TYTVfEV. nVETDIillP BRINGING -,r( BnT I HA.VE "bPtlKEN-I l( 0 AND DO TT I PZ "f DON'T KNOW VttERE 0JP: If DM ftV DAX 'MS S I I I L '. a I '923 ov int'l Feature Service. Inc. ,-.,s - Seaplane Wrecked On Florida Coast, Four Are Drowned f jHIKBY WEST, Fla.. Jan. 15. Efforts were renewed today following fruit . loss attempts yestorday by water and air to recover tho bodies of E. F. At ; kins, Jr., his two children, Edwin, III, and David Atkins of New York, and , Miss Grace McDonald, who perished when the seaplane Columbus was wrecked and sunk in the ocean 21 v miles north of Havana Saturday. The five survivors who were rescued by i the ferryboat -Henry M. Flager are re ., ported today beyond all danger with the exception of Mrs. E. F. Atkins, Jr., who is suffering from exposure. Market News i . Livestock. . PORTLAND. Ore, Jan. 15. Cut tle receipts 2489. Calves 50c higher, rest of cattle weak with lower ten dency. Choice steers $77.90; me dium to good $6.257; fair to me dium $5.506.25; common to fuir 44.50; choice heifers $5.50i(i; choice cows and heifers' $4. 75(05. 50; medium to good $4 4.7 5; fuir to me dium $3.501)4; common cows .$2.50 i3.50; canners $1. 50rf2. 60; "bulls t34.25; ehoioo feeders $506.60; fuir to good $4(5 5; choice dairy calves $'J10; prime light $910; medium light $S.509; heavy, $4 8. B0. Hogs steady; receipts 3192. Prime light, $99.60; smooth heavy 230 to 300 ids., $8ifi!9; smooth heavy, 300 lbs. and up, $7.50 8; rough heavy. JCW7.60; fat.piu,. J8?8.&0; . feeders S (fp 8.00; stags, subject? to dockage $4C. Sheep steady; receipts 438. East of mountain lamhs $10.601(612.50;' choice valley $10.5012.50; medium $9.50 10.60; common $8.40 9.50; culls, $0.768.50; light yearlings 0.50 (fj) 10; heavy $99.50 light yearlings $9.5010; heavy $9i)9.50; light wot hers $7.5O8.50; heavy ."7.50; ewes $27. Portland Butler. PORTLAND, Ore., .Ian. 15 Butter Hteady, extra cubes 42 (((Mile; ordinary grades 4041c; cartons 49c; prints 48c. Buttcrfat steady. No. 1 churn ing cream 48 49c fob, Portland. L'ndrcgrades 4547e. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 15. Wheat, hard white, blucstem, baart $1.43; soft white $1.29; western white $1.28; northern spring $1.22; hard winter $1.21; western red $1.21. Today's car rocelpts Wheat 89; flour 17; corn 9; huy 11. Wheut Crop Falls. CHICAGO. Jan. 15. Announce ment that the United States' visible supply of wheat had decreased, caused nn upturn In prices but the effoct failed to last. The close was unsettled at the same as Saturday's finish to c lower, with mav $1.19 to $1.194 and July $1.12 to 1.12T4. " Sun Frnncisro Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15. (IT. S. Bureau of Agricultuarl Econom , Ics.) Eggs, extras 39 Vic: extra pul jjlets 38c; undersized 37V4c. I SAN FRANCISC. Jan. 13. (State Division of Markets.) Fryers 26 30c; ducks .18020c; broilers 270 38c; young roosters 2127c: old 14 18c; hens 20i 2Sc: live turkeys 28 832c: dressed 3235c; hares, live, pound 18 20c; squabs, dozen $3.00 (o3.50; Jackrabbits, dozen, $2.30& 300. HELP WASTED FEMALE 'WANTED Girl to assist with general ; housework. Call 507-J-2. tf HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Man and wife to "operate telephone switchboard and care for 1 linos, party having previous experi ence preferred. Good salary to right ! party. Central , Point Mutual Tele- phono Co.j Box 3u6 Central Point, ' Oro. 232 PERL FUNERAL HOME At Tonr Service Day or Mftat Information Cordially Glvea Cot. ftth aad Oakdale UP FATHER HELP WANTKl) SI ALE FOR IIV.SH FURNISHED ROOMS j FOR SALE REAL INSTATE j FOR S W.N UKAi. ESTATE FOR SA'.K l.lvi-3riT5 WANTED Two good cooks for ranch houses. Must be able to handle largo crew. Ilox 333 Mail Tribune. 251U" WANTED SITU ATIONH WANTED Work by day with com; pauy. Call phono 93. 270 WANTED MIBUlKtiljAWTCOUS WANTED 4U0 Umbrellas to cover and repair. Liberty Repair Shop. 261' WANTED Good flat back mandolin, Gibson preferred; state price. Box 968. Medl'ord, Ore. WANTED TO RENT 25 to 80 acre good alfalfa ranch on shares or cash rent, with house and barn, close to school. Partly clear for gardening with irrigation. Phone 1007-Y, Med ford. 252 WANTED Window asn tor hotbeds. Phone 8SG-X. tf WANTED Surplus, waste, refuse, squash seed any quantity. Quote lowest price. W. Renin, 50 Pine St, Now York City. 254 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phone 97. tf WANTED House -moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 48S-X. FOR BENT norsmUCEKING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phpne 93, Jap Art Store. FOK llENT At"AKTMEJiT8 FOR RENT Furnished two-room housekeeping apartment, first floor; adults only. 325 So. Rlversido. Phono 701-J: . FOR RENT 2 furnished apartments. Call 113 East 11th St., phone 963. 252 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, also 7 room furnished house, No. 15 N. Grape St., phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St, corner of Tenth; also car and truck stornpo. BROWN & WHITE Offer for Sale: n-Hmmi Modern Bungalow, hard wood floors, artistic fire plum, ' Kai-ngo and wood shed, a Ninull iiinoiint of pavinn to bo as sumed. Priced nt i $:50 for n quick sale. 5-Boom Modern Bungalow, rock foundation, built in features, largo lot, garage, on Siskiyou Height. Priro $2050.M. T-Rooms, flno " cement base ment nnd attir, lionting plant, hardwood floors, niUstit! : jTitc pluce, beautiful panel work, tilwl bath room, built in dressers und mirrors, n nice largo lot with nnt urnl sliade. This homo is now prirrd nt S:!,)00.00 lews than the actual cost of construction. STOW- Beautifully located 10-room modern home, full dry cement basement, hardwood floors, fire place, built in features, screened sleeping porches, narago, poultry house and good small barn, large grounds. This is bargain In a homo and is priced for n short tinio as n very low figure and when wo show you this and quoto the price you will bo 8Uiiriscd. I 1 room apartment house near ly all furnished, on paved street, nil in good condition. Priced at $l'2M).ll(l for clear title. Completely equipped poultry ranch with fine flock of leghorn pullet, some good alfalfa, homo orchard; close in, on good all year road. 81200.00. :i acres close in, on fine road, nalural oak grove for building site. $1000.00. 5 acres, close In, on fine road, under new irrigation ditch. A splendid home site. I'lno locullon, Hnono.oc, ,1-rooin house, bnlh, etc, on pavement, nil paid up, for $!, U.'iO.OO. .1 rooms, modern, nice lot, shrubbary, berries, etc., $1,000.00. II rooms, furnished, modern, on pavement, all paid up. 11)00.00. Wo hnvo aelerled these proper ties from our files, as we believe they represent some of tho best values now being offered for sale BROWX & WHITE., Real Estato and Insurance . 112 Fast Main St., Medford MlfrVFOnP AfATL TftTPttXK FOR RENT Furnished room, hot water and good heat, close in. Gentleman preferred. Phono 322. 201 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room with bath privileges. 325 S. River side. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Room with board, $35.00 a month. 223 X. Central. 2;.U FOR RENT One steam heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen. Phono 571. tf FOR RENT Furnished room with bath and heat. 340 S. Riverside. Phone 217-L. . 251 for kkni nors FOR RENT Modern 4 room house, partly furnished. Phone 593-L. 252" FOR RENT Modern 5 room bunga low, furnished, built-in kitchen, fire place, bath and nice yard with shade trees. Phone 998. 251' FOR RENT Furnished house on Palm street. Inquire at, 838 W. Second. 252 FOR RENT Three room furnished house. Call 999, The Oaks. FOR KENT Houses. Drown ft White. tf FOR RENT nOEl,LANEOTJ8 FOR RENT Very desirablo offices in the Medford Building, single or in unite, best in Medl'ord. Steam heat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 411 Medford Bldg. of Phone 642. 250tf FOR RENT OR SALE On 20 years time a 600 acre stock ranch. Box 21, Route 1, Central Point, Ore. 251 FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth 8t. Phone 82. ' t MOXEI TO I.OAH MONEY TO LOAN on improved rauch security, $5000 or less, C per cent interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. BUSINESS OfTOITTCXlTlES FOR SALE Good business opporlun ' itles. No. 15 N. Grape St., phono 465-J. tf FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 100 aero ranch on Evans Creek, value $3500. Also 80 aero ranch near Eagle Point valued at voOOO; to trade for property in or near Medford. Phono 105 or 517-L. 251 UMT LOST Black velvet handbag between N. Fir and public library. Return to this office, liberal reward. 253 LOST Fur muff taken from Oregon Growers packing house. Please re turn to 5 E. Third St. or Tribune office. No questions askedi Mrs. E. X. Anderson. 231 I SUBURBAN HO.MIC CHICKENS A SNAP? $17.10.00 i WE OFFER WHAT WE BELIEVE TO RE THE BEST SNAP IX THIS SECTION 1-rooin bungalow, large lot, Mg front porch, bnlh, toilet, electric ity, city water, fireplace, nire sliude around house, uiily half block ofr Pacific Highway, close U High school. Lui-gn up-to-date chicken house with electric lights and 100 wlcrled Wlilto Icghorn chickens which go with place, best of soil for garden truck. Tuxrs IjlliS.OO. Price for quick sale only $l"'ilt. Owner will trade on fivo acres (more or less) with or without buildings to be used fur making good chicken ranch SEE I S TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Real ICstato Business Opportunities T'.velmnges Medford Building, Medford, Ore. , , 80 ACRES BUNGALOW FIVE IIARX AND KILO, GARAGE, ETC., GIVEN' AWAY You only pay for tho water right, $H,000, which is Just what It is worth und tlie ranch will be thrown in. Fine level loam soil. (10 neres under ditch. Part In alfalfa. Homo in grain, 10 acres orchard. On good road, near school. This is tho Iwst deul in ir rigated land I have been able to offer during the 12 yours I havo been in business here. , See mo at once If you want tills place. Good terms. Phone 784-L J. C. BARNES Close in Bungalow Home This dose In modern six room bungalow sits on a 50x100 Ha.it front lot and contains largo living and dining rooms, 3 large sleep ing rooms, large kitchen, pantry', three closets, two screon porches and large front porch, bath room, fire placo, fruit closet, largo store room and wood shed; sits well up from tho ground on concroto foundation; constructed of the best material; full sot concrete walks; beautiful lawn; soma fruit; beautiful shade trees; all paving paid. Priced at less than cost to build now $4800. We aro offering four 3 -aero tracts near Medford On good road; Irrigated; suitable for poultry, berries und vegetables,' at $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit. Phono 2R.1 ,T. W. nitlCS-SMCR CO.. 1311 E, Main fil. MKDFORD, OftriOY, 10X1 )AY. .lANTAR V 1', ifly. OR SALE Twenty acres good soil, all cultivated, 5 acres full bearing orchard, all irrigated, near Moiil'ord. Modern house and bain: buildings cost more than $;:ooo. Ranch cost present owner $10,000. Will sell everything today for $4S00. Address P. O. Box 1054 .Medl'ord. 251tl" FOR SALE 5 aero tract In cultiva tion, just outsido of city limits of Medford on west side; also city hit on S. Holly street close in. This property will be sold cheap for cash. For further particulars writo Walter Muncv. Crescent City, California, Box 40. 253 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE By own er, highly improved 20 aero irri gated ranch, 10 acres alfalfa, 6 acres paper shell nlmonds, largo family orchard, fivo room bungnlow,, 2 barns. Will take clear residence property up to $1000 vuluo as first oi' part payment. Balanco easy terms. W. H. Reynolds, Orland, Calif., R. F. D. No. 1. 251 FOR SALE 10.000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and timborland, some irrigated; also mining proper ty. All property must and will be sold at some price, some as low as $1.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 N. Grapo St., adjoining Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. " Self-Starter Ford Touring SAVE MONEY ON THIS CAR BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Nash Hotel Comer TOR SALE Wood ranch. H'.O acres on main road, three miles from Jack sonville The best property of its kind in this vjciuity. Tomlin Box Company. 251 FOK KALK AI'TtMIOtllLKM FOR SALE 1920 Lexington and lltiick Touting car, also llulck speed wagon or would trade for umuller car or stock. Phono 4II5-.I. tf FOR SALE 1923 Chevrolet car or would undo for Ford Bug. Phone 465-J. tf FOR HAIK OOMTW FOR SALE Equity In small homo on Willnniotte St. R. H. Land Co., Nash Hole?. 252 FOR SALE Houses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished', aUc acreage. Insurance. U. S. Buiturfield, Medford National llonk Bldg., Phone FOR SALE nn.';,vr.y AXD F.GGS rVRVALriebadtTr"l. Reds', win nera of Southern Oregon, setting eggs mill babv ehix; hatch eggs for 5 cents each. Tel. 969-lt. R 3. 270 FOR SALE Laying pullots, Tancrcd nnd Hollywood strain. Inquire Jesse Richardson, Control Point. 25;'. FOR SALE Choice stock, laying hens. Phono 437-11. 235 FOR SALE Barred Rock hens, In cubator. 502 N. Rlvei-sldo. 262 FOR SAL1S Turko.vs for breeding gobblers $7.00, hens $5.00. W. J Htirtzell, 40S-J-1. 25i FOR SALE Booking ordors now for baby chicks and hutching eggs from prize winning Rhode Island Reds and from White Leghorns Tnncred Royal. Red Wing Poultry Yard, Phono 865-Y. 281 FOR SALE R. I. Red hens. 421 Oak St. 251 FOR SALE White Leghorn hatching eggs, day old chicks, eight weeks old pullots. Warner nnd Launspach, 519 S. Oakdulo Avo., phone 696-M. FOR SALE Eight young thorough bred Mammoth Bronze turkey toms for breeding, or will trade for ono year old toms of equal stock. Noth ing bottor on tho const. See turkeys nt 28 Geneva St. Tel..C5B-J. tf AUTOISTS! Let Us Figure on Your Overhaul and Rebore Jobs Wo reborn Ford Blocks by tho new price Hclicdulo. ' $0.00 for block brought in to us $.1.00 when included In' overhaul. $10.00 for tractor block. . , -l per rent discount on all other re bore jobs. Do Luxe Pistons liavo dropped in price ..practically ..one-third., on., n'l standard models, milking them with out doubt, tho best piston buy on the market. - Best Equipped Shop in So. Oregon for Cylinder Keboring Our ninchlno rchoros from 2 ."-8 to K incites In diumctcr. Riverside Garage KEATON 10,000-MILE CORDS We make our own ad justments , Valvoline Oil Free Crank Case Service Enough said JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station By George McManus FO RSALE 50 Ar.gi.in ;..ais hi 2.Mlj a head. J. S. U eKs. LY.gle I'.ilnt. 2'.'. I TOR SALE Thorobrod UlnudhoiipL ; Writo Anton Hms, Tnil!, Oregon. FOR SALE Puppies, fox tsrriera. reu peaches. Phonn S'.ll-i'M. FOR SAI.!". Fine suddhi or w.ir!; mn-o or would trade fur hay, w.."d j or other sto'.k. Phnr.n nr.-.!. 2"0U' FOR S.M.F MISl KI.l.A VKIll'S FOR SALIC Co d Jonathan, Spits and Newtown ajedes. Connor's Ware house. 2j3' FOR SALE Alfalfa hay and breeze turko.vs. V. J. llartzi'U, 4AS-J-1. 238 FOR SALE 3 small hand sprayers at Hair pi ice. Plume A. F. Brodt, 719-il evenings or writo general delivery. Medford. 230 FOR SALE All kinds hard woo l. $1 in l'r iter and up. rnouo iil-J, F. Longwill. 2.17 FOR SALE Several thousand fivo quart capacity simtdec pots, price 10c each. Call 1. it. Wood, city or Modoc and 'Kln'iKtth orchards nt meal hours. 'Terms cash. 2G0 FOIt SALE First crop alfalfa hay, $15,00 per ton. Alice Hnnloy Ranch, Phone 411J-3. 2".r FOR SALE Dry fir wood HMO a tiar. 235 N. Ivy. 252 TOR SALE Hnlcd alfalfa liny, $20.flj ton. RoRtio Rlvur Vnllev Canal C. 204 S. First. Phone 129-J-2. 201 FOR SALE Second cutllnK baled ulfalfa hay, $24 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed Co. I'lmti" 200-529. .- If FOR SALE New Columbia phono-1 graph rocords at hnlf price. Victor. Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & So nera phonographs and records tit reduced prices. Music Shop. No. 1 " No. Grape St.. next to Fanners & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 405-.T. tl. FOR SALE Two General Electric; motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycln ' 2200 voltage, complote with con.pen sntors. 1 Tscoma logging engine. I 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. " nUSlXICSS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE , Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 32 North Central Ave., up stairs. fl- Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. Tho only complete Tl Do System 111 Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and i Title Insurance. WATSON & KELLOdO Reliable ,lnck:ion comity abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon. JO.viiert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. C. P. A. Atlonllon given to anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty .Illdg., Medford. Phone 1.17-R. ' ' ' REBORING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for reboring ... $6.00 When included in an overhaul ...... $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. Best equipped Ford shop in- Southern Oregon C. E. Gates Auto Co. O Audltltva i IrvaurarvccJ Accounting Irvvealnventayy tt. p. sfTOnrr 2nd Floor MedfoM nidjf. PAGE TTVE nrsixKss directory Attorneys O. C. BOGUS Lawyer. Specializes In Reul Estato and Probata Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAM ICS Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. Building Materials .MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds nf cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY V. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 2S Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tt DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-EolectlC Phvslr'.nn. DR. LOUISE E. 1 1 EDO 'CS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mochnno-Therapy, Spon dylothnrapy. Food Sclonces, Chlro practice. Offico: Stewart Bldg., 23T, E. .Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res 170-J-2. nil. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprao tic 1'hyBlc'jin. Office hours 9 to 12. 2 to .". Suito 203-04-05-06, Lib erty llidK. Offico Phone 680, Res. ! 1027. . Dentists DU. O. .1. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., ovor M. M. Dept. Store, Vodford. Ororcon. Phone 669; Hen. 1U02-Y. Office houra 9 a. m. II p. in. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Money to Loan ' T.''"ANDR13VSBW8""ond'Mlii! I mortgages and loans money on ! pood security, 31 N. Grape St.. ! Phciie 53-M. - ' 246 ' Monuments THE ""oitEOON GRANITE CO. .Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general ninuagor. P. M, Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tf Osteopaths Dlt. F. CI. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS f ; A R 1.0 W Osteopathic Physicians 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone H04-.I-3. Residence. 20 . South I.ntirol St. DR. Vv. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Spooial attention given to eye, ear, noso and throat. .300 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. Dlt. J. .1. EM MENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice llmitod to eye, ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Occulist and Aurlst for S. P. It. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phono 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. I'lano Instruction FRED ALTON IIAIUHT Teacher of Piano end Harmony, Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phono 72. Printers nnd Publishers . MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon, Book binding, looso lf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 17 N. Fir St. Public Accountant . HUGH R. ROBERTSON CO. Member American Institute of Ac countants. Public Accountants and Auditors. Portland, Ore,, and Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1617 Yoon Bldg., Portland, Ore. " Itug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ WORK8 - makes fluff rugs from old and . worn carpets und rugs. Phone 610-M. 708 Pine 8t. - 1 ' Transfer ' EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front 8U Phon 315. Prices right. 8ervlce guar enteod. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Servtco guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone; Office 644, or residence, G47-R or 206. - tf I'pholstorlng J. 'WE1S Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperies mads ' order. We do nil kinds of 'uphol stering. , We deliver and w!U cult ud show samples, l'lions 202, JacksonvUlo, Ore, . ' .j