... !.'- VAC.E TWO ocalartd 1 Personal John A. Jeffry, a pioneer lawyer of this county, who figured In the legal piocecdiugs of the retell elejllin last summer, is now delivering lectureH in Denton county, according to aa ad vertisement in the Corvallls Gazetlo Times. . The ad does not suite under what ausiilces the lecture Is given, but the picture of a masked and gowned figure decorates the ad, with the cai tlons, 'Who Is He?,- anu "What Is Ills Mission?" r Information on the points, the public Is advised to attend the lectures. Miss Florence Graves and Ida Wood, piano teachers, Studio 4-0 8. Ivy St., Phono T78-W. 259 Mah-Jongg at Swom's Studio. 204 .Mrs. W. K. Crews will move to Salem as soon as Judge Crews, who was recently appointed commissioner of corporations, can get settled in his new office, which will be in about u month. Mrs. Crews has been prom inent In the club and social life of this city, and will be missed by a wide circle of friends. Closing out all our farm machinery, several good buys. Palton & Robin son. Inc. tf $6.60 motor driven horns at the Electric Shop. P. , Earl Iiockdoldt of . llonanza, Klamath County, and Alta Allen of liagle Point, were united In marriage Tuesday afternoon at the home'of the cfflclatlng minister, Rev. F. R.' Leach on Laurel street. . Good bicycle for sale. Armory Sorv. Ice Station. .. . . . , 261 We have good values in used cars, l'atton & Robinson, Inc. tf The sheriffs office arrested four men at Eagle Point Saturday night and Sunday morning, for being drunk and having liquor In thoir possession. One charged will) drunkenness decamped leaving his bail, and pne other was dismissed, and the man charged with possession proved that It was "planted" in his car. .... . Now Is the timo to spray roses, shrubbery, fruit trees. Phone 10(1, Green & Dixon. ........ 163 Dance. Eagle Point. Bat. nite. ' 267 Stanley Riddell accompanied by his wife arrived. in the city this morning for a several days stay on their tour of the Northwest.. They are enrouta to Southern California. Mr. Riddell Is the pear expert of the Simons, Shutto wortli & French company, fruit ex Itortera and the largest applo export ers in this country. This concern, of which Guy Conner is the local repre sentative, . made a specialty this year of handling the Palmer and Gold Crest brands of pears from this lo cality, j i ; ,. . . . After the fire It is too late to in sure. Sea Redden & Cannday now, ' ; . . . . 2&4tf Mah-Jongg at Swem's Studio. 201 Frod W. . Payno, the ruiul mail carrier, left laBt Monday for Seattle having been called there by the death of his father on Sundny. Ho will re turn the. last of the week. . . . , , Tonight! : Grand . Masquerade! Prizes! Oriental ballroom! 259 Auto Insurance, Blown ft White. . ' According to word received today from Representative Crumor,. Medford fishermen are lining up solid against the Rogue River fish bill, which he has Introduced. . Evan Roames, of the Jackson couuty city, is in Salem lobby ing against the bill, in the bollef that It Is aimed at the sport flBhermcn. The bill would start the commercial fish ing 25 days earlier and end It two months earlier. The measure would make steolhead fishing better. and ut the same time, would give the com mercial fisherman a belter chunco at the first run of the Chinook, says Mr. Cramor. Apparently there is little support and lots of opposition to the bill. .Grant Pass Courier. . , Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat ed, full line. . Writo today. Grants Pbsb Nursery, Grants Pass, Oregon . 27u There's no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service, Spring plowing is now In full swing In the Applegato district, which ac cording to all reports has been bask ing in spring-like sunshine while the valloy proper was nenth a blanket or fog. ...... Shoe salo $6 and $7 dreHR and work shoes, ". Old Reliable Shoe Shop, .7 N. Fir. . 200 For Diamond coal bricketti, phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. Mr. and Mrs. James lintes will re turn nbout the first of February from a month's. visit In southern California. The executive board (officers of Auxiliary and executive committee) of the Ladles Auxiliary of the American lcgion are requested to meet at two o'clock Thursday afternoon, Jan. 25th, nt American Legion Hall. . 259' Hemstitching, and plcotlng. silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and Hartlott The Vanity Shop, tf OUCH! LAME BACK. RUB LUMBAGO OR BACKACHE AWAY Kidney ' cause backache? No: Listen! Your backache In caused by luriihiigo, mMotli o, or a utmln, unl the quickest relief is Hoothlntt. penetrat ing St. Jneohs Oil. Hub It right on yntir painful hack, and Instantly the mw'nem, stiffness nnd lnmenrmi rtls unpear. Io"'t tny crippled! (lei a smull trial bottle of Hi. Jacobs Oil from your druggist and limber up. A moment uftur It Is applied you'll wonder what becumo of the backache or lumbago pain. Rub old. honest HI. Jacob, oil whenever you have sciatica. n-ural-Rla, rheumatism or sprains, a It Is absolutely harmless and doesn't bum the skin,, . JV', The first rehearsals for the sixth annual minstrel show of the Elks lodge will be held Friday ovenlng. The show will be given in this city Mon day and Tuesday, February 2G and 27th. In Grants Pass, February 28th, in Yrcka, Calif., March 1st, and Klam ath Falls .March 2nd and 3rd, having the honor of opening the new theater in the lutter city. The troupe will travel in a special train consisting of two Pullmans and a baggage car. The end men will be the same as last year, Vernon Vawtcr, Larry Mann, Jerry Jerome, and Paul McDonald. Wilson Waite is musical director and Tom Swem has charge of the scenery, and P. C, Blghain is director of work. Oriental Hallroorh Masquerade to night! Prizes, favors and a big time! 259 Rompers, 1, 2 and 3 yr. sizes. Handi craft Shop. 209 James Crossley of Dorrls, Calif., re turned to home Tuesday afternoon after a short stay In the city on busi ness. Mah-Jongg at Swem's Studio. 264' There's a busy business College In ynur home town. OWN. ' . . The work of pouring the cement In the new store being built by J. C. riarnuni on Front street, began Tues- ' day morning. The structure will be one story high, ... Hot tanales and chill con came at De Voe's. tf . You cai; get It nt DeVoe's.. tf It has been definitely decided that the Medford and Roguo River school basketball teams will play two games, one on February 1 2, and the other on February . 26, one In each town. It was suggested that one game be played in Rogue River, and one in Ashland on a neutral floor, and the Idea was dismissed by the local school officials;, 'without consideration. The only . advantage would be to . give Rogue River a floor of Its size small and lust within the regulations. The citizens of Rogue River feel toward their basketball team, like Gold Hill felt towards Ralph Hand, and the hot test game of the season Is expected when the two teams clash. , . Legal Reserve Old Line Life Insur ance company desires to make gen eral agency connection In Southern Oregon. Previous experience not necessary- Only men with fair intelli gence anod good character can be con sidered. This company' sell life, health and accident insurance. Ad dress 409-13 Northwestern Bank Build ing. Portland, Oregon. 264 New Package Outfits for spring, all packages opened for inspection. Handi craft Shop. . , 259 W. G. McDonald, of the Rogue Elk lodgo, was in Medford Tuesday.. He says the roads are fine now and that ho mado the drive, 27 miles, In an hour without hurrying much. " Dance, Eagle Point, Bat. nite. 267. Chiropody. Phono 663-J. .. 276 , Mr. und Mrs." Ed G, Brown, Klna Bower, nnd Dr. R; J. Conroy left Wed nesday by auto for San Dlogo, Calif., .whore, they will remain for about a month. . Home mado Chicken Tomalles. 146 N. Front. Phone 828-Y.. 262 ' Hemstitching at beuel's. ' ' 267 For Sale 10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and tlmberland, some Irrigated; also mining property. All property must and will be sold at some price. Some as low as 11.00 per aero, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 16 Far- mors and Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 40G-J. ..-.'. Dr. J. R, Robinson and Emll Brltt of Jacksonville spent Tuesday In Uio city attending to business matters. Georgeous, gay, grand masquerade tonicht in Oriental Ballroom! Go! 259 All kinds ot rough and dreSBed lum- bor. .Wallace Woods, phono 108, 711 E. Main. ' Miss Grayce Telch, the home dem onstration, agent, put her now Ford' coupe Into use yesterday to break it in for her many trips throughout the county. She knows how to handle the car all right but Is not yot familiar with the roads and for that reason on leaving a mooting noar Central Point yesterday went five miles south think ing she was on tho way back to Mod- ford. Everybody's going! Wed! Masquer ade! Prizes! Orlontnl Ballroom! 259 Hemstitching, plcotlng, beading and embroidering neatly done nt Singer Store, 10 S. Fir St. 262 Nature tried hard to make good on the prediction of rain or snow today and honro this morning nnd foronoon ut times Just a trace of Bnow feu, Rain or snow Is tho prediction for Thursday. ' Wall maps of Jackson county, print ed on good linen paper, tinned at top and ; bottom for salo nt this office They show cities, rivers, roads, moun tains, location of property by section township and rango. and give lots of other Information. Every family should have one. tf Bettor hurry! f 15.00 buys most any suit In stock for a fuw days only, Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main, up stairs. 259 Tho following item from the Grants Puss Courier tells tho story of a plot (hat fulled: , "Jean II. Hrault and Maudn Jordan, of Medford. meant to put one over on their frlonds In the Hear Creek vllulge. They came here Saturday afternoon nnd wanted to get married. They had overlooked the ract that they must hnvo a license from tho county In which the bride lives and the prospective groom was forced to take Jaunt back to Jack sonville; They finally got their 11. cense nnd wore married hero by Rev. Joseph Knotts. They spent the week end In Grants Pnss." Take your kodak films to Palnior'i Btudlo. First class work and prompt service. K Dr. J. M. Keene has recovered from a severe cold, and Is able to attend to his orflce duties again. Wed! Grand Masquerade! Oriental Ballroom Don't miss It,, ;'"9 MEDFOnn MATL TRTBUNE, The county court has reappointed all the road supervisors, with the ex ception of the liutte Falls district for the year, and Is holding that one In abeyance for a few days. Better burr)'! (45-00 buys most any suit In stock for a few days only. Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main, up stairs! 259 The Golden Link class of the Bap tist church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Mears, 401 8. Newtown, Thursday af ternoon. An Interesting program bos been prepared and an especially large attendance Is urged. Each one Is re quested to bring needle, scissors and thimble and be there at 1:30 if pos sible, to spend a pleasant afternoon, Fine cotton blankets In white and gray in 3-4 size, at less than today's wholesale cost, $1.49 pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 258 Gus Nichols of Eagle Point attended to business matters In the city Tues day. Merchandise shoot, one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Jan. 28th. 262 Mrs. Herman Johns of the Butte Falls district was among the out of town visitors in the city Tuesday. Dance, Eagie Point' Sat nite. 267 The Item In the Mall Tribune yes terday of a month old baby girl of good parentage to be given Into adop tion caused so much interest general in the city and valley that the phone of this paper rang almost continuously last night and today asking for de tails. It had been published by those In charge of giving the baby away that they would advertise the details in yesterday's paper. They Intended to but for some unknown reason changed their minds. Grand Masquerade Wed. Oriental Ballroom. . 259 Wllstuh' George Maddox, who has the distinction of being the only col ored man in the world to own Califor nia Oregon Power company stock, has branched out into other speculative fields, and is now the proud possessor cf five shares of Star motor stock. Maryland papers please copy. Another popular dance at Odd Fel lows Hall, Central Point Friday, Jan. 26. Tickets GSo. Peerless "4" Orches tra 'til 2 a. m. 261 Henry Thomas and Frank Collins of Chfloquln, Klamath county are In the city and valley for a few days on stock business. ., --. Masquerade! Wed! Oriental Bail room! Everybody's going! 259 Tickets and reserved seats on sale at Crowson's for tomorrow and Friday night's basketball games are selling rapidly and nearly all of the front row seats for tomorrow were sold an hour after they went on salo this morning. The Salom-Medford games promise to be two of tho most interesting con tests of the season and local fans seem to have recognized this point.' When better automobiles are built Bulck will build them. tf E. W. Barham, the local trapper, who sustained two frozen feet, while lost in the Klamath mountains, und undorwent amputation of the two members In a Klamath Falls hospital is resting easy and on the road to re covery. This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., UBed on the bookkeeping machines. Don t give your orders to traveling men and have them nrinted out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. tf The Order of De Molay gave six candidates the De Molay degree last night before a large body of visiting Masons. The attendance of Masons was the largest ever seon at a local De Molay moetlng. Dance, Eagle Point Sat. nite. 267 James Chlnnock of Grants Pass was in Modford this morning attending to businoBs matters. Orlontal Ballroom . Masquornde! Wed! No advance In prices. 269 . Deer are still making their nightly Invasions Into the orchards and lawns of citizens residing on upper Torrace street Several particularly large tracks are often seen in the morning. So far no one baa been able to devise a scheme for making tho animals keep to their usual haunts. Ashland Tid ings. . For 8sio Now Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Pothe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced nrtces. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bunk. Phone 465-J. tf Officer Joe Cave roports that thore Is a short change artist working in the city nnd urges merchants and others to keep thoir eyes open. Sov cral citizens roiiorted nttompted bun coing lost Suturday evening, and the "slicker" always managed to gel out of sight before the police arrived. Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Frank Denno of Yroka. Calif., is spending the week in the city attend ing to business matters. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf A quurter paHO advertisement, for Knight's Rogue lliver Cnlstip, showing tho bottle and a tomato In colors and stressing tTio fact that Roguo River tomatoes are tho finest In the world appeared yosterday In tho Oregon Journal. i Drive an Overland nnd reallzo the difference Busy Corner Mtitor. 262 Mis. Mary K. IxJgnn Of Portland ar rived in Modford mis morning to as sist In the celebration of tho first an niversary of the establishment of the local chapter of the Philanthropic Education Orsanlzatlon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang and daughter, Helen Strang, left this morning by auto Tor Roseburg where they will spend the next few days vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strang nnd family. They expect to return the end of tho week. Elmer Spencer, representing IITythc- Wltter and company, left last night for Portland after having spent sev eral days in Medford on business. Wildes Veazle of G. E. Miller nnd oompany arrived last night from l"ort land for a several days' business visit in Medford. MEDFOfiD. OttEfiOX. "WEDNESDAY. JANUARY Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Guthrie have re turned from a several weeks visit In California where they left their two sons who are now attending boarding school, f Mr. und Mrs. M. Morris left Monday for an extended auto trip through California. . Mrs. Mabel Hendricks, of Aberdeen, Wash., with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Price of Medford. vlsisted at the J. V. Wright home on Mountain avenue last week. Leslie Price is well known in Ashland aa a candy maker, having formerly been In the confectionery business hero. Ashland TidingB. Mrs. B. F. Daddysman leaves Thurs day for San FranciBCo where she will make her home. EIS AT HIGH PITCH The Hal m hifrh wehool basketball team and couch HoIHb Huntington will arrive In Medford tomorrow morn in K for the eon t est h tomorrow night and Friday night at the Nat. with tho Medford team. Thursday night's game will be pro ceeded by a girls' preliminary and Friday night the Medford high Hehool second team will meet an opponent prior to the headliner. Kven after having epent the foot ball BeaHon of 1922 training under Coach Durno's direction Medford high ftchool athletes had no concep tion of his capacity to make them work until the last week or so. Prep aration for the Salem contest has been the absorbing interest of the coach and he has made it that of the men under him. A hard struggle , is expected and both Durno and hie squad have been preparing for it to the utmost. Seats which went on sale this morning at Crowson's are selling rapidly and practically all the front row had been sold an hour after the salo opened this morning, for the Thursday night contest. A larger crowd than has been present at any game this year is expected both Thursday nnd Fri day nights. TIME TO SPRAY ROSES SAYS A C. ALLEN Just as soon as the weather settles down nnd wo get n little sunshino, it will bo well for people living in the city of Medford to have their spray ing done. Especially all roses and shrubs that are Infested with the Sun Joso scalo and fruit trees that need spraying. This Hprnying can bo de In ye d untlllater in the spring, but at that time moHt of tho orchard spray ers will bo busy and It may not be possible to get someone with a good spray outfit to work in town. Use lime and sulphur standard strength diluted one part limo and sulphur to eight parts water. See that tho ppraying U dono thoroughly and do not; spray in cold or rnlny weather. A. C. ALLEN. ! jHort. Com. 3d District Jnck llolty Page. 1 A thrilling punch i picture, filled with' benrt interest itl the typo of pic ture which the Pai&. theatre offers aa Its feature attraction, beginning tomorrow jnatinee and playing the remainder of the week. It ie 'While Satan Sleeps," Jack Holt's latest vehicle, based on Toler H. Kync's famous story. "The Parson of Panamint." It deuts with o man's heroic battle to master his own soul. Fiitzl llrunetto is tho leading woman and there is a fine supporting cast. "Hull" Montana In "A Ladles' Man." a rollicking comedy on this bill. It Is the story of a fastidious caveman who becomes athletic in structor In a girls' gymnasium. A I'athe News Weekly and "Hetty" Brown playing special selections, are other offerings on the program. W. O. w; Notice Mombers are requested to be at the I. O. O. F. Hull Thursday at 1:30 to attend the funeral ot Neighbor Leroy Ingram. W. O. W. services. 269 E. C. SILLIMAN. Clerk. Didn't Know His Brother "My brother gut so bad with stom ach nnd liver trouble that when 1 saw him after a year 1 didn't know him. Ho was emaciated nnd yellow us a pumpkin and was often In gre.it pain. lie couldn't have lived long the way he was going. Doctors and medicine gave him no relief. I picked up a little booklet on Ma.vr's Wen- derful Kemrdy. which he said de scribed his rose perfectly. The first dose of It gave him great relief an t In n month he was good as ever " It is a simple, narmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract nnd r.llnys the inilammatlnn which causes prac tically aT utomui'h. liver nnd Intes tinal tract and allays the Infkinima tlnul ailments. Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. Kor Kile by nil druggists. , i , , . .A2L TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY V AM KI Job on farm with house to live In or would rent furnished farm, give particulars. Box 615. 203 TOR KKNT i room modern bunga low, built-in futures, garage with cement drive, wood shed and small chicken lot, ideal location. Phone CO I. or call ;;t$ s. Central. Jtil ED ANDREWS IN That the large audience at the Page last night enjoyed "The Mika do." the second In Its series of four light operas tho Araericau Light Opora company is playing during this local engagement, was evidenced by thn hearty enlhuBlasm which this over popular comic opera of Oilbjrt and Sullivan was received and the almost continuous laughter which greeted the funny saying and oddities of Ed Andrews, tho chief comedian "The Chimes of Normany" was pre sented at this afternoon'B matinee, and the last opera of the series, "H. M. S. Pinafore,'" will be given to night. Before the curtain at tho opening of the performance,, the manager of the company made a brief address stating that Ed Andrews was the mainstay of the American Lignt opera company organization and be cause of his well known talent and experience, was mainly responsible for Its success. He further related that In the Initial performance . ill America many years ago Ed Andrews had created the character of Ko Ko, lord high executioner, in which hi; long ago ' became famed, and bis brother, George Andrews, another well known and popular Medford man, of splendid voice; had origin ally played the character of Poo Bah. Ed Andrews, since that time bas accompanied this opera or lead it on it3 always .successful journeys over the country, and has played Ko Ko over two thousand times. ' "The Mikado" presentation of last night was to use a slang phrase, a veritable knockout. The principals and chorus were excellent in their singing and acting. Tbe fine chorus blended together more nicely, if pos sible, than in "The Bohemian Girl" of Monday night. The costumes and stage settings were also pleasing. But Ed Andrews as Ko Ko, fairly dominated tho performance with his comedy, zest and subtle wit. He only sprung a few local gags, but they hit tbe spot and increased the sopn taneous laughter, especially when he plaintively stated in his inimical way that he did not have the heart to execute 'any one never even had executed a wooly aphis. Ably seconding' Andrews in the mirth producing was George Olsen, that sterling young actor and come dian, in the character of the Mika- do; emperor Japan. (' j jvnocner nig nit was a clever young lady, Miss Estlier Snyker, who sub stituted last night for the star, Miss Theo Pennington, in the pa.rt of Yuin Yum, which she played and saug with adorable simplicity and charm. Miss Paula Ayres, the contralto star, whose work always wins commenda tion as Katisch, did some fine tinging and comedy work. Harry Pfeil. 'he tenor, as Nanki Poo, and Car' tiundschu, the baritdne, as Poo Bah, appeared to good advantage, as did Ethel Mny Cook and Norman Chandler In supporting roles. . .. r Relieve it with YfK1 Dr.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY .1 Ihejamify cough syrup BEGINS PETER B. KYNE'S famous masterpiece "THE PARSON OF PANAMINT" presented under the title "WHILE SATAN SLEEPS" with JACK HOLT and all star cast 24, 102.1 E US At tho regular meeting of the coun ty court this morning at Jacksonville there was a spirited and thorough dis cussion ot the county health nurse ap pointment, that' lasted all morning, and was taken under consideration by that body for future action. A petition was presented from Ash land signed" by 300 taxpayers, oppos ing the appointment of the nurse on the grounds of unnecessary expense, the delegation being- headed by Mrs. Fred Pittmann and Mrs. Couzons. It also contended that the county nurse had "sometimes been coercive and or dered tonsils and teeth taken out. when not needed." Delegations representing Medford. Roguo River, Talent, Phoenix, Central Point, "Gold Hill, and Eaglo Point were also in attendance, and were in favor of the appointing of a county nurse. These delegations were headed by Mrs. Fred Mears and Mrs. Noblett, as spokeswomen. These districts had no petitions, but plenty of statistics and orators. Dr. W. W. P. Holt, Prof. Briscoe, su perintendent of the Ashland schools, and Supt. Aubrey Smith, of the Med ford schools, spoke in favor of .reten tion of the county nurse, and told of the educational benefits derived. Out side of Ashland there was no organ ized opposition. The situation was brought about by the resignation of Miss Falldine, county nurse, and the county court is said to be in favor of tbe system, and will make the appointment on the recommendation of the County Health association, which is in communica tion with two or three nurses avail able for the position. Provision for the county nurse Is made in the an nual county budget, and the appoint ment is expected about February 1st. Before the delegations arrived, the county court started working on its road program, partly finished at the last session, and approved the build- P A PF J. .ZjLVj D t HEX REYNOLDS presents The Ameriean Light Opera Go. Direct from Portland Auditorium H. M. S. PINAFORE SEATS NOW SELLING Entire Lower Floor and First 8 Rows of Balcony $1.10 ; Last 5 Rows Balcony 85c. TOMORROW. MATINEE! FT in REGULAR PRICES: Adults 35c; Kiddies ing of one milo and one-half of road, this side of Itocky Hill on the Butts Fulls road. Throe autolsts were summoned to appear before Judgo Olcnn O. Tay lor In police court at two o'clock this afternoon for parking their cars on" tho east side of tho "no parking' ; sign on the brldgo last night. The urrests were made by Night Patrol- . man Cave. ' . Duo to the large crowd at tho Pago theatre tho motorists disregarded the ; "no parking" sign nnd left their care on tho biidgo whllo attending tho theatre. It Is a .violation of tho' city ordinance to park in nn indicated nrea of restriction or within 20 ioet of a fire plug. Mn y: Tax National Houko. WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. Author ity would be given states to tnx na tional banks under a bill passed to day by tho senate as a substitute for a similar Iioubo bill which now goes to conference. SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY, BROKEN OUT SKIN Any breaking out or skin irritation on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mcntho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because, of its germ destroying properties, noth- , ing has ever been found to take the -place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irritation. Mcntho-Sulphur heals eczema right -up, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or disfigurement. A little jar ot . Rowlcs Mcntho-Sulphur may be ob tained at any drug store. It u ussd like cold cream. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng 8c per yard. Buttons covered. TONIGHT ! 8:30 CURTAIN I in Sir. and Mrs. Public: Von were thrilled by this von (lerful l'etcr II. Kyne tale of a crook who masked as a minister but new Joys await you In Jack Holt's interpretation or the lend ing rolo in (hut soul-sUiiing ilisma! And a progrnm ns delightful as a week's vuent ion : 10c.