu demonstrations even
dav during tho coming week, "est
methods tor the eradication of these
rodents will bo demonstrated.
Tho first meeting wil be held this
afternoon at Capt. Tattle's nlncn at
PAGE Tuesday
A r "c x i
Address letters, checks, postofrico money orders to Pago Theatre,
lmlmlc seir-addicssed .stamped envelope to help insure safe return.
Lower I'loor, $2.20; Dalcony, First 4 Hows, $1.03; Next 7 Hows,
91.10; Last 3 Itows, 55c.
Henry W. Savage
Offers a Magnificent New Production of
The Most Enchanting Musical Play the World Has
Ever Known
Not an Inferior Road Show but an Original No. 1 Organization
PRICES 55c, $1.10, $1.65, $2.20; $2.75. Includes Tax.
Matinee and Night
in lavish m-otluction powerful in story n triple-punch climax'
with Anita siviK thr finest pe rf orinam-e of lici whole career.
mill .
iu n Kelf-ruiMiig uproar of Inn
; ' ' T HE BAKERY Y"
Table Itock. The next two meetings
will bo held at Miss Alice llanley's
.i, n,i Tuesday afternoon at 'I
o'clock and at J. 0. Love's ranch on
U'ednesdav ufternoon at 2 o'clock.
Meeting places for Thursday ana
Friday will bo named later, ouiur.
day will be given over to the Valley
View district.
Tom Collie returned today from Lbs
Angeles, San Diego and Tin Juajia
where- ho had been lor the past thifee
...!! wtalf I ,7
wcoks oh a mu ..a. v.
Night Feb. 13th
iu is mi
Prompt Service
Phone 252