If PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL' ' TRIBUNE, - JiEEDFORD. OR EC! OX, TUESDAY, JANUARY SO, I92:i ! I f Tf 6ml and l ILj Pernqmd Knt)' and continue! eilil In 1 1 to rt- ilii.tion for tlio weuthcr of (hiiIkIU unit toiiionnw. rollmvlim the snow of Kim- ciny unil tho cnlil of Mimiluy. Water f ilx8 wore frozen In a numlior f homos during lust nik'ht unil thU ,' inornlnK, all)imh tho minimum torn ii ioruturo of thin inornlnK itt -'I Uewocn itliove was less than that cif Monday inoinliiK, SO." dftKroe. bunco, Kuule I'olni. Sitt. nltn. 207' illil ilonco! Wed. nlKht! Oriental ', llallroom! - ' Btili Hi'aiinK'rt of tho adjudication of the i wutor rights on ltiitln Creek, Involv " i in In tho neighborhood of 20.00U t J ucrox, and covnrini? the land rrorn Fish ' l.ake to tho month, will ho hoard thin , week at Jacksonville, before Court Re porter Koy DavlR. A decree will be returned In March. The purpOHR of tho hearing in to detormlno the amount of water osieh landowner Is ! untitled to, for Irrigation purposes. 1 Uoodyeiir mid V. S. Tiro service. Let lis nerve you. fioo. L. Trelclricr Motor Co. ' 264 Mr. J. II. McKachern of Wnshlnston. il. C, will lecture on "Thunderbolts of tho Comlntr Storm," Jan. ,'10 and 31, at Seven Day Advontlst Church, N. Itlversldo, 7:30 p. m. Everybody in ' vltcd. Admission free. - 2G5 The Business and Professional Women's Club will meet Thursday evenlnff ut tho V. W. C. A. at elfiht o'clock. Mrs. Gore will speak on "Par liamentary I,aw," and a short business meeting will follow. ' Party leaving lor San Francisco tho fourth of February in 7 pusSenRer car would like three or four passengers. Call 252 during day. 264" Beginning tonight the public may view' tho master painting "Never Alone" at the Medford Center Store between 7 and 9:30 In the evening, In addition to the regular exhibit during tho dayi 264 Mrs.iH..D. noed of Gold Hill was v among tho out of town visitors In the city Monday afternoon. There's a busy business College In your home town. OWN. ' . The local police and justice courts have been very quiet for the past three days, not a single criminal case : ; having appeared on the docket of I '. either' court during thut time. ' 1 i Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden !; I Valley Nursery, rhone CS0-J-2. th f All kinds of rough and dressed lum- i tier. ' Wallace Wood, phone 108,. 711 j I K. Main. : i , Fraud has been iincoverod In the i j haHottlng at the Joint meeting of the j Cavemen arid Sportsmen last Friday ' i nJKht. This was the verdict of the i fianvaflHlng committee- which Sutur j ; day. completed ltd roport on tho eloc 1 : lion- of the biggest llur among the fishermen of the Rogue river. The 1 '.. cup,' which was presented to Dr. W. W.'- Walker, should have gonn to .las. ' i ' Chlnnockl-In view of the votes cast for him, It Is alleged, or tho 93 bal lots cast, Jim received 48,- believed to have boon cast for him as a result of. his proclivities in .tile "art of lengthening, out the size of tho fish which got-away last summer. Thorn worn ! plenty oF candidates for tho po nltlon.lt 'has developed. Gi-nnts Pass Courier. ' ' , " 1 ; ,- Furniture repaired and miido to order, work cnllod for and delivered, Wm, lirflndloy. Phone 1D9-U -274 Banco Wed. night, Oriental Ball room. ' ' ' . 2Cfi Attornoys Reames, Newman, New bury and Neff of this city transacted legal business in Jacksonville Monday afternoon. There's no ptneo like Holmes for complete Insurance service.: Krult, nut and shade treos. Hdon Valley Nursery, Phono B80-J-2.I tl" tawlH Richardson 'of tho marines, now stationed on the battleship Texas at San Diego will get Ills honorable discharge March 1st, upon tho com- j pletlon pf a throe-year enlistment. He . will return to this oily, '. ! Next dance Eagle Point, Feb. :; j 10th. . : 275 - Hemstitching at Deuel's. 2fi7 .'' J E. B. Newtown of Yrekn, Calif..' ' ; spent Sunday In the city visiting : ! mends and relatlvos. I MiutllGrns! Fob. 13! Oriental Rail- room! ' .- , 205 Wanted One or two ladlos to rent In cozy little two-room houso with toilet, sink nnd electric llgbtH, fur nished, nicely located. C. ' A. l)o Von. - 2tl3tf LISTEN TO ME Itnvc ymi a fini iiiNliraiKMi policy iii force?1' Have you none 1 II a vp yon iillowod il to liipsi' iiml lii'i'onie of no offirl ? Cull iinfl coiisiill ns lotlny unil li'iirn ir Hie iniiiiy nilvmitiiili'H of our mlii'y. McCURDY , Insurance Agency Tel. 12.1 Modfonl National Itonk'niilR. Mctlfortl. Oregon Tomorrow evening la Modern Wood men social night ut Althea hall and on this occasion the M. W. of A. pic tures will be put upon the screen, fur nishing about an hour's interesting en tertainment. A program Interspered with song, Instrumental music and recitations will also be rendered, anil the' evening's festivities will close with a big feed in the dining room. The Invitation to be present Includes nil 'Modern Woodmen, members here or elsewhere, and their wives, Royal N'elghlMrs nnd their husbands, nnd each member of either society Is In vited to bring a friend or two who might be Interested In becoming n member of the Modern Woodmen or Royal 'Neighbor. ... For Diamond coal brlcketts, phone Valley Fuel Co, Phone 78. . , Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery, Phono (J80-J-2 tf J. H. McEacliern of Washington, D. C, will give his fnmous lecture "Thun derbolts of the Coming Storm" at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, North Riverside, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Jan. 30 nnd 31, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. .McEacliern is making a lour, speuking at the principal places in the West. J"ho Cheney phonograph plays all makes of records. -Sold nt Palmor Piano House. Come ' in and ' listen to It. ' Bid dance! Wed. night! Oriental Ballroom! , 2G5" Spraguo Relgel of Gold Hill was a business visitor In the city Monday af ternoon. Tako your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf MnrdlGras! Feb. 13! Oriental Ball room! 205 Tho continued Illness of Miss Anne l.nng of The Dalles, state regentof the Daughters of tho American Revolu tion, has caused her to' curtail her pro gram of visits to the chnpters over the state and It Is Improbable that she will be able-to participate actively In tho state work until the meeting Is held In Portland In March, when new officers are chosen. Wanted Portable bathtub. . C. A. DeVoe.' - 23tf Tbornless blackberry plants. Eden I. T. Sparksf of Eugene, traveling passenger agent In this district' for tho Southern Pacific arrived In the city this morning on one of his peri odical visits. , ' Auto Insurance. Drown & White. D. M. C. thread, nil colors, 0 cents per skein. Handicraft Shop. 265 The Elks lodge care is fairly boom ing under the new steward, William Peck, who has beeA a well known chef here I'or several ' yearg past ' The chunge . In stewardship was Inaugur ated 'about a week ago. . " '' Have your cylinders robored on a high grade, accurate boring mill. Tho Storm upright boring mill Is the heaviest and most expensive mill made for roboro work. All work guar-j anteed and prices right' Riverside uarago. ... . , , . ...zttzti Mardl-Gras! Orlontal llallroom! Tucs., Fob,' 13! Coirtumo prizes!' 2lt6 George Mansfield, stuto president of tho Oregon Farm Bureau, arrived hero today to attend the meeting of '1ho county organization. . iio was ouo oi tho principal speakers' at tho after noon session. Mr. Mansfield is well known In Rnsoliurg.' Ho resides nt present In Medford but his duties ns president, tnko him to nil sections of tlln Htnto (Rosebilrg News-Review.) Legal Reserve Old Line Life Insur ance company desires to make geu oral agency connection In Southern pregon. " Previous experience not nee essary. Only men with fair intelli gence nnod good character can bo con sidered. ' This ' company sell life, health and accident Insurance. Ad tirbss 409-13 Northwestern Bunk Build ing.' Portland. Oregon. : ' " '' ' ' 204 ' Valley Nursory, riiono 680-J-2. tf Charles Huff, postmaster of Copper, Calif.,- has returned homo after a short stay In tho city on business.' Hturt your bead hag now, all colors of beads to soloct from. Handicraft Shop. 25 ' Orlontal Ballroom Wed. night! Big dance! Admission 10 cents. 205 George O. Timothy, former chief of police, who was In the city this morn ing from his estate nt the end of West Fourth street, stopped his negotiations nt a moat mnrket for a soup bono long enough to state that he had been sending fresh blooming violets to rela tives buck east for n week past Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 207 Ornfted Franmiotto walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2 tf A bill was Introduced in the house at the iitnto legislature yosterday to extend the qualifications of voters nt school meetings and elections, by In cluding tho provision that a parent with children of school age may so voto. Heretofore tbls provision, passed nt the 1921 session, nppllod only to districts of the third class. Free Instructions in knitted nnd crocheted head bags. Handicraft Shop. 2fiG Grafting wax. Edon Valley Nurs ery, Phono fi80 J-3. t( Attorney James T. Chlnnock of Grants Pass transacted legal business In the city nnd county sent Monday. Bring us your watch repairing and get It the next day. Medford CentiT Jewelry Shop. ' ' ' 2R5 Chiropody.' Phono TirtS-J. ; 2" Tho motion of Jon Wilson, alleged narcotic peddler and enslaver of women, that he be allowed 10 days In which to enter a plen to the narcotic Indictment returned agninst him Fri day by tlu federal grand Jury, was de nied Saturday by Federal Judge R. S. Bean. The court held flvo days enough for his attorney to examine the Indictment. Assistant I'nlted States Attorney Tlmhins II. Mngnlre. said he would resist further delny In the trial, ns two women whom. Wilson Is paid to have given narcotics are being de tained In the county Jail ns witnesses. Portland Journal. Ring cherry trees. Kilen Valley Nursery, Phono C80-J 2, tt .Ray Tompkins of Redding, Calif., is spending a lew days In the city at tending to business matters. ,1 ' ' Noel L. Erslilne gives' piano lessons at pupil's homes. . Phone 729-W. 269 YSu can get It at DeVoe's. tf Fred L. Colvlg of. the Internal rev enue department left Sunday on an official trlp'to tho Klamath Falls dis trict ' ' ' ' -'" ' ' : Mnrdl-Orns! Oriental Ballroom! Tties., Fob. 13! Costtyne prizes! - 265 ' Mah-Jongg nt 8wem s Studio. 264 ' "Early Days In Oregon" Is the title of a series of screen pictures to be shown nt the First Methodist church ; on Wednesday evening. . ThlB will be an unusual feature of "Church Night" The regular order will be observed: supper nt 0: IB,' Church Family Altar service at 7:15; Open Forum, Story Hour, Mission Study n't 7:46; and pic tures at 8:15. Those who do not care to oonio lor the earlier features are Invited to see the pictures: ' If your, watch don't run after we have repaired It bring It back and wc Will make godd. Medford Center De partment Store. I . :. 205 1 All kinds of rough arid dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood,' phone 108, 711 E. Main. : " ' " " "EdlBon Marshall arrived home this morning from his visit to Portland and Eugene. ; ' Oriental Ballroom Wed. night! Big dance! Admission 10 cents. 285 Rehearsals for tho sixth annual min strel show of tho Medford Elks lodge 1 were begun recently, and while the show will stick close to minstrel rules several new novelties ' will be . Intro duced. One of these is a saxophone quartette.. Unlike most amateur mu sicians, they will confine themselves to jazz and popular airs. The show will be given In this city, Monday and Tuesday nights Feb. 26th and 27th and will aso play Yreka Calif, and Grunts pHs : and Klamath Fnlls: ' Milk and cream at DeVoe's. ' tf Michael Hnnley, Jr., of tho Lake Creek district spent Sunday and Mon day In the city on business. ' . ' Stamped pillow cases new patterns. Handicraft Shop. ' . , i 1 3C5 John W. Johnson, local Je.wolor, re turned this morning from a brief busi ness visit in Portland. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108, 711 E. Main. : : - A number of local high school stu dents will leave Thursday night for the conference of high BChool student body officers and high school editors to be held in Eugene the end of this week. Tho local students will likely stay over until Monday night when the local high school basketball toam meets the . Oregon -Freshmen In a game at Eugene.. :.' .... f- Dance Wed. night. Oriental Ball foom. "' , ' -." ". - - 1 205 I Mrs. John Carkln of Medford was a Visitor In town tho last week as the houseguest of Mrs. Lee Davenport. A number of charming affairs have been given for her, among which, was, an attractive luncheon at the . home of Mrs..W..O. Shepard, Thursday after noon. Portland Journal.'.; Dunce, Eagle Point, Sat nlte. 267 "Dad';- Dunlup, former Medford resi dent now connected' with Geo. Hunt &;Co. In the:cnpacityo manager of the. Rlvolr Theatre In Grants Pass, was a Medford-visitor today. . When better automobiles are built. Bulck will build them. .. ' tf Mrs. Jack Tyroll, Instructor In the Phoenix schools, was operated upon this noon nt tho Sacred Heart hospital, for appendicitis.' ' - " Mah-Jongg at Swem's Studio. 264 The "Exalted Order of Hoot Owls" which meets every Monday and Fri day night In the Oregonlan building In Portland at eleven o'clock hold a meet ing Inst night, the proceedings : of which wero followed closely by a nunp her ot radio Tann.' A number of prom lnont Portland Wen were Initiated nnd somo excellent music by the Manila Stringed Soxtot was. broadcast .:The mooting adjourned at midnight. Shoo sale $6 and V dress and work shoos, '$6.-' Old Reliable Shoe Shop;-7 N. FIT. " ' - ' "-'.- i.' ' ''66 Mrs. D, O. Fredrick, of the Modford Ccntor Beauty Parlorsi leaves today fora'two weeks business visit-in Port land. '. . '-" - ' ' 1 Npw, novelty ribbons. Handicraft Shop. " . ' . - . .- ' i 365 Boh Hoyl was seen sporting his now commercial car this morning on North Front street The new panel delivery car Is easily recognlznblo ns it is In scribed, "Robt. H. Hoyl, Wholesale Confectioner." 1 " '..- Mah-Jongg at Gwom's Studio. 264 Tonight's meeting of the American legion nt the Legion Hall marks the change Of meotlng nights between the Crntera' Club and the Legion. The next regular meetings ot the Orators' Club will be hold a week from tonight. Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Four feet of snow was reported on Oregon mountain Monday morning. The stages were having some diffi culty getting through, yestonlay's stages not having arrived up to noon There was about a foot of snow re ported on .Smith hill. Grants Pass j'ourlor. v ' t ' ' ' -'. '' Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat ed, full line. Wrllo today, Grants Pass Nursery, Grants Pass, Oregon. 270 STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION 'Tape's Diapcpsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once "I'apo's DinpepAin" is tho quickest, niircnt relief for iniligoation, gun, flatu lence, heartburn, lournctui, (rrmrtitatinn or stomach dintrnt caused by acidity. A few tabMa give almost immediate stom ach relict. Correct your stomach anil digestion now or a few cents. . Drug gull tel) million of package, By a. score of 25 to 10 the Roseburg! high school basketbull team was win ner over the University high school of Eugene In a game staged ut Roseburx recently. , , Wall maps of Jackson county, print ed on good linen paper, tinned at top ami bottom for sale at tbls 'office. They show cities, rivers, roads, moun tains, location of property by section (ownshlp and range, and give lots of other information. . Every' family should have'one.' " , tf Remodeling operations at the Valley Garage have started and the prepara tions lor occupancy by the Mason Motor company. Star and Durant'dls-; tributors for Medford, will soon be oompleto. - ; Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. " 2C7 Shrlners returning yesterday frotn the ceremonial held In Portland last Saturday night reported that the weather during their entire stay there had been exceedingly rainy.: k Closing out all our farm machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son. Inc. : .. . .' tf . H. 11. Rankin Is In attendance at a conference ot forest supervisors of the North Pacific district, which will last for five days. Tho conference Is being held in Portland and the Oregon Jour nal published a picture of all those In attendance In yesterday's Issue. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc.. tf Due to the snow , and Inclement weather of Sunday the proposed trap shoot at the Ed. Lamport place was not held but It is planned to hold a large shoot at which experts from ROseburg, Klamath Falls, Medlord and Grants Pass will be present next Sun day, If weather permits. Now is the time to spray roses, Bhrubbery, fruit trees. Phone 106, Green & Dixon. . - 163 L. E. Stanley of Eagle Point was In Medford yesterday visiting with friends and attending to business mat ters. ' Hot tamalcs and chill con carne at DeVoe's." ' v tf Pictures of tho wreck o( the South ern Pttclflc train No. 03 near Agor, Calif., Saturday afternoon were print ed in a Portland newspaper yesterday. They were taken by Paul D. Kelleter of the U. S: Forest Service. Over 80,000 people viewed the mas terpiece "Never Alone," during Its ex hibition In Portland. Now on display at Medford Center Store.' Admission to exhibit ten cents. 26S Joan Garnett, twelve months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Gar nett, has recently recovered from a three weeks' s'elge of pneumonia, v - After the fire it. is too late to In sure. : See-iReddeni &' Canaday now. ';.;. b -;'! ; V': i ':'.f ... ii 26 ltf fO.tO motor driven horns at the Electric Shop. . 1 1 " Horace Bromley, pf tho California Oregon Power company, is confined to'hla' home with -an: attack of the prevalent '' 'malady '"fin," grippe or heavy ' cold. " ' ' : - "'.' '"-' ' ' This office Is prepared ' to print ledger sheets, bills," (Btc,, used on the bookkeeping - machines.. .- Don't .give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out' of Medford. -Phone tie and we will call.'''--.- '". ' .- : tf C. E. -Wallls of Agate was in: Med ford today and .refl-uested the Mall Tribune to deny the report In Agate Items last Friday that & community dance was given there on Sunday. Tho dance in question . Bay: Mr. Wallis was on Saturday not Sunday. I' I ; KnlghtB 'of - Pythias- arid Pythian Sisters You-'' are expected 'at the Castle Hall Monday evening, Jan. 29th. good, entertainment will " be pro vldo4 and eats will not be ovcrloojced. Bring the family and enjoy the evening.- The latch string Is on the out. lite:-. 1 ' Committee.' 203 Presbyterian Men to Have Supper Tonight The men of the rVesbytorlnn church mid conKierftitlon "are Invited to a men's supper to bo given nt the church chapel . at 6:30 p. this evening by a commltte Of the men's Bible class consisting of -w. H.'Wiitt, Ons llromracr. J. H., Cooley.' 'Mr. Mathews. . ..-,.'' ' ' The 'supper will bo followed- by n dlscuKHlon of tho advisability of some kind ot u men's organization 'for the church. This is t follow up the men's supper and gathering of two weeks., ago, which was so favorably impressed by the messages brought by Drs. Weir of Chicago and Camp hell of I .oh Angeles, The supper is free to the men. "Cascarets" 10c For Sluggish Liver or Constipated . . Dowels ' ' Clean your lwel Foci fine! When you feel sick, dury, upset, when your head -is -dull or aching, or your atomach is aoiir or pimy, Jut take one or two discards to relieve ronatipntion. NV crlpinff iniceat. la.xativ-enthaitIc.oa earth for grown-upa nnd chiMren. ' 10o a box.' Taato like ntmly. ... ... HEAR J. H. McEACHERN, Lecturer AT THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 7:30 O'CLOCK TONIGHT " , 3ubject: "The Trumpet Blast of the Coming Storm," or "World Situations and What They Mean to Civili zation." ' ' ADMISSION FREE Basketball Results Y;W.C. A. League League standings to '.da to:, ''' ' f W 'Pet North M. E. ,'.... 4 1 . 1 '1.000 South M. E; .'. 1 , t- J.000 Haptist 2 1 .500 Christian : ' 2 1 .500 Presbyterian 2 0 .000 The newly-oiled floor was somewhat of a handicap to fast ' playing last night, but a day or two will put It in fine shape. "' ' '" ' The first, game 1 f. -, Presbytoriua 1 ; ' ' ' t I ' 5c(ristlan Green :..i.'...i....4....'.F.i..L'il.i.i... .-Oslln I lolfman..':....' :.....F....'..'..'.:.'...! ' Jeniilngs Mcars ,..C Newland Chastaln O Clmstnln Gale O White Ilorden Sub...... Pierce - ., ,Sub Cobb Score Presbyterian 47; Christian 4 . Referee, Vlmont. ' .''" ' The second gamo 1 ' 1 ' South .'M. E.,, :;i . , ; i UnptlSt Gentry F.... , Nelf, D. Caldwell ...... F. :. Smith Vlmont C. Homer Jackson G Neff, F. Perry : '. G.....'. Waldron Shafer ..: .; Neff, A. Score South M.'K. 10; lluptist 9. Referee Jeimlngs. Next games occur Monday next at 7:15 and 8:30 p. m. - ' " North M. E. vs South M. E. llapttst vs Christian. PHOENIX SCHOOL NOTES Tho- Juniors entertained .the high school pupils and teacher last Friday evenlng-Ht tho home of . Mr. and. Mrs. George McClnin. . Tho evening was spent in playing games and singing- Dainty refreshments ' were served in abundance. ; i . .. . Tho boys' baskotball team met tho Jacksonville team on- regular sched ule time at. ksonvlllo. . The game at. the first half fell to tho. Phoenix team, but tho lajit half the Jackson ville team scored enough to come out winner.- . The senior class Is now working on tho annual play. This year tho class Is larger than usual,- so. it will be just senior play. - - There will bo given at the school auditorium Wednesday, January 31. 7:30 p. m., tho following program: Hoy Scouts' exercise. Phoenix Quar tet. Solos." Address by Professor Vlning of Ashland. This program is -given to raise money for tho boys' club. BIMe ThoughtSr Tbday . CHRISTIAN . CONFIKXCK.-'-Thls Is the confidence thut we have In Illni, that. If wo nsk anything accnrdlug to His will. He henn-th ns. I John 5:14. A MAN WHO IJEOAME ." . FAMOUS Doctor H.- V. Piei-ce,- whoso picture appears -above, was .not only -a suc cessful physician, hut niso a profound student of tho medicinal qualities of nature's remedies, roots and herbs, and by close observation of the methods used by tho Indians, ho discovered.- their great rcmedlpl quali ties, especially for weaknesses of women,! and- nttor 'careful prepara tion succeeded In giving to tho world a1 remedy Which has been used by women with tho best results for half a century- Dr. Tierces Favorito Pre scription is still in great demand, whllo mnny other , so-called ''Cure nllsV have rome nnd gone. ' The rea son .for Its phenomenal success is be cause of Its nhsoluto purity, nnd Dr. Tierce's high standing ns an honored citir.cn of lliiffnlo is a guarantee of all that Is clnlmed for the Favorite Proscription ns n regulator for tho Ills peculiar to women. ; Send 10c for trial packnge to Dr. Tierce's Invalids Hotel, Huffalo. N. Y. Adv. T5?J-II JO CLASSIFY LOST 00 pouuds of wheat between ' Farm HureaU nnd N. Riverside. Finder please phone 314-11-2. . 204 Handicraft Shop, nemstltchlng ' PIcotlng. 80 per yard. Hnttnnn oovered. DON'T .F0EOIJT.. H'd'we "Co. 4. 'jii.Maiu. 1 , I CTk' aN I t f fPl News.Surpmary ; oUk Night ' NEW YORK Stockholders of the Irving Wank ,iind ibe Columbia Trust company,', approved a 'consolidation agreement for merger or the two In stitutions , February .7. : ' 'DALLAS Operating officials of tho St. Louis Southwestern railroad an nounced the railroad had been request ed to surrender. $1,500,000 to tho United States as exces9 profits lor 1922. CHERnOURQ Andro Maneyrod, French aviator, broke all gliding rec ords by remaining in the air eight hours, ono minutoB antl 20 seconds. QUEBEC The convent of Notro Dame du Ron Consell at; St Gecjeon, Lake St. John was destroyed by firu Saturday night, belated reports state. NEW . YORK James , A. Flaherty, supreme ruler of tho Knights of Co lumbus, reeetved-a request for investi gation from Knights' of Columbus In Mexico, of President Obregon's expul sion of Archbishop Filippo. OBITUARY KILRORNV Norman Lenard Kil-j born died at the home of his pnr-j ents, 'Mr. and Mrs: Ira Kllhorn, at Jacksonville, Oregon, today, January 30, ago 12 years, H months, 2S days. The family came to Jacksonville to make their home last- September, from Midvale, Idaho. Norman was a bright and charming boy, loved by the community; and ' especially his classmates, he being a student in tho seventh grado at Jacksonville. Funeral services will bo held at the home of his parents in Jacksom Jvllle, Wednesday, January 31,. 1923, at;l:30 n. m.;?V. " ' Interment Jacksonville cemetery. Women Need Swamp-Root Thotihniuls of wnnifii liave kklnoy and bladder trouble and nnvcr bus-pet-t it. Women's complaints ofton jirovo to bo-nothing else but kidney trouble, or the roault of kidnt-y or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause tho other orpnnn to become diseased. l'ain in tho back, headuche, loss of a nibit ion, nervouwnesK, " are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't .delay pturtlnf? treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Koot, a phy.siclan'a preHcrlptlon,. obtained at any drUK Htore, may be junt the remedy needed to overcome, such condltlonR. Get a medium, or laro biz bottle immediately from any driiff sloru. However, if you wish first to tost thif Kreat preparation, .send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.., Biiitfhnmton, N. V., for a BiimpU bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention this paper. , - - ( Adv. 1 Mail Orders NOW prices; 'loor ilex! Inst HENRY W. SAVAGE (AMERICA'S FOREMOST PRODUCER) r OFFERS A MAGNIFICENT NEW PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST LIGHT OPERA! it' .... 1 ANY1 r INCOMPARABLE CAST AND SPECIAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Have You Had Your Laugh Today? We're offering you a laugh-a-second tonic if you have a hot head or cold feet or feel sour on the world HAROLD LLOYD in his latest five reel joy prescription m JACK NOTE Sunday and Monday "Dr. Jack" had more patients than any ofher doctor in this city AND ALL WERE CURED! Next Attractions ANITA STEWART and LARRY SEMON DR Monday Night, Feb. - 8:30: curtain , , 5 Seat Sale Friday, February Bth noon $2.75; llalmny, 1st 4 rows, $2.20; a rows, $1.03; next 3 rows, $1.10; 3 lows 53c. Incluilcs tax. sn-:xEut nv .lOSKIMIi ntmx ttlSTIMICS nv I'lKitiV 1IOVT AN IRRESISTABLE CHORUS I 7 X.