Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
ILd Personal
Tbo blicrlffs office haa not yet
started to enforce the payment of the
1923 state licence for dogs, but is mak
ing preparations to make a clean
vweeu in enforclnn the stuto law.
which requires every owner of a 1ob
in the county to pay the lleenne fee,
which U $1 for male dogs and 'i fo.'
female dogs.
V.M motor driven horns at the
Electric Shop.
Power Bprayer for sale cheap, new.
Phone Mr. Urodt. 749-R evening,
or write general delivery, Medford. HOC
The tramps are beginning to travel
north from California, a month earlier
than usual, and hence the city prison
has from three to five lodners nUjhtly
nnd has for a week past. Chief of Po
lice' Adams has continued the policy
of Former Chief Timothy of compell
Inn the tramps to leave the city as
soon after their arrival as Kiuslble,
except that those who arrive at night
time are given lodging In the Jail be
fore being compelled to move on In
the morning.
Dance, Eagle Point. Sat. nlte. 2(17'
Tor Sale 10,000 acres of land con
sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock
ranches, orchards and tlmberland,
tome Irrigated; also mining property.
All property must and will be sold at
some price. Some as low as $1.00 per
acre, 0 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles,
Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or
Gold Roy Realty Co., owners, 15 Far
mers nnd Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone
The Woman's .Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian Church will meet at
the home of E. O. Moore, corner of
10th and S. Holly Sts., Tuesday after
noon 'at 2:30.
Bulls cleaned and pressed. Pantor-
lura Dye Works. Phono 244 and we
will call. tf'
Chiropody. Phone G03-J. 2Ti
The Loyal Women's Class of the
Christian Sunday School will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Hawk, 701 W. 11th St. All members
of the class aud friends are invited
Provide against loss, Insure with
Redden and Canaday.
Storage and car washing at llitt
son's. 231
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Emmons returned
Sunday from Portland where they
spent last week, visiting friends and
consulting with the medical fraternity.
Oriental ballroom masquerade. Wed.
Jan. 21.' 256
Hemstitching at Deuel's. 207
Considerable Interest locally is man
ifested In the trial of Dewey Jones on
a highway robbery charge in circuit
court at Grants Pass, which began to
day, and concerning whlh the Grants
Pass Courier of last Saturday says:
"Oregon Jones made a confession re
cently to his nprt In the robberies
here during the past half year but
entered n plea of not guilty when
given a chance to plead. Dewey Jones
lias maintained his plea of Innocence
throughout, holding that ho was not a
party to the crlmos. Several victims
of the highway robbery of last sum
mer are here to take part In tho trial
as witnesses.".
Hot tamales and chill con came at
Do Voe's. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber.' Wallace Woods, phone 108, 711
12. Main.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Buhrmnn are ex
pected to arrive In Medford today after
a weok's motor and train trip to Port
land. Thoy left their car at Eugene
on thoir trip north because of the
floods and returned yesterday to
Eugene by train.
Grand masquerado Wed., Jan. 21.
Oriental ballroom. 25G
Don't let your radiator freeze. Get
denatured alcohol at lllttson'e 254
There wns only 7 degrees differ
ence betwocn tho hlgheBt tompcrnture
of Sunday, 38 degrees, nnd the lowest
of this morning, 31 degrees. A year
ago todaj- the maximum temperature
was 45 degrees and tho minimum was
24 dogroes. There was only a trace of
precipitation during the past twenty
four hours. Fair weather is predicted
Tor tnolght nnd rnln for Tuesday.
utti Insurance, Ttrown ft White.
Goodwin Corsot Shop, 20 S. Fir. 252
W. H. McNnlr, the well known Ash
land druggist and member of the Ash
land school board, returned from l'orl
land on Sunday where he attended a
meeting of school district officials
from all parts of the state.
The Rogue River Valley Cannery
will reopen tomorrow morning to fin
lull the run of apples. 251
Dnnce. Kngle Point. Snt. nlte. 207'
Mrs. Catharine l.uw from north of
Rogue River returned to her ranch
yesterday after a three weeks' visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Howard I.
Ilurto. It is suld that the bridges nt
Winter and tho Evans Creek bridge
near Wm. Moore's place are In such
bad condition that to make a trip nul
of that locality is very difficult.
Phone 244, Tho Pantorium Dye
Works and ask about our monthly club
rates. Four suits mxingod and pressed
12.00 per month. Club members' sulfa
cleanod for $1.00. tf
Mis Wallace formerly of the Marlu
ello Shop Is now doing work In her
roonui at the, Nye Apartments. Tel
S04-L.' 25:
Dr. Orln F. lieniorent. years old.
a pioneer dentist of Southern Oregon,
died January 6th at his home, 1150 K
24th Ht.v Ni Portland, where he hud
removed from Klamath Falls three
vears ago. In isss he located In Med
ford. from where he removed with his
family to ll;evlew In ld0. whore
they .resided until 19 and then re
moved to Klamuth Falls.
This offlco Is prepared to print
lodger shewn, bills, etc., used on the
bookkooplng machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men und have
thotn printed out of Medford. Phonr
i. and we will can. tf
Medford Center 8nltnry Market.
new knuit, - sugar nrine corned oeei
OIV0 U trl'' riu"" C'5' 5"
: Mrs. Tom Fulton and children who
, have been visiting relatives at Jack
I sonvllle since before Christmas will
leave tonight for their home at Port
Orford, Ore.
I Tlici-eg no nlace like Holmes for
complete Insurance service.
i Wed., Jan. 24. Masquerade! Ori
ental ballroom. 251!
i Tho Bringing L'p Father theatrical
company which plays at the Page the
atre tonight arrived in the city Sun
day morning from the north.
Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nite. 2C7
When in need of sash and doors, call
Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711
E. Main street.
George Collins has returned from
Portland where he conferred with the
officials of the Mason Ehrmann com
pany. f lake your kodak films to Palmer's
Hiuuiu. nrsi cittBN wurK aim piuuiin
service. , tf
You can get It nt DeVoe's. tf
Ashland's auto camp ground, accord-
t ing w ine cny para oouiu, ruceiveu u
total of $.'1247.50 which represents n
' total of 4842 machines at 50 cents each
I per day. Total expense of running the
j grounds during that period was $2,-
Re. lunvliilr a i,rfll tt IMS S4 Tho
I evpense Included some necessary
. equipment which will be ready for tho
coming season, such as camp stoves,
lumber for tables.
Good Jonathan, Spitz and Newtown
apples for sale. Connor's Warehouse.
Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat
ed, full line. Writo today, Grants Pass
Nursery, Grants Pass, Oregon. 270
Miss Mary Wheeler of Swem's
Studio is confined to her home with
an attack of pleurisy.
Hemstitching and plcotlng, Bilk or
cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main
and Bartlett The Vanity Shop, tf
For Sale Singing canaries. 847-Y.
kfna Bower, short story and scen
ario writer arrived this morning from
Contralto, Vd., for a two or three
weeks' visit with Mrs. Ed Brown. Mrs.
Brown will accompany her to Califor
nia where they will spend the winter.
Masquerade! Wed., Jan. 24. Ori
ental ballroom. 250
Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nite. 267
When bids were submitted to the
state highway commission Inst fall
for the construction of the remainder
of the Caves highway, the bids were
rejected on the ground that the prices
were too high. The work has again
been advertised for bids and these
will be opened next Friday In Port
land. The work is being called to the
attention of local contractors in the
hopo that they will be able to make a
bid which will got them tho contract.
Grants Pnss Courier. ' '
Notice has been received by P. F.
Close from the Do Luxe piston factory
that the price on De Luxe pistons toon
a drop of practically one-third the first
of the year. At the present price the
Do Luxa will havo no real competition.
If you havo some-second-hand win
dow sash suitable for hotbed, phone
S80-X. tf
James Edmlston of tho Oregon
Growers' Cooperative association re
turned from a brief business trip to
Portland this morning.
For Sale New Columbia phono
graph records at half price. Victor,
Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & Sonora
phonographs and records at reduced
prices. Muslo Shop, 15 N. Grape street,
next to Farmors & Fruitgrowers Bank.
Phone 465-J. tf
When bettor automobiles are built,
Buick will build them. tf
A. Stewart, Southern Pacific com
pany special detective Is a Medford
visitor from Hoseburg.
All kinds or rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
East Main.
There's a busy business College in
your homo town. GWN.
A number of near accldontB havo oc
curred to local motorists during the
last two nights due to the thickpess of
the fog which shows signs of clearing
up today.
For Diamond coal brlckatts, phone
Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76.
Milk and cream at DoVoe's. tf
Several membors of the Cottage
Grove basketball tenm, which meets
Ashland at Ashland tonight and tomor
row night, were In Medford today.
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Will trndo farm tractor ond plow,
used less than 30 days, for live stock.
F. P. Fnrrell, Jackson County Hank
Illdg. 217tf
George Hilton, Jr., the federal bank
land examiner, is siwnding a few days
In Josephine county on official busi
ness In that section.
Another big dance at Odd Fellows
Hall, IVnlnil Point, Friday, Jan. 19.
Tickets 65c. Peerless "4" Orchestra
til 2 a. m. 255
The American Legion and Auxiliary
dancing party Is to be held at the
American Legion hall Tuesday night
Instead of Thursday night us an
nounced in Saturday's paper.
Dun ell Mlnkler, former Medford
resident, now n resident of Portland.
Is in the city visiting friends. .
George- Gates returned this morning
from I'orllund where he had been on
a brief business visit.
A California Oregon Power com
pany car struck the polo that supports
tho light on the northwest comer of
the I'nlon Oil company's service sts
tton grounds, this morning and ile
mollahed the globe and the top of the
polo. The accident occurred as tho re
suit of a large truck getting In tho
way of the Copco cor making It neces
sary for that car to dodKo.
Glenn Fabrlck. Sr., will speak to the
Musonlc oilier in Hoseburg tonight on
the organisation of a chapter of the
Order of IV Molay in that city.
Paul It. McKcc and family returned
this morning from 8nn FrnnrlHco nnd
eastern cities where thi-y had been
visiting for the past month.
After having been a patient suffer
ing with the flu at tho Medford Com
munlty hospital for the past two
weeks. Miss Bessie Noble hns returned
to tier horn? t Grants Pass.
Fruit men of the valley, headed
by George Mansfield and Dave Wood
journeyed to the county court
Saturday morning, and engaged In
an all morning discussion and de
bate over the apno-.tment of an as
sistant to County Agent C. C. Cate.
The fruitmen won their point.
The county court was favorable
to the appointment and the appropri
ation for that purpose, but
wanted to name the assistant, a pre
rogative that the fruitmen insisted
rested with the county agent and
the Oregon Agricultural college. It
is said the county court favored A
R. Chase, a former school supervis
or of this county, and for the past
three years engaged in agricultural
extension work in several places.
The fruitmen had no particular
selection, but maintained it rested
solely with the county agent and
O. A. C.
The horticultural brigade consist
ed of about 25 orcbardists, and the
session Is reported to have been
"lively" in spots.
The appearance of the words
"JiKBs Special' on the menu cards
at Dan's Lunch this noon aroused the
curiosity of all patrons as welt as
folks who persued the menu card
pasted on the front window.
"What is this JigKs Special thing
you ve got on your program?" ask-cd
the patrons. "Corn beef and cab
bage." laconically replied Dan. And
thereby hangs a tale.
It seems that the "Bringing Up
Father" company, which features
Maggie and Jiggs and plays at the
Page tonight, arrived in the city from
the north yesterday morning and
spent the day hero, during which sev
eral members, including the press
agent, dined at Dan's piaco and struck
up an acquaintance.
They confided to the innocent Dan
that all the company members fairly
doted on corn beef and cabbage nnd
that if he would serve that food
among today's dishes, and put it on
the menu where tho company could
see it, as "Jiggs Special," every
mother's son and daughter of them
would eat tho toothsome and famed
diet until they nearly reached the
foundering stage.
Dun saw visions of a financial
clean-up on corn beef and cabbage
today and henco prepared an unusu
ally large quantity. The Jiggs nnd
Maggie actors and actresses who
visited the place this noon calmly
ordered tea bone steaks and the
trimmings after perusing the menu
and seeing that the publicity scheme
had worked.
Despite tho fact that the feature
baa not yet been inaugurated In
Medford nt tho local service Btatlons
of tho Union Oil company tho C'ham-
iut or commerce of this city has sent
the following letter to C, W, Ralph, nt
I-os Angelas, manager of stations of
Ihe Vnlon Oil Compuny of California:
"The attention of the board of di
rectors of the Medford Chamber of
Commerce has been called to tho fact
your company is using bill bonrds
femuring Crater Lake niO back
grounds for jour service stations in
various sections, and this body wishes
to express to you their appreciation of
your efforts towards advertising this
world wonder."
In bis hitler of ncknowledKement to
tho chamber for Its approval of this
bill hoard stunt. Mr. Ilnlph replies
partly as follows:
"We are displaying the Crater likc
picture on about 600 signs displayed
throughout tbo Pacific coast states
and we have received no end of fa
vorable comments regarding the
same." '
Many Medford and Southern Ore
Son women attended the opening of
the nnlty shop's big clean up sale to
day and availed themselves or many
of tho attractive bargains In blouses.
purses, millinery, vanity cases, under
wear, sweaters, hosiery and other
items that are being offered. Miss
l.ounshury, proprietor of thn Vanity
Shop, has made these radical cuts in
the prices of her rexnlar slock In or
der that she might mnke room for new
spring shipments. 1
This exclusive ladles store has en
joyed a very successful year and Is
now preparing for a bis spring and
slimmer business. .Their clean up sale
will Inst but one week, ending Satur
day night. January "nih
il. A. M. Crater T.ake
Chapter No. 32. Regular
convocation Tuesday. Jan
U-th. S p. m. Visitors wel
come. A. f. Noth, Secy.
I'AKIS. Jon The participation of
thn Amnrlfnn Pvniullllmiaru I.Vkr..n In
ine r.uropcan war will he duly com
memorated in the nomenclature of
the streets of Purls.
The municipal council soon will re
sume the task of renaming some 200
of the city's thoroughfares and. ac
cording to French custom. Ihe lead
ing figures of the war will bo freely
honored. s
Thus far only Oeneral Oallienl, the
defender of Paris, Ouynemer, the
Ace of Aces" In aviation, and Colonel
Bonnet, who distinguished himself
at SoisFons, have been the honored.
CJenernl Pershing was on the list that
was under consideration when the
work was suspended on account of
objections to the abolition of old
names because of sentimental or his
torical reasons. Pershing. Clenien-
ceau. Foch and other leaders nre on
the new list, however.
There still remains a score of
streets In Paris with (ierman and
Austrian names that may never be
changed. Included are the rues
Beethoven. Cluck. Maycrbeer. Wch
ard Wagner, Mozart, und Palatine,
the rue de Vienna nnd Place Buda
pest. Streets that recall great Ger
man musicians nnd poets probably
will be left unchanged.
It has been decided to rcchristen
all streets that were named after tho
owners of the -property through
which they were originally cut. In
addition there will be a hundred and
fifty new street- opened in conse
quence of the demolition 'of the city
fortifications. which will furnish
ample opportunity to honor the
greatest heroes of the war.
Paris streets and " squares with
American names at present are
Avenue President Wilson, rues Lin
coln. Franklin. Iiuisiona and Wash
ington, and the Place des Estats Vnis.
The grand jury for the February
term of court will convene Monday,
February 19, and the petit Jury will
meet the following Monday, February
The Jackson county night riding
cases, for which six men were Indict
ed on counts of riot, assault and ex
tortion are scheduled to be beard
at this term, unlejs further regal ac
tion is ta Ken ny tne defense. Dis
trict Attbrney Rawles Moore said this
noon, that Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Llljeqvist would have charge of
tho cases, and that "as far as he
knew at present, they will come first
on the docket." Liljeqvist recently
conferred with the local prosecutor
on the cases.
The county court is finishing today
the list of petit jurors for the year
from which veniremen will be drawn,
in all circuit court trials by jury.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Instabil
ity in the bituminous coal mining in
dustry is the fundamental cause of
which has menaced the American pub
lic repeatedly in- recent years,' the
United States coal commission held
today in a preliminary report of Its
fact finding investigation laid before
Labor troubles, transportation diffi
culties and over-development of the
Industry In mine and man power to u
point where it is much larger than
necessary to supply public demand for
Its product if operantlons were con
tinuouswere all three assigned ns
among "primary causes for the condi
tion. Tho exact bearing which these
have upon the existing situation, thn
commission said, It intended to study
in its further inquiry.
Regarding the possibility of another
general coal strike after April 1, the
report said the commission "has rea
son to believe that an agreement will
bo reached In the near future that will
avert uny widespread' cessation of
mine operations in union fields on
April 1."
In order to ullay any false impres
sion a few local people may have of
me, I wish to announce that I have not
been In Jail for being drunk as
rumored. Tho people who are circu
lating this story are not nt all truth
ful. 1 have boen In no way connected
with S. II. Sundlfer and am not a per
sonal bodyguard of Sheriff Terrell. He
is not as "yellow" as many people
think. Neither have I employed any
Medford boys to aid me In my Investi
2M Tex Ifigginson.
rt ONVAI.KSCF.NT HO.MK facing Park.
Ashland. Invalids, babies, mother
less children and maternity cases
given good care. 2M
FOH 8AI.K Young mammoth brome
turkey hens for breeding. Address
1". O. Box S00 or end West Jackson
St.. Medford. 256
TOR RKNT Five room furnished
. house, moderniied. rhono $31R. 253
MONDAY. .TAXl'AltV 15.
MEXICO CITY. Jan. At 2S years
of ago Jorge Prieto Laurens finds
himself one of tho mot influential
men in politics in Mexico acknowl
edged leader of the dominant Co
operllista party, twice n member of
the chamber of deputies, and a few
weeks ago elected to tho city council
of Mexico City with nil indications
pointing to his selection as its next
mayor. A brilliant orator with a
wonderful gift for popular appeal,
which aids him in reaching the lower
classes with the rather radical tioe-
! tiines he advocates. ' Laurens.
nlthough cordially hated by some and
violently attacked in several sections
of the press, is easily one of the most
prominent figures in public life here
l.aurcn.H was born In Canltos. state
of San Luis Potosi. lie studied law
was admitted to the bar when scar
cely 21 years o!d, and at 26 he began
serving his first term in the lower
house of the federal congress. At the
time of his election he was only a
few days beyond the minimum age
limit set by the constitution for con
gressmen. Jle early allied himself
with the liberal branch of the lower
house from the Partido Liberal Con
stitutionalists and has since domi
nated all legislation in that branch.
He was re-elected to the chamber
last September.
Laurens in .known among his
friends as the "golden-tongued boy
from San Luis." and his numerous
speeches In the chamber are appeal
ing oratorical efforts, lie is also a
fighter, and is not averse to showing
a ready pistol if a political adversary
becomes too vehement in his denun
ciations from the tribunal. He has
been challenged to duels, has accept
ed a few, but never has he been hurt.
MEXICO CITY, Jan. Highly
scented toilet soap is a dangerous
product for smugglers to handle. Proof
of this is the sudden demise several
weeks ago of Martin Vlllnreal, veteran
Mexican smuggler, who ran afoul of
customs guards at Xuero Laredo aud
was killed.
The guards were aroused to activity
one day when breezes blowing off the
Rio Grande wafted a strong scent of
perfume. Investigation showed Villa
real was attempting a crossing from
the United States with 18 burros, each
of which was carrying as many boxes
of toilet soap as his back could hold.
In the ensuing skirmish Villareal was
killed and his soap confiscated.
Customs guards along the Rio
Grande say that toilet soaps and silks
are the smugglers' favorites, next to
DUBLIN, Jan. Writing regard
ing peace. Wevin, O'Hlgsins, Minister
for Home Affairs in the Irish Free
State says:
"The actual position is that a body
of the people of tho country, though
numerically insignificant, refuse to ac
cept the majority will as a deciding
factor in our political affairs, and de
clare there can be no peace on the
basis of the treaty signed by five pleni
potentiaries endorsed by the Dail and
accepted by the people. This minority
is ' straining every nerve ! to restore
British power In Ireland and to rob
Irish people- of the fruits of their
struggle and sacrifices of the last six
years. We members of the Govern
ment elected to the Call Kireann to
carry out the treaty would be false to
our trust if we acquiesced in any way
to such a program."
lowance of thp new Caliph. Abdul
MedJId Kffendl. hns been fixed at
the rata of 1 12.000 a month. Al
lowances will be paid also to olher
members of ihn Imperial family, but
not tl those who are related only by
Delay Doesrifc Pay
DreakThat CoIdToday
CHECKS Cold in 4 hours la
gripp in 3 days. QuicXiy relieves
Headaches. Tablet form. Standard
remedy world ovor. Demand red box
bearing Mr. Hill's portrait and signature.
At All Drut(ittt30 Cents
ItMiiwn U I91I mwn w
Handicraft Shop.
8o per yard.
Buttons covered.
at a price
Med. Tent & Awning Works
Opposite 9. I. Depot
Kb PASO, Jan. 15 lie-In al ing of
the 'quicksilver case" began in Fed
eral Judge W. It- Smith's court here
today. .S'lne defendants are charged
with violation of the iintl-truat act
in restraint of commerce on the
Southern Pacific railroad at San An
tonio last year during the railroad
Janies L. Uuak was arrested In Kl
Paso' In September by agents of the
department of Justice after locomo
tives in which Jie. had been working.
It In alleged, were found I" have
quicksilver In thoir boilers. The
PAGE - -
Scats Now Selling at the HoV. Office
iC. J. Carpenter offers, the cartoon ,
ma KLL-iti:iiAVi:i) flappku ciiouis
PK1CKN .-..-.c to Sl.l.-, Including the t.
will entertain at earils
Tuesday, January 16, Holland Hotel
Afternoon party at 12 oYloi-k and evening at 8 o'clock
All are cordially invited.
Admission 2-jc.
Do You Believe in Insurance.5
Would yon deposit about .$." per month in it local bunk If you
knew Hint our family would wolvc 8-,(M)O.IIO in rash if you were
accidentally killed, or $1,01111.110 in rash if you died from sickness?
You would receive nn income of Ijt 10.00 per mouth if uny accident,
or any sickness totally prevented you from working. If you were'
permanently disabled you would receive nn income of $1-0 per Jcnr
for ns long as you live, in addition to all oilier benefits; and further
more If you live TWKNTY YKAKS YOl" W'll.I, Til K.N UK II.VXDKl
Send vuiii name, aim auil address
a ; : -
h (irncrnl Agent 0
Northern Life Insurance Company SJ
6 Xn. 20!) Mlirrty lllda. , "2
? "An old J.liu: I.eul l!csri-vc Company." . g
f.v. Medford 2:00 p. m.
Lv. Hoseburg 1:00 p. m.
Lt. Medford 10:00 a. tn.. 2:00 p. ra., 5:00 p. m.
Lr. CranU I'asa 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., .':00 p. m,
Lt. Medford 10:00 . m., 4:30 p. tn.
Lt. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
We connect with stages for Portland, Marahtleld and Crescent
Phone 800 .
arrested In
U.S. 11
WAHIIIN'STO.V, Jan. 15. Heavy
Increases in export of whcul und
cum from the l;Hcd Slates for tho
week ending .January 13 as com
pared Willi' the first week ot the year
Hhown In the weekly report Is
sued today by the department ot
commerce. Wheat exports wero
:i r,:t:i,"Mi bushels ,as compared with
l'-,7S mil) the previous week and
coin exports 1.4'J1," buBhels- as
eomparcd wiih sim.nnn. '
Tom Meiglmn as n rich, roman
tic rover who can't choose be
tween two beautiful women. In
a drama that blends a primi
tive South Sea Isle with super
civilized Ixmdon society. The
brilliant' supporting cast in
cludes Theodore llolierts, Lcn
tricf Joy, June Klvidge and
Kva Xovak.
IVlix Cart on ii Coinetty
'Hetty' at tlir Organ
und rmm.l.i. ..,.. ...:n i... Si!
1 w x
oilier ' iiailllnisls wn'O
San Antonio-