Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 26, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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t The chief of police receive word
I Tbuntday. that the suhxjenars isfsuwl
in th: city the first of the ek h
jjruiy Morelork. lor aps-earanc be
fore the fd-ral grand jury at Hon
Sand bad beeo called off, reaurn not
EvervUxi)' can't J!o to Pari t'.t
everytxjdjr can r to Mur;bv b?r
' the crowds co. 7 miles from Grants
iJas. Come. M2'
Cloning out ail our farm macbiner)'
several good buyi. Patton k. Kobin
sen. Inc. I'.'
Wocal and
JLd Personal
Th K isue Ktwr Valley Car.iUBg
icvnjiny of th.n ci:y. ;iRh iia bn
'.'njjlo) in a bis; ftt t in ra::n:ns
ap;.k. will te 1 rrfI t nhut l .n
jlhe iar.l tomorrow tx-raux of in
,aM!ity to Krt more ar-J'ie. S. 8. !iu!l: j
,of the company ay that Net )n i
atfpieg will kep fine here until Aril '
4th- and that be no;es to be able V :
el a better supply next ear at this T. W. Sebrean has pirchasi the
time. old opera bouse property in Central
Ccue own hvtk on "Self Mastery Hoint, will remodel it a&d put in a
by Auto SuxeX'.tkn,-- Mo-ll.2J. lied- i """ias Pictare bow. The family ban
turd liook Store. 212' I tcoved from lledford to Central Point.
lance Ja' n -Hot SirinK. Sat 2-A j Watch for Mann's Dollar Uay
.Mr. and Mr. C. C. Lemmon left last j ad" JCI '
evening for HooJ Kiver. having ben Oool bicycle for sale. Armory fcerv
called to that city by the sudden death J ice Hl2t:oa. --l
there of Airs. lmnion' father, flev. J Many citiiens who are among the
;J. L. Hershnerof the Hood River Con- ; best patrons of the bish school basket
:j;reKaiiona! church, late Wednesday , ball tames every year complained
JniKht. They were apprised of the sad j when last niKht's same with Salem
ivent by long distance telephone at -' j was delayed teyond the ilvixiI starting
ia. m. Thursday. I time, and claimed the same fault ex-
I Hot chicken served every day. ! Isted several time last season. When
Pioneer I-stauraat. Phoenix. Oreson. j this matter was brought to the atu-n-t.n
the highway. Order that Sunday i tkn of Superintendent Aubrey Smith
chicken now. Open Sundays. 2A ! da' he said that he would en-
, i deavor to see tnai nereaiter tne oasKei
' .. . .... ' ball Karoea. both the preliminaries and
. j the main events, begin on time and
would be run off without any unnec-
The Pioneer Restaurant now open
"ali-Jonz at Swem's Studio. 204
Examinations in the high Mbool
"ended yesterday a'.ternoon. The new
ti-.-t,,-,.- Oriental Rail room ? sa.. , "sary delay.
the 1 oujiiiiejwi rtcf) j. umm
t-lectrlc Shop. j M a tmel 0 ,he nignway Phoenix.
,Ore. 261
j Dance Jacks'in Hot Spring. Sat. 211
1 The American Light Opera company
which closed IU engagement in this
city Wednesday, after a three days
. run, will play in Oakland, Fresno and
I m Angeles. California, after appear-
" j ing In Redding and Sacramento. Kd
Andrews, the leading member of the
JZasc your tight, ar-hlng chest. Hiop company, said after the Uw Angeles
, the pain. Ilreak ui the conieion. eneag(.ment he expected to return to
Ke.-I a b.-id cold loown up in Just a ,h, d valiev for ,ne Bllmmer.
Kverybody can t go to I'arns but
li.r0 motnr driven bnrns at
.a r !. .. i,,. ,.,.11 I
' . .7. ' everybody can go to Murphy where
It cannot hurt you and U certainly
fM-'ifts to end the tiKhtneiw and drive
the ronR'-Kiion and surenesH right out.
Nothing has such concentrated,
rn-nctrating htu as nd p'-ppers. and
when heat penetrates right down
Into colds, congestion, aching muscles
;und sore, stiff Joints relief comes at
i The moment you Apply lied pen
. per Hub you feel the tingling heat. In
.three minutes the congested spot-Is
warmed through and through. When
you are suffering from a cold, rheu
matism, backache, stiff neck or sore
iituscles. Just get a Jar of Howies Red
Pepper Uub, made from red peppers,
' nt any drug store: You will have the
,uk'kel relief known. Adv.
the crowds go. 7 miles from Grants
Pass. Come. 202
We have good values In used cars.
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf
S. B. Holmes of Eagle Point was a
business and social visitor in the city
Thursday afternoon.
Hot tamales and chili con came at
De Voe's. tf
Knights of Pythias and Pythian
Sisters You are expected at the
Castle Hall Monday evening, Jan. 29th.
A good entertainment will be pro
vided and eats will not be overlooked,
liring the family and enjojc the eve
ning. The latch string Is on the out
side. Committee. 263
"The worst in (loin mtoiir l
in hllrtin' ihow who love us!"
nnil uII-Hdir cast in
f I
fuiuouK miiNtorplrrc
"The Parson of Panamint"
rcscntrl under the titlo
"While Satan Sleep"
Continuous Shown
Tomorrow and Sun
day 12:30 to
Mr. and Mrs. labile:
" 'Wlillo Snton hlcoris' brings a
heart throb, a thrill, a luungh . , .
Rives t'.io frellnK of having Rotten
your money's worth plus even the
war lax! And that's a reirulnr
Coming Sunday
in "DR. JACK"
liotb the boys' and girls' basketball
teams of the Ashland high school were
victforious over the northern Califor
nia champs on Saturday nJgliL wh
the Weed boys went home with the
short end of a 32 to 12 score, and tb
girls lost out by a two point aiars
in a 21 to 2!) game.
Oriental Pallroom! St. night
dance! -
Over S'J.OiKi people viewed the mas-
i terpiece "Never Alone." during its ex
bibition In Portland. Now on display
at Medf jrd Center Store. Admission
to exhibit ten cents. 26
The condition of Jack Carey, local
iruitman, who has leen seriously ill
for the last two weeks remains
changed, according to reports from
the bedside.
Don't miss liana's TXillar Day. 201
Now Is the time to spray rcses,
shrubbery, fruit trees. Phone M,
Cren & Dixon. 10
Word has been received of the
death of W. G. Kinney of San Fran
Cisco, brother of T. J. Kinney of th
city. The body will arrive here to
morrow for burial. The funeral a
rangements will be announced late
Pioneer Restaurant, on the highway
Phoenix, Ore., now open for business
with hot chicken served every day
Open Sundays. Order that chicken
for Sunday dinner here. 201
There's no place like Holmes for
complete Insurance service.
Rett Orr was among the Medford
business men in Grants Pass yeste
day attending to business matters.
Murphy. Where? 7 miles from
Grants Pass. The biggest hall in
Josephine County. Where dancing is
a pleasure. Sat., Jan. 27. All night.
Starting at 9 till 3. 202'
After the fire It is too late to in
sure. See Redden & Canada)' now
Dan's I.nnch room, which was badly
smoked up by the small fire there
early last Monday morning has been
decorated with new wall paper thru
out. The work was done at night and
therefore did not interfere with the
convenience oE the patrons.
Oriental IlaJIroom! Sat. night
dance! 201
Mah-Jongg a: Cwem's Studio. 264
Basanta Singh, the Hindu wrestler
who was thrown and who threw Ralph
Hand, as the result of two contests at
Gold Hill, a year or so ago, met Ad
Gustavo, who appeared here last fall,
and was thrown. The match occurred
Wednesday night at Eugene. Ralph
Hand refereed the match. Pete
Sauer, who was thrown by Ted Thye
at Portland Wednesday night, will
meet Hand at Eugene, Monday, Feb
ruary 3rd, and agrees to throw Hand
twice in an hour.
Dollar Day Saturday at Mann's. 261
For Diamond coal bricketta, phone
Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76.
A large beaver was exhibited at the
Nininger & Warner store over the
week-end. The animal was caught by
Jack Beagle, government trapper, at
the Modoc orchards along the Rogue
river. These animals have been cre
ating a great amount of damage, and
are so protected by law that no one
except a salaried trapper can kill
them. Beaver are fairly numerous in
this vicinity. Ashland Tidings.
Expert shoe fitter In charge of
Selby's Arch Preserver Shoes at The
Hub Shoe Store. New fitting room for
Arch Preserver Shoes. Exclusive
agents for Southern Oregon. 261
This office la prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out ot Medford. Phone
us and we will call. tf
The scientist was often
puzzled to account for the
efficacy of cod-liver oil.
The discovery of vitamines
has helped solve the riddle.
Scott's Emulsion
Is rich in health -building vita-
mines and Is a helpful
factor in preventing
the so-called "winter
Ills." It helps keep
the vital forces of the body
strong to resist disease. ft Suvrae. Bkftrt&ftrld. 79.1. f!-tt
ade Cakes
Sunshine, Anglefoods and Layer Cakes
of all Kinds
Special Orders Taken One Day in Advance
Personal Attention Prompt Service
H. E. Marsh
Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252
Mrs. Hall Piatt left this afternoon
for Sacramento, Calif., for a visit with
Somethiug you'll never regrvC
WHAT? A trip to Murpby. ' miles
:rom Grants Fas to the largest and
best floor you've danced on in a long
time. All sight. Come and nave a
good time. j
Auto Insurance, Brown t TVblta.
The insurance, transportation and
other costs incidental to bringing t'
Medford the painting .' Never Alone" j j
wnicn is on exhibition at the Meniora
Center Store is so heavy that a
nominal fee of ten cents is being
charged for admission to the exhibit.
Oriental Ballroom! Sat. nisM
dance! 202"
Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat
ed, full line. Write today. Grants Pass
Nursery. Grants Pass, Oregon. 2.0
Mrs. Lou Jones returned Wednesday
from a six weeks visit in Tillamook.
Salem and Portland.
Save dollar at Mann's Dollar Day
sale Saturday. 261
Dance, Eagle Point. tsaL nlte. 267
Frank Amy returned last night from
Honolulu. Hawaii and Southern Cali
fornia points where be has been s-j-
journing with Jap O'Hani and R. H.
Whitehead. Messrs. Whitehead and
O'liara remained at Long Beach. Cal
ifornia, where they will enjoy some
more of the southern sunshine before
returning home.
The Hub Shoe Store have the ex
elusive sale for Southern Oregon for
the Selby Arch Preserver Shoes and
Oxfords. Just arranged new fitting
room for Selby Arch Preserver Shoes
Bring your tired feet here, expert
shoe fitter In charge. 261
Dance Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 261
Judge J. W. Hamilton in circuit
court In Roseburg on M ednesday
granted an order dismissing the case
of the Oregon Growers' Cooperative
association against Ernest Riddle,
prune grower of Douglas county and
gave Riddle judgment for costs. A de
murrer decision recently was given by
Judge Hamilton in favor ot Riddle,
who was sued by the Oregon Growers
In an effort to force him to sell his
prune crop through the association.
The association will probably make an
appeal to the supreme court- The
case has aroused interest of fruit
growers and cooperative associations.
Something you'll never regret.
WHAT? A trip to Murphy. 7 miles
from Grant Pass to the largest and
best floor you've danced on in a long
time. All night. Come and have a
good time. 262
Shoe sale 6 and J7 dress and work
shoes. 5. Old Reliable Shoe Shop.
N. Hr. , 266
Rosenberg Bros, of the Bear Creek
Orchards are perfecting plans for the
building of a cold storage plant on
their holdings, and the blueprint of
the proposed building has been received.
Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Sat.
night. 22
A man may "live without love what
is passion but pining? But where is
the man that can live without din
ing?" - Come to Warner, Wortman &
Gore's grocery Saturday for some of
th hlzh school mothers cooking.
Everything good to eat at reasonable
prices. For the benefit of the high
school pupils. 261
Sharon Merriman'of this city, a
student of the Pniverslty of Califor
nia, has completed his regular col-
Ipirintn course, and is now engaged
ho atmlv of law. Mr. Merriman w
not officially receive his diploma tin
til the graduation exercises next June
A eood home for a lady, miuuie
icprl. lie vour own boss. I will be gone
nart of time, have 60 chickens to lool
lfter, no family. Write for particu
ars, 1102 East J street. Grants Pass
flrecnn ' 26;
Hemstitching and meeting, silk ot
cotton. 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main
and BartletL The Vanity Shop.
Rooters at the basketball game to-
nlrht nre reouested by school official!
and fans to refrain from unsports
manlike hooting and sarcastic per
sonal remarks about players such as
wore henrd at last night's contest
True, there was little disagreeable in
dividual hooting done by any one ex
cent the urchins who crowd their an
atomies along the side lines, but a
few high school students, not In th
rooters section and a few of the in
dlBcreet young men about town were
heard making sarcastic remarks.
School officials said today that the
small town stuff must be stopped
Dance Oriental Ballroom: bat.
Mnh-Jnnce- at Swem's Studio. 2M
J II. Andrews nt near Jacksonville
left Thursday night on a visit to
Zanesvllle, Ohio.
Shoes at One Dollar, a pair at The
Hub 8hoe Store Saturday. Women's
shoes, pumps and oxfords, all going
one dollar a pair. l
f vnur watch don't run after we
have repaired It bring it back and we
make good. Medford Center Dc-
tment Store. 6.
Miss Esther Davman of San Fran-
isco. nat onal secretary of tlie Bins
ork tor the Pacific region, will give
address at tho Y, W. C. A. Annual
Banquet whlft will be held at the
ptist Church. Friday. Feb. 2nd at
n. m. All Interested are Invited.
i as well as women. Tickets for
bnnnuet are now on sale.
Something you'll nover regret.
AT? A trip to Murphy. 7 miles
Grants Pass to the largest ana
floor you've dunced on in a long
All night. Come and have a
time. 262
For Sale New Columbia phonc-
ih records at half price, victor,
iu-l-k. Cntnmhin. rathe ft Sonora
phonographs and records ot reduced
Ices. Music Shop, 15 X. Grape street,
xt to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank.
lhone tf
Handicraft Shop.
Pico ting
8c per yard.
Button covered.
Now is a good time to buy Coffee. Prices of some brands have
gone up and ethers are bound to go soon. You are sure to. save
by laying in a supply.
Specials for Saturday
G& L Special Blend Coffee, guaranteed to please or money re
funded, 3 pound . . . ... . '
Extra fancy Shrimp, per can . . . .' c
Wet pack Shrimp 20c
Ehman Olives, No. 1 cans
Ehman Olives, No. 2 cans, extra large Olives 28c
White Wonder Soap, 27 bars
Old Dutch Cleanser, 6 for 49c
Sun Brite Cleanser, 4 for 25c
Jiffy Jell, 4 for 25c. Doz. pkgs. 69c
Calumet Bkg. Powder, 1 lb. can 28c
Quaker Milk Macaroni, lb. pkg 10c
Quaker Milk Spaghetti lb. pkg . 10c
Quaker Noodles, lb. pkg. 10c
Strained Honey, 5 lb. pails 65c
Strained Honey, 10 lb. pails $1.20
Tea Garden Syrup, gallon cans $1.29
Cookies, of regular Groceteria size and quality, 2 doz. ..... 28c
And an 8c loaf of bread free with each 2 dozen purchased.
Buy here and bank the difference
Saturday Specials
Baby Beef, per lb. ..15c
Pot Roast, per lb. . . 12c
Boiling Meat, per lb .' 8 l-3c
All kinds of Beefsteak, per lb 20c
All kinds of Pork, per lb . . . ...20c
Good big Chicken, per lb 25c
All Baby Beef Steaks, per lb , 20c
Free Delivery Phone 324
Jones'is already
for you
Let's Go!
Great big juicySunkist oranges only 43c
This is the large size why pay more for smaller ones
4 lbs. Macaroni- curve cut- - 25c
Good corn- per can- - - 11c
1 gal. can Liberty Belle Maple Syrup $1.39
S. &W. Canned Fruit Salad 29c
You Will Not Get This Price Very Soon Again :
A few pieces Dark Percales, just arrived, for Sat. special 18c
Big Line of Vegetables Everything in Season
'Phone Early Or You'll Be Left On the Oranges
JONES' (of course)
The Store That Really Sells Cheap