4 S- AAA I BRINGING I'M oORR-- -SUV HUbBSNO- I'LL THE JTOUR Market Nem - "i Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Jun. 13. CaUlo nominally steady; 52 going through. Hogs and sheep nominally steady; no receipts, rtfl .noiJiifiHtf&jsyHo 'io uibiun.iL', uic, dull, LJUILCI steady. Extra cubes 42(5 43c; ordi nary grades 4041c; cartons 49c; prints -48c. Butterfat steady. No. 1 churning cream 48 (g 49c fob Portland; undergrades 45 47c. Sail Francisco Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. Dairy produce exchange closed. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 13. (State Division of Markets.) Dressed turk eys .32 to 35c. . Cliicngo Wheat , CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Wheat: No. 1 hard, $1.20; No. 2 hard, $1.20 1.20. Corn No. 2 red 7172H- Oats No. 2 -white 4444jV4; No. 3 white 43 44.'. Rye No. 2 87c. Barloy 57,88c. Timothy seed 6.000.50. Clover seed $1G.50 20.50. Pork nominal. Lard $11.12. Ribs $lt).7511.50. WASHINGTON The house passed the independent office appropriation illl carrying $496,235,771. HELP WASTED FEMALE ' WANTED Hosiery solicitor, work Jackson and Josephine counties, per- I i manently; big line fashioned stock f'V( ings, ladles, men's, children's, Bilk, 4.' lisle, worsted. No collecting except 1 commissions. No delivery. F. E. Ramsey, 024 Henry Bldg., Portland, .Oregon. 250 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by day with com pany. Call phone 93. . ' 270 WANTED WIBUBnuIiAHTEOCB WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush. Mitineaiwlis, Minn. 250 WANTED TO RENT 25 to 80 acre good alfalfa ranch on shares or cash rent, with house and barn, close to school. Partly clear for gardening ' with irrigation. Phono 1007-Y, Med ford. 252 WANTED Window sasli tor hotbeds. Phone 886-X. tf WANTED Surplus, waste, refuse, squash seed any quantity. Quote lowest price. W. Rehm, 60 Pine St., New York City. 254 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson- Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phone 97. tf WANTED House 'moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or. 4-X i $35.00 250 flroom Mrcllcn: tf wiui Bleeping porcu Phone 574. . , FOR RENT Furnished room with bath and heat, 310 S. Riverside. Phone 217-L. 251 FOR RENT MISCEIjLANEOUS FOR RENT Very desirable offices in the. Jiedford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam heat. Janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phone 542. 250tf FOR RENT OR 8ALE On 20 years timo a 600 acre stock ranch. Box 21, Routo 1, Central Point Ore. 254 FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth 8t. Phono 82. ' tf PERL FUNERAL BOMB At Tonr Service Day or Nlftjl IaformaUon Cordlsllr Glvea Cor. Ath aad Cftkdal ' ' 'room UP FATHER t CAN'T FUND NV HAVE TO na,ke: WlTH - FOR UK.N") nwaEKEEKTKG ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 93, Jap Art Store. . . . . 251 FUK ttENT arARTMKJiTS FOR RENT Ffirnhihe(l two-room M'fcn&olcepnVapartmeifll, frrst ftoor-; adults only. 325 So, Riverside, TUdHej:V01-Jv'aC X K H FOR RENT 2 furnished apartments. Call 113 East 11th St., phone 903, 25:! FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, also 7 room furnished house, No. 15 N. Grape' St.; phono 465-J. tf FOR ' RENT Modern housekeping apartment; no children. 532 S. Ivy St. 250 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St;, corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. ,,f FOK KKM ROCSE8 FOR RENT Modern 4 room house, partly furnished. Phono 593-L. 252 FOR RENT Modem 5 room bunga low, furnished, built-in kitchen, fire place, bath and nice yard with shade trees. . Phone- 998. 25l FOR RENT Furnished house on Palm street. Inquire at 838 W. Second. 252 FOR RENT Three room furnished house. Call 999, The Oaks. FOR RENT Houses. Brown White. '' tf MONEY TO LOAH MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per, .pent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. BUSINESS OPPOWTUMTIES FOR SALE Good paying restaurant at a bargain if taken at once. Drop in restaurant. Gold Hill. 250 FOR SALE Good business opportun ities, Ng. 15 N., -Grape St., phono 465-J. . '. tf FOK EXCHANGE TO TRADE 400 aero ranch on EvanB Creek, value $3500. Also SO "acre ranch near Eagle Point valued at o000: to trade for "property in or near Medford. 'Phone 105 or 517-L. . 251 IX)ST LOST Governor oft motorcycle gen erator botwoen jueaioru nnu ioio. Return to Tribune, reward. : 250 LOST-Fur muff taken from Oregon Growers packing house. Please re turn to 5 E. Third St. or Tribune office. No questions asked. Mrs. E. X. Anderson. 251 'FOR BALIv HOM1W FOR SALE Equity in small home on Willamette St R. R. Land Co., Nash HoteV 252 FOR "SALE Houses ana oungalowe. urnisnua . or,, n uniurmsunu, . , acreage. Insurance. C. S, Buiterfleld. , . . . . ' . . . , Tl I. 111.,.. DiinnA -vnniora naliuntu usut oiu., ruuy- JS9. l-XK SALE lTVKfTOCR FO RSALE 50 Angora goats at $2.50 a bead. J, 8. Weeks, Eagle Point :.r. 261 FOR SALESliophord pup, real heuty, f.ull-)loqded, L .O0..;,. Phone b?l-Klj. FOR SALE Thorobred Bloodhound. Write Anton Ring, Trail, uregon. 253 AUTOISIS! Let Us Figure on Your Overhaul and Rebore Jobs '-,,- -. We rcbnro Ford Blocks by the new price schedule. ', ttt nn rna lit,u.lr 1,i.iir,1it In In lis ."i.00 when Included in ovcrlinu). SI 0.00 for tractor block. SO per rrnt discount on nil other re bore Join, 1 .-. l.nn lkl(nc lint-n 'rlrtitnwl Itl price ..practically ..onr-thlnl.. on., all xtannaril models, making inem nn nut doubt, the best piston liny on the market. Best Equipped Shop in So. Oregon for Cylinder Eeboring Our ninchlnn rclxrcs fiom inches in (llanieler. ! .-..H to H Riverside Garage HFEDFORD MAIL THTPTIXE. THl3 l-b THE. LUYOl TE.MPLC? - TO THE LEFT Kj THE COURT OF 'OR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Puppies, fox terriers, real poaches. Phono 691-iM. FOR SALP Weaned pigs. C. C. Hoover. CS5-R-6. FOK SALE liEAli ESTATE FOR SALE Strictly modern -bunga-'low, 6 rooms with large sleeping porch, will sell with or without fur niture and give immediuto posses sion. A bargain. . hhi acres, large chicken house, 350 white leghorns, new barn, all tools necessary, some fruit, will take Medford homo in exchange up to $2500.00. 40 acres, 23 alfalfa 3 years old, 3 acres timothy', 12 acres grain land, for quick sale $5000.00. 35 acres highly improved, 21 acres pears 13 years old, 12 acres New town apples, 2 acres garden, etc. Strictly modern homo new, out buildings are the bust. If you are interested in a fine property this will be worth looking over. $600.00 will give yon possession of modern bungalow, balance liko rent, close in, V, block from pavement 5 rooms, bath complete close in on pavement 1 1025.00. terms. C. S. Butterlield. 250 FORCED SALE On account of business in Seattle demanding pcr 4 sonal attention, we offer . THIS EXCELLENT PROPERTY ALL BUILDINGS "BRAND" NEW Fronting on paved Pacific Highway, only one mile north of Medford city, 10 minutes from center of - ' town. ' Land that leads in per acre production Best of Bear Creek Bottom Soil Improvements with 4 acres or 40 acres. . (GOOD PROPOSITION FOR SCBDIYISION) AVith present equipment is big Income Property town and handle this. mmmsmm. SMMOTItN Eight room Home and sleeping porch with car windows, also Laun dry room, large living room, dining room and sowing room, 4 bod' rooms, everything modern, latest conveniences, hardwood floors, built-in features, home built on Colonial linos. Kitchen all you i could desire, with electric range, hot andcold running water, hot water heat in every room, big fine automatic wator pressure Bys tom 580 gallon tank under roof, water plpod to different buildings, double garage, flno barn, other outbuildings right up-to-date, cement water trough, large Bopllc tank, 00x70 chicken house with second floor, most complete and 'convenient - chicken ho6so In Southern! Oregon, arranged sf.ocoji man Jb... ,lu00- capacity .brooder; 659 chickens carefully culled, atid, as well! bred as auyiir Jhe Valley, 1000 capacity Incubators,' f lilu1 . Jersey crtw' and'liay enough to feed out the year; harness, tools, .implements, ftlfalfa'.cuttcr and largo quan tity of chicken feed. ' ACRES WITH BVILWXCS OTt . SEE US TODAY . " ! ; I FOUR-SIT SALES, AGENCY C ' ) MEDFORD ULILDIXfi, SIEDFOUD, OREfJO.V , 80 ACRES BUNGALOW FIXE IJARX ANIVtilLO, GARAGE, KTC, GIVEX AWAY You only pny for Uio wnti-r right, ltH,000, which is Just what It is worth anil the ranch will bo I brown In. Flno level loam soil. (10 acrex under ditch. Tart. In ulfulfu. Homo in grain. JO acres orchard. n Rood mad, near school. This is I ho best deal In Ir rigated land I luivo Im'n ublo to offer during tlio 1'J years 1 buvo been in business here. Sec nio nt once If you want this place. Good terms. Phone 784-L J. 0. BARNES Nash Hotel Corner Close in Bungalow Home This close In modern six room bungalow sits on a 50x100 East front lot and contains large living and dining rooms, 3 large sleep ing rooms, large kitchen, pantry, three closets, two screen porches and large front porch, bath room, firo place, fruit closet, largo store room and .wood shed; sits well up from the ground on concrete foundation; constructed of tho best material; full set concrelo walks; beautiful lawn; some fruit; beautiful shade trees; all' paving paid. Priced at less than cost to bnlld now $4800. We are offering four 3-acro tracts near Medford on good road; Irrigated; suitable for poultry, berries and vegetables, at $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit. ' ' rhnno 28.1 .T. W. DHF.S.SLKR CO., J(K1 V.. Slain fit. MKPFOIvP, ORKCiOY, SATIT.'HAY. .TAX TAW Y IP,, THEVF. JUtaT ( XOVJLL 1 r S. H ARE! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE By own er, highly improved 'M aero Irri gated ranch, 10 acres alfalfa, 6 acres paper shell almonds, largo family orchard, five room bungalow, 2 burns. Will take clear residence property up, to $4000 value as first or part payment. Balance easy terms... W . li. Reynolds,., Orluml, "' Calif., ; fy F;DwNo, 1. ' .201 FOR SALE Wood ranch. 1C0 acres on main road, three miles from Jack sonville. The best property of its kind in this vicinity. Tomlln Box Company. 251 FOR SALE, TRADE OU RENT 100 acre farm, partly equipped. 141 N. Ivy St., Modford. 250 FOR 8ALE 10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches,; orchards and timborland, . sorhe irrigated: also mininsr nronnr- 1 ty. 1 All "property must and will be sold at some price, somo as low as $1.00 per acre, 6 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co, Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 N. Grape St., adjoining Farmers . & Fruitgrowers Bank, Phone 465-J. ' -You can work in KltTV S I'itT 1M vol- can iuve r J'TLL 0 ACHES MR THE. PRAMlOt- L u-oG. -four dUVoE' AtsD ,ET AtS IDE HOW - 'Oil KALI'. Ul.Sl'I'.LLAXKfU.'S FOR SALE Several thousand five i quart capacity smudge puis, price 10c each. Call 1). It. Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards at meal hours. Terms cash. 200 FOR SALE First crop alfalfa, hay, $15.00 per ton. Alice Uanley Ranch. Phone 41 l-J-3. " 255 FOR SALE 1500 gal. storage tank. 400 gal. wagon tank, 600 oil pot a, SOU gal, smudgo oil, 3 in. Mitchell wagen double box. Phono 25-R-2. 250 FOR SALE Dry manzanlta wood. special low prices. Phone 466-J. 24Stf TOR SALE Dry fir wood $3.00 a tier. 235 N. Ivy. 261: FOR SALE Wool and pliad pieceB for quilts. 719 S. Central. 2E0 FOR CALE Portable house, horses and mules. C07 Plna St. 250 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, $20.00 ton. Rogue lever Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 261 FOR SALE Second cutting - baled alfalfa hay, $21 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260-629. tf FOR SALE New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & So- nora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music 81iop, No. 15 No. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrower Bank. Phone 465-J. tf FOR SALE Good second-hand stcol cables over 200 ft, low price. Inquire Modford Bldg. janitor. tf FOR SALE Two General Electric motorB, 35 u. p., 40 degree, 60 cyclo, 2200 voltage, complote with com pen- 'r sntors. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Dig Pines Lumber Co ' REBORING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought'in to us for reboring . . . $6.00 When included in an overhaul ....... $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. Best equipped Ford shop in Southern 1 Oregon C. E. Gales: Auto Co. 1-TON FORD TRUCK Good condition. Bargain at $.1.10.00 Crater im Automotive Co. J)j:i S. Front Hi. Chevrolet Roadster LIKE NEW SACRIFICE PRICE . Will consider trade. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. f f frl L5 C7, V V.)'l? By George McManus FOR SAI.F i"i"Mimii.KM FOR SALE 1!; Lexington and' Bulek Touring car, also Ituk-k speed wagon or would trade for smaller I car or stock. Phone 405-1. tf FOR SALIC 11123 Chevrolet would trade for Ford Hug. ' -inn-j. car. or Ph me j; tr', ! FOR SALF r!l ... r.V AM I-XJ4JS FOR SAI.F Eggs for Imicliing fiou good healthy laying si ruin of S. ('. : W'liite Lclutiui. S5c ptr 15 eggs. $5.00 per 100 eggs. Baby chicks : $15.00 per. hundred. Louie Culver, l'hoen)x, Oregon. 2TjO FOR SALE Laying pullets, Tancred j and U:)llyw'o:l strain. Inquire Jesse j Richardson, Central Point. 253 , FOR SALIC Choice stock, laying hens. Phone 437-U. 2"5 FOR SALE Hatching egg3 from single co -lib White Leghorns. Ail breeders selected by' use of the tray nest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Winans, Phone 3I1-.M. FOR SALE A few fine cockerels. Dr. C. A. Winans, Phone 314-M. 250 FOR SALE Barred Rock lions, cubator. 502 N. Riverside. FOR SALE-TurkevK for breeding. 1 gobblors $7.00, hens $5.00. W. J. Hartzell, 4G8-J1. 252 FOR SALE-Booking orders now fir' baby chicks and hatching eggs fro n prize winning Rhode Island Reds ' and from White Leghorns Tancrjd Royal. Red Wing Poultry Yard. Phono 8G5-Y. 2S1 j FOR SALE Pedigreed WhUo Logh f.i cockerels. White Wing Poult y Farm, Phoenix, Oregon. 210 FOR SALE R. I. Red hens. 421 Oak St. 271 FOR SALE White Leghorn hatching eggs, day old chicks, eight weeks o d pullets. Warner and Luiuispach, 510 S. Oakdale Ave., phono G'JO-.M. FOR SALE Eight young thorough bred Mammoth Bronzo turkey tuns for breeding, or will trnde for one year old toms of enual stock. Nc th ing bettor on the coast. Seo turko"i at 28 Oonovu St. Tel. C50-.I. tf ni'SIXESS DIRECTORY Abstractors Ml'RIiAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 32 North Central Ave., up slairs. ? . Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. Tho only comnleto Tl- tlo System iu Jackson County. Abstracts of Tltlo and Title Insurance. WA1SON & KELLOGO Reliablo Jackson county abstractors of ti tles. Gold Hill. Oregon. ' Export Accountant urn an v A I'lll'rtvn f'O jK. M. ,Wll I son. C P. A. . Attention given to I nnvihlng In accounting rand In come Tax ruqulreninnl i 1 mm Itl 111 come Tax ruquirenui our slmpllf'ed accv- 10,000-MILE CORDS We make our own ad justments Valvoline Oil ' Free Crank Case Service Enough said JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service . Station Auditing AccouMlna 2 AWCIIAERVICEip: liaurarxc 0 Irvvcslnvetvla M.r. .soroiiTT 2nd Floor Medford tlUg, 1 i :t ruu h.t..v,..T-x PAGE FTTE N IU'SIXF-SS DIRECTORY Attomeys O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes in Heal Estuto and Probata Law. 110 North Central Ave. A E. REAMKH Lawyer, office In LfbeVty' Building:" '" ' -j-:-::!. l . H stl; 2 ! Bui lilitifj Materials t 1 .MEIIFORH ' fEXtENT" BRICK i & BLOCK 'WORKS- Specialize In all kinds of cement building products, for. Kir und Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physician Dlt. liARVK. P. COLE.MAX Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 2S Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Nao-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chiro practlce. Office: -Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12. 2 to ". Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 580, Res. 1 027. Dentists Dlt. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 669; Reo. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m. fl p. in. Evenings and Sunday by appointment ; " ' Money to Loan ;-' "'' .1. R. ANDREWS Buys and Bella mortgages and loans ; money on good security, 31 N. . Grape St.. Phone 58-iMV ' v. , 246 Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. .Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general 'manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tf Osteopaths ' Dlt. V ni. CARLOW, DR: EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic Physleiana 4 10-4 IS Liberty Bldg," Phono 004-J-3. Residence - 26 South Laurel St. '' i DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat 800 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glassos sup plied. Occullst and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phono 507. DR. WM.' W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. DUItSELL Physician and F'ircpcin. 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Fntrnncfl-30 N.'Central. Special :l uMnnUon'tn p'nn: Phon '29. best equipped1 printing office In Southern Oregon. - Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing cysteine, etc. Portland prices, tl N. Fir 8t 1'ubllo Accountants V- HUGH R. ROBERTSON ft CO. Member American Instltnta of Ac countants. Public AccoontanU and Auditors. Portland, ' ' Ore., . and Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1517 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. - - Itug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old. and - worn carrots - and rugs. Phone 510-M. 706 Pine SL Transfer EADS TRAN8FER & STORAGE CO. Office 43 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone! Office 644, 'or residence, 647-R or 206. tf VphnlstPrinft . WEIS Upholstery,- Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture Full line of materials.-. Draperies made to order. Wn do all kinds of nphol. Birring. We deliver and will call and show samples, l'hone 202, JacksouvllUi Ore, - . , WFTn""! , i ! i i.i ,i . Piano Instruction -'. ; r "ill in ... .. ...... - -,. -,. i i poue 72. . . T . "nnf