Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 30, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' miIdpord rAn.TjaBuxE, mkdkord, oiiDCipy. tltf-siuy, jantalt vm
pact; three
lMtiHMilx lust u good i-ltlzcn lust
gt, it is hopi'U not permanently.
o Im Judge Krunk Vv Souza. who
ft for Mudford, Ort.. where V.o will
b asuuclntPd In th nructico of law
1th Judu W. E. "Ifcwn, one of the
lading lawyers of the Htuto.
i Mrs. le Buuzu and their dauKhtor,
tart ha, will remain Hi, Phoenix to
i end of the school year when they
111 (Joln Mr. lt Souza at Medford:
Mr. DeKouzn haa been a resident
f I'hoenix for the last 15 yearn. He
tthio hero to engage In reportorlal
ork, having been engaged elsewhere
l nuwflpaper work for about two
enra. ,
Nearly all this time he was en
aged In the Htudy of law. He was
member of the last territorial legis
iturv, chief clerk of the const It u
oual convention and sccrotury of
iu state corporation commission.
In. lino with his choHen work he
ecame Justice of tho peace for "West
hoenlx precinct and held that office
nlll. three years ago, since' when he
as boon actively engaged in the
mctice of law.
Medford, Ore., is a thriving town
1 the southern part of the state lying
etween the two mountain ranges
!hlch trnverse tho state. It is the
puter of a great fruit industry and
iljaoent to a largo lumber Industry.
If. the people want to know nny
iliiff bout Mr. Do Souza. let them
rite to anybody in Phoenix, just
nybody; let them take a Phoenix dl
cctory and select the name of the
ddresse and they will get a good
ccount of their new fellow citizen.
hoonix (Ariz.) Republican.
S. K. liullls says the people in
osephine county have about 13,000
cres mostly given land, under the
ii'v f rriifiil inn nrnlort that it to be
lovcloped and they want to raise
nnnery products and are desirous of
laving h cannery located there.
Mr. I'.ullis niot their committee last
reek in an endeavor to, show them
hat It is far better to hrivo one good
annery in tho valley that runs full
Imo and that naturally could pay
tetter prices than, two or three cau
teries that run part time.
Mr. IJullis is endeavoring to get
)cdplo all over the valley to grow
tiore vegetables and small fruits this
rear as the Itogucv Jliver. Valley Can
ilng company has put in new equip
hent and is now prepared to handle
loiibln the product.
Eat Kellogg's Bran regularly to get
permanent relief from constipation!
' Freedom from constipation, mild
or chronic, can bo surely looked for
if you will cat Kellogg's Bran every
dayl Two tablcsioonfuls are suffi
cient j for severe cases with each meal,
w KcUogg's Bran is nature's most
wonderful food awaiting to chance to
bring back your health. Kellogg's
Bran is scientifically prepared to ro
licvo suffering humanity from cousti
;pation and it will do that.
Being cooked and krumblcd,
Kellogg's Bran is delicious in it3
nit like flavor. It should not bo con
fused with common brim which is un
palatable and hard o cat, Kellogg's
Bran adds greatly to tho pleasure of
eating other hot or cold cereals. A
popular way to servo Kellogg 's Bran
is to cook it with hot cereals. In
preparation, add two tublcspoonfuls
m mm run -
K. H. llurd niTelury-tmisurer of
tho Kuku lllwr National Farm Loan
association, (Ih' In , receipt of tho fol
lowing Iftt 'from A. u. Thompson,
secretary of tlio l'"ileral '.and Ilar.k
of Spokane. ; which is of. Interest to
nil iriiRUtion fiu-mors of this section:
"This will' ncK-jiowde'ilRo receipt of
a resolution ndupited t a meetiiiB of
the Ashland. Medford. UolU Hill and
ltoBue ISiver National Farm Ixmn as
sociations, hild nt -Modltord. Oreuon,
January 10. '1923. rcaiestinc this
bank to mako. an Investliatioii of fr
riK.ition districts In tho Kofuo Itiver
valley. . .
"In reply, oir engineer appraiser
Mr. Mi-Klttrlek was Instructed some
time jiko, to ninko an examination of
the R;uo Hlvei- valley as suton as he
could TSiupleto tho work he then had
on hand. Ho informed mo today that
ho willibe ready to take up the work
in tho llioBuo Itlvor valley a soon as
he coniletes his report on two dis
tricts In MonUina that he Is now pre
paring, and that ho thinks ho will bo
able to. finish these reports about
February 15 to 20.
"Wo will appreciate It very much
if your associations will co-operate
with him in seeing that all available
datu, transportation, etc., aVo fur
nished him, that ho may mako a
complete report on those districts
while thero."
In spite of tho winter season the
business of tho Chevrolet Motor
company has ' been unusually good.
Patton and I to bison of this city are
in receipt of the following telegram-
"Friday. January nineteenth.
"Chevrolet Motor company shipped
from various assembling plants, jiot
including Canadian plant, twenty
one hundred and fifty-eight can,
which, is record shipping day and
which Js ;rcsult of unprecedented
winter orders." ' '
Tho new' Chevrolet has made 1 a de
cided hit throughout tho couniy. as
evidenced ly the remarkable sales
since its Introduction; -Patton &;ltob
inson, Jnc, Medford and " Southern
Oregon Chevrolet distributors report
many sales during recent weeks of
both open and closed models. They
cordially invite Ihose interested in
the new models to come to their
hirilmirters and see them on dls-
I piny. ' - - -
of Bran f.or 'each' person, mixing it
with the cereal to bo cookod.
Kollogg 's ' Bran ,is especially de
licious in raisin bread, muffins, pan-
cakes, macaroons, etc. Recipes appear
on each package.
Realize what Kellogg's Bran is
doing for constipntion sufferers all
over the nation, then just think what
it can do for you and yours. Tho
horrors to come should guide you to
cat bran regularly, to nerve it in some
form, each day. ; .
You can drive constipation out of
your family with Kellogg's Brnn
and removo tlio causo of 9095 of
human illness I First-class hotels and
clubs servo Kellogg's Bran in indi
vidual packages. Ask for it at your
restaurant. All grocers. '
Open for Business THURSDAY
With a Bigger, Better Stock Than Ever! Everything for Women!
Owing to Necessary Repairs on Our Present Location, the Colonial Has Been Closed for the Last Several
Weeks. During This Time, Our Buyers Have Secured New Stocks From Los Angeles and San Francisco for You
Special Bargains at Our Opening. Don't Miss it!
UL.L.U iiuikViu nun
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30. r-Keiinotti Wil
liams, formerly of Grulnts Pass. Ore
gon, who led the A mo rim n league in
home runs last seatiou, iu a loiter, re
ceived at the Drowns' headquarters to
day assorted he Is " get
back la harness" and that lie is tour
ing here from Portland. Du'siuess
Manager Hob Quinn said lui Inter
preted this as disittlling rumors that
there would be difficulty in' gk-'ttlng
Williams' signature.' to a 11IC3 contract.
"I've got a hunch I'm gojlng tri drive
in about twenty more lionws rune than
last year," the letter continued, "and
I want you to reserve my seats at
Sportsmen's park for the big series
next fall. That's tlio iway I feel about
it." .
Williams slammed , out 38 . four
baggers lost season.; , ;
SEATTLE. Jan. 30 With twelvo
victories seven of them knockouts
In fifteen nioetlnKS, .tho other (three
beinK draws, composing his rcent
record. Dodo Ilercottt quondam lum
berjack of Monroe. Wash., Is to meet
Kid Johnson of Oljmipia for six
rounds here tonight. ' Johnson was
on tho other end of, Ilcrcott's last
draw which was his latest fight.
(irrb lights Toudilit.
NEW YORK, Jan. 30. Harry
Greb of Pittsburg will defend his
American llghl-hcavywciiiht title to-
night against Tommy Louighran of
t'niiaueipnta, in a iiiieen-rounu oai
tlo at Madison Square Garden.
CHICAOO Joe Burman. Chicaga
bantam, 'outpointed Patsy b Klanigun.
St. Louis in ten rounds.
ST. LOUIS A: scheduled ten-round
boving bout between Hugh Walker,
: sas City and Jock McAuliffc, 1
truit, was halted in tho third round
by the boxing commission, .who said
Walker was not in condition to fight.
Miss Malloi-y Wins...; '.
X13 WYOItK. Jan. 30. Mrs. Molla
DJurstodt Mnllory, national woman's
tennis champion, who startod off her
U23 court season hero yosterday with
an easy victory in love sots with Mrs.
G. A. Adams of llrooklyn 'will moot
j-tlffer opposition today in the second
round of tho invitation indoor tour
nament of tho Casino Heights, In
Jliss Cores Baker of East- Orange,
X. J.
POHTLAXD. Oro Jan.' SO. After
a. little more than two rounds of any
thing but boxing and fighting, Jimmy
Sacco and Frankio Hrltt woro both
put out of the ring last night by the
referee. Al Oruman,; who , doclared
tho bout which was to havo gono ten
rounds, no contest.
Severe Cough After Influenza
"After an attack of tho 'Flu' which
loft me with a severe cough nothing
seemed to relieve roe until I used
Foloy's Honey and Tar." writes Mrs.
K. D. Drake, Chllds. Maryland. Coughs
resulting from Influenza, Whooping
Cough, Asthma, Croup, La Grippe and
Uronchltas are quickly relieved with
Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no
opiate;) ingredients printed on the
wrapper. Largest selling cough med
icine In tho world. Sold everywhere.
NKW OHLKANS, U.. Jan. 30.
Tho federal government ut Washing
ton Is reportod hero tonight on good
authority to bo about ready to com
mence a most smirching Investigation
of its own Into the activities of the
Ku Klux Kiun.
This probo Is to be centored in the
so-callod kliui states of the south,
via: Georgia, Arkansas, Texas,
Louisiana and Alabama. Federal
agents havo already beon dispatch
ed to Dallas, Little Itock Atlanta
and' nirmingham.
The evidence already gathered, ac
cording to Gov. Parker, reveals vio
lations of federal statutes of the
most startling character. It Is al
leged to. establish tho following
That, a special membership cam
paign Is now being conducted by tho
klan among railway mall clerks and
postmasters throughout tho entlvo
southwest. Evldciieo in the hands of
operatives, it Is said, tends to show
that mull already has been tampered
That a similar campaign Is being
conducted ,by klnu emissaries among
tho telegraph operators In flvo stntes
for the purpose of tapping nt first
hand this source of Information.
That tho samo character of activity
is being conducted throughout tho
telepbono offices of tho Bouthwest.
That attempts have been made to
enroll newspapermen on tho klan
roster iu an effort to control news
sources and tho publication of news,
as well as editorial matter.
Attorney General A. V. Coco is
still at his home at Marksvlle, but
one of his assistants, T. Semmes
Walmsley. tonight confirmed the fact
that evidence of the klan's activities
as outlined above had been placed
In the hands of federal authorities.
"Two-in-One" " 1m what I. J.
MikRChe has christened one of his
Plymouth Kock hens which laid u
phenomenal egg yesterday. The vggt
which is now on exhibition in tho
Monarch Feed ancLHeod ytore win
dow ,was of abnormal hUo and when
broken open wari 'found to contain
nnother .oket. praetally of normal
sizo and perfectly formed with a hard
shell. .The smaller ' egg surroundod
by the white and yolk 'of -the larKo
egg Is In a Jar and tho shell of the
outer eteff is lying beside tho Jar In
the window.
CHICAGO, Jan. 30. Wbilo colder
weather overspread tho Northwest
states and those of the upner Mississ
ippi valley east of tho Rocky moun
tains, enjoyed abnormal torn pcratu res,
New Orleans had virtual summer
weather with the the,rmouieter around
eighty degrees, while Havre waa vis
ited with six below ero weather.
, The two most conscientious work -1
ers in tho senate are Dunn and Zim-j
merman in ho far fts study of bills ls
concerned. Neither has any pet bill,
to trade through. Neither is playing
politics. Neither is ambitious to con-'
trol tho senate or overthrow anyone'
else who Is trying to control It. nut
both arc determined, to find out allj
they can ah to what the effort of t noli
bill will ho, so that right and Justice!
may be done. Hoth are in tho senate
chamber early and late, poring over!
the bills and curt fully studying In-
formation that cornea in concerning 1
each and nil. Hoth are accessible to
anyone who lias a righteous cause '
and desires to statu H. Hoth listen
patiently and attentively. Hoth nsk
Intelligent and discriminating ques
tions. Neither attempts browbeating
or bulldozing. j
Dunn Js no cynic, hut ho does not
like to take anyone elso's Judgment
as final on n bill." He prefers to
study it out for himself and form
his own .opinions, lie Is independent
and self-reliant. Ho is not aggres
sive, and does not need to be, fr.; bo
Is asking nothing and is not trying
to "put something over." Orogon
Voter. .
Tho National Guard basketball
team was defeated Monday night by
a score of 17 to C.
Owing to poor practico tho Na
tional Guard team tnado a poor show
ing but expect to do bettor tho next
The line-up was as follows:
North Methodists
Howard Olnsoock. center.
Huss Sherwood, forward.
Charles Haw lings, forward. "
Walter Steele, guard.
Krnest Hurt, guard.
Substitutions Armstrong for Glas
cock. Hurtle for Steele.
National Guard
' I'vt. Vernon Kennedy, renter.
Pvt. Harold 'llubler, forward.
Hvt. "Weldon MeHoe, forward.
Sgt. Sterling Kichmond, guard.
Pvt. AVarren Conrad, guard.
Substitutions Sgt. Kichmond for
Pvt. McUoe; Pvt. Smith for I'vt. Ken
nedy. landar
Orison CfiPrripSJPf
rail i nmsy.,,.
ll'ullCri'iLiJ '
rtlHERE are no
: JL chocolates quite
so good as Tan Jar
and she knows it. Show
her that you do, too.
l.flA til. POIIIHI
H hTr.r thry tell
EOori emir.
25 discount on every
article in our store that,
is not marked special
You can save money by buying Raincotas,
Slickers and Rubber Articles this week.
Army Blankets, live $2.45
Army Rain Coats, Roc $1.00 and $2.00
Gas Mask Rain Coats, new ; $4.35
Raynstcr Rubber Coat, guaranteed, new........$3.65
Tower's Fish Brand Slicker, 3-4 length, new,..$3.00
Towers Fish Brand Slicker, Coat length, new $1.88
Rubber Allies, 14 inch lace top, new .'. $2.9T
Slicker Ilats, new .....50c
O.'D. Wool Shirts $2.45
0. D. Wool Shirts, Rec ,:. $1.38
Irish Frieze all Wool Overcoats, new...-. $10.90
Sheep Lined Overcoat, 42 inch -...$10.15
Army Overcoats, Reclaimed $2.25 and $3,25
25 Per Cent Reduction on Shoes.
We are not selling out or quitting business.
Just making a clean-up to make room for
spring goods, and giving you people a
chance to save some money. s
United Army Stores
32 So. Central Ave. . ;.
1 :" 1 ' NOTTCK. '' ' "
Through an Error Our Office
Tolophono Number was omitted to
the new Directory.
IT IS 77
Dentistry and X-Rajr
2nd Floor Medford 111(18.
Now In tlio tlnio to havo your Auto
Wo cheerfully your pnlrpn
aga and early booking.. Trlcea
right. Plus quality eorvlco and
Wo are permanently . located at
221 No. Fir Street. -
Geo. Watson Co.
Mionc 777 Medford, Ore.
Williams Implement Service '
!M 8. Harriett Phono 205
In Serviceable Used Cars
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
123 South Front St. "
Liberty Bldg.