PATHS THREE . : -- --- -.- -- - rr -TjiwmFrTT , PS MEDFORD M1IL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD 01? I'd ON". SATURDAY, .TANTAKY 1020 " Jackson County Buildin T T.i WlQ'i V HOC 6 Loan Association MEDFORD, OREGON A Jackson County Institution Built up, financed, managed and directed by Medford men of known Business ability CONDENSED STATEMENT December 31, 1922 RESOURCES. Cash .'.'...'.A :....$ 9,027.75 Interest accrued 1,488.95 Fines accryed 54.00 Real Estate Loans ....... . . . . 189,200.00 Stock Loans . ' . 4,300.00 Contracts 5,780.25 Real Estate . . 3,513.52 Insurance Paid ...................... 27.00 Furniture and Fixtures 35.00 Unredeemed Water Certificates 28.50 LIABILITIES Paid Up Stock .$117,000.00 Installment Stock . . . 48,405.18 b Notes Payable 31,500.00 'Examining Fees ......... 119.50' Loans Incomplete . 2,063.37 Surplus 7,528.98 Interest Accrued 418.03 Net Profit for 6 Months ......... .... .6,419.91 $213,454.97 $213,454.97 Increase Assets, Past Six Months . .$40,890.53 Increase Assets, Past Year ...... .$69,521.05 Increase Assets, Past 2 Years .$108,029.57 SAYING IS KEEPING! There is only one thing that makes prosperity it is not earning money; it is not spending money it is saving money. Start the year 1923 by opening a savings account with us, by sub scribing for shares of Installment Stock, payable $1.00 per share monthly which earn 8, compounded semi-annually. Nine-tenths of getting ahead consists of laying something aside. John Wanamaker. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS C. M. KIDD, President J. J. EMMENS, Vice-president T. W. MILES,fTreasurer O. C. BOGGS, Secretary and Attorney GEO. T. COLLINS J. C. MANN SCOTT V. DAVIS - A. L. HILL The five or ten cents squandered a day will, in a few years, amount to thousands of dollars. Marshall Field. A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF 4 Was declared on January 1, 1923 arid the same dividend has been declared the past four semi-annual dividend periods iVn'' Iii.'in 'iMNir'UViiiii'i' "ii,i, nvr, . LI !, , I'lV -J . 1 ' i ! r ! ' ' : ? ilETT,T7 - - -' - .I)..:' i .i i 1. 1 h'.'.i ill .1 t l '. fi ; lr, ::" it ..'::.! .5) 1- i: : .111.!?: m- :llllUl,!l,:il,,;;iliill.niliMLILliujiUt ,1 r 'iir'i -iiiT'lk L irij i" f'-'-y -. iiiHiin 'i n;n imn