0 PACE EIGHT MEDFORD 1LIL TRIBE NE, MEDEORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 19. 1923 'DEWEY JONES IS GUILTY I The jury In circuit court at Grants P late yestoniay forenoon, two hours after It ha J received Its instruc tions from Judge Thomas, found rx-cy Jones guilty of highway rob bery ad charged. His brother, Oregon Jones, who recently made a confes sion, changed his plea of not guilty n the same charge to guilty in cir cuit court last Wednesday morning. Much local Interest is felt in these rases because of the string of auto hold-ups committed throughout this section Including the hold-up of eight Med ford men and women last October when they were retumin.? from a! dance at the fair grounds pavilion. According In atatpmpntu maitn hv iudKe Thomas at Grants Pass the Jirotliers will probably be sentenced tomorrow. The penalty that can be Impose! for highway robbery is from 10 years to life imprisonment in the state penitentiary. Ellsworth Kelly, Irho recently broke jail with Oregon Jones and was recaptured In Montana, was sentenced by Judge Thomas early this week to 10 years. t Oregon Jones who changed his plea to guilty in order that he might tes tify in the case against Dewey Jones declared In court that his brother had to part in the robberies in which he himself was principal, but refused to same his confederate In those rob beries. "The case against the Jones broth ers has aroused more interest than any trial In Josephine county for fears," says the Grants Pass Courier. TThe court room has been crowded dally with people who got there as toon as the doors were opened in the (naming. Many took their lunch with them and remained during the noon hour so that they would not lose their seats. The case was hard fought from the start i. J "The confession by Oregon Jones Created quite a sensation in itself. People nre inclined to believe that he was trying to emulate the James iniys in their daring crimes. H is believed that with these men con victed that there will be a great lessening of crime in the. city during the summer, as Oregon Jones laid vlaim to nearly every robbery com (flitted " GAME ON TONIGHT Weed high schools basketball teams j meet the Medford high school basket-1 ball teams at the Nat tonight and two : interesting games are expected. The; girls' game starts promptly at 7:30 and reserved seats may be obtalued at Crowson's. Weed high school has defeated a number of htgh schools this season in Northern California and is said to have a team that will give the locals some real opposition tonight Veit week, Thursday and Friday, two of the most Important games of the season will be played with the Salem high school team at the Nat. Those games are expected to draw some of the largest crowds of the local season and are expected to be close and hard fought contests. Mollis Huntington, who coached Medford's athletic teams last year is coachins the Salem team. Rogue River Beats Cottage Grove Rogue River defeated the Cottage Grove basketball team last night by a score of 27 to 17. Rogue River has one of the best high school quintets in the stale and promises to give Med ford a hard tussle when the teams meet in February. Dentists Study Cancer CHICAGO, Jan. IS. A campaign agalniit cancer was ready for launch ing here today at the opening session of the Chicago Dental society, bring ing together an estimated crowd of 10.000 dentists from the United States, Canada. England, France, Belgium and Australia. TOM NORMS QUITS E led proposals will be received by Post- j master Wm. J. Warner until 2 p. m. I January 27th, covering this service. Blank proposals and any other In formation sought can be procured at tho postofficc. Thomas C. N'orrrv v.io for years has had the position of mail messen ger with tho postoffice, the duties consisting of transporting the mail between the depot and the postof fice, and vice versa, recently resign ed that position to devote all his time to his mine interests above Jackson ville, until his successor is ap pointed and qualified and he Is re lieved from responsibility, his assist ant, Earl Webber, is performing the mail messenger duties. The vacancy caused by Norria' resignation will be filled as soon as action can be taken by the postof fice department, and to this end seal- Ijdy Ox.k Pawn Away. LONDON. J:in. 19. lHy the Asso ciated Fri-ss) Lady Cook, who was ; formerly Tennessee Clftflin of New I York, widow of Sir Francis Cook, died in London uist night, it was an j nounced today. FILMDOM PAYS TRIBUTE (Continued from page one) I I jthe boys got him to write a 'meller I drummer' and after It made a big hit they'd never take anything else j from him." Reid was a member of Los Angeles lodge 99, Benevolent and Protective ' Orrior nf Fllra Anrl if was announc ed the lodge would conduct public Ifuneral sorvlcea Saturday afternoon. I The body will be cremated In accord ianoo with Reld's wishes and the ashes probably be sent east. The funeral was st-t this morning flor S:J0 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at tho First Consrcgatlonat cnurcn. The Itev. Neal Dodd, of tho church of St. Mary of the Angelf. Holly wood, known as the "Chaplain of the .Movies." will read the Episcopal bur ial service. It was announced that the body would lie in Mate from a. m.. until 3:30 p. m,. when burial services, open to the public, will be held. Holly wood moving picture studios will close tomorrow afternoon to permit employes to attend th funeral. Pall bearers were announced from the ranks of his fellow workers as follows: Active: William Domond, Wil liam 8. Hart. Edward nrady. Noah Heory. Eugene Pa'lette and Benjamin Frazee. Honorary: Jack Holt. Sam Wood, Theodore Roberts. Conrad Nagcl. Antonio Moreno anil Victor H. Clarke. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Rays Cream Applied In Nostrils Opens Air Punnagcs ltlght I'p. Instant relief no waiting. Tour clogged nostrils open right up; tjii air passages of your head clear a.ryl you can breathe freely. No more" hanking, snuffling, blowing, head ache dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold orcatarrh. disappears. r;.t a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antlscplle, healing erenm in your ..nostrils. Jt penetrates through every air pasaao of the head, soothes the inflamed of swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Inirtantly. It's Jum fine. Don't stay stuffed, up with a cold or namy catarrh. . ;i It PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach lcjtautly! Stomsch corrected! You never fool the slightest distress from Indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy atom arh, sfter joh cat a tablet of "Pape's Iiiepin." Tho moment it readies tho stomach all soiirncis. flatulence, heart bunt, ga". palpitation and pniu dis appear. DniiMs guarantee each pack rga to rorr.t diplion at once. End four stomach trouble for few e Now Playing! 1 1 A surprising comedy ro- mance, with a great cast of , ; favorites. j J ? 1 :.! Continuous Shows Tomorrow i ' ami Sunday Vi::W to 11:00 i P.M. jf I.RIALTO j j-;:. Coming Sunday ;' "ABOVE ALL LAW" j ;! . a sensational thriller. , ; ' MANN'S -THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S January Clearamc Sales V2 Price Sale of R.eady-to-Wear ICQ i r 72 3 Garments TO on ua . S3 1 DDirr 1 lXJLVU Women's Women 's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's $85.00 Coats, now $42.50 $75.00 Coats, now $37.50 $50.00 Coats, now $25.00 $40.00 Coats, now $20-00 $45.00 Coats, now $22.50 $25.00' Coats, now $12.50 $12.50 Suede Coats $6.25 $8 Jersey Jackets $3.98 PRICE Women's Skirts $22.50 $18.00 $15.00 $12.50 $9.98 $S,50 $7.98 $6.98 Skirts $11.25 Skirts $9.00 Skirts Skirts, Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts $7.50 $6.25 $5-00 $4.25 $4.00 $3.50 1 DDTPr 1 Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's $G9.50 $59.50 $52.50 $45.00 $42.50 $37.50 $.35.00 $29.50 $25.00 $18.00 Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses $34.75 ....$29.75 ...$26.25 ..$22.50 ...$21.25 ....$18.75 ...$17.50 ....$14.75 .$12.50 $9.00 y2 PRICE Children's Coats $18.00 Coats $16.50 Coats $14.50 Coats $12.50 Coats $11.50 Coats $8.98 . Coats $7.98 Coats $9.00 $8.25 $7.25 $6.25 $5.75 $4.50 $4.00 1 DDirr Women's $45.00 Women's $42.50 Women's $37.50 Women's $35.00 Women's $10.00 "Women's $15.00 Women's $12.00 $2.00 Middies ... Suits, now Suits, now Suits, now Suits, now Hats Hats .......... Blouses $22.50 $21.75 $18.75 $1750 ...$2,98 ..$5.00 ...$5.98 ..$1.00 OB 82x91 Martha Washington Damask Bed Spreads, $6.00 value $4.79 Women's white Kid Gloves, $5.48 value, pair $4.49 12-button white Kid Gloves, $4.48 value, pair $3.59 Women's Corsets, up to $2.00 value $1.00 Women's Gossard Corsets, up to $4.00 val., ea. $2.00 Women's white Kayser Knit Bloomers,' $1.25 value, pair $1.00 White Collar and Cuff Sets, $1.25 val., each ....$1.00 36-in all silk white Spanish Lace, $2.98 val., yd. $2.25 All pure Linen white initialed Handkerchiefs, 25e value, each 18 Women's Corsets, up to $2.00 values, each $1.00 Women's white Argus Silk Hose, sold regularly for $2.00. Special, pair '. $1.75 72.S4 Triumph Bed Spreads, $2.00 value, each $1.69 36-iu. heavy white Wash Satin, $2.50 val., yd. $2.19 sis v yfi&Siim u ft &m TOWEL SPECIALS , f TV X. 22x43-in. very heavy double thread soft spun Turkish Towel, 9Sc value, each 79 24x47-iu. heavy double thread Turkish Towel. Regular 75e value, each 65 23x46-iu. heavy double thread Turkish Towel. 69e value, each .....1..48 21x43-in. excellent weight double thread Turk ish Towel, 50c value, each 39 15. 37 heavy ribbed Turkish Towel, 39c value, each 29 15x30 single thread Turkish Towel, 15c grade. each : 12V 17x35 excellent Aceigbt soft spun Huck Towel, white or bordered, 30o value, each 25 16. 32-in. fine soft spun Huck Towel, 19 value, each 15 36-in. soft finish Xainso6k, 35c value, yard...... 32 72-in. all linen Damask, plain and fancy, excellent quality, $3.50 value, yard . $2.75 72x90 Homestead seamed Sheets, good quality, sold regularly for $1.25, Saturday only, each 79 81x90 Wcarwcll Sheets, soft and fine, with tape edges, $2.00 value, each $1.69 36-in. white Jewel Cloth for Spreads and Scarfs, 98c value, yard ; :...89 72x72-in. all linen Derryvale Table Cloths, excellent quality, beautiful patterns, $6.50 value, each $5.19 ,40-in. white Crepe Back Satin, $3.50 quality, yd. $2.79 36-in. fine Curtain Scrim, 39c value, yard 33 3-lb. Climax or Stitched Batts, $1.25 Value, ea'-h 98 58-in. Mercerized Damask, excellent quality and patterns, GOovaluo, yard 54 36-in. fine white soft Nainsook, 50c value, yard 45 36-in. fine Nainsook, silky finish. 60c value, yard 53 81-in. Warwell Sheeting, fine soft quality, linen finish, with tape edges to in sure long life, 69c value, yard 62c 36-in white Taffeta, $2.19 quality, yard $1.75 56-in. all wool fine white French Serge, $3.00 value, yard .V. .....$2.69 18-in. white Art Linen, 89c value, yard 79' 18-in. white all linen Crash Toweling, 25c value, yard ; .;.22 36-in fine white Curtain Swiss, excellent quality and patterns, 35c val., yd.'29 Women's heavy white Silk Hose, $2.25 val., pr. $2.00 36-in. white imported Ratine, $1.25. value, yard $1.10 36, 44 and 54-in. linen finish Linna Cloth for luncheon sets, dresses, skirts and fancy work 33 to 50 yard Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY S1EDKOMD. OREGON 42 and 45x36-in. Wearwell Pillow Slips, 4oc value, each 39 36-in. Daisy Muslin, fine soft quality, 22c val. yd. 19 36-in. Silk and Cotton Crepe, 69c value, yard 39 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED POSTAGE PREPAID AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS