' PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL' TJilBUXE, - MEDFORD, " " PRECOX, THURSDAY, ' JANUARY 25.- 1923 OFFERS DEMPSEY A COOL MILLION FOR H. WILLS GO If Back Hurts Flush Kidneys Eat leu meat, alio take glass of Salts before breakfast occasionally. NEW YOIiK, Jnn. 2B. Tho value' of a knockout blow to Jack Dompsey, world's champion pugilist, is going up. Ho awoke today to see In the papers that Tom O'Rourko, match maker of the Polo Grounds wiih pro pared to Runrnnteo him $1,000,000 to tight Harry Wills, his negro chal lenger, and any two of tho other ns plranta who now aro crowding for tho limelight. The champion's manager, who ar rived yesterday, declared that a Dempsey-Wllls bout would bo held this year If ho (Kcnrns) must stage it. . Before meeting Wills. Keurnsl proposed that Dempsey have a re turn match with Jcbs Wlllard, for-! mer champion, and one other selec tion. Two bouts aro necessary to prepare Dempsey for tho negro, If earns said. , NEW YORK, . Jan. 2G "Enbo" Ruth, homo run artist of the Now Tork Americans, was back in New York today for further treatment of the finger on his left hand that was operated on last week for an Infec tion. He said ho would remain hero at least until Saturday or longer. . Blnco retiring to his farm at Sud bury, Mass., tho Bambino has dis posed of twenty pounds and will be back In tho best condition in which ho ever has. reported for a season's work .when ho Joins tho Yanks' pitchers In tho hot baths at Hot Springs next month, he said, Too much meat may form urie acid, which excites tho kidneys; they become overworked! get sluggish, ache and feel like lumps of lead. Tho nrino becomes cloudy; the bludder is Irritated, and you nmy be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night When the kidneys clog you roust help thera flush ell' tho body's urinous waato or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At llrst you feel a dull misery in the kid ney region; you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach geU sour, tongue coaled and you feel rheu matic; twinges when the weather is bad. Drink lots of water; also get from anv pharmacist four ounces of Jad .Suits, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act line. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapcB and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and lias been used for gen erations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to help noutralio the acids in urine, so It no longer is a source of irritation, thus often ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everyone should take now and then to help Keep the kidneys clean and active. Drug gists here say tlicy sell lots of .Tad Salts to folks who beliovo in correcting kid ney trouble whilo it is only trouble. Treasurer's Office A. C. Walker, county treas urer's salary t 1G0.00 Veil O. Walker, deputy treaa- . tiler's salary 80.00 Mrs. It. 11. AlcC'urger, work in treasurer's office 21.00 AHhlund Tidings, printing for treasurer 10.70 Medford Book Store, treas urer's supplies 3.85 A. C. Wulker, treusurer'B of fice expense 10. DO Home Tel. & Tel. Co., treas urer's telephone for Sept.... - 3.65 Kfocker Printory, treasurer's supplies . 16.50 of Australia at Philadelphia Febru ary 12. SASKATOON Seattle dofeatod Saskatoon 4 to 2 last night In n Pa cific coast hockey association game. PORTLAND, Ore., ' Jan. 25. Tod Thye, Portland llght-hoavy weight wrestler, defeated Petor Sailer of No-1 braska In a match hero last night. Thye won a fall after an hour and ten. minutes of wrestling with a wrist lock. The, match was supposed to bo for two hours but Bailor was unable to con tinue As a result of being liurlod to the mat 'with such force that he was rendered groggy. His head struck on the, boards at the edge of the mat. jj EiOEN'E, Ore , Jan. 25." At a meot UMr" of -the : oxocutivo council of the university of Oregon here last night, Shy Huntington accepted a one-yoar contract to coach football. Hart Spell man wastendorod a throe-year agree ment to coach tho Oregon line. 8azaren and Hutchison Lose LOS ANGELES, Jon. 25. Gone Bazaren, national open and profes sional golf champion, and Jock, Hutchi son, formerly British open champion, rested today after their defeat yes terday In the southern California open championship tournament and prepared lor a match Saturday at tho Annandalo country club hero, with Eddie Loos, professional of Los Angoles and Chicago, who won the southorn California open titlo and Dr. Paul Hunter of Pasadena, formerly California amateur champion. Basketball At Salem Unlvorslty of Washing ton, 42; Wlllamotto university, lfl. At Stanford Stanford university, 22; Santa Clara, university, 15. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following Is a schedule of ex penditures of Jaciisorx County, Oregon, together with a list of tho claimants and articles of service for which tho claim Is made and which were pasBOd upon by the County Court of Jackson County during the month of Novem ber, 1922. Tho following bills were allowed as follows with the exceptions shown: County Court and Commissioners G. A. Gardner, county Judge's salary 166.66 Victor Bursell, county commis sioners salary and ex pense .... . JnmeB Owens, county commis sioner's salary and expense 120.00 O. A. Qnrdnor, county judge's traveling expense , 74.02 Postal Tel. Cable Co., county Judgo's telegrams 13.22 Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., county judge's tolephono for Sopt.... C.50 Wostcrn Union Tel. Co., coun ty Judgo's telegrams 1.63 98.40 Total 480.43 Circuit Court P. Itoy Davis, court reporter's salary $ 116.66 Ueo. N. Lewis, grand jury bailiff A. K. Thompaon, circuit court crlor Mrs. ,1. Duggun, circuit court bnllirf : Home Tel. & Tel. Co judgo's tolophone for Sept, Total 300.20 Coroner's Office C. E. Barge, coroner's Juror? 1.00 Dr. W. W. P. Chlsholm, ex amining physician . .. 6.00 W. L. Cook, coroner's juror...... 1.00 W. A. Cook, coroner's Juror.... 1.00 J. N. Kddlngton, coroner'B Juror 1.00 Nort Eddlngs coroner's juror.. 1.00 G. L. Hoff, coroner's juror. . 1.00 Dr. T. J. Malmgren, examin ing physician 5.00 John A. Perl, coronor's fees.... 79.77 Dr. F. G Swodnnbur, ex- ' umlnlng physician 5.00 A. P. Walter Krnsse, exam ining physician 5.00 Dr. E. B. Pickel, examining physician 5.00 Total $110.77 Hcliool (Superintendent's Office Susunne II. Carter, school superintendent's salary 1GG.6C Elizabeth Burr, school su perintendent's salary 120.00 Luclle Goold, school super intendent's assistant 85.00 Elizabeth Burr, school su pervlator's travollng ex penses 60.70 Susanne II. Carter, school superintendent's offlve ex pense , , Oregon City Enterprise, school superintendent's exponse Home Tel. & Tel Co., school superintendent's tel. for Sopt Modford Mall Tribune, school superintendent's printing Medford Book Storo, school superintendent's supplies Western Union Telogrnpli Co., school superintend ent's telograms 6.14 8.05 7.90 24.00 4.10 1.58 Total $484.13 Fruit Inspector1 Office E. It. Oatnian, fruit Inspec tor's salary and expense..$ 192.50 E. R. Oatman, fruit inspec tor's expense 49.90 Howard E. Warner, fruit In spector's salary and ex pense 192.50 Tomlin Box Company, fruit inspector's expense 5 87 circuit ' 18.00 57.00 21.00 3.75 ' Total t 210.41 , Justice Court Jas. Carl, justice witness 1.00 Qlass & Prudhomme, juatlco court supplleB , 7.15 G. O. Taylor, justice fees 77.40 O. O. Timothy, constable fees 1.50 SPORT BRIEFS SEATTLE Tho Victoria Cougars wore defeated last night 8 to 4 by Vancouver in a Pacific coast hockey association game. '- NEW YORK Floyd Johnson, the Iowa heavyweight, has been matchod to 'box eight rounds with Jim Tracy CORNS JLift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little "Kreeiouu" on an aching corn, instantly that cornt slops mmiTtg, then Himrtiy YO'i lift it' right aft wild liauei. Xnilvl Your dni'jiript sells a tinv bottle nf "Frcczono" or a few cents, iiuflii lrnt to remove, every nara corn. soil, corn, or corn between ine toes, and the eullusi without tornicM r lrritatiuu. Total 67.05 Sheriff's Office C. E. Torrlll, sheriff's salary....$ 208.33 Geo. B. Alden, deputy sheriff's salary 126.50 L. D. Forncrook, doputy sher iff's salary 110.00 L. D. Forncrook, finger print work - Geo. L. Howard, doputy sher iff's salary Edna Bnydor, doputy sheriffs salary Hazel Tothorow, deputy shor- lit s salary ........... 80.00 Dulton Torrlll, doputy sheriff's salary 80.00 Alleeno K. McKoe, work in Sheriffs offlco 66.00 DoriB Klolnhammor, work in sheriff s offlco Kathorlno It, Johnston, work In sheriffs offlco ..... Goo. 11. Alden, deputy sheriff's traveling expense M. L. Dally, shoriff's expenso L. D. Forncrook. deimtv sher iff's traveling expense 100.31 R. A. Dolmen, premium on dep uty shorlff a bond 6.00 Medford Hook Storo, shorll'f's offlco supplies 108.5! F, J. Newman, work on tax matters : 300.00 C. E. Torrlll, finger print out fit - - - . Dalton Torrlll, deputy sheriffs traveling expense C. E. Terrlll, sheriff's expense C. E. Terrill. sheriff's travel ing expenso C. H. Torrlll. stumps for sher iffs office Biinongh's Adding Much. Co., sheriffs office expenso 7.73 Homo Tel. & Tel. Co.. sheriffs telephone for September 11.30 15.00 100.00 93.00 63.00 15.00 11.48 37.00 10.00 3.50 211.58 41.37 io.oo Total : $440.77 Assessor's Office J. B. Coloman, assessor's sal ary $ 166.66 Linnle Hnnscnm, deputy as sessor's salary 110.00 Ray Coleman, doputy asses sors salary au.eu Dolpha Torrlll, work In as sessor's offlco - 39.00 J. B. Coleman, assessor's traveling expense 8.00 Medford Book Store, asses sor's office supplies . . o Home Tel. & Tel. Co., asses- sor's telephone for Sep tember 3.00 Total.. $423.41 Tax ltcbnto Mrs. G. F Rose, tax refund $ 26.13 Louis Vimont, tax refund.... 18.17 Honry Stone, tax refund 32.90 Total 77.20 Widow's Pension Ella Abbott, widow's pen- slon - 20.00 Mrs. Juanlta Butlor, wid ow's pension 20.00 Efflo Mario Baor, widow's pension 26.00 Mrs. Calia Card, widow's pension 54 00 Mrs. Nettle Greon, widow's pension Mrs. Inn Huson, widow's pension Mrs. Alice P. Howell, wid ow's nonslon Mary 11. Higgins, widow's pension lo.OO Mrs Dolly Lovo, widow's pension 25-00 Mrs. Anna Prescott, widow's ponslon i"-00 Myrtlo M. Palmer, widow's pension Mrs. Rosa A. Poffly, wid ow's pension 1 nliuK'a Itnwon widow's pension 20.00 Rothn M. Richardson, wid ow's ponslon 32.50 Mrs. Rosa R. Slngler, wld- ow's pension 3-. 50 Adldo Webb Shanks, widow's pension 10 00 Mrs. Lydln Banners, widow s pension Mrs. Kill. Sevey, widow's pension Mrs. Amy R. Thorn, widow's pousinn Florence M. Baker, widow's pension 15.00 54.00 25.00 15.00 25.00 lar Indigent iO.Ot Doc Parsons, regular indig ent .;.,. 8.00 Mary Price, regular indigent 8.00 James Pough, regular indig ent 10.00 Elizabeth Patterson, regular Indigent 8.00 Mrs. L. Sehlotfiln, regular indigent , ; 6.00 Mi-b. Jean Ross Smith, reg ular indigent -..... 8.00 T. D. Stafford, regular in digent 7.00 Nancy Slsemore, regular in digent 10.00 Annie Wntkins, regular in digent , 8.00 Alex Wilson, regular indig ent 8.00 Z. Wolgamott, regular , in digent 15.00 J. P. Dodge & Sons, burial of indlgient 30.00 June Earhart.i indigent ex pense , 15.00 Oodward Mercantile Co., in digent supplies ....'...- 44.10 E. M. ThUrber, indigent supplies 16.37 Amerlcun Rod CrosB, indig ent expense 80.71 A. B. Evans; indigent sup plies '. 10.00 Hutchison & Lumsden, In digent supplies 94.03 Jackson Street Store, Indig ent supplies 25.58 Mrs M. E. Middlebusher, in- ' dlgont supplies 8.00 Phoonix Mercantile Co., In- dlgont supplies 10.00 Alice Ulrieh, rent for indi gent 0.00 Lewis Ulrica, indigent sup plies 24.69 Weeks-Conger Co., burial of indigent 20.00 John Morlet, regular indigent 10.00 Mrs. H. B. Hatch, regular in digent 10.00 office expense 12.00 Total 1 Sealer of Weights and Measuie E. A. Houd, sealer of weights and measures salary Water Master Fred N. Cummlngs, water master's salary $ Fred N. Cummlngs, water master's expense . F. E. Nichols, deputy water water master ...... F. E. Nlcliols, deputy water mastor's expense 23. IS 125.00 60.80 24.00 4.90 Total 204.70 County Attorney Rawlos Moore, district attor- ney's office expense .40.00 County Agent ;; j State of Oregon, Agricultural ' College, payment of Co. I agent : 2000.00 Prohibition Enforcement Expense I S. II. Sandefer, prohibition I enforcement expense -756.69 Bert Moses, prohibition , en- - forcetuent expense 43,00 J. II. Leggltt, prohibition en forcement expense ., 166.35 Standard Oil Company, pro- I hlbltlon , enforcement ex- I penso - 63.18 Aubrey Norrls, grand Jury witness Carl Norrls, grand jury witness Wm. Offutt, grand Jury , witness ..'. Paul E. Pearce, grand Juror Kathorlne Parsons, grand Jury witness LUlle Paul, grand jury wlt- . ne88 Sylvia Paul, grand jury wit- W.aV'graVii jury witness C. W. Priest, grand Jury witness Dwano Rowley, grand Jury witness Edward Russell, grand Jury witness , Mrs. Laura Rowley, grand Jury wltnesB Qeo. Roberts, grand jury wltnesa James' W. Sraylio, grand ! Juror Frank Silva, grand Juror Glen Terrill, grand jury witness 17.50 17 60 25.00 25.00 Total la l.tiu Clerk's Office Chauncey Klorey, county clerk's salary $ UlC.Ofi Mildred Nell Klorey, deputy clerk's salary 123.00 Dolllla Stevens, depiily clerk's salary ; 110.00 Riiberta l'earee, deputy clerk's salary 90.00 Mattle Stevens, deputy elerk s salary 7VO0 Irnin Martin, work In clerk's office 75.C0 Marv Truax, work In clerk's oirieo 30.00 Medford Hook Store, clerk's office supplies 84.35 Homo Tel. Tel. Co.. clerk's felephmio for September .... 8.00 Kllhnm Stationery Co., clerk's supplies ... , 15.23 Medford Mull Tribune, dork's supplies JH.7.1 Total ..$ TliS.99 Total :. tm.00 Vnin of Poor not at J'oor l'nnn f .... Vnllln llnufflniiiM. ,',irU- Inr'lndigont - 25-00 A. D. Ileardsloy, regulnr in digent Mrs. Katn Copplo, regular Indigent Mr. Castile, regular indig ent Dnvo Daniels, regular Indig ent Mrs. MIlHo Hosier, regular Indigent A. M. Ford, regular Indig ent Mrs. Hudson, regular Indig ent J. W. Ingram, regular in digent Albert. Johnston, regular In digent Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, regular Indigents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, regular Indigents Mr Lena l.ee, regular in digent Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, regu lar indigent Mrs. 1. A. Montgomery, reg ulnr indigent .1. Meecn. rrfgnlnr Indigent-. Mrs. Jlnrgarot Noblo, rogu- 10.00 8.00 S.00 .8.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 S.00 8.00 10 00 8.00 8.00 Total ..,.....: ,$ 672.47 Care of Poor at Poor Farm Dr. W. W. P. Holt, county physicians salary $ 75.00 Mrs. Irene Wells, superin tendent's Co. Farm salary.. 126.00 Ed Bluns, meat for County Farm .. 8.9.0 Col. Ore. Power Co., lights for county hospital '. 14.04 Mr. Cad Ellis, county farm supplies ..a 1.50 Medford Furniture & Hard ware, county farm supplies 0.95 Mann's Dept. Store, county farm supplies . . ... 10.14 John Noon, nursing at county farm JO.OO Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phono for county farm. 3.20 Paul's Electric Store, county farm supplies . 33.86 Tlios. H. Simpson, county farm expenses . 33.70 Miss Mary Wedge, labor at county farm ., , 40.00 Total... ..........,.-.$ 368.89 Court House Expenses B. L. Moses, janitor's salary.. 62.50 Kolte Tiffany Co., court hoUBe expense .....'.... :. .... 451.44 Medford Greenhouse, court house expense ;... , ; 5.00 So. Pacific Company, freight . for court house 26.40 Zellerback Paper Co., court house supplleB 39.69 Cal. 'Ore. Power Co.,' lights for court house . 36.45 Fred J. FIck, poijrt house sup plies u 23.80 People's Electric Store court house expenso s-vo Total .. 1008, - ' County Library E. Fay Woolsey, librarian's salary 66.66 E. Fay Woolsey, current 11- I brary expenso 20.00 Mildred Blitou, assistant li brarian's Balnry 70 00 Marjorle Myers, assistant li brarian's salary 25.00 American Library Assn., book lists The J.' K. GUI Co.,: library books . , Mrs. Prue A. Piatt, library books Medford Book Store, library books : O. O. Timothy, grand Jury witness " Mrti. Annie Watson, grand jury witness J. B Weaver, grand jury witness 22 Mr. Zanon, grand Jury wlt- lieds Total ,......$ 618,33 - Jail : . E. D. Collins, jailor's salary..$ 60.00 Wm. Hammett, Jail expense.. 81.30 Medford Domestic Laundry, laundry for jail 10.63 Anna Schmidt, meals for prisoners . 386.75 Leora Smith, jail matron ........ 39.35 C. L. Wolf, jail expense.....,..- 208.30 Goo. B. Alden, money ad vanced jail , 36.38 Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights for jail 8.72 Will H.. Wilson, Jail supplies 17.88 ....A....$ 815.10 ' 10.00 15.61 76.80 Total - Juvenile Court ' Efflo M. Terrill, Juvenile court expense -. Marjorle McEwan,' Juvenile Pearl Sargent, juvenile wlt- uena icon - Total $ 102.41 Advertising and County Printing Ashland Tidings. county printing : $ Gold Hill News, county print ing Jacksonville Post, county printing ... .. Medford Mali Tribune, county printing Southorn Pacific Cooipany, advertising expense -. Tomlln Box Company, adver tising oxpense Total $ Election Expense Luclle Koonu, work on elec tion -. John Harris, work on election Dan M. Pearce, work on elec tion nushnng & Com puny, regis tration cards . L. 11. Cameron, registering voters Davis Transfer Co., election expense Jackson County Abstract Co., eloctlon maps Medford Printing Co., elec tion maps Clarion Publishing Co., elec tion supplies Medford Mail Tribune, print ing for election 45.05 30.00 34.90 101.20 151.69 . 3.00 365.84 75.00 75.00 30.00 17.95 44.70 3.50 3.00 1.80 201.90 392.15 Total $ S51.00 County Nurse Mario K. Falldlne, county nurse's salary 125.00 Colonial Gnrnge, county nurse's expense . 6.00 Marin E. Falldlne, county nnrsn'tt p,iwnin . 1.85 Jones & Kirkpntriek, county nurses expense l.vbi Medford Service Station, county muse's expense. 13.50 Medford Auto Top Co., county nurse's expense 1.63 Total .$ 102.67 Surveyor's Offire Eva Hooker, surveyor's sten. otfrapher - t 40.00 C. Frank Rhodes, surveyor's ' ,, Total ......J X General County Fund Franklin Arant, grand jury witness ; .$ E. J. Arant, grand jury wit ness - Alice Arant, grand jury wit ness . Robert Arant, grand Jury wit ness .' ' C. A. Adams, grand jury wit ness ; Theo. Augorls, , grand ( Jury witness ! '. Earl Bernard, grand jury wit ness Mrs. Sue Bailey, grand Jury witness .... Glenn F. Bailey, grand jury witness .'. . Lester Barnard, grand Jury witness Marie Benedict, grand Juror.. Belle Bennett, grand Jury wit ness -. N. S. i Bennett, grand jury witness - , Mrs. Barnard, grand jury wit ness , 8. I. Brown, grand jury wit ness . .. Pat Bohan, grand Jury wit ness Mrs. Gertie Bolen, grand Jury witness :.'..,..'.ii.i.'....'.-U'. Vera Bolen, grand Jury wit ness - Dai Collier, grand jury wit ness ...... Vernon Caryt grand Jury wit. ' nesa .... H. . A. Canaday, grand- jury witness ...J... ...... Constance Cormauy, grand jury witness Ellis Clark, grand jury wit ness ; James M. Cummlngs, .grand jury witness Mrs. . Jas. M. Cummlngs, grand Jujy witness W. A. Cormany, grand jury witness . Joe Cove, grand Jury witness Mrs. Effie Dalian, grand Jury - witness : ; Bort , Donovan, , grand Jury , witness ,. .... Ida Dews, grand Jury witness Mrs. Vernon . Dews, grand jury witness ; Theo. Deter, grand jury wit ness .... J. K. Drake, grand jury. wit--ness , - A. B. Evans, grand Jury .wit ness . C. R..Fry, grand Jury .witness Earl II. Fell!, grand, Jury wlt- 3. W. Gwinn, grand Jury wit ness Mrs. Lydia Goff, grand Jury witness . Linden Grigsby,- grand jury witness Chas. Gaplt,. grand jury wit ness - A. A. Gillette, grand jury wit ness Helen Gregory, grand Jury witness A. D. Glllson, grand Jury wit- Howard iiiil, grand jury wit ness ' Mnrtln Hansen, grand jury witness -. '- . Fred Hansen, grand Jury witness Paul Horn, grand jury wit ness Miss Rachel Hurst, grand jury witness . Hazel Howard, grand jury witness J. W. Hatcher, grand Jury witness Wm. Hitzler, i grand jury witness ; G. S. Hitzlor, grand Jury wit ness Mrs. Annio Hall, grand juvy witness J. O. Isaacson, grand Jury witness Eula Johnson, grand Jury witness E. C. Jorome, gfaml Jury s Witness Levi Johnson,, grand jury .witness Mrs. Adn J. Konyon, grand jury witness Delbert A. Lygns, grand Ju ror '- Lester Luyton, grand Juror Chas. Lindsay, grand juror.. Mrs. F. M. Landing, grand jury witness Frank M. , Landing, grand jury witness D. M. McDanlel, grand Jury witness Jno. A, Millard, grand Jury witness 3.00 3.00 2.00 16.00 7.60 4.80 4. SO 4, SO 5.60 7.69 3.00 7.60 2.00 18.40 19.20 3.00 3.00 7.60 3.00 i.00 of the sale. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this IStli day of January, 1923. y 1RAIA TAYLER WOOD. Executrix of the Esfate of .Albert Clifton Tavlor, Deceased. ', O. C. HOGGS, Attorney for the Executrix, 30 N. Central Avenue, Medford, Oregon. The Best Values in Total .: $537.40 (To bo continued.) The Rod Wing poultry yard on the Crater Lake highway, near Medford, set twelve hundred eggs to hatch yesterday. 12.00 I Administrator's Notice 23.72 in the County Court of tho State of Oreeon for the County of Jackson. 20.65 j in the Matter of the Estate of Robert R flrelvn. nnmntlmes known as Rob 78.51 Brt Hruea Grelve. and alBO known SB ' R R. firelvfl. ilecensed. t 322.44 Notice Is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 1922, the under signed was duly appointed Admlnlfltra- 7.80 tor with the Will annexed of Robert B. Grelve, sometimes known as Robert - 7.80 Brucd Qrelvo, and also known as R. B. I Orelve, deceased, by the County Court 7.80 of the State of Oregon for the County I of JockBon. All persona having clnlms 7.80 agalnpt the said decedent are horeby . notified to present the same with pro 7.00 per vouchers within six months from the date hereof to me nt my place of 10.80' transacting business, the offlco of Lincoln McCormnck, Room 203 First 7.60 National Bank Building, Medford, Oregon. 5.00 . Dated December 28th. 1922. , J. E. THORNTON, Administrator with the Will annexed. 3.00 5.60 18.00 3.00 3.00 7;60 6.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 ! 7.60, O'.OO 3.00 3.00 Administrator's Notice In tho County Court ot tne State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas . Jefferson Grelve, also known as Thomas J. Grelve. deceased. i Notice Is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 192, tne under signed was duly appointed Administra tor with the Will annexed of Thomas Jefforson Greive, also known Thomas J. Grelve, deceased, by the County .Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. AH persons having claims against tne said dece dent are hereby notified to present the same with nroper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to me at my place of transacting business, the office of Lincoln McCormack, Room-03 First : National Bank' Build-, Ing, MOTford, Oregon. r Dated December 28, 1922. J. E. THORNTON, Administrator with the Will annexed. Suits or (Tcoats are right here Come in and make me prove it. $50 to $60 values at . , Administrator's Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Rebecca ) Dollla, Grelve, alBO lenown as Rebecca ' D, Grelve, deceased. ' Notice Is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 1922, the under signed was. duly appointed Administra tor with the Will annexed of Rebecca Dollla Greive, also known as Rebecca D. Grelve, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. All persons having claims against the said decedent are hereby notified to. present the same with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to me at i my place of transacting business, the , nn office of Lincoln McCormack, Room '"" 203 First National Bank Building. 0-00 , nx-Jf.-J Dated December 26, 1923. J. B. THORNTON, Administrator with the Will annexed. 3.00 j 3.00 i 3.00 I 3.00 .3.00 5.00 ' 3,00 3.00 i 10.80 : , iB.CO I 2.00 2.00 .3.00 6,00 6.00 3.00 . 45.60 . 5.60 3.00 5.00 5.00 7.60 7.60 .00. Notice of Sale of Real Estate , In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the EB.tate of Albert Clifton-Taylor, Deceased. , Notice Is hereby given that under ' and by virtue of the terms. of the Will of the said Albert Clifton Tayler, .Do ceased, the undersigned, the Execu jix of the Estate of the .said Albert Clifton Tayler, ..Deceased will sell nt private sale in parcels to . accommo date the purchasers, to the highest bidder or bidders, on tho terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, and subject to Confirmation by. said Coun 'ly Court , of Jackson County, Oregon, . from or nfter Thursday, the 15th day 'of February, 1923, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Albert Clifton Tayler, Deceased, which at the time of his death was. a foe simple title in and to tho real property bar Inal'tor described and all the right! titlo and Interest to said Estato as by .operation ot law or otherwise ae- I ((Hired, other than or in addition to 3.00 1 that of said Deceased at the time of I his death, of. In, and to those certain 5.00 lots, pieces, or parcels of land situ- I ated, lying and being In tho County 4.80 of Jackson and Slate of Oregon, more I particularly described as follows, to 3.00 Wit: I Lots Two (2), Threo (3) And Four 7.60' (4) of the Midway Subdivisions ;of Jackson County, Oregon. Terms and Conditions of Sale: Cash I payment to be agreed upon by and be tween the undersigned Executrix of said Estate nnd the purchaser and the 3.00 1 payment of the balance of the pur chase price to be agreed upon by said 16.00 parties at the time of snlc; balance 18.40 of purchase price to bo paid on. Con 18.40 firmntlon of Salo; deeds and abstract to be rurnished at the expense of the ".60 Estate. . I All bids and offers must be made 7.60 at tho office of O. C. Boggs, Attorney for the said Executrix, at 30 North 8.00 Central avonue, Medford, Oregon, at I any time after the firat publication 3.00 of this Notice and before the making 3.00 j 7. BO $45 Others as low as $32.50 .E.Main, Upstairs Every one of the ingredi ents in . ' ScholzV Butter-Roll Bread is tested for its, p.urity and food value. You are assur ed of only the best in this bread. It's pure and wholesome. Ask Your Grooer. - ' Pullman Bakery To see better, to see comfortably see NOTICE. , Through an Error Our Offlco Telephone Number was omitted , In tne new Directory. IT IS 97 dr. n. e. srunrmv Dentistry and X-Ui.t 2nd Floor Medfnro HI, In. PIPE FLUSH Quickly dissolves nil olwtructlons In clogged drain and sewer plpos BUY IT TRY IT - ' For Sale Ey A. I. VH.OMAX, 113 S. Front fit. Picture Framing at Swem's Studio ,9Q DON'T O ' FORGET H'd'we Co.) REAL BARGAINS In Serviceable Used Can " Crater Lake Automotive Co. , 12;l South Fmnl Su. , ., i rrr