PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL'- TRTBUXE, : BEDFORD. . ORK .ON', s ATTIfDAY. .TAXl'AliY Focal and Personal According lu i;tk-al css!v. tft inner - circles of both i-artie ar alurhtly peitu.-bed i.ver vhf w-1! on ie tiMb and gn.e cimaissin rur: outkr Oreton. tb a?sitioa ',nr honorary. A. I H.II and ho; Iav have b-en menUon! by ruo.or as c5- ' dkiau-i. or ratber pouiMii9Hi f(r the job, and after the pirt.:r,en s banqijet ; here, February J. ai wtlch ;-veror Pierce will be the iruest of h'.nur. :n terra expwte1 to !ncrea Rain which ataried during the nitilit and continued lodar fell to the amount of .OK of an Inch by S o'clock this morning. I tain it the prediction for Sunday. Iance. Jukron Hot Sprine. Sit. Sr f'hfropodjr. i'hone 5;-J. ;7; Tom Kay of Omaha, a wrestler. vH known In this city, js nnw director of th ' Bty Athletic club at Marth fieM. and will meet Ted Thye. Mon day. February 10. Thye atrrees to tnrow Kay twice in S0 minutea. Voa ctn rt it at DeVoe'a. tf' Paul Wright, 'foreman of the t.okl Hill Hearer cement plant, wa in Med ford this morning on business. Soraetninit yooll never regret. WHATT A trip to 'Murphy. 7 miles from Grants Pass to the largest and test floor you've danced on in a ions time. All Bifhu Come and have a good time. fc'bo sale Ii and 17 dress and work shoes. 15. Old Reliable Shoe Shop. T X. Fir. The second rehearsal for the com ins annual E!ks minstrel held at the Elks Tenrple A number of new feat'iret ence are promised. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone !. 7! i E- Main. . For Sale 10.000 acres or land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock FEB. 2 the title of -While Satan Sleeps.'- the attraction at the Pase the- h closes toni'-tit. Holt has an unusual role in this production, vastly different ironi the ode that he has been playing. In this he is a fightins parson. OBITUARY The prosram for the Y. W. C. A. r.nual meeting and banquet Friday. ranches, orchards and tixberUad some irrigated: also minim nrnriertv ' re'Tuary -nd. follows: The members ol the Medford bas-iAll crODerty must and will be sc-Id at. !"evotion. sirl reserves. ketball team enioved a treat !ai . Enm r.Hf, c.. i . ... . r.. . . So!n Mr v.imiMHai night at Crowson's confectionery. The 'acre. 5 tn lft vA t v xi; ! !elj TVlM.'a . . v a-".i 1 , . , tun uuuui wi me irra w uie leau. t ooia nay Keaity co owners. 15 Far- t ,,c , Dfcnce? Orw-ntiil Ballroom! Sat. j ers and Fruit growprs hank. Phone ils Ce:xruJe Jlooih. W. jM. Uj sertarr of tb rferri-j'flBl- - ' ' I sociatioa. spent vestenlav on business -Sin Flood" Closes Rialta ' The Sin Flood" one of the most powerful pictures of the day. is at the Rialto Theater where it closes tonight. It has Helene Chad wick. Richard Dir. James Kirkwood, Will Walling. Ralph Lewis and other good players ill the cast. 4 ior san rrancisco tiie i i:n,t i.. "ry :n . pas-enger car itween the two cities in his Ford wonld like three or femr passengers. cou'e CU 5I dnriiig dar A' kin,j, of aad drefMd llim. jira. uwrs? a. i.ooQiny wiM leave : . this evening for Salem to in l.er bus- i oana ,wno is uie new chief dernny m the sute insurance commissi: ner - ? . , ! wan basinets visitor in the citv fil 1 teres no place like Holmes for in-,. r Wallace Wood, phone IfrS, 71! Main. Milk and cream at DeVoe's tfa J. X. Neighbors of Watkins. Orezn, complete Insurance servKe. lance. Ja k-n Hot Spring. Sat. 1";.' J. B. Csrey, former manager of thf Acme Orchard company at White Sal mon. Wash, and for the iiast year representative of the Dan V.'uilJe Fruit company at Medford. Or., who was re ported in dispatches to be suffering fro msbell shock in a hospital at Med ford. Or.. Is a brother of Iidy ;;nu of London. England, according to Mrs A. W. Nicholson. 505 College street. Mr. Carey has frequently rinited In Portland with the -Nicholsons since oming to the northwest. During the war Carey went overseas with a Har vard university ambulance corps. He was gassed, shell shocked and lost his voice for a time. Mrs. Nicholson said that Mr. Carey belonged to the Jersey Isle family of Careys. Port land Oregonian. Hemstitching at Deuel's. 207 For Diamond coal bricketts. phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. Miss Crayce Telcb, the home-demonstration agent, attended the meet ing yesterday at Itogtie River of the t.lvic Improvement dub which she found to be a live wire organization of women of that section. The Cheney phonograph plays all makes or records. Sold at Palmer Piano House. Come In and listen to it 2C7 Take your kodak films to Palmer's stndlo. First class work and prompt service. tf Attention Is di'eeted to the program printed elsewhere for the sacred con cert to be given Sunday evening at xthe First Ilaptlst church at 7:30 o'clock. The program Inst month was greatly enjoyed and the one this month promises to be of equal worth. The string quartet recently formed Plavs at every monthly concert. They will hare Several numbers Sumluy evening. " Auto Insurance. lironn & White. Mr. and Mrs. John G Mnnrf have re turned from a month's visit with rela tive In southern California'. Have your cylinders rcboreil on a high grade, accurate boring mill. T.hc Btorm upright boring mill Is the heaviest and most expensive mill made forrebore work. All work guar anteed and jirlces right. Riverside (inrage. 2iKtf Dance, Eagle Point. Hot. nlte. 2C7 Anna G. (illmore, wlfo of Judge O. H. Ollmore, of Rogue River, died Wed nesday at Bnlcm. Judge (illmore went to that city and made arrangements tn send the body to Marengo, III., for burial in the family lot. Grunts Pass Courier. ' t Dance, Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 26 Hemstitching and plcotlng, silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main anl Hartlett. The Vanity Shop; tf George Wlckes of Trail was a husi ness visitor in the city Friday after noon. For Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, llrunswlck, Columbia, Pnthe & Sonorn phonographs and records at reduced prices. MubIc Shop, IS N. Grape street, next to Fanners Fruitgrowers Hank Phone 4B6-J. tf DEAR FOLKS: IOls of "doings" this week. Our Iagua team boat the Chris. Ch team Mon. Our boys showed Rcod ccach'ng, thanks to Dwlght. I' know. Eddy Durno lives with Dwlght, and Eddy's coachahlllty Is catching. Now If Eddy will como to League wilh Dwlght we'll know that Dwlght's I.caguclsm Is contagious. Tucs: evo norne ol the Griffin rees ioihs cumo to the parsonage for a social evening. They're a fine let and nil good church members. Cnmn again, Dnrbys Mlnnears Howells KIsks. and all the rest And It'll always an inspiration to seel'-all at Ch. Church Night, Wod. It was a Mr "feed" the Prlscllla Clrrlo served up. They got fifteen rails! from the young people. Young Married People's Club Thurt. m Mrs. Nordwick's. All hod a gnod time lit Rook, Itnok rhymes with f rook but there are no Crooks In that Hiim h. , If Will llrmiks will only Win h Choir regularly ,lint Hint's another story. I'rl. nlghl Rent's silver wedding mini. They dressed up In their wed ding logs, and the lirlil wus CHARM IN(J, nnd the groom wns embar rassed, doing Dm blushing for the bride, but looked triumphant just the same. II wns a most delightful evening for t ho guests of the occa sion. I'll say for nil the church that we hope they'll celebriito their Hidd en anniversary. Mill thin Is getting ton sparer. I'll aoo you at Church tomorrow. Yours, etc. ; Tauter, M. Ii. Church. ince. Kagie Point. Sat. nite. i'77' When better automobiles are built. Hoick will build there. tf Charles Huff, postmaster at Copper. Calif., is spending the week end in the city attending to business matters and visiting friends. Oriental Ballroom! Tonight! Al ford's orchestra. 21-' Cone's own book on "Self Master' by Auto Sugegstion," 50c-f.S. Med ford Hook Store. 22 Frank Quartz and Will Payne from near Medford were guests for a couple of days this past week of Mr. and Mrs. Van Fossen and family of Oak Bar. Yreka Journal. Dance, Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 2 "ih-Jongg at Swem's Studio. 2GI The state senate yesterday by un animous vote, adopted the Clark reso lution which would provide a literacy test as ,i qualification for suffrage. The measure Involves a constitutional amendment and If passed by the house will -go before the voters for action at the general election in 1921. A com panion bill which covers the proposed test in detail requires that before a voter can be qualified he or Bhe must pass a test In reading and wrltng. Auto Insurance, Urown tc White. Tonight! Alford's orchestra in Ori ental Hallrooin. 2G2 The sale of home baked pastry' and homo made candy held today by the Parent-Teacher association of the high school at the Warner, Wortman & (lore grocery was very well patron Ized. . . Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat ed, full line. Write today, Grants Pass Nursery, Grants Pass, Oregon. 270 Everybody can't go to Paris but everybody can go tc Murphy where the crowds go. 7 miles from Grants Pass. Come.- j 1 j 22 The fall of rnln today put a crimp in tlm usual large Saturday crowd In Medrord from the rural districts.; Dunce, Kaglo Point, Sat. nlte. 20 Miss Florence Graves and Ida Wood piano teachers. Studio 420 S. Ivy St. Phone iiJCW- . 2CS A feature of .today's good publi market was tho sale of home made smoked sausage from Persist. 47 miles from Medford, wltlch was very. much in demand. There was also a large quantity of other home made sausage, meats, chickens and produce. Closing out all our. farm machinery, several good buys. . Patton & Kobin son. Inc. tf r.vcrybody can't go to Parris but everybody cun go to- Murphy where the crowds go. 7 miles from Grants Pass. Come. j 262' The male quartet last Sabbath at tho PreBbyterian church was a strong addition to the Inspirational and de votional part of the service. They will sing aguin at the service tomor row, using an arrangement of the Twenty-third Psalm by Herbert John son. "Strong Deslde as an Essentlui In Prayer" will be the subject of the morning message by the pastor. In the evening, the Home Mission Task of the Presbyterian church tu America will he further presented thru stere- opticon slides. Wo have good values In used cars. Ration & Robinson, Inc. tf Good bicycle for sale. Armory Serv ice station. 261 Tho usual largo delegation of local Elks Is exiweted to attend the smoker of tho Ashland lodge of Elks tonight. making tho trip by auto from the templo. Oriental Diillroom! Sat. night danco! 202 Over sn.000 peoplo viewed the mas terpiece "Never Alone," during Its ex hibition In Portland. Now on display at Medford Center Stpre. Admission to exhibit ten cents. 2115 C. J. Ravennr, who enmo hero lust week with Ills funilly from Curry coun ty, has purchased tho Cuthnlic par soiingo from the county, through Judgt' Gurdnnr. Tho property has been oc cupied for some tlmn by Charley Her wert and fnnilly. Jacksonvlllo Post. ov is me time to nprny roses. shrubbery, fruit trees. Phone I'M! Green & Dixon. lM" Murphy. Where? 7 miles from Grants Pass. Tho biggest hall In Josephine County. Where dancing Is a pleasure. Snt.. Jnn. 27. All night Stnrtlng nt 9 till 3. 2i'.2 Miss Alice llunley returned this morning from a several days' visit In Portland. After tho fire it Is too lute to In sure. Seo Redden & Cnnailnv now 2.Htf Oriental llallmnm! Sat. night ilance! 21J At tho Fruit Growers lengno meet ing this afternoon at the public library the main sKnkers were- M. A. Ynthers and K. It. Viinleeuwen. government en iMiimloKlsts, on thn coining ninth, nnd tho annual election of directors for thn ensuing year was held. Mali Jongg at Swem's Studio. Ifi tlmn. All night. Come and hnvo u good time. 2ii:' Oriental llullroom! Sat. night dance! A good entertainment will be prv nueu mu eais win not ue overlooked. B.Lit Bring the family and enjoy the eve ! 35 1 f A ning. The latch string is on the out- J&S? side. Committee. 2;3 I Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shef- r 1 1, 1 ,) - Cl.jMHA in : . : , v.ui4sv, in., wiiiju Juur!h:s best auu nuuivsit Clean. 1 Ull will receive in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; i Foley Kidney Pills for tains in sides! and back; rheumatism, backache, kid-; ney and bladder aliments; and Foley; Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con-! stipatlon, biliousness, headaches, and j sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. .' Adv.- 4 Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for their kindness dlirtni? nur nnnACG nnd death of our dear son and brother and j also the W. O. w. and tor the beau tiful floral offering. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ingrem. Ermel Ingrem. 2iiJ niffht. A good home for a lady, middle aped. 1 vonr own boss. I will be gjne part of time, have It) chickens to look after, no family. Write , for particu-,' 01 ld friends and neighbors lars. 11M East J street. Grants Pass, Oregon. .162 Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Sat night. 22 G rover Coram returned last night from his homestead near Butte Falls and will spend several days in town before bis return. 'ah-Jingg at Kwem's Studio. 2;4 If your watch don't run after w have repaired it bring it back and we will make good. Medford Canter De partment Store. 265 Something you'll never regret. WHAT? A trip to Murphy. 7 miles from Grants Pass to the largest and best floor you've danced on In a long time. All night. Come and have a good time. , 262' James Owenby of San Francisco Is visiting his daughter. Mrs. H. T. Find lay and family for an indefinite period. Former chief of police Timothy says that Walla Walla with its blooming plum trees and budding peaches has nothing on Medford. He states thai the pussy willows along Hear Creek are budding and that for the past week he has been picking violets in his own yard. The violets are In pro fusion and he states that he can pick a large bunch any day in the week. They are also of exceptionally delicate fragrance, according to the former chief. For Sale. Real bargain in good used Brunswick Phonograph with CO rec ords. See Launspach at Weeks Orr. 203 lgal Reserve Old Line Life Insur ance company desires to make gen eral agency connection in Southern Oregon. Previous experience not nec essary. Only men with fair intelli gence anod good character can be con sidered. This company sell life, health and accident Insurance. Ad dress 409-13 .Northwestern Bank Build ing, Portland, Oregon. 204 Drive an Overland and realize the difference. Busy Corner Motor. 262' Mrs. George Llndley and small daughter who have been here from their .Medford home visiting ior the week with G. H. Llndley, vice presi dent of the American National bank, left this morning on their return to Medford. Klamath Falls Herald, " Bring us your watch repairing and get It the next day. Medford Center Jewelry Shop. , . 265 ' Home made Chicken,' Tomalies. 145 X Front, Phone 828-Y. 262 . Hemstitching, plcotlng, beeding and embroidering neatly done at Singer Store. 10 8. Fir St. 262 The members of the Salem basket ball team who, during their stay here, have been guests at the Hotel Hol land, will be quartered there until they Jeave "for home tomorrow morning. The Salem five meets the. Ashland five in the Ashland high school gym. tonight.' Wall maps of Jackson county, print ed on good linen paper, tinned at top and bottom for sale at this office. They show cities, rivers, roads, moun tains, location of property by section township and range, and give lots of other Information. Every family should have one. tf Merchandise shoot, one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday. Jan. 28th. 2C2 16.50 motor driven horns at the Electric Shop. The program broadcast from radio station K. F. A. Y. at the fair grounds last night was a well varied and ex ceedingly entertaining one according to funs who were unlucky enough to have missed the basketball game at the Nat. last night. Hot tamales and chill con earns at Do Voe's. tf This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the iHioKKeeping macninos. uon t give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 Main. 46-J. , Paseant showing !i,al work Emily Mrs. S. A. Cantra'.l celei-rateJ her . frown, aisxiatioii spirit: Aileen Mor 7th birthday Saturday, 20th. and in i ''O'l. bigh school girl: Vivian Coss. the afternoon entertained a number i rade school girl: Murjorie Sleyers. Jack- j business sirl; President Y. W. C. A.: sonvllle Post. General Secretary Y. W. C. A. Dance! Oriental Ballroom' Sat. j Business Meeting Treasurer's re night. . t;2 port: election of new board members. Knights of' Pythias and Prtbian j ' . o:. . . .1- ': oiniers ion are expected at trie Castle Hall Monday evening. Jan. 2ft h. "Pink Gods," Rialto Bebe Daniels in a new Paramount picture. "Pink Gods." is the chief at traction of the new bill at the Rialto Theater tomorrow. As Lorraine Tem ple, who cannot resist the mysterious fascination of precious jewels and in consequence is entangled in a series i i 0r-JTA.I i 1 $.e. y of complicated adventures and threat jening situations. James Kirkuood in sides a host of friends, one daughter, KENNY William C. Kenny died ill San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 23, 1923, at tee iy;e of 05 years, 10 months and 2 days. William Green Kenny was born in Jacksonville. Ore., March 23, 1S57. For many years he was marshal and sexton of Jackson ville. His grandmother was a grand daughter of Daniel Boone of Ken tucky. Mr. Kenny's mother was Mrs. Elizabeth T. Vault. With bis grandmother and grandfather be crossed the plains from Evansville, Ind , in Later his mother was elected honorary president of the Ore gon Historical Pioneers association. His father, Daniel M. Kenney with his grandfather came to California by way of Panama in 1S52. He leaves to mourn his loss, be- , the role of the African diamond lner- 'chant, plays opposite Miss Daniels. ; Others in the cast are Anna Q. Ni's , son. Raymond Hattcn. Adolphe .Men ijou. Guy Oliver and Arthur Trimble. I The Rialto in addition is presenting i "High Power" a new comedy, an ln i ternational News and Alice Jay at the , organ. i ing in some splendid pictures. Easily ! LAUSANNE Failure of the Near t ii Peter Kyne's story "The East conference is certain. Riza Nur, Parson orParrrmint" presented under Turkish delegate, nredicted. Closes Page Tonight Of late Jack Holt has been appear- Mrs. Ballard of Boston, Mass. Funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home Sunday, Jan uary 2S. 2:0. Interment, Jackson ville cemetery. WASHINGTON President Hard ing expressed confidence that there will be an agreement with the British government lor the refunding of its war debt. With Medford trade is Medford mndfl. Notice to Beainners. Beginning classes in the 1st grade will be started Monday, January 29th. at Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt Schools. Children may be entered In these classes who are now six or will be six years of age by May 1st. Should these become too heavy, we will send away the youngest entrants or those appearing least able to carry the work. All pupils entering these classes, should enter preferably on the opening day. In no event will they be accepted entering after TMonday, February 12th. Such children as are ! In .the Jackson section may enter the : beginning classes either at Washing- j ton or Lincoln School. ...... i (Signed) AUBREY G. SMITH, 262 Superintendent. Musical Concert Sunday Evening 7:30 P.M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Selections By 11 -Piece Orchestra Mrs. Harry Scougall, Vocal Soloist , Male Quartette Two Special Numbers Mrs. Shockley, Cornet Soloist "BOB" Edwards, Artistic Piano Sketches i Mixed Quartette EVERYBODY INVITED 1 I . Jf ie-S rt ' A ft V S m H0rmk iHUXV ,V:3 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Any one desiring my serv ices for spring grafting should ar range Rame now. Consult me nlut tho scions. Chns. W. Austin, Phone 63S-L. 207 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. US s. Holly. 23' FOR SALE SACRIFICE The Gib bon ranch of 2un acres located one mile smith of Agate, about BO acres cleared for cultivation, balance in brush nnd somo good timber: house, well, barn, etc. Will sell nt a sac rifice on very easy terms and low Interest, or will divide and sell in small trims. Also have house nnd two lots on corner In Central Point, outbuild Inss, fence, water, electric lights, in sldo flush toilet, sewer connection, etc. This proiierty very cheap, pay ments like rent If desired, with small imyment down. For further information regarding the above properties see, phnne or write Dr. Winger, 1 1 nil ii nil Hotel. Mfdfurrl. Ore ; Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng So per yard. Bottom cortrtl, if COMING TO MEDFORD Tomorrow FOR LIMITED STAY DR. JACK SPECIALIST Dr. Jack visits professionally the more im portant towns and cities and over 1,000,000 have already become his patients in the State of Oregon. Dr. Jack is a fact! Not a Quack! He has to ' his credit wonderful results in all diseases. DOES NOT OPERATE WILL BE AT THE Today, continuous Shows JACK HOLT'S Very Best Picture PETER B.' KYNE'S famous masterpiece "THE PARSON OF PANAMINT" Presented under the title "WHILE SATAN SLEEPS' It "Brings a heart throb ... a laugh . . . gives the feeling of having gotten your money's worth, plus even the war tax. That's a regular movie." Don't Miss It. GESgg Office Hours 12:30 to 1 1 :00 P. M." Remember above date and that consultation - , is inexpensive, adults 50c; children 21 " that his treatments are different. 3C