PAUKSJ.X. Items GIVE INSTRUCTION !0 TO 1ST MA ASHLAND, Feb. 2. Radio Instruc tion Is now avnilablo to members of First Company, a class In this popular science having keen organized, active practical operations to begin Feb. 0. No charge to members of the military unit for Instruction, but from outsid ers a small fee will be In order. Com petitive ohootlng Is progressing, a fins medal being tho inceutivo for proficiency, The company supports a school which instructs In vnrious branches of military science. Garri son tops were issuod to the command ' early In tho week at tho Bamo time when' pay checks were distributed. Basketball practice takes place al most every evening, other physical di versions being boxing and wrestling bouts. Socially, tho boys are always In lino, and minor feeds incident to routine work aro to be supplemented In tho near future by a real banquet and smoker. Pearl Wllshlre. former accountant at the Citizens Bank, and who has been In California for somo tlino past, has resigned her position with the bank and will enter tho trained nurse field, remaining in the south. Although wo cannot afford, as a community, to got the occult Coue here' to address tho super-elect, a learned doctor In symbolism wants to visit Ashland, who guarantees con viction that his lecture Is an profound as. Ills Impressive and fascinating. Such bunk as "Tho royal serpent, sym bol of Immortality, of which tho shed ding of Its skin is a concrete illustra tion to the untrained mind." will be dealt with, a bold hint that the girted speaker must be one of that company of body-snatchers which havo of late been robbing the tomb of old Tutank hamen. The Lantern Slldo Ilurcau heralds the coming of this prodigy In higher education who would edify our people at an open forum gathering, K-L Pills For Kidney and Liver Troubles, Constipation, In testinal indigestion and Jvindrcd Ailments Liver trouble Itads to aertoue tile. And e eure elgn ( liver troubla te , bilfouaneie. U you hove attache of headache, If ou have a ooated ', If you haveeucela appc tttr, roll probably ore billoue , which majr leed to derangament of the liver end to aertoue end ejulte often fatal reeulte. Rad thla atroDC endoreemeot of Dr. A, W. Cbeae'a K-L Pllle. Mre. J. H. tone. Route Me. 3, Dealer, Oa., evrlteet i . ' "Fors number of yeare I have , been troubled with my kldneie, ' liver end elro my heart. 1 find . Dr. A. W. Cliaae'a K-L Plllae, wun-' derful remrily. They cftrUlmyaro . the nneat I ever lifted. I would uot he withont them in my home end take rreat nleaaurr In recom mending them to my menus. : Yon can bur Dr. Cheae'e K-L Pllle at all drug atoree. To be aura of f ettlne the genuine, aee thai portrait ana eigiieiur 01 A. w. Chear,MJ).,ara on each box your protection egaloit imitation. Dr. A. W. CH ASE MEDICINE CO. U7 Waehlnston St., Buflalo, N. V. .jl, ....... SPRAY Rid REPAIRING Williams Implement Service" 28 B. Dart let t l'hono 2(13 GIM CHUNG China Herb Stora This is to erl1ry that rjim Chunit otj Modforil, Ore., hne curoil mo ot ffultrel nnd etumarh trouble.- 0. M. Leonard, I hl, (Jrnnla Puan, i This la to ciTtiry tnnt Olm Chiing ol I Melford, Ore)., linn curi-il Iihi ot rupture I ot four ycirrn' atnnillnK- K.-O. leheiu. 411 H NL, Omnia fans. Ore. , I rdrrtl, Ori-mm. Jan. 11, 1DIT. Thin In to w-rtlfy that I. the linger. Iffned. ha,1 very a-vere ntomnoh Iroublt god had lieen bnthred for nrveral yvnre and last Auituat wild not exptM-tr-d to Ilve, nnd hi-nrlntt of tlim Cliuns v.hia Irrb afkru l at 711 Houlh l-'rilit t.trrM Medford l, I tleHdwl to Rt hiThe for in) tlomifh trnuble, noil I alnrt-il to foellna etti-r nn nonn an I uned Diem nnd todn m well men nnd enn henrtlly rwsotn- Olm Cliun nnd try hie ll,rha. (Hldl.l, YV. it. JOHNSON wilnenaoe: W'm. Leela, KftKle lnlnt. W. I,. L'Mldreth, K(rlo ftitnt M. A. Andereun, alo.irfml. B. H, Ilolrnen, KorIo I'olnt. O. K. Moor", ICnKln I'olnt. J. V. eloliityre, r.ail'e Point. O-i. Vun dt-r ll.'ll. n. Knsin I'ulnL , lnos, U. Mvuole, KM' l'ulot. H Tue WklMenown Mrmcmm or mm H . F am ova heceiit Uwok Atnitun HI of Interest From the minus luncheon but plus bunks ac companiments. Among out-of-town visitors at the annual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday ovenlng at tho Depot Hotel, were Lynn Subin, of the Grants I'ass chambor, 11. O. Frobbach of the Medford chamber. Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent Sparks of the Southern Pacific, also a further Grants Pass delegation Including Kev. F. G .Hart, Dr. Marks, Kdltor Voor hies, nnd George Subin. . Norrls Imr yea, former secretury of tho Ashland Commercial club, revisited this local ity on the banquet occasion, which was tho crowning event In that organiza tion's history, and was the chief speaker of the evening, preaching tho orthodox doctrino of "Prldo, Pep and Push," his specific text being as fol lows: "And your sons' and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall sen visions, and your old men dream dreams," a literal quotation from holy writ Some question if we aro still dreaming and seeing visions. Tho First National has been repre sented this week at Portland by Cashier McCoy, in attendance ut a state bankors convention. Tho Ashland Bchool district wants wood 160 cords of It prime body stuff, cut from green trees. To be more' explicit, the same must be In four-foot longths, not moro than ten Inches nor less than four Inches in dlamoter. Furthermore, It must be delivered and piled on Junior, Haw thorne and High School grounds, not later than Sept. 1G this coming fall. On Saturday of this week. Fob. 3, tho Fruit & Produce Asoclatlon will hold a special meeting at city hull, tho hour being 1 o'clock p. m. Tho can nery question will bo the vital topic under discussion, nnd all members of tho association, including stockhold ers, should bo on hand to participate In a movement which may devolop a canning project on a generous scale. The manager of tho local creamery, Andy McCallen, has roturned from Corvnllls, whore for a month or bo he has been taking a special course in dairy "research," Buch as Is affordod b ythe Agricultural college. Basketball, as fostered under Elks auspices, Ib under way, active practice having begun early In the week, sev eral old-tlmo players tutoring a new team which In tlmo will probably chal lenge all comers among Elk experts. At tho Christian Church, next Sun day evening, the Christian Endeavor socioty will sponsor tho sorvicos. A short piny, supplementing devotional and musical foaturos, emphasizes the query, "Whore Shall I Hang My Sblnglo?" as prooundod by young folks In costumo, six girls comprising the cast. . Hhrlners throughout tho valley nro reminded of the stated session of Hlllnh Temple, at Masonic hall, Ash land, on Friday evening, Fob. 2, fol lowed by a luncheon which will be on moro of a smoking than forum founda tion. Grading tho grounds at Jackson Hot Springs proves to he a great Improve ment, tho surroundings of tho pavilion nnd other Improvements latoly In stalled having been resurfaced with gravel, eliminating the wot places. OMoct lessons In Ideal cookery woro afforded at tho community houso on Thursday afternoon and evening of this week, when Civic Club members wore hostesses to their "next of kin" mainly mon folks at a waffle ro- psbL About a Bcoro of wafflo Irons, electrically propolled, woro brouRht into requisition In order to keep pace with the demand for hot rakes right off tho gridirons. ; A practical talk to high school ntu- donts was given by Judgo-C. H. Wat son, of Gold Hill, Tuesday evening, who hnppenod to bo In town on a casual visit, and by invitation ad dressed tho school informally, hut vory Interestingly nevertheless. The Girls Glee club of Willamette university will visit Ashland,' Frlduy evening, Feb. 9. - , . i' i Shred JcJ Wheat has many other appeals ' besides its ioo'o food' value. For one thing, you can serve it in so many different way On' cool mornings, for instance, you're sure to like it hot. Just pour hot milk over the biscuits; or pour hot water over them, drain it ofT quickly and then cover with milk or cream. It's a ready-cooked breakfast served hot. . ShrtdJcJ Wheai Li 00 whole wheat,' trady-cooked and A per fect, delicious food for any meat oftlie day. Serve it simply with tnilk or cream, or topped with berries or fruits. Con tains .-ill the bran you need to stimulate bowel movement,. It is salt-free and un. sweetened you season it to your Lute Triscult is the Sliredded YiTirat Crackee A real whole- heat toast. Try it with butter, aoft cheese or marmalades. Th'yrevl ".tod (ijfPuit) MUiWOHU MAIL TH1UUNK, ROGUE RIVER !S TO ROGUE RIVER, Feb. 2. February will be a very bnsy month' for tho Rogue River High School basketball team, as lum.y of tho most Important games of the soason are scheduled to be played during the month. Medford High School will be hero on Monday night, tho 12th, nnd all look upon this game as the hurdest contest of the season, with the iiossible exception of Hills Military Academy of Portland, who play hero February 23jd. On February loth Canyonvillo High School plays here. The hoys are prac ticing hard for the Medford gome and are determined to win. Miss Tietch, tho county home dem onstrator, will be In Rogue River Tuesday, February 1 :ith, to instruct tho ladies of tho community in the making of paper dress forms, whicli have proved Invuluablo to the house wife when doing her own dressmak ing. The class will be held In the Library, and all those who wish one of the forms made are requested to semi In their bust measure to Miss Tietch, County Homo Demonstrator, Modford, Oregon. Mrs. Fred O'Kelly has very kindly offered to serve lunch eon to nl lthoso who gather at this class. - Tho cntiro community of Rogue River was saddened by tho news of tho passing away of Mrs. Annie G. GUlmoro at Salem, Oregon, wife of Judge O. 11. Glllmore of this city, on tho morning of January 24, 1923.. She was 71 years of ago and had beon a resident of Rogue River for . twelve years. Besides her husband, there survive a son, Robert 1L Glllmore of Chicago, and a brother, W. W. Granger ot Salt Lake City, Utah. . Funeral services were held at Salem on Jan uary 26th at 3:30 p. m. and on the fol lowing day the body was forwarded ! to Marongo, Illinois, for burial, where a number of other relatives are burled. Mrs. Glllmore was Identified with all tho different women's activities of Rogun River. Sho was a membor of tho Hopo Pranbytorlan church, always nctlvo in church and charitable work, was tho president of tho women's Civic Improvement Club of this city for sovon years and tho success of tlilB club was In a great measure due to her exceptional ability in handling tho matters that f ame boforo the club for consideration. . Shewas a woman of cnvlnblo Christian cbaractor, hav ing n splendid education and possess- i ing a knowledge of, life surpassing or dinary experiences, and her life of loving scrvlco shall remain an In spiration to her host of friends here who koenly regret her departure. Our mail carrier, George Martin, has tho sumo smllo that his fuco has carried fivo consecutive times, for on Tuesday morning his wife presented him with a fifth son, weighing 731 pounds. Mother and son are reported as doing fine. Tho Civic Improvement Club of this city held Its regular meeting on Fri day, nJnuary 26th, at the borne of Mrs. DenJ. Marquis. Twenty-five ladles gathered to enjoy tho social af tornoon. Miss Tietch, our now County Homo Demonstrator, was present and ' gave a vory Interesting talk about her worlc. After the program, tho hOBtess, Mrs. Marquis, served delicious re freshments consisting of cakes, sher bet nd tea. Tho fourth number of the Ellison White Lyceum course last Monday evening proved a great success. Mr. n. lu Fltzpatrlck'a reputation as a MEDFOU1), OKKliON. i MRS. CHARLES H. SABIN, PRESI DENT WOMAN'8 NATIONAL i ' REPUBLICAN CLUB Tho second nnmversary luncheon of tho club in Now York City January 13tli was of tho largest political af fairs of Its kind evor given. ' 1500 women wero present representing states from Maine to California. humorist was fully sustained, and a large crowd was present. , Cottige prayer meetings are being held in the afternoons and evenings of this week, preparatory to the union revival meetings that will begin here next Sundaq, February 4th. . Mrs. Arnold, the evangelist, arrived here Wednesday ot this wook. TO AT An interesting set of pictures show ing scenes and conditions In Amprioa will bo given Sunday evening at 7:30 at tho l'hocnix church, following the young people's mooting ut. C : 30. A general, Invitation extended. Silver offering . . . , . On Wednesday anight Trofcssor Irving Vinlng of AHhlauil gave a splendid . lecture on "Hoys," at the public sihool audlfidrtum nnd ."bout 15 boys.' under the Tfflelent dire-itlon of Miiiii-rlntend'vnt .VTllain put on short play, ' 'showing, "Iloy Scout',' life; followed by solos by II.. H- Cor liss nnd Fletcher Fish nnd two songs by tho titturtettc conslsling of Mth Under, Mrs. Frame, 11- W. I'raine and M. V. Sheets. Another "scout" rhecting for "ten derfoot u-sls" and further ortfanizii tloii will be held next week, Tuesday evening 'at 7:00. at C'b'do Hull. Catitnin H. A. Canuduy of Medford sponlts tonight, Friday at Clyde Hull boforc thu men of thu community on "American Citizenship." All men In vited. Light refreshments. Febru ary meeting of tho lirotherhood. On Wednesday, February 7. there will be another all day meeting of the Indies at Clyde Hall, with covered dish luncheon. The sewing this wuek will be for some of the home folks, so please eomo with thimbles nnd thread, ns early as possible. In the afternoon win he t lib regular Aid so cleiy ten. for' February to which everyone Is cordially invited. Mr. Jim Dinkins and Sum Wallace of the Meadows went to t y.m lust Thursday and Mr. Dtnkcus hud u bud tooth extracted. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Tollard nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Luciw npent Sunday iwith Mr. and Mrs. Onirics Sanderson. Mr. Clarence and Earl Case have been putting up the fence around (ho Antloch school house this week. They arc putting up the gnte, which will be a much needed Improvement to keep stock from tho buildings. Mrs. Kmlly Olnss. Mrs. Ijiurenco, Mb-s Melklo nnd .Miss Hortin visited at tho Antloch school thu first of this week. .... Mrs. Stnccy guvo a birthday party for her nun. (' ge, Saturday, which wns very much enjoyed by a nice crowd, Mr. 11. Chapman nnd family, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Weiss of Central I'olnt visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ch.ip mnn's Sundny. t Mr. Lester Weiss wns out bunting with othei-H Sunday with Mr. L'cforil's dogs mi table rock and shot u large rooli. - PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE 'Tape's Piapepsin" Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach for Inu. .U. Innu.-t. onrriWivl ' Volt I never feel the slightest distress frm j indigr-iti'in or .1 sour, set'I, pamv iom- j eh. siter von a tablet of i'ar 'a 1 Dipepin." The moment it reiifli" ttn stomach all vmrne, il.iliihweo. heart burn, aet. palpitation and pain dis appear, pnigj-'u-U geaiantee ea-lt n-V -nn to eirt"t !-r?-ien "l l-r-l i.i.-r a'.'taaU truullc for few cents. Rogue ICY PMINI PACIFIC HIGHWAY EDEN PRECINCT, . Feb. 2. Last Saturday night, while a party of five men were returning from the Elks so cial at Ashland, their car went Into tho ditch near Voorhles crossing. I.lnlo Clemens wns among the number. Lin said he was pinneVi down by, his overcoat being caught beneath the wreck nnd that ho pulled himself out and managed to kick open the door ot the car, when they all crawled out. A second car was thrown Into the ditch when the driver tried to stop suddenly to render assistance to the first car. Tho pavement was a glare of Ice and rendered driving dnngeroiiB. However on ono wns hurt In either of the wrecked cars. Mr. und Mrs. M. F. Sheets were pleasant guests for tho evening, Tues day, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Itader. Dalnat Frame, who was operated upon at tho Granite City hospital in Ashland last week, was brought home Tuesday. He is getting along fine. Men are busy this week laying the tiling In front of the residences along tho highway between Phoenix and Talent. Many of tho residents will tile the full ength of their house loU and make a parkway in front. We aro sorry to learn that Mrs. Otto Castor has had to undergo an oper ation at the Community hospital In Modford. Mrs. Caster wns taken to Modford last Thursday and underwent the operation the following, morning Sho Is doing ns as' could bo ex pected. Tho newly organized Hoy Scouts gavo a short play at the school audi torium In Phoenix last Tuesday eve ning. The play was put on to raise funds to equip tho new organization. The play was enjoyed by a fair sized audience and was a success both finan cially and entertainingly. Tho ladies of the Presbyterian Mis sionary Society of Phoenix and vicin ity met at Clyde Hall Tuesday to sew for their allottment In tho welfare chest to bo contributed to a hospital in China. There wns a good tournout and a lot of work done. At d Inner the ladles enjoyed a good meal which was brought by tho workers. Last Tuesday Mrs. Terrill, who Is teaching in the Phoenix school, was taken suddenly ill' and was taken to the hospital in Medford where' an operation for appendjcltls wns found to bo necessaiy. At this' writing' she is resting well and' it is thought she will soon be out of the, hospital and back in her classroom. Mrs. II. A. Daugherty ot Fleet, 'Al berta,, who, has been spending the winter in Medford, wns visiting nt the homo of Mrs. J. M. Under last Satur day. Mrs. Daugherty will leave Med ford for her home nt Meet next Mon day. Mr. . Daugherty is farming In Alberta on a largo scale. Hoth Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty wore former Rogue lllvor residents. John Calhoun, of phoonlx roturned from a month's visit with his, niece, Mrs. James of Lodi, California, last week. Mr. Calhoun reports tho winter had been flno In California and that the grass was a foot tall when he left there. Kussell Alford, whoso homo Is In Klamath county, but who has been in this valley for tho past year, roturned to Talent from a several months visit at Sacramento, California, last Wed nesday. His mother, Mrs. Kathorlnc Alford. has spent most of this winter at Klnmnth Falls with her daughter, Mrs. Wlllits. Tho government cow testing man Is now In this community testing tho farmers cows for signs of tuberculosis. Mrs. Grace Gibbon Orr. formerly of this place, but now of ' Los -Angeles was here tho first ot the week engaged upon business concerning her ranch. The article in last week's items con cerning tho community dance should Mrllorr niuonliftM- Jfct? nml a (Kilnic mrmi'riiblt u,tnn" THERE'S an allure ment about all Vegan chocolates which Tan Jar simply accentuates. t I..W the pound hrre er thry aell cued renu. I AGATE ITEMS liiiiifii RiyVgjjgg have 'stated that the dance occurred on Saturday night. Instead or suuuu,. Mr. Sherman, a recent arrival from Western Nebraska has lensod the Kln cald ranch for the coming season and will move his family upon tho pluce soon. Mr. Sherman is starting Into the dairy business. Francis Whetstone Is constructing a branch line from the nearest power line nnd Intends to Install several electrical conveniences In the near fu ture. Other neighbors aro contem plating the Installation of tho same improvements. Mrs. Carter, the county school su perintendant visited the Agate school hist Friday afternoon. : Mrs. John Tlmmons was operated upon for appendicitis at the Dr. Daw hospital, last week. Wo understand that she is getting along nkely at the present writing. ON ELK CREEK TRAIL, Feb. 2. The people on Elk Creek nnd above Trail along the Rogue are glad to hear the sawmill on Elk Creek is running now, and that they will be able to purchase lumber without having to haul so far. We have long felt the need of a mill in this vicinity. Several of the rangers are working on telephone lino below Trail. Kova Hutchison of Medford spent the week-end with his parents of tho Bar Eight ranch. Miss Enid Middlehusher was a pleasant visitor at tho Mochem home Saturday. , . ; . , i Mr. and Mrs. Rny Vaughn aro spend ing a few days with Mrs. Vaughn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. n. W. Pence on Elk Creek. Kev. L. M. Phillips lias been attend ing quarterly conference In Ashland, the past few days. If any one reading these Items has lost a sorrel horse about 8 or 9 years old. weight about 1000 lbs., one white bind foot and slightly blazed face, un branded, they mnv find him at Irwin Howe's near Trail. Ho seems to be unknown to everyone around Trail. Mr. Oscar Stewart, who has been in Medford the past few days, under thi doctor's care. Is some better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Illness. Miss Velum Whit latch and Kova Hutchison were guests at the Hutchison's Sundny, Jan. 14, Miss llernice Phillips, who has been in Portland the past few. months, is expected homo' soon. I Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Howe were Mod ford visitors ., Monday, Jnn! , 20, and were among those to consult Dr. Mell chlhln of Minneapolis at the Holland Hotel that day. Walter Ollvor of 1'ppe.r Trail trans acted business in Medford Friday. s a popular way Kellogg's Bran1- Most every' one who realizes how effective Kellogg 's Drnu is for the permanent relief of constipation has their own particular wny of serving this wonderful cereal. Most families eat it us a cereal with milk or cream. Others sprinkle it on their favorite hot or cold cereal. Every ono enjoys its nut-like llavorl If you aro cooking a hot cereal try this method: Measure oil two table spoonfuls for each member of the family. Mix it with the cereal and cook as you always cook tho cereal. Kellogg 's Bran is scientifically pre pared and ready to, but its regu . latory powers are in no wny impaired if yon cook it with other cereals. Kellogg 's limn has won the friendly recommendation of physicians because It docs givo prompt and permanent v5tandard Standard. liKuhntors and lliwidefs nre tiinilt In nil sUex, Electric or Hot Wnter heat a patented feature found only In the Standard. Made In the West for 'Western rniiililiore.. Practically every large poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip ped w'th Standard Machines. TlietcN n lienson. Lot us idiotv yon how to make 100-:',. prcrit per year on the cost of nn Inrtihnlnr. What other business can shew such returns? Standard Manufacturing Co. So. Central Tel. WlS-IUl Melfortl, Ore. COYOTE HUNT IN VALLEY !S SAMS VALLEY, Feb. 1. One of the most interesting coyoto chases of tho season wns enjoyed one day last week when men from over the valley gath ered with their guns to enjoy tho sport! All of tho best1 hounds of tho precinct were In full chase and burn ing hard two iurge specimens of thcsi nienaclng varmints, who foil victim,! to the steady Bhots of Lester Wise of Central Point and "Red" llarer of Table Rock, the victors who carried away, the trophies of the, hunt. Tho coyotes nro more plentiful right now through this precint than for several years and have done considerable damago recently among tho stock men who nro making strenuous ef forts to rid tho country of the pests. , Olenn Kogcr is employed, at tho Modoc Orchards at Table Rock. The first snow of the winter fe'.l . here Sunday and by Monday moniln;-; was frozen over making tho first real wintry scene of . the year.. Some snow lay on tho northern slopes for several days and the thermometer registered the, lowest of the season.. J. M, Conley, an old-time pioneer of . this precinct, passed away at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. Tucker In " Ashland. Jan. 21, at the ago of SO years. Tho funeral was held at tho cemetery here Jan. 23. , . Tho literary club will moot Friday, Feb. 2, when a Riley program will, bo tho subject of tho evening's enter.. talnmonL W. W. Edlngton is just .recovering., from quito a serious attack of appen dicitis. Dr. Chisolm thought for soma time an operation would be only re lief, but Mr. Edlngton soon rallied and is now combating his malady w-lth hi? usual faithful remedy of hard work. His many friends are glad to see him out again. . ' Mr. E. Webber Ib enjoying a visit from his young grandson of Kansas. ' A community play entitle! "Mrs. TuhbB of Shanty Town" may be given some time In the future, the proceed.,' to go to the benefit of tho school. Word received from tho Dow hos pital states that Miss Letha Treshani who underwent another operation is standing the operation as well as could be expected. Mrs. II. Jennings left iast week for her home in tho East nfter an extend ed' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Chaa. . Hutchison. ' ' ' We carry duplicate gales slips with blank headings for use In any line of hnsineBS. Call 7B for service. It to serve greatest heaSHa food ! relief frcm irild or chronic constipa tion nnd because it can be eaten with out forming a hnbit. Again, Kellogg 'a -Bran will free you from drastic, dangerous cathartics. When constipation conditions exist ' in your system or when you arc threat;. encd, do not tako half-way measures... Foods with a partial bran content cannot free you! What you must have is Kcllegg's Brnn because it is ALL BRAN I Go tho limit; get relief! Every member of your family. will delight in eating Bran raisin broad, muff ins, pancakes, macaroons, etc. Recipes on every package. . Start entlng Bran to day i Get well keep well keep disease out of your home! First class hotels, clubs and restaurants serve Kellogg 's Hron in individual package., All grocers. Incubators ,atPj A GREAT SUCCESS S r