- 'MEWOlin MATL TRTUUXE, MEDFOlkD, ORKdOX, ftATl'RDAV. IT'.llTAlt'V 1!G3 PAOR 'PUREE HIGHSCHOOLSO 1 What's All -the Shootin' For?" BOYS FOR PLACING mm ?: The hif Kchuul bullillnK. already vcrcrowUetl with 4IIO Htuduntn wm I i 1 1 further Jiinuiu'il when iluiini; tlu AUt week 3 pupils were Kiadutitt-a I rum thu eighth KinUe coui ko In 1 ho j .Im'olu and WiiHlilriKion Hchoola into ! lull hih school course, and practi-1 ally all of them entered thu high hool. To rt'Huve thu IUkIi pressure, the .'hool board waa compelled to ko utnldt' for c;u.uieis. No mutable ,Uuh "could le found immediately for iciMnatU'iit lease, and consequent ly hy school board mado umini;cmcntH hrouKh the courtesy of the Klrst tafilUt church, a bloi-k away, to hnuriu. forty nmh school students in llUl- runai' mint a jivi iuuiiiiil jvji.ii.- ion can be found. Theflo forty mmlents keep their ookH in; and recite In the main audi- ortum at tho MnptiHt church. The board has been offered iiuar- ern in the Sparta building with Umi ;i lions which are not acceptable, and ther locations not too far awny have etu considered by Superintendent uiith and tho school board, includ iA tho Medford Center building. Ljlioi'is nave oeen mauo lor nuverai cart past by Hchool officials and tfc'er educational leaders to have the ;i payers authorize the construction fia now hltfh school building which iv&uld enable the present buililinir to to. converted into a Junior hiwh and to .relieve crowded conditions in several of the grade schools, flfho high school now has 470 stu- !lep(s, which is -far more than can be iccommodated in the old antiquated inilldlng fi o.VcM'' " : K. J? Vfe? t -V K " ' ' i J i ' V 7if r'rflm the expressions on tho fncs or Harold Lloyd and Mildred Duvis we can guess that something id about to happen. In fact, something happens all the time in Haro'lil'.ijiow fenturo jcomedy,I)i Jack." JOiniAlbte St. Mark's Episcopal. Corner North Oalulale and f.tli St. 8 a. ni. Holy communion. 10 a. ill. Sunday school. 11 a. in. Holy communion. Wni. 11. Hamilton Vicar. Final Showings Today The final showings of "The World's Applause," featuring Hebe Daniels and .cwis Stone, will take place today at ho Kialto Theatre. Tho play has at-L-iincd wido popularity and its success as' been merited. Tho supporting (fast Is excellent. V "Dr. Jack1' to Close Tonight Harold Lloyd in "Dr. Jack" is noar nft tho end ot his long run at the Page "heater. The picture will he seen Jor he last times toniKlit at the end of is seventh day, .this run distancing ny. other continuous display of a pip- uro In Medford. There is so much of sunshiny, in- oceut fun in the Lloyd pictures it is sign of public tasto when they are ble to get such long and healthy runs. .1 . ' Barthelmcss In "Bondboy." Advance interest in, Hichard :lia,rr lilielniess' next big release is keen. Rt Is "The Uondboy," and opens a three ays engngoment at tho Rlalto The- ,tro tomorrow at 12:30. It is more than merely a worthy lucjeessor to "Sonny" and ' Tol able ylB," as the story runs the gauntlet om grim and tragic episodes to thoso f jiuruor, pathos and tenderness. Wtli each successive picture, this oung favorite of tho screen Is taking Step up on the ladder of success. The success of "Tlio nonuooy erywhere proves that the best pat- mage in American tneaiers is 101 bolosoino, hearty, true American rama; that tho most lnieresim;; ramatic study of mankind is man and iat American life yields al lthe ro- lanco. passion, adventure, paiuos, ragedy and comedy required either in picture-play or in an epic. "The llondboy" is the engrossing lory of a human soul the soul of n df'who in extreme youth makes a plendid sacrifice of himself in behalf I' bis mother. Church of. the Nazarene Cor. Central and Jackson Sunday School 9:15 a. in. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wed. 7:30 p. in. All are invited.. Come. C. M. Kins, Pastor. Evang.-Luth. Zions Church -Fourth Street and Oakdaln Avenue Iiev. Dr. W. It. Morenz-Ocsor, Pastor Res. 51S West 4th St. Sexageslmae. Sunday School 10 a. ill. Divine Service . 11 a. m. .You and yours are cordially Invited. First Free Methodist Church Cor. 10th and Ivy Sts. llev. Krnest V. Lee, Pastor Sunday schooli 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. . .Prayer meeting Thursday 7 p, ni. . -' a"he Subject of Korelgn -Missions will he discussed Sunday morning. Come here what we are doing on the foreign field. You and yours will be welcome to all these services. Music: Anthem, "God Is Love" (blielley) soloist, Mr. Canaday. Trio, "A Perfect Day" (Uoudl violin, Mr. .Cole; cello, Mr. Canaday; piano, Miss Vroman. Epworth Leagues: Junior, 5:30; Senior, C:15. The young people in I vits you. Evening Sorvice 7:30. Sermon: "Tho Joy of Attainment." Music: Anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord" (Koberts) so.olst, Mr. Mac- 1'onough. Quartette, "Nearer,. My Cod to Thee" (Sweeney), Messrs I Meeker. MacDouough, Canaday, Vra- .ss Matio Vroman, pianist. Air. Hornard Roberts, organist. Mrs. Jlay Jordan-MacDonough, di rector. An inspirational service that you'll enjoy. Church Night Wednesday. Dinner 0:15. The big feature this week will be an address by ltev. F. M. Jasper of Portland on "Tho Modern School of Keligions Education." Our Revival begins Feb. 21 thu date in mind. Main St. M. E. Church, South Coy K. Sims', Pastor Sunday- School 0:45 a. m. Dr. Frank Roberts, Snpt. . - Morning worship 11 a. in. Rev. J. C. Jones, tho Presiding Elder will preach, after which the Holy Communion of the Lord's Supper will bo observed. Epworth League 6:30 p. in. This service will be devotional, and a study suitable for young people. Evening service 7:30 p. m. . Uov. Jones will also prt-ach at this service. The public is cordially Invited to at tend all of these services. "Merry Vyidow" Meets Success Illasco Ibanez, the Spanish author, a Khrewdlv said: "There is a cer- aln tunnel of forgettulness into which mimical nr dramatic play. runs wnen t-original interest wanes, and it is inly the very great product, like i no tloi-ry Widow," that can emerge iim bscurity again into the blazing brilli- iney of renewed success. : TWo nrn substantial reasons for Ihe fresh enthusiasm inspired by Henry W. Savage's new production of Lehar's world famous operetta. rt lifts an ideal story of romance; the most alluring waltz ever composed; a srtlendor of staging never before ap proached in opera and a singing cast s J lof-grand opera quality.. J "The Merry Widow," with what is said to bo an exceptional company and jnngniflcent urban production, comes to the Page Theatre Mommy in.-,!". Feb. 0th. . , Tho ri Includes two very noieo Callfornians Jefferson tie Aiigous and James Llddy. . The former Is an ex-star and comedian of more than limit a hundred niusicui i-omemeR u.m comic operas. Mr. Llddy is n rece.o member of the Chicago uper.i bany and leading man with 8eei. kither big musical successes, inciuuin 'The Chocolate Soldier. ul note in the cast are aiane n. ren Proctor, Tom Rurton and Easter and Hnzelton. i ,1 1 -i til . WASHINGTON. Feb, 3. Monthcr ..utlooK for the week U Kinnini: Mn .lav: Pn. lflc slat. J CollHlrtci -able .lnudinrM and o..-asbmal r:iin. T-ni-pvrature near normal. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized' branch of The Mother Church, Tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Doston. Mass. Sen-ices are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, "12 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Feb I : Love. Sunday School at !M5. Applicants under the age of twenty may bo ad mitted. ' Wednesday Evening Meetings, which Include testimonies of Christian Science Healings, at 7:45. Tho Reading Room, which is In the Medford Illdg.. Is open daily from 1 to G except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science literature may be road, borrowed or purciiaseu The nnbl c Is cordially lnviieo i attend tho services and visit tHe iteau Ing Room. First Baptist Church" "'' ,i i "The Friendly Church" i (N. Central and 5th St.) v; 9:15 a. m. liiblo school. A van! Whitman, Supt. A good school to attend. 11 a. m. "The Sin of nN'ot Praying." Music: Anthem, "Ho Thou Near, lioonie; violin solo, "Idyll" Slorshelm, rof. Carlton Janes. 3 p. m. Association IS. Y. P. U. Rally, luncheon. 0:30 p. m. . Union mooting, Senior nd Intermodiato U. Y. P. U. Avard Whitman, leader. 7:30 p. m. Service: "Tho Test of Ireatuess," special sermon to the oung people. Anthoin, "Tho Day Is ioutly Sinking,'.' Nevlu; soprano solo, In Heavonly Lovo Abiding." Cliad- wick, Mrs. Lorraine Harrison Scott; instrumental trio: (a) "Marcietta," F. Ilossl, (b) "Andantlno," Schubert, I Messrs. Janes, Hoot, Scott. , Saturday 7 p. m. Chicken supper this evening at homo of Miss Fern Dally, 007 S. Central avenue for tho young people of the church. Social hour follows with program. Wednesday: All day session of Jackson Co. S. S. Institute. Thursday 7:30 p. m.' Choir re hearsal. Communion offering Sunday morn ing devoted to the Near East Relief Work. Tho Dig Revival starts March 18 with Dr. S. J. Hold us preacher. 'The young man of today who at tends church will be tho big man of tomorrow." Worship with us Sunday. Frederick R. Leach, pastor. S. M. Scott, choir director. ' OpiKirtunltles for placing children in gond homos aro frequently open to mo xveu i.ru3 uuu i ium pnti.-i.iK m ...t..i ...... i.i I.... I among iiiu tuiiu.i o Jtim lujifiiMiin iu.li come under ita cure. At present thorn Is need of two good homes ach homo for a young motherless boy. Tho boys are brothers. Their father is a hard working man who is unwill ing to have tho boys adopted as ho hopes to bo able to make a good home for them himself eventually, lie has sevoral othor children some of whom nro already placed with relatives. Any ono who is Interested In helping children, and who Is not'.' and who has homo to offer or who knows of a good homo that might wish to add a member to its family for the rest of this year, is asked to got In touch with tho Red Cross. Splendid cooperation with tho Red Cross office is being given by outly ing communities. Within tho lust week investigations by the Red Cross office havo boon made in Central Point, whoro Mrs. fl. E. Fox recently elected to tho board of directors of tho Jackson County Red Cross is giv ing helpful sei-vlco. At Forest Creek and outlying sections of Jacksonville several needy families have been helped during tho last week. The protective arm uf. the county Red Cross organization roaches out into tho isolated districts. There Is a particularly sad caso In the moun tains where sickness and poverty have laid a heavy burden upon a woman with a largo family of small children. Deprived of tho support of her hus band this poor woman was found prac tically without food, so far from con tact with neighbors that she could not get uoeded help. The youngest child was in need of milk and because of the poverty in the homo, the cow whoso milk had saved tho little one in time past, was very near starvation because their was no money witli which to purchase ita necessary l'eod. All provisions had to bo bought through the Red Cross in town and sent up tho mountain road to this family. The cooperation of the County Court with tho Rod Cross serving as investigating agent has kopt tho wolf from the door in this caso, and the Red Cross has 'kept the family sui plied with tho necessary clothing. Hrokeu homes., unemployment and sickness create poverty conditions in hundreds of tho homos in this county and create, need for material relief, and also create numerous social prob- Keopjlems requiring adjustment. To pre I vent theso conditions by establishing social indopondoncp, is the most Im portant aspect ot the work of the Koa Cross. 1 Presbyterian Church Coiner Main and Holly Rev. E. P. Lawrence 2", South Orange, Phone SS0 9-45 n. in. liiblo School witli begin ncrs, primary, junior. Intermediate -eiilnr and adult class. 'Carl J. Urom- mer. superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship "Ser twin -Lessons from The Master Teacher." Special music by tho mal nuartet entitled "Lead Kindly Light in- Dinllev Iluck. 7:30 p. in. Steieoptican pictures nd.lress entitled "Thru College in Slxtv Minutes." Showing the value ..ml work of the Christian colleges. The Christian Endeavor Society will meet this Sunday with the Christian fi.nreh society at 0 p. m. to conimeni urn to the orpanizantion of the first C I.- K.icletv. There will be no prayer meetin next week on account of the Sunday School Conference at Hie Lapti; chnn h. First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Hartlett i itundolim Snsnett. Pastor. Iliblu School ;:I5. l'1-..f. 'N. " Franklin. Supt. Mi.rninu worship 1 1 : 0'V Sermon ' The Cross as an Altar." COMMUNICATIONS Church Music The music Sunday at tho First bap tist church will be as follows: Morning Violin Solo, "Idyll." Slor shelm ; Prof. Carlton Janes. Anthem, "Ho Thou Near." llroome. Evening Anthem, "The Day Is Gently Sinking." Nevln; soprano solo, "In Heavenly" Love Abiding" Chad wlck liy Mrs. Ixnralne Harrison Scott. Instrumental Trio, la "Marcietta." F. V. llessi; (b) "Andantlno," Schu bert, Messrs. Janes, Root and Scott. The public are cordially Invited to enjoy these musical numbers of spe cial merit. . CoivRiH'H Stulement Denied To tho Editor: Tho undersigned; for many years a resident und homo-owner in Medford. wishes to voico a protest, on huhulf of hia countrymen here, ugalnst the statement attributed In Friday even ing's news dispatches from Salem to Mr. Italph Cowglll. repreHentative from Jackson county, to the effect that "the Japanese havo overrun Jackson county," etc. To one ac quainted with tho facts, as they up peur to all persons of intelligence here ibis assertion Is palpably absurd, und I If made to bolster up an argument in favor of thu so-called anli-Japa- noao bill, tho recklessness or me charge Blniply illustrates the desper ation of tho cause It Is inienuuci io support. The Japanese who nro living and working In Juckson county are surely known to the citizens hero to be quiet. Industrious and law-abiding people; and so few In number (never more, n nnv ilnie. at thu most, than fifty men nnrt women all told In thu eountv) Hint no unit of tho coinniu- niiv. inner, losrf ino whole, can be truthfully said to be "overrun" by them. They havo not congregated anywhere, but llvo around in differ ent nliiees: and I can never, without fear of contradiction by any fair minded mnn or woman, they have so .-nnilnrt.-cl themselves in every neigh borhood as not U have been In the least objectionable to anyone. .lust one word more, as to Japa ncsu farmers and farm labor In .lark son county: There nro at present onlv four Japanese fumilies living and w-orkinK on farms in tho county and while there have been in the nast a few more Japnnese farmers here, their several experiences cer ti.tntv will not encourage any in crease In ino numoer, out luiner ..... reverse. IteHpeetfully. M. M A ItU YAM A, Medford. Oregon, president of the .Tannneso Association of Southern Oregon. Doiiil.f DefeatH Filipino. NEW YOIIK Johnny Dundee, world's lot) pound champion, de feated Kllno .Florcs, Filipino llgbt- welKht. in fifteen rounds. barely escaped a. knockout rinsing rounds. Florcs In tin i:tentl ConM Tour ltntci. ('II ICA(l'). Feb. 3. The summer excursion season to the coast will b extended to September Ho, the trans- . ontinenlal passenger association an nounnd today. It was originally lu-t.-n.lr.l to liiatit ri-ilui-ed fines from Mill 1.1 to H. ptcmbi r IS. Tortured Many Years by Kidneys "I have had kldnoy trouble for twolve years," writes H. P. 1'ltikney West Jackson, Miss. "Pains in back Joints, catches In the hips, run down and getting up too much during the night. Hut since taking Foley Kidney Pills, my Buffering is over, and I feel liko a new man." Hackachc. rheumatic nalns. kidney and bladder trouble qulcklv relieved with Foley Kidney Pills. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold every where. Kplrlt(. Satisfaction Assured it quality and price. Mall us your wants. MARTIN J. REDDY 0 Bake Electrically B.:5iaittW!iS(Tr I ft POWER. COMPANY YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS From the day you start using an electric range you'U make the most delicious bread, cake and pies you ever baked, because it's so easy to get uniform controlled heat. You'll get better frying results too, as well as better boiled, stewed and broiled dishes. Think of the steps saved when you have no untidy wood or coal fires to tend. Think ofthe convenience of setting the range by the time clock, so that the food is ready to be picked up and served on the dot. Hundreds and hundreds of The California Oregon Power Company subscribers are using electric ranges and no wonder. This company gives a special cook ing rate so low that the' average bill for both cooking and lighting together is often as low as the cost of other types of fuel alone! See our local office today about the favorable rates for cooking, and the many other practical advantages and economies your neighbors are enjoying. Look over the electric ranges at your electrical dealer's he'll ex plain how you can get one on easy payments and have it installed immediately. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY To the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of the Rogue River Valley h ; We have a common interest. You in growing, we in canning and marketing your'pro ducc and we invite your co-operation in developing a business for the coming years ta early Beets, Asparagus, Spinach, Rhubarb, Beans, both green and navy, Tomatoes and 8 varieties ., of berries and fruits. '., ..;,,.... ' '. .. '"' V :';'.-'. ' If you will register with us in time the approximate amount of each you would like to sell us, it may enable us to check over production of anything and find market for all. , We will increase our facilities and equipment as your crops increase- and, with .suffi cient workers obtainable, there is every prospect we can buy of you to your advantage all . you produce suitable for canning. .. x ' ' - Rogue River Valley Canning Go. tfefPpi iiippifii A Sprayer Many Growers Have Long Wanted This new Bean outfit meets the demand for a liyht-wcight rig with plenty ofpowehighprcssuttandbigcapacity. It delivers 12 gallons of liquid ' per minute at 300 pounds pressure. If that capacity is about right for you, then the sprayer you Ought to have is a 1 GIANT TRIPLEX It has Bean porcclain-lincd cylinders, the most satisfactory cylinders ever ' developed for a sprayer putnp; threadless ball valves, which cannotcor rodc or stick tight and which can be opened up entirely in less than two minutes; Bean patented pressure regulator, which holds the pressure to' the exact point desired, and saves much wear and tear on engine and ; pump; long-wearing eccentrics instead of cranks; and many other advan tages, including the absence of stuffing boxes and stuffing box troubles. Sign and send the coupon, which describes entire Bean line for 1922. . HUBBARD BROS. Corner Main and Pacific Highway The Bean Giant Triplex in equipped witli the new 6 H.l'.Bf.mrnlne, which - - can eMilv ml' quickly he made available for all kinds of power join. Ak about it. ' h '