Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 01, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail tkibune
I ' V U M K 1 1 K I I : V K 1 t V A I T i : I N OON
The MVdfonl Sunday Morn ion Fun is
f urnlnhtM ffutHcrtirti dettlrlnit a !
nay uauy ntwpapr.
' Of fir. MMI Tribune JliiUulnR,
North Kir Hirwi. rhnuo
A coiw-nlldntion of the Lniocrutic
Tlin-B. llio Alinirord Mail, the Mi-) ford
Tribune, Iho Southern Orcgunlan, The
ARJilHiul Trlbuno.
ItOIinilT W. Itt.HL, Ktiitor.
J3Y MAIL In Advance:
pally, wild Sunday Sun, Yir...&0
Ivitty, with Huudity Hun, month.... .76
bully, without Sunday Sun, ywir.. 9.10
liallv. Without Kiuidiiv Hun. month .65
Liallv. Without Kundiiv
kly Mall Trlbuno, one year 2.U0
Sundiiy Hun. qtw yar. 2.00
liV OAltUIKH III Atedfurd. Anhlond.
JuokAouvlUf. iVntml Point, Fbot-nU,
Talent Hnd on HiMl.vvnys;
pajjy, wilii nunuity sun, monm ... .i.
IMllv. without Sundav Sun. month .G
Pally, without Sunday Sun, your.. T.SO
lUiy. with Sunday Sun. one yimr S.fiO
All irinH oy. CTirrior, cuuw in avmi.-
OffleliU pnpT of tho City of MiMforU.
uiiiciui puiM-r oi jui-Kuon iroumy.
Thi onlv nntxr bvtwoen Euei-nA. Or.
and Kicmmfnto, Cullf,, n distancn of
ovor f.00 nil ten. having -aed wire Ao
ClftU-4 I'roHA Kt'fvfcA.
fiworn dally avora:o circulation for
Rtx monthH rndlnj; April 1, 1922. 38.
morf limn double the circulation of any papT puuiiHheu or circulated in
juckhoh i.oumy.
Hniopil nn Hocond rlnsi. mutter
Mnt ford, OrvRon, undor act of March 8,
Thn ' Afuorlati'd In oxcluftlvolv
ontlllfd to tlio um for republication of
nil niwn dlfipatrhcM crcdlU-d to It or not
olherwiH credited In thin papr. and
o1h to the local nowR published herein.
All rlRht of republication of Kpechtl
(llflpulchfft hcrfln are also rt-m-rvi-d.
Ye Smudge Pot
Sy Arthur Parry
:The proposal that tho United States
loon Qermnny enough money to pay
France, la a great little Idea, and con
firms the pYo-war allegation of tho
Germans, when they called us, "those
ldlotlo Yankees."
"The legislature will ncqnlt ltKelf."
opines the Portland Journal, l'uhllc
opinion favors a conviction. '
(Union (lows) Star)
: air. Leploy has had more than
his share of trouble the past year.
Mrs. Howe Is keeping houso for
him now. .
rrllh JJhM reason tor pusmidi; tin Hail coiihoIkIhIioh im-amirc is
A thut Governor Pierce wants it passed.
The responsibility for reduction of tuxes in Oregon during the
next few years will fall upon the Governor. The Governor, there-
fore, should be given the tools he wiint-;, unless his demands are be
yond nil reason. '
The argument that tho Hall bill will give the Governor too much
power is ridiculous. In the direction of administration the Gov
ernor can't have too much power, any more than the directing head of
a big corporation can have too much power.
The argument that the Hall measure will allow the Governor to
build up a big political machine is another foolish objection. No one
knows better than Governor Pierce, a Democrat in a Republican
state, that if he sacrifices efficiency and tho welfare of the 'state,
to politics he will commit political suicide.
And Governor Pierce doesn't want to commit suicide!
Governor Pierce sincerely wants to give the people of Oregon the
best that is in him, the most economical and efficient administration
that lie can devise. He asks for certain tilings so this may be accom
plished. Let him havo them. The Hall bill in our judgment doesn't
go too far. In the way of simplification and expense reduction it
doesn't go far enough.
Hut. if it is what the Governor wants and apparently it is, give
it to him.
Quill Points
It doesn't help much to spend money to fix jails and then spend
more to fix juries.
A gentleman is n man who keeps telling his wife she is pretty long
after she isn't.
When a man is broken-hearted and wishes to do 'something des
perate in these limes, about all lie can do is chew tobacco.
You can't tell by the size of a man's salary how much his wife lets
iiim have to spend.
The average man thinks he has n forgiving spirit because he
sympathizes with tho criminal who wronged the other fellow.
The powerful Christian nations seem determined to protect Chris
tians in their inalienable right to stay out of Turkey.
''The American conscience is becoming voeal," says a statesman,
suggestion to the American conscience: Louder.
Pessimists who think the city will
never amount to anything, should stay
up until midnight, and hoar tho cats
fight on the stops of Jackson Co.
fiduciary depositary.
She .' heard ' tho whlstlo blow, hut
, .. thoiiKbt. , ,
That, she could bent tho train.
Her tlmo was just a socond short.
Her; relatives explain. .
;tThq booster ads of California In the
muttatlnea aro classics, and tell tune
fully the glories of the boosted. They
aro long on catchy slognnR. Inasmuch,
as this commonwealth Is contemplat
ing the expenditure of $300,000 In a
like manner, lot the committee in
choree, follow, suit. Lot tho first ad
be headed :
The chief trouble with the an
nouncement of Tola Negri that Charles
Chaplin la to be her man. Is the lack
of publicity. - It was only made with
threo brass bands, and the available
supply ot skyrockets.
Sslom, Feb. 1. Kap Kubll, speaker
ot the khouso has a kold.
Only one of the holes In the West
Main Stem pavement, made any prog
ress the last month, towards China.
Miss Hitch will bo married to Ed
ward C. Armstrong on Eustor clay,
probubly at her home In Harrlsburg.
(Albany Democrat.) Whoa!
v Tho weather is propitious for the
construction ot pro-cooling plants.
What you smell, ' is not Kompo
Roppes' pipe.' Owing to the lack of
wood, somelody Is burning old auto
tires in their furnaces.
(Vroka Journal)
Will Shearer has boon appointed
as cashier of tho State Treasury.
Too bad there was not u good
Republican capuble to handle that
job. Oh, well, there Is & hereafter.
The bill to create the otflee of Com
missioner of rulille Works Khould be
changed to Commissioner ot Working
the public -
Chomplon Jack Dcnipscy will battle
Jess Willanl, for tho bnavywelttbt
ruaiuplonthlp of tho world. There Is
some doubt lu smrtlng circles that
Mr. Willard nlll bo able to g"t his
bunds up.
Ttlend of tho tiger's snarl
And Jackal's lurk
Tho growling of the crowd
Creeps through a nlulit
Pitted with torches
In whoso tawny blaze
Tho darkness blackens
Tho coniiioniid voleo ot cowards
Hidden In the gloom,
Poured from thin throats
Dry with the thirst of blood.
Yet not too loud to dull
Tho creakliu? of n cord
And one last gasping plea:
"For Oord's sake, gen'lemen,
Don't! ". -iTho Nation.)
.rli SJ -hsW
News Summary
of Last Night
WASHINGTON Customs officials
ostiniRted thut duties collected on Im
ports will exceed J'SO.000.000 lor
the fiscal year ending June 30.
DL'ESSEt.DOltF Tho French and
Hr-lgiuns seized customs houses and
several hontled warehouse and col-U-eted
the duties, expelling German
ornciaig who resisted.
HISKIIA, Algeria Itarbot, an avl
titor. flow clRbt hours 36 minutos. 65
seconds In a glider, bi'ttoiing tho
flgur, made by Lieutenant .Maneyrol
t I neibourg, who flew eialu hours,
4 minutes, but the new figures did
not estabiuh a record because no of
ficial tlmckeepor was present.
LOUISVILLE J. D. Powers, for
mer president of tin. American
Hunkers' association, ci.d.
WIIEX you sit before your fire, on n stormy winter night,
everything you could desire, every luxury in sigli't, do you
ever sadly think of the hungry, homeless gink, who has nothing
fit to drink, nothing comforting to bite? You have doughnuts in
ji crock,-you have mince and pumpkin pies, you have livervurst
in stock, baeon in the larder lies; and along the frozen street,
trudging on their weary feet, suffering for things to eat. go a
hundred famished guys. You've a bed in which to sleep, and it is
n stately bed, with its mattress soft and deep, and its blankets
striped with red; in the alley grim and dark, or in yonder wind
swept park, lie the homeless, cold and stark, with a frosty sky
o'erhead. And your thoughts in comfort drift to some platitudes
threadbare; if they'd only practice thrift, they would not be
freeaing there; if they'd prudent lie,- like you, salting down a
plunk or two, they would hnve a bed in view, and a nifty bill of
faro. So to charity's appeal you present the frozen face; you
can't spare a single wheel for the poor who haunt the place; and
you listen to tho storm and your fire is good and warm, and you
nurse your fat old form in your comfort and disgrace.
Tour Grocer
that you want the most delicious
syrup at the lowest price when you
order Karo. It is a great spread on
bread for children. And there is
nothing better on pancakes, hot bis
cuits, and for making gingerbread.
There is n Karo for every
palate an J every men I:
1. GoltknSyrtifBIut Latxl Kino
2. Crystal FTAife Ivniu Ftavor
Red LaM Karo
3. Squat ( jr O'mcw LmM Karo
H 'i:h Pure MjpU Sugvr
4. Itnitalittt MapU fV-iiur
Orunjti Luivl Karo fr Co,
Pott U iwl. Or.
Ivli-' r Vok B-A. nr writ to iVi
ProUtKH Rffin;nsCo IVpt, A.Arso, lilmoi
- -r. ty
."JI A-V" FW i-T.' tl.S "V ' il'
LONDON A' Milan dispatch to tho
Times said that i'rofrssor Parodi.
euiiiipnt Unnto scholar, died.
England Prepares
for Rate War On
Sea With America
LONDON. Feb. 1. ( I!y the Asso
ciated Press) Tho prospect of in
creased Atlantic passenger traffic
during the coming summer Is fea
tured in tho morning newspapers
with announcement of a rato reduc
tion and the propnwd extension of
the service of tho United States lines
with Southampton us tho terminal
port lu-re.
Work begins today in the conver
sion of one of tho berths at South
ampton Into n deep water dock to ac
commodate the Leviathan. Tho esti
mated roat of this enterprise Is more
than 10.000.000 pounds. The plans
include the construction of five other
docks cnpublo of reiclving tho largest
Officials of the White Star. Cun
ard and Canadian Paelfie lines in
Liverpool KiiyK tho West Minster Ga
zette, declare they do not fear Ameri
can competition.; They baso thijir
eonfidinee partly upon tho fact that
tho American- ships will be 'ilrv."
They realizo competition is likely to
bo keen and some ot them look for
a rnte war.
in the human body if you will use
Trunk's Prescriptions, in fact, it is a
shame to suffer with inflammatory.
muscular, sciatic or any form ot
rheumatism. Trunk's Prescription
DOES NOT depress tho heart, it
DOKS NOT ruin the stomach. Eat
all the meat and good food you wish.
It does not contain any harmfnt
drug or narvotie- but positively
overcomes rheumatism and gour.
There Is nothing better. It is also
an excellent Liver Medicine and the
greatest Trie Acid Solvent known.
Trunk's Prescription sells for $1.73
or II for only $.1.00 at liaskins.
14c a
No but you caa
make the same
saving by having
your car travel
twice as far on every
callon you buy. HowJ
Equip your Ford with
the 1922 Srrombcrg
Carburetor and Hot
Spot. It converts every
drop of gas into driv
ing power for your
Official record 5 1
olO miles on one
gallon pmentdaylow
grade tucL
Starts easily in coldest
Greater power, speed
and acceleration.
Make your Kord per
tornilikca highpriccd
Tongue Twisters
(To ba read aloud)
By C. L. E080N,
Author of the Gentle Art of
Deacon Dick N. tilackeiiii chickens
Itotliered neighbor Muiiyn Ilfckens.
forking chickens were ino Deacon's.
Ducks wero ruuM by DickoiLv--l'ckiiu.
Mnclyn's ducklings with Uielr quuek
In's Bothered lM-nron Dick X. Ghwkons.
tiluckctis' dorkln's with their t-ackllu
Hot the goat of neighbor Maclyn.
Slackens' chickens raised the dickens
liy oppro-tfiug Macljn'g tluckliu's;
I or his lvklns found poor plckln's.
Following Iswtiu tiku-kens rlUekens.
And when Glut-kens found some sick
hens. j
He fle-laml: Tou poUon chickens.
luljn llckens!" Tho -plot now
Olackens look a whack at Dickens.
Parkin' quickly, bloc-kin', duckin'.
lai-l-n Just escitpcd a lickin';
Then the tide turned; Mack atuu kln'.
Knorkfd I Ik- Deiu-on Dick N". kick In'.
SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin
Lift Off with Fingers
Poesn't lmrt a bit! Drop a little
Frwzone" on an achim? corn, inntantlv
hat corn stops hurting, then shortly
ii'u nn, it npu on wiiii angers. Truly:
lour urujfist sens a tinv txntic oi
'Freezonf" for a few cents. Mitlicient to
-emove every hard corn, soft corn, or
-oni between the toes, and the calluses,
vithoyt soreness or irritation.
i hcmeJ
was first introduced to the
people of Medford and
Southern Orepou, it has
made n hit. Its popularity
is steadily prowiug as evi
denced hy increased sales.
Pure and Wholesome.
Pullman Bakery
Unless rou see the name "Bayer" on
package or on tablet you are sot get
tin" the genuine Bayer product pro
scribed bv physicians over twenty-two
years and proved safe by millions for
eolde, headache, tootlcu-he, earache, neu
ralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, neuritis,
and for pain in pcncral. Accept only
"liayor" package which contains proper
directions. Hiuulv boxes oi twelve tab
lets cost few cents. Drngfrists also sell
bottles of 24 ami 100. Aspirin U tho
trade nrark of ilayer Manufacture of
Monoacetieacidester of SaLicylieaci"
i ,M '' HMm r 1
Propagated frm
WHEN you buy trees you have
a right to know that every
precaution has been taken by the
nurseryman to insure correct varieties.'
Our trees are budded and grafted from bear
ing orchurds. We do not depend on our
own knowledge or judgment alone. The
orchardist must pick out the trees from
wiiich buds and scions are taken.
Customers of the Washington Nursery Co.
thus have a double protection the integrity
of the orchardist who supplies the scions
and the judgment of our field superintendent,
who has spent many years in growing
nursery stock.
Gean siil moisture under control long
growing season fine fall weather to ripen
and mature wood fibre no rains to start
new growth and then dug, packed and
shipped at our risk, freight prepaid.
That's the why of over twenty thousand
orders every year.
. Place our order nou.
SaUsmen Everywhere More Wanted ,
Everything In
standard fruit
frees, shade
trees, berries,
shrubs, vines
and roses
Toppenish, Washington
Th rough an Error Onr Office
"Telephone Number was omitted In
the new Directory. v
IT 19 77
PR. n. B. MCItPHT.
Dentistry and X-Ray
2nd Floor Medford Bide.
For Onlrk Service Pfione 110
Rabbitingr, Weldin-r, Repairing
and Lathe Work
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
12:1 Month Kront St.
8c. McCurley
Suits or O'coats
are right here
Come in and make me
prove it.
$50 to
$60 values
. at
i - ' " 1
fiool Sori is the foundn
tion for n good crop."
1023 cntulos non- ready.
New crop seetl. All varie
ties. For Farm and Garden
Trj- our new Sweet Corn,
New Table Pea,
Xow Table lleun,
Xew "Norton Touialb."
t mrjto packet each I
varieties (postpaid) (10c '
Kttau Store 1 Market
Francisco. C
Others as low as $32.50 ;
Picture Framing
Swem's Studio
E.Main,Upf:tairs fg1
Place Yonr Order Now for
Otilik IVlivery
Hansen Coal Co.
(Successors to Lads)
81 S. Fir St. Phono
Blue. Front Fixit Shop
Ills, ltollr St.
Phone LI I
llaior lllade SharprnlnK
Xor Is tho lime to have your Auto SPRAY RIG REPAIRING
Williams Implement Service
Phone 2n.i
Vc cheerfully solicit ronr patron-'
npe and early 'booking. Prices
riKht. Tl'iS quality service nnd S S. llnrll. li
We a,, .wnnanently L.ntcl , , & COmEll
221 Xo. Fir Stiwt. j
Geo. Watson Co. ! UNDERTAKER
rhone 777 Medfonl, Ore. ' Successor to Weeks-Conser Co.
! ileilfot-d. Ore. .
Jnlrkly ditsolvs all obstructions in '
. clodased drain anl sorer plK-s
'or Sale Hy
A. U VliOMW, 113 s. From St.
In Serviceable Used Can
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
12:1 S.mtli Front St.