A 1. 1 I ! PAGE ETC! TIT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21. 102-, U. S. ISOLATION BY T ' A large orowd attended, the chii ru bor of commerce luncheon nt the Hotel Medford this noon and enjoyed P.O. LEAVES FOR EAST ID ATTEND MEET Mr. P. O. Crawford, chief engineer About nlnoty per cent of the dlvl- of the California Oregon Power com- dond end Interest chocks which were' WW. loft Medford last evening for -ow iorK city wncre ne win imcuu nn instructive and nt the same time.""" k-Wer. of The Cnll-i:; '".T .r Zth o the entertaining address on "Phases of f fornla Oregon Power company's pre- jcattonBl Kloctric Light Association, Our Foreign Trade with Particular ferred csnttal stock were to poople these meetings being held in Now Rotation to South Amerlcnn rtopub- thn lorr,lorv rvod CoDCO York City January 29 to 31. Mr. ltPB " IV IT f niilvnnli r.KnfnnH - - - . . llV-lT. fl Tililiflfh nrnfniinp of political sclenco at Oregon State Agrl- Pwer- A totul of was Cultural College. Ipald to 12 7 7 stockholders and fuvoat- Crawford will attend those meetings as the repre&entativo of tho Pacific Coast Geographic section of the aaso- BKRLI.V, Jan. 24. (( tli An.str.-t ated Press.) Renunclutiou of tho io!- icy of sanctions and pledws by O-r- luany s creditors is essential to any successful reparation negotiations in the opinion of the German government,- as set forth in a semi-official statement. Germany should uIko be allowed to develop freely her own plans for solving the problem and should be permitted to discuss them on an equal footing with her oppon ents, the statement asserts. V Tl.n n nnw. tm A m .1, nm tiiivfritr at nnr nn llin nnmnnnv'a us HlviabV 'llllUilV-UU UUt?BU 1 CUIH "..'. -r w. w. " CmtlOIl what happens as long as it doesn't - partial payment plan. I Th "Natlonul Kloctric Light Asbo. ..unpen w mm, earn ur. uuoacn, "1 " pu.u..a,.y B, ,u i cutlon , an nli80callon composed of rend that little statement In the stockholders accompanying ail dlvl- thfl ulectrlc utilities of tho t'nltod Limes uome journal ana tnero are u"i cubcks, ra.u . mcrv, y...u 8tates an(l Can(ula and manufacture "o pages ot mat puoiicaiion wnicu jireoiueni. auu Bonoiai miiuugui oi iuo erg an(J otj,era interested In the elec- i recommena to men as won as to orgaunauou, reviewen ino worn ui trIc in(jUBtry. Xno association and j-omeq. inoso nro tue euitonai ana me 1r, wmcn inciuura me uj.su-, ,t(1 commlttee8 make a gtU(ly of lccn. tho funny pages." ing of tho Prospect-Springfield, Ore-, ,. ,, .,, .,,,,,. , . The spirit illustrated by the state-1 gon, lino for the purpose of supplying front th8 lnuu9try aad tho member mum iid uuue away wiui ana me puwer vo ine muuumin diuibb rower company's havo tho benefit of the uuiii"ju m iuu uuuuu amies io lor- uumpuuy, uuu iuu cuujpiviiuu ui mo results of the work done eign countries must be recognlzod In new generating unit at the Copco Tk i.i. - .i. ..'io.i., .,. tho, Interest of our own weirare nc-, plant of the company. Enclosed in cor(jllg to lts constitution is o ad cordlnn to Ir. Dubach. the letter was a reprint of an article vanco tho art and Bclence of ,he pro. Space haB been annihilated and iso- recently writton for tho Journal of ductlon distribution and uso of clec- " "i a iuiub oi ine past, vvuui- cieciricuy ana wesiorn inauBiry oy trlcal onort'v for light heat and ever happens anywhoro has some of- William M. Shopard. general agent power for public sorvico.' feet on the United Statos and the poo- for tho company, givlug a history of. n the turn,erance of this object pie of tlio country must come to the the major operations of tho Copco Its activiuo8 are largely educational realization of thnt fact. Every Amol- organization and the resultant stlmu- nn(1 t0T th funt development of L . I 'l;au ', V . Dusinesa ncuviues m uio tho eioctrical engineering nrts and sciences In all their brunches. MURDER INDICTMENT ASKED (Continued from page one.) liCB is a rnhrnHftlllnHvA cf thn TTnltml tni.pltni. nA,vnH States and the pooplo of those coun- McKee's letter In part, follows: tries Judge tho United States by tholr To the Stockholders of tho California ttctlonB. Many Americans who vlBlt I Oregon Power Company: South. America make fools of thorn-1 During the past quartor the lnstal solres, according to Dr. Dubach, and lation ot the now fire protection learo a bad Impression. mains in the Klamath Falls, water 21 and who in nt liberty on $6,000 ' Cheap vaudeville and blood and system, which have been in course of bail on a murder charge In connec tbunder, American made movies nre construction since Juno, 1922 has tlon tlu'lr deaths, was an em- other, sources from which the South been satntactorlly completed and "0;" ,ho s"5,kor "'ftnt nni1 ac" Anterlean gains his impression of the tested. " ( cordlnto a previous wltnew was on United States and tho impression is, The Mountain StateB Power com- "Tho 'payrJu of tho Spyker plant none too favorable. The Ameilcan palJy at Spriugflold has becn'receiv- was placed In evidence. This pny pablic must give deeper consideration nK power from us over the new roll covered a time period from Au to the relation of the South American Prospect-Springfield Oregon, trans- gust 16 to August 31. Tho witness republics to its own affairs. i mission lino Blnco November 1, 1922. "la u w" maa out bV Toegenrtrom. Ot. Dubach save very interesting, Tho Copco construction work has ,. "'""J " there appeared descriptions of life in different sec been finally completed and full load the name of Burnett and under the lljno nf n,iih in-io ,i -ii,i iiimiiy cuiupimeu uiiu iu.. heading of tho number of hours work S 2 u , i f, . 8 , of 2r''000 kllowatl nna beon cnrrled there appeared 100. Tho time book that class.distinction is tho prlmo fac- on this plant. for that period showed a total of 142 tor, Jn the. retardod development of Tho preferred stock Bales cam- hours for Burnett the republics in tho southorn conti- pagn which was iultlatod in AugUBt, Another Discrepancy. ent.. The splendid American spirit 1932 was ended on November first "Can you explain why there is a vl Democracy does not exist there, ac- 'tno uocv 0f 5 q00 shares au- discrepancy between tho time book cording to the speaker, and countries tn0rll0d for iBiaaa;o by tho state ""w,f" ""y r"?" tU W""CBa S arruledby a minority. commissions was considerably over .., catmo, .. Unanswered nl" DOt i(,acbST "'bscrlbed. This together with the ..Tlbero been aT,y exp.anatlon ot noove. those which cm-respond to tho 2000 sharol) pr0vloUBiy sold em- the discrepancy offered to you by mth grade in tho United States and p)o..eoB mallCB tt lotai 0f 7.000 sharos Teegerstrom or Burnett?" tho majority of tho public schools B0ld Wo haVe Blnco been given au- "There lmB not." Moh only through tho second grade. ,h ,t b commifl8ons to Issue Uufnetfs pay for tho period in lite percentage of Illiteracy or pooplo ano,h(,r r 000 shares which will be luestion, according to the time book. o T sehooj ago is astounding in some 0 0V .nd friends in 1Z" h?VZT tZ S .V : -Ucr that our "Partners In Progr,.." 1 ""ehS ,h '' " " ,,K 1 .i . campaign may! go lorwara wunout next were introduced in evidence and these figures with figures relating to intorru,,tion. no . 1 .i n7 aopicniDor. TL Z, r 2G5.48; operating expensos, i ?. ., m1JU ,uo 01 HU'UU' 482 77: not earnings before deduct- $33,- October: Gross earnings, BE PRETTY! TORN GRAY HAIR DARK Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipo of Sage Tea and Sulphur Almost evrrj'one known that Pane Tc snd Sulphur, properly com pounded, brlntm buck the nulurul color and luairc to tho linlr when faded. Htruskod or gray. Yeuis ngo tho only wy to get this mixture wan to make It at home, which Is nuiHsy and troublesome. Nowadays, by nsk Inft nt nny drug store for "Wyeth's Snge und Kuliilnir rompound." you 1I (ret a large boltle of this famoiiH old recipe, improvrd by the addition of -other liigmllenta, at a snmll cost. Don't Slay gruy! Try It! No one run possibly tell that you darkened yuu hair, lis It does It so natural.)' nnd evenly- Vnu ilampen a spi.nKe or Hofl brush wltii tt and draw xhi tlimunh your hair, taking one small Htrolid at a llmu: by ninrning the gruy hair disaitpears, and after another application or two. your hair lipenmni benuilfully linrk. glnimy nnd ijttrnctlte. Adv. $90,-37.- 588.41: not earnings before deduct ing interest and depreciation, 138, 167.37. The groBs earnings for the twolvo months ending Octoibcr 31. 1922, were 1,04H,0.1X as compnreu with t97c.Bse.ae for tho .Tho : Infant death rate In a largo South .American city was quoted by I I... ........ A. .. na . . .. u An.. . 1. : 1 .. i I .(k.. en - t 1 755.78; operating oxpensos, of all births are illegitimate. In New York the illegitimate birth rate Is one per cent. . The. Statistics quoted by Professor Duiach were taken from a Montevldio paper and wore composed by the South Americans themselves. ' I'rofeSBor Dubach's address curried wealth ot Information proseutod In ait alt.ra-tlvo innnuer and when it was . Concluded numorous members of the forum .thronged about him to tell him hoy roucJi they had enjoyed it He Hiie&Va this aftornoon at tho Central Point- lilgtl school and haB siioken Ih iu week to all ot tut chambers ot commerce and principal high schools of the valley. - - Paul IS. McKce, of tho California Oregon Power compauy, acted as chairman and in tho absence of D. K. MUlurd, H. O. Krobach aclod as of flolul song leador. During tho stress of one of tho songs Herb Launapach broke ono of the pedals 011 Kmll Mohr'a piano, as tho result of an ovur zealous effort. Following tho breakage ot tho pedal Miss Dorothy Pariior uf the American Light Opera company delighted the foniiu memberH and guests with tour numbers and Mrs. Guy Chllders nc cdmpauiod he'r on tho injured Instru ment Miss Parker's singing was nn unusual treat and she cjttrtoously re sponded to oncores. that iNsued to Burnett was for $C2.40, Gross earnings, $98,- corresponding with the payroll. ino witness consented to placo the time book, payroll and checks In the cUHtody of the court nnd they were delivered to District Judgo Krcd M. Odom. Ing IntofoBt and depreciation, $01,- 772 COAL BARONS CONVICTED (Continued from page one) leged "terrorizing measures" against German officials to force tholr as sistance in oxocullon of alleged "il- twelvo l0Snl measures" in connection with inonthu ending Ortobor 31, 1921. Tho bualnoss of tho company Una grown considerably durlug the past six yours. This growth haB been duo very largely to tho Industrial and ag ricultural development in the terri tory served by tho company. We be lieve that the forward looking, pro gressive business policy estnbllshod by tho board ot directors aud carried out by thai management, together with the largo sums ot monoy Bpont by the company for capital oxtonslonp and improvements, has oxorted con siderable influence in stimulating business activity In tho territory oorvod. This has resulted In a con sequent Incruasu In the roveuuu ot tho company. HALL'S BILL FAVORED (Continued from paso ono.) contended for bird reservo rights and the state for agricultural rights. Under tho proposed compromise the state would bo enabled to pro ceed with plans for irrigation, uh lug water from the Sllves and Illlt len rivers, which feed Malheur lnkn and tho government would bo coded a portion of Malheur lake for a bird roservo. SALEM, Ore, Jan. 24. -Filing of an unfavorable report by thn com mittee on resolutions on tho McMn bau resolution 1 appoint a commit tee to inquire of Governor W. M. Pierce when his tax reduction bllln would bo forthcoming, precipitated a flow of oratory in the house yes terday afternoon, led by L. II. Me Mahan of Salem, author of tho reoO tutlon. Tho four educational bills Intro duced by ltepresentntlvo L. 11. Mc Mnhan around which has centered a storm nt controversy woro taken from the tnhlu and re-referred to the committee on assessment and taxa tion for amendment. The conditional sales bill. Introduc ed by Itepresentutlvo Ualley ol Junction City and A. K. Mc.Mahsn of Albany were withdrawn. This hill drew the fire of Installment plan mnri hunts in all parts of the Unltel States nnd was int. ailed, according to Us authors, to prevent the loss of a large portion of the total tost ot poods paid by persons who suh son'tently were unable to complete p.iymmt. tho French nnd Belgian occupation ot tho Ruhr and declared ordinances of tho inter-allied niilnolnnd commis sion covorlng tho occupation to have no legal value. Both notes, tho one rotating to ordi nances ot tho Rhlneland commission also bolng addrossod to tho Italian government w-oro mado public here last night by tho Gorman embassy. Tho note delivered to tho three pow ers protested against tho expulsion from occupied territory of certain German officials. Soiling forth tho German position on tbo Ithlnoland commission ordi nances, tho other noto declared tho stipulations of the Ilhlnolnud conven tion to bo traiiagrcssod by every ono of tho ordinances issued by tho French. Tho ordinances, the note declares vlolnto in "tho gravost manner tho ad minlBtrativo and flnanclnl soveiiguty of Gonnnny'' and tho Germon govern ment and tho governments of tho vari ous states "havo pointed out to their officials" that they "havo no legal value and are not to bo complied with." BREAK CHEST COLDS WITH REJLPEPPER Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop tho pain. Break up the congestion. Keel a bad cold loosen up In Just a short time. "Bed pepper Ttub" Is tho cold remedy that brings quickest relief. It cannot hurt you und It certainly seems to end the tightness nnd drive tho eongcMlon and soreness right out. Nothing has such concenlrated, penetrating heat ni red peppers, nnd when heat penetrates right down into colds. cnngeMtlon, aching muscles nnd sore, stiff joints, relief comes nt once. The moment you apply lted Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot Is warmed through nnd throuRh. When you ai-e HUffcring from a cold, vhou mntm. backache, stiff ne.-k nr sore muscles. Just get a Jar ef Bowles lied Pepper Hub, made from red pep pers, nt any drug store. You will have tho quickest reltef known. Always say "Bowles." Adv. May Call Strike ESSEN, Jan. 24. (By the Associ ated Press.) It was said here today that the number of industrial work ers and miners on strike approximate 180.000 besides the personnel nt the offices. If the Fronch court martial passes sentences on Fritz Thysson and other mine directors, it is declared that 05,000 miners will consider strike action. The workers who have already left their Jobs Include, it is said. 100,000 miners from the Stlnnes pits and 65, 000 steel workers from tho Thyssen plants. The mines owned by tho Thyssen interests employing 50,000 men are operating. All thu state mines are working. BERLIN, Jan. 24. (By the Associ ated Press.) After a 24 hour protest strike the workers in the Thysson and Stlnnes mines in the Ruhr resumed work today "in order to continue the production of coal for unoccupied Germany," it was announced. YANKS QUIT THE RHINE (Continued from Page One) muBt now be amended to "The Yank Have Cone And tho French Ara Here!" : The dawning of the day that war to see the American garrison march down the steep slope of Khrenbreit stein, ncross the Rhine into Coblen and thence, in company with th' other units of the Klghth Infantry, ti the Antwerp trains, found the Star and Stripes hoisted to Its accustom ed place at reveille while doughbo sentinels still mounted guard at the sally porta. Their packs were as ready as a; any moment during the greet war but today the final "fall in" meant home the placo where, as many a private put It. a dollar is ouo hun dred cents aud not several thousand marks. It was a day of simple ceremony. Four sergeants, picked from among the veterans of the Seventh machine gun battalion, third division, who fought at the last battle of tho Marne, wero accordod the honor of assisting Major General Henry T. Al len In lowering tho colors at the lust retreat this noon.',' Together with their comrades of companies D andjI tho veteran ser geants waited "with full pack bcsldo the halyards for-tho moment' when ibe flag should flutter down tbo staff over ancient Ehrenbreltsteln, and the trt-color or France take Us place. For the latter ceremony, two details of French soldiers, numbering 100 men and a French band, were pres ent. Pass in Review After completion of the flag cere mony, the order of tho day called for the formation of the troops In a col umn of squads which will pass in revlow before Major Allen and march through the postern gate of tho for tress. Descending the hill, the gar rison was to Join the remainder of the Eighth, early in the afternoon and the regiment, crossing the Rhine into Coblenz, was to pass through the city to the railroad Btatlon to entrain for Antwerp nnd tho trunsport St. Ml- hlcl. The first section of tho regiment was to leave the station at 3:45 Vclock, to be followed by the second detachment at 9:30 in tho evening. Tho St. Mlhlel sails Thursday, night with the tide. The women and children of tho American contingent started for Ant werp today as the advance guard of the departing forces. Sixty-five wives and children of army officers, escorted by Captain W. O. Purdy, en 'ralned. Twenty-six wIveB and twenty children of non-commissioned iflfcers and privates forming the -ocond "Irregular contingent" were prepared to leave this afternoon. IlrHUh Envoy Depressed COBLENZ, Jan. 24. (By tho As sociated Press.) Major General Henry T. Allen recolvod last evening a brief letter from Chancellor Cuuo conveying the complimonts of tho Terman government on tho occasion f the doparturo of the American 'orces in. Germany and asserting thsl heir conduct had been exemplary. Iu a reply to a letter from General "e Goutto, Major General Allen said e would formally turn the American me over to the French on January 7, or any day thereafter. Lord Kilmarnock, tho British louseworK Is a Burden Woman's lot Is a wenry one at best, lut with backache and other dis ressing kidney ills, life Indeed be omcs a burden. Dean's Kidney PIIIb have made llfo brighter for many Medford women. Ask your neighbor! Mrs. A. E. Broman, 124 Tripp St., Medford, says: "My kidneys troubled me for a long timo and I became run down and suffered from nervous dizzy spells. I had no energy and oftep had to neglect my housework. I tired easily and my kidneys acted Irregularly, and I suffered from in flammation of tho bladder, too. I read of Dean's Kidney Pills nnd they soon relieved tho trouble entirely." Price GOc nt all dealer.". Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get. ian's Kidney Pills the same 'that Mrs. Broman hadl Fostcr-Milburn rVo.. 'HUrs., Buffalb, NT Y. " Adv. Ithiuelaud commlBsioir, and Karon Jacqueny, the Belgian Topresentatlve, called upon Major General Allen and begged to be excused from attend ing the ceremony at Ehrenbroltsteln. They said they were too saddened over the departure to 'witness tho low ering of tho colors. T ONSI LITIS Apply thickly over throat covvr with hot flannel Views V VapoRub Ova 17 Million Jan UtJ Yearly Particular People Prefer Perfection, as t Personified by the Performance Of This Powerful Popular Priced Paige Product. JEWETT the SO horse power PERFORMING SIX $1195 Del. in Medford See it at 123 S. Front St. One Man Top for Fords $16.22 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY Medford Tent & Awning Works :: . Opposite S. P. Depot : f; MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price MANN'S The Final Wind-Up Of Our Price Smashing January Clearance and White Goods Sale 27 inch fine Dress Oiugham, 22o grade, yard 17$ 27 inch aud 3G inch heavy fauey Out ing Flannel, 30tj value, yard 22 36 inch fine Dresa Percale, 20o grade, yard A...17 72 inch. Unbleached Peppcrill Sheet ing, 59c value, yard 48 Kayser C'hainoLsettc Gloves, .$1.23 value 79 Adlei-s Cape Gloves in brown or tan, up to $3.00 value $3.50 Embroidery Collar and Cuff sets, 50c value, set ..i 32 72x90 Perfection Sheets, good grade, sold regularlv for $1.59. Special ' $1.30 All 1.50 Bungalow Aprons $1.00 "Women's all wool Sweaters, up to $3.00 value, $4.98 Children's all wool Sweaters, $7.00 value $4-48 Women's Silk Blouses, up to $10.00 value, ea $5.98 36 inch fine soft Nainsook, 50e value, yai'd 45 20 off on all Wool Blankets. 'n' nt'P rv,i .ill Vll,.,,. Mlmro .' V'. JLl t(ll XlUlllll .1 illUIIO. Th six Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Medford, Oregon Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns 3(5 inch Curtain Scrim, 40c value yard ; 35 Women's La France Silk IIosc, $2.75 value, pair ..: $2-18 Women's Ribbon Back Silk IIosc. ex cellent quality and shades, $1.75 value, pair .......$1.58 Women's Silk Top Union Suits, flesh color, $1.98 value, suit $1.75 Women's Athena medium Aveight Union Suit, $2.50 value, suit....$1.98 36 inch fine soft finish Bleached Mus lin, 23e value, yard 19 Oil i -i i m i Qjx men a v. a i lcKing, wuc and white stripe, 4Uc. value, yard ....35 56 inch all wool Tricotinc, in excel lent sprincr shades. &3.50 value. SU ' vardS2.48 10 off on all Umbrellas. Women's ancl Children's Wash Middies, up to $2.00 value, each $1.00 18 inch all Linen Crash Toweling, 30c value, yard ..' 25 42 inch allWool Crepe, in best shades for spring, $1.90 value. Special, yard $1.75 66x80 half wool and half cotton, 4 lb.. Blankets, sold regularly for $6.50. Special $5.25 V