r.Afirc two MEDTORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, MEDTORD. ORKfiOX. SATURDAY. JANUARY 1.1. 102?, ; i Focal and a rY)f II 1 S'"C tlie 8"rv'ce waB demoralized by-atlon Ksnay Contest, 111 which sixth m JJI me nuous. uowever, me bouui-oouiiu srauo ana under, seventh anu clglili! j The Southern Pacific railroad begun 'l l unninK through trains southward yes terday from Portland for the first time Tho Jackson county superintend ent's offfco has received notice of the state and nation-wide Health Conscrv trains will he two hours or more late (jrado, IiIkIi school and college stu ,i i j, i lunti 1 1 huu fol. B0111e tlmo n reachinpt Medford bo- ,,.. ...u,ci . ... u u.. .aU80 of Ul0 g(lft cmmum lime 01 year, u leaiuie 01 which was the selliiiK of the first bui'Ihk produce consisting of spinach and young cur rots, beets and onions. Every booth was taken and in some booths the sellers had to double up witli their offering's. Thoro was a deluge of chickens, 200 of which were sold, and country sausage, which was also in great demand by tho many buyers. .Mrs. Suaaiine II. Carter, county su perintendent, has returned to her of the track beds in the Willamette valley necessitating slow and careful run ning. Uon't let your radiator freeze. Get denatured alcohol at llittson's -M" Auto Insuranca, Ilrown & White. Learn Spanish in 30 days. Medford Uuslness College L'5U Representative .Miles of the Oregon legislature states that he will soun introduce a bill to make it mandatary rl uiion all hotels to nublicly mint the office aftor a time spent .In Portland riltes ful. t)ier rooms on the insido of attending the Oregon btato leuchers ,., uoor of each ro0ni und file association and in Salom where the schedule of such rates with tho state county superintendents of the state fi,.0 marshal. The bill would furthor mot In annual convention. , provide that these rates cannot he Dunce! Oriental ballroom! Sat. I changed within less than 30 days from ilight! 250 j the tlmo u notice of such proposed Miss Horenco Graves and Ida Wood, ; changes is filed with the stute fire piano teachers, studio 42(1 S. Ivy St., 'marshal dents may enter. Teachers also may participate by writing on "Methods of Teaching Health and Temperance." State and national cash prizes are of fered. For further particulars, in quiries may bo niado at the county superintendent's office. Oriental ballroom dance Sat. OF I Third prize Atha Sander, age 14, will meet the Asuiaiiu m,." team ill two uasKeiuu" t"ui Monday und Tuesday nights. M DISPLAY! For Sale Singing canaries. night. 250 847-Y. If 2li7 print Phono 778-W. 250 The "Oh hook" theatrical company which played at the Page theatre last night left on the early morning north- Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Kir. 252 Day nursery, opening Saturday. Jan. IIS, 102:). Children cared for by the hour, ,25c. Special prices by tho day. bound train for Rosehtirg, where this Open at 9:00 a. m. Second floor Med- meritorious attraction plays tonight. The company played In Redding, Oil., Thursday night. JO. f0 motor driven horns at the Electric Shop. Spanish-American war veterans are reiliested to meat at City Hall, Med- fofdV at 8 o'clock Saturday eveijuig. January 13, 1023, to form un orgaifza tldd,'i jtf.0 jvt a preliminary examination before Justice Hagsliaw yesterday, Geo. Bng- IwlcT, Atwood Vann and Iloyd Brandt, ford Center Uldg., Medford, Oregon Mrs. A. W. Mason. Visitors ' wel come. 250 It Is desired that all members of the W. C. T. II. attend tho memorial cerv ices at the Haptlst Church, Sunday ........ I.... 1.1.1. Dance In Oriental night. . 250' " Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. rilte. 207 The main feature of the closing ses sion of Farmers Week this afternoon was the address of W. B. D. Dodson, all of Medford, pleaded guilty to a general manager pr me roruanu cnam. charge of unlawful possession of her of commerce, who spoke on "State liquor and each was sentenced to a Development." fine of $50 and 3 months in lull. Tho I Phone 244, The Pantorlum Dye Jail sentences were suspended during! Works and ask about our monthly club good behavior, and they must report ! rales. Four suits sponged and pressed once eacli month to Sheriff Terrill. Jacksonville Post. Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. like. 267 For Sale 10.000 acres or land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and tlmberlaud, some irrigated; also mining property. All property must and will be sold at some price. Some as low as $1.00 per acre, 6 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 Far mers and Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 4CS-J. . Masquerade! Oriental ballroom! Jan. 24. 260 A fow pupils in tho Jackson County schools took advantage of the mid year eighth grade state examinations $2.00 per month. Club members suits cleaned for $1.00. tf Masquerade! Jan. 24. Oriental ballroom! 250' Monday night all local sportsmen can oil the working parts of their shotguns and the inner surface of the barrels and set the guns away In the corner of the closet. The duck season officially closes- Monday afternoon at sunset, January' 15th. Miss Wallace formerly of the Marin ello Shop is now doing work in her rooms at the Nye Apartments. Tel. 804-L. I "I'!! 262 Dig dance Sut. night! Oriental ball room! ' Lnunspach at the piano! 250 A son was born Jan. 11th to Mr. and Mrs. J. U," Johnston at their homo Dance, Kaglo Point, Sat. nlto. This office Is prepared to ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. 1hone us and we will call. tf Mrs. Charles T. Sweeney and daugh ter Edith left this morning by auto for Portland where thoy will spend the next week. Launspach-Loveland-Waite play Sat. night In Oriental ballroom! 250 Notice has been received by P. F. I Close from the De Luxe piston factory that tho price on De Luxe pistons toon a drop of practically one-third tho first of the year. At the present price the Do Luxe will have no real competition. Oriental ballroom masquerade! Jan. 250 Saturday of.Hppe. devtoted to indtufils 21 IT the kiddles of Jackson county had their way .llggs would be presi dent of the United Status, governor or Oregon, on something like Ihut. There Is no doubt that Georgo Mc Manus' famous cartoon character has a genuine sweep of popularity over the Rogue river vnlloy. Every boy and girl Is talking Jiggs, thinking Jlggs, dreaming JlggB, and reading ubout Jlggs dully In the Mail Tribune. The cause of this Biulden enthus iasm was the Jiggs cartoon contest, launched recently by the Mall Trib une and Medford Sun. it seemed that every kid in every nook and corner of Jackson county hunted up a pencil and a sheet of paper and en tered a picture. The artistic effortB of Mc.Manus, Satterfield, Darling, Knerr and all the rest of the car toonist's fraternity were backed off the map by the many drawings that were submitted. Judges who were chosen outside of tho office force, worked late in the night, trying ieUo,,selacl,,.the,l)Kst imitation. They many other freshman, Medford high school Fourth prize Gertrude Stites, ago 12, Talent school, Talent. The winners can get their tickotb at this office any tlmo .Monday for the performance Monday evening. All of the cartoons were good and reflect much credit to the children, of Jackson county. .Many hundred of these drawings are on display at the Tribune and Sun office and are attracting much interest, and our only regret is that wo could not give every contestant a ticket. instead of to the children. This fore-1 tail, expression 'end noon the subject under discussion 'was , points and nobodv coulfllenvv their "The Analysis of, the Home'ker'jol) Afei'W;'ijil Kt'fiH' atvijfWy Job," and this afternoon "The Place of jannouncod the ifolowing winners: ' ' tho Home Demonstration Agent in the Life of the Community" was discussed by Miss Grayce C. Telch, the new home demonstration agent. Mis Cowgill, of O. A. C. took up "Hoys' and which wore conducted on January 11th at 707 Sherman street. and .l2th. ' "Androd Cantrall celebrated his 83d Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sutiir-1 birthday Thursday," says the Jackson day. ,250vllle Post. "For a man of that ago Suits cleaned and pressed. Paiitor-Mi-.:CahtiU Is Remarkably robust and iimi Dyb Works. Phone 244 and we bright, and his many friends hope to will call. ' ' tf i soo him enjoy many more birthdays, A special service will bn, hold Sun day' evening at the First Haptlst church In commemoration of the third anniversary of national prohibition. Rev. F, R, Leach has prepared a mess age of interest in view of the wide spread discussion of tho question as to Tliera's no place like , Holmes for complete Insurance service Modford Center Sanitary Market, new kraut, sugar brine corned beef. Give us a trial. Phono 255. 252 From force ot habit It is herewith stated that the prediction for tomor whether national prohibition has been, row's wonthor Is rain. Tho preclpitn beneficial to the country. An invltn- tlon for tho 24 hours ending ut 8 a. m. tion has been extended to the W. C. T. ' today was .01 of an Inch. Thoro was U. to attend. 8omo good music will .'quite a sprinkling ot snow on the form a part of, the service. The Instru-, ground this morning, which went away mentnl trio, consisting ot Mr. jnnos, early. Mr. Root and Mr. Scott will have two Big dance! Sat. night! Oriental numbers, and the choir an nritheui. ballroom! 250" Mr. Janes has a violin solo for the I Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 267 morning service, and Mrs. Lencli and I At tho Presbyterian church on Sun Mrs. Neff a duet. "Unseen Resources day morning, the pastor will continue of God's People" will be the subject of the morning sermon. Provide agninst toss, Insure with Redden and Canaday. ' StdVage and car washing at llitt son's. 254 A baby cllnle was hold this alter- the study of Prayer by speaking on "Prayer as Communion." In the eve nlng he will give his mcssngo from the great prayer of David "Keep thy ser vant nlBO from presumptuous sins." A mnle trio consisting of August Diehl, Dr. W. W. Howard and Forrest Ed- noon at Ashland in the civic club build- meados will sing "Tho Thrco Wise lug under the direction of, Miss Mario Men" and Miss Sadie Lacey will sing Knldlne. the county health nurse. a Bopraivo solo at the morning service. . Hemstitching at Deuel k. 2i7 in tho evening a qunrtot of young peo- Tho kind of music you like! Orl-lpk, will lend tho congrogntional slug cntal ballroom, Sat. night! 250 ling using tho Inspiring songs In the H. F. Grant of tho Grant Land and new book. The Sunday school broke Livestock Co. of Salt Lako city Is ex-' all previous records last Sunday, pectod in Medford within a few days. Sistor Mnry Angel, ex-nun, will It is Biild he will bring Utnh'cupltal to sprak at 1. O. O. F. hall, Central Point, myeMSibeavIlK 'iiv. tho Medford Build-! Sunday, Jan. I I. Ladles only 3 o ciock In-; Co. nftrt tliB Medford Center Do-1 Kvervhoriv .7:30. Come hoar thr purtment store. . . ' Hot tamalos and chill con car'ne al De Voo's. . tf Alt kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phono 1QS, 711 V. Mnln ' . Dear Folks:- ...il'lio UuutYUist llireiv ii fit. 'In (hi liiMl liar, of niv lelti-i' 1ii"t k. Ami lie .chnnuffl some ,h und soiiii' -n mill Mlimv n to other kinds of iini'tiia tion iiuuks. 1 think Herb was re sponsible YaiiKe I told lilni to nih' (but the li-tli'r was put In the paper Just u. 1 gave It to lilni. We'll for- give him this onio II' he'll t'ome out to chui'i-li loiuoiToiv night mid lirlui; the linotypiNt nltli lilni. OiIiciwIm' ho will Imvn lo pay for lii-t whs. space. Andulialiliiyoiitliiiik'.' Don Sprltm vr Is 'coinhV to one of a lie hit. vires to:voi i niv, i nil will bring hii part nil', Mr. l.ee. These are tin" boys that advtz: "If Men Wear II. We lliue It" Home slogan, I'll Miy, unit n sure ii lion don't roim' In rliuri-li toiiiin-nin lie's' got to Hiy for lliew 4 In. of upaiv :t' mt 1? I. till tiet mi', Hun? I'll look for h. laiok on Church page for Mihli'i'ls of ti'inioiiK anil "nii iiii" of good mu sic, anil look out nlii'ii ( 're talking to me that yon don't sity sunn bin that'll km 1' Hidt'n up in tlii spare, Vollin Ac. l'listor I. K. Cluinli, J'tmrtH mill lliullclt. truth. , , -..' ,' When In noed of sash and doors, cull Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 Ji, Man stevt , , I Waller Sletton, who Is vlslllng his sister. Mrs. Leon Ltiwton, nnd who re cently came hero from Minnesota, Is recovering tmm a sovero attack of la grippe. . Jail. !)4. MnsqiiefiidB. Oriental Iwllmn, ' 1 Wft Taka your kodak films to Palmer's suillo. First class work and prompt service. II. Stullhton, guardian angel of the slumbers of east sldo residents and officlul city ofriccr or the law arrested E. W. Knl ps lust night for driving a car with tho cut out open. " he arrest wns made as the officer gracefully unllvHiited Into mldstreet with a flash light and tho offender thought himself a victim of Iho night riders for an in stunt, until It wns seen that there wns onlv one of the flashlight bearers Knlps wuh fined $5 this morning when he nleiided guilty before Justice Glenn O. Taylor. You inn get It t De Voo's. tf Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat ed, full line. Write today. Grants Pass Nursery. Grunts Pass. Oregon. 270 A son was born Thursday. Jan. lltn. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson ut tneir I home. 1502 Prune street. Hemstitching and plcotlng. silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Mnln nnd Hnrtlett. The Vanity Shop, tf Dunce! Oriental ballroom! Sat. night. 250 Girls' Club Work" with those inter ested at the afternoon program. If you have some second-hand win daw sash suitable for hotbed, phone 886-X. tf For Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Phone 4C5-J. tf D. M. Anderson of Portland, repre senting the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company arrived in Medford yester day for a few days' business visit. When bettor automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf All kinds of roush and dressed lum bar. Wnllaco Wood, phone 10S. 711 East Main. Albert Corl of Corvnllis, who for some time was cluployed as a clerli In the Medford Cigar store, arrived in Medford this morning for n short visit with friends before continuing his way to eon thorn California where ho will remain for tho winter. There's a busy business College in your home town. GWN. For Diamond coal brlcketts, phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. Tho Roguo River Valley Canning company will open Tuesday morning instead of Monday morning as previ ously announced. The delay is due to a carload of canB which has been de layed by the Wlllamotte Valley flood and hnB not yet been located. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Auto Insurance. Brown & .White. W. B. 1). Dodson, manager of the Portland cluunber ot commerce ar rived here from the stale metropolis this forenoon. The train which is duo ut 9:17 did not arrive until 11:30. Mr. Dodson delivered a talk on tho Farm ers' Week program In the public li brary this afternoon. Will trade farm tractor and plow, used less than 30 days, for live stock. F. P. Farrell, Jackson County llniik Bldg. 247tt Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall It to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will recelvo in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and buck; rheumatism, backache,' kid ney and bladder ailments?' nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets,' ti wholesome nnd thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con stipation, biliousness, hendaches, and .sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. First prize Addison D. Holms, Jr., jage 14, Hawthorne school, Ashland. Second prize Jessie Schlelchert, age 12, Lincoln school, Medford. VALLEY FUEL COMPANY CLOSES THIRD YEAR ROGUE RIVER FIVE BEATS ASHLAND The Ashland basketball team was defeated last night by a score of 22-17 by thp Rogue River five which has re cently completed a very successful northern tour. It is undorstood that the Rogue River high school has a total enroll ment of 27 students, 13 boys and 14 girls but despite this size handicap tho small school has turned out a good hoop combination which defeated five out of seven schools played this sea son in the northern part of the state. Coach Hughes of the Ashland aggre gation f says tba he' is-iviell - satisfied iHrthe shchyfng Trls in'eta'frmde"lustj night despite their defeat and that as ,'be S'jasoo .progresses he is sure of .Improvement. Last night was the first game that the five high school men have played together this season. The Cottage Grove high school five Attention Rebekah Sister Mildred McMahan of the Ro bekah assembly will pay Olive Re bekah lodge an official visit Monday, January 15. Offlcors and meinburs are renneiitcil to bo there at 7:30. A social evening will follow, lly order of the Noble Grand. Carle Rickert. 250 Executor's Final Notice Notice is horeby given that the undersigned executrix of the estate o Charles V. Young; deceased, lias filed in the county court of Oregon for Jack son County, her duly verified final uc connt and said court has fixed Mon day, February 5th, 1923 at 10 o'clock a. m. at the court room of said court at the county: court house in Jacksonville Oregon, as tho time and place for tho hearing of said final account. All per sons intereatoil are hereby notified to mako or fUosJJjeh objections to said final account, i( any they have, with said court, on or before said time. January 0th, 1923. KATE YOUNG, Executrix of the estate of Charles F. Young, deceased. The Usual " '; Sunday Dinner Will Be Served at the Hotel Holland From 5:00 to 8:00 P. M. $1 a Plate Good Music IrfiMt quant? Jwelrf .pirinjr iimiuuua nwfiiif, watok eplrtnr. 10 Satisfaction Assured quality, and price. Mall ua your wants. MARTIN 3. EEDDY ST. MARK'S GUILD will entertain at cards -Tuesday, January 16, Holland Hotel j 'fMftf nWjM jiai'ty at 0 (''0('k aiiU'vciiing at 8 o'clock All are cordially ivited. DON'T FORGET TltE DATE Admission 2i$. January 15th marks the close of our third year of business in Med ford, and w are reminded that we have great cause for gratitude to our many friends for their generous patronage, and we wish to express to one and all our hearty apprecia tion and to assure them ot our earn est endeavor to merit thoir future confidence. To our customers, and the public at large, we extend our hearty good wishes, and hope that the' year 1923 will bring increased happiness and prosperity. 250 Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng 8c per yard. Buttons covered. NOTIC15. Tlnoiigfi an Error Our Office Telephone Number was omitted in the new Dl-roctory. IT IS 77 J)R. 11. E. MUnPHY. Dentistry and X-Ray 2nd Floor -Medford Bldg. "Three Years of Prohibition" .Has it been a good, thing? Do you want to" go back to saloon days? Come and hear about it SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. . . ii' -.. Special music by the Instrumental Trio Mr. Janes, Mr. Root and Mr, Scott, and anthem by the Choir. ,r'v 11 A. M. 'UNSEEN RESOURCES OF GOD'S PEOPLE" (Violin Solo and Duett.) . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH , v '''The Friendly Church'' . i : a .. .- . - Rev. F, R. Leach Pastor " . WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-I.ITE MATTERY STATION For Quick Service Phono 119 Babbiting, Welding, Repairing and Lathe Work , REASONABLE RATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. '1W South Front St. Picture Framing at Swem's Studio ggg CONTIUOUS PERFORMANCE TODAY AND TOMORROW 12:30. TO 11 :00 P. M. VP- A DOE 1 $fHf It jL j TOXKiHT l,.ST TIMES! JOHX HAItl!YMll!E in "SJIEltMK'K HOLMES" J ALSO Felix Cartoon Comedy Educational Betty Brown at the Wurlitzer Begins Tomorrow at 12:30 Here's Tom Meighan and a great supporting cast in the richest screen treat the Good. Luck Star hs ever offered. A gorgeous adventure romance that is really two stories in one. You'll see Tommy facing dangers with a bewitching South Seas girl. You'll see him scaling society's heights with a titled Eng lish belle. You'll see the year's most orig inal story perfectly produced. I - I 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PAGE Mondavi ..January SKATS OX SALIO TOMORROW NOOX Reserve Your .Seats Karly . K J. ' Oii'ixuiter orfei-s the clean,' wholesome Ml'SH'AI, nMKHY KOH SM.K l-ine saddle nr work mure or would trnrfa for liay, wood or other stock, I'hono W-J. ssoti' iltii:s Lower Floor $1.11.1 Hatcony $1.10, Inrliiilliifr Tax IHC. WI I.IIH II VKI FLAIM'IH t'lloltl s y THEODORE ROB&BTS " QtiP Mrin Whn With Theodore Roberts, Leatrica Joy, June Eldridge and Eva Novak. 11 "l . - ' A. . . .