4 MEDFORD MAIL, TRIBtTNE, MT-'DFORH, PUKfiON, FKJUAY. FKISItUAltY 2, 1923 TAOl FIVE: A Sale For Less Than Half Napkins stamped on In dian Head Unbleached Muslin and Art. Cloth. Your choice while they last at : -. EIGHT CENTS EACH Friday and Saturday, February 2 and 3. The Handicraft Shop infill flopping him with a short arm scissors in i!9 minute and 30 seconds. Blue Front Fixit Shop 111 S, Holly St. "WE FIX ANYTHING " Phone 434 Razor lilado Sharpening ,Y DOM J FORGET H'd'we Co. 1 THYE AGREAT MATGH FRUM M. YOKEL PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 2. To! Thye of Portland, claimant of tho liKht-boavyweiBht wrestling tlUe. beat Mike Yokel of Salt Uike and Wyom ing here last night In a spectacular match, two fallB out of three. The first fail came after 58 minutes 12 seconds with a wrist iock applied from a standing position, ' Yokel rushed at Thye, at the beginniou of the second round, headloeked htm and nearly twisted his head off, until Thye at length, diz?.y and groggy, stopped Into another headlock. This time Yokel pinned him for tho. fall, in 3S minutes, 10 seconds. With ono fall apiece which put the two men about on an equal footing, and 23 minutes left to wrestlo out the third and deciding fall they threw caution to the winds when they came hack to tho mat. In rushing Thye for a headlock po sition Yokel's arms slipped over Thye's head and as the veteran went ' past Thye grabbed him around tho j middle, lifted him bodily from the : mat and slammed him to the canvas, ' ihyo dropped on top of him ana pinned Y'okel's shoulders to the mat. This fall came after eight minutes and three seconds. Bnsanta Singh, welterweight, made short work of Frank Pllleng, Canadian, Salem Bout Results S.U.EM, Ore.. Feb. 2. Phil Baye of Bulpm, 128 pounds, knocked out Fraaklo Callahan, 135, of Portland, in one minute's fighting of tho first round of their scheduled ten round bout. "MB mil" Hunt of Salem, heavy weight, gained a decision over Young Peter Jackson, Portland, colored heavy, alter six rounds of hard fighting. Kid Kream, Salem, beat Oalbraith of t Portland, In a four round contest. Two other four round bouts results in knockouts. Sportsmanship Is Costly YAKIMA, Wash., Feb, 2. Joe Mar tinson of CteKlum knocked out Hill Lang of Spokane in the first minute of their fight hei-elast night and was declared the winner of the bout, only to ba himself knocked out the next minute by Lang when, he agreed to give Lang another chance after the latter claimed a foul. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Br a. c. nowictt W. I. Itotbrook, one of our success ful fanners and orchardlsts who has a fine farm and an orchard oa the road from the lower Hutte creek bridge to Trail via the Dodge-French bridge, was a business caller last Fri day. , We are anticipating a regular ro-j Hgious and literary treat in our little I town on Thursday, Feb, 8, when we I are exiiecting some of the brightest j and brainiest men and women In the county to be with us at the Sunday! School Institute. I George W. Averill who Is living on his homestead on the north side of! Round Top eamo out to get a fresh supply of groceries and horse feed and to have his team shod up as he cuts of Uflmct fsrasoi jut tara rf Una WESTE UNION AM NCWCOMB CARLTON. mntOEKT OCOROI W E ATKINS VICI-muHKNT BEIVIDCRE BROOKS. VICMWH1UEXT rwian Class or tmwet isrsaoT nw m Dm mm Urn Wmjfim I It npuntfl immbm w)ihiiimii an. cfcras h kritehi tar ft ifW mwrit tr tot ttm. RECEIVED AT N, W. Portland, Ore., 3:50 P. M. Jan. 31, 1923 C. W. BAERETT, 30 Holly Street, Medford, Ore. The offer of Star Motors incorporated will be stopped February tenth and '. no shares will be offered for sale after that date. . No applications will be ac cepted when the post mark on the envelope shows a date later than February tenth. C.H.McCABE 428P Only seven more days left in which to buy Star Stock! This is your last opportunity to participate in this attractive stock issue. For full particulars see C. W. BARRETT, Valley Garage build ing, phone 366 or telephone 915. Burned Out! but Open Again for Business Today DAN'S Lunch Room with Complete New Equipment REAL, HOME COOKED EATS AT POPULAR PRICES Next Time You Eat Stop at Dan's DAN COLLIER, Prop. expects to go to hauling saw logs fc; tho railroad track very soon. J. II. Cooley, one of tlis leading lam tier merchants of Medford and alst one of our leading oreh&rdtsU of thi; section, called for dinner last Batui day and while here the subject cam up In conversation with regard to th lumber business in general and get ting out tics for the railroad and l remarked that he had considerabb timber out in the hills, some in th( Hig Hutte country and soma in thi hills on the north and west side of Rogue Hiver and that hn was thinking: of putting a portable sawmill and cut ting it up Into lumber and having it hauled to Medford. Mrs. William Perry, the wife of ouj popular rood supervisor, who hat been visiting her brother, Amos Ayere In Medford, returned Saturday on the stage and reports taut he Is improv ing In health. Leland Charley of ISrsswnshoro was among the guests Saturday night at tending the Sot. uite dance Chariej Winkle one of our occasional boarders and lodgers a so attendwl the dance Sat. nite. it S. Dixon, Fort Klamath, and Miss Carmen lilttson of Medford, were ouf here visiting the family of Hoy Stan ley of this place Sunday evening, Frank L. Johnson, who has a fine farm on the Crater Iike highway near tho concrtee bridge across Itague itlver was hero Monday concerning his subscription to the Wkly Mali Tribune, for he said it had Btopp&t coniiai; and I suggested that perhaps it had stopped on account of it not being renewed and on ,' Hiking over the stub on my receipt book found that he was in arrears, & he paid up the amount due, renewed his subscription and went ot iioma contented, 1 find that when tho subscription expires of almost any ono for the Mall Tribune they begin to look around to find the cause of the stoppage and renew. Mrs. Thomas F. Nichols, the wife of one of the tlrm of Xichols & Ash pole, hardware merchants, Is up on the south fork of Little Butte creek ".Is-ting her parents, Mr, and Mrs Frank Fariow, and Thos. and his par ser Clarence Prultt, in tho isoolrooin are taking their meals at the Sunny sldo during her absence. In my rounds Monday gathering in the Eaglets I met Mr. and Mrs. BenJ. Brophy, they had had a wreck of their buggy and had it at the Chiidreti shop for repairs. I also met Eugene Bellows another one of our enterpris ing farmers, poultry and dairy men Also J. H. Carlton of WeUen also one of our prosperous farmers and stock men, he is engaged to the sheep busi ness and when I walked into Nichols & Ashpoie's hardware store i asked Hoy Ashpole about his business and reported that Prof. Englebart, Frank Nygren, Urownsboro, Carl Brlttsen, Carl Bergsman, Frank Pitsworth, John Norris, Robert Rose, Carmyle Nat wick and Wm. Pony had been in but I was too slow to meet them. Crossing tho stree I visited John W. Priilaman, his metier Mrs, Cather ine' Brilhiman and his sister Miss Eiia Brillamen, they have been residents ot our town for two years or more ana they informed mo that they expected to start for Ashland Wednesday, Jan. 31st, to make it their home. We dis like to lose them from our commun ity as they are among our best citi zens. I also met Mattio Brown, wife of W. H. Brown, ono of the Brown Bros., in tho store helping Frank Brown, as she expressed tho Idea, cleaning up the store, it is about tho first time she has been aide to be out for weeks for she has been under tho treatment of Dr. J. J. Emmons, the oculist She was troubled with as nicer in the bead, but Is now cured and well and wo are all glad to know it and trust she will remain well. I should bars said that Dr. Emmons Is not only en oculist but specialist in the car, throat and oye. There wera four strangers, men, came in Tuesday tor dinner who gave their names as Grover Ridley, assist ant superintendent of the California Oregon Power company, Stanley Jones, inspector People's Electric company, Ilendlina and W. A. Cor- many also of the People's Electric company. They had been up to the state fish hatchery installing an elec tric pump, . it, L, Cost, who is a general super intendent of the construction and re pair work on the P. and E. R. It, was here for dinner Tuesday. He seems to be considerably encouraged over the prospect of getting the railroad straightened up and thinks that by tho middle of February they will be ready to start their mill tip and ran regularly cutting tics and then thoy will put on a force of men and repair the wools read and put it in shape to do business. Frank Neil of Derby was a passes. ger on the stage Tuesday on his way home. Tuesday afternoon I met young Rad. cllft who lives with his parents just above town and he told mo that his father. A, C. Kadcllft, met with sn accident recently, his horses became unmanageable and In trying to hold tbem the front end gate gave way and he was pulled out of the wagon and bruised up quite badly. ract of land south of the Wieta ranch. They expect to cut enough to apply tho needs ot the neighbor- ood for the next winter. The snow of Sunday evening and he cold weather following, was qnite surprieo to those who thought spring was here becanse the pussy rillowa wre putting out sod lite 'rojts were becinnlng to sing. TSjo iiionre around tho frog pounds would ndlcato that they had "jumped" at conclusions also. T. C. (laina, tho Trail t-iwk entile man, was in this dissrict last week 'coking after his cattle. Will Lydlard, tho Medford wer- hant, vwited with hto mother here ,wir Sunday. Tho Modoc orchard Is taking en ft few more men, and will gradually In crease the number of men until a full rew Is obtained for the spring work. Tho mlik cows of this district were iested for T. B. Tuesday afternoon. The mea In charge of the work waat d no time with visiting or Calking nolltics, but moved along at a rate that meant tho accomplishing of much work in a short time. I Mr. and Mrs. M. B, Cnaso are ex- nected home in a few days front as extensive visit in the fast. 1 Little Janice Ncaion is rapidly r-' covering from u severe attack of pneumonia, I At the iast meeting of Ihe Parsnt 'feaehers club the members were en tertained by talks on the nwds ot farmers by County Agi-nt Cato &ai W K, I'pton, president of 1 he Counlj Farm Bureau, A movement Is n foot to have the club officiate as n Farm Bureau unit. It, Fitipatriek of Medford is one of the recent employes ot the Modoc orchard. Byron Beford, who has been on th sick list for some timo is Improving it fhht writing. Share holders in our telephoae. iino have received circular letters from tho officials of tho Mutual phone company, announcing that we! are to have all night service in Ihe near future. This extension to tho, service time will of course call for j some more of the "long green" to put it over, and as the expense has beenf o hgh for the last few years and the j service so unreliable, many subscribe' era are becom'ng discouraged wlthj country telephone lines. 1 Paper are being drawn up that will create a game preserve on thej holdings of the Palmer Investment; company in this district. Other farm ers are seriously considering putting their lands in as a protection against ' hunters and trespassers, I The feeding of stock is in full swing at tho present time in this dis-! trlct and indications point to an early clean op of sli surplus bar. Two men from Camas Valley neat Rosebnrg were looking over land in! this district last week with intentions ' of purchasing a home Sn a better cli mate. H. C. Oaley, the Ashland insurance Wan was through hero recently shak ing hands with his many friends and customers. Many complaints are being heard hereabouts in regard to the price of butterfat and the tsls received en cream. With high priced feed the dairy man must f'gure close indeed to make his ledger balance even when he allows nohlng for his own time. Xewcomfc Carlton, the distinguished head of the Western t'nton Telegraph lines was a recent visitor with his brother, B, W, Carlton, manager of the Redskin orchard. That wise little animal called the grouud hog will coma forth nest Friday morning to get a lino on the weather situation for the next rtx weeks, and If ho sees bis shadow, will go back under cover tor suits a spell. HEST COLDS Apply over throat and chest covr with hot Sonne! cloth. 1CKS V A RO RUB 17 MltUtmJait IW Ytath V Ova TABLE ROCK TABLETS J Jack Wiles disposed ot practically I all his cattle last week to California i parties who shipped them to the Sac I ramenlo valley where pasture Is said : to bo abundant. II. V, Dietrich ihe poultry and , dairy man of Agate was in our midst j the first of the week after supplies of nav and grain. ) I Mclhorn Atkins is helping Willi j pruning operations at the Redskin 1 orchard, J Weldon Sage and John Neaton aro cutting wood on the Mayficld STAR AND DURANT GARS Coming! Watch for opening announcement. Don't buy until you ee these ears Mason Motor Co. Valley Garage Bldg, j JEWETT Joyftil- - Journeys j Exceptional Endurance Wonderful Willingness $ Endless Energy Traditi onal Trustworthiness Tell the- Tale. JEWETT THE PERFORMING SIX $1195.00 Medford V ? Built by Paige; Backed by He Years of Paige Experience Crater Lake Automotive Co. COOKIES 10c Per Dozen SATURDAY ONLY at the Peerless Bakery When you come, take home a loaf of DELICIOUS BUTTER-NUT BREAD TRUCK CHASSIS New Price f. o. B. DETROIT Hie Ford One-Ton Truck Chassis has proved to ability to reduce transportation costs to practically every lin8 of business where there is a hauling problem. It fa eco nomical, efficient, dependable. At flie near tow price you wffl agree . it represents a value that has never before been offered In the commercial car field. Place your order now tat reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired, C.E. Gates Auto Co. 6th and Pacific Highway 5'