3 FAflE ETOIIT MEDFORD MAIS TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OHKGON. WEliXKSDAY. JANl'ARY 17. 192.. i i f MAYOR GADDfS NAMES WATER COM At the moetlns of tho city council Inst n I Klit Mayor Caddis announced his appointment of the new city water lxwd, and also that Dr. Frederick G. Tliaycr, whom lie had appointed a week nito as the new city health offi cer had refused to accopt the appoint ment when it became known that the REQUEST AID OF FEDERAL BANKS Ralph Jackson llailey, 15 year old son of Mr. and Mis. WiniJVId ii. Iiulfcy, has made a record in radio Irocopllon an fur as can be ascertain ed. One night lust week whllo 'listening in"- he caught an address In tipanlsh being made at Havana. I Cuba and although he could - nut understand what was being suld. he I heard the call letters of the station liind it's location plainly. This has been verified, as a San utate law makes the position a perma-1 nc,"J "ln ",e au; nent one; except by removal for cause, and that therefore Dr. K. II. Fickel ' riaco ud waH UHlng lH not kn0wn, b 1 of receiving apparatus the Ban Fran. ut young Jtniley was operating a set ho had constructed himself, consisting of a detector tube, a vario-couplcr and a variable condenser a receiving transformer, ono amplifying tube and several minor parts in an original "hook up." Iiuiley even mado his own varlo-coupler. A prlzo of 1100 for long distance receiving Is offered by tiadio News and young Bailey has written tho magazine telling of the results ho ob- would contlnuo In office aa the city's health officer. Mayor Gaddls also an nounced that Olonn O. Taylor would be continued under his administra tion as police judge. , To members of the council were absent from last night's meeting. They were O. O. Alonderfcr who Is in Chicago on a visit and J. K. Duller who Is now in Southern California on u '.vacation. The council transacted much routine business Including the 'alned. In an air lino Modford Is passage of minor ordinances regard ing certain delinquent city properties. The annual report of Mary Haswell "ebber, city treasurer, was received by. the council aud ordered placed on file,, ns was also tho annual surety bond of J20.000 from that official. ', New Water Board Personnel. .It 'waa generally regarded among clllzoua laat night and today that Mayor Gaddls had made a ten strike In his appointment or five of the best qualified men of Medford on tho new water board which will have chargo of the water department. In naming tliese appointments the mayor said that hn hnj mnvul ttulnutnt,!,.,.!.. 11,1., mu... f i,i " ... WASHINOTON, Jan. 17. Exclud- 7 i . 1 " ""uo"'-B ol cenl tnun ln "ny previous year ofl mo puouc in tneir operation of this . their history, according to final re- farther from Cuba than Han Fran cisco und'tlils accomplishment is con sidered quite remarkable considering tho apparatus employed. No ono in Medford. so fur us is known has ever received Havana, Cuba, even with the much larger, more expensive and more complicated sets which are In use by muny of tho local fans. National Farm Loan associations of tho valley, held a meeting Tues- day afternoon, and passed a resolu ; tion petitioning the Federal Loan I Dank of Spokane, to make an Invoe- ; tlgatlon of tho irrigated lands and Irrigation system In this section, to tho end that federal loans bo extend ed thereon. It was also resolved that the Investigation be started as soon as possible, and the aid of Sen ator MeNary and Hep. Hawloy urgod. The Gold Hill, Ashland, Talent and Medford districts were repre sented, and speeches were made by John H. Mil of Ashland, Elijah Hurd of Medford, and George Hilton, Jr., of the federal appraisa) board. Tho resolution was as follows: This Is to certify that at a meet ing of representatives of Ashland, Medford, Ge ld Hill and Rogue River National Farm Loan associations held at the public library building. Medford, Oregon, January 10, 1923, which meeting was called to consld er some action to petition the Fed- U. 8. RAILROADS HAULED RECORD TONNAGE 1922 Important department of the city, which means so much to Its welfare. it.'?0 pamed aa the members of this borV Judgo F. M. Calkins, H. L. Wnfther, A. L. Hill, Olen Arnsplgor and Delroy Getchell. Judge. P. M. Calkins retired tho first of .io yoor . from the circuit court bunch ufter many years of honorable safyloo in that position. A. L. Hill is a lormor coiincllmuti and a well known'buslnoBH man. II. L. Walthor laMjio local and division ninnagor of tuo California Oregon Power company. uicu Arnspiger Is a former superln tandent of the water works and other departments of the city. Dolroy Got cJtoll la the president of the Farmers qnd, Fruit Growers bank, and is tho representative on the new board of tho southwest section of tho city, which section for years past has been . -ie chief BUfforcr for lack of wator In the eummor time. j The appointments wore confirmed by. tho council last night and the new board Is exectod to meet soon nnd organize, although Judge Calkins who Is n, Southern California with his wifo ou, a'' pleasure trip Is not cxpoctcd buck In the city for several weeks. The board will have outlro control of, the wator system of tho city, sub ject to a general suiervislon exercised by the city-council. Upon ussumlni? control of the water system It shall bo, the duty of tho board to oporute tho system and to make extensions to the namo If deemed ndvlsublo, and It shall have entire control of all the mUer funds uud disbursements there of... ' Mix Up on Health Doctor When Mayor Gaddls aasumed office ton first of tho year und was consul- erlng . his appointments for various offices ho labored undor tho belief that all the apiwintivo offices expired with tho old administration. Ho ro- Aarded the offico of city health offl cor as ono to be passed on by each new administration und therefore do- cidod- to uppoiut Dr. F. O. Thnyor as the successor of Dr. K. 11. Pickel, ln that office, and so aunouucod this ap pointment. 'The fact wns developed later that tinner the stale law passed In 1!) 19 tho huath officer of a city is a norma- mint fixture, nnd that his office only UoCunioK vacant through his reslgnn-Wnn.-or removal for cause. Dr. Thavcr absolutely refused to take tho office because of this, under any clrcum stances, and Muyor tJaddls had no can no to romovo hucIi nn ublo official . as pr. Pickel, nor desired Ui ask for in -rcHiKnimon. inereroro nr. rickol ccntlnuos to serve as health officer. The appointment of a now houlth offl cnr.would have to bo confirmed by tho statji board of health. Modford, In publio opinion, would bo well served by oither physic lun. Despite tho fai t that the council at Its last meeting decided to employ IS. M. Wilson, cxiwrt accountant, to audit the elty'B books for several years past, a 'committee request was again made by a committee consisting of Ear! Kehl, John H. llowman and William pays, who according to Mr. Kohl rep i-vRontcd fifty taxpayers, to be allowed tq put In their own man to oxamliie certain accounts. Inasmuch as the old council had fa-anted this permis sion on condition that they hire an cx hert Accountant to do this work and p ut Up a fund to guurantco the finan cial payment of such nn expert the present council failed to sea why they should not back up their predecessors In this regard. Mr. FVhl, who was present at the meeting last night, stated that neither the City recorder or city treasurer had ever refused to give them any In formation, but he Insisted that they wanted to see the books fur them selves and examine the books for cer tain" Items. He made the statement that whlls they could not afford to rut j up money to gimrnntcu the payment ports compiled today, by tho car ser vlco division of the American Rail wny association. Duo to the five months strike of coal miners, the amount of coal transported was less man mo amount carrieu uuruig jy.i by 7 per cent. Totul loadings of nil commodities other than coal during 1322, amount ed to 3d, 200,178 ears cumpaiVd with 31.3-17,1110,10 131 and 36,030,022 in 1020. Including tho coal shipnlcnts which umounted to 7.448,141' cars, the total freight truffle of 1022 was esti mated at 43,713,019 carloads. REQUEST TO AID FAKM BUREAU (Continued from page one.) of tho Farm Bureau. Tho coopera tion of the business men of Medford with the Farm Dureau, it Is folt. will incrcaso the membership nnd bene fit both busliioss men and farmers. Tho success of tho farmers of tho state of Oregon Is a vital factor ln tho future development program of tno state and Mr. Joy declared that lr the farmors of tho stato will get together, Join tho Farm Bureau, save on their expenses and got bet tor prices for their products that tho people who come to Oregon looking for a location will find ono InBtoad of going on to California or somo other neighboring stato to take up their resldenco. J. R. McCrackon of tho Valley Viow dim riot made a fow remarks about tho local markuting conditions of dairy products and stated that tho dairy mon wore not getting a fair price for their cream from local crcamories. Not once this winter, assorted Mr. McCrackon, havo the local dairymen received the market prlco for tholr cream. Cream lu the Rnu FranclBco market was bring ing 63 cents when It brought only here nnd Mr. McCrackon declared that If this stato of affairs continued tho only solution of tho problem would bo for the local dairymen to pool their cream anil sell to tho highost bidder, meaning that the cream would likely bo sold In Portland or San Francisco. Tho need for a cow testing associa tion In Jackson county wns strongly cmphnalzod by Mr. McCrackon who stated that tho neod for such an or ganization Is vital. An unusually large numbor of peo ple wore present at tho. mooting ut which Louis Ulrlch presided. of their own expert, If tho request was grunted,, thoy would seo thnfsuch expert woulil bo paid. EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR You Can Bring; Back Color and Luster With Sage Tea and Sulphur When you darken your hair with Huge Tea und .Sulphur, no one can tell, beeuuse It's douo so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, ut home Is mussy aud troublesome. At little cost you can buy at any drug More the rendy-to-use preparation. Improved by the ad dition of ether Ingredients called "Wyeih'a Sage nnd Sulphur Com pound." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It nnd draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. lly moi'iilng all gray hair disappears, and ufter another applleatlon or two, your hair becomes tienutlfiiily darkened, glossy nnd luxuriant. Gray, faded hnth.-though no dl- giaee. Is n Klisn of old age. and as we all desire a youthful and attrac tive appearance. Bet busy ut once with Wycih's Sage nnd Sulphur Compound nnd hok years younger. , . . .. Adv. eral Land bunk, I lie Farm Loan Board and Senator Me.Ncry und Rep resentative lluwley to see what cauld be done to secure loans In the Irri gation districts of this territory served by tho Farm Loan associa tions, as at tho present time hums are not being made by the Federal Laud banks in these districts. li was moved and carried out unani mously, that we respectfully petition ttio rederal Land bank of Spokane to have an Investigation made as soon as possible of the lands in the irri gation districts of the Roguo River valley and tho Bald irrigation sys tems and that aaid land bank Inform each association whether applica tions for loans will be accented in these irrigation districts. And that a copy of this netltlon he sent in the Farm Loan board. Senator Cbas. L. .Mc.ary and Representative Hawley, Washington, D. C. i - A fine, large black-locust tree in the J. W. Dressier yard on North Holly street was uprooted and laid low by ! the wind night before last. It was the largest aud finest tree ln the yard ( and instead of furnishing shade In the summer will likely furnish heat In tho winter as Mr. Dressier is having it cut up and made into firewood. . Will trade farm tractor nnd plow, used less than 30 days, fur live stock. F. P. Farrell, Jackson County Bank Bldg. 247tf One of tho evorgrccn trees on the lot west of John M. Root's residence on West Main street was blown over by the high winds of night before last and yesterday. The tree has been dead ever since the winter of 1919 when nearly all of the evergreen trees of a certain variety in town were frozen to death. Auto Insurance. Ttrown ft White. Stinnett Gets Kngllhli Aid. LONDON. Jan. 7. Hugo Stlnncs, the German Industrialist, has obtain ed credit of 2,000.000 murks from a group of London bankers for buying coal. There will be a mooting of the order of De Molay at tho Masonic Hall, Thursday night. Initiatory degree will be con rerreu. All members are urged to be present. 254 7. rl$UM(rJf? for Infant, invaiidm dr Childna The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLunchatHome.OfficeiFountains. RichMilk.MaltedQrain Extract in Pow deraiTabletforms. NouriihiDf NocooHni. Avoid Imitation! and Substitutes Bill lives where there's Two feet of snow Wild goats have to climb there in low; But mountain or hill, Neither one , bothers Bill, a " . For he's driving a JEWETT you know, WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE. NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S ANNUAL JANUARY REMNANT SALE Starts Thursday, 8:30A.M 2169 REMNANTS Wash Goods! White Goods! Domestics! Curtain Materials! Cretonnes Silk and Wool Dress Goods! All of Which Are to be Sold for Less Than Cost Wash Goods, Cretonne, Curtain Scrim Remnants at Less Than Cost A large assortment of Voiles, Organdies, Ratines, Ginghams Swisses and Devonshires. Cur tain Nets, Scrims and Marquis ettes, light and dark patterns in heavy and light weight Creton nes. All lengths suitable for dresses', aprons and many other garments. Silk and Wool Dress Goods Remnants Going at Less Than Cost Satin, Crepe de Chene, Char meuse, Taffeta, Georgette Crepe Wool Poplin, Serges, Flannel broadcloth, skirtings and coat ing in excellent lengths. White Goods, Ribboos, Laces, Domestic Rem nants at Less Than Cost Long, medium and short lengths of bleached and unbleached Muslins and Sheeting, Linens, Table Damasks, Linen and Cot ton Crash Toweling and all kinds of white goods. Narrow and wide Vals, Torcheons, Filets, and Spanish Laces. All widths and collars of ribbons. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Postage Prepaid Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Medford, Oregon Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns