if The Weather Prediction Fair Maximum yesterday 50 Minimum today 23.7 MEDFORD MAI ITTFS Weather Year Ago 1KUSUJN. Maximum Minimum , ...... 4S .30 MEDFOBD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 NO. 269 REFUSE GN. WA 0 E TURKS TO FEARE NEAR EAST CONFERENCE COLLAPSES Ismet Pasha Refuses to Sign Treaty,' British Leave for Home Efforts to Prevent War Continue Lord Cur zon Condemned By London Mail. lX)M)OX, Fib. 5 (By the Associated lIrcss.) lAril Cur son, tho secretary for foreign nf fairs, who conducted tho Near Kast negotiations at Lausanne for tho liritlsli government, re turned hero today. Ho culled a meeting of tho cabinet to con sider tho Latisnnno proceedings. LAl'SAXN'E, Feb. 5. Hy tho Associated I'rcss.) Former IVemler Venizelos of Greece in n statement to tho Associated Tress this evening said: "If Turkey will conio to some Independent arrangement with Ureeco concerning mutual rep arations, or agree to its submis sion to some form of arbitration then tiroeco will consider the statu of war terminated." "All other matters with Tur fcojf aro settled," ho continued, "Inu if Turkey insists on repara tions from (Jrceeo w ithout reim bursing us for tho damago caus ed to moro than a inillon Greeks driven from Asia Minor, then Greeeo must consider tho wur mn on. It is for Turkey ' to say." LAUSANNE, Feb. 3. (Dy the As sociated Press. J The collapse of the Near Kast conference after weeks of deliberation that had been liberally interspersed with crises, led tho dele gations of the powcre to wonder whether tsmet Pasha, in refusing to sign. the treaty was trusting to those : "Incalculable forces" whose presence ' tlie allied statesmen have felt. .. Humors of a military alliance be tween Turkey and Htissiu, emphatic ally denied in cnnfeiyuco circles n short time ago have been revived and there are admittedly other disturb ing elements. Ismet informed the correspondents that until he received a formal no tification to the contrary he would consider the negotiations as still in progress. It was pointed out that the Mudania armistice was to be ef fecllvo until the completion of tho conference called to settlo a Turk ish peaco and somo Importance was nttm-bod to lsmot's statement. ,Tha Turkish spokesman declared that the nationalist representatives did not sign tho treaty because it strangled Turkey economically. Spe cifically, the Turks refused to accept the capitulation and economic clauses of the document as presented by ihn allies, declaring that they cotlld not agree to be bound by the contracts and concesions of the TorhlPr regime. Turks Hoi for Compromise - Tito formal Turkish reply suggest ed that Inasmuch as tho two factions were In agreement on eighty per cent Of tho questions, these clauses be stgnod. It maintained that . the Turks should be allowed to give fur ther consideration to the problems coritalnod in a recognition of the obli gation ot the Ottoman empire but de- (Continued on tmee It. mm LOST BY FREEZE IN TEXAS. . STRAWBERRY CROP IS WIPED OUT OALVBSTON, Texas, Feb. 5 Kstimntes of the loss resulting to Galveston county ns a result of to day's, frccsw ranged upwards of !, ooo.ftfift. nocordlnir to reports from various pnrts of the county received) In the office of the uaivesion ju tinn. The heaviest to appears to have been sustained by the cattle Industry, I estimates of the number Killed ny me freejc running up to twenty per cent. .Mainland -temperatures of de crees were reported at several points, with much damage to tender vege table crops, nudcling peach, pear ami fig trees received a severe set Centenarian Cures "Flu" By Visiting and Refusing to Worry Al'KOKA, III., Feb. 3. Henry Chaliand, a retired farm er, who has just celebrated his 1 00th birthday, credits his re covery from an attack of in fluenza to "visiting." They told me it was my last sicknoas," he said, "but I did not feel that way about it. 80 I had them get out the automo bile aud I began a round of v(s its. in no time I was all right because 1 got away from myself, in getting away from yourself you simply forget your ills. It's no use worrying about them be cause they grow on worries. Worry la a fertile soil for bad health crops." Sir. Chailand is hale and hearty. He has ten living child ren, thirty grand children and 33 great grand children. DEFAULTING N.Y. SIOCK BROKER ARRESTEDINLA LOS A XGKLKS, Feb. S. Austin il. MontnomfiT, Jr., former New York stock broker "was arrested ' hy county nd -fcdcrul officers here for Nw York authorities on chunks of siyrk fnmds Hggrouatinjj moro than 13,000,000. Officers uimounrint? the arrest, aiihX Montgomery admitted" his identity and said he would waive ex tradition and return at once to New York to face the indictments. aiontffoniery, the officers aid, has been living since January 3 5, last, in an exclusive residential dfHtrirt under the name of Marshall. "With him were his wife, three children and a secretary. The specific charge under which he was held wan usIk the United Kinies mails to defraud, the com plaint .wing made ty Mrs. D. J. Cal lahan of Wilmington, Dei. The au thorities here were informed that Montgomery was president "of the Community Finance company with headquarters in New York, but ope ratinB principally in Hoston. The company failed last Heptemher. NKW YOHK, Feb. B. Austin H. Montgomery, Jr., former Mock broker, arrested in Ios Angeles to day was one of ten men Interested in tho community finance company, who were indk't by the federal jury on charges of "defrauding investors In a blind pool operation. Montgomery, upon announcement of his indictment, was alleged to have fled to Europe taking with him 6G0,000. Ho later was reported i Mexico City. His father. Indicted in the same case, has been released in $10,000 ball, after, a plea of not PICE OF WALES IS GIVEN AIR COMMAND I.ONHON. Jim.- The 1'rinre ot Wales has been appointed Group Captain of the Koyni .Air Force by ceiiimiind of the kiiiK. The prince, in addition to his various orders and medals, is u captain in the royal navy and a colonel in the army. Officially he is designated his Hoynl Highness, Edward Albeit Christ inn George Andrew Vatriek THivid, 1'rlme of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, K. O.: K. T.: a. C. H. I,; O. C. M. C; G. C. I. E.; G. C. V. O; !. II. K. M. r. back and the strawberry crop, which wn9 ronorled to be tho largest i several years, has been practically wiped out. WAHHINGTOK. Feb. 5. A slight t.-..nL the rnlrt wave is due late today and tomorrow over the Ohio valley and taka region to New lors and New Eglnnd, acrordiK to the weather bureau, which prenicu slowly rising temperatures, accompa nied by snow. Tho cold snap centered at hue lliver. Ont where o temperature o( fifty degrees below wro was reported tmlny. BADEN ZONE IS OCCUPIED 6Y FRENCH Germans Lose Control of East Bank of Rhine Because of Interference With Trains Strikes Are Extended, How ever Little Change Re ported. l)V KSSK LDO HVt Feb. 5. illy the Associated Tress New orders from Berlin to tho railroads in tho ithine and the Kuhr had tho effect today of stiffening tho strike against the French and dispelled the hopes of & settlement that have been prevalent the fast few days Hy individual interviews and dis tribution of money, by promises and by warnings, the German govern ment is declared hero to be doing tho utmost to encourage tho resin tanco which had begun to weaken among the local functionaries and state employes. There has been no fresh extension of the strike, but instead of improv ing, as the French had hoped, the situation remains unchanged. The cordon of the valley to pre vent coal shipments to unoccupied Germany remains unbroken. Jferr fcJarter director of tho West hello stab mines and a commercial director of tho SUnms interests is among tho latest functionaries ex pelled frutiy. (ha Iluht. UESHELPQXlF,,FoK t.Ub the Associated"' Press)- The French oc cupation has been extended to Ap penwir, and Offtisburg, two towns in linden, presumably a a penalty for German interference with interna tional train service between Paris and Prague. Dl" ESS EI DO I IF, Feb. 4. (By the Associated rrw' Although inter national trains were being dispatched regularly, eoa! strikes continued in the Kuhr. Agents of the Berlin government were reported to he attempting to revivify - the strike hy promises of cash bonUH, called "indemnity of fi delity to the reich," to the strikers who remain out. Tho mine pit heads were greatly eongeKted, owing to the shortage of empty ears, and eon! was being plied in every conceivable spot. Tho French started free sotip kitcheiiK In tho iiuhr for children only, but at Heme plans were being made to feed adults. JnSKMX. Feb. 4. (iiy the Asso ciated l'rt-ss) Control of the rail roads skirting the left bank of the Khiite was thought by German au thorities to he the object of French oeeupation of Offenburg and Appen weir, imUtAX, Feb. 4. (By the Asso ciated Press) Frederick Btampfrt editor of Yoerwaerts, said in an in terview that Americans have a wholly imperfect conception of the tremen dous impression areated by PresS- dont Wilson's pre-armistieo speeches on the rank and file of German work ing men and that these people cannot grasp why America, which struck a. decisive blow against Imperial mon archy, "can complacently look on as the young German republic is being made tho victim of the gravest in justice." BOMB THROWN AT PREMIER IN SOFIA 80KIA. Kub. 5. (By tho Asso ciated I'rcssl A bomb was thrown in thn direction of Premier Htam boulsky whiln ho was seated In a twin at the National theater last niqht with threw o( bin ministers. No one was Injured by the explosion. Ths bumb thrower, whose identity is said to be known to the authorities, escaped. NTRODUGE Mi lt K. BILL 101 DKS MOINES. Feb. 5. The Ku Klus Klon would be outlawed In Iowa. Its members would be subject to jail sentences and would not bt neimitted to hold any civil service job in the state; soHHUntr for mem bership in the klan would lie punish able by Jaii terms, and alt klan oaths and contracts would be invalidated under the terms ot a bill introduced titday in the Iowa house and senate. i he rresident Back at His Desk ) : ; f t 4 4. I'm S XT V F IT- zm y-m Ski-! r j. ft inn The Hrestiirnt returned to hia di'sk and tho tilu ot work which had accumulated during his illness from the, grippe on January 25. Ho was taken ill about a woek previous and hud remained Sn his room under orders of tho Vhito House physician, Ilric-Gon. O. E. Sawyer. FLORIDA SHIVERS AND FREEZES AS BUZZARD BLOWS CHiCAtiO, Vi'b, 5. White the northwest and central west hadre l!ef today from the cold wave that sent the mercury down to new low icveia for the season, tho southern states were suffering from the cold- cat weather in several years. Passing of the wave over the northwest was followed by a sen oral reaction temperatures sought higher levels and tho northwest wind on which tho wave rode became quiet. But Its departure carried unusual cold to the south as tar as the north and central portions of Florida where freezing temperatures or frost were forecaso for tonight and tomorrow morning. Vicksbnrg, Miss., was covered with snow and sloet today to a depth of seven inches and street car service and telephone communication was greatly demoralized us a result. Louisiana end Arkansas were al most an unbroken blanket of snow and sleet In the northeastern and southern sections respectively. The mercury dropped to twenty degrees above zero in some districts. None of the southern states was to bo sliKhted by the cold wave, H ap peared from the forecaster's report. weather reports indicated the breakup of the cnid wave, before its approach at the eastern seaboard states. In California suntmlno yesterday routed (ho fear of citrus growers that their crops would ba ruined by frost although today's forecast pre dicted light is heavy froats in the interior. Today, the forecasters said, was to bring forth rising temperatures in too upper Mississippi vailoy west ward lo tho Rocky Mountains, with a like, reaction starting tomorrow In tho Ohio valley anil tho cast suif states. HOUSTON. Tesas, Feb. 5. ice covered the galf coast like a blanket today with tho coldest weather in four years, but Utile damago was causud. Citrna fruit and truck in the iower Itio (irando vaiiey, where grave fears wore felt escaped virtually un scatheii, it was announced. Ther mometers in tlta valley went barely below tho freorJiiR point. Growers took precautions by lighting smudge pots and other fires. Oolftr Srfngs Surrender MLNNKAPOLia Feb. 6, Befriend d by Sheriff Earle Itrowa of Hoime pin county by the gift of a dollar, s man who said he was Herbert Hovd, asd that he was wasted in Fort tr&gaa ak. for burglary, "returned this favor" by surrendering to tee sherKf hm todf7 sb ftmir lster Mm,: S SPREADING TO BRITISH ISLES society known ua the OrdT at ih Crusader, which seems to blend with Sn sntiijuc rliuai ?rti points at re- semblance to the Ea Klax Klan and the Fascist of Italjr la springing up in KngJuitd According to b member of tfse ordfrr it was founded two ytarn iige. ltiring the last two months it has hwn rondMeting m iftititive ttm laia for mpnsiemltiit and while it rpfunn to divaiga tise number f its members, it claims to have them in very action of Clrtat flrftain, Tho avowed ljt of the sofW? is io irig hark the spirit of the Cry sitder to rv&ryday lifr, McetingK of the order ore held ir hind ciopd dom-s. Oh ceremostei ocrasions tho metnhvrs are drewK'tJ in a striking mrb. Officers wsr c rim- sun robes with s, large white er on the ltft fsMUd other mombom adopt a bt.k sown with a whitfl mtrplioe over Ui on tho brfast of whirh i a red cross. Homo tit the emblems of the order nre suggestive of a different pur ijoso, however. In the rltua! a sword is carried lo symbolize "serylcff swurR ore worn to represent 'ghir- &iry" and 'lottity" Ik txiresei by csrrving banners. The literature of the order states that it aims at forming "in every ward of each town and tit every large village a ceitelavo of crutsaders com mmd of real leathers of public opin ion in the locality Ijiler on the intend "to g't crusaders into Parlia ment, on county and local eouneife in the churehrs and out of them," Tho initiation of candidates, as re gnrdu time, jhsec and rermony s'Jom ty resembles the Ku Klux Kian When each candiiat is inltlUd he is cxneeted to nmUs a donation s two pounds or more there being no limit, to be used by the officials as they seo fit, LOCATE EARTHQUAKE IN PACIFIC OCEAN CLKVKf.AXR, Pelfc 6. l,oraUtt of ihe itisaiitic earthquake which thro needles from ssigmogrtiiiha In thi coontry and threw mountainous titiai waves 8K3ist tho Hawaiian Islands on Saturday wa fixed by Kathor Diiesbach of St, Ignatius college today at isroaiiii)atoIy 170 desreea wert longitude ami 36 decrees north lati tude, mliiway Ijetween the Hawaiian and Aleutian Island in tho Pacific ocean. His calculation, based on observa tion of the tidal waves, would plave tho convulsion atom 1300 miles north went of Honolulu, A the map ihtma no islands there, ha believes it poiwi Ma that some were hoisted up by the sob-l'sclflo rrtn)Ult. In; mil u i Given Soviet Job to 1 Get U, S. Settlers MOSCOW, Feb. 5. Xew and non-Jolitical Jobs have been found for William 1). Haywood and Ludwig Martens, former soviet represeatatives in the United States, Since Haywood's resignation front the Kuzbas colony he has nndertaken to en- courage Americans to settle on the land and establish an effi- cient agricuHoral system. Martins is at the head of the patent department and has pre- seated a plan to permit employes to profit indlviilnally. Uudtsr tho oid soviet system ail patents belonged to the government, . S BLOW-UP SAFE IN PACIFIC FRUITC0.0FFICE The safe in the office of the Pacifte Fruit and Predate company's local branch warehouse was Mown witta open last night and about $10 to cash was obtained by the cracksmen wUo made tlr getaway without leaving any Bbs!atiai ciows for the sheriff's office sad (writes to foiiow, It is bfliivod by Manager BiHings that the robbers wtrs bnbnea as sev oral were suriy larking about the plant yesterday and as thero aro at tho . present tinsc, a liuml5r of vs gfaltis ! iho city, enroBie north on ilisi seasons! piiRriinago. Tho safe was eomnlclely wrecked and allhoiigh tho crack around tho edgo of tha doer was filled with "roup" in a professinnal manner it iss believed that the job was ddno by amalonrs, for had they been pro f cantons, they wouiil havo taekiad noiiiillfff wnrlh srhiie accriiiiie to J Sheriff Terrili, The roblwry took jrtace somelimo aitor niidnlght last night and tho thieves gained entrance to the build ing Iiy tearing the lock from the main doors. I !epaty I D, Foracrook was ou the job this morning with his finger prist apjaraisi and evsrylhinR in the of fice waa given a eSoso examination for iho toli-talo marks, A box of'dates was opened and a number of packages of the- tooth some dainties were taken by ihe thieves before (' departed from the secene of their depredations. VIOLENCE ATTENDS CANADA ELEOTWN SIGNTREAL, Feb. 5. Rioting, thaft, assault and fraud rttooiiej! the Mon treal balloiioft today is the provincial general elections. At noon time thirty persons charged with vsriosns offenses were in Jaii and a number of others were in hospitals. Fifteen men said to havs taken part in a riot ia tho Bt, Lawrence division during which Antonio Taret, waa aeri oasiy ininreil, his ballot bosea stoic and tho polling place demolished, were Jailed. Destruction of the polHns place ondod voting ftsr-tho day in tho di vision. Adoipa h'Areheae, oipoitios Candi das ia Mercer, rasjsed the arrest of twelve men ho said carried tis of dosd men they Intended to inspersoo sta In tho voting. w TEN KILLED BY TIDAL WAVE IN HONOLULU PROreRTY DAMAt IIONOIA'l.f, Feb. 5. illy tho As sociated 1'rens. ) InhabHanis of thu city and bay of lliio, island of Hawaii, cont'naod today lo take stock of the resaii of tidal ! which swept Iho district Saturday aft(BOon with sn estimated loss of ten or twelve lives and property danisgo undeter mined, but placed at $ 160,008 in the city alone. Tho tidal wave followed a severe earthquake which tho observatory al Kiiauea reported to osve occurred: HAIL QUITS EFFORT FOR larshfield Senator in a Huff Withdraws Name From Any Further Connection With Governor's Program of Con solidation Flays Oppo nents Compulsory School Biff As Cause of Action. BAi.KJl. Ore., Feh. 5. Senator Charles liail, ta a letter read tmlsy to tiw senate by Prertdent Jay Vp ton, vxsrvsscd wliiiagness to wtth drsw his hiii far consolidation of maift tieisariment dectaring Jt was ' 'Tv idain," that he was to be pun Ssiui fur his suspect of the cmonS sory -hanl Wil at tis last election ami !- usb I rtfssI to bare my Owsck to the laches of the party whip i the haath sC seme of those at tininine to tSicmseives up .- h'advra of the republican party In Oregsn. Hail's lister, which was sent frosss Marjdifiebl, wher he had been called hy the death of his father-in-iaw, "I have . thcffore concluded tiwt sssy daiy as a citics. does not jwrrtsrft , B to suffer this aeadiot-k. to continuo j s iofti? as it ran he broken by tiw J ajcall iweiifh-c or withdrawing By i nansa frwin further connection witH tSovernor Heree's consoiidatios pro- ? raio, ' - . - ..." j A nea cmimiMnU&n bill, intended I hr lis nroiieneoSg to he a snbstttoie for the liait bill assii three others - Jins psijar today for inlrodws ison this week. It ijroposes a cshi net form of iKjvemment with tiw ' governor, secretary of Mate, statft is trcasarer, a bank commissioner and San indostrbii aechisnt asnmlsswr, eotnp&siriK the eahinet. The pobiis J eerviee commission would have threo I memlwrK, as at pr-wnt, hot they wouhl 1 aijpsintiij fey the governar insicsd of eiceiivc, Various, stats brars and tmreaMs weald be aboS- (shed. - Senator C. W. Bills ot Bams ha prcisared an amessdsnent to the anti saloon league's prohibition enforce ment hill, excepting iighi wines, and ier froin the Mil's provision that asy kiod of aieoitoiie ihjr or appar atus for making, it nwsy be seixed and ricsSriyti. The BlUs amendment woald havo ihe hiii aily eniy to dissilied liciuer, Itepwa-ntirtive T. T. Bennett ot Marshfield tooay $trsneeU a reso iuthm for a cooasitationai amend ment requiring that special memsfimm of ihe legislature he eesfined entirety to the anbject jsassdi in the gov ernor's isrociansatioa calling the ses sion, Clovernor W, " ' iiecee today ?i k : - -cd the bill reoiring iabUnR of wai nuta and fiibeHa grown in Oregon. Colonsnas Bay Hit SALEM, Ore,, Feb, S. Tha Ore gon house of representative tody passed a bill Introdaced by C . Ijcwia of Portia nil, striking Colnrahua day from the list of siais holiday, There were 18 dissenting vote. The bouse passed the biil by Mrs. C. B. Simmons of Portland, which rus Bseves the present exemption clause in the women's jury bill and reqnlre ail women to serve except as exeased by the judge. Under the present tow women empanelled may be excuses; from jury service ia tiscy so desire. The bill by Representative B, V, Kecney of EagcBo, in(raJuce4 wttfc special reference to a rttaatloa at Bs Sene, bat which it was charged wtU piare practically every hospli&i In tho stale on tho tax rolls, passed the honaa today, fJebaie on Senator B, L, Eddy htt- fCoBtinited m i'sge Six) from 200 lo SM nils away la aa nnkaewn direction. Persons living Is (oyer IHlo, ft? In a rerarreneo of tho llilal wi i moved lo higher BroBBd with M their poitMsialons yesterday. The following Message was recall ed here today from tha htand tft Oaam: "Tha aelsntogmplt recorded a very slight earthquake shock at 10:43 a, m, Saturday, Tho re was no tlstal wave. Conditions normal, y