T 4 VTTT"'1J"MIT MEDFORD 3tkttL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORECiOX, WEDNESDAY. .TAXFARY 17. ' 1923 PAGE THREE E, CO. HEALTH NURSE, F, V Everyone Interested In public w,el fare work .In Jackson county , will learn with regret that Miss Falldlne, ' county health nurse, has resigned her position here and will leave Fri day tor Alaska wliero she will tnko a very Important and responsible posi tion with the American lied Cross. ! , Miss Falldfne' has, been ; health nurse for Jackson county the pa3t two 'and ' one-halt years, and in the ipplnioa ot Mrs. Sadie prr Dunbar, state secretary.' has attained the best Jorganlzntion for public health work in tne enure Btnie. jnergcuc, cap able, combining a deep human sym pathy with Bound practical sense, she has probably done more to Improve health conditions in Southern Ore gon, and assist unfortunate individ uals to help themselves than any other person who haa ever come to this district. Miss Falldines new position is a very responsible one. She will have complete charge of public health work in the entire southeastern sec tion of Alaska with headquarters at Juneau. This will all bo pioneer work, taking In countless small vil lages and many primitive Indian set tlements where there are no doctors. 1 Miss Falldlne's successor will bo chosen later by tho local Ked Cross, UIILuIV OLnL ttUO ' r In October, 19.21, after several . months ot careful study, the Pacific States Electric company started what is known as the "Check" Seal Pro . gram for good workmanship, standard . materials and fair prices In lxs An geles. In the early part of 1922, this Los Angeles effort was expanded to cover the entire state of California as well as Oregon and Washington. ' The original purpose of this pro ' gram was to educate the public to un derstand and appreciate that there Is ' a, difference between the qualified electrical contractor and the service lie, renders and the job that is let on Alice alone. This effort has proven a success and the influence Is being felt throughout these throe states. Con tractors, dealers and the general pub lic have responded and the "Check" Seal Program which will mean much to the electrical industry of the. entire country. ' 'The "Pacific States Electrical com pany is launching an advertising cam , pajgn in the interest of the "Chock" Seal. Program which will include a .' series. of ads in twenty-fivo' leadings .papers of four coast states. The five newspapers in Oregon selected to ; catty this campaign are The Medford i- Stall Tribune, Portland Journal, Port ' land Oregonian, Eugene Guard and tho Salem Capitol-Journal. The first of the series of Pacific States Electric Co. ads appears In to day's paper. The copy is carefully . prepared, interesting and instructive, and well worth reading. '!:' 18,181 Marks for DofUr. ';rEW YORK, Jan. 17. German marks established another new - record at CB-lOOth of a cent a hun dred, or 18,191 to the American dol- lar. At the normal, or pre-war rate of exchange which was 23.8 cents each, 18,181 marks would have been worth $4,32 7 08. Moils Quit Quick! LIS. Will Prove to You in Your Own Cm the "How" and "Why" af its Raaarlubl Blood-Clemiumg Tier Is a reaion for crerrtblnic thst ttappns. -Common-tenM kills misery. CommoD-tenM also stops bolls I' B. S. 8. Is la common-seass remedy for bolls, bt rialM'Msr b Small Bolbl sn It Is boat on res son. Scientific au thorities adult Its powrrl 8. H. S. builds blood-power. It builds red-hlood-rells. That Is whit mokes ngnllng-blood. Fight-lut-blosd destroys Impurities. It flghts bolls. It Ilwayt Willi I It lights plui-.-pit I It fights skin eruptions I It builds ttem-powcr, thinking power, the tight-. listed power that whirls a man np Into vuccess. It rItos women the health, the itorellc complexion and the chnrtn that -moves the world! Then ire the reasons that hare made B. S. 8. today the iirttt -lood-cleanser, boUy-bulldor, succestt build 'er, and It's why results haTe made tears of joy flow from the souls of tbottsandsl llr. V, D. Sehnff, 557 15th St, Washlnf "ton, D. C writes: " tritd for years to gti rrlitf from C ba4 MM of botit. Kvorything ailed until I took 8. S. S. I am now abtotutoty eurod, ond it Ml S. S. S. Ial H it " Try It Yourself. S. . 8. Is sold at all druc stores In two sizes. The larger sl bottle Is the mora economical. 1 makes you feci v 9 v 9 yountlf again BACKING. HILL GOLD HILL, Jan. 16. (Special) John D. Hammersly, Gold. Hill's ex postmaster, mayor, recorder, marshal and editor of the Gold Hill News, like the bad penny has returned to his old tramping ground otter an absence of two years. Hammersly won great distinction and become famous after his return from military service in the Philippines during the Spanish American war, as government hunter killing and trapping mountain lions and wolves with a pack ot trained dogs. . Hammersly was the govern ment hunter reported to have been killed and devoured by the timber wolves in Upper Evans creek a few years ago. He later appeared in a distant frontier settlement unharmed. The press reports of the Incident shocked the whole northwest and was the inspiration of Kellogg's "UmpquA Tragedy." L. O. (Deacon) Valker, city recorder of Gold Hill and night superintendent ot the local cement plant for the past three years has severed his connec tion with the cement company and has taken a position with the C.-O. Power Co., at Medford in the construction de partment. He will commence work in the new position next week nnd move his family later to reside In Medford. Deacon was one of the several Gold Hill boys who was seriously shell Bhocked on the front over In Prance and later recovered. Tho Joint Installation of officers by the local I. O. O. P. and Rebekah lodges last week proved to bo a well- attended social function by visiting members from all over the valley. The officers Installed by the I. O. O. P. ' lodge were Alva Walker, N. O., Clinton Walker, V. O., P. H. Myers. Sec. and A. J. II. Smith, Treos.; while the Rebekahs Installed Icle Walker, N. G., Alice Cook, V. a., B. E. Adams, Sec., Rnd Lucy Mee, Treas. D. D. G. M. Edward E. Phlpi8 of Ashland and Lillie Carter D. D. Pres. of Gold Hill were the installing officers. The annual meeting ot the stock holders of the Gold Hill Bank held last week resulted in the election of the following officers: Martin S. John son, president: Martin D. Bowers, vice president; P. H. Hell, cashier and C. W. Martin, director. The bank is sup plying all its customers free with a copy of "Farmers Directory of Jack son County, . Oregon, and sisiuyou California. .t GEN. SUN YAI SEN OAXTOX. inn. 10. (By tho Asso- 'r-iHn Forces favorable : to Sun 'tat Sen, deposed president of the southern republic here entered Canton this "morning. Another army composed of Yunnan Kwnngsl troops sweeping in from Snmshui, is ex nected here soon. Soldiers of Chen Ming, tho nationalist commander have gone over to the invading com mand here. SHANGHAI, Jan. 17. (By the Associated PresB) Sun Yat Sen, de- uosed president of tho southern re public, announced today that in a message from Canton, nis rormer capital, three generals hitherto loyal to his enemy. Captain Chlung Ming, had requested him to confer author ity on General Wei Pang ring to maintain order In Canton. Thoso signing the telegram were Liang Hung-Knl, Chen Tsnng-Fu and Chen Yi Chang. General Wei Tang Ting, formerly head of the Canton constabulary, has been a neutrul In tho wnrs centering on Canton. Dispatches given out by Dr. Sun report various details of the mili tary movements which resulted yes terday In his adherents cntorlng Canton. iV. S. to Protect the Public Fr0m Poison Drug Store Hooch American Light Opera Co. at the Page r'WsTaBBsWaWarWMWsWMMBBk! a s I MM .... Ed Andrews, the star veteran comedian who will appear with tho American Light Opera company, (the former 'Kobln Hood company), at the Page theatre January 22-24. Others In tho picture are Theo Pen nington, .the Maid Marian of the Robin Hood performance and Harry Pfoil, Robin Hood, himself. EN F WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.' (By tho Associated Press.) To protect tho public from poisonous whiskey bought at drug Btores on prescriptions, the government has decided to bottle all bulk liquors now held In bond and to guarantee them as to proof and quality. PORTLAND Ore., Jan. 1". Club women of Oregon are anticipat ing the state convention of the Ore gon Federation of Women's clubs to be held in Medford in May. The wo men of southern Oregon are plan ning to entertain hospitably and ap pointments as delegates will be sought eagerly by scores of women who hope to attend this big state meeting. Club politics may have a place on the schedule and! lively interest is being shown in the election of offi cers. Mrs. Saidie Orr-Dunbar, secre tary of the Oregon Tuberculosis so ciety has been endorsed for the presi dency, by tho Grade Teachera' asso ciation, the Progressive Woman's League, the Tuesday club, the;Vo men of Rotary and some other or ganizations. She is a bitBlnoss wo man, systematic, capable and all that can be desired, say her proponents. The Federation hotel board of Now York City . Federation of Women's clubs, has opened a drive to raise J200.000 for a hotel for working women. Mrs. Richard M. Chapman is chairman. Kentucky Federation of Women's ( clubs of which Mrs. H. G. Reynolds, is president, publishes a well edited "Olub Woman," the official maga zine of Kentucky, Mrs. Reynolds sends greetings to Oregon clubs. In the southwestern states a movement is underway to standardize state con stitutions. All clubs of the state federation are being rcmlndod that a day In January always is set apart for scholarship loan fund as a topic of discussion and an inspiration for o silver offering, entertainment for the fund benefit or a flat sum donation. Scres of young women who have been holped by this fund have at tested to its worth. MIbb Jessie Mc Oregor of Portland is chairman of the board of trustees of the fund. Mrs. F. Eggert of Portland served for years capably, in thiB capacity, and Mrs. Sarah A. Evans Bucceeded Mrs. Eggort and was an cxcollcnt chairman. MIbb McGregor Is a young woman, former president of tho Grade Teachers and is devoutedly In terested in the work she has under taken. fiarrili Bernhardt Worse. TARIH, Jnh. 17 Sarnh Bernhardt hns suffered a slight relnpse, but Is reported to be muting ennlly today. COFFEE SHORTAGE IS NOT SERIOUS BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17. Con siderable attention Is being given at the j) resent time to coffee on account of rumors that have been circulated which would lend tho public to be lieve thru if they did not lay in n large supply, .they would soon be without this necessary article of diet, or they would havo to pay exorbitant prices to Rft It. From most reliable and conserva tive sources it is learned that most of this "bullish" talk comes from sources that are selfishly interested in seeing -n heavy speculative buying movement started in coffee. While it is a fact that a temporary short age of green coffee exists In tho Unit ed States, there is no serious short age of coffee in producing coun tiles. If everyone will continue to supply themselves-with coffee In a normal way, the -law of supply and demand will .ultimately relievo the sightly aggravated condition that now existH. . Itoastors may be obliged for ft time to get more money foif their products on account of being forced to pay higher prices for their supplies, but the advances will be less and slower to come if speculation on the part of retailers and consumers is not In dulged In. Movlo Star Is IlelraMHl. sen, identified by the police as Juan- sen, identified by the police as J pan ita Hansen, movie star, today -was discharged in court when arraigned on a charge of possessing narcotics. She recently was arrested In a west side apartment. I KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 17. A new chapter was begun In the historic courthouse controversy hero Monday, when proceedings wore Instituted for the recall of County Judge R. H. Dun noil anil Commissioner nurrell W. Short, charged in petitions mailed out to nil parts of the county with having "'carried on useless nnd expensive liti gation In their nttompt to complete and occupy a courthouse on block 10." The recall Is being Instituted by S. E. Iconblce, a prominent rancher re siding near here. Further charges nro that the court house on block 35 has been completed nnd ready for occupancy for four years that Instead of moving into this building the commissioners Involved the county in further litigation, that Bunnell nnd Short havo not been act ing for the best interests of tho coun ty, that tho plan adopted by tho county court has for years miulo Klnmath county a Joke, hns demoralized busi ness nnd has handicapped every con structive measure proposed for Ita betterment. Rumors of a Tocall wore rifo follow ing the uppenl by the county of tho recent decision of Judge Sklpwith des ignating the Main street courthouse on block 35 as the ofrictnl structure. i Charles Martin, tho third member of the court, was not Included In tho recall, since he was recently elected , on an opposing plntrorm by a largo majority over A. A. Fordyco. ALL TIRED OUT llundrotls More In Medford In the Hrano night. , I Tired all tho time; weary and worn out night and dny. back nt-hoR: head ni-hes. Your kidneys tire probably weakened. You should help them at their work. Let one who knows tell you how. Mrs. E. Johnston. 124 S. Central Ave., Medford, says: "I have used lon"s Kidney l'llls nnd found them to be Just ns represented. I had at tacks of kidney complaint nnd my back ached so It wns hard for me to do any work and I also suffered from severe spells of dlzzinesH, and felt tired most of tho time. My kidneys acted irregularly, too, until 1 used Donn'n Kidney l'llls from tho West Hide Phnrmncy. Donn's soon cured mo entirely of tho complaint." Prico 00c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Donn's Kidney Tills the snme that Mrs. Johnston had. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Mfin., Buffnlo, X. Y. Adv. H. W. CONGER . UNDERTAKER Bocceamr to Weeks-Conger Co. Medford. Ore. PAGE Announcement Extraordinary Glorious Operatic Season Light and Comic Opera THREE NIGHTS Starting Monday, Jan. 22 Rex Reynolds presents AMERICAN LIGHT OPERA COMPANY 40 PEOPLE SUPERB CHORDS Direct from record breaking engagement at Port land Auditorium. . REPERTOIRE Monday Night "The Bohemian Girl." Tuesday Night "Mikado." Wednesday Matinee "Chimes of Normandy." Wednesday Night "Pinafore." PRICES Entire lower floor and first 8 rows balcony $1.10; last 5 rows 85c. Mail Orders Now, make Post office Money Orders payable W Page Theatre, Medford. SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY, JAN. 19 AT NOOtl Picture Framing ' at ; Swem's Studio 0 ::. POEOBt RDB RHEUMATIC, ACHING JOINTS AND STOP PAIN St. Jacobs Oil ittnfoH any pain, and rheumntlHtn Ib nnln only. Not one cose In fifty Tenulrcn In ternal treatment. Hum dragging- Hub soothlnif, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right Into your Hore, stiff, aching lolnts. nnd relief comes instantly St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheuma tism liniment, which never disap points, nnd cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Oet a small trial boltlo of old, honeKt St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, and In Just a moment you'll bo freo from rheumatic nnln. soreness and stiff ness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. St. Jacobs Oil Ib Just as good for nelntlt-a, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Adv. Eagle Point Bank Makes Steady Progress Tho First State Dank of Eagle Point has made steady progress during tho last year. .The officers recognize that progress must depend on the general prosper ity of the community and they are try ing to encourage enterprise and am bition among their friends the farmers. The First Stabo Bank Is prepared to assist any responsible and enter prising farmer tributary to Eagle Point in getting started In really choice dairy cattle. The officers be lieve that it the dairy farmers of Puget Sound can afford to ship alfalfa hay from Montana and California, tho Eagle Point farmers can afford to feed their alfalfa at home. WE SELL VOGAN'S CANDIES an Oregon made product put up . in nice boxea from one-half pound to one pound sizes. Also in Bulk Everybody Listen! IT'S HERE! ' One. 'of the funniest comedies of the season He isn't .afraid 'of ' spirits 6'r women. So when a beautiful women. So when a turns him loose in a haunted, castle that starts something that you'll howl at till it's finished! ," ; . j3 WrM : '. l.::tW.Sv'-?;' f.A 1 ; ' ' -V--.. 1. 1 '. ... --" !,-:- , . . . f- . ..... i. WALLACE SUPPORTED BV If LILA LEE and I WAITER HIERSJ RIALTO SUNDAY "ABOVE -ALL -LAW" A Sensational ThriUer! J. )