BRINGING I';: iW.- If wow- THvbas . n r , 1 p Jic?:: (-i rL- 1 : MlWSMf IS 5KND-bTORMb AJ J) Hl HAX-ILL ) KE- ILLCOOT . fl bTTNV Slillfilf 'VE:' herd y-'k'CA hovSt A,-- ome hell to V . : ON A Jp ! . cr-rr5'''' -ZT ' 5923 ev 'i.jr. Fcatwc Ociwics. I:s. ' "j" ' Market News Si : Livestock. PORTLAND. Ore, Jan. 11. Cllft)c steady; receipts 64. Calves: heifers, off 25c late Wednesday afternoon. Choice heifers $G.(10"S6; choico cows and heifers J4.76 j 6.00. Hogs and sheep nominally steady; no receipts. ' Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, . Oro., Jan. : 11. Rut- ter .slow; weak. Extra cubes 42(.i 43c: ordinary grades. 40ftMlc; car tons 4'Jc; prints 48c. Butterfat slow; No. 1 churning "cream 48f49c fob, Portland. Undergrades 4Gli47c, . Portland Vhont PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 11. Wheat, hard white, bluestem, banrt, $1.46; soft white, western whito $1.29; northern spring $1.22; west ern red, $1.21; hard winter $1.20. Today's car receipts Wheat 60; flour. 8; corn 3; oats 2; hay 4. ' Chicago Wheat. CHICAGO, -Jan. 11. Wheat, No. 2, hard. $1.20 ife$1.2H4. Corn, No. 2, mixed 72 73c; No. 2, yellow 72 4j)73V4c. Oats, No. 2, white 45H46V4c; No. 3 white 44tC45r. Rye, No. 2, 888Sc Barloy 02 B7c. Timothy seed $Gi?0.00; clover Bced $16. 6020. 60. Pork nominal. Lard' $11 11.17. Liberty Bonds. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. Liberty bonds c)osed: 3',4'b $101.12; first 4's tAW.HG: Keeonil 4'h bl:ink, firut 4 ' Second '4's JSS.31: third 4 i 's. . !, U II!,. f,,,tl, aV.'u 'IH 74 V I'lnpV uncalled 4's $100.24; U. S. Treas ury 4's $'J9.00. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 10. Gcorse V. Halliday,- bankrupt broker and al iened confessed counterfeiter of $1,600,000 interim certificates, of the French government, this afternoon wna convicted by a jury in circuit court on a charge of embezzlement, and sentenced to three years im prisonment, ile was chanted with alleged failure to purchase a $10,000 bond ' for n client after accepting monoy to make the purchase. ' " Severe Cough After Influenza "After an attack of the 'Flu' which left "me with a severe cough nothins seemed. to relieve me until I used Foley's Honey and Tar," writes Mrs. K. D. Drake, Childs, Maryland. Coughs resulting from Influenza, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Croup, La Grippe and Uronchttas are quickly relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no opiates ingredients, printed on the wrapper. Largest selling cough med ititaa in the world. Sold everywhere. " Adv. Administrator's Notice ' In tbo County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Robert B, Greive, sometimes known ns Rob ert Uruce Greive, and also known as R. B, Greive, deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 1922, tbe under signed was duly appointed Administra tor with the Will annexed of Robert 13. Greive, sometimes known as Robert Hruce Greive, and olso known as R. U. Greive, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon'for the County of Jackson. All persons having claims against the said decedent are hereby notified to present the same with pro per vouchers within Bix months from the date hereof to me at my place of transacting business, the office of Lincoln McCormack, Room 20.1 First National Hank Building, Medford, Oregon. Dated December 28th, 1922. J. E. THORNTON, Administrator with the Will annexed. . Administrator's Notice In the County Court ot ine State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Jefferson Greive, also known as Thomas J. Greive, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 19-2, tbo under signed was duly appointed Administra tor with the Will annexed of Thomas Jefferson Greive, also known as Thomas J. 'Greive, deceased, hy the PERL FUNERAL BOMB u : ' - f.i iA At Your Swire Day or Night firwatlnn Cordially ntvea . Cor. tb mmd Cakdalc - ' UP FATHER County Court of the State of Oregon I tor the County of Jackson. All persona having claims against the said dece dent are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to nre at my place, of transacting hiisincso, the office of Lincoln McCormack, liopm 203 First National Hank Build ing, Medford, Oregon. Dated December 28, 192?. J. E. THORNTON, Administrator witli the Will annexed. Administrator's Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In' the Matter of the Kstate of Rebecca Delila Greive, also known as Rebecca 1). Greive, deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd duy of December, 1922, the under signed was duly appointed Administra tor with the Will annexed ot Rebecca Delila Greive, also known as Rebecca D. Greive, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. All persons having claims against the said decedent are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to me at my place of transacting business, the office of Lincoln McConnack, Room 203 First National Hank Building, Medford, Oregon. Dated December 28, 1322. J. E. THORNTON, Administrator with the Will annexed. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work hy day with com pany. Call phone 93. .270 WANTED Placo to do general house work and cooking. 105 S. Grape. 247 WANTED To rent or lease by Med ford business man modern home, 6 or 6 rooms. Phono during business hours 620. 249 WANTED TO RENT 25 to 80 acre good alfalfa ranch on shares or cash rent, with house and barn, close to school. Partly clear for gardening with irrigation. Phone 1007-Y, Med ford. 252 WANTED Three Brown Leghorn cockerels. Box K M, Tribune. 218 WANTED Bunch of Durham or Here ford stock cows. Sprlngwater Ranch, Route 4, Box 35. Phone 17-F-21. 24S WANTED Window sasn for hotbeds. Phone S86-X. tf WANTED Surplus, waste, refuse, squash seed any quantity. Quote lowest price. W. Rehm, 60 Pine St., New York City. 254 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hldeB, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House noving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. FOR RENT FTJKMHHKl) ROOM FOR RENT Furnished room, hot water, and . good heat, close in. Gentleman preferred. Phone 322. 251 FOR RENT FurnlBhed sleeping room with bath privileges. 325 S. River side. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Room with board, $35.00 , a month. 223 N. Central. 250 FOR RENT One Bteam heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen. Phone 574. tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 N. Ivy. , - 247 FOR, RENT Furnished room with bath and heat. 340 S. Riverside. Phono 217-L. 251 roii KNV noumtRKKKINO ROOMS FOR RENT Furnlslied light house keeping room. . 325 K. Jackson. St. Phone 211. AUTOISTS! Let Us Figure on Your Overhaul and Rebbre Jobs Wo roWre Ford Blocks by Uio new price schedule. 9A.IM) for block brought In to u. -.. .".H) when Incltidi-d In overhaul. (UO.IHl for tractor block. -O per cent dlBcount on nil other rc- bore Jols. !) Luxe Pistons luivr) dropped In price ..practically on., all stanflnrd models, making them with nut Oonhf, tbo lost piston buy on tbo market. Best Equipped Shop in So, Oregon for Cylinder Reboring Our mnrhlnn relioren from 2 3-8 to 8 Indies in diameter. 'Riverside Garage MEDFORD "MAILi TKTPtTNT;. n-.U .IK.VJ ArMlTHKVT j KUK HEM MISCEULAN I 4"IH S.U.i'. LI VESTOCK j tllll 1l,Hi IU'SlXKfcS DIRECTORY FOR RENT Furnished two-room housekeeping apartment, first floor; i adulte only. 325 So. , Riverside. : Phono 70 1-J. FOR RENT 2 furnished apartments. Call 113 East 11th St., phone 9U3. ISii:? FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart- uit-iii, iiisii i mom luruisiieu mmst. No. 15 N. Grape St., phone 4G5-J. tf nt.'V'm .t. i . i .... i FOR RENT Furnished apartment with bath. 148 S. Ivy St. 249 FOR RENT Modern honsokepInK . apartment; no children. 532 S. Ivy St. -250 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOB RKJT1 nurse FOR RENT Furnished bouse, 4 rooms modern. Phono 938-XI. 249 FOR RENT Furnished house close in; no children. Phone 998. 248 FOR RENT Three room furnished house. Call 999, The Oaks. 2 IS FOR RENT Cheap, furnished five room bungalow on pavement. 1025 W. Tenth. Phone 900. 249 FOR RENT Houses. Brtnra It White. tf BUSINESS CUTOUT rJNITIKS FOR SALE Good paying restaurant at a bargain if taken at once. Drop in rostaui-ant..aold Hill. 250 FOR SALE Good business opportun ities, No. 15 N. Grape St., phone " 4ii5-J." " tf Rt BO RING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for reboring ... $6.00 When included in an overhaul ... , . . . $5.00 Tractor block . .$10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. Best equipped Ford shop in Southern Oregon C. E. Gates Auto Co. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 10 nrros, irrigated, six miles from Klnmnth Falls, close to Rail road, half mile, to school, lias hum equipped for 25 bond mileli cows, I room house, A 8XAP at $7000.' Farm loan :IOOO. Will sell on good terms or trudo for city property, timebr land, dry land or logging equipment. AVE TRAIF, rrtOPERTV ANYWHERE .. . , See u today. ,, POUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Medford Building Medford, Oregon HOUSE $300 You don't have to rent. I have a modorn 6-room house on one of tho best streets in Medford Paved. Fino homes nil around it. Extra large lot; (rnrapto and woodshed. Price $2500.00 $300.00 cash, balance liko rent. This includes city assessments, paid in full. Phone 784 L Close in Bungalow Home This close in modern six room bungalow sits on a 50x100 Kast front lot and contains largo living and dining rooms, 3 largo sleep ing rooms, large kitchen, pantry, three cIoboIs, two screen porches and large front porch, bath room, flro placo, fruit closet, largo store room and wood shed; slta well up from, the ground on concrete foundation; constructed of tho best material; full set concrete walks; beautltul lawn; some fruit: beautiful shade trees; all paving paid. Priced at less than cost to build now $4800. We are offering four 3-acre tracts near Medford on- good road; Irrigated; suitable, for poultry, berries and vegetables, at $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit, riion 285 J. w. DRF.HHLFJI CO., 13!I0H. Main He. MrODFOilD. OftKCiOSy THURSDAY, JANTAKV 11, FOR RENT Garoge at 1103 W. Tenth St.. 'bone C2. tf ftlO.NUI TO VOAX MON&Y TO LOAN on Improved ranc,h . security,' $5000 or less, C per cunt Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for ' State Land Board, Jackson County. FOR EXCnANOB FOR TRADE For property in or near Medford, 200 acres farm lund nt Wulsor, Idaho, 70 acres under culti vation, inquire) 502 Maple, Med ford. 2i9 FOUJTD FOUND Good sized dog with short hair, some black or brown on his head, little, black on his back. Dox wanders around seeking owner, who can get same at Rogue River from Mrs. W. S. Carey by paying for tills notice. - . 248 i FOl'ND Crank for automobile. Owner ( enn tinvn hv ftnvinir for ml MJ8T LOST Irish Terrier,- color reddish brown, reward. ToL Gll-J-3, F. C. Kenley. , 249 LOST-Governor off motorcycle gen erator between Medford and Tolo. Return to Tribune, reward. 250 LOST Saturday night a brown kid gauntlet glovo for right hand. Phono 819-R. 249 for 8ALv nmm FOR SALE Houses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alc acreage. Insurance. C. S. Buttorfleld, Medford National Bank Bids.. Phone 89 POK 8AI.K 1AVTBTOCK FOR SALE Puppies, fox terriers, real ! peaches. Phone D91-R-1. i FOR SALE Shophord pup, real beuty, full-blooded, $5.00. Phone 591-R1. 250 .1. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, good milkor, sixty dollars. Sprlngwater Ranch. Phone 17-F-21. , 244 FOR SALE OR TRADE Registered Duroc Jersey boar four months old, .wolght 120 pound's. See Gub Urom mor, R. 3. .. 247 FOR SALE Five or six- extra good cows. E. E. Lorton, Tel. 392 Jack sonville. 249 TO RSALE 50 Angora goats at $2.50 a head. J. S. Weeks, Eagle Point. 261 1-TON FORD TRUCK Good condition. Bargain at $!M0.00 Crater Lake Automotive Co. 133 S. Front St. See J. C. BAENES Nash Hotel Corner FOR SALE Tlmiobivd ItlomUiouml. . Write Anion itlns. Trail, Oreson. FOR SALE Young purebred Jersey bull at bargain. J. A. Muuke, li. 1, Medford. 248 FOR SALE Wcauod pigs. C. C. Hoover. SS5-R-C. . . FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. Phono 201-J. 21f . FOR NALK RKAti ESTATE FOR SALE .10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and tiiuberlaiid, some Irrigated; also mining proper ty. All property must and will be sold at some price, some as low as tl.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney. Jackson Co. Hank Bids., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owuors, 15 N. Grape St., adjoining Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 4fl.r,-J. FOK 8ALF, nnsi:KI,l,AXKOl-9 FOR SALE lino gal. storage tank, 400 gal. wagon tank, 000 oil pot3, 800 gal. smudge oil, 3 In. Mitchell wagon double b;x. Plume 25-R-2. 250 FOR SALE Dry manzanita wood, special low prices. Phono 46D-J. ' 24Stf FOR SALE Dry fir wood ?3.00 a tier. 235 N. Ivy. 252 FOR SALE One used range with reservoir, $35; one cook stove, $12; now ranges at big dlscouut; Bevontl good used dressers choap. The Medford Exchange, 211 W. Main, Phono 981. . . . . .249 FOR BALE Rabbits. Call B02-R. 248 FOR SALE Raid and boardless barley Clean lllu Club seed wheat. Spring water Ranch. Phone 17-F-21. 248 FOR SALE Wool and pliad pieces for quilts. 719 S. Central. 250 FOR SALE Portablo houso, and mules. 607 Pine St. horses 250 FOR SALE Dry pine wood $2.00 per I tier, on highway. V. L. Van Houten, I cm inn 249 FOR SALi: Corn, also saddle pony. Phono 6a9 I;-4. 249 FOR SALl--No. 1 out hay, half mile south on Peach St. r'hone B-F-2. 248 FOR SALE A No. 1 oat hay, ono-half mile south ot Phoenix on highway. C. Carey. tf FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, $20.00 torn Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. FlrSt Phono 129-J-2. 261 FOR SALE Second cutting baled alfalfa hay, $24 per ton delivered. , cash. Monarch Seed Co. Phon 260-529. tf FOR 8ALK New Columbia phono graph rocords at half price. Victor, . DrunBwick, Columbia, Pathe & So nora phonographs and rocords at reduced prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. Grape St., next to Farmers A Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. tf FOR SALE Ciood second-hnnd steel cables over 200 ft., low price. Inquire Medford Illdg. Janitor. tl FOR BALK Two General Electric motors, 85 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycla 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacotna logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co 1922' LIKE NEW ' SACRIFICE PRICE Will consider trade. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. By Georg'e McManus FOR HALF. l'92'l Levinrrt-n Bnlck Tom-ins cn: ? llnh;: aril wa.Wn 'nr would tv.i'ie "for- amnil" car or slutk. 1'hoiu 4i!f-l.' - ' ti FOR SALE 1K23 flrnvrili't car or Avould trade lor Ford litis. I'll- nn- 4t;5-j. .if ( Foil malic ;juz.t:. v : wi i:;sj F01tRALi--'l ! Hi-keys lo- llrordir! mbl'ns $7.o, hem f.'i.OO'. W. JJ . llartinll, 4GS-.I-!. , . 2:c i FOR SALE lin.ikini! now fori baby cliieka iitt l liatelilm; ckh 1'ro.ii i prizih winning Itlioile Islniid Reds' and from White Leghorns Tnnered Royal, Red Wing Poultry Yard. Phono 8G5-Y. ' FOR SALIC OH EXt iJAN'GE Three Rose C'cuelj Wlilte Wyandotte c iel; erels. l'honu SiM-J. 24S FOR SALE Ped'irred White Lev'lifirn cockerels. ' Whlto Wine Poultry Farm, Phoenix, On-son. 210 FOR SALE It. I. Red hens. 4: 1 Oukj St. FOR SALE White Leghorn hatching eggs, day old chicks,-eight weeks o d pullets. Warner and Lair.ispach, 010' S. Oakdale Ave, phiino 0M-M. . FOR SALE Eight young tbcr ui-'li- bred Mammoth llr nio turkey t rns for breeding, or will trade for one year old toms of equal stick. Netli-i Ing better on the const See turkv ! at 28 (loneva St. Tel. (ir.O-.l. tf i FOR SALE Burred Rock . emoko'nln, prize wlnnors. .. lkioklni onleis f u' sotting eggs. Buckeye . In m'.int'ir and brooder, Blxty-eRg capnuity, A II. VVlllutt, phone 403-11-4. i ''.'47.. FOR SALE 125 pullets $1 00 Ki ll, Inquire Campbell Hunch, ' no' 111 Talent 217 FOR SALE Turkeys, Mammmitu Bronze toms for breeding pnrp'isuH. R. B. Zimmerman, west of Cen'-'sl Point, Ore. ' 247 ntSINI-SS niKHCTOUY Abstractors MURRAY. BROS. & (JltEENK Abstracts nt Tltlo Rooms 3 and Ti, . No. 33 North Central Ave., up stairs. JiukHOn County ABSTRACT ."U. The only eomploto Tt 'lo System In JackAon tounty. ' : " Alwtrncls of Title and Tlt.lo Iusnnuicc. WATSON 4k KELLOGG Reliable .l.ickRon county abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Beul Estate and Probate Law. 30 Norlh Central Avo. A. K. BEAMKS lawyer, office In Liberty Building. ' Kxpert Accoiintnnt WII.BON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil I'on. C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and - In- coino.Tux renulrements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty- Bldg.i Medford. Phone 157-li. ..-,! ' ' ' WE NEED YOUR PATRONAGE We will give you un excelled service at no additional cost. When you think of Tires, Oils, Greases or Accessories, think of JONES & ' KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station , Auditing O .AceouMlrta y YSTCIiERVICElO: M. P. SdOlITT 2nd noor PAGE SKvrar Building Materials MEDFORn CEMENT I1RICK. & - HLOCK WORKS. Specialize In all.- kinds of cement, building products, . Cor. Fir nnd Tenth Streets. 1 Chli-opiwiic l'hyslclan. ls jqi'W'T ,1 BRAY-Scientiflc ni'.roinuctfc .adjustment. ? Hourj , .'-12 am! 2-," except Thursdays. MI3-3l."i Medford Uldg. , Office' 1'liono 2!i, re.i. phono 494. "Keep Kllllllllg." : Hi!. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chtro rruetlc nnd Electro-Therapy. 427- ' 2S Medford Bldg. Phono 965. tf DR. A. R. II EIK'.KS N'eo-Kclectlo ' Phyiilelun. DR. LOL'ISE K. - IlKlHl'iS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Thorapy, Spon dylothcrapy, Food Scioncca. Chiro-1-ractiee. Office: Stewart Bldg., 2 nr. L'. Main St. Phones: Office, 170: Res 170-J-2. DR. E. ' W. HOFFM AN Chlroprac tie Phyule'.an. - Ofrico hours 9 t 12, 2 liva. S'llte 203-04-05-06, LIB ertv Bids. Office Phone 680, Res. 1027. . - Dentists ""' DR. O. I. .10I1N80N Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, ' Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; Ilea. 1 002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m. n p. m. .-Evenings and Sunday by . appointment. - . Mouey to Ioan J.; ltTANDREWS Buys and Vefls mortgages , and loans money on pood peenrity, 31 N. Grape St. 1'liono fi.l-M. 240 Monuments ' - " ' THE' OREOON GRANiTE CO. Mniiinnents. E. A. Micks, general -nmnugflr. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med- ford. tf" Ostoopnths ' - ." ' .'' DR. F (I. CARLOW, DR.VA MAINS CAUl.OVV Osteopathic Physicians 416-41S Llborty Bldg. . Phono 904-.I-3. Residence 26 South Laurel St.' ' , . ; ; DR. "w. W.' HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. ' Special attenUon given ' to eyo, ear, nose and throat. 300 T-l H:LL,.ul!.'llng'' p"one 496.". '., Pbyslciniu and Sargcons. ' DR. J. J EMMENS Physician ana ' Siu teon. Practice limited to eye, car, noso and throat. Eyes sclen tiff cully tested and glasses sup plied, ' Occullnt and ' Aurlst for S. P. R, R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. ..-. . , . DR.' WM W, P. HOLT Physician nnd Surgeon, Offices 'Medford. . Bldg. ' Phono 165, Residence 118 1 Genweo St. rhone 165-J-2. .. DR. A. nFHSELL-t-Physlcian and SurKeo:!-, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Kntrunco 36 N. Central. ...Special i attention to spine. Phone 29. I'laim Instruction FltKI) ALTON 1 i A I G H T Teacher of , Piano, and Harmony. Composing, : Arranging..! Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phono 72. .'Printers nnd ubllslicrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the ! best i equipped printing office' In : Southern Oregon. Book binding, s loose l"nf ledger, hilling systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir SU'- Public Accountants HUGH R. ROBERTSON CO. Member American Institute of Ae- ' countants. Public Accountants and Auditors. Portland, Ore., anJ , Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1517 Yeon 'Bldg., Portland, Oro. ling Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS make fluff rngn from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phono B10-M. 766 IMno St. -V' ... Transfer KADS TRANSFER ft STORAGH CO. Office 42 North Front St, Phona S15i Prlcos right. Service guar anteed. ,, DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or ' night. Bervlco guaranteed. 29 8. Grape.- Phono; Offico 644, or residence, 647-H or 206. tf Fpliolsterlng , WEIS-i-Upholstcry, Manufacturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. , Draperies made to order; We do all kinds of uphol tnrlnir. Wn deliver and will call and' show sample. Plioae 30), JackioavllU, Ortt .