P3QE FOUR MEDFORD M3IE TRIBUNE, ftrEDFORD OREGON", MONDAY, JANTTARY 15, 192.1 MEDFORD MAIL TKIBUNE AN INDRTENDKNT NEWSPAPER WBUNUKD KVKKY AFTKHNOUN UCKPT BUN DAY, BY TI1K IIEOruRD HUNTING CO. Tha Med ford fluuduj Horning Bun If furnlab) Mburlbur defJriug a ievu day dill utKipijwr. Offlc Mill Tribunt Buildiug, I6 J7-19 North If street. Phona 76. A consolidation at the Democratic-Tlmea, the Modfon. Mi.il, the Untfonl Tribune, the Southern Oref.on.an, The AaliUnd Tribune. KOHKKT W. UtJHU Miter. . BUMPTKB B. SMITH, M imager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMSi Y MAIL In Advauoe: DalLj, with Sunday Bun, year $7.60 Daily, with Sunday Bun, month 76 Oaily, without Hunday Hun, year -60 Dally, wlUioiit Sunday Sun, month Ad Wrlf Hall Tribune, one yew t.Ou Bunaar nun, one yenr i uu Y CABRIKK In Medford. A ah bind, Jackson ville, Central Point, 1'boenlx, Talent tod on Daily with Sunday Bub, month .7b Daily, without Sunday Bun, month 06 Daily, without Sunday Bun, year 7.60 Daily, with Sunday Hun, one year 6.60 All term tiy carrier, caao to adfuoca. NO TIME FOR FREE TEXT BOOKS. OffirUI paper of the Oity of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. The only P'ptr beiwtcrt Eugen, Ore., and Sacramento, uam., a a i nance oi over ouu miles, EHTtng leaned wire AetKM-isted Preaa Service. Bwom daily average orculatlon tor lis months ending April 1, 1022, 8 62 8, more than double me circulation of any other pnper publianed oi tdrculated In Jackaon County. Entered as second olast matter it Medford Oregon, under the act of March 9. 187V. MEMBERS Or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Amtociuted Irea ia exclualfely entitled to the Dm for republication of all newe diapatchee credited to it, or not otberwiee credited in this paper, and alao to the local oawa publlahed serein. All rights of republication of special dU aatches herein are also reserved. . Ye Smudge Pot I By Arthur Parry. Tho mnstor phrase ''keep your feet out of your whiskers," Invontod by a Washington Htato lcKinIntor, Tor use while in session, In Rood nil i round advice, tind should be amended to read and don't talk through 'cm. (!(?islator nt Salem who neem to think the way to reduce taxes is to talk about reducing them and then enact legislation to increase them. The proposed free text books bill is a ease in point.. This bill has been presented and will lo vigorously supported by the organiza tion in the House. The bill, if passed, will increase the tux burden, by from two to three hundred thousand dollars, as a minimum estimate. There is no emergency existing which would justify suoh an expense. Ore gon has successfully administered its educational system over half n century without free text books; it can continue to do so for n few years longer. Tho peoplo of Oregon at the recent election expressed their de mand for a decrease in tho tax burdeu in no uncertain terms. Gov ernor Pierce and the members of the legislature arc pledgod to a pro gram of strict retrenchment. Obviously this is no time to experiment with free text books. It makes no difference whether the theory of the measure is sound or not sound. The Mail Tribune is inclined to favor free text books when the state is .financially able to finance such a proposition. But the state is not in that position today. Every item of expense that can be eliminated at Salem should bo eliminated. No expenses should bo added to the inevitable burden, that can be avoided, with out serious injury to the public welfare. The bill for free text books should be defeated. If the legislators at Salem do what the people of the state elected them to do it will be defeated. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Hon lot t Quill Points Love of money istho root of all progress, also. A hick town is one in which you can't go any place where you fhouldn't be. Getting old is just a slow process of shedding hair, teeth and illusions. Everything seoma to be wronB with tho New Jorsoy coast rum fleet story euit only at home, except the allegation that the Atlantic Ocean la In that noiHlilorhood. Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, we get good bis- The Portland haBoball team of 1923,' found it dear meat, started, the season auspiciously last Thursday, by winning a game on the sporting pago of tho Oregoninn. That California man who shot a eow while in quest of deer meat, A MOODY VEHICLE (Coos Bay Times) FOR TRADE Chevrolet car In first clnss condition, for dairy cows. Wrlto Box "C" care ot Times. If the Invasion of Germany, to make her pay, Is a success, Prance Bhould uso tho same methods on horsolf to pay America. Only five more months until we can begin to wonder what's the matter with Babe Ruth. Home is a place where several small children keep the house in n mess. They may take tho tariff out of politics; the big job is to take politics out of tho tariff. The . fog Is vory thick, but easily TtAnetrntnil. t nnnlilna n nnmlint. it autolsts to maintain their rocklosBnoss, I without the uso of tho old fashioned blindfold. As yet no ono hus turned a corner, and found hlinsolf In a grocery Btore. The difference between precious little things nnd brats is that the brats live across the street. Some peoplo studiously avoid trouble all their lives, and some THE PRINTER LOOKS NATURAL (Iowa (City) Times) Aloxnndor Ilrovos and Miss Helen Alexander, formorly ot Iowa University, were decently married at D03 Moines. , A rumor Is afloat that a now onw- mlll will be built in tho valley, but it will be a dancohall or a gnrage. The Soattle lady charged with kill ins an aged gent for hie gold has been duty acquitted, but sho bad to bawl in open court to do It. There has been no complaint hoard anent tho high taxes owing to the walls being drowned out by the hum and. crash of new automobiles. The Alsea correspondent of tho Cor valllB Gazotto-Times, is so far behind, that ho calls tho flu, the lu grippe. A LONG HIKE , (Oregon City Knterprlsc) Mrs. A. Waldorf was greatly surprised Tuesday when nor brother from Dakota walkod In unexpected. FOR BALK Undergood Typewriter In good condition. Phono 1!82. (Rose burg News-Review) That's light! get a concession in Mexico. An English woman, has been hanged. Are there no movie dncers over there at all? . .pro- Will Hays can tell them when to get out, but only tho public can tell them when to come back. There is no particular virtue in loving an enemy if you allow your self the privilege of licking him first. Russian workman gets 38,730 rubles a week, ing those dollar-n-ycar men over thc,re now. So they are hav- Wo feel very kindly toward Poland, nnd wo hope President Wojiechowski will make a name for himself. Russia can get along without God, of course, if she prefers travel ling in the direction she is going. Another thing you can't say with flowers is: rton't you bring Irnck that borrowed book?" "Why in thunder Correct this sentence: "The speeder was n political power in the city, but the judge soaked him the limit." It's nono of our business, but we wonder whether Ilermine is get ting a lit tlo weary of listening to Wilhelm's alibi. Tho crime nnd scandal wavo in movie circles has died down, except that film kings and queens, hnvo be come addicted to pot pigs. If tho community gets through the banquets now Hcheduled for February, all will bo well. BY AN EARLY SPRING WALLA WALLA, War.h., Jan. 'IS Mild, springlike weather In (his soe tlim the past few weeks has somewhat nlarmud tho fruit growers, who fear that if It Inug routlniiPH, the sap will begin to rise and tho trees to hud al together too early In tho season, thus bolng overly expound to Onld weather nnd frost which are bound to occur in February. As evidence that this Htntc of affairs exists they point to the pussy willows, which aro now bud ding along tho streams of tho valley. Talks Across Atlantic NEK YORK, Jan. 15. Tho voice of II. II. Thayer, president of the Ameri can Telephone end Telegraph com pany, wan hoard In London when be talked Into a tolephone connected with a radio attachment 70 miles away from here. Ripp!ingRhi)rnos y wan rraron, eg. J MONEY WANTED. ft aa mi i .f E VERY day some plaintive pent at my humble home appears, asking me to give a cent I have earni'd in sweat and tears; "Dig up, in the name of Pete." says the gent, in accents sweet; "we' aro building a retreat for consumptive auctioneers." Every hour some drivosmith bold to my cottage gjullivants ; for my stock of minled gold tun I my store of groats he; pants; "Pig up from your treasure chest," is the drivesmith's stiern behest; "we would build a place of rest for decayed and shopworn aunU." Long ago when people came on nn errand of this kind, they were back ward in the game, to its faults they were, not blind; now the (Irivesmith doesn't plead; he is arrogant, indeed ; "Hand us out the ehicketifei'd," is his dictum, mirel'mc!. "if you do not promptly dig." says the man who asks my wad, "then your name in letters big will be advertised abroad; to'the confines of the stale you will have n record prent nn the cheapest sort of skate, ns a piker anil a fraud." Let us stop these endless drives which the wartime made a fad for they shoo from peoplu's lives all the joy they ever hndi lot's discourage nil the bores who go round to people's doors asking for all kinds of oresi for the hnwbee nnd the send. Vera Brophy and Horace Geppert came in from Butte Falls Monday to nave ineir horses shod. Wl Dahak started In the first of the week to move fhe old store build Ing formerly used as a store by A. J. Daley and later bv Mr.l Heath, now In the drug business In Medford, and later moved from the upper end of town down to tho business part of the town and used by Mr. Heath after ne moved Into tho T. K. Nichols build ing as a warehouse, and was after- wards sold to the Dahaks, and they started In several weeks ago to move It, but nover got really started at the Job until the first of the week. They are moving It back up the street again ana intend to place it on tho lot Joining the Eaglo Point pool room. What they Intond to uso it for, they have not given out as yet. Among the business callers last Monday wore W. II. O'Brien, Charles Flint, Frank Nolin of Butte Falls: J. V. Barrian, the superintendent of the nsnery business in southern Oregon and he reports being quite success ful In catching fish for their eggs. Ray Davis, formerly of Derby, but now located on the T. F. Nichols farm on Rogue river, was a business caller Tuesday. Perl Stowell, who is living just outside of our town, was In town, and reported finding tho skeletcyi of a man In a gravel pit where he was working in the Butte creek bottom. He Bald that the body had the ap pearance of having been simply tnrown In a hole, as the legs were doubled up and crossed, and this brings to mind, to us old settlors, a circumstanco that took placo some sixty years ago. Thero was a family lived a few miles below town, and for the sake of any relatives who may be living, I will designate as Mr. and Mrs. B., nnd thoy had considerable stock nnd owned a largo donation claim. There was a stock buyer, a stranger, came In, and went to the ranch to buy cattlo and was known to have considerable money with him for in those days thero were very few banks and peoplo often carried considerable money with them. Well, this man was seen to go to Mr. II. 's JUBt about dak and was never seen afterward. Thero was nothing thought of that, and the result was it was soon out of mind. In the course of a few years Mr. B. was ta ken sick and word went out to the tew neighbors ho had, for in those days one man would own from 320 to 640 acres of land, and tho result waa neighbors were scarce. Well the result was that there was a gathering of those who were disposed to lend n helping hand and there was Moses Tinkhom, nn old bntchclor; Nick Young,-Peter Simon, Charley Links wlior, myself and wife had collected there to render any assistance we could, and while we wore earnestly watching to see (lie result Mr. U. seemed to rouse up and romnrked: "Old woman," addressing his wife, "Jack and me are going a hunting and I want you to fix up some bread and nient and a bottle of whiskey," and just then ho changed nnd said, "Why you can find him easy, for Jaok nnd mo buried him over there bv that big cottonwood log," and just then his wlfo went to him and shook him, remarking, "What are you talking about, old man: shut up that foolishness," and that broke the spell and we heard no more.. The wholo family had a hard name. Jack his oldest son, seemed to be his main helper, and after living the life of a genuine crook In Oregon, he went to California, and the word came back here tlint ho was serving a twenty year Beutencc In the penitentiary there for robbing the stage, and la ter that ho had died In prison, and Jim was hung out In Harney county. Oregon, by a vigilance committee for horso stealing, and the younger boys wero sent to tho home for the feeble minded. Thero wero two girls who married, and I supposo they have nnssed away by this time, but I never heird of them boing accused ot any wrong doing. Mrs. B. died shortly after the death of her husli uid, and thus rided tho career of one of tho toUEhot families in southern Ore gon, nnd perhaps reveals tho last rosting pl.-wo of tho stranger who disappeared . so mysteriously iroru this section of the country. Among tho business callers Tuos- I dnv wero Grant Abbott, Butto Falls; I J. A. Flon, U. S. N., San Diego, Call.. I mid Wilton OrlKsby. Butto Falls; nnd Wednesday Mr. Palmer, Butte Falls; L.Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Tnge, Butto Falls; they camo out on the stage and went on to .Medford. Walter Woods and 1 R. Matthews and Thomas Stenly nleo ! of Butto Falls, but Is spending the winter In the valley. I see that my loiter Is so lone thai 1 will not rennw my account of the hardships that a circuit rider hart I to undergo during the winter ot 1S61 and 6 2. IT DOB THE WORK WITHOUT A MISS Los Angeles Man Declares Tanlac Always Takes Away Stomach Trouble, Loss of Appetite and Sleepless Nights. "Whenever I am not feeling right, I always take Tanlau and it never fails to do the work," declared An drew P. Kanstrup,- 1185 Wost 24th street, Los Angeles, Cnl., recently. "When I first took Tnnlno, I was Buffering from stomach trouble and a run-down condition. My appetite was not up to standard, and what I did eat caused me to suffer from gas on my Btonmch. I was bilious, ner vous and restless and couldn't sleep at night. My system was in such a condition thnt I was continually catching colds that would cause mo to lose weight and feel even more weak and worn-out. "Well, sir, Tnnlno soon hnd me feeling a hundred per Cent better. I got over my troubles, slept well, gained strength and felt mole like working than ever. Now, 1 always keep Tanlac handy for it builds me up every time, and I do not take cold like I used to. I wouldn't think of being without Tanlac." Tanlnc is for sale by all good druc- glsts. Over 35 million bottles sold. Adv. Bang! Go Prices on Winter Fabrics That's my contribution to the "After the Holi days Tales." Enables you to order the new clothes at a big saving. I have blown $5.00 to to $15.00 off former prices. j Think how good this saving will feel in your pockets, in a new suit at that! Mrs. V. M. Chcssmoro ot Medford was a guest Inst week nt tho Hotel St James In San Dleso in which city she is visiting friends. jt aim For Infant t. invalid at Chitdna The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLnchtHomeOfnceFountains. KichMilk, Malted Grain Extract In Pow der at Tablet forms. Nourhhlnf-Nocooklof. W Aroid Imitations and Substitute E. Main, TJpstairB GET OUR PRICE On Tents and Canvas- Med. Tent & Awning Works Opposite 8. P. Depot WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITK BATTERY STATION For Onlck Servtui rhono 110 HEAT WITH COAL Tlnco Your Order Now for Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to Kads) 84 8. Fir St, Phono 230-J Blue Front Pixit Shop 111 S. ITolly St. . "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phona 4.11 Razor Bind,. Sharoenliui H. W. CONOEB UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. Medfocl. Ore. GmcHxraa China Herb Store ..TJl'" ! ' wrttrj that mm Chung ot Medfnru. OrO.. hnn rur.nl inw of trnitrm and Btomnch troubla. U. M. Lieoosrd, 5C9 3 St.. Grants Pass. This Is to certify test Olm Cbunir of Mtdrord, Ore., hns cured nie ot rupture of four yenrs' standing. V. Q. I nun Mi B fi., Wants Pass, Ore. Medford. Orecon. Jan. IS. This Is to eertlfy that I, the under- signed, hnd very nevero ntoipch trouble and had been bothered for several yare ana Inst August wns not expected to live, inn ovaring or mm Chung (whnw llerh store le at 114 South Front street. .ueworai, i neciueii ta set herbs for my (oniach trouble, nnd I started to fllna better as soon aa 1 used thorn and today am a. well man nnd can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted m I n-aa tn an. film Chuntt and try his Hertia. Itueaaoa: Wm. Lewie. Ragle Point W. L. Chlldretu. Eagle Point, M. A, Andrraori. Medford. 8. B. Holmes, K.aglo point. C. K. Moore. Gael, point. J, V. Mi-lntyre, kagla Point. tleo. Von dr llelien. Raate Point, Tlioa. It Nlooola, Kaia i-ouit. Clean-Up Sale Underwear And other Heavy Winter Goods and Odds and Ends of stock we wish to close out to make room for Spring Goods. All at prices less than half the cost to manufacture, and to give the people of Southern Oregon an opportunity to buy high class goods at bargain prices. New heavy wool nnd cotton mixed I nion Suits 1.0n. SJ prj j New heavy wool and eouon mixed I nlon Suits, Sale price 08c Now heavy wool and cotton mixed Vnion Suits .30. halo price 0c Now heavy cotton fleece lined Vnion Suits. $1... Solo price Wk New heavy cotton Ami lined Vulon Sulw 2.00. Bta price Wte New all wool Irish Frieze Overcoats. I4.50., Sale price M-.30 New all wool Irish Frieze Overcoats. 13.B0. Sale price 1J30 Now Gas Mask Raincoats, Sulo price " New Raynster Rubber Coats . P" JW Reclaim Army ltaln Coats Me Pricc l SUcker Rain Hats - i'.i -'7r'ui T.t Reclaim Army Overcoats J-' 10 V'A, New Cotton lhniblc lllnnkets CTc Henry Wool Army Socks r. Velvet Tobacco TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores 32 Central Ave. South W)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOMOOfX50COOOOOOOCOOO Learn Spanish ' in 30 Days Rare opportunities open for men and women with a knowledge of Spanish. Classes start TUES. EVENING, JAN. 16 Register now at the Medford Business College Private lessons given to those desiring them O00000OOO00000OO000O0OO0O000O00O0C00O000000O00000O0O4 Silliman's Trade School LEARN TO MAKE CANDY Wliy work for Wages? Be your own bass. Bo a practical candy maker and work for yourself. THE CORRECT ART OF CANDY MAKING Taught in 30 Days COSTS Y0IT ONLY $100 One of the best trades you can learn. Lots of good openings for a good Candy Kitchen. I started in 1915 without a dollar You can do the same. CLASS STARTING NOW. Factory North Holly and West Second E. C. SILLIMAN of Silliman Bros., Chief Instructor Our We make your old worn-out clothes ' like new We put in new linings in suits, drosses and every thing in (he wearing apparel. Suits cleaned and pressed. i , lJ-"-."W',rv-''' "ST.""- '"ZSSZiv