MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OKlXiOX, TIJl'KSPAY. FKHKl'AKV 1, 1923 PAGE TItREE"v i "1 LETTERHEADS E BIG HIT A recfnt letler from tlie Piu'lflc Confft Curio rohinitny. of lortlund. Or., Indicate! the. vuhio of the ad ViTllHintT which hM boon awoniilinh ed by tho t'ruter Ijiko lettcrheada. which many Medford business houses are using iind for which tho Craters' club aro responsible. Tho Portland roncern writes that .It In interoHtmi in securing 100.U00 rwuch letterheads for distribution to Tortland business firms to bo used in .-their daily, correspondence nnd that this is only a starter. The. plan is to have ten views of beauty spots in Oregon. . Ono hun dred 1 coplcB of each view aro to be IneludvU In a bundle of one thousand letterheads to be sold to Portland f!'ms.' One hundred letterheads of nch thousand will carry the Crater Iak ivlew. The movement Is to be developed by the I'ortlnnd Ad club,' and ultimately It Is expected that all Rotary club and other organizations llvo business firms in Portland will bn mnklnK reuular uso of tho "sce nic" letterheads. New Auto Firm for Med ford in Valley Garage The Mason Motor Car Co , is a new institution In Medford and promises; to be ono of the active firms in the ! automobile and accessories lines. Too personnel consists of A. It. Mason, president, who will move here t once from Seattle, Wash.; C. V. Harrett, secretary and treasurer, and Charlie Ilrown, vice president, both wall known in Medford. All are ex perienced In this line and are live wire business men. - Mr. Mason Is; now In Seattle preparing to move! here, and Mr. Brown is at the Du ritnt factory in Oakland, California, urranglng for Immediate shipment of cars.. ' ...... The new firm will handle the Pu raut line of cars, Including the Star, the new low priced car recently, put on tho marlRti . They will bo dis tributors for these cars for all south ern Oregon. . They will also handle a full, line of parts, for these makes. '' The firm has closed a lease for the Valley Oarage from Bert "Anderson, the owner, and now In charge. They will use the lower floor for their sales room, storage and garage. I C. E. Whltoman will . have charge' ofthe repair shbp'.'on 'the second j floor, and "Dick1' Farmer, will be! conected therewith. ' Both are ex-1 connected therewith. . Both are ex-! Freight Increase. Disallowed. WASHINGTON, Feb.' 1. Increases amounting to approximately 7 per cent in freight rates on fruits, melons and vegetables moving from the southwest to central freight associa tion and trunk line terlrtorles, which railroads proposed to make effective March '4 were, declared today by tho inteif-Btute-qommerce commission, to do unreasonable and mnustinet. HAIR AT ONCE lite! i - fry This! A A Gfeamy Mass of 5 :' luxuriant Hair ( ivA j 1 W' I In a few moments tou can transform ven plain, dull, flat hmr. You can have t abundant, soft, glossy ami full ol Ifo. : Just get a cent bottle ot Diimlerine". at any drugstore. Then nninten a soft clotli with the "Dander nt" and draw this through your hair, jilcinp ono small strand at a time, instantly,- yes,' immediately, you htve louhled the' beauty of your hair. It will c a mass, so soft, lustrous and so easy In do up. All dut nnd excessivo oil is removed,- l,rt "Psnderine" put new life, vimr ind briirlitnc's In vnur hair. This itimulnting tonic will freshen your tcnlp." check dandruff anif falling liair infl help your hair to yruw long, thick, itrotig ami beautiful. E A Aft enthusiastic company of men tat down' to the supper at the Pres byterian church on Tuesday niKht, pruvidod by a committee from the Men's Bible class. Following tho supper was a thorouRh discussion of tho need of some kind of a men's organization to direct the energies of tho men of tho church along help ful lines of service. It was tho hear ty expression of all that thore should be such an ' organization to func tion along lines helpful to the spir itual, and social and community in terests of the men, the church and the community. Dr. Wm. P. Holt acted as chairman of the meeting and was asked to appoint two commilto"s, ono lo draw up constitution and by lawa to present for adoption at tho next meeting and another to bring in nominees for office. Mr. .Carl Mroni mcr was asked, to head tho commit tee on preparation of rcfreshmontj. The next, meeting was called for Thursday night, February tho J 5th nt 6:30 p. m, when definite organ ization will bo perfected. - All men in anyway connected with the church are welcome to this meeting. Rev. John S. Stump, .D. D., of New York City, assistant secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission so ciety, spent yesterday In Medford look ing over the new Baptist church build ing situation with view of rendering financial assistance to the enterprise. A twelve o'clock dinner was served at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. H. I .each to members of the Building and Soliciting Committees 'und Dr. Stump. After tho dinner was served Hcv. Mr. Leach acted as toastmaster and gave a short talk on "Baptists and the Med ford of Tomorrow." Prof. Aubrey (1. Smith, spoke on "Baptists and Their Needs," and Mr. H, E. Marsh, chair man of the Soliciting Committee spoke on "The Financing of tho Building Project." Dr. Stump closed the pleasant and profitable hour by a stimulating talk on the work the de nomination was doing along the line of;, building churches, and closed by assuring the committee of his pur pose to stand back of the 'great under taking of the local Baptists. He ex pressed himself as well pleased with Medford nnd the opportunity for ad vancing work along church as well ns other lines. NO! SEX TEACHING CHICAGO, OFeb. 1. Pictures of a chicken and an egg, also of a frog and several eggs, do not constitute sex teaching, a trial committee of the Chicago board of education decided yesterday. The committee was nine months In reaching this finding. Meanwhile Miss Harriet' Ostrom, teacher, suspended under charges of teaching "promiscuous sex knowl edge" with these pictures, went with out pay. The committee recom mended today that she be reinstated with back pay in full. Dr. Jack Is Held Over, Page A mark in screen history is being set at tho Page theater for long runs. The management of that theater cer tainly picked a winner . In Harold Lloyd's "Dr. Jack." It Is now In Its fifth day nnd going more strongly than ever. Mr. Hunt declares that "somo day we expect to get nround t'd show ing another picture. But we'll run It all winter if you want ns to. "Betty" Brown, the organists, says she plays the music In her sleep. Jackson qounty people like good things. They show their appreciation substantially. Harold Lloyd in this production has achieved something distinctly different in comedies. Rialto Hat Bebo Daniels Bcbe Daniels shows unusual skill in her performance In "Tho World's Ap plause," which Is at the Rlalto The ater this week. Pitted against so experienced an actress as Kathlyn Williams, who Is superb In the picture ns a wronged wife, who murders her husband In a fit of jealous rage, Miss Daniels plays up to the older woman In splendid style as tho object of the wife's Jeal ousy. . Miss Daniels wears some magnifi cent gowns, as does Miss Williams.-- Lewis Stone plays tho brother, who loves the actress; Adolphe Menjou Is an Insinuating artist, who meets his I death, and deservedly, perhaps, and I there are other gooS characterizations, De Mille has given careful attention to sequence, probability and artistic effect In bis direction and has made a picture that stands op well as a flno contrihutioni to the art. ' TO ii i i n E AT NEW YORK. Feb. 1. (By the As sociated Press) Followers of track and field nthlullcs who witnessed the Molroso Athletic club games at Madi son Square Harden last night aro holding- their swirling bends today. It was a night unoiiualled in Ameri can Indoor athletics, four world's Rnd ono American record being broken. ' The record breakers wero .loie Ttny of the Illinois Athletic. club, Chi cago; Jimmy Connolly of lieorgetown university; Loren .Murchison of St. Louis, and the Newark IN. J.) ath letic club; Lei-oy T. Brown of Dart mouth; Richmond W. London of the Now York athletic club and the girls' relay team of the Valcour athletic club, New York. Ray covered the route of a mile nnd a half 100 yards ahead of bis nearest follower In six minutes. 41 and 4-5 seconds. The previous1 mark was his own six minutes. 42 and C-Gj seconds; he maile it last year. Connolly, a. veteran of the boards and cinder paths, who has been a top notcher for years without achieving a world's record, lowered that for tho two-thirds rulle last night from 2:40 S-6 to 2:43 3-5. The bespectacled I.nndon, winner of the Olympic running high Jump, nnd Ilrown tied for first place In breaking the world's record for that event, both clearing tho bar at six feet, 014 inches. John L. Murphy of Portland, Ore., saw the pair break the record of six feet 4?i inches that ho established last year. Ho finish ed fourth at Gfe, behind Harold M. Osborne of tho Illinois A. C, who won third place at G 2H The Valcour girls broke their own world's record of 5C 1-5 seconds In winning tho 440-yard relay In easy fashion, finishing in 62 2-5. The fifth record to fall, apparently a world's record, as no other country litages the event, was in the 00-yard dash, which Loren Murchison of St. !.! captured from a speedy field, .-(l by Bob McAllister, the fastest mun on the New York police force. Murchison lowered tho record one tenth of a second to six and two tenths seconds. ..NEW YORK, Feb. a. -Tex Rlck ard, boxing promoter, toilav Issued I a statement declaring that ho had decided after full consideration, not to participate In any bidding for a heavyweight championship contest in which Jack Dempsey would defend his title.' Rickard's statement was Issued upon expiration of an option he had obtained, barring Dempsey from ac cepting offers from any other pro moter for six days. ' Pullman Starts Trip. Tt'LLMAN. Wash.. Feb. 1. Ten members of tho Washington State college bnsketball squad accompanied by Coach J. Fred Bohler, left here today for a series of games with Pa cific' coast and Northwest conference teams. - i flames to he played on the trip nrc with the University of Washington nt Seattle, February 2; Multnomah Amateur Athletic club at Portlnnd, February 3; University of Oregon at Eugene, February 6; Oregon Agricul tural college at Corvallls February 0, Willamette university at Salem, Feb ruary 7 and Whitman college at Walla Walla, February 9. Basketball. At Wnlla Walla Whitman college 32; Pacific college 3. Snrm nnd Brttt Suspended. PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 1. Sus pension for ono year of Jimmy Sac co and Franklo Britt hiH been an nounced by tho Portlnnd boxing com minion ns a result of their perfonn- To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Lmxmtlva Brotnb Quinine i I ablet t Be sure you get The box bears this signature PrUw SO SQUARE "vT'M-g j.f jjfffffj'Mtsgr! vgr.wwry tt tlmi11 Merry Widow Coming Mario Wells In "Tho Merry Widow" at thn Page, February 0. ance in a bout Monday night which was to have gone ten rounds, but which Referee Orumnn called no contest after it had gono less than four rounds. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 1 . "Ken" Williams, homo run king with ' the St. Louis Americans last year, Is In Salem todny on a visit with old friends of this city. Ho plana to leave In a few days for Grants Pass, where ho will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Williams. SEATTLE, Feb. 1. -Saskatoon was defeated T goals to 1 by Seattle at the hockey game hero last night. OF Tho oxocutfvo committoo for hon'io dcmonHtration work in Jackson coun ty met with Mina Tuich yesterday to diHCUHfl policies and plans for tho coming month. The chairman, MIhs Alice Hnnloy, pavo a roport of (he meeting with thii ways nnd moans committoo of tho legislature in Kalom last week. A number of prominent farmers of tho state mot with that, committee to urpo the appropriation of the money necessary for carrying on tho work of the county nKents'and homo dem onstration agents in Oregon for the next two years. Miss Han ley n.'pi sented the cause of Southern Oh-roii in a 'very able address before the committee in which she pointed out the value of this kind of educational work to the farmers and tho homo- makers of this community. . A report of tho work already -accomplished- this past month wna given by tho agent and plana laid for luriiivr iTMUiumyuu uiiu ucyuiuuiiivih in th( future.' Eye rouble? Try; V Camphor & Hydrastis For mont ryo trouble therd In noth ing v..better-than simple camphor,' hy drastis, wltchhnzel, etc, ns mixed in Lavoptlk-eye wash.; Ono business man says it relieves aching eyes and improved ftight. Another case of red, watery eyes, reports that. Lavoptlk has helped wonderfully, .One small bottle usually relieves ANY CAHB weak, Jitrnlnod"or noro eyes. Alu minum eye cuIj rfllSK. -Leon 1$. 'Ha kins,' druggist. i - . Adv. STAR AND DURANT CARS Coming! Watch for opening announcement. Don't buy until you see .(..... these cars Mason Motor Co. Valley Garage BIdg. N. Holly Phone 366 FORD HIGH TOSSERS LEAVE. SEVEN, TONIGHT Coach Eddlo Durno and seven members of the Medford high school basketball squad leave tonight on the. 7:33 train for the northern part of the state where they will pit their knowledge nnd skill In basketball! against some of the best teams of the; Ntate including Salem, Hill Military, Academy. Oregon Freshmen, O. A. C. : Rooks, Eugene high school, Cottage Grove and possibly Dallas high ' school. I Tho seven men making tho trip are: Beeney, Watson, Singler, Rnughman, j Rateman, Williams- and Chastaln. C'hat:taln has not plnyed an interscho lastic game this year, but has shown up well In print loo lately and la being taken on tho trip in preference to i several others who have played. .He I will hold down a guard position in; case of absence of Bateman or W II llnms. j A crowd of high school students Is oxpeclod to see them off this evening ' and a larger crowd will undoubtedly, welcome them upon Ihelr return. A steady grind of earnest practice and instruction has been given by i Coach Durno during tho past week j and when tho locals meet Salem on ' the northerner's own floor tomorrow j night n lively contest is predicted. Fans expect the locals to como home with n good rocord nnd it is the fond est hope of every high school student and Medford athletic fan that by the time of tho state tournament the locals will be working together well enough to hand the Salemltes n good thumping. , Oil Goes Up Agtiin. riTTSRCRO. Feb. J. An advance in tho price of crude oil, bringing the top grades to $3.80 a barrel, was an nounced by the Seep Purchasing agency today. Tortured Many Years by Kidneys - "1 have had kidney trouble for twelve years," writes H. P. Plnkney, I West Jackson, Miss. "Pains in back, joints, catches in the hips, run down nnd getting up too much during the night. But since taking Foley Kidney Pills, my BUl'forlng is over, and I feel like a new man." Backache, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder trouble quickly relieved with Foloy Kidney Pills. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold every where. Pr KING'S Break itintime! Stuffy heads irritated throats-cough-tired chests welcome the cooling, sooth ing relief so quickly brought by this dependable 50-year- Burned Open Again for Business Feb. 2 DAN'S Lunch Room Complete New Equipment REAL, HOME COOKED EATS AT POPULAR PRICES Next Time You Eat Stop at Dan's DAN COLLIER, Prop. t:' 'g j THE EAGLE POINT Tho tuberculosis drive Is progress ing northward, the territory east of Rear creek being cleaned up as fur as Eagle. Point. Activities will go centered around Central Point und tho territory north as far as the Tolo bridge starting Monday. Wednesday forenoon bctweon8:30 and 10 the pooplo of Central Point within the city limits will have a chance to get their cows tested by bringing them to the place of Will Wright near tho highway south of Evans store. Thn percentage of Infected animals Is still below or near one per cent and everyone should test dllligontly to dispose of even those fow before a greater spread takes place. Condemned anlmnlg will bo ship red to Portland next Tucsdny, the cur Binning for the Farm Bureau Ex change In tho afternoon. 10 Tho Valley VU'W Farm bureau unit recently held its necond regular meeting;. So many things aro coming up for consideration that it was de elded to meet twice a month instead of monthly until the rush of spring work begins. A gopher drive is being launched, the work to bo done by tho farmers under tho direction of a representative of the Extension Department of O. A. C. Two thous and acres or moro lying in one body between tho east lateral of the Talent Irrigation system and Bear creek aro to be covered. Tho business program being com pleted, the ladles served refresh mcnts nnd they plan to continue, thta tf'jcmi feature. Submitted by H. Tt. ItEAOHKHT, Hoc. NewDisQ old family remedy. Don't let your cnlcl drat; you down. Ask fur Dr. King's New Discovery at your nearest dnjRirist. I'roven sale lor children as well as grown-ups. but with overv A GOLD GONE IN FEW HOURS "Papc's Cold Compound" Acts Quick, Costs Little, Never Sickens t . in a lew houra your cold ia p;oac, head and nose clenr, no fevcrighnuss, huadarko, or 8tuiTI-np feeling. Dmj irjfta hero piaruntce theflo pleasant tab- -M to hrcttk up a cold or tho- grippe quicker than nasty quinine. . They never umko you sick or uncomfortable. Buy a box 'ol "l'ape's Cold Compound"' for a few cents und get rid of your bold rljrlit njw. 1 ' CROUP Spasmodic Croup Iti frequently relieved by one application of WICKS V VapoRub Over 17 Million Jan Vtti Yuaty A Sale For Less Than Half Napkins stamped on In dian Head Unbleached Muslin and Art Cloth. Your choice while they; last at ' EIGrfT CENTS EACH Friday and Saturday, February 2 and 3. The Handicraft Shop Inherited kir dovolopod oyo troubles ootronted best by our- iwopcriy flttoil RlnHWS. i 'tjW'LJilHiHit I Out!