. -1 men nniTT ItZZiTOTlT MAIL TTYL-r!. MT.TFO!iS. OKTdS. TTilTiAT.' .TaWaRV 5. V TO INCREASE ELKS ROLL GALL ; - tiaii4 ICbus ciars. itftjs j aus us -nuc airjiur.-; "r Srun. 11 lulMjtlrf ia HmG ountulu-M- ,4UM!T.! l.i i. lu. " uuntrviJ r.e: TI mi Sers true wvr li knurr-iu w i t kiiuninl t! French lmmii in laM-raAOOftiJ railway trains hvii xnxjt.lly t0'ji4 ctcim tb Ruhr v-fti. Jy arr bMfie re-r.ut4 br wy tf tin-s-a ft&d Elb-rf-ld. Fr-ach rr.j. Sut trtla rri imurit h!!u Wtl nv to lrlM; suip ft,r ih' f Irt9 N :irEiti OfitditjCili. k -liC t -t-tr-7t.-.d. wit T TiMT StlfHstZil i IC-KfcC-.? ill- FRUiT PROnTS BY i THURSDAY, FEB. 1, Jti.6 a-Kr. jn, Ikt i-tir. 3- fc ti.ut'Uijr-i ti Gf-rrr.iiTi eruj-itr .-rfrw Tm LiI, ln art riot moixe inurn 5100,000 PER YEAR Ow til lb fury 4t wbtin tie i-diorc iljjj lodge o't- mm Jim mi.e Ea-r g " Ti Jin)-. Jnm, ti fruit ii-cak- '" " rtlJ to buirf F t it to lm.tJd tiwuu.fi SU S: 17 -- oT J j It." utitiuij vr ir-v-fTij ctii-wLd. . .ft ite ort-ii. J: a t Not " " - f man tiH tin is, call urassiun to i"4- 1 MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE; NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S "SI twr b'a to f.c urt Aiao it J will be lbe.tmsi trl; of ttt, U,k-.(ru g to m.i ttt Tivrti,r ia I 1.171 ir ti T Jar. iiw vs t i ll iMifc. CmM:rTfciii J-ri-T I'AU Jill kUM LI l4uT" SlUTfl tli&S ii-.r aii. Ti.M ;tit 1m eta li- cia, laiit'tw ta.i-rifciijws.t rSOUIH ZONE TEACHERS TO MEET AT TALEKTi rriiiriEj. 1i tilt Jlar pjtllt Lumrr. Kf T-cuivrc ufi iir. Vu 1iiv-b ci ti" T Ii rro lb nutsiu tiir fiw in' orlt ti Lie iiK-vrr avd v.Kt a.rbtC of mlj-alii.4 lit x Lar t tlvr a.UJ 4. 5 b M.&dic LLia m btI. axd tKVi4 tt ttift urlr of jTi-tt cm Stniy. tt JTta. at 1 Ctia IsiMirt u TLAf.hsA of ouiMrtIl- a. m.. Bid fok eas Irr lis Tai Issitr of btsuinc tun u Uuair : Urx, titr m Ul be ocbooa !na J Sji ori Lf t cuffi'u4, ul c F- a.wciaika. iK-wli -sJ. fit rxirj- Jflt, uy 121 li.r M earrj o I lyrlirUioe dsb work, auj eucuirUxi j i I ttSii wrk im trit VjSm. ktJw. of tlx? Uoj.ixrm' r&.ix tit-'& . Tiri Bt-l:i! wi33 1 oM !s n-c boou. C:l4na' laorriar"i jcifiioa wl'.Jb ti iiimi istucg of a&d PHr.mi'i "snofi:l Teaetii.? ! a FrH Ortw-r Imtfv. Xaiura is Earal Scbocia. Tfcia ti. wor-j of -rr rital lBorutu to tb fruit 4 lt pr eat is audae at J'.(; oSiKry wtJI b icUi-4. ETry Xorratxr KuwUtg. ttd fall au4-j rrcsrr abc trrtrj isaa wbo tu sjit- tftce ia WM tomorrow, la (pit tilt to 4a wjit mynrK tl14 be of mn437 cotsotrr rokti. zai Jvn Ur, F. C. EE3KEK. 'dSftanoei to mrl. SPECIAL MUSIC AT ' An are ortinUrlf taTited to the $116,787,000 PROFITS TEXAS OIL COMPANY WASHINGTON-. Jan. Si Par- i-kwcsu ura rr-j w i d-uu- ttlJ, rrxMM imparl -r. on of the UranR Bpecial buic and a tvbjttt of ; n(Ja(Jnt oil rorpraUvna of tb rul bsiriaec ax 11 a. ta. Brief roontrr. bare anvoenu to - 1 1 K. wfcatrraace in the rrMilus at C:i aal 7IT. dt the eorrianr'f orrarJ-T-W of "Cbriatian Y.otevrt lixj.- the 1 "n In l. Anvw I ixtr of N-w 414 aaBitretraarjr of tae foundics of tb ' T11, PraMot of the Taa, trtl Vuse FeoH f Socltty of CbrtUaa j t,iMr " tb " ,OVMli- I-Sdt,,'- j Th eaah dii14-n4 dwUnliwi a " " lfi!! by Mr. Bty. ran4rij from a jtor-e ITooi OffirT Kirrd. j tM1 r-nt paytnxnt of llti V In WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Seral' I iol!tr r-n! parou-st of f4-rl orobibUSoo oforeaaDt of-i in "- Two riwk oiil '.Urn In Tela bar tn br badiuartrs fcr pcJi: day ttat fcrtb'rr vp3.nV.os from j ' the Krrrtc la iht atate rojgfct be ncct4 lalr. Ofiicial cre woall not rTt-a the naise of any of tbote fft4 by th auf pftision ordr. m Price WINDING UP OUR Crushing January Clearance WITH A ROUSING DOLLAR DAY SALE Sale Just Stuffed With Unusual Values! Sale Women's Kid Gloves value. Special, pair Up to $3.50 ...81.00 Kayser and Ivanhoe Chamoisettc Gloves, 1.25 value, pair. 91-00 Collars and Vestees in lace, GOe value 2 for $1-00 I 4-fold Germantorm Yarns, sold for 3-? ball, 4 balls ..1.00 Women's Lisle Hose, all colors, excel lent C9e value, 2 pair 91-00 Women's Lisle 4 pair Hose, 39c value, .$1.00 Women's Silk Hose black, brown and white, 12i value, pair ?.1.00 GO afpad4 ' wre how-i. on of it pr cnt I Jiae an in- tnu""r- to l.. ia in, and! . iAtT of 1 per rent, amoumiss to j OBITUARY Boy's Victory pair Hose, 59c grade, two $1.00 CS2AM FOB CATAEEH OPEKS UP KOSTEILS Titl How to (it Qalrx Frvta linut-Colda. lt'a Kplradid: la on mlnut your riinrM ooririts will oon, the air paaaam of your hr4 clr and yoa can breath frly. No more bawklns. anutr.lcf. blewlr.c. beada'b. Orynrae. No t-runtUna for breath at nlfht. your roli or ratarrb will be goo. '11. a amall bottl of Elifa Crm 1'AUn frotn your OruK(it now. Api'ly M lint of thl frurmr.t. antix-ptir. liralina- rrara In your nofrtriU. It I-nlrfe through cr-ry air paMtac of ih ha4, aoothra the Inflamed or rvftUm - muKtu membrane and re-li-f rerun lniantly. lt'a ut fin. iMin't atay atuffrd tip with a roM or naaty catarrh Hit Urf romea ao-iiuirkly. Adv. t'onUnuriaa KhowM Toroor row and ftunday, lt:50 to P. M. NOW PLAYING! "THE SIN FLOOD" Willi Jan. Kirk Il'-b-rv t'luidWH'k, Itkliard I Hi. Italoli and rmJrwvit ra. Ttm pktun? tliat 1U "rt ihVt rtiur hkln" aa ff-w I tic tun w hatrl SUNDAY Bebe Daniels oootr to Ui lalto In "PINK GODS" a tx-lorfiil drama of KlnihY U-r, Mllh Jalitoi Kirkwotid. Anna p. Mlwin, AdiltM Miti on and Ituj'iiond llattou In IIki mat. R I ALTO KJNNEr Wm. T. Kinm-y. for merly of Jakoc'.-:i;. died at Kan Fnii-iv"o yesterday rreiiin( at th- home of hia dauchur. Jlra. Otto bailard. The rrmalna will rearh ifedford today, the funeral cotlc to be I aounced lator. , Court News (roraiabed by the Jack County Abatraet Co.) Marriage Lioences F. Earl bechdoidl sad AlU War Allen. Hhko E. Kathborn and Katherine Dob a. Circuit Court C. M. Hatch vs A. Seabrook. A Ignmeat aad JodgiaeaL Probau Court .. Francii George Clauains et il EaUte. Coctlraatkm order. Michael Foler Estate, petition, order. 10 Jf Infants Kubber Bloomers, Real Estate Transfer Clarice V. Nye et vir to Addle 1-owden et aj. IA In sec , IT. IK and 1. Tp Jl 8. It I West $ Ed. A. Ealea to Adel A. Woods. Ft lot 11. blk It. Ashland 10 j 4 for r. i. joDnaon et ai. to u. fc. Mil lard. Ij3 In sec IS, tp J 8. R. 1 Wert IIHenn Srhaad Tschln;! ot vir to George H. Thominton. Ixl In 8c. J3. Tp 3 8. K. 1. Wnt. Jackson Co. Hide. A Loan Asm. to MarRaret Klrkerman. I1 la O. h. C. 42 Tp 37 8. R. 1 West 10 James N. Cornott et ux to The Jackson County Hank. A in n. U C OS Tp 37 8. It. : West 5000 10 Children's' Marjorie Hose black, brow and white; sold regularly for 59 two pair for S1.O0 Women's Vests, bodi-e and built up top, 3oi value; 4 for Sl-00 Women's Bichelieu Vests, 59-3 value, two for $1.00 Women's Richelieu Union Suits, $1.25 value, suit $1-00 Children's Fleeced Waist Union Suit, $1.25 value, uit $1.00 Children's Wool Union Suit, up to $2.00 value 91.00 Women's Corsets, up to $2.00 value, $1.00 Iafaut's White Dresses, $1.50 value, two for $1.00 39c value, .......$1.00 HARDING APEALEO TO (Continued from pace one.) that, althouah the lirltlh deleratr ainnalned from voting, he partit.i-1 paled In drawing; up the ruling. Itoinnd W. Itoyden and Colonel J;imi- A. Ian. Jr.. the unoffit tat American repreniativea, attended the meeting, but did not participate In the de-tnlon. FRENCH RUSH RESERVES (Continued from Pact On) bailing linluKtrtot and commercial firm hnm tMuied a ilmltar appeal to i mployera and workers throughout the ri I. h. i Munnhlle the government has been tirmirht fnre to fare with de ikh ci iieicen one tri;iin. thr ' iiuridri-d I'liliou and one trillion and Children's Gingham Dresses, all sizes, $1.50 value, each $1.00 Women's Brassieres, 40c value, 4 $1.00 for Cliildren's Umbrellas, up to $1.50 value, each $1.00 Women's White Wash Waists, up to $1.50 value, 2 for' $1.00 Children's Play Suits Women's Hats, ca-h up to $1.00 $G.00 value, 91.00 LM3E2 10 Dollar Saving Dollar Day Bargins 36 to 54 inch all wool Serges, Jerseys and Coatings, up to $4.00 values, yard $1.00 33 inch Silk Poplins in good colors. $1.25 value, yard $1.00 27 inch fine Dress Ginghams. 22c value, 6 yards for .. .$1.00 36 inch fine Dress Percales, ex cellent patterns and quality, 20c value, 6 yards for....$1.00 27 and 36 inch Outing FlanneL 30c value, 5 yards for....$1.00 72 inch Peppcril unbleached Sheeting, 60c value, two yards for $1.00 Extra large, heavy double thread Turkish Towels, 65c value, 2 for $1.00 36 inch Cotton Challie. Reg ular 20c value, yards for 9100 36 inch Cretonne, in excellent patterns and qualities up to 75c values, yards for $1.00 ' 27 imh colored Outing Flan nel, 16e value, 10 . yards for $1.00 ' 32 inch Jap Crepe, 35c value, 4 vards for $1.00 32 inch Devonshire, 35c value, 3 vards. for $1.00 32 inch English Prints, 30e value, 4 yards for ...$1.00 27 inch fine Dress Gingham, 35e value, 314 yards for .'. $1.00 27 and 36 inch Outing Flannel, 20c value, 6 yards for $1.00 36 inch Silk and Cotton Crepe, up to 69c value, 4 yards for $1.00 36 inch Curtain Scrims', plain and fancy, up to 69c values, 5U, vards for $1.00 32 inch Kiniona vards for .'. Crepe, jirmrrniirirm Women's Wool value, each Tarns, up to $2.70 $1.00 Mann's Department Store TEE STORE FOB EVERYBODY MEDFORD. OREGON 39c value. 4 91.00 32 inch A. C. A. blue and white striped Ticking, 40c value, 3 yards $1.00 Large size, soft spun Huek Towel, 30c value, 4 for ; ..$1.00 42 and 45 inch Daisy Pillow Cases, 40c value, 3 for $1.00 53 inch fine Mercerized Damask, 60c value, 2 yards for $1.00 2U or 3 lbs. Cotton Batt, up to $1.25 value, each $1.00 18 inch Bleached and Unbleached, all linen crash Toweling, 30c value, 4 yards for $1.00 36 inch fine soft bleached Daisy .Mus lin, 23c value, 5 A yards ..$1.00 18 inch linen Crash Toweling, 25 value, 5 yards for $1.00 36 inch excellent- quality Unbleached Muslin, 23c value, 5 yards $1.00 72x90 Homestead seamed Sheets, $1.25 ' value, each : $1.00 27 inch heavy White Outing Flannel. 25c value, 5 yards for , $1.00 36 inch heavy Houso Lining. 12V'c value, 10 yards for .......$1.00 42 inch Wcarwell Pillow Tubing. 40?. value, 3 yards for $1.00 Women's Vanity Cases, up to $2.25 value, each $1.00 . Women's plain and colored Handker chiefs, 15c value, 12 for $1.00 Women's linen and fine lawn Hand kerchiefs, 35c value, 5 for $1.00. Fine Torcheon Lace, 13c value, 12 yards for $1.00 All Silk Hair Bow Ribbon, 4Sc value, 3 yards for 91.00 Fine Val Laces, 25 yards for $1.00 Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid - Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns I' - f : ,ererTV