BRINGING .ill. ( 1950 FATALITIES COAL THE PAST YEAR WASHINGTON, Jan. Reports re ceived by the United States Bureau : Alines from state mine inspectors jn In indicate that 1950 fatalities was the toll of human Hvgs exacted In the coal industry during 1822. This 1b a tentative f.iguro based on actual re ports covering eleven months and an estimate lor December based' upon tho probable output of coal for the month. The estimate represents a reduction of 23 fatallues from the total for 1921,. but will NOT repre sent a lowering- of tho death rate. In relation to the quantity of coal pro duced, the accident rate ' wilt be actually higher than for tho previous year, the report salu. In a summarization of tho year's record, bureau statisticians point out that from tho first of April to the last of August a large part of tho In dustry was closed down on account of a minors strike; tho production of freeh-mined anthracite was com pletely stopped;, and tho output of soft coal was cut In half. This stop page naturally eliminated the acci dents that would have occurred had tho mines been in operation. The not result, therefore; was that the five month period of tho strike showed an abnormally low number of fatnl nc cldcnts, and this reduction will, c: course, bo, V-eflectcd In tho total num im of .fnUMIUea: for.,tlio. year.. .,. ,, .: V Tho reduction' In loss of life, do snlto tho striko shutdown, was NO" as largo as it might havo been be cause of tho largo number of lives lost during the year by mine explo sions. Tho' 6utstanding feature of tho mine year was what tho bureau of ficials call "major" disasters, acci dents In which at least five lives were lost. There were thirteen of these during tho year, eleven of which wero explosions, which together cost tho lives of 261' mon. During 1921 there wero only five major accidents, with n loss of 3 '41ivcs. Only three of these wero mine explosions and they' re sulted In only-21 deaths. The largest killed 11 men';1 tho largest during the past year exacted 87 lives,' while unothor took 77. Market News Livestock PORTLAND, Orej, Jan. 24. Cat tie, hogs and sheep nominally steady; no' receipt. : ItuUer PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 24. But ter 3c higher. Extra cubes 46c; ordinary grades 4143c; cartons 52c; printa'51c. Btittorfat 4c high er; No. 1 churning cream 535lc f, o. b. Portland; under grades 60 52c. a-: . Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 25. Wheat: Hard white, bluestem, Baart, blank; sofe white $1.28; west ern White $1.2 7; hard winter, nor thern spring, wostern red $1.21. Today's car receipts "Wheat '40; flour C;'corn 1; oats 2; hay 8. Son Francisco Market SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 24. (U. S. 1 Lureau of Agricultural Econom ise'.) Eggs, extra pullets 33c; un dorslzed 32 He WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED General housework, city - or i 1 country, pnone iui-k. jou WANTED Light housework by mid, die aged "woman. Enquire Wash ington Hotel. 258 WANTED Work by day with com- pany. Call phone 93. 270 nUSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Good bmlnoss opportun- itic. Net 15 N. Grape St., phono 46W,1 tf PEKL FU.VKIIAL hul .;a- .t -ytr- At Your Srirlco Day or Nlht i Information Cordially Given Cor. flth and nnkdnlo 'Anilriilnnrc SnTlcp rh'ftIHI 1" UP FATHER I WONDER Fl HAVE TO ALL. O rVf. VIS THIS" HOTEL HELP WANTED MALE NVANTED-SteadyTTusiness-lIke man of good habits, hustle and integrity. Experience unnecessary. Opportun ity to make good money. Perma nent year around. Cash weekly. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wn. . 259u WANTED Some on to spray roses and trees at 723 W. lltli. Phoue 886-X. tf HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman to help take-care of baby. Call 832 Min. Ave. or Phone 64G. 261 WANTED Capable shorthand writer with personality and energy for part time work; Gregg preferred. Ad dress P. O. Box 9C1. 258 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED One 50 and one 100 to 150 egg " incubators, electric pre ferred. Gus Brommer, R. 3, Phone 689-J-2. .. 261 WANTED Capons, two Rhode I. Red, 2 Wyandottes and 2 Unrred Rocks. Ous Brommer, R. 3, Tol. 689J-2. 261 WANTED To buy good team, must bo gentle and true. John C. Tlior son, R. 2, Box 32. Modford. ,' 250 WANTED We havo applications for the ' following loans on . improved farms on a seven per cent basis, for five ycare, with on or before pay ment privilege: 130 acres, $800; 100 acres, $700; 100 acres, $1200; 190 acres, $4500. These are all good conservative loans. . Can you use all or part of them. Land all In one body. J. W. Dressier Co., 123 East Main St. - , . . . i 262T WANTED Gehtlemnn to room and boardhome comforts, Phono 935-R. 257' WANTED 100 Umbrellas to cover and rnnnlr. Liberty Renair Shop, 264 ! WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides. wool and rurs. jonuson rrouuee Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97.. tf WANTED House -ibving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. Overland 4 Totiring Chevrolet Touring . Buick 4 Touring Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR GO. THEY SATISFY VALVOLINE OIL KEATON 10,000 MILE CORDS ASSOCIATED GAS Crank Cases and Trans mission Drained Free' JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station MEDFOKT) -MATL TOTBrXR "MEDFOKTV OT?EC!QX. WEIKKSDAY. JAXl'ARY ,so; xou're here . THb , LETTER Vr T. II W -'I 6 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, 5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs. Attorney for Suite Land Board. Jackson County. FOR IUJNT HOUSES FOR RENT Unfurnished house for rent, close ill. Enquire 210 West Main St. 201 FOR RENT A fine 5 room and sleep ing porch bungalow on paved street, no garago. P. E. Wynkoop, 423 S. Newtown. tf FOR RENT iiousea. Brown & White. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Room with board $36 a month. 223 N. Central. 262 FOR RENT ' Furnished slooping rooms, modern garage in connec tion. 124 King St. Cor. of 10th St. 256"tf FOR RENT t nmishea steeping room with bath privileges. 325 8. River side. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT 3 room housekeeping apartment, steam heai, Feb. 1. 1005 W. Main. 261 FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping room. 325 E. Jackson St., Phone 211. 259 FOR RENT Single housekeeping room. 310 N. Bartlett. 259 FOR RENT APARTMKNT8 FOR RE?jIT Uachplar. apartment, and furnished rooms. 445 8. Front at. , . .. , 266 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, also' 7 room furnished house, No. 15 N. Grape St., phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St, corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR SALE S.' C, Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn Cockerels; Setting Eggs and Baby Chicks by 100 or 1000. Almost every Rhodo Island Red winner at Jackson County Fair, Josephiho County Fair and Ashland Winter Fair was either bred by mo or produced from eggs bought from mo. ERNEST WEBB, Phono 217 SPRING TLME LS HERE. Prepare for your new home. Purchaso a largo fine view lot In East Medford. Good clear air and plenty of room for the little ones. Best water pressure. All Improvements In and Includod In price. Recent purchasers planning for early construction of homes. Next ten days will see several more of theso lots sold for tho reason that tho prices are very low and terms to suit your convenience. Make your soloution at once. : Our River View Park near Gold Hill, fronting on Rogue Rlvor Is fast taking form. Laud is bolng graded and a fine road Is undor con struction along the brink of the river bank. These lots contain tho finest rich black sandy loam garden soil. Nothing better for onions, potatoes, melons and berries." Some vory choice tracts with shado for poultry. Many lots Bold. Irrigation for all river front lots. Many tracts ready for crops. Plans now under way for five cottages. Prices low and terms to suit your convenience, J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phono 2K5. JUST ANOTHER REAL BARGAIN i 8 ACRES, BEAR CREEK BOTTOM, 6-ROOM HOUSE $3800," TERMS This 8 acres Is 2 miles from Medford, set to Newtown Apples and Pears.- Produced In 1921 over 4,000 boxes... This year should do as well... Even at $1.00 a box, crop would more than pay for place... No hotter block of treeB In Southern Oregon... Land alone Is worth $500.00 an acre... Don't wait until noxt week... Call me up today If you want this place... Remember this year's crop should more than pay tor place. Phone 784-L J. C. BARNES BUSINESS PROPERTY WITH INCOME TO EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVED ACREAGE Wo have nlee offer of town property on Main struct, heart of bnninoss district In good fast growing town, two story fireproof con rreto building Vflth pi-twtccl brick front. Jewelry storo and news paper main floor, scrond floor is nicely furniNhed rooming; house, everything rented. Owner i hare and will exchange for improved acreage, not too far from town. Sec us today, FOUR-SITE BALES AGENCT Business Opportunities Meflford Ittilldlng, Motlford, Ore. Real Estate I'LL. JOLLY WEILL ATTEND FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 80 acres of land under water, 2 mllos of Medford, good house. Address Bert Andct'Bon. room 302 Liborty building. tf FOR RENT Vory doBlrable offices In the Medford Building, single or In suite, bost In Medford. Steam heat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phono 642. 250tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth ! St. Phone 82. tti FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS CALL DHESSLER Square Deal Hatch pry for chicks, eggs and hatchings, Tancrcd Loghoms and Reds, riiono 951-L. . . , 284 FOR SALE Young Mammoth Bronze turkey hens, l'.so year old gobbler. Address P. O. Box 800 or End West Jackson St 262 FOR SALE Threo guineas, price $3.75. Phone 411-J-4. 259 FOR SALE Dark barred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phone 969-R. 262 FOR 8ALE Ginnt bronze turkey tonls. Sanderson, one mllo west Central Point. 258 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock cockerels $2.50; hatching eggs $1 per 15, $5' per 100.- Phone 23X3, W. M. Tetherow, Central Point 2D9 FOR SALE Day old i white leghorn chicks from Imperial mating Tan bred strain. Ready March 1st. G. E. Pierce, phone 697-R-2. 259 FOR SALE Thebault R. I. Rndn. -win hers of Southern .Oregon, . setting eggs and baby chix; hatch eggs for 5 cents each. Tel. 969-R. R 3. 276 FOR SALE Booking orders now for baby chicks and hatching eggs fromi prize winning Rhode Island Reds and from White Leghorns Tancred Royal: Red Wing Poultry. Yard, Phone 865-Y. 2811 Central Point, Ore. ' 123 East Main Ht. Nash Hotel Corner Exchangee SW-WHERE DOYOU THINK XOO AEciOlN' TO A FUNER? LOST LOST Key folder containing two keys; inscribed "Model Clothing Co." on outside, "Noel French" printed Inside In ink. Please return to Mall Tribune. tf FPU SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SAl7ir"fHTi)EForIty property, 16 aero alfalfa ranch ou Ross Lane. Phone 1037. ' 204 FOR SALE A great bargain, lots and buildings. See T. Eddy, Plum St., West Side. P. O. Box 1076. 200 FOR SALE Twenty acres good soil, all cultivated, 5 acres full bearing Modnm honnn mwl liftrn r ' hiilliltiicrri1' cost more than $3000. Ranch cost present owner io.uuu. wm' sen i everything today for $4800. Address P. O. Box 1054 Medford. 251tf FOR SALE 1 0.000 acies of land con- sistlng of Blfulla. grain and stock ; rancnen, orcaaras ana iimDeriana, some Irrigated; also mining proper ty. All property must and will be sold at some price, some as low as. $1.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. .Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Hank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., ownorB, 15 N. Grape St. adjoining Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. FOR SAIiE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR' TRADE For sheep or cattle, grain drill; 1 gasnllno wood saw; l Iowa cream soparntor; 1 Fordson tractor and plowor; 1 span match mares, weight 3200; . 2 oil burner incubators, ono 160 egg and ono 50 egg; all In first class condition. Box 67 Eagle Point, Oro. v.V:---r-' 24 FOR SALE Old Trusty Incubator. Phone 951-L. , 201 FOR SALE Child's bed, go-cart, oil range, sanitary couch, stand table. Phono 723-M. 269 FOR SALE First class grain hay. C M. Howell, Tel. S69-J. 262 IFOR SALE Altai ra :,ay and bronzo 1 turkeys. AV. J. HurUell, 468-J-l. ' 1 267tf FOR SALE Furniture ; house' to ' lease. Something worth while. Box 10 Mall Tribuno. 259 FOR SALE Clean first cutting baled . alfalfa, also second. Monarch Soed Co., Phone 529-260. 256tf FOR KALE Bced wheat, ' oat hay, alfalfa, chicken whoat, weaned pigs. ' T. 15. Pottenger. . , 269 FOR SALE Flvd horse electric motor sixty foet 6-Inch belting. J. W. ; Elden, Central Point. 259 FOR SALE Sevoral thousand five quart capacity smudge pota, price 10c each. Call D. It Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards at meal hotim. ' Terms cash. 260 FOR SALr-Balcd alfalfa hay, $20.00 ton. Rogue Rrvor Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St Phone 129 J-2. ,- 201" FOR SALE New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & So- nora phonographs and records at reduced prices, , Music Shop, No, 15 No. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. If FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 36 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycln, 2220 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacomu logging engine, 10x15 with line. Dig Pines Lumber Co. ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cov.i, exception ' ally good. M. Walsh, 1 mile NH of Medford on Cratnr Lake road. 279 1920 . Buick Six Touring Gar Fine Condition, New Cord Tires, Lots of Extras, $700 MEDFORD AUTO CO. Cor. Main and Holly Sis. jj 24. 102S By George tSO-AHO I'M NOT c aONC TO As eLOOtvUN3 i n n fa VP 1073 BY INT-L FEATURe SERVICE. INC. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Puppies, nho.ihord, blcodoil, $5.00. Phono 5V1-K-1. full " I FO RSAI.E 50 Aiwt units at XMi a uenu. j. is. veKB. i.!'.,e rotm. . 2(1 1 , '., .,. . KOR SALE Iwo regiHtonvl tltimii shire i sows nnd- ono boar. II. t!. Peck. Medford. SCO j FOR SI.E imti of young mares. B nnd 7 yrs. old.' weight about 2700 lbs. ; price $lo('; tv.- gii Jersey cows, i one givlni; m'.lk't!r on, h fresh j 'in '30 days. Call Schuhard ltaii-h. Phono-UU-R-3. ' 2S2 i FOR SALE Irraov mw. Phono 250 611-J-4, Foothills Orchard. pyR SALE Dairy cows, Jersoy and Durham, will freshen soon. L. A. Rose, Phoenix. 209 FOR SALL -liOMEB jx)R SALE A real c:ty farm whoro you cau ciuke your living, Jocatwl I close In on the east side. Ix;t 60:; j 400 with all street paving paid. Best ; garden soil in Medford. Ton can produco several hundred dollnri worth of strawberries and garden products, keep your row nnd chick oiis. Six room home with bart, f lights, closets, largo screen' por'lv; wood nnd storch-msn, garago, wirli-, shop, small barn, chi-.ken houao ami yard, shade trees and several fruit, trees. See this at once. Prie $420'', . cash $1000, balance easy terms. J. ( W. Dressier Co., 123 fcust Main Pt , Phone S6. ( FOR SALE OR .EXCHANGE on IVt land residence, modern . sl:t iro.V'i Iioubb, largo lot, on pavement. Ph -in 723-M. ' . 253 FOR SALE 7 room houso, $2fll'0. clear; closo-In, paved stioot, Jiofi'l will handle. P. O. llox 509. . 2 10 FOR SALE 5 room bungalow W.. 10th St., garage, furnished oraufur. . nlshed. Phone 936-R. 2D9 i FOR SALE 5 room modem hotm furnished, garage and woodBlio Small payment down rest like rent Soe owner, 329 W. 2nd St. . 2W FOR SALE Houses and bungalows. furnished or unfurnished; also tifi-nn ir. . Tnfliirance. C S. BUt- terfield.- Medford National Hank. J Phone 389. nUSINKSS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY'-' BROS. ' & GREENE Abitrocts tif Titlo Rooms 3 nnd 5, i No'. 32 North Central Ave'.,' up . stlilrc' :" ' ' " '..' . . Tltlo Itisnrnncp. , Jackson County . , ABSTRACT CO. The only complete TI 1 do System In Jackson Connty. Abstracts of Title and WATSON & KELLOUG Reliable Jackson county abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITINO CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to nnythlug In accounting nnd In come Tax requirements. Look into ' our simplified accounting method. Liberty Hldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. RE BO RING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for rebor $6.00 When included in an overhaul $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. Best equipped Ford shop in Southern Oregon C: E. Gates Auto Co. udrHtvg Kf Accoutv-nna kYSTEiiACRVICElO; IrvourejNjCC sjf irvveatmaoia . r. Bfcmttrr tnd Floor Medrnrd Bid PAGE SEVEN': "' McManus initrx( 11USINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys (). C. L'OiKIS Lawyer. Specializes , ,!rM EB,ate n(1 Pr0Date Law.' ' ao vr,h rWrnl Ave. . - '-., . A. K. HKAMES Lawyer, office In ufwr'ty Building ' - i lliiildlng Materials MEDKORD t'KMHNT BRICK 1 & BLOCK WOKKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products.: Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. ' Chlropi-iictlc Physician DR. 11ARVB P. COLEMAN Cbiro praotic and Electro-Therapy. .427? 28 Modford Bldg. Phone DCS, tt , DI1. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Ecleotie Phvslciiin. DR. . LOUISE E, HEMS "i Naturopathic Chiro practor. Meehano-TherapyV 8pon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro- - i practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Ma'n St. Phones: Office, ' 170; Rs 170-J-2. .- DR. E. ' W. HOFFMAN Chlroprae tic PhyBldnn. Office hourB 9 W 12. 2 In 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib, otttv nuig. Office Phono 580; Res. " 1027. . - :... Dentists DR. O. .?. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. ' Main St., over M M. Dept. Stote, , Medford, Oregon. Phone 669;. ltK. 1002-Y. . Office hours 9 a. m. 6 n. m. Evenings and Sunday bf appointment. ' . Farm Loans. MONEY WANTED Can place your ... money on first mortgage, farm or ' city property 'att 7 to & net to you.1, . l .iirl Land & Investment Co., .401 Mcdfnid Dldg., Tel. 42.. . . ,. Money to Loon "'( J. R. ANDREWS Buys and sells . mortgages and loans monoy on good (eeurity, 81 N. Grape 8tv; Phono 53-M. .v. 40f- Monuments . . 'Or,,7i.-.. ?iVR OREGoV GRANITKI JCd' . Monuments: E. A. Hicks, general manager.- P. M. Kershaw, saloa . manager,' 103 E. Sixth St., Med-' ford. . -.. I ''Osteopaths DR. F O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathic Physicians 416-418 Liborty Bldg. , Phont 1 904-J-3.' RoBldonce 28 ' Bou Laurel St.' " DR.' W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Phyr.lclan. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 300 Liberty Building. Phone 496., ' Physicians and Surgeons. DR.- J. .I. EM M ENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ; car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically -toBted and glassei sup plied. Occullst and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. ''.' DR. WM W. P.: HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices 1 Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence lit . Genesee St. Phono 165-J-2. DR. A. BUR8ELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. - Special attention to spine. Phone 29. . Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGI1T Teacher ot ' Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio ; 818 ' Liberty Bldg. Phone' 7$. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., ha the . best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, $7 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and ' worn carpets and ruga. - Phone 810-M 70S Pine Bt. Transfer ',:' EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 43 North Front St, Phont 815. Prices right. , Service guar, anteed. DAVI8 TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 2 S. reBidance, 647-R or JOfl. "tf Upholstering J, WEI8 Upholstery, Manufacturer ot overstuffed fnrnlture. Fall Hie of materials. Draperies mad to order. We do all kind of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples, ' Phone lot,