'( 1 BRINGING OUST THINK -WF ARE OH THE MEDITERRANEAN Executor's Final Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the estate of Charles F. Young, deceased, has tiled in the county court of Oregon for Jack son County, her duly verified final ac count and said court has fixed Mon day, February Oth, 1923 at lu o'clock a. m. at the court room of said court at the county court house in Jacksonville Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final account. All per sons interested are hereby notified to make or file their objections to said final account, if miy they have, with said court, on or before said time. : January 6th, 1923. KATE YOUNG, . , Exocutrix of the estate of . Charles F. Young, doceased. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Merchants Attention: We want a stock of dry goods or genl. merchandise from $12,000 to $10,000 in exchange for Al income business property or equal value located in live Willamette Valley town. Dig payroll. No incumbrance. If inter ested write us for full description. Millsap Bros. (Owners), Lebanon, Oregon. 250 WANTED Men, women and chil dren in every community to send a postcard for Sunset's big, interest ing Gift Catalogue, just out. Hun dreds of. useful valuable rewards In return for a little "spare time." Ad dress Catalogue Dept., Sunset Maga zine, San Francisco. - 258 WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State calm price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 256 WANTED Gentleman to room and board, home comforts. Phone 935-R. ' - 257 WANTED Ford touring car in ex change for Ford truck, capacity l'A to 2 ton, first class mechanical con dition, can be seen at Oak View Orchard. Phone 8-J-2. 25:1 WANTED 400' Umbrellas to cover and repair. Liberty Repair Shop. . 264' WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phone 97. tf WANTKU House iiovlng and repair ing. Phono 4S8-M or 48S-X. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as tree primer, grafter and buddor, had 20 years experience. U Sears, 221 N. Holly. 257 WANTED Work by day with com pany. Call phone 93. 270 HELP WANTED -Male and Femnln WANTED Man and wife for farm work. Call 408-R-l. 250 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Call 567-.I-2. tf PERL FUNERAL BOMB At Your .Service Day or Mght Information Cordially Given Cor. (Itli and Oakilalo Anibuliinco Service Phono 17 1920 ; Buick Six Touring Car Fine Condition, New Cord Tires, Lots of Extras. $700 MEDFORD AUTO CO. Cor. Main and Holly Sts. UP FATHER WELL-MT't) BETTER THAJnI BEK UNDER. WANTED Itepresentative for large old line life company, either ex perienced or inexperienced, honesty and enorgy necessary, exceptional contract. Cull Mr. Saunders, Hotel Medfnrd. 25V WANTED Some on to Bpray roses ami trees at 723 W. Uth. Phone tSU-X. tf FOR KENT APARTMENTS KOU RENT llacholar apartment and furnished rooms. 415 S. Front St. 200 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, also 7 room furnished house, No. 15 N. Grape St., phono 465-J. tf FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., coiner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR ItKXT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern furnished 2 room house. Phone 593-L. 257 FOR RENT 3 room furnished house. Phone 999. 257 FOR RENT 5 room modern fur nished bungalow, no children, $25 a month. Phone D72-R-3. 25G FOR RENT Furnished house,' 4 rooms modern, '$&.. Phone 93S-M. 25C FOR RENT Houses, nroirn ft White, tf FOR HEXT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms, modern garage in connec tion: 121 King St. Cor. of 10th St. 256tf FOR RENT One steam heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen, heat and light furnished. 607 S. Central. Phone 574. 255tf FOR RENT-Jurnishea steeping room with hath privileges. 325 S. River side. Phone 701-J. - tf FOR RENT Room with .board, $35.00 a month. 223 N. Central. 256 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 80 acres of land undc water. 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices In the Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam heat, janitor service reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Uldg. or Phone 542 -50tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf $4200 buys the NW of Sec. 30, Twp. 33, S., Eange 2, W. w. m. Containing 177 Acres Crust'd a few years ago at (i,000,(XX), mostly Oregon Fir; some Sugar Pine. Write us about this. . J.F.DEALY, Hyde Uldg .. Spokane, Wash Self -Starter Ford Touring SAVE ' MONEY ON THIS CAR BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. HELP WAXTKB aiALK i KOU HKNT HOUSEKEEPING I FOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS j KOU SALE Ll ESTOCK I FOR SALE AUTOMOMI.F.S I 1U SIXKSS DinF.CTOUY rcflFOlTO'-MATL TIUBUNrc, MEPFOTCP, CHKCOy, ftATl'RDAY, .iAXl'AliY 20. ltN'T THE FO RR1CNT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 11G S. Holly St. )R RENT 2 furnished housekeep ing rooms. 220 S. Grape. 25t FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE For Medford prop-, erty a secured niortgago for. $1000 duo Jan. 5, 1924, and G acres near Talent. W. A. Messner, 504 S. Holly St. 25G 11USIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Good business opportun ities. No. 15 X, Grape St., pbonc 465-J. . . . . tf LOST LOST License plate 33191, leave this office, reward. 250 LOST Key folder containing two Keys; inscribed "Model Clothing Co." on outside, , "Ned " French" printed inside in ink. Please return to Mail Tribune. . tf MONEY. TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on improved .ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs. Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 125 tons alfalfa hay $15 fed, good 1200 pound , work' horse wanted. Frank E. Schneider, Jack sonville. - 258 FOR SALE Small, Petalumai' Incu bator, 1 set bolBter springs, 1 Stude baker wagon box, all good as new. J. M. Winter, Ross Lane. 257 FOR SALE Good dresser, $18;-chlf--fonier, $10; small cook stove, $S.50; Standard range with reservoir, $36; wood heater, $6.50; electric range, $50; wicker go-cart, $6.60; kitchen cabinet, $9.75. The Medford Ex change, 211 W. Main, where you can buy or sell anything. 256'' FOR SALEr-Clean first' cutting baled alfalfa, also second. . Monarch Seed Co., Phone 529-200. 355tf FOR SALE Baching outfit, shack for rent. 122 Willamette Ave. 257 A 1 I " I ' K M -X 1 . ., , ... I 1 WJlUlt I II FOR SALE . ;- V S. C. Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn Cock- ' erels and Setting Eggs by 100 or 1000. . Almost every Rhode Island Red winner nt Jackson County Fair, Josephine County Fair and Ashland Winter Fair was either bred by ntp or produced from eggs bought from -mo. . .. KHXEST WKHll, Phone SIT, JUST ANOTHER REAL BARGAIN H ACHES, HEAR CREEK ItOTTO.M, O-ItOOM IIOl'SK :WO0, TERMS This 8 acres is 2 mllus from Medford, set to Newtown Applos and; PcnrB... Produced in 1921 over. 4,000 boxes... This year should do, as well... Even at $1.00 a box, crop would more than pay for place... No bestor block of trees in Southorn Oregon... Land alone la worth (BOQ.Oa. an acre... Don't wait until next week... Call me up today iryou want this place... Remember this year's crop should more than pay for place. Phone 784-L J. C. BARNES UISIXESS PKOPKUXV Willi INCOME TO LUl'KOVED ACllEAGE AVo liavo nlco offer of town property on Main strprt, heart of business district in good fast growing town, two story fireproof ron rreto building with pressed brick front. Jewelry storo and news, paper main floor, second floor Ls nicely furnished rooming house, everything rented. Owner Is 'here unil.wll exchange for improved acreage, not too far from town, See us today, FOUUSITE SALES AGENCY liuslnrss Opportunities Medford Ilulldlng, Medford, Ore. Ileal Estate Close in Bungalow Home This close In modern six room bungalow sits on a DOxlOO East front lot and contains large living and dining rooms, 3 large sleep ing rooms, large kitchen, pantry, three closets, two screen porches and large front porch, bath room, fire place, fruit closet, large store room and wood shed; sits well up from the ground on concrete foundation; constructed of the best material; full set concrete walks; beautiful lawn; some fruit; beautiful shado trees; all paving paid, priced at less than cost to build now $4800. We are offering four 3-acro tracts near Modford, on good road; Irrigated; suitable for poultry, berries and vegetables, at $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit, Phono 2JW J. W. nRKSSLF-R CO., ICS K. Mnln fit. Tl ARE TOU , -( DO "YOO KEMEMBER. WHEN , .1 I T ITTlN' Al WPROPOSEOTOHEOU vf-S BUT "OK SALE Seed wheat, oat hay. alfalfa, chicken wheat, weaned pigs. T. E, Pottonger 259 FOR SALE Ono No. S cook stove, one No. 118 Cole's Hot-blast heator, pood " condition, very reasonable. Call at 328 Edwards St. before 8 a. m. or after 5 p. m. 257 FOR SALE Heari!:ess barley, Wash ington hybrid wheat and one gang plow at Kirkland farm. Tel. Cen tral Point 19x4. ' 25S FOR SALE OR TRADE For farm tools 7 seven month old pigs, 1 'brood sow, 1 bred Jersey hoit'er, 1 9-conipartment- self-cleaning rabbit hutch. Phone 14-F-22. : . . . 250 FOR SALE Five horse electric motor sixty feet 5-inch belting. J. W. Elden, Central Point. 259 FOR SALE One Tanner's blacksmith shop,, ono Imperial grain drill, six foot, good shape. J. Wattonborg, Eagle Point, Ore. . 250 FOR SALE Alfalfa hav and bronze turkeys. V. J. Hartzell. 468-J-l. 258 FOR SALE All kinds hard wood. $4.00 per tier and up. Phono 411-J, W. F. Longwill. .257 FOR SALE Soveral thousand fivo quart capacity smudge pots, price 10c each. Call D, R. Wood, city, or. Modoc , and Klamath orchards Ait meal hours. Terms cash. 260 FOR SALE Baled alfaUa hay, $20.00 ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 125-J-2. 261 FOR SALE Now Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, - Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & So- . nora phonographs and records at reduced prices.'! Music Shop, No. 15 ' No- Grape St., next, to Farmors & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J, tf FOR- SALE-'-'fwo General Eleotrlc motors, 36 h. p., 40 degree. 60 cycla, 22C& voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x16 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. . FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE Puppies, . full blooded. Phone 691-R'l. . FOR SALE Jersey cow. Phone 611-J-4. Foothills Orchard. 25ft (Vnlnil Point, Ore. Nash Hotel Corner EXCHANGE FOR Kxctuingna FOR SALE 2700 pound team anil I I inch sulky plow, 14 disc harrow. Phono 23XX2 Central Point. 25S FOR SALE Hairy cown, Jorsey anil Durham, will freshen soon.. L. A. Rose, Phoenix. . 257 FO RSALE 50 Angori fcnats nt $2.50 i head. J. S. Weeks, Eagle Point. ... 251 FOR SALE Fino saddle or work maio or would trade for liny, wood or other stock. Phono 405-J. 250tf FOR, SALE" T.wo. registered Hamp shire sows nud ono boar. II. G, Peck, Medford. . . 200 I FOR SALE Fresh cows, exception ally good. M. Walsh. 1 inllb NE of Medford on Crater Lnko road: 279 FOR SALE r-Three fine Duroc gilts October farrow. W. H. Arnold, ft. 1. box 31. , - 250 FOR BALK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A great bargain, lots and . buildings. See T. Eddy, Plum St., West Side. P. O. Box 1070. 260 FOR SALE Twenty acres good soil, . nil cultivated, 5 acres full bearing orchard, all Irrigated, near Medford. Modern house and burn; buildings cost more than $3000. . Ranch cost ; present owner ' $10,000. Will sell everything today for $1S00. Address P. 0. Box.. 1054 Medford. , 261tf TOR SALE 10.000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards" and tlmberland, some Irrigated; also mining propor- ty. AU property must and will be 1 sold nt some price, some ns low as $1,00 per acre, 6 to 10 years time. ; T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. ' Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co:', owners, 16 N. Grnpe St.f adjoining Farmers & Frultgrowors Bank. Phone 465-J. ' FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Hatching , eggs from single comb White Leghorns. , All breeders selected by uso of the trap nest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Winans, Phone 344-.U. . . 250 FOR SALE Eggs for hutching from good healthy laying, strain of S. C. White Leghorns. X5c iter 15 eggs; $5 per 100 , eggs, llaby chicks $16 per hundred. Louie Colvor, Phoenix, Oregon. 256 FOR SALE O. A. C. Rarrod Rock cockerels $2.50; hatching eggs $1 por 15, 5 iter 100. Phono 23X3,. W. M. .Tethorow, Central 1'oint. 259 FOR SALE Mntnmoth Hronzo and White Holland turkeys. Nottoil Oom potntoos. J. C. Herring, Central Point. - 258 FOR SALE Day old white leghorn chicks from Imperial, mating Tnn Cred Btraln. Ready March 1st. tl, 10: Pierce, phone 697-R-2. 259 FOR SALE Young mammoth hronxc turkey hens for. brooding. Address P. O, Box 800 or end West Jackson , St.. Medford. , ' 256 FOR SALE Thebnult R. I. Reds, win nora of Southern Oregon, setting " eggs and baby chlx; hatch eggs for 0 cents each. Tel. S69-H. 111. 2i) TOR SALE Hooking ordors now for baby Chicks and hatching eggs rrom prize winning Rhodo Island Rods and from White Leghorns Tanored Royal. Rod Wins Poultry Vnrd, Phono 865-Y. .281 FOR SALE Eight young thorough bred Mammoth Ilr-nze tili'Uey toms for breeding, or will trade for ono year old toms of etuia sioc.u. Min ing bettor cu tho const. See turkoys nt 28 Oonovn St. Tel. 656-.T. tf KEATON , 10,000-MILE CORDS We make our own ad justments Valvoline Oil Free Crank Case Service Enough said JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 102.. By Georg'e NOW- lilSTEN '. MACIE" -DON'T THWWTl-M-:.' FOR TRADE licit Mavwn'l t u ii;- car In good shape lor co.vs a' d taunt. Box I) M Mall Tribune. 257 FOR SALE Will s-Knlght loiulu car, run less tluin.9W0 mlk'.u. almost new tires, half price for quick sale. Phono 24-X. 251 FOR SALE I!'"nio!).la .Volel II Touring: a!:v (M I lushes Hoi lVI"t Rr.ngo Box SIT Mail Tribun'!. 250 FOR SALE -1920 Lox..i,.Um and . Buick Touring car. a! u lluii k speed wagju or woul I li'.ldo for smaller car or sto-k. Phono 'lU.'-J. tl" EOR SALE :.I2! Chevrolet car or would tindo for Ford Bug. I'll no 465-J. If FOR SALE ROM ICS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on Port land roildonco, modern Bix ro;m house, largo let. on pavement. Phone 3-M. 2:.;i FOR SALE 7 rojrn hou.ie. $20(0. clear: clojo-ln. paved street, $100H will handle. P. O. Box 559. 260 FOR SALE 6 room bungalow. W.I 10th St., garage, f innlshod or unfur-1 nished. Phonu iWG-R. 2"4 j FOR SALE 5 l'OJ'.u modern house, i furniBhod,, garage uniL wo.idshoJ. Small payment down re;', like, rant, Seo owner, 329 W. 2nd St. 2ii i FOR SALE Hcuso.1 ami Imnsalav.-s.' furnished or unfurnished;: al'.o acreage. Insurance. . C, S. BH tonflold. Medford-National ..Ban::. Phono 3S9. I FOR SALE Lcavinh olty,. will sv.r: flee my $2000 homo with t,)ttr r min. two elosots! two pantrlos,'lnitltro:m, , sink, hotwator, stool and.-. bathtub: two lots; largo chicken house; lnm: ' barn and garage; all for only $1200. The placo will easily rent for $i 1 per mo. If you haven't the cash please don't call, this place Is gxn-: to Bell quick. Cor. Humi'.toa anil V. 9th, 1204. Phone 1018. 253- UUSINKSS DIRECTORY Abstractors imnniv ,inra ft. 1 17 1. I,1 V It' Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5. s'p, ;32 .North Central, Ave., up- ytalr . ' Title Insurance; Jackson (Guilty ' AHSTKACT CO. -The only complctn Ti tle System in Jackson County. ' Abstracts of Tltlo and WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable . Jackson county abstractors of ti tles. Gold 1 1 111 . Oregon. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll Bon, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified uccountlng method. I.ihcrtv Bldg., Modford: ' Phone 1.-.7-R I aim Loan. MONEY WANTED Can place your money on first mortgage farm or ,clty property nt 7 to 8'c not to you; .lliiril .Land & InvoBVneht Co., 402 Medford Hldg., Tel. 42. 1 REBORING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS , Blocks brought in to us for reboring ... $6.00 When included in an overhaul' $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. . - , ,t Best equipped Ford shop in Southern ' . Oregon C. E. Gates Auto Co. Audltlivrt s AccouMlrtct SYSTEM ERVICElO; fed Insurance irwearnxenrs sr. p. scronxT 2nd Floor Modford Il!u. PAGE FIVE' ' McManus Attorneys O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes in Heal Estate and Probate Law. ;i0 North Central Ave. ' A, 10. REA.MKS Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. Building Materials .MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & , BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of content building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physician Hit. 1IARVE P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 2S Medford Bldg. Phone 966. ' tf Dlt. A. R. HEDGES Noo-Eclectlc Phvfllclan. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mochano-Therapy, Spon ilylothorapy, Food. Sciences, ChlrOr practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac , tic Phvsician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to fi. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib erty nidg. Office Phone 680, Res. " 1027. . : ' . : Dentists Dlt. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E .Main St., ovor M. M. Dept. Store, 'Medford. Oregon." Phone 669; lies. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m. 0 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. , 1 ' : Money to Loan .1. R. ANDREWS Buys and 'sells mortgages and' loans 'money' 03 , good security, 81 N. Grape St;.- Phono 53-M. . ' : ' 246 Monuments , THE OREGON GRANITE . CO. .Mo.iiimints. E. A. Hicks, general nnnagnr. P. M; Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St.;' Med ford. - If" Osteopaths 4 DR. E. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS , CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-3. Resldonce 26- South Laurel St. ----.. DR. W, W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 300 Llboriy Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, - car, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Occullst and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phono 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. - Resldonce 118 Genesee St. Phono 160-J-2. ' , Dili A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrunco 36 N. Central.. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. I'luiio Instruction I'ltED ALTON UAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty nidg. Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PR1NTINO CO, has the best oqulppcd printing office in Southern. Oregon. Rook binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. Public Accountants f. HUGH R. ROBERTSON ft CO.7 Memher American Institute of Ac countants. Public-Accountants and Auditors. Portland, - Ore., and . Minneapolis, Minn. Address; 1517 Yeon nidg., Portland, Ore, " Hug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 43 North Front St. Phono 315. Prices right.. Servico guar anteed. , DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phono: Office 644, or residence, 647-R or 206. . tf Upholstering , WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Druperles mado to order. We do all kinds. of uphol stering. We dellvtr and will tll , utid show samples. Phone 302, JagksouTller Ore. ,vr, ,