PAGE SIX MEDFORD MXIC TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OUKOOX, TilUh'SDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923 BEAUTIFUL HAJR IU MOMENT Try This! A Gleamy Mass of Luxuriant Hair ' f A x k k A fern Li ELECTS MEMBERS At onec! You can transform oven plain, dull fint hair. You uii liavi it fttuniunt,( soft, gloHHy and full of life. ,lut get a S3 cent bottle, of "Danilci ino" at any drugstore. Then mniuten I soft clotli with tlio "Bamlerlne" and draw tliis through your lutir, taking one puiall strand at a time. Instantly, yen, imiuediutely, you liavo doubled tlio beauty of your liair. It will bu a mass, to toft, lustrous and so easy to do up. AH dust and cxeeiwivo oil Is removed. ,-. Let "Panderine" put new life, viirof ,lind brlchtness in your liair. Thic utimulatinx tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hail and help your liair lo grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. TheBestVal? es in A mooting of the board of directors and membership of tho Jackson County Ited Cross was held yesterday aftnrnoon In tho public Unary at half past two. for tho purpose of elect'ng the members of the board of directors. The folowlng arc the names chosen for election: Mr. J. C. Mann, Mrs. A. J. Klockcr, Rev. K. P. Lawrence, Mrs. II. L. Noblltt, Mrs. Hose Schioffllu, Mr C. M. Kldd, Mrs. II.. L. WIlliamB, Mrs. Leonard Carpon'ter, Mr. H. W. Ituhl, Dr. Win. Holt, Dr. J. C. Hayes, Mrs. Corning Kenley, Mr. 0. O. Alonder fer, Mr. II. O Frobbach., Dr. It. W. Cluncy, Mr. H. L. Waltlier, Mrs. J. C. B. Wellls, Mr. n. E. Harder, Mr. A. G. Smith. Outlying districts: Mrs. Wm. Car Iobs, Phoenix; Rev. Angel, Phoenix; Rev. P H. Hummond, Ashland; Mrs. P. S. Englo, Ashland; Mrs. H. K. llanna, JackBonvillo; Mrs. 0. A. Curdner, Jacksonvllo; Mrs. Gay, Gold Hill, Mrs. E. K. Earhnrt, Rogue River: Kov. Lee Gray, Roguo Hlvor; j Mrs. K. O. Brown, Eagle Point; Mrs. II. E Camnbell, Eagle Point; Mrs. McBrldo, Table Rock; -Mrs. J. C. Pen 'dleton, Table Rock; Mrs. Cap Ruch, iRuch; Mrs. J. J. Slmervlllc, Butte I Falls, Mr. E. C. Faber, Central Point; Mrs. Goo. Fox, Central Point; Aunt Mary Meyer, Lake Crook; Miss Ful ler, Sums Valley, Mrs. John Darby, Griffin Crook. The executive commltteo has been electod as follows: Mr. J. C. Munn, chairman; Mrs. A J. Klocker, vice chairman; Rov. E. P. Lawrence, rocordlng sncrotarjj; Mr. It. E. Harder, treasurer; Mr. II. L. Walther. Mr. R. W. Ruhl, Mr. A. 0. Smith. Mr. C. M. Kldd, Mrs. Corn ing Kenly, chairman home service; Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, Mabel R. Haines, executive secretary, ex officio Tho executive committee holds monthly meetings and works out tho policies and problems of the organi zation work those policies being submitted for dlBciiBBlon and ap proval at the regular meeting of tho board of directors, which are hola four times a yoar. It is planned to hold some meetings In the different towns of the county. Now Showing at the Page Theater Goods donated to civilians 56.15 Goods donuted to ex-soldlers.... 5.00 . Hif wr.:-r.-.:. ...Wv r-W , mils 1 Norma Talmadge, In "The Eternnl Flame," at the Page Theatre, is the complete vindication of every extrava gant promise mado for tho big pro duction. ' Never has the brilliant star had so completely revealing a role nor one that has extended her acting genius and disclosed her personal grnclous noss and charm half so well as this massive production. Critical comment joins with tho ver dict of tho picture-going public In ac claiming "Tho Eternal Flame," and lovers of the cinema art are express ing gratitude to Miss Talmdage and nor husband-producer, Joseph M. Schenck, that they left this remark able achievement behind them before they wont on their vacation In Europe. Dealing with the period of the sec ond restoration In Franco, the story centora mainly In PariB and Ver sailles, and It is at the latter place, Norma Talmadge Corwav Te&ile ; "The Eternal Flame" where kings and empires have been made and un-made, that one of the biggest spectacles ever brought to the eye of any camera was staged. It is a grand ball in the Versailles Palace, and more than a thousand players par ticipated in a scene of brilliance and splendor. ; But It Is not in Its spectacular quail ties that "The Eternal Flame" strikes Its deepest note. It Is In Its human interest story, in its correct and thrill ing revelations of human nature, In Its disclosures that are made of the so ciety of the times, and In the coherent, unlversnlly understood narrative that It relates In the terms of marvelous photography and still more marvelous histrionic art. , Supporting Miss Tnlmadgq is Con- way Tearle, who Is worthy of his as sociation with tho brilliant actress. The cast is without a single Item of weakness. Red Cross Report for December SiritsofO,coatS'h . Chicago at i wo to are right here . , it; Come in and make me ' prove it. $50 to $60 values at 4 Dollars a Barrel $45 Others as low as $32.50 j E. Main, Upstairs . ! REAL BARGAINS In Serviceable Used Cars Crater Lake Automotive Co. 12!I South Front St. SEEDS We Are Headquarters for nil Farm, Garden and Flower Seeds orn two Niav taplk pi:.s ltililsli Lion anil The Llnmln (Pkt. 15c; lb. fiOr) Post paid. NEW CATAUMI SOW UK.VHY GGMORSE&Co. 749 FRONT ST. Retail Store 11) Market St. CHICAflO,' Jan. 17. (Weekly Fruit nnd . Vegetable Kovlnw) Tho fniiit nn.l vuffniithlit mnrket thiH WCCk was subjected to a shlppors' ban-ago ' of apples, cubbago, potatoes, onions,! luttuce and celery. Tho United Htntes bureau of mar-, kets reported today that about 10,-1 000 moro cars of fruit and vegetables . were rocolvod this week than last. Apples led the attack, with about I 14 cars arriving at market. fruit was strongly supported by onions, spuds, lettuce, celery and other vogotnbleH, all showing decided increases in shipments. As a result of this extraordinary movement, tho ntarket fluttered con siderably. Onions nlono remained firm. i . OnlonB rnnned from 12 to $3.2S a hundred pounds on tho vnrlous mar kets; apples were ciuoted from J4 to J6 a barrol; cabbugo ranKed from $20 to (30 a ton nnd potatoes ranged from II to 11.40 a hundred pounds. V. S. Shipping VoKsel Saved. MANILA, Jan. IS. (lly tho Asso ciated Press) Advices from the shipping board freighter Patrick Henry say that ehe has been floated from tlio reef which she struck on Monday off Htbny Island, 200 miles south of Manila, and probably will leave for Manila tomorrow. Tho vessel will discharge her sugar enruro before going lito drydock nt Olon-gapo- ' If Back Hurts Begin on Salts Flush your Kidneys occasionally If you eat too much meat. A report on the work of the Jack son County Red Cross for December was presented by the executive secre tary at this week's meeting and the statistical record of the work for De comber follows: JACKSON COUNTY RED CROS8 Report on Social Service Department for Doccmber, 1022. Tho statistical rejiort for the month of December shows the following item ized record of '.work done during tho month: Office interviews i 390 Phone intorvlows and . inquiries ' recorded !... 403 Calls for jobs by men 59 By women 37 Totals calls for jobs 9tf Contacts with employers 31 Number of Jobs secured 27 Number of social vlBits to cases tit Number of social visits in Inter est of cases 19 Number of volunteer contacts with cases .. 8 Total numbor of social contacts 88 Types of cases and numbor oC con tacts with problems: Child welfare i 4 Family rellof 15 Widows 2 Jail ....y 1 Transient men '. 32 Mon alono 11 Women nlono - 4 Old couple 1'- Hospltal 2 Ex-soldlers ... 10 Christmas work Social servlco cases referred garments and supplied thru Thrift Shop CS Social cases supplied with gar ments outside Thrift Shop.... 4 County refunds 30.56 Total for Red Cross....- '. $12.07 Milk Orthuys (county refund) .T..J3.00 . tSnlder 1.S5 Total milk for December $4.8u County refund 3.00 Total for Red Cross ........1.8G Medical . Haskina truss '. 14.00 Clothing Dec. 9 Hutchison & Lumsden underwear 1.08 United Army Store 3 com- forts i....::..),.u..:. ; .... 3.00 Clothing to. children Xmas 10.00 Golden Rule .'. 2.40 jjpjan Francisco, Cjj! No man or woman who eats lots of meat regularly con make a mistake by llusliing tlio kidney occasionally, says a well-known authority. Too much meat may form urio acid, which elos the kidney pores so that tbey sluggishly liltor or strain only part of the wantu and puison from tho blood; then you got hwW. Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizz iness, sleeplessness, . bladder disorders often eonm from aluggisli kidneys. Tho moment yon feet a dull ache in llin kidneys or 'your back hurts, or if tho urine la cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces, of .lad Snlts from any reliable phnrmarv and take a table spoonful in a glas of water More break fast for a tew days and your kidneys may then act flnoi This 'famous salts is made from the acid of grapes ami lemon luice. combined with litliin. anil lias been used for generations to Hush douged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to help neutrnlie the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus often railing hhuMcr disorders. .lad ,s'alts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effervescent lilhln water drink, which evervono can tuko now and then to help keep tho kidnevs clean and the blood pure, there in' often preventing serious kidney complications. Cooponitlon with csbcs: Doctors County Nurso .. Y. W. C. A P. T. A D. A. R. C'opco Forum Hospital Salvation Army Truant Officer American Legion Supt. of Schools Elks : : Sheriff .; Court Portland Welfare bureau..... Portnlnd Veteran's bureau Portland Court of Domestic Kola- tlons G 1 Towns visiter and number of times for social work: Ashland 2 Central Point 2 Ccnlral Point environs 1 Derby 1 Englo Point : : 1 Jacksonville 3 Talent 1 Talent environs 1 Material Relief given during months Names of families receiving orders nro not printed. Groeorles Thurber (Central Point) 11.43 Hrown (Englo Point) Dec. 8 (to lie lvfundod-e'ounty) 6.50, 19 (to be refundiMl-eounty) 7.50 30 tto be refundod-county) 8.75 Hutchison & Lumsden Dec. 12 S.0O- 0 3.00 20 ; 2 K4 27 1 S.00 2.00 Total for ginciiries in IX'C. J 12.62 Total clothing for Dec J1C.4S Fuel ,-. . Dec, i Kewcomb . $5.88 18 ' .. 6.00 28 "- . (county refund) 6.60 28 -" . : 6.50 28 " . 6.00 Total fuel for Dec ... J27.88 County refund 6.50 Total for Red Cross $21.38 Transportation Southern Pacific to Calls toga, Calif. $15.06 County refund 7.63 Man's refund 7.60 Meals 61 meals at 25c a meal I..'. $12.75 Extra meals .- 1.75 Total meals for Doc $14.50 Rent ' . (County rotund) $ 8.00 ... .' 5.00 5.00 Totnl rent for Dec $18.00 County refund : 8.00 Total for Red Cross $10.00 Loans Refunded .'..... . $19.00 6.00 Total loans for December. $24.00 Refund !. 19.00 Total for Rod Cross $ 6.00 Hospital Sacred Heart Hospital $12.60 Should bo refunded by gov ernment. Total material relief ...$196.29 Totnl county refund 55.GS Total other refund 39.30 Total Red Cross expense on material relief $101.71 MAI1EL R. HAINES. Executive Secretary. A report of tho work of the Thrift Shop for December wns presented by Mrs. Fnrrar and showed the following figures: Cash sales .....$104.33 (olds OrokmQuicldy ESI PI tisaxree.iblc weatber always have Hill, handy. Stops Colda in 24 hours ta Rnppv in 3 d-iys. Standard remedy for two renerapons. "No bad after jtftccts. Sale and dependable. Demand red box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait and sitfutura. At All Dnfnit30 Cent. '.1, f ,,.,1 MIW, W, Total of donations $ 61.45 i Goods given out by Thrift Shop In payment for service In shop in Ironing, pressing, dyeing, etc 87.70 Total value of goods hamlled..,.253.50 Expenses (rent, salary, laundry, postage) 78.60 Tptal valuation of production 174.85 Of which cash cleared was 45.40 It was moved and carried that the Jackson County Chapter of the Amer ican Red Cross record an expression of appreciation for the long devoted and unselfish service of Mrs. Sara II. Means, as a member of the Red Cross Hoard, and of regret that In her. de parture from this county the Red Uross Is losing one of It's most valued members. , Armory Service Station ; Opens Next Saturday The new sorvto station to be known as tho Armory Service' Station, located on Pacific Highway at Jack son street, will be open for business Saturday, January 20th, with a full line of gas, oils, tires and tiro acces sories. - W. C. Taylor, owner of the new station, came to Medford about a year ago from Enterprise, whore he built and operated for three years the first service station in Wallowa coun ty. Being an old hand -it tho business the new Armory corner ought to be a favorite stopping piace from now on. See advertisement elsewhere In this Issue. Reld Film Is Amusing Wallace Reid in a romantic Spanish romance with modern trimmings, "The Ghost Breaker," Is winning the heart of every spectator nt The RIalto this week. - On the same program Is another good comedy offering and a sport review. The combination is one of big comedy, wholesome thrills and rapid-fire action from start to finish, guaranteeing to cure any one of the blues.. "The OhOBt Breaker" takes place mostly in Spain, wita & good many of the thrills scattered to a New York hotel, a liner In midocean and feud scenes in Kentucky. Lila Lee is seen as the daughter of a lately deceased Spanish nobleman. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little 'Froczonc" on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tinv bottlo of "Froerano" for a few cents, sufficient to romove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and tho calluses,. wunouc soreness or irritation. SPRAY RIG REPAIRING Williams Implement Service 1M 8. Rnrtlrtt Phono 2W AUTO PAINTING Xow la the time o linyo your Auto itcrinisncu. We cheerfully solicit your patron age and early booking. Prices right. Plus quality -service nnd workmanship. Wo aro permanently loented nt 221 No. Fir Street. ; Geo. Watson Co. Phone 77T Mmlfonl, Ow. HEAT WITH COAL Place Your Order Now for Quirk IeliveTT Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to buds) 81 S. Fir St. " rhono 2.TO-J Babbiting, Welding, Repairing and Lathe Work REASONABLE RATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. 123 South Front St. . Armstrong Tires and Tubes " Extra Heavy Cords. Tubes Are Oversize. ; Tires have advanced, but we have not received our new. list, better come in and get yours before we do. WHILE THEY LAST Empire Fabrics, Guaranteed Firsts 30x3 $7.90 30x3..... -$8'90 Star Motor & Supply Co. Agents for Stephens Cars Phone 277-J 29 So. Front St. )0y LOWEST PRICES In the of the Ford History Motor Company Chassis Runabout . Touring Truck Chassis Coupe Sedan . $235 269 298 380 530 All Prices F. O. B. Detroit . At these lowest of Iowprices and with the many new refinements, Ford cars are a bigger value to day than ever before. Now is the time to place your order . for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. C. E.Gates AutoCo. Cor Oth and Pacific Highway Wouldn't You Like to Go East Through 01' flnursp vnn wnufil nnil hv immff this wny you will see most; of the bounty spots of the West. Vou may Join the meriy-makere on Cft.r.fornla'fl nllvnrv HtrflnH aan thn rncoa nt Tin Juana; go through Carriso Gorge nnd over the Apaehe Trail Highway, and tuko in tho Mnrdt Gras. Then too, you have a choice of routes, stop-over privileges' and best of train service. . Ask four local ticket nRent for LOW l!Orxi TItll' nnd OXR WAY KAKKN. time tables nnd descriptive folders or write ' ; 10IIX M. 8COTT General ru.iscnger Agent, I'oitlaud. . : '. OvpRon ' - "The SunMiinn Wny Trow t. 8. A." v i