RINGING bO THl'b . LONDON W rSCE. TO jT TO A PL.KCE. "WHERE "OU CN UNDER- BAD WEATHER KEEPS WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Inclement weather prevented President Harding from venturing from the White House to the executive offices today aftor having been confined to his room for nearly a week with grippe. The president was said to have vir tually recovered and was able to do some work on important papers but this physician, Dr. C. E. Sawyer, t'hought it inadvisable to take any chances. The day was chilly and the atmosphere muggy. Among the callerB who went to the executive's, offices in a futile attempt ' to seo Mr. Harding were Senators Lodge of Massachusetts and Watson of Indiana, two of the leaders of the senate republicans.- 3 Dead From 'Moonshine CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Three deaths, besides the case of a woman and three men near death, from poisonous liquor were on the police records to day for the last 21 hours. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Light housework by mid dle aged woman. Enquire Wash ington Hotel. 268 WANTED Position as tree primer, grafter and budder, had 26 years experience, n Sears, 221 N. Holly. 267 WANTED Work by day with com pany. Call phono 93. 270 HELP WANTEDFEMALE WANTED Capable shorthand writer FOR RENT Furnished light house wlth personality and encrgy-for part keeping room. 325 E. Jackson St.. time work; Gregg preferred. Ad-; Phone 211. 259 dress P. O. Box 961. 258 -1 WANTED Girl to assist with general i housework. Call 667-J-2. tt HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Representative for large old 'line life company, either ex perienced or inexperienced, honesty and energy necessary, exceptional contract. Call Mr. Saunders, Hotel Medford. 257 WANTED Some on to Bpray roses and trees at 723 W. 11th. Phone 886-X. tf . -T-sc-rrr: . , ... - , , . Li WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED We have applications for the following loans on improved farms on a seven per cent basis, for five years. With on or before pay ment privilege: 130 acres, $K00; 100 acres, $700; 100 acres, $1200; 190 acres, $4500. These are air good conservative loans. Can you use all .or part of them. Land all In one I body. J. W. Dressier Co., 123 East Main St. 262 WANTED White Leghorn Pullets, O. A. C. preferred. Walter Jones, Gold Hill, Ore. 268 WANTED To exchange city resi dence for team, harness and wagon. Phone 311-R. 258 WANTED Men, women and chil dren in every community to send a postcard for Sunset's big, interest ing Gift Catalogue, just out. Hun dreds of useful valuable rewards in j return for a little "spare time." Ad-; dress Catalogue Dept., Sunset Maga-! zine, Sun Francisco. 258 j WANTED Gontlemnn to room and ! hnnnl. home comforts. Phone 935-R. , 257 WANTED Ford touring enr in ex change for Ford truck, capacity lMs to 2 ton, first class mechanical con dition, enn be seen at Oak View Orchard. Phone 8-J-2. 256 WANTED 400 Umbrellas tn cover land repair. Liberty Repair Shop. 26P WANTED Cash psid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phono 97. tt WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 48S-M or 488-X. PERL FUNERAL HOMB " 1 ft. !i At Voiir Korvlro Hny or Night Information Cordially Olvon Cor. (II li mill Uakilnlo Ambulance Service I'Uono 47 UP FATHER i .J i . FOR RENT APAHTMFATS TOR RENT To adults only, two room furnished , housekeeping apartment. 325 So. Riverside. Phtne 701-J. tt FOR RKNT Dnchelar apartment and furnished rooms. 445 S. Front St. 260 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, also 7 room furnished house, No. 15 N. Grape St., phone 4B5-J. tf FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car anil truck storage. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT A fine 5 room and sleep ing porch bungalow on paved street, no garage. P. E. Wynkoop, 423 S. Newtown. tf FOR RENT Modern furnished 2 room house. Phono 693-L. - 257' FOR RENT 3 room furnished house. ihone 999. 257 FOR RENT House. Brown ft White. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Room with board $35 a month. 223 N. Central. 262 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms, modern garage in connec tion. 124 King St. Cor. of 10th St. 256tP FOR RENT Ono steam heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen, heat and light furnished. 607 S. .Central. Phone 574. 255tf FOR RENT r-nrnisheo: steeping room with bath nrivlleees. 325 S. River side. Phono 701-J. tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Single housekeeping room. 310 N. Bartlett. 2o9 FOR RENT 2 furntshod housekeep ing rooms. 220 S. Grape. 258 Overland 4 Touring Chevrolet Touring Buick 4 Touring Yes, We Trade , - Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. KEATON 10,000-MILE CORDS We make our own ad justments Valvoline Oil Free Crank Case Service Enough said JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station MEDFORD ' MATTJ TIxTDTTXE. MEDFOflD, OKEOOy," MONDAY, JANITAUY 22, 192:V ARE VOU THERE? VA-Ab TOP- RCiHTO- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT SO acres of land nndcr water, 2 miles of Mcdford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices In the. Medford Duilding, single or In suite, best in Medford. Steam heat, Janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Illdg. or Phone 542. 250tf FOR RENT Garcse at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phono 82. tt FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Throe guinoas, price $3.75. Phono 411-J-4. . 259 FOR SALE Dark barred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phone 909-R. 202 FOR SALE Giant bronze turkey toms. Sanderson, one mile west Central Point. 258 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock cockerels $2.50; hatching eggs $1 per 15, $5 per 100. Phone 23X3, W. M. Tetherow, Central Point. 259 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze and White Holland turkeys. Netted Gem potatoes. J. C. Herring, Central Point. 258 FOR SALE Day old white leghorn chicks from Imperial mating Tan cred strain. Ready March 1st. G. E. Pierce, phone 697-R-2. 259 FOR SALE Thebault R. I. Reds, win ners of Southern Oregon, setting eggs and baby chlx; hatch eggs for 6 cents each. Tel. 969-R. R 3. 276 FOR SALE Booking orders now" for baby chicks and hatching oggs from prize winniirg Rhode island Reds and from White Leghorns Tancred Royal, Red Wing Poultry Yard. Phone 8G5-Y. . 281 FOR SALE Eight young thorough bred Mammoth Bronze turkey toms ror breeding, or will trade for one year old toms of enual stock. Noth ing better on the coast. See turkeys at 28 Geneva St. Tel. 656-J. tf c fMl FOR SALE S. C. Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn Cock erels and Setting Eggs by 100 or 1000. Almost every Rhode Island Rod winner nt Jackson County Fair, Josephine County Fair and Ashland Winter Fair was either bred by me or produced from eggs bought from me, ERNEST WERB, Phono 247 SPRING TlJtE IS HERE. Prepare for your new home. -Purchase a large flno view lot in East Modford. Good clear air and plenty of room for the little ones. Best wnter pressure. AH improvements In and included in price. Recent purchasers planning for early construction of homes. Next ten days will seo several more of these lots sold for the reason that the prices are very low and terms to suit your convenience. (Make your Beloctlon at once. ' . Our River View Park near Goid Hill, fronting on Rogue River is fast taking form. Land is being graded and a fine ro'ad Is under con struction along the brink of the river bank. These lots contain the finest rich black sandy loam garden soil. Nothing better for onions, potatoes, melons and berries. Some very choice tracts with shade for poultry. Many lots sold. Irrigation for all river front lots. Muny tracts ready for crops. Plans now under way for five cottagos. Prices low and terms to suit your convenience. J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phono 28.". . JUSX ANOTHER REAL BARGAIN 8 ACRES, BEAU CREEK BOTTOM, 0-ROOM HOUSE $3800, TERMS This 8 acres Is 2 miles from Medford; set to Newtown Apples and Pears... Produced in 1921 over 4,000 boxes... This year should do as well... Even at $1.00 a box, crop would more than pay for place... No better block of trees In Southern Oregon... Land alone is worth $500.00 an acre .. Don't wait until next week... Call me up today If you want this place... Remember this year's crop should more than pay tor place. Phone 784-L J. C. BARNES BUSINESS PROPERTY WITH INCOME TO EXCHANGE1 FOR IMPROVED ACREAGE IVo hnve nlro offer of town property on Main siroot, heart of business district in good fiwt growing tnivn, two story fireproof con crete building with prriwcd brick' front. Jewelry storo nnd news paper main floor, second floor in nicely furnbdieil rooming house, everything rented. Owner Is hero and will exchange, for improved acreage, not too far from town. Sen lis today. FOUR-SITE SALES AOEXOT Real Estate , Business Opportunities Exchange Medford Building, Modford, Ore. - I'M lll'SIXESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Good business opportun ities. No. 15 N. Grape St., phone 465-J. tf LOST IXt)T Key folder containing two keys; inscribed "Model Clothing Co." on outside, "Ned French" printed inside In ink. Please return . to Mail Tribune. tf MONEY TO LOAN- MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A great bargain, lots and j buildings. See T. Eddy. Plum St., rvTl8,';!" ' P 0'"9X1U7C' , FOR SALE Twenty acres good soil, 1 all cultivated, & acres full bearing uitruaru, mi iitikhicu, uenr luemuru. juouern nouse ami oarn; uunaings cost more than $3000. Ranch cost present owner $10,000. Will sell everything today for $4800. Address P. O. Box 1054 Medford. 251tf FOR SALE 10.000 acies of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and timberland, some irrigated; also mining proper ty. All property must and will be sold at some price, some as low as $1.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 N. Grape St., adjoining Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Span of young mares. 6 and 7 yrs. old, weight about 2700 lbs. price $180; two good Jersey cows, one giving milk other ono be fresh in 30 days. Call. Schuhiml Ranch. Phone 611-R-3. , 262 FOR SALE -Jersey cow. Phone j f ootiiius urcnaro. zd;' FOR SALE Dairy cows, Jersey and Durham, will freshen soon. L. A. Rose, Phoenix. : 269 Central Point, Ore. 123 East Main St. Nash Hotel Corner VE-THACT'Cs QUITE ALL RHT BLi'ME! XOU JOLL( velu KtSOVJ VT- CHEE.R0 -CHtERlO? FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FO RSALE .".0 Angor; gnats ut $2,50 a head. J. S. Weeks, Eagle Point. 251 FOR SALE Two registered Hamp shire sows and ono boar. II. O. Peck, Modford. 260 FOR SALIC Fresh cows, exception ally good. M. Walsh, 1 mile NB of Medford on Crater Lake road. 279 FOR SALE Puppies, Phone 691-R-l. full blooded. FOR SALE 2700 pound team and 14 inch sulky plow, 14 disc harrow. Phone 23XX2 Central Point. 258 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS r'R SALE First class grain hay. C. M- Howell, Tel. 869-J. 26:! FOR SALE-Ono large oil tank, nud" oll0 lal.0 Kivaiilzed supply tank. Sanderson, one mile west Central i Point. 258 FOR SALE Oil TRADE For cow, electric washing machine, Al con dition. Phone 411-J-0. 257 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay and bronze turkeys. W. .1. Ilartzell, 468-J-l. 257tf FOR SALE Gas and Coke Range with hot water colls; Airdale puppies. 30 Rose Ave. 257 FOR SALE Furniture; houso to lease. Something worth while. Box 10 Mall Tribune. 269 FOR SALE 125 tons alfalfa hay $15 fed, good 1200 pound work horse wanted. Frank B. Schneider, Jack sonville. . 258 FOR SALE Small Petaluma Incu bator, 1 sot liolster springs, 1 Studo baltor wagon box, all good as new. J. M. Winter, Ross Lane. 257 FOR SALE Clean first cutting baled alfalfa, also second. Monarch Beed I co., pnone 62H-Z60. . so&w FOR SALE Baching outfit, shack for rent. 122 Willamette Avo.. 257 FOR SALE Seed wheat, oat hay, alfalfa, chicken whoaLweaned pigs. T. E. Pottenger. 259 FOR SALE One No. 8 cook stove, ono No. 118 Cole's Hot-blast heater, good condition, very reasonable. Call at 328 Edwards St before 8 n. m. or after 5 p. m. 257 FOR SALE Bcurcl:oss barley, Wash ington hybrid wheat and one gang plow at Klrkland furm. Tel, Cen tral Point 19x4. . . 258 FOR SALE! Five horse electric motor . sixty feet 5-Inch belting. J. W. Elden, Central Point. 259 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay and bronze turkeys. W, J. Hartzell, 468-J-l. 258 FOR SALE All kinds hard wood, $1.00 per tier and up. Phone 441-J, W. F. Longwill. 257 FOR SALE Several thousand fivo quart capacity smudge pots, price 10c each. Call D. R. Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards nt meal hours. TerniB cash. 200 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, $20.00 ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 261 FOR SALE New Columbia phono graph recordB at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, l'atlie & Ho nors phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. Grnpe St., next to FnrmorB & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. tf FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 36 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycle, voltage, compleie with, compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x16 with line. Big PinoB Lumber Co 1920 Buick Six Touring Car . j . Fine Condition, New ' Cord Tires, Lots of Extras. $700 MEDFORD AUTO CO. Cor. Main and Holly Sts. By George lonoon::: Irffrffl MP - ' XI t923 BV ,NT'L FEATUi'e Service, Inc. j'.j. FOR S.W.E- FOlt TRADE ) :20 Maxwell touring car in good shajie lor co'.vs ard team. Box I) M Mull Tribune. 257 FOR SALE HOMES I FOR SALE A real city farm where you can make your living, luratmi close In on the oust side. Lot OOx 1 400 with all street pa vine; pnld. Rest ; garden soil in Medi'ml. You can produce several hundred dollar.! , rorth of strawberries and garden products, keep your cow mid chick ens. Ki numi home with bntli, I lights, Husi'ts, largo 'screen porch. I wood and storeh:ir.s, garage, wink-1 shop. biiiiiII barn, cbleken house anil yard, shade trees and several Hint trees. Son tills at once. Price $I20'I, cash $1000, balance, easy terms. J. . Drossier Co., l:!3 Kaat Main St., Phone 2S6. 262 ' FOR SALE Leaving oily., will sacri fice my $2000 hmno with four roam,), two closet:!, two imntries, bathroom, Bink, hot water, stool and bathtub; two lots: large chicken house; larmi barn and ;arnge; all for only $120. The place wll leasily rent rr $.'5 per mo. If you haven't the cash please don't call, this place is going to sell quick. Cor. Hnmllton and W. 9th, 1204. Phono 1018. 2j7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on Port-i land residence, nrjdcrn six ro:m house, large lot, o:i pavement. Ph mo 723-.M. . , 259 , FOR BALE 7 ro m house, J'JM'O. cloar; close-in, paved stroot, Tf I OO'i will handle. P. O. Box 6,'iU. 2 JO FOR SALE 5 . room bungalow W. 10th 8t.,'garago, furnished or unfur nished. Phone 93C-R. 2j FOR SALE 5 room modern furnished, gnrago , and . wootUhu I. Small payment down roat lilto rant.' See owner, 329 W. 2nd St. 2.": FOR SALE Houses nitil bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. llul terfleld, Medford National Haul;. : Phono 389. , i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Tltlo Rooms 3 and 5, No. 33 North Central Ave., up stairs. Title Insurance, Jiirkson County ABSTRACT CO. The only completo Ti tle System tn Jackson County, Abstracts of Title and WATSON & KELLOGO Reliable Jackson county abstractors of tl tlpsi Gold 11111, Oregon. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO.E. M. Wil son. C. P. A. Attontlon given to. anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phono 157-R. ' I'ntiti LonnS. MONEY WANTED Can place your money on first niortgnge, farm or city property at 7 to H'r net to you. Hurd Land & investment, Co., 402 Medford Hldg., Tel. 42;' ' RE BORING NEW PRICES ON RE BO RING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for feboring .... $6.00 When included in an overhaul . . . ... . $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all rord ' re pair work. Best equipped Ford shop in Southern Oregon C. E. Gates Auto Co. O Aud!Hr4 SYSTEM M. P. 8CWMITT , - Medfonl,Bldg, Snd Kloor U'TOMolULES I BUSINESS DIRECTORY . 7 Accounting AERV1CE10; 0 Irvveatmecvts PAGE FIVE ' McManus O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Avo. A. E. REAM ES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. Iliillillnjr Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WOIIKS Specialize in all kinds nf cement building products. Cor. 1'ir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physiclnn imVllARVE P. COLEXIAN Chlro practlc and Eloctro-Therapy. 427 2S .Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tt DR. A. It, HEDGES Neo-Eclectle Physician. DR. LOUISE E. 1 1 EDCOS 'Naturopathic Chiro practor. Meehnno-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro praetlce. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac tic Physician. Offlco hours 9 t 12. 2 to 5. Sulto 203-04-05-06, Lib erty nidg. Office Phone 580, Res. 1027. Dentists DltTo?xloflNsbN bontist,Y28 E" Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.- , 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Money to Loan j" R. ANDREWS Buys and Bells mortgages and loans money oo good security, 31 N. Grape St.. Phono 53-M. . . 240 Monuments PfiE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tf Osteopaths I. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS XARLOW Osteopathic Physician 410-41 8 Liberty Bldg. .Phone 904-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel Bt, , DR. W. W, HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 300 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. 3. J. EM MENS Physician nnd Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, hobo and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Occullst and Aurlst for 8. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and : Surgeon. Offices Medford Hldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. . Phono 166-J-2. DR. A. I1URSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 30 N. Central. Special attention to Bplno. Phone 29. Piano Instruction Ell ED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 218 Liberty Illdg. Phono 72. Printers nnd Publisher MEDl'ORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Rook binding, loose lent ledgers, billing systems, eto. Tortlnud prices, 7 N. Fir 8L Public Accountants HUGH R. ROBERTSON 4 CO. Member American Institute of Ac countants. Public Accountants and Auditors. Portland, Ore., aa4 Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1517 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Rug Wearing MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS , makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phons B10-M. 70S Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVI8 TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 B. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or residence, 64 7-R or 206. tf Upholstering , WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line ot materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 101, rfseajuuvuis, vri, I Attorneys