MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON', THURSDAY. JANUARY 25. 102:1 PAGE THREE Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often , Rejected Judging from reports from druK Klsts who oro constantly In direct touch' with tho public, "there is one preparation that has -been very sue-, cesHful in overcoming 'these condi tions. Tho mild and healing influ ence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is soon realized. It stands tho highest for Us remarkable record of success. An examining phytUdun for ono of the prominent Life Insuranco Com panies, in an Interview of the subject made tho astonishing statement that one reason why bo many applicants for insuranco nro rejected is because kldnoy -trouble is so common to the American people, and tho large ma jority of those whoso applications are declined do not even suspect that they havo tho disease. Dr. Kilmer's Rwamp-Tloot is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. f However, If you wish first to test t' great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lilnghamton N. Y., for a samplo bottle. When writing be Buro and mention this paper. Adv. Hall & Hall CASH AND CARRY GROCERY TO E All school children, grudo nnd high school of Medford nnd .surrounding country are Invited to submit essays on the Internationally famous paint ing "Never Alone," which Is now on exhibition nt the Modl'ord Center store. Tho Art levers' league of Medford will award three prizes, 5, (3 and 'i fqr tho first, second and third best essays. The papers will be graded on ' the basis of the best conception of tho .picturo as presented in the essay and duo consideration will be given for ages of contestants. Essays must not contain more than 100 words, tho writer must place name, ago and address on same sheet of paper and hand to attendant at the exhibit. "Never Alone" Is a master work of art which hns attracted thousands of visitors wherever shown and the appeal to the imagination is so strong that tho observer invariably pays homage by lengthy contemplation. SALEM TOSSERS AH INI FOR GAME TON! These are not special sale prices but a few of our Every Day Bargains. Fancy dates, per lb, 17c Robles canned apricots, peaches and pears, per can, 25c. ; Four cans for .96c North States sweet corn, per can 12 l-2c Snowy Butte Flour, per sack $1.70 CnmplM'll Is CouflriiKHl. WASHINGTON. Jim. liG. Tho nomination ,of Milo D. Campbell of Michljtun to tho fodoral rosprvo board a tho no-callod "dirt farmer" mom- bor, was confirmed today by tho senate. It pays to carry your own groceries. r H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. Medford, Ore. "JOHNNYS GOT A COLD" When Johnny or Susie begins to "snuffle" and sneeze THEN is the time to give BINZ Bronchi-Lyptus and prevent the develop ment of a vitality sapping cold or per haps worse illness! Bronchi-Lyptus is safe no narcotics no al cohol. "NIP IT IN THE BUD WITH BINZ PRODUCTS" TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST Mollis Huntington, coach f the Salem hlKh school athletic teaniH, ar rived thiB niornlntf accompanied by seven mom born of tho Salem high school basketball Rquud. A number of Medlord high Hchool studejitH mot the Bulu m siuud at the train. Seve ral friendn of Huntlngton'H wero also on hand to nee him on bin arrival. Huntington coaehed Medford ath letio teams Uiat year, Tho Sulcm squad will meet tho Medford hoop squad at tho Nat to night and u rip-roaring game in ex pected. Tho contest tonight nnd tho one tomorrow night aro expected to differ from the games which Med ford faun havo m;en so far this neannn In that tho outcome will be uncertain, until the finish. The Salem men went to tho Nat thl morning and totwed a few ba ketH and . did tho same thing this afternoon for a short time In order to acquaint themselves with tho floor, baskets and hnckboarda. Tomorrow noon tho visitors will be given a luncheon nt the Hotel Med ford at which all members of the Salem and Medford teams will be present. CHICAGO. ' Jan. 25. ( Ity the- As sociated l'rctw) Imperial Wizard 1 11 ni in Wesley. KvaiiB nnd three other iniprrinl oi'fU crn of tho invisible em-1 plrtv KniKhtH of the Ku Klux lClun, became vlsltilo In Chirnito today with llin announced Intention of nmkltiK a thorouKli InveMiKutlon of netion nRalnnt klanfimen here, particularly with reference to the klan InveHtl iKatlon by n council cornmlttee. . I I 'J'he Imperial wizard Indicated that I the lilan was ready to (lRht and de-. ' clared that "virions. unfounded re-l ports Involving the klnn," will not bo suffered by his orKanliuntion. I Jle announced that in connection1 with the InveBtlKntliin or liooih'il band troubles at Mer nmijre he would I nmUe ft formal reply after analyzing tho statement made public today by Attorney Oeneral Coco of Louisiana In which he limited the klan with numerous outrages. LOCAL WOODMEN 10 MEET GOLD HILL There Is Quito a revival of activ ity In Modern, Wooilmon of America circles in tho Rogue river valley. A new camp Is to be Installed at Jack sonville next Saturday night and all morubora in the valloy are Invited to be present anil help put the Job over. Thorn will be plonty of amusement. Tho Modern Woodmen and the Royal Nolghbora will hold a Joint session at Gold Hill Friday night, at which time M. V. A. pictures will be put on the screen. Visiting Neigh bors are invited. Next Wednesday evening there will be a Joint session of Modern Wood men and Royal Neighbors in this city, for which a big entertainment and plenty of eats will be provided. The M. W. A. pictures will be shown atod one or two head officials are expect ed to bo present and address the gath ering. Friends and rolatlves of Modern Woodmen are Invited to at tend the Medford meeting. A party of high officials of tho Westorn Union Tolograph company arrived in the city Inst night In the prlvnto car of the Western Union company to remain until tomorrow evening when they will depart for Portland, whero after a business In spection there they will depart for Salt Lftko City and Denver on routo east. In the party are Newcomb Cavl j ton, president; L. McKisick, assistant to the president: 11. M. York, vlco prasldent, and J. C. Wlllever, vlco president. They are primarily on a business trip, hitting the high spots on tho Pacific coast, and while In Southorn California. Mr. Carlton took' occasion to visit with his sisters, the Misses Carlton, who reside near Cen tral Point, but who are at present so journing at La Jolla, Calif. The visit here Is for the purpose of allowing President Carlton to visit today nnd tomorrow with his brother, Eddie Carlton, who mot tho party here this morning nnd took them in his car to his ranch home. Two More Irishmen Executed. WATERFORD, Ireland, Jan. 25. (By the . Associated Press.) Two men, named O'Reilly and Fitzgerald, residents of Cork, wore executed at the-Waterford infantry barracks this morning. Both had been found guil ty of possessing arms. 1.. .M. Sweet of HeaKle transacted business und visited friends in the city Wednesday. The supreme court has granted a license to practice law to Attorney Frank DeSouza of tills city, who re cently assuinod the practice of Attor ney W. E. Crews, recently appointed commissioner of corporations by Gov. Pierce. A. 11. Diersh, local assistant agent for tho Standnrd Oil company leaves tho end of the week for Harrlsburg, Ore., whero he will take tho position of special agent. Mr. Dlorsh has been assistant special agent hero since tho middle of last summer and his many friends: and business acquaintances will rogret his departure even though they congratulate him ttKn his pro motion. Charles Hamilton of Ruch was a business visitor In tho city Wednes day afternoon. Following tho Installment of a drug department this week in tho Medford Center department store other depart ments will probubly bo put In about February 1st. The house commlttoo on education of the legislature early this week wiped tho slate virtually clean of school bills when it directed that tho bills bo withdrawn from tho house pending the production of further data bearing upon them. Tho froo text book bill, Introduced by Woodward on tho second day of tho session, was one of these. When it reappears Indica tions aro that it will be launched on stormy seas and that decided opposi tion will appear In the house. SOUTHERN PACIFIC SI TV0 FPE-r Or COMFORT WITH- EVERY STEP ' Here is pictured the ARCII-O-PEDIC ribbed steel shank as it is built into the shoe. The outer and inner soles are care fully moulded to conform to the pitch of the support. . w '' . Bcsideft supporting the longitudinal nrch, tho ARCII-O-PEDIC shrink gives' gentle but firm sup port to the transverse or metatarsal nrch. C. M. Kidd & Co. 223 E. Main Medford AT HOME- ON TH-E- AVErNUE Large Sunkist Oranges 45c Per Dozen 1 1 , i SPECIAL PRICES BY THE BOX OR HALF-BOX See Window! ( Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. Marsh Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 BURNSJNPACIFIG PORTLAND, y Ore., Jnn. 25,Tho. schoonor Defiance, anchored at. falsi, in the Solomon Isles since late Decem ber on account 1 of trouble between Captain It. M. Clark and members of the crew, burned to the water's edse Tuesday, according to a cablegram re ceived here today from Captain Clark by' Ernest E. Johnson, head of the ship brokerage company bearing his name. t ... Arrangements Jinvo been lnndo by Unitod States Consul Wormouth at Sydney with Commissioner Tulagi at Falsi to send Captain Clark, his wife and crew to Sydney. They will return to tho United States. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2.1. The' not revenue of tho Southern Pacific company from railway operations in 1922 was $68,845,713, an increase of $11,932,610, compared with the 1921 rovonuo, the company announc ed today. I Tho net railway operating Income of the company in 1922 was $4 6, -222,846, an increase of $10,276,005 uver 1921. I The net railway operating income is obtained by subtracting rents and other fixed debts from the net rev enue, i J h The host performance .of '.their three days' engagement i wag Vl'lna fore," given at (he Page last- might by tho American Light Opera com pany. All the stars wero In good spirits, played with Bplendid dash and were In as good voice as an epidemic of colds mado possible, whllo Kd Andrews as Sir Joseph Porter fairly outdid himself, noting with admir able Intelligence and restraint. Tho absence .,of local cracks also added to the pleasure of the even ing. Local cracks may be excused In cheap light opera but Gilbert and Sullivan productions are too (Inn in themselves to be tampered with by amateur Jnkesmiths. All tho stars wore excellent but Pnua Ayrea nnd Carol Watson, do serve particular mention In tho re-, spectlve roles of Buttercup and Dcadayo, whllo the chorus work was an usual, a positivo inspiration. A large number of Modford .music lov ers attended cvory performance nnd general regret was exprossed last night over tho company's departuro. Notice. Notice is hereby given that War rant No. 240-250 Inclusive on City of Ilutte Kalis aro hereby called for re demption. Interest on the above will cease February l, 1923. . JOHN E. DAY, 260 City Treasurer. Kidney Trouble eauaet Lamenea "A lameness followed mo for some time, nnd I felt that it was caused from kldnoy trouble. One bottle of Foley Kidney Pills bad the desired ef fect," writes II. B. Arbuckle, South Barre, Vermont Backache, rheuma tism, dull beadacho, too frequent or burning urination are symptoms of Kidney and lllndder trouble. Disord ered kidney require prompt treat ment NeRtect causos serious compli cation. Foley Kidney Pills give quick rnliuf. Sold everywhere. Adv. Kidney and Bladder Troubles Have to Go ClocfrjHl up Kldiiry 'Deposits uro T)in-i solved nnd tho Toxins (PoioiiH) Completely Driven Out. DriifrglHte Told to Gmirniucc It In Kvery In stuiico. ' - . t , .,. ; "Your very life," says Dr1. Ciiroy, "deponds upon tho perfect funotlon inff nnd health of your kldneya ho whatever you do don't ncfflect thorn." , Dr. Caroy's fnmouH PrOBcriptlon j No. 777 (known for years as Marsh-! root) .! not recommended tor ovory- thliiK, but wo cannot too strongly, urRo Its use if you suffer from nn noyhiK bladder troubles, frequent passing of wnter nlfiht and day, with smnrting or Irritation, brick dust sedi ment or hUhly colored urine, bloat ing, irritability with loss of flesh, or any other tendency to Hrlght's dls oawi, Diabetes or Gravel, for kidney disease in its worst form may he stealing upon you. Don't wait until tomorrow to btgln the use of this wonderful proscrip tion now obtainable In both liquid and tnblet form if you havo nny of tho above symptoms. Kidney nnd Hladder troubles don't wear away. They will grow upon you slowly, stealthily nnd with unfailing cer tainty. If you oven suspect that you nro subject to Kidney Disease, don't lose n single day. All druggists hnve been authorized to return tho pur chase money on tho first big bottle to all who state they havo received no benefit. Adv. On February 1 MissTowne's Millinery Department will open in the Colonial Shop with its usyal line of at tractive hats and newest modes in spring Millinery Smart Hats at Reasonable Prices MISS E. M. TOWNE Milliner Our 1923 White Goods Opening is the culmination id' an unusual effort upon our part to present to you a sale far ahead of anything ever attempted. . . You will find bargains galore in every part of the store. The special values are not at til I limited to "White Goods. Bargain prices hold sway in every department. ; Come in and see how great an opportunity you have, to buy fresh, crisp stocks at. low mid-winter, prices. Mark the date on your homo calendar as a sure reminder of this "White Goods Opening. . A Large Variety of Trimmed Hats i Priced from to $6.oo NONE HIGHER Sale Starts Saturday JANUARY 27TH, 1923 . Lasts 7 Big Days SHIELDS An Event , That You've Looked Forward to. Be Sure to Share in These Exceptional Offerings.' 222 W. Main St, Medford, Ore,, CHASSIS New Price F.O.B. DETROIT ,, , ,..,.i !'- -u.ft Think of it! For only $235 ' you can now buy this efficient, economical and reliable Ford Chassis. . With' a body to suit your needs, it enables you to imme diately increase your trade zone, satisfy more customers, reduce your delivery costs and make more money. Buy Now. Terms if desired. fttnrtcr ami Demountable Rim Kxtra C. E. Gates Auto Co. Corner 6lh And Pacific Highway 1