MEDFORDifATL TRIErNT, IfEDFOTiD. f!?K..OX. THlRIAY. JANUARY 1 15cT. CALIFORNIA GETS 'ASTORIA COMPANY LOCAL SPEEDER GETS Hi-rr Va y Oa..-e; flsv saay. w. &. t k l. :. POSTPONEMENT OF SGETS U. S. CONTRACT i J. M- Tvf. tx. to P..V-T-. A. Wcn-T-. d-i !t K w tt W S Of S"V. E H ef S".V f var. two. Hi. I: I E-i OREGON RATE COT I I Jaefcaoasi;; wis. .t"- to f-a---oro V.'3H:sfi7jS. Jia. i Tie Cii- y-rir by Jii - ei kx. oeeti i o tana DLC 41, tw- Ji S.. E. West PAOE ETOIIT TnafMa. UiUvl a&l Sacnati -eT wo to r.ra sk.rxisa ia a tcvasest to prestsit aa increase ia iMjtii rue U aomsera) Cai.ior3'- a4 iwatn Ora UAy Ore. snimitted tie Vw tuis foe" pars driver-, ie waa s;-p-cdi H"j Vi:e. Q. C. aad dredges work J-w,d of Ji aad r. was,' 1 .i.4 ; Ajrl ti Toe r.r. Ore. aavU I f,0 t"rt"1 a .is anaooel icday M fi savy,; - - 7"7;cur of Astro V pl's iejarnr-eat. j v. , u.t.iBi. xtJTZnx he I w- D lo Cwi.w ru.y irofrwrlj.,, it , &f M mii .-t R- 2 iiut to T. C. EA- ti erucr-irTJrs work iiHu!t of t:m ekiiAm wr U' TOM i NOW ON DISPLAY, for n!t yartj u4 !I ou r eobie jirt for 4.-4;c: tisaaneta. Drr.Tyl it mizit Veat Wtt. 2 cnta ra' aJi to nary. vA suu as Uut rni.l c! i n- $nKpwm( ti ef.'t.T a. ' fcj tai'jmaaet tA ti tm of tiw trvl a4aatax Cw7 o ratA t C'alLvraa aorau tv.nt beui Portuot, Or. ttcTiaeat:i'a of Ca.'iforai cr.r kaou ajen th hi J (rota Saa Praa. u CiSlfoni-a Bu&taia yr.r.Vt trMla tfl 7airra4s !- thaa th hall ftr-xa f5:tlaa4 t iaa trr;t'jT7. t'fyn ti: (yMr.t tr. tac nSritii (oxtaLuloa wi!l aa f-vr a meltiw o( tb4 rat or4r of tt UMtvmk evxt- J BALANCE IN CITY' TREAS'Y. S117,577 nrr which m nubrr.:r.vd t th ty t35wi lamt TjjKlajr nipht hw that Ishai. By thi rix-rt th tltr wu - ir.a to hav a VX-al bianc in all t'tr. on Dibr, 1J2. of 1117.- jT77, and that in a4Jiti7n to th Ijvrlnx th pat y.r th city r !a HOUSE PASSES B!Ll 1111)1 II ' 4tm4 4S.0 wifflh of bocdx, of Im hih thre wr f ,''' worth of t llU! UlL cravltr wa:r bonda, and th aum of j$lM543 vaa trartAfrr4 to aink' BALEJf. Ot, Jaa. J'Tb h'mM (h' tatm:nn hi bill, I.n- iroiacjtd at ta tv, urtt ct tiJt eovatf clrk of Lh Maw, to rel til U( llcw ( bo do;. ' Tb mat p4s-d by onanimoos rot th bill lntrodl by fttoator M"rof Mnitaotriah eooetr to rejnlre Ih t-achlna; of tb conatitutioti of the railed Males to th public ccnools. ASKS FRANCE TO SLOW DOWN (Cflotlnatd from pa on) BURNS AT SEA Tom TtxpJ. kaown dar ia farra iffileaat aad mahfiiftry, haa Jaat recefirt a aew Trlad'" ijraer of the Tery latt trpe. Thla h:5h pr4sur arayer taa many faxara to recosEav?a4 It for orchard wor. luch aa ao r.i.bie coris; parta, rt roir o;i:n? aytm and do grtavi cai It la boilt low to the groaa-i alihotih It aOicrwi ptenty of ciaraae. Is dar- ble ia construct Soa acd lua an erca diatribalioa of weight. 7hi "Fntad" aprayer is bot oa of. th man 7 I'aes which Mr. Temple haadl. Molina farm machiaery. 11 co lirht aad ptnns, wood pipe for ir rigation. Simplex siics, Simplex sepa ratom aa4 Pa pec cottars. A cordial invitatkin baa beea extended to all who are Interested to call and ae this sprayer at Mr. Temple's showroom at 221 North Fir street. It will soon be dellrered to the veil known Central Point orchardirt, Mr. E. W. Carttoa, so the tim4 for its display is limited. asd. ei bi. dd t Sots 7. aad t. bii. 1. iififord Maxn 6arbrii to Erael W. bttn. W. D. to lot t. to. I, Orr Add- to Moiford C. I. UaKkaon. et ox. to the Cahforr. Orea-ia Power com Pay. Mr. D. to tot la Ivj Pirn Add. to Medford em;nia Wini?red Htnelmja nr. to Clara OUver Ciiti. W. D. to lot 14. bik. 1. Sum mit Avenoe Heights Add. to Medford John A. fair.mllL t ti. to W. E. Crottaa. ex. W. D. to 8- J Vx 7. feet lot H M-dfor-5 is I is, 1 Court News (rnralahed by lb Jaekaoa Canary Abstract Co.) JHGUI-WDS, X.-J., Jan. 18. (By the Atone ia ted Press.) A steam I trawler, beliered to le a nnit of the mm fleet horertn? off the Vew .F.par 4iT.JSh,L'h,nhirnr,! eauht flre hl "fternoon and t' fak 'Vrr lh rntn thui morning. . . . , . . iind IhemMrlve. Mil! in poswion "'""f1 10 lne wat - Another . ihelr frt-operties today and learn- ,mal1 'W"' n to break away t that only rol mined and nnove 'rom the fleet and rescue the crew. 'wound rm ondr r the revised reijui-j Tb trawler sank In thirteen fan- fttdontna; order of the French. j (horns off the Ambrose channel. The The mft:nfe aiso learned they ' rtul Hoard cutter Seneca placed a "tifn coert mania I Instead of actual TKI i.hiA h-unr .n th rnu.r, "to deliver eoal to Kranee. '"-The ' eronoirilc eominiselon, In 'reuchjrix Its final decision In the pol' ir to be followed, roncluded that brrauno of the shortage of lerhnlrftl experts. It would be better to requlnl fin only the coal ready for delivery fctid to re-rouie to Krenoeall ship, rtff'nr Intended for fern;an domeatlc ixnsumptlon. It was also mid that rertnln na tions, notably the United mates snd (;reat Krltain looked with disfavor MarrUe IJccnse. John MTm. Douglas and Elizabeth Mabel fioach. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one tredirine that really stands out pre-enslner.t as a nedlrine for curable ailments of the ! sinners Uver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands ! the hisiest for the reason that It ! has proven hlirheet for the reason' that it has proven to be last the rem-! edy needed id thousands upon thos-i ar.ds of distressing cases. Swamp-! Root makes friends quickly because' its miid and immediate effect is scon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable coropound- 8 tart treatment at nce. Sold at ail drug stores In bottles of two sizes. : medium and large. 'However, If you wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co, Blagham ton. X. T.. for a sample bottle. When, writing be sure and mention this Pf-r. aIv BIAJTK'S The Best Goods for the Pricg, No Matter What the Price MA2TCTS Annual Janu'y Remnant Sale LAST DAYS Friday and Saturday REMNANTS of Wash Goods White Goods Cretonnes, Curtain Scrims Domestics Silks and Woolens in excellent lengths for less than cost Your Last Chance for a Dress for Less Than Cost. Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOE EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON Don't fail Attend and -Profit by our Remnant Bargains. to BAN' FRANCISCO, Jan. IS A re- 4pon the term "confiscation" ns It uuin in tne pnee or retineo cane bed been applied io the French Iluhr sugar of ten cents per hundred pounds rHT by the perls prem. to 17.20, effective today was an- " The control eommimlon does nol nounced today by the Western Sugar contemplate the occupation of Keflnery and the California Hawaiian Jfuenster, It was offhtary announced. Kf,nery. A cent reduction In the 'He7.ur ly the French of a num. Uer of csil bnrses Intended tor fler- rlce of rMined beetsuicar per hUD' lean domelc use Is reported today. V" ,,.-n, . announreo Vessures have been t-iken to prevent b Hpreckles Sugar company also t losding of similar mr(m. piiocuvb trxjay. "CASCAREITFOR BOWELS When Sick, Bilious, Headachy, Constipated, for " Sour Stomach, Gases, Bad Breath, Colds ' ' Vmir bowelt may seem regulsr move every day yet yonr thirty feet of bowels may be lined with poisonous mixta which Is beinff Kicked into your blood, keeping you half siek, nervous, denpondent snd tiptet. Whether jou lave hesdsrhs. eokli, sour slnmsch, in Htirention, or hsrt pslpitstion, it Is uoisllf from bowel poison. llurryl One or two Cairarsts to night will clean your bowels right, fly morning sll the conatipatioa pnition and sour bile will mors out thor oughly! r'atrareta will not sickin yon they phynie fully, but never grips or ineonrenlence. Children love Caneartts toa 10 cent bnie. also U and 60 cent liut, Adt dmcitare. f0 e. l SW- " 2U NOW PLAYING! WALLACE REID he Ghost Breaker" "b Mm mm cxiKi)V iii:ikv AMCi: AT TMK )IIAN RIALTO 1 Circuit Coort. Tom T. Henodenos vs. Daniel E. ! Flory, et ux. Kecesjiion of contract. I. A. Hnlder vs. It It. Hlnea. PeU- tion, motion. Ij. M. langley vs. William C. Kiser. Jr., et al. IK-fault, findings and Con- clusion. rv-ree. E- E. Phlpps vs. U DavU. et al. Confirmation of sale. IJ. II. Sharinghausen vs. Geo. Wes ley Tarr. et ux- Cost bill. Tillamook County liank vs. D. lier ford, et ux- Order. Htatement. No tice. John F. I'.ocho vs. W. A. Burns, et al. Demurrer. The Beaver Company (inc) vs. J. T. Oagnon or Gagnon Box Factory. Transcript of Judgment. The Vulcanite Hoofing Co.. Inc.. vs. I. T. Oagnon or fisgnon Box Factory Transcript of judgment. Ieonie D. Schmitt vs. Jackson Co. Creamery. Notice of appeal. Cndertaking. W. II. Latimer vs. Jackson county. Default. Deeree. Abigail Hipley Smith vs. Joseph Gillespie. Affidavit. Order. First National Bonk vs. J. T. Oag. non. Summons. Writ of attach ment. Hattle Flory vs. Daniel E. Flory Motion. Notice. Order. Maggie J. Drumhlll vs. W. J. Drumhllf. Answer. East Hide Mill & Lumber Co., Inc.. vs. J. T. GAgncn. Summons. E. V. Carter vs. Itay A. Carter. Summons. Page-Dressier Co., vs. II. F. Mca- der. et al. Notice. J. H. Drew tsfl James P. Hansen, et al. Answer- State vs. Elmer Simmons. Order revoking parole. Lee Phlppa vs. Thos L. Allen, et al Not l-e. XI ed ford National Bank vs. Van It Glltrt. Summons. Alive Ilnr.ley vs. W. II. Lewis Writ of nttai-hment. Heturn on sum mons. Default. Judgment. Probato Court. Estate of Ernest 8- Wolgamott Proof of debt. Estate of Cornelia L. Kingsbury Final report. Order. l.ituie of M. M. Hodges. Fourth re port. Efttnte of Henry Hart. Inventory and appraisement. Estate of Thos. Jefferson Grelve No! Ire. Estate of Itcbecca D. Grieve. No- tiie. Estate of Uobert B. Grieve. No tice. Ktnte of Geo. N. Smith. Paid Voilrhers. Order. Estate of Daws. Vawter and How ard. Petition. Order. Estate of F. K. Deuel, llecelpt Estate of Henry li. Stephenson. Oath, consent, order. Estate of Elvira K. Wilder. Oath. Estate of Emily J. Bingham. In ventory and appraisement. Estate of Virginia Fales. Final ac count. Order. Vouchers. Folate of llentnn Bowers. Final ac count. Order. Voueher. Estate of Jamta Boyd. Final re port. Orders Eetate of Itavmond Doran. el al (minors). Admitted to probate. IScwl ltaio Transfers. Clarence C. Pierre, et U. to W. E. Ilurhsnan. et us. W. I), to part block 17, Imperial Add. to Medford Theodore A. Glass, et ux, to Ohrlntlc Martin. W. p.. to land In see. M. tp. ,1S, R., It. West m J. C. Williams vs William Ien- . ggggHH I Ml VX Vll IB IIP iF 1 ...... -"asa- S- U W a. c-. I If You Want the Best Suit or Overcoat HI '' m ... ssssssssssssisssawssssi ssswswssBasssssaaassssassssaa) sa.ata..vJ Men's Suits KUPPENHEIMER There are styles and patterns and other good all wool hand ' III here to please every taste. And r ., e . , thera ara model, tailored to fit 1 Uored SUlU and OverCOaU ill every type of build. $25 Values Now $21.25 $30 Values Now $25.50 $35 Values Now $29.25 j $40 Values Now $34.00 I $45 Values Now $38.25 llU Outing Gowns, 2.25 values $1.75 rit BOYS' CLOTHES Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws, thriftily priced $20.00 Overcoats.... $14.75 $13.50 Overcoats ...$9.95 $12.50 Overcoats ...$8.75 $8.50 Mackinaws $5.95 Lot 1, Knickers $1.50 Lot 2, Knickers t. 95c Lot 3, Knickers 75c $7.50 Overcoats $5.95 Boys' Iron Clad Hose 10 Discount One Lot Boys' Percale Blouses 85c Athletic Union Suits Special 69c Entire Stock of Boys' Hats y2 Price OutiriR Pajamas. 2.2j values $1.85 Shirts and Drawers. $1.00 value, cotton 85? .Shirts and Drawers, $1.73 value, wool 91.39 Work .Shirts, 1.00 value, 75? Khaki l'nnts. --'.50 value $1.83 Dib Overalls. 2.00 value $1.50 Dress Shirts, $1.25 and $1.3.5 values 05 S-iiR'h Chrome Shoe, water proofed, double soled $6 Men's Overcoats Big, roomy, comfortable, new style models, warm, but not too weighty. $25 Values Now $19.50 $30 Values Now $23.50 $35 Values Now $27.50 $40 Values Now $32.50 $45 Values Now $37.50 Here's a Sale of Men's Shoes Every man's Shoe in our house included in this sale of 8hoes at ridiculously low prices. fix mi Men's Work Shoes Dark brown Calf Shoe, medium weight $3.50 Dark brown Calf, heavy double sole $-4.50 Russet Army Shoe, Munson last $-1.50 Chrome tanned Shoe, heavy double sole $5.00 12-ineh Boot, vitalized sole $7.00 16-ineh Iloot. visualized sole, $8.00 Men's Dress Shoes Drown Calfskin, rubber heel. $4.00 Brown or black Blutehers $4.50 Drogues, brown or black, $4.50 Drogue Oxford, blacks, $4.50 Flannel Shirts. $5.00 values, now $4.00 Guaranteed Hose, 6 pair for 6 mouths $1.00 Cloth Hats, only one lot, $1.00 Lee Unionalls, medium aud heavy $3.00, $4.00 Meu's Cotton Union Suits, $1.75 to $2.50 Jlen's Wool Union Suits, , $3.50 to $4.75 One lot Men's Dress' Hose, colors, 2 pr. 25 All Linen Collnrs, while they last. 2 for 23 0 All Woolen Dress Hose 10 Discount 10 Hademan Hats PEUELS9 Wilson Bros. Furnishings nrvnw "aiiovi: i.iw nls. W. I. to 14 aers In see. IS snd IS. tap. It 8., ft. 3 wst 4,(00 Mary E Merrimsn to llogue Quality MEDFORD Economy