MEDFOIffl MAIT, TKTBtTXE, MEriFORD, ORKfiOX, FRIDAY. ' MKUAIIV 20, 1!)23 Items of , Interest From the Rogue River Valley L TO BE REPEATED ASHLAND, Jan. 26. Thcro will be a second presentation of "tho Cap tain of Plymouth," tho comic opera ns staged by high school students. The initial appearance was on Thursday evening this week, with such splendid results that a repeti tion' of the' charming operetta will tako place on Friday night. Pros pective additional financial returns are also a factor in prompting the 'return engagement." Donald Wright Interprets tho title ro'.o as The Captain; John Galcy, John Al den; Marshall Barbro, Erasmus; Ruth Flackus, Priscllla, and Keilty ttrookmlllcr, Kontonka. Charity, llary and Patience will bo exempli fied by Maxlno Monger, Margaret Dougherty and Lillian Relmer, re spectively. This is an entertainment which will delight everybody, with nearly a hundred high Bchool lads and lassies In the cast. Leona Ma ra ters Is musical director of the comic opera, with Zlpora Blumjinfeld as dance director. Leonilla Smith and Elsie Howell are dramatic directors, pianist Is Qertrude Brown; with Margaret McCoy as general assistant.- ....... .'Earl Rasor, famllilaryly known here as a fine singer, is now located si Charlotte, North Carolina, a lively Southern city of over 50,000 Inhabitants, located within tho lim itations ot the famed resort Bectlon of the Carollnas. . He Is connected with the Baptist church of that city, a metropolitan organization of wido scope and Influence, is director ot Its musical activities, his salary In this respect being 2400 per year, With opportunities in the way of pri vate instruction In vocalization ma terially increasing this state revenue. Mr. and Mrs. Rasor, both "addicted" to"' music, are much pleased with their new homo environment, and many friends hereabouts will learn with pleasure' of tho success attonding them In that Ideal southern cllmo. His address Is 10011 West Trade street, Charlotte, N. O. '.'Incident to the alignment of pro grams connected with a county Bun day -school Institute to be hold Feb. 0-9 in various localities, tho dale of Friday, February 9, has been set tor tbe initial gathering in Ashland. '' Very opportunely, Senator Eddy, of Douglas county, objects to the educational bunk which Implies now adays that students shall be long on Creek and Latin studies and Roman mythology, but mighty short on practical education as applying to reading, writing and spelling. Ho might bavo added typewriting also to the llBt as among presont day. nocos lltles. Tho nvorage boy or girl, In this respect, is alert mechanically, but when It comes to spelling and punctuation, deliver us from ton much of this work which Invites criticism. Funeral services of tho lato Giles Parrnau, who died in this city last Sunday, wore held on Wednesday at the family homo on B street, Intor jnent bolng in Mountain Vlow ceme etery. DccaBocl was a native of Mis souri, 83 years of ago. Ho wus a Olvll war veteran, having served In! The Economy BHHING POWDER It has no equal regard- . , less of the price you pay. It is used by the majority of American housewives. Its sales are over one hundred and fifty per cent greater than the next largest selling brand of baking powder. Buy it try it use it. A pound can of Calumet contains Ml 16 ounces. Some baking pow ders come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce cans. . Be sure you set a BEST BY TEST pound when you want it. THE WORLD'S GREATEST RAKING POWVElj ; an Iowa regiment during the rebel lion, nnd has been a resident of this vicinity for over 1j years. Ilusketball at the high school gym , Saturday evening, January 27, when I Salem will meet Ashland in one of I tho brisk games of the season. I Local bakorles are installing elec-j trie ovens, tbe latest properly to bo equipped In this respect being thf. Bon Ton establishment on Fourth street. The Eastern Star Embroidery! i tub ha-; changed It ) name and will I hereafter be known as tho Alpha Social club, Its schedule of meetings being the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of tho month. Hereafter It will be duly officered, tho presi dent for tho current term being Mrs. Ella Mills; vice president, Mrs. Era ma Coffee; secretary, Mrs. Mabel Roberts; treasurer, Mrs. Effle Hrown. John L. Batornnn, former well known resident, is now located at Feather Falls, California, In Butte county. The family, however, will re tain residence property at Orovllle, which Is rented temporarily. President Kerr's daughter, Gene vieve, teacher !n the Talent schools, was a guest at the banquet at the Tlazn Confectionery, Tuesday even ing, on the accasion of tho visit of Prof. Dubach, of the Agricultural col lage. Ashland seems to also have sent a delegation to Jacksonville, urging thai county nurso activities be con tinued, asasmucb bb a protest orig inated here urging that the service of a urn By bo dispensed with, the pro test,. It is allogod, having or'mmitel through Christian Science rhnnnolf. Next week is the Christ an En tenvor period, Junuary 28th t Feb ruary and the local senior and Ju ninn units of that active church aux ll'ary ere planning to observe the welv accordingly. On January 22, R. A. McAllister and Nellie Willis wore married at the Mothodist parsonage, Rev. 8. J. Chaney officiating The homo of the young married couple will be a su burban ono In tho Nell Creole dis trict. On Wodnesdny there was a pruning demonstration on the premises of Albert Johnson, noted horticulturist, whoso extensivo orchard properties aro on the west sldo ot town. A local preacher who went on a Junket trip to Los Angeles to witness tho "unveiling" of tho noted healing tomplo being erected In that metropo lis, Is quoted by tho homo paper as saying that he "was quite Impressed with tho city of Los AngoloB, but stated he did not get to soe the faces of any of the women of (lie town, on acount of the cosmetics, but he thought they might be good look ing otherwise." It seems that it was the Baptist pastor who arrived at this conclusion. Tho local Chamber of Commerce Is making extensive preparations in the way ot planning for the annual ban quot on Tuesday ovenlng, January 30. The sceno of the sproad this season will bo the Depot Hotel, which of lato has been extensively overhaul ed and refurnished. Residents of Terraco street are troubled iu tholr dreams by visions ot doer raising havoc among tho KardcnB and orchards. Years agone a Pko complaint was raised, but In those days bears were accused of be ing tho aggressors. ST. LOUIH. Mo., Jan. 2ft. llear Ihrh HCheduled for today In federal court hero on tho supremo ruurt'n niniuliito for a wpuntlon ... of ( tho Houthern Pacific nnd Cent nil PucKIe Wro postponed until Mnrrh If. .'!! yoiur ; Don't waste expensive ingre dients don't worry about results don't try to find a leavener that is as dependable, ; pure and wholesome as LUMET 1 AGATE ITEMS j v J U401 IVA 1 i flf OLD PIONEER OF ROGUE DIES, AGED 87 I ROGUE RIVER, Jan. 2G. Wcdnes j day night, Jan. 17th, at 11 o'clock Mr. J. II. Whipple, an old resident of this community, passed away at the ripe old age of 87 years. Death followed shortly aftor an attack of paralysis. Mr. Whipple was born in New York, came west to Iowa, then to California, nnd finally made his permanent resi dence here at Rogue River. He was Identified with all the activities of the country and was permitted to view with a great deal of satisfaction the transformation of this section from a veritable wilderness to that of ad vanced civilization, covering a period of nearly forty years. Ho was always looked upon as one of the reliable citizens of 'the community, and many fast and intimate friends and neigh bors regret keenly bis death. He leaves two sonB, James and Mark Whipple and his wire, now 82 years old, to mourn his departure. The fu neral services were held at the Hope Presbyterian Church Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clockRev. William Lee Gray officiating. The body was interred In tho local comotery.' A large repre sentation of citizens was present at the funeral service and as an evi dence of the respect and estoem which the deceased held In the community, the local school was dismissed at the hour set for the funeral. On Friday night, January 12th, the newly elected mayor and city council met In regular session and transacted tho business of the city. . The mayor, F. W. Clark, appointed standing com mittees, as fololws: Health and sani tary P. Freed, A. Milton, W. S. Cary. Finance A. Mcllxaino, D. Swacker, B. Woodcock. StroetB A. Milton, E. Woodcock, P. Freed. Light and water S. Sandry, A. Mcllvalne, D. Swacker. The mayor also made the following ap pointments: Fred O'Kelly, city treas urer; Dr. W. S. Cary, city recorder, and A. L. Hluckburn, city marshal. All bills against the city were presented and ordered paid. Tho Civic Improve ment club ot Rogue River presented a communication protesting the grant ing of a llceuso for a pool hall. Ah there; application on fila for such a license no action was taken. An ordinance was presented and passed changing tho monthly mooting night from Friday until tho Becond Monday night of each month. The meeting adjourned to meet again Feb. 12th. - Tho Rogue River high school basket ball team, on Thursday nlght, Janu ary 18, defeated tho Cottage Grove high Bchool team by tho score ot 19-29. It was a fast and exciting game and both toams played good basket ball. The high school team of Rogue River will play Phoenix high school this Friday night at Phoenix. Tho city council met In special ses sion Wednosdny night and voted 1100 for tho Improvement ot Gillmore ave nuo. The avenue Is the only street leading to the property of the Ancient River Mining and Milling company nud was vory badly in need of repair. On January 29th tho fourth number ot tho ElllBon-Whito Yyceum course will be given at tho Community Hall, and a very ontortainlng nnd instruc tive program Is expoctcd. Tho Community Club met at the Community Hall Tuesday evening nnd among tho important business trans acted was tbe aiolntment by Presi dent -Hrauhcnr of tho executive com mlttoo for tho year,' as follows: W. II.. Sparks, chairman; Mrs. Arthur Kurhart; Mrs. A. L. Mcllvalne, James Whlpplo nnd Victor Blrdseyo. Tho danco to bo glvon by tho Odd Fallows at their hall Friday night promises to be ono ot the pleasant social events ot tho season. lAHt Sundny Roguo River wos fav ored by a visit from two of its former honored and respected fnmllles, 'Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Evans and son of Cen tral Point, and Mr. and Mrs. David Torrltt and Mrs. Torrltt's mother of Central Point. Henry Gregory, our rond super visor, tins been giving tho roads the once over with a grader. The rendu are In better rendition than usual for Hits time of the year. ' Tho mild winter and ' consequent I better pasture, has been quite bene- lltllll lit Hie HmiKiueii nun in m-iwhiiu as n substitute for high priced buy. I'nul Kenoyer, a cni-penter nnd building eimtrai'tor. has moved Into tbe orr hiitiHO pending Investigation of tbe v.i Hey uh it future heme. Two of our farmers who started In the new year by buying cam are, D. V, lieebe who has a Nash fix and K. K. Mlnnlcl: who purchased a Chevrolet. on Tuesday and Wednesday Mw. T. II- YVeedon and family moved to tlivlr i-eeently purchased ranch on the Applfxnte. Ilmvald Mayfield nnd family suf M EASLES may b followtvl by srlou cold troubles) um nightly V ICWS VAPORUB fered the misfortune of having their house burned recently, part of the household goods were saved. The building wn partially Insured. E. C. Hamilton Is engineering the construction nnd repair work on the Table Rock Canal. A .community dance was held nt one of the canal company's houses on 8unday ovenlng. About 23 were present. Mr. and Mrs.- Hurt of Mcdford visited at. the E. E. Minnick homo Sunday. Little Elmo Mcdrnw has been quite 111 for three weeks, but is slowly Improving now. TRAIL ITEMS 'Miss Burr and Miss Mordoff of Medford and Mrs. Carter of Jack sonville attended the teachers' meet ing at Trail Saturday. Mrs. Stewart is driving a new Chevrolet these days. Miss D. Peterson w-as cnlled to Fort Klamath suddenly by th'j sick ness of her sister, Mrs. C. Hutchison of that place. Minnie Poolo spent tho week end with her parents near Trail. Mr. and Mrs. C. Prltchctt two little children and Mrs. Cushman and son Chnrle9, were visitors at the Hall home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middlebushor and Enid Middlebushor attended a show In Medford Saturday evening. They reported tho fog so dense, that It was quite difficult to seo to drive. Mrs. Hnlph Watson was a Trail visitor Thursday. Her friends were glad to seo her able to be out ngatn. Mrs. A. T. Pool is on tho sick list. Mr. M. Slcnes was n pleasant caller at the Owens home Tuesday. Charlie Foellers is hauling hay from Eagle Point. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rngsdale are re covering from the flu. The Peneo children aro all sick with the whooping cough, also the Morgan children and tho Sandry children on Elk creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Vaughn and lit tle ' son, ' Donald, ' of Jlcdflord were callers at Mrs. Vaughn's parents on Elk creek Tuesday. Tho Work on tho Trail creek bridge, was resumed this week. ' , , i Mr. and Mrs ' Herbert Ilnnna of Jacksonville wfcrc Sunday dinner guests at tho J. W. Eldcn home. Tho next meeting of the Willow Springs Thursday club will be with Mrs. Frank Thompkins of Central Point on February 1. Tho ladies will discuss food values and woll balanced meals. It Is biped there will be n full attendance, tin It should be a very interesting meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson nnd family und A. V. Carlson were dinner guests at tho A. llenson homo last week. 4 Last Saturday evening there wns tho third series of parties given by Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Richmond. Tills proved to bo quito as jolly an affair as tho others. Progressive D00 wns played and all enjoyed thu delightful musical program and tho very clover reading given by Miss Rogers ot Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Birkholz nnd son, Roland, dined Sunday with hto W. K. Parker family. . I On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Parker i had as guests for tho day Mrs. A. W. aBtes and Mr. and Mrs. Wlthcrnl and daughter of Grunts' Pass. ; A number of Itho ladies of this vi cinity enjoyed a coffee party at tho homo of Mrs. H (W. Nichols InBt Fri-, day afternoon. WILLOW SPRINGS 1 Extra Specials i $3 Satin Lined Caps New Shades and Patterns $2.50 2 Springer & Lee "DUDS FOR MEN" "DUDS Opposite Rialto Theater CONSIDER PLAN TO EDEN PRECINCT. Jan. 26. There has been somo talk ot a meeting to come to an agreement to patronize the firms who have beon willing to keep up the price of eggs. These firms are back of the poultry men and they should have the support of every farmer. The price of feeds have, not been reduced and the poultryman can not sell his eggs too cheap, and feed high priced grains. There is need of cooperation between producer and re tail men where such conditions exist. Arthur Rose has a fine dairy herd of some twenty cows and figures he will be able to turn off a fat veal and a fat hog every week through the summer. ' Mr. Rose has bought hay enough from C. Carey to run his cows until hay cutting time. He has pur chased some pure bred sires of both hogs and cattle. We who are interested in the rais ing of poultry, feel quite proud of one of ouriocol yards. That of E. C. Lock wood of Phoenix. Mr. Lockwood sold last week to one of the leading breed ers white leghorns, in California, fifty of bis pedigreed roosters. Mr. Lock wood received five dollars apiece for these birds. They were really worth more, but this is the first big order to go to California and Mr. Lockwood made some concessions. However BChould some of the poultry people here buy one of these birds they would pay double the price and think they had secured a bargain. There is much anxious speculation over the renowed activity at the Tri gonia nnd each one who has contrib uted to the prospect well, is anxious to Bee tho outcome. There must be test wells put down if we are to know if oil does exist in commercial quan tities. There must be cash to further tho work ir it is done. Most of the wealth-producing industries in this valley have been financed by outside capital. This oil proposition may truly be classed as work done by local capi tal. Col. Mundy has been at the Job for years and Is truly a real sticker. . From the way the work Is proceed ing on the highway we believe it pays to put in a farmer or orchard man as superintendent. There has been more work accomplished in a given length of time since thoy began work than ever has been done on this highway. There seems to be no killing of time. The teams and men are out on time, IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Pape's Diapepsin'f As soon as you cat a tablot or two of "Pape's Diapcpsin" your indigestion is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acid stomach ends. Correct your stomach and digestion for a few cents. Each packago guaranteed by druggist. !5 All Wocl Overcoats $30.00 values $19.50 Hard Finish All Wool SUITS pair Pants $37.50 FOR MEN' and work until five in the evening. Many of us feel the expense ot paying for the tiling hut when the work is done It will add to the value of every property owner along the highway. Like tho paving, we will be glad when It is dona Tho drains will be real drains instead of sinkholes for the winter rains. Each one will have a dry walk out to the car. A thing that many had neglected to provide for themselves. " Dave Watt returned last week from a business trip of a couple of months at Butte,- Montana, to his home in Phoenix. . ' Jim Harvey and his son-in-law, J. C. McClnin, of Phoenix, were trading in Medford Wednesday. Jim will garden some land which ho lately purchased near the big ditch the coming season. There were quite a number of our citizens who were at the presentation of "Tho Mikado"- in Medford Tuesday evening. . It will be remembered that Mr. George Andrews put the play on at Phoenix several years ago with the help of local talent. ' ,'.Mrs. A. S. Furry is off on a vaca tion tills week, while her mother Ib playing housekeeper at her home near Phoenix. Mrs. Furry is in Medford at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. Cate. Mrs. W. S. Stancliff was making several short calls last Sunday after noon, among them at the home of your cm-respondent, nnd on Hrs. Rose at the Furry home. Work has began on the cleaning out of the irrigating ditches on the Wort man orchard, a force of men being at work throwing out the accumulation of mos and mud. 'While there is much favorable com ment on all of the new homes which havo recently been built along the highway, there are more who go Into raptures over the Lamport home than any other. The whole plan of both house and grounds seem to appeal to all passers-by. Mrs. T. T. Simpson, mother of Mrs. Noah Chandler, Is very ill at her home on South Central in Modford. Mrs. Ray Tompson, daughter-in-law of Mrs. Simpson came to Medford from Vador. Washington, Wednesday to be at tho bedside of her mother-in-law. The many workers at the Talent Cannery were sorry to have that in dustry close down for this season last Saturday. They have had a longer run this year than ever before and are planning on a greater amount of work next summer nnd fall than in any prevlous year. . , The town of Phoenix la somewhat exercised over , tho great expense which the putting in of tiling at all ot tho street and other crossings whch tho widening of the county highway will necessitate Some property own ,ers have strongly objected to their having to bear the exiiense of the cost of tile in front of their property. THE MOLINE PLAN Will Save You Money on Your Farm Equipment All Moline Farm Equipment is sold on the Moline plan. This plan cuts out tbe waste In distribution, through cooperation In securing bulk BhipmenU on an economical basis', lower expense and better service. , r Wo offer you the savings whenever you coo re ra to in any of tho following ways: 1. WHKX YOU PAY CASH FOR THE iOO!3 YOU 1H Y. Credit Is tho function of the banks. Cish for goods menna savings in capital, bookkeeping, risk of lost and or.ponslve collection. , 2. WHENEVER YOU AGREE TO PAY FOR SERVICE, WHEN AND AS RENDERED. "Free" servico is never free; you pay for it in the price. If you don't use It, you lose. If you agree to pay for It as used, you don't have to pay for It In price. 3. WHENEVER YOU ORDER IN ADVANCE OF THE SEASON AND ACCEIT DELIVERY" ON ARRIVAL. . Advance orders can be combined into carloads, with savlnKS for bulk shipments. Delivery on arrival means savings in taxes, insurance, depreciation, extra handling, etc. You get the savings. 1 TITKSE ECONOMICAL METHOI9 OF DISTRIBUTION MEAN IHGI SAVINGS, AND THE HAVINGS ARE YOURS FOR COOPERATION,! See us Write us Phone us Let's talk It over. T. I. TEMPLE 221 North Kir AGENTS FOR "Friend" Sprayers Moline Farm Machinery (DelcoJ Lights and Pumps rWood Pipe for Irriga tion Sixplex Silos Simplex Cream Separators" Papec Cutters. ' 1 One Man Top for Fords $16.22 , FOR 8 MORE DAYS Medford Tent & Awning Works Opposite S. P. Depot L MEETS GOLD HILL F 6. GOLD HILL. Jan. 25 (SliodaK--The Jackson County Sunday School Council board met in Me.iforl lit thaj Presbyterian church -last Tuesday evening for the purpose of fixing the time and places of holding their coun ty institute in February and making up of the program for the same. The mombers of the board who were ! present were W. W. Robinson, of Ash- . land, president; Pror. Aul)rey bruun, ' of Medford, vice president;' E. C. , Faber, of Central Point, secretary. treasurer; Dr. B. Webster, president of the Phoenix district; A. E. Kolloa president of the Gold Hill district Mrs. If. A. Canaday, of tho Young Pea ple'B Division Work; and S. D. Taylor of the Adult Division Work. There will be a four-day session of the institute as follows: - Gold Hill on Tuesday, February 6th; Medfprd the 7tb; Eagle Point the 8th;" and Ash land the 9th, and tfirce dally sessions first at 10:00 a. m., second at 1:30 p. ui.-ancl evening session at 7:00. The state speakers all from Port- s. SCHOOL COUNC 1 land which are billed for the entire 'session are Miss Georgia Parker, of 1 I the Children's Division; Rev. F. M. T Jasper of the Young People's Division; I and Rev. A. J. Ware of the Adult Di 1 vision. ' ' ' : ' ' . j The local presidents will have Im mediate charge of the several sessions during the Institute, which are as fol lows: Ashland Dist No. 1, O. F. Car ' son; Medford No. 2, Dr. D. Webster ot Phoenix; Gold Hill No. 3. A. E. Kellogg; Eagle Point No. '4, John C. stale. ...... - , . '. - ... ' The Gold Hill session will be held in the M. E. Church; Eagle Point the Union Church ; Medford the - Presby terian Church; 'and Ashland the Bap tist Church, and the local pastor ot the respective churches will, have charge of the devotional and sons services. . . .. Among the themes for general ad dresses during the sossion by the Rev. A. J. Ware will be "Fishers of Men" and "The Adult and Law Enforce ment," while Rev. F. M. Jasper will theme "The Value ot Vacation Schools," and "Perfect Fellowship With the Ever Present Father." Among the local sponkors will bo . W. Robinson, Rev. A. P; Leacli Dr. M. M. Ried, Dr. B. Webster, Pro! Aubrey Smith, Mrs. H. A. Canaday, Mary Spencer and S. D. Taylor. Phono (Ar J 7 Million Jan I ttJ Ytarly 511111 ... V,f' L;-wr-,v.r ,