MKltFDinV MAIL TKIHUTNR, 'MKDK0K1). ORKCiONV SATURDAY. JANUARV 27, 1923 VACIV THIiKE 4 NTRAL POINT 0 ENTKAL. POINT, Jan. 20 -The utral Point opcru houtu is living nouoU'a uy M bi-yburn at Meu- d. The upper Htory in to ho turn and u flat roof put on. 13viry- niK will he made niodiTn so uh to c to tho community a good theutro. rnl yours ago Mr. Frank Hull rated a theatre hi this city, hut then nothing has been dune ins this line. This is, a mueh- -ded estahlibnment, fur all of the nspeoplo had to go to Med ford If wiKhed to nee a Hhow, hut mure tyed at home. A few road hIiowh ipped here a while hack, but they, o discontinued to stop, isolating town from such entertainment. w that Mr. Seyburii is koImk to, :ablish ono it will be very much iter for tho entire community, fori niv will be spent at home instead other places it will draw more tuple to this city, as there will be attraction for them. Tho prices 111 be cheaper than they are at the her moving picture shows of the illey and the pictures that will be own will he of the same quality or en better than shown at other :tces. A lurge crew of carpenters e now at work rushing the work pldly and it is estimated that it II lie completed within a month. Us building a short time uko was bo used .us u basketball hull, but io idea was given up on account of ie condition of it. As soon as the esent work is completed It will be he safest building in town. Dr. L. (J. Dubnch, head of tho de- urtmcnt of political science at the 'jeyou Agricultural college, was rith the Central Point high school 'ednesday afternoon and presented very interesting address before the Indent body. Dr. Dubach is a very )o speaker, pusscssing a charming rsonahty that holds his listeners' tention till the last. He has just turned from a visit to the differ- t republics of South America and therefore a late authority on the inditions of our South American ighbors. His text, which was taken lorn the Ladies' Home Journal was. 'ho Trouble With the Average ftnerican Is. That He Does Nut Care if hat Happens As Long As It Doesn't ippen to Him." He then went on say that the world used to be con- utered as a very great amount of ace, but now the dlstauce has been nt down so it is just like a tene- nt house, If a fire breaks out in It is sure to endanger the rest or other words if a war, broke out it lould be sure to endanger the entire nld. South America louks up to the Inited States as n leader, but at the pine time she is afraid of this nation. (here is nothing that hose counrys eed except this spirit of this nation bring them to a higher -education nd living standard;- HhuH wo rk Americans fall to accept the great hallenge which conies to us to help hem in their need'.' Whatever befalls them and the Irogress they make will not only af- eet, but will have its influence on tie lives and prosperity of the Ameri- an people. Mr. Lee Kitzpatrtck will give the k-'cond number. of the Lyceum course be given in this city by the lilli- lon-Wltite chautauuua bureau in ills city. The first number was h'en by the All Sisters Quartet on lovemher 9. At about that time tho igh school students were about tho iwn selling season tickets for a dol- r and all those that hold them will ave a chance to use them tomorrow Ight to hear Mr. Fitzpatrick, noted inmorlst. Fifty cents will he chnrg- m to other persons not holding Huch Idiots, t he proceeds to be used in kenefit of the annual which will be ublished this year under the able di ortion of Miss Kathlvn Seller and tnhnld lioss as editor and manager. 'hose books will retail at one dollar intl- will contain all tho school ac uities and will be profusely illus trated. Tho I'ecrk'SH Four of tltis city will Jflve, their fourth dance tonight at the Ill II ill II. III. V.' I HIU1 Uiltc iime finite popular with the members f the younger set. They will be fa ored with the addition of another uush-ian in w near future. Mr. Kelso and family have moved from the house where they have re dded for the past several months. nrmerlv occupied by Dr. Mulkey. into the home recently vacated by Mr. Kurt Moore. Mrs. Uradncy. mother of Mrs. Inez Ferguson, has been confined to her iiome on account of u severe attack pf grippe, but is Improving rapidly, kory much to the Joy of her many Diends. " Mr. Keyburn nf Medford moved With his" family into the house re rontly occupied by Professor Wright. now superintendent of the Gold Hill schools. Thursday afternooif. The sophmoro class of the high school Is cuing to present a play to the student body In the near future Ktieh class presents a play to the rest of the school. Th' Juniors were me first to do this. They put on their .'lay at Christmas. Mr. Carl P.oswell. HAVE A NEW MOVIE THEATER -pulur young sophmore. will have tho hading part. The class is very fortunate In getting the services of such a good actor as he is. Mr. Clarence Long and wife were ohlvureed by all tho yonng men In town. The ceremony started about ten o'cloik. All the tin cans, cow bells and every other noise contrap tion being present. Mr. Long and wife finally came out and then were promptly hustled into a waiting hiiKgy nronellod by several boys. '1 ho buggy was drawn from one end of Muin street to the other nt n slow rate of - speed, ns Mr. James Cummings was driving. Mr. Long Is well known n round this city, for h- on ncn A STHMA No cure for it, but welcome relief is often brought by V VAPORUB On Million Jan Vu4 Yearly resident for tho past, nix yearn. i KukimI first in lileyele mill motorcycle bUHlncH. then In tho autotnuhlln buV ness and nt Inst in partnership Willi Ills father in (ho second hmiil goods. Al iiri'Kont Ihoy mo being very Inn's with the many buyers. The nuiriiuv came hh a great surprise to nil of hiv friends, for he had nlwuys boon re garded us lady shy. .Miss Tiny Ilehb., his wife, hus resided in this comiiiu nily for nbout thrc-3 months, eoni liilt to this locality from Cambridge. Idaho. Kho eamo hero niainly for tint purpose of visitim? relatives, but later, it Is seen, became the wife of one of Central Point's leading clU zens. ' Dave lltcken and George llltzler of this city witnessed the firo that de stroyed tlie country homo of Mr. Howard Mayfiold. Mr. Mayficld nnd family wero gone while the firo oc curred. The firo started In the roof of the two-story dwelling liouso and gained such headway that nothing could be dono to save it. Tho neigh bors saved much of the furniture, hut tho stoves, beds, etc., were lost. It is reported that tho house .was well Insured. Mr. Mayfleld Is well known in this city and has the sympathy of the entire community. .Mr. Cecil Cunningham arrived in this city last week to visit his brother Charles, who resides at tho KeUo home. Mr. Cunningham recently passed through this city -on his bi cycle, en route to I.os Angeles. 'He arrived there safely and then return ed hero by touring car to spend nn indefinite time Willi his brother. The Mission society of tho 1'rCB- byterian church held their monthly meetings at tho home of Mrs. George Wullaco. A good attendance was present. Ilesides tho general work of tho meeting, officers wero elected for the ensuing yitr. Mrs. L. I.. Nor- cross was elected president; Mrs. Davison of Table Hock vico-presldcnt and Mrs. Richmond, secretary. Dainty refreshments were served after the business session. Mrs. O. It. Panltey, who has been on the sick list for tho past two months, is still confined to her homo. It Is hoped by her many friends that she will soon rally and recover. Mrs. Mollie Holmes and sons, Joseph and Ilobert and Mrs. C. II. Hostel motored to the snoweovered Siskiyou mountains Sunday after noon. They reported sunshine while the valley was clother in a mantel of fog and tho snow was ubout' three feet deep at that time. Mrs. J. F. Slsty, who has been confined to her homo for tho past week is imnroving rapidly. Mr. Hall nnd family, who recently moved into the homo formerly occu pied by Mr. J. C. Gill, are planning to move out to the ranch owned by Mrs. Weedon. near Agate. They win be greatly missed by their ninny friends of this city. . Among the Central Pointers who attended the first presentation of the American Light Opera company at Medford were Mrs. Mollie P. Holmes, Ilobert Holmes. Miss Kdyth Jacobs. Mrs. C. 15. Hostel, Mr. Clifford Bos well. Earl Lcevcr and Lester Mann, most of them appearing to have been satisfied with the performance. Messrs. Court Jeschkc, Charles Kennedy, J. Lounsbury and several other young men of Medford were among the out of town people at one of the class dances given by Mrs.' Hlancho Crosson of this cltyr who is proprietor of the Oregon Dancing academy. Lessons arc taught to those who want to learn how to dance' at a nominal cost. Mrs. Gregory was the hostess of a birthday dinner given in her honor Sunday. Among those present were will Gregory and " family; Loren Gregory and' family; James Penland and family; Albert Terril and family and Fred Gregory. All present were either sons, daughters or grandsons or granddaughters. It was a big fumily reunion all ,ugain setting ui their mother's table us they did in childhood. The senior class of Jhe high scliooi iro practising more diligently under the able direction of Mr. Hay Hen derson. The play "Green stockings will he presented on or about tho first of March. Miss Annnvello Walker of this my was the hostess of a delightful party given at her hume Thursday evening. The evening vois enjoyed by tliose present by playing games, by music. ind other different ways. Dainty re freshments wero served to all, among those m-csont being Orvnl Shores, Donald (low, Sterling llichmotul. Mario Wright. Esther Musty. Kdlth roneiigcr. Violet Scott and oilier high school students. Including iwo f Miss Wallers friends from Mca- ford, whore sho formerly lived. Ten nis season opened here this week as the courts were fixed up nnd gotten ready for actual playing which was started Tuesday. Miss Adabeo Se ler s to give larty In honor of her fourteenth birthday from seven thirty .to ten thirty. Many friends were invueu and no doubt a good time will be had I iv all. as Miss Seller Is known to have always given good times. Mr. Karl I.ccver. Carl Weaver, Ed niond Monis. Kathlvn Seller and Miss Sluyton arc expecting to leave the first of next month to attend state editorial conference to he h'id at Kugene. All going are on tne stuff of the local school paper or on the annual stuff. Mr. Hugh Moore nnd wife are down from Evans creek visiting Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sulli van. Mr. George llltzler returned from Sacramento, California, where he hus been employed the past several months to visit his futher resident of this city. The Centrnl Tolnt Mutual Tele phone company is planning to put In night service something that has not been had here for n long tune, i ni: new addition will prove a great bene fit to the telephone users. A slight assessment "fee has been added to the regular fee to cover the expenss nf such service. Mr. Joe P.oswell. well known busi ness man of Central Point, but now of Hombrook. visited his family, who reiide here. Sunday and Monday. Mr. J. H. Holmes, expert leleg rnpher. left for Portland, Oregon after visiting his mother for for about two weeks. Bible Thought 8r Today SAKE Htn.M AM. EVIL: The Lord shall iirc:rvt thee from all pvll : lie shnll preserve thy souL l'nlm V.'l : 7, . . . -JHO ' St. Mark's Episcopal S a. Mil. Holy communion. 10 a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning Bervlcu. Wiu. li. Hamilton, Yicur. Catholic Chirch . South OakValo Avonue First .mass Sunduy at 8 n. m. Secoiuf ninus nt lV: 30) a. m. licnedicyion after ysecond mass. Rev. Johri, Powers, Pastor. Evang.-Luth. Zi n Church Fourth Street' and O lidale Avenue. Rev. Dr. W. R. Morerfe-Oesor. Pastor Hes: 51S West 4th St. Scptimgesh baa Sunday School 10 a. k. Dlvlno Service 11 a. m. You and yotvrB-aro cri-U Main St. M, E. Chjrc Ulally invited. rch, South. Coy It. Sims, l'astor. Sunday school." 9: a. m. -Dr. Frank Roberts. Sinpt. I Morning worship 11 Vi. ni. Subject of tho sermon, "Tlic Importance of little Tilings." I Epworth League 6:30. i. ui. Miss Dortlia Eicher will ho the leader. Evening service 7; 30 p. in. The public Is cordially Invited to all of theso services. i ' V"' kSSi First Christian Church Cor. 9th and Oakdule Doll Ely Millard; Minister ' BiUle School 9:45 a. m. Frank Pat terson Supt- '' Preaching Service 11 a. m. Special music "Mixed Quartette." 6:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor Serv ice. ' ' ' 7:30 p. ni. Special musical concert by orchestra and made quartette. Everybody welcome. The Methodist Episcopal Church Gold Hill, Oregon. ' A Union of AU ODentoininations. Dr. M. MJ Reid, Pastor.. liihle School Sunday morning at 10:00. A. E. KoQlogg, Supt Devotional and. Workers' service at 11:00. i Evening Scruibn at 7:30 by the Pastor. Subject. "'The Missing Link." Bhle Study and Prayer Meeting, Mridny evening at 7:30 . ill the par uo'inge. Lecture by the PaHtor Tuesday eve ning at 7:30. '.Subject, "Spiritual Man." Church of the Nazerene Corner Central and Jackson Since the children are .the hope of the Church, the State and the Nation, if wo are to maintain our reputation as a Christian Nation, we must bring our children up under Chiistjian influ ence and training. This will'be found only in the Sunday School. . So come and bring the children. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 p. m. Subject of morning service, God's Picture ot a Sanctified Heart. Evangelistic services In the evening. Well, come! We'll come! .Welcome. C. M. King, Pastor. First M. E. Church Jan. 28, 1923 Morning Anthem, "The Heavens Aro Declar ing," Ilootuoven-Uuck Soloist Mrs. Bliton Soprano Solo, "Tho Holy City" Adams MrB. Nichols Evening Anlliem, "Lord God of Hosts," ..Witty Soloist, Mrs. Sasncttv Quartette, "Sweet la Thy Mercy".... Bnmby-.Ncvin Messrs. Meeker, MncDonough, Dlehl,' Vroman Uliss Matte Vroman, pianist. Mr. Bernard Roberts, organist. . MrB. Joy Jordan-MacDonougli, dl rector. Salvation Army 320 E. Main St. Captain and Mrs. C. Gord, officers in charge Phone 35G Rov. Lawrence, pastor of the Pres- bvterian Church of Medford will speak at tho Salvation Army hall, 320 E. Main street, Saturday evening, o p. in. Rev. Lawrence will speak on theme of great concern to evory one in Medford. All aro welcome and urged to attend this special service, Sunday Services 11 a. m. Holiness Service. 2 p. m. Sunday School, .85 per cent last Sunday. 6:15 p. m. Young people's legion. 8 p. m. Sunday evening service. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Jan. 28: Truth 8unday School at 9:45. Applicants under the age ot twenty may be ad mitted. Wednesday " Evenfhg Meetings, which Include testimonies of Christian Science healings, at 7:46, i The Reading Room, which is In the Medford Rldg., is open tlaily from 1 to 5, except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science litera ture may he read, borrowed or pur chased. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the Read ing Room. Presbyterian Church , Corner Main and Holly Rev. E. P. Lawrence, 25 S. Orange :45 a. m. Bible School. Well grad pi nml organized clashes and depart- mollis. Study the Bible with us. Carl J. Brominer, superintendent. 11 a. m. .Morning worship, "Strong Desire in Prayer." There will bo a presentation by posters of tho wide spreading work ot tho Presbyterian church in America. Tho mule quar tet will sing an urrnugmneiit of tho Twenty-third Psalm Uy Herbet John son. 7:30 p. in. Storeopticon lecturo on tho Home Mission Task of tho Pres byterian church. Music by the mixed sextet. Prayer Meeting Wednesday night 7:30 p. in. Intormediato Kndoavor 6:30 p. ni. Plans for reorganization will bo dis cussed. Leader Ruth McDowell. First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Bartlctt J. Randolph' Sasnett. Pastor Ortlco 21 OFIrst National Bank Bids. Phono 9(i8. Roc. 27 X. Orange Bible school 9:43. An efficient school of religious education. Prof. N. H. Franklin. Supt. Morning worship 11 a. in. Sermon, "The Law of the Spirit of Life." Epworth Iyoogucs. Junior 5:30; Senior, 0:30, Miss Goargla Williams, loader. Evening worship, 7:30. Sermon, "Tho Element of Choice In Salvation." Homo coming of tho Ladles' Aid Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 30. MisB Fein Dailcy will speak on her trip to the Hawaiian Islauds. Church Night Wednesday. Supper 0:30; Church Family Altar service, 7:15; Forum and Story Hour, 7:45; Screen pictures of "Early Days in Oregon," 8:15. Revival Fob. 25-March 10. Mombors nro roquestcd to keep theso dates clear. , First Baptist Church "The Friendly Church ; (N. Central nnd Sth St.) 9:45 a. m. Bible school with good teachors. ! 11 a. m. "Pleading for a Rovlval." Violin solo, "The Dream" by Wagnor, Prof. Carlton Janes. Soprano solo, "Faith" with violin obligato, Mrs. Lor raine Harrison Scott. 6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermediate B. Y. P. U. Attendance growing. 7:30 p. m. Monthly Sacret Concert. The last one was pronounced one of the best See the excellent program elsewhere and plan to be present nnd njoy an evening of good music Short talk on "What Must One Do to Be Saved." Wednesday 7:30 p, m. Midweek prayer service. Come and enjoy tills meeting for prayer and conference. T Thursday 7:30 p. m. Choir rolmnrsni. "Take one day a week to look up and get your bearings." The First Baptist church invites you to join its Friendly Peoplo Sunday. Frederick F. Leach, pastor. S. M. Scott, choir director. The music Sunday at the First Bap tist church will be unusually attrac tive and of such a character that it will doubtless be heard by large audi ences. The church features tho bet ter things in church music nnd the people of the city appreciate the work done by the choir of that church. The musical program for Sunday is as fol lows: Morning Service, 11 a. ni. Violin boIo, "Tno Dream" Wagner Prof. Carlton Janes Soprano solo, "Faith" with violin obligato Mrs. Lorraino Harrison Scott Sacred Concert, 7:30 p. ni. Hymn, "Stand Up for Josus" .. Congregation Anthem, "O Lord Most Holy" Francli String Quartet (A) "Villager's Song" .'. Nevln (B) "Femanto" .... Moszkowski Messrs. Janes, Root, Scott, Miss Campbell Scripture Lesson. Anthem, "There is a Heaven of Per fect Peace" .'. Broome Soprano Solo, "Praiso the Yord, My Soul" Holden Mrs. Scott Prnyer with prayer hymn, "Saviour Breathe nn Evening Blessing" String Quartott, 'Lost Spring"....Grolg Messrs. Janes, Root, Scott, Miss Campbell Ladies Quartott, "Now the Day Is Over" .. Hlpshor Madams Merriman, Leach Ditto more, Neff Offeratory and Announcements. Talk, "What Ono Must Do to Bo Saved" Rev. F. R, Leach Anthem, "O Lord the Lord" Knox The string quartett will accompany tho piano in all the anthems. The public are cordially invited. ELKS, ATTENTION Every Elk belonging to 1168 within 100 miles of Medford will be expected to be at the meeting next Thursday night which is past exalted rulers night and also roll call night. A pro gram which will be full of entertain ment from start to finish has been ar ranged tor and any Elk who misses it will miss one of the fine functions of the season. The line-up of past ex alted rulers for the work that evening Is as follows: Exalted Ruler, Gus Newbury. Esteemed Leading Knight W. H. McGowan. : Esteemed Royal Knight, J. J. Uucli tcr. Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Geo. T. Collins, Esquire, Jerry Jerome. Chaplain, C. E. Gates. Inner Guard, T. K. Daniels. Outer Guard, L. B. llasklns. 2C2 With Medford traflo Is Medford made, Church Music COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued from Thursduy) lloail Fluid Stale of Ore. Highway Com mission, construction Ash land overhead crossing. .. $8S1S. 00 Stato of Ore. Highway Com mission, const ruction Tolo overhead crossing O.IOI.J Total $15,323.41) IUmkI District No. I Jack True, payroll dilstricl No. I Chester Anplcgiilo, expense district No. 1 F. E. Sonion, cxpenso dis trict No. 1 i... Jack True, expense district No. 1 Total ; Bond District No. u Wm. Bruin, payroll district No. 2 t 437.70 J. llnrtmnu, contract dis trict No. 2 2385.00 Total 12822.70 rtojid District No. Wm. Perry, payroll district No. 3 517.23 IlonU District No. t W. M. Tetherow. payroll dls tlict No. 4 541.12 ' Itond District No. .1 F. J. Watson, payroll district No. 5 130.7) Medford Concrete Const. Co., cxpenso district No. 5 17.60 Total $154.35 Itond District No. 0 W. L.1 Van Houten. payroll Market district No. 6 $ 019.59 John Welch, payroll district i No. 6 082. 38 . Total : $1031.97 Roml District No. T J. M. Allen, payroll district No. 7 $ 121. SO C. Frniik Rhodes, contract Market No. 7 5575.17 Bishop & Thomas, contract Markot No. 7 501.15 Win. Corwlu, expenso Mar ket No. 7 148.50 Chanslor & Lyon, cxponso Market No. 7 440.00 Huch Joues, cxpenso Markot No. 7 109.00 J. A. West, expense district No. 7 19.20 Medford Concrete Construe. tion Co., Market No. 7.... 316.S0 Total $7351.74 Bond District Xo. 8 II. L. Gregory, payroll dis trict No. S $ 220.00 Bishop & Thomas, cxpenso district No. 8 989.56 Total $1209.56 Itond District Xo. 0 R. B. Vincent, payroll dis trict No. 9 i. i 831.85 R. B. Vincent. exDcnso dls- , trict No. 9 42.50 Total : $871.35 Itoad IMstrlct No. 10 A. T. Goodman, navroll dis trict No. 10 $ 218.85 A. L. Goodman, nayroll Mais ket No. 10 207.25 Rico & Smith, contract M,urv - ket No. 10 1500.00 Total' 926.10 ' Road District No. 11 . ChaR. Magerle, payroll dis trict No. 11 $ fiSCS." Bona District No. 12 W. L. Van Houten, payroll ' district No. 12 1001.01 (ieneiai Itontlx Jack Thrasher, payroll gen eral roads $ 4 IS. 50 Marvin Abbott, labor, gen eral roads 1 2G 00 Associated Oil Co., general road expenso GO. 37 J. W. Burbldgo, labor, gen eral roods 145.00 Elmer Bortolson, labor, general roads J. R. Coffninn, labor, gen eral roads Sherman Davis, labor, gen eral roads Goo. Dassault, lubor, gen eral roads 103.50 53.3S 135.00 103.fi0 Nathan Ciresham, labor, gen eral roads ".00 Hubbard Bros, genornl road expense 7j.3C W. A. Johnston, labor, gen eral roads 31.50 Kelly-Sprlugtlold Truck Co., General road oxponso 195. Ou Pr. Lincoln Kallen, general road expense SO "0 Elmer Morse, labor, general roads 127,u0 Flovd McKoe, labor, goucral roads .117.00 Medford Furniture & Hard ware Co., general rood ex pense 15-" ' Leon Offcnbacher, labor, general roads 7.45 Oregon Stato Highway Com mission, general road ex penso 2t" People's Electric Store, gen eral road expenso 3.15 Thos. Roseborry, labor, gen-, eral roads - 178.50 Wm. Ray, labor, general roads H.35 Matthew Ray, labor, general roads 8M0 Paul B. Rynning, general road expense , 30.32 Roily lllnabargor, labor, gen-, eral roads 121.50 Eurl Reynolds, labor, genoral roads ' 108.00 Thos. Roseborry, general . road expenso 3.0 J. E. Stokes, labor, genorul roads -- 9-20 Arthur Shaffer, general rood expense - 27.00 Arthur Shaffer, labor, gen eral road expenso , 102.00 Sholl Oil Company, general road expense 405.88 Union Oil Company, general road expense 381.12 Mike Van Houten, labor," gen eral voads 114.75 Elwln Vroman, labor, general roads 108.00 Billings Car & Auto Works, general road expense 12,0i Crater Lake Automotive Shop general road expense 3.70 Chanslor & Lyon, general road expenso 69.80 Fred J. Kick, general road expense 2.50 C, E. Gntes Anto Co., general roal expenso 6.50 Hlttson Motors, general road expense !li!m 49.;.0 S.On 1G.60 . 12.00 $80.10 Medford Iron Works, general road expense 43.71 Medford Servico Station, gen oral road expense 120.80 Tomlln Box Company, gen eral road cxenso 39.00 Willamottu Equipment Co., general rond expense 101.27 souiiK's Muchino Shop, gen eral roau expense iiu. iu Total :. ..$ 407S.13' Ashland-Klamath Falls Road State of Ore. Highway Comm. payment Asliland-Klauuith Fulls road $ 7000.00 Medford-Crater Lake Road W. F. Smith, Crater l.nku highway expense 0.00 Blue Ledge Road A. L. Goodman, payroll, Bluo Ledge road 2So.5ij Cal. Ore. Power Co., expenso , limn Ledge road 6S7.41 J. W. Opp, expense 'Bluo lxdgo rond 372.75 Valley Fuel Company, ex pense Bluo Ledgo road 127.05 Total Bounty ..$ 1472.70 .$ 3.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 4.00 1S.00 3,00 4.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 20.00 4.00 3.00 .. v 2.00 Jesso Wilson Oscar Hansen H. E. Peyton Paul E. Pearco jack A. Crump Chester C. Kubll Glen Hurst Clyde It. Smith John II. Heckner Roy Cameron Paul Young F. S. Miller M. M. Mow .1. A. Cottan D. B. Wulch M. Molds Anton Ring C. H. Dunnington Oliver Oalncs V. L. Valentin Total $ 110.00 CI1AUNCEY FIXJREY, County Clerk. l-hx Qnsllty J twtlry Bplrtnir. jiuunonu mTing, wntoi Bepftlxlntf. Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. Hail us your wants MARTIN 3. EEDDV MXX)COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKXX000 DANCE MURPHY TONIGHT BIG HALL CROWD TIME COME ALL NIGHT Where Everyone Goes for a Good Time 7 Miles From Grants Pass Admission $1.10 8 OOOOOOOOOOCXiOOOOOCCKSCraOOOOOCiOOOOOOOCCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOC, TAKE HOME A LOAF OF Peerless Bakery BUTTER-NUT Bread The whole family will enjoy it. It' pure, nutritious and has a delicious taste. At Your Grocer - " ; . FUNERAL SERVICE , ' .11. - M ! Including every attention Unit can cumc from tho hands of u Funerul Director. ! 1: Removing remains to parlors, use of chapel, Funeral servico and ull other service (except em balming) rendered without charge. Our show rooms ore stocked with the best money" can purchase, and at prices positively guaranteed satisfactory to all. . CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Siircesior to Weeks-Connor Co. ulilmiillli!liiBililB NEW - 'i BUFFET LUNCH IS NOW OPEN " in Brown"& Brown's , Something Different' ih' the Catering Line A House of Personal Service. Open from 11 a. m. to midnight. H. B. AD KINS, Prop. Cor. Main and Front Sts. TO We will make your old Suits and Overcoats last till Spring. Try us. WE ARE SPIEtJ UNLESS YOU ARE' Supper 35c " ' - - - - , I wr.T W t W c r. v l