Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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GOLD HILL. Ire.,-4an. 31. E. J.
ftftluklngs vtho has beep oporatlnR the
blue Front restaurant In Gold Hill the
laet two ynars' has boM the business
la T P. GlIleHDifl. a recent arrival
i Vfrom Spokane,' Wn., who -baa ulready
Wludtea charge.. Tho new, owner will
f make some alterations In the building,
put In u modern oven and do a gen-
ill jise
IJi2to. X Milk
IWULZ: hi For
inoaKdi A
The Original Food-Drink for All Ages.
iRlchMilk, Malted Grain Extract la Pow
'derbTabletforms. Nouriehine-MocooMsi.
MPAroid Imitation ni Substitute!
eral bakery business In connection
with restaurant The Relnklngs have
moved their household effects to their
farm on Oalls Creek and will later
leave" for"OoElaud, Collt-7 where" th"y
will likely take up tbo restaurant busl
noss In tho city. They have leased
their farm, known as the old Lawr
ence property,- to Frank: Lawrence, of
Medford, who now owns the south por
tion of tho premised
I'eter H. Myers tins been appointed
by Mayor M. 8. Johnson to fill the
vacancy in tho office of City Recorder
made vacant by the resignation of L.
O. (Doacon) Walker who recently left
for Portland with his family where
they will locatu permanently. Myers
is one of the three candidates for the
Gold Hill postutYico to fill the expired
term of II. I). (Johnny) Heed, and was
for a number of years head clerk in
the J. W. Merritt mercantile business
In Gold Hill. '
There is quite an exodus from Gold
Hill of residents and ex-employees of
the local cement plant the last few
days. Gerald Owen, John Evenn, and
Joseph Lewis who left here last week
attracted by tho advertisement for
shop men in tho railroad terminals
have each taken a position in the
shops at Sacramento, California. Fred
Bolt, Verne Yeck and E. A. Yeck left
this week for. Los Angeles, Calif., to
take up carpentering in that metropo
lis. While the cement plant wage
scale Is attractive employees aro ac
customed to make a change juridically.
Monday evening, were an additional
attraction an exhibited, undor Mod
ern Woodrnan aunplcs. - Frlinds of
the Woodmen. members of Klrnt
company and tho Itoyal Nvijrhboni
were also Invited to attond.
Tho confectionery department of
ICnders department Ktoro change
hands this week, 1'h.irlea pitkwfoy of
Grants I'efts, assuming management,
February I.
.At n recent mooting of tho Chrts-1 . ' , , . ' I At tho Presbyterian eliureh Chrls-
p'w,' wi.v- thA Pre.sbv-I ' ' I turn Kndeuvor week Is being obBerv-
. , . .' . ASHLAND, Jan. 31 From pros- ed as per announcements, heretofore
lermn. enures a. Te0rK,,.,......,. . ,,,,, auilrr. flevelopment, made. Oh Monday Interested listen
affected, resulting- as follows: ror d newsnauer Durchases. all tin's" ers tuned In to rerelvo tho meHsnK"
president. Miss Dehlla Stelner, for phases of lmproveineut pending de- j of F. K, Clark, "fattier of tbo order.
velopment, one Is compelled to dwell; an broaaeastee: tiirougnout the eoun
upon some other subject for tho time! try. On Thursday, personal work
being, hence the. text for today wlllfor the society will be exemplified;
relate to basketball, one of the local j on Friday an Indian pow-wow will
outfits seems to have a dual tlilnjluko place at 7:30 p. m., and on
noma terming It the Sunday school i'Hunday "The Value of Christian Kn
leasuu, while others declare that It ! deavor" will bo the general topic for
vice-president. Mack Kmlth; secre
tary, Mabel McDowell: treasurer, Na
than Newcomb; pianist.. Joyce Mad
dux. Committees will soon bo chosen
and plans laid for tho new year. At
this meeting also an invitation was
received from tho ChrbiUun 1
deavor society of Omnia Pass Pres
byterian church. Inviting them to at
tend a celebration of tho anniver
sary of the organization of tho Chris
tian Endeavor society on Thursday
night of this week
was accepted and
applies to tho junior Y. M. C..A. ag
gregation,' practically the same thing
as the teams aro uil denominational
and orthodox at that. An age UmUa
tlou Is In effect, admitting only Ihoso
who are under lit years of age. Jun.
Tho Invitation j. The scliodulo began January 27
dozen or moro'and will be continued each Saturday
members plan to attend, going by, thereafter until March 3 Inclusive.
auto. Other societies of the ItoguoTho Initial games developed the fact
Hlver valley aro also Invited which i-thitt the. Christian and Methodist
will make the meeting a largo and . teams will prove .invincible, two con-
testa being held each date, the Ar
mory being the scene of . the encoun
ters, and tho hour set at 10:30
o'clock: Incident to the scrlmnutgea
last Saturday, tho . Christians .won
uver the BaptfstB by a score of 4-1 to
enthusiastic one,
.Tho'C. E. society of the Christian'
church also extended the Presbyte
rian society un Invitation to attend
their service next Sabbath evening at
6 p. m.. which will 'also bo an anni
versary meeting. This invitation was
nlso accepted. '
War Eagle Mining
25,000 Shares of Treasury
V: at par Jt00 per share
CM. KIDD, Prcsideritl' ' '' '
J. C. MANN, Vice-Pres. i i" V
.'A; L. HILL, ScoyuridTreijR. "'
: p. h. irEATii , .
208. 1st; National Bank Pldg. .
, Medford, Oregon
!V-' .
' v t :
' I ill) f" '
' ( r to make
in this respect?
NO matter Kow careful one may be in selecting
the very choicest ingredients for making a cake,
jf you do not have the right kind of shortening the
cake is likely to be heavy, soggy 'and hard to digest. '.
One reason for this may be that both butter and
lard contain a certain percentage of water. - ,
ON the other hand, Mazola, the great American
cooking and salad oil, is absolutely free from
water. It mixes perfectly with your cake ingredients,
and prevents lumps from forming. Mazola is more
economical than butter or lard. If your recipe calls
' for, say, a cupful of butter or lard, you need use only
to .4 "of a cupful of Mazola. ' ,
YOUR grocer sells Mazola in pint, quart, half-gallon
and gallon tins, packed and sealed under expert
supervision. It is never sold in bottles or in bulk. If
" Mazola is unsatisfactory to you, your
; grocer refunds the cost without question.
t'DTTTJ BmuH(o1W manured Com Product -
A wonderful cake
batter that can be used
for plain cake or lay
ers is a follow! I
S cur tutf. X cupMaiol.
(A lablctpoont), h t.
tpoon fait S .cuf 'Bmr,
I H coot inr 8""'.
. 7 testpoon hlHnf pow
d.r. t miporn vlllU
onnf. Brta two m, M
utr. tnd teat with Dovtf
beam until lishl aad thtok.
Add MjioI' and retanl
k ... ..ntll ihorouahlv
tniard. fold In ttfttd drr
inset."". 'O PB
oiled wtu
' Cool Book of ilrtt foor parea. Writ.
JonntonUcber Company. Portland, Unutu
Best for Salads and Cooking"
10, tho MVthotUsta lU'KviUnK tho ProH-
bytorhinH'48 t 1, p rue t .cully a walk
away. The schedule for the roiiuiin
dT of tho soaHon follows: .
: Pi-bruinry - 3-r-HtapCUrts v.. .Mt?tho
ifllfitA- f 'hristiiinB vs. Pri-alivi nrtLn.
' February 10 ChrlslLuns vh. Mnth-
odistfi; Ilaptitrt vs. Prenbytortun.
February, 17 Christians vs. Tres
bjtorians; jtaptiHts vs. Methodlta.
tVhruary 24 Hupdsts vs. Chris
tians;' .Methodists vs. I'rcHbjtoriiinR.
' March 3 Baptists vs.- Presbyte-
I rians; Christians-vs. Methodists.
Tho series is being conducted under
j . m. j. a. auspices mr xno aouoio
purpose of increasing Sundny school
uttendunco and Incidentally afford
. Ing an impetus in behalf of physical
train inc. no admission bemit charired.
J Tho general public aro welcome to
attend and afford .moral encourage
ment to ,the respective teams either
from a secular .or- denominational
Following winter precedent, tho
pavement fronting city hall has been
given a dope of rough surfacing In
order to prevent not only cars, but
also pedestrians from skidding on tho
bltutlthlc. tho grade of which Is
quite pronounced lu that locality.
"American Citizenship" will ho dis
cussed Friday evening. February 2
at 7:110, by the Phoenix men at tho
February brotherhood meeting at
t'lydo Hull, every man In the com
munity being particularly invited.
Captain II. A. Catuuly of Mod ford
will address the meeting on this sub
ject with opportunity afterwards for
free discussion by those present.
Light refreshments will bo served
during tho social hour, with a geno
rul good time for nil. und a, brief
meeting for business.
To b an "American citizen." if
a good one Is the highest civil privi
lege open to alt today. Somo essen
tials and opportunities of our cltlzun
nhlp will bo presented at this gather
ing. "Every malo voter present," Is
tho watchword of tho evening.
Look Young! Bring Back Its
Natural Color, Gloss and
"Wllllntt" Workt'rs", and "Sunshine"
olAtutt'H rr.spt'ctlvt'ly ar both prautlonl
and romantic terms. Thty each apply
tn Mi.thndiKt Kmwlitv Hi'hnnl rlnMrtt'H.
and lipou a recent unclitl reunion the.0
250 Lost In Mine Disaster
I1KKUN, Jan. 31. (By the Aasocl
atod Press.) Flro damp following an
nxpioHlon bus cut off 250 miners in
tho Helnltz rnluu at llpauthun, Polish
Bilesln, Bfiya a Central News mossagn.
Soveml Itodles have been recovered.
There Is little bopo tho meBsnge adds,
saving any of tho imprisoned
former entertained the hitter with
pum-a and vnrious contests, supple
mented by a. splendid supper. When
it comes to aKKresHlve work, coupled
witU social activities, tho descendants
of the followers of John Wesley cer
tainly tako tho rnko, especially at tbo
banquet table. Tho official personnel
of the Wllllrur Workers. recently
elected, Include Helen Chancy, presi
dent: Mildred Moss, secretary; Irene
Clyde, service committee and Nadlne
Severing, membership committee.
Federal Income taxes arc on the
way and preliminary to payments, n
lot of formalities face taxpayers. To
simplify these' contingencies, a fede
ral official will be hare, February
5-10 inclusive,' at city hall.
Lloyd Film to Stay
Until Saturday Night
Sure Relief
Common garden bjiro browed Into
a heavy tea with sulphur added, will
turn, gray, streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just
a few applications will prove a reve
lation If your hnlr Is fading, streakod
or gray. Mixing the Huge Tea and.
Hulphur recipe at homo though, i
troublesome. An easier way Is to gfet
a bottle of Wyeth's Bago and HuH
phur Compound at nny drug store
all ready for use. This Is the old
time recipe improved by the addition
of other ingredients.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is
not sinful, wo all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with,
Wyeth's Sago and Hulphur Com
pound no one can tell, because It does
It so naturally, so evenly. You just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with
It and draw this through your halr,
taking one small strand at a time; by
morning all grny huirs have disap
peared, and. after another uppllcav
tion or two, your hair becomes beau
tifully dark, glossy, soft and luxur
iant. '' - Adv.,
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25 and 75 Pckaes Everywhere
Ruled and unruled. .
Linen and Bond Finish, .. , ,:
nil slam.
Medford Book Store
The annual directory of the Ma
sonic bodies is being gotten out for
delivery by mall In the hear future.
A recapitulation ' of membership ' of.
.the severul orders centering here is
apportioned aM follows:- Ashland
Lodge, 203; Blsltlyou chanter, 165
Malta Commandery; 190; illlah Tem
ple of the Shrine, 5H7; Alpha Chap
ter, EftMtcrn Star,. 288: ulclna Tm
plo, aughters of, the Nile, about 75
Thn- Ia Mnlnnl'mnmhnMhln h.,n la
iyifrilintnrf With II.AMt.irn', r.hantn I
All the respective--orders locally are
jCAit tf. debt-, and H.'.biUiMtceS In -the
tri-asu'ry, with the woptlon 'of Ash-!
land lodge, which owes 6000 . on
building account. Its quota of nearly
S300tL levied in behalf of the Masonic
! homo, has been paid in full, and Its;
(grand lodge dues 'and homo malhfe-
nance fund- for 1043, amounting: to
over $650, havo also: lately been paid
without deductions. . , . ,
Incident to tho banquet tendered
recently to the Ashland and Balem
high school basketball teams-by -a
contingent of -. local railroad men.
somebody got their fingers crossed,
Inasmuch as tho decorations dis
played In the banquet room were '-bide
and white, whereas the colors should.
have been, .complimentary . to tho
SUIemllfsr , red iand iblockt.t an- -error
In prlsmatlo efforts which will necessitate-
thei.feed, being rciieated. sooner
r tjeartv"' 11000. rcnresldAVi'na " PtW'
CoHtnanvTiia chp'ck. 'fitr'he oAV-
tcrlVi'derlotf' ending' "fltebitftftiii"" tiA
19IE, wefj 'Utrtliilted;' tonth i' ranK
onr. rfieton ivronaay evcomsl , tltaw
irtg: tlie. tnurtanjaxy. 4rlM,itliere', -ao,6
fed'nad wnokpr. , . i- '
' ' Ml Eijlft'..opa : Im prAjilent' 6t,'tHc
rtociai .. ircie qi ine vnrisiian jrnuro;
Mrk., JdarJ- Hl.' Vloe-t.jsflent Mrt.''
Mjirtjli) Wright,' tf-easufor.'i'apil ' Mac
Dickeii'iflecretBrj-.yi.,' per- esiftts - Of
aijijOfflclal .Mectlott Jheld rfrieitly: A
iulenilha, tntwtainjment .ik planned
by. -the so.clal ' organlEitiod . February
lfr.V'THIs- -tirtlt- of i t(1 congregation's
ontlvltlos, 'Is proving to b one pf the
m?stcffectlve of -the church's ,auxl-,
Inrlbs, belhg'Bgt;rvkslvaas 'lending to
every good' work along .religious, ' In-.-tellectua)
nhd .social avenues,-',. ' '
- Mrs..1 Margaret . Apolcgate, Oranlte
street resident) Is planning to o to
California this week for. On Indefinite
stay, ..Accompanied . by her daughter,
Mrs, Alice I'cll. Their destination ,4s
Oakland, from whllch ! ccntl-r ' visits
may - bo made' to ad-Jacent localities.
The Civic" club's' schedule of reffo
lar meetings Implies) 'a gathering on
the first .und third Tuesday., of each
montn, a- snort ousinoss. session, tne
program, 'ah d a social ho'lir 6 follow
in 'succession.'; Whlto 'bddges 'will
designate ihc membership f ommlttee,
who;wllL attend to the . Introduction
of - new , ..mbmbcrs and welcome
strangers. . T,hc. rooms ,w)ll also ;bc
open bn ,)he evenings of Hhc llajes ict.
Ort, Prbrual-y: . a itiA-clul' chtetteln.
inenj. wll.,bo Prof., Bwwujer's illlus-'
(rated lecture, on the Wild flowers of
Oregonyir- mrr trentf mlHlot -to- -lie
by membership tlckst, with the nomi
nII charge of i dlmo .ptily to iful'
siders. ail'hclng cnrdlnIVy lwvlledThe
club how hatf over one' hundred tncni-
ners.i ; .
: 'THat, masti'rplccft painting "The
fbili'TH.'-by , Mdreliu. Mihs been - the
r"ftosuh' "of nil1 ej'es, -nil -exhibited at,
the. -Udders'-, department' slnro the
past' few dnys. Ariistlcally It is rated
as a (60,000 production, t
! Odd I'Vllows hall-'willi'bo the scene
of a .brilliant social event on Krldny
evening, February 2,, tho ncbekahs
huvlng mndn arrangements for hold
Ing a "glohe'-ti'otter'f party."
Management of ' tho Binniiard Oil
office locally has undergone a change
of late, V. V. Miller 1Ucceedlg ,M. L.
ration In that capacity. The new ar
rangement. Is Virtually an1 exchange"
of pftsltlonk, Miller cdmlng to Ash
Ihhd frftnf Newhurtf and i'atton going
to'f6 Uu?g from , Ashland. ; -
. '. ,- -..
" Moving pictures at Mooec Hall, on
Harold Lloyd, as a real doctor who
prescribes such real medicine as sun- i
shine and air, la winning hia way into
the hearts of Jackson County nudi
'onces ' more surely than ever before, i
"Dr. Jack is held over till Batunlay i
night, .which makes, a seven day run, '
-,4t the Page, an event unprecedented I
:in Southern Oregon, thus unqttestion-
ably proving that nothing quite like
this -five-act ; serio-comedy has ovor i
been seen here before !
; Lloyd is ever in search of fresh
treatment. nud,.tho -,resultin luugbs
are unvuj-H sponianeous. ,ur. jack car
ries a little pill case' but his medicine
com ob from his mind. Ho Is tho ocreon
Coue here a doctor who cures a boy
of the '"tummy-ache" by telling his
mother that the school has burned to
the ground., An old man forgets his
gout when tho genial doctor heaves
into sight, and when he nieots the
"Siok-Little-Well-GIri" he promptly
opens tho window and lifts the cur
tains In her home. She Is at the
mercy., of. n "kill or cure" physician
who keeps her an invalid because her
father Is wealthy.
' Other current Page offerings ' In
.elude "The" Beggar ' Maid," a drama
taken from Tenneyson's pooru, the
Tathe News and "Hetty" Brown at tho
organ-playing "All for- the Love of
Mike.". ; - The . program Is . decidedly
,'ploasing. '
Vantines Temple Incense
The fragrant Oriental odors for indoor use.
A large variety of burners and odors.
Pimples Quit
i Wilh S.S.S.
Wby7 PimpU-PoUon Cpe WIm. RetV
Blood-Cell Incruiet S. S. S
'-. ; Builds Th.M R.d-Blood-Clla.
' .Toil ran b. sur of tbli. Bitnr has a
nb.tltute for rtd-blood-clls. Pimple
holBon r.n't live Id the r.d rivers of your
blood loug tbjre are epangk rlca
Md-llMid-itll la It. More I
of a blemishedace J
That w'wliat yon need when roa u Inh
bI, aiarlak- at yon In tbe mirror. Black'
hcailfd iilinploa are wori.l Kctema M
woo. re! Vou ran try eTorytbtng uoi.r
ibi nti, you'll find only oat .nawar,
uior rrll-vowrr lu your blood I Tbe tr.
mAirtoui ri'aultil, produced by an loerMM
In ftd-IJciorl-Mll. la one of tbe A. B. C.'
of . ujf.llinl si-lence. Ked-cells mean
rlrar-pure rlrb blood. Tbey msn clear,
nitldy, Imablc roinpleiloDi. Tbey mean
nrv. poftcr. because all your nerves are
fril y your blood. Tbey mo fraedooi
forever frnui pimples, from tba blackbeed
pettt, fnui boll, front eraema and, akla
eruefloiia, frnut rbeuroatliui loiparltlea,
front Hint llred. eihauateit, run-dowa fel
liiir. Hinl-bluod-reUs ar. tb moat impor
tant thlnr la tbe world to aach oi a a.
8. 8. 8. will tinlld tbem for yoo. 8. 8. 8.
baa beeu known alnre 1826, as on ( Ua
greatest blood-bolld.ra, blood-daanaara
i.Dd svitem atrene;tbenera erer produce 4,
8. f. 8. la aM at all drag store la tw
. die. Tb larger alt botll. 1 tb Ban
ecobotnlcaL a
,0,0, Hhtjoandfagam
, Blue Front Fixit Shop
. " : in . iioiiy st, '
lTiono 4M
. ItAtor ntade HUarptinlng
25 discount on every
article in our store that
is not marked special
You can save money by buying Raincotaty
Slickers and Rubber Articles this week.:
Army Blankets, Rec. ............$2.45
Army Rain Coats, Rec. ... ..$1.00 and $2.00
Gas Mask Rain Coats, new.......... .........$.35
RajTister Rubber Coat, guaranteed, new..,...,.$3.05 .
Tower's Fish Brand Slicker, 3-4 length, new,..$3.00 .
Towel's Vish Brand Slicker, Coat length, new $1.88
Rubber Arties, 14 inch lace top, new...,...........$2.97
Slicker Hats, new .,. : .....50c ,
0. D. Wool Shirts ;...;,. ...$2.46
0. D. Wool Shirts, Rec. ........; ....$1.38
Irish Frieze all Wool Overcoats, new $10.90
Sheep Lined Overcoat, 42 inch $10.15
Army Overcoats, Reclaimed $2.25 and $3.25
25 Per Cent Reduction on Shoes.
We are not selling out or quitting business.
Just making a clean-up to make room for
spring goods, and giving you people a -chance
to save some money.
United Army Stores
32 So. Central Ave.
Rabbiting, Welding, Repairing
. and Latho Work
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
183 South Front St.
Quickly diMlvM all otmtrnctloM hi
cloKitnl drain and awwer plMM
nrv it rrnv rr -V
' ' ': For Sola Bir" .-.."''' i
A. ti, VltOMAX, 118 8. Front Hi.
J i-