1 MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGON'. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2. HCI ' ' ' ' "' ' "PAflE ENiTIT MEDFORD S7 GRADUATES OF L Thirty-seven pupils completed the tlenr-Mury . course In tho public schools during tho pant woek and wvre graduated Into the high school. IS from Washington school and 19 from Uncoln uchool. Nearly all of these entered the high' school, which together with several rural pupils vo recently entered, makes the total j attendance at the high school num- w :. The pupil who wore graduated from thfi eighth grade into tho high school wore a follows. -'. Wasldiigtou tJim). ":fcdwln Andren, AUr Armstrong. Tnthy Baughmnn, Kyio Uerryman, Stanley Bcgioi. Leland uCte, Kenneth Chlldreth. llayard Oetrhcll. Mildred jonklnm Iluth I.uy. Ilylde Lynn. Kathleoo Ness, Mary Ncwland, All ien I-urker. Maynard Putnoy. Agnes fntltj; Ruth BtewoTt. Laura Nell . York. . 7 , ; .', Lincoln School. ' DellM'rt Anderson, Woodward Ar cher. Fern Crolg, James Duily, Ned Harri'i:. .ilarvln t Mcadcr, Drover ijeadows. . Ililllu Miller. Clifford JJoons Nlat rortcr. Donaleeno Pres li'h, Margaret Head. Charles Ord K.-d, Dorothy Ryao, Ignore Ryan. Mildred Thorn. CHil.r. Wllholm, Edna J jrhs, Legtor Knips. C W. Barrett, In charge of the salo of'Star Motor company stock in South ern Oregon, is in receipt of informa tion Uutt tho Star stock issue will be withdrawn from the market the tenth of,,thia month. This allows but few days in which investors may buy this attractive stock. Mr. Itnrrett is lo cated at the Valley garage on North Holly street where he Is selling Btock and displaying the new Star car. ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP BY THIS SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mentlio Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. BecauM! of its germ destroying proper ties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and beats the eczema right up and .leaves the skin clear ana smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Kowlcs Mciilho-Sulphur from any good drug gist and u.c it like a cold cream. CVntiiiuotui Shows Tomorrow and Sunday 12:iW to 11:00 1. M. RIALTO ONLY 2 DAYS MORE! D Q WILLIAM deMlLLE SK08UCTI0N BEBE DANIELS II . i cuic cTnwP H 9 AT FESTIVAL NIGHT OF LODGE YEAR Oh hum! Yawn the Elks today as they stretch and think with relish of last night's big doings at the Elks temple which continued from 8 p. m., until about 1 a. m. today. The dress suits, which the has been dignitaries of the lodgo worv with much eclat and nervousness to dazzle the ordi nary' bucks of tho unllered herd, were shipped back today to the San Frun elsco second hand dealer, and the an nual roll rail night, post, exalted ruler's night, smoker, tho flstcuff doings and the like uro now memo ries of tho past. It was a great night at which 3'JO members of the lodge responded to tho annual roll call and over a hun dred or two of visiting Elks from vu- rious parts of the Pacific coast and sumo from the east, took in the doings. About 1 a. m., the hungry brothers hoi wcinered. cheesed and coffeed, and wearily wended their way homoward. Loral Elks laid la bed late today while their wives built the fires. It is always tho women who suffer. Fascinated With Glory. The past exalted rulers night event camo oft first as these good looking and benign old men were anxious to Impress with their shapes in the dress ouita. When they appeared thus garbed the big assemblage remained to a man. They had to, for all tnc doors were locked and guarded. The post exalted rulers . conducted the lodge, occupying the various offices nnd initiating two cute candidates. Chas. P. Talent and Oeorgo II. Wing. l,ito the lodge, as follows: Exalted ruler,. Ous Newbury; esteemed leading, night, W. II. Mc- Gowan: esteemed loyal knight, J. J. Duehter; esteemed lecturing knight, George T. Collins;, chaplain, C. E Gates; Esquire. E. C. Jerome; inner guard. T. E. Daniels; outer guard, Leon .11. llanklns. The tost four arc also esteemed, but tho last named not sufficiently to be allowed Inside the lodge room. A welcome surprise was tho of fleial visit of Frank D. Cohen, of Murshfleld. the deputy exalted ruler of the Oregon south district, who de livered a short and instructive ad dress during which the aroma from his verbal bouquets on the excellence of the Medford lodgu was so strong thnt It drowned out the fragrance of several hundred working stogies, nines and clgnrets. Hut little by little In every way the time was growing later nnd the brothers hungrier. Recognizing this fuel. Oeorgo T. Collins then did a lit tle Coueing. Gifts for T. K. Ilaniebi. After dwelling on the stalwart ser vices of T. B. Dunlela always, from tho very organisation of tho lodgo until now, he being Its first exaltud ruler, tho evening-dressed ppeaker presented Mr. Duniels with a hand- somo wrist watch and smoking set. Tho gifts were from individual groups of tho lodge members nnd were given as a furewell send-off as Mr. and Mrs. Daniels will shortly leave to re side In Southern Culifornla. Mr. Ininlcls. who Is one of the two life members of the lodge, although he Is not a gentleman stock raiser or wholesale grocer tossed a neat reply back. 'Nominations for tho officers to be chosen next month to serve during tho coming yeor also mado. The nominations will be continued evi Thursday might this month. Only one nomination was made for exalted ruler nnd the beorty and long con tinue applause which greeted it. In dlcntes that there will bo no other nomination for this high office it local Elkdom. i There were other pleasant doings, which wero not completed until U p. ni-, nnd then begnn the five boxing bouts, threo of which ended in kuock outs and the main bout in a flxzlo. Sunday ' RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "Tho Bond Boy" BLOCKADE OF RUHR BEGINS (Continued from Page One) r THE', tf$ , Ifl u .. - m m n rot weeks. In addition, It IB said, about fifty per rent of tho people bavo In Mnrago enough potatoes to last Ibeui until summer. The question of supplh-s lu tbo Cologne area Is also being lnveetlgal ed. It Is estimated that these stores sro sufficient for two months or more unless the disorganization of frolglil truffle iucreases. H Is believ ed that flour, canned milk, potatoes, fala and sugar sro on band in ample quantity, but there is some uncer tainly os to tho mml supply. The munlrlpnl authorities in tho area in lend to ssk help of tho Ilrltlsh It the (ood situation becomes serious. Anti-French Demonstration , IlKKLIN, r-b. 2. A demonstra tion In front of the Hotel Frankfort on-Main, In which Intor-allled com mlsslnners are Hvtuir, occurred yes- torday. Tbo crowd attempted to vn ter the hotel, but the police intervened. PAK1S, Feb. i. (By tho Awo elated I'ress.) The Krourh go-ern ment, It was raid it tho forolgu of- (Ire today, will ho obliged to take severe sttltuilo toward tbo (Jorman government If It continues to toler ate the molestation of French sub jects such as occurred at Koenlngs- herg tho last two days. Tho consul ate was the ol'Wt of a mob attack, tho windows belug jtmnsbed, while Germao rlvllluns made demoostra- Hi us agnluKt French officers attach ed to tho Inter-alllcd control com mission. Choking Uronoinlc Llfo AT THE KHANOO-HEl.C.IAX CT8 TOMS llOHIiKn NKAfl nitACIIKL. Fell. 2. (fly tho Afsoclnte(l Press.) The great railroad arteries, ted from the Industrial heart of Oermany, are feeling the first gruelling twists of Franco and Belgium. Today tho mil itary cordon flung around the Ruhr appears to be checking effectively tbo flow to unoccupied Germany of coal, ber "economic life blood." I One of tbo most important suctions of tho military front Is the forty kllo-j meter troop barrier between Lueneni and Drachel. In a straight line ; across tho country, a detachment of j soldjertj today holds the strategic ! points on the main railway lines leading out of Dortmund toward such centers as Oldenburg, Bremen, Hano ver, Hamburg, Hale, even Berlin it self, i The correspondent's motor car drew up at a lonely cross roads cn this line almost within a stone's throw of Brachel. At the roadside stood a group of French officers ex amining a map of the district. The new comer's fdentlfication es tablished to tbolr satisfaction, they proceeded to talk freely regarding their operations. "Just how does anyone bait a train determined to keep on going?" they were asked. Commandant Boln of the 26th French infantry and com manding officer on this section of the front, laughed. Then be explained. "Well, there are several ways. We order the station master to have the signals locked, advising him that otherwise we ourselves will effec tively obstruct the right of way. If be refuses to obey wo arrest him. Anyway there are soldiers stationed on the track and tbey have machine guns at band and are ready to act If necessary. Questioned as to tho cxtont of tho control, the commandant said that all freight trains bad been stoped for the past several dayB, but only for a fifteen minute inspection after which they were allowed to proceed. Now, however, all are held and those with cargoes other than coal are allowed to proceed after a careful Investi gation. Askod whether tho measure was proving effective, Commandant Boln pointed without speaking to several loaded trains that stood motionless several hundreds yards away. Their j heads were pointed toward Berlin,: "but sentries blocked the way. I Only passenger trains are being al-1 lowed to leave without question. All ; others are halted. Trains carrying ordinary goods are permitted to con- j tlnue their journey after Investlga- j tion proves that thoy do not carry: coal. Reports received from Essen yes-1 terday said that troops bad fired on a train that attempted to disregard j the Blgnals at Hacheney, near Dort mund. Bullets strurk the cars, which came to a standstill. No general strike is contemplated In tho Ruhr, It is believed In ibis part of the occupied zone. . MANN S - - Th Best Goods for the Price - Matter What the Price M ANN'S City Marshal, Oregon, Guilty Manslaughter Jury Ashs Leniency TENDLETON, Ore., Feb. 2. A vor dict of manslaughter with a recom mendation that extreme leniency be shown by the court, was brought in yeBterday by tho jury In the murder case In which U U. Clark, city mar shal of Helix. Ore., was charged with socond degree murder for tbo fatal shooting of Harry E. Rose, October 28 of last year at Helix, during a fight NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream In XflNlrlls to Open I'p Ir PiMuigm. Ab! What relief! Tour clogged nortrtls open right up, tbo air pas sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawk ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh Is gone. Iiou't stay stuffed up! Get a small botllo of Ely's (ream Balm frutn your druggist now. Apply a llttlo of this1 frajcrnut. anlbteptlc cream in your norrtrtls, l,t it penelnite through every air pnssago of tho head: soothe sud heal tho swollen, Inflnmed mu cous membrane, giving you InMtant relief. Ely's Cream Ikilm Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's Just splendid. Adv. O v Tho unnoysuco occa sioned by cheap bath room fittings will cease thu moment wo Install our fixtures and fittings in your bath because ours aro guar anteed In every way. Modtern Plumbing & Heating Co, Sparta lUilC Phono 020 9 1 r i ki if-- m flit h A (f. t "I ' k r i i i i- - i m i . . -s. - v y J ' ; in a. XJ ( It.'i ' rl. u1 f S iy ft FIRST SHOWING THE BREEZE OF SPRING BLOWS FASHION NOTES FROM PARIS The winter windows are open and "Miw Spring" appears. She reveals Jiote of fashion which fall pleasantly upon the ears of those who wish to be the first to be informed of what the new styles will be. While the stock is yet far from being complete, still there are in this first spring showing of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Dress Goods and Silk enough s to give you an idea of what the Spring styles are. You are therefore cordially invited to come and see these early arrivals ofjSpring ; merchandise. "CONDE" SPORT COATS, THE LAST WORD IN STYLE, FIT AND WORK MANSHIP. PRICED FROM $25 TO $50 "BETTY WALES" DRESSES AND COATS NEW SPRING MODELS "PEGGY PAIGE" DRESSES BEAUTIFUL NEW MODELS NEW CRISP TAFFETA DRESSES IN NAVY, BROWN AND BLACK $18 TO $35 NEW DAINTY SILK CREPE DRESSES, WONDERFUL STYLES $25.00 TO $75.00 Ajv inter Coats, Half Price Al Winter Suits, Half Price AW Winter Dresses, Half Price Children's Winter Coats to Be Closed Out r. at Half Price SPECIALS FOR SA TURD A Y Wool Middies. Splendid quality, in navy, red and yellow, $6.00 values. $4,98 Saturday, each Women's House Dresses, new styles, $1.50 values. On sale $10 Saturday, each SATURDAY SPECIALS IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS 32-inch Japanese Crepe in all the new spring shades, heavy weight, best quality, fast colors. On sale 32 C Saturday, yard New imported Ratine in plain shades. Spec ial Saturday, $1.25 yard . 45-inch colored Organdie, Imported cloth, permanent finish. On sale 79 C Saturday, yard 56-inch Wool Crepe for new Spring Dresses in navy and tan. A splendid $398 value. Saturday, yard " 42-inch Wool Crepe. Special, $1 ,89 yard . 56-inch "Polaire" Coating, $5.48 yard . . . . ... . '. 56-inch Panther Cloth for Coats and Capes. Special, $7.48 yard i.tl ; . ; ;. "MISS MANHATTAN" COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES, SPRING STYLES NOW ON DISPLAY SEE THEM "FRANCINE" FROCKS, SOLD EXCLU SIVELY IN THIS STORE "ANTHONY" BLOUSES AND DRESSES, YOU WILL LIKE THEM NEW SPRING SUITS IN FANCY AND TAILORED STYLES $25.00 TO $75.00 THREE PIECE SUITS ARE ALL THE RAGE SEE OUR LINE The new Korrect Skirts for spring are here. All styles and colors." Now is the time to buy one. MILLINERY We are showing Mats tor spring. You should see Madge tvans Hats M U for the children, 11 U nK just in. .. fVM ffl) SNAPPY BARGAINS SATURDAY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Miller Bros. Corsets in both flesh and white. All sizes, new model, $3.00 &1 QQ values. On sale Saturday, pair'! 'O Miller Bros. Corsets, new models, all sizes. In flesh and white, $2.00 values. $1 25 On sale Saturday, pair . New line of Scott's Brassieres, splendid model. Special Saturday, AQ r each OC New Brassieres, 40c each; QQ Muslin Camisole Brassiers, Qr each Fancy Chamoisette Gloves in tan, beaver and grey, $2.75 value. Saturday, pair tOiJ Phoenix Silk Hose for women, all colors, very special Saturday, lr. , ' ' ' j Kaysers' Union Suits for women, light weight, bodice and built up tops. C 1 Ofl On sale Saturday, suit 1 ,UU 61 k. I - iV JfV X Children's White Middies, good qual ity. On sale Satur day, each . . .$1.00 Mann's Department Store THE STORK FOE EVERYBODY MEnroiw. oregon Women's fine Lisle Hose, all colors, 69c value. Saturday, pair 50c Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns u 0u u the troop tourniquet (ipplicl In'